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brauleinchenthe upper bar of xubuntu is off, it just disappeared. Can I reload it via terminal or do I have to reboot?00:58
ObrienDavetry the panel setting. see if it got turned off or set to auto-hide01:00
rAlsobaruwieSweetieOfAQuestion : I need to reinstall firestater , as I have uninstalled firestater and taken the "headers" off too . | There's internet connectivity in the task-bar but I cannot get on-line. & as Firestarter has 'walked away' from the package list : which I will paste below .. I was wondering how to reinstall firestater ?01:15
rAlsobaruwiepackages.ubuntu.com/firestarter | Note No Saucy Derivative Packages   »»» http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=firestarter  ««««01:17
nikolamI switched to Gufw (ufw gui). Firestarter seems liek not maintained for a while.01:18
rAlsobaruwieIs that included in Saucy Xubuntu 13.10 ??01:19
rAlsobaruwieWhere would I locate that on my Xubuntu 13.10 ?01:20
nikolamas I know, they are all scripts and GUIs to make iptables work01:20
nikolamI put a shame on them for not learning to use iptables and set linux kernel firewall manually: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo01:21
nikolamit is saying ufw text interface comes with (x)ubuntu01:23
rAlsobaruwieWe al know there are specialist scripts .. but I need to know howv to install a productive firewall for more than a few months  until 14.04  ... Can you , without barring me from the discussion , tell me the way to reinstall Xubuntu , given the fact that I have uninstalled firestarter with those  Linux image 'headers'01:24
rAlsobaruwieApologies for my thick thumbs .01:24
rAlsobaruwieThat was a a question two lines previous BTWay .01:25
nikolamyou think not being able to connect online have something to do with uninstalling kernel headers?01:26
ObrienDaveFirestarter is no longer developed and is missing some critical features such as IPv6 support, so users may be advised to look into more modern alternatives such as gufw.01:26
ObrienDavethat's from the PPA01:26
rAlsobaruwieObrienDave: searching for gufw ..01:26
nikolamI know kernel headers are used to compile things as additional drivers on install etc01:27
nikolamsee with ifconfig -a what is your network setup01:27
rAlsobaruwieI tke it this is it, the µ http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/gufw01:28
nikolamalso one can add packages he is missing but downloading package from packages.ubuntu.com01:28
rAlsobaruwieopening package site ...01:28
ObrienDavehave you tried "sudo apt-get install gufw"???01:30
* rAlsobaruwie removes a q.mark or two ..01:34
rAlsobaruwiethere's no way to-do that as my 'download morrors' a after screwing up .. apologies , but I just downloaded the .Deb package .. and now software centre is do-ing it thingy .. seems to be all-swell.   .01:36
ObrienDaveok fine01:38
rAlsobaruwieUpdatez-A: No move so far .. I need a net connection      \ switching ito installing .deb package from command-Line .. terminal .01:39
rAlsobaruwieQuestion : Well .. it's definitely installed .. Now the golden question .. What command do I run in RXTerminal to  get the GUI .. up and running ?01:51
rAlsobaruwieObrienDave: ^ ? That twas  In Xfce Terminal Vers~ 0.6.2   , any response ?02:06
ObrienDavegufw comes to mind02:07
rAlsobaruwiejust says there's anm instance already running , ; & doesn't want 2 open the GUIint   etc .. no dize !02:08
ObrienDavetry killing ufw in task manager02:08
* rAlsobaruwie attempt 2 slaughter ufw ...02:09
rAlsobaruwieObrienDave: I can't find that program in task manager http://goo.gl/sJUhej   Where am I supoosed to be aiming for ?02:18
ObrienDavenot 100% sure actually02:19
rAlsobaruwieErrata : I can't ufw in Task manager ..   Attempt   two ?02:21
rAlsobaruwie****s/can't / can't find ufw in  TM ...02:21
ObrienDavedo you have "show all processes" on?02:23
rAlsobaruwiechking ...02:23
rAlsobaruwie .. this is + All processes on ... in my Task Manager ~  png ... http://goo.gl/kP1DkU02:29
rAlsobaruwieObrienDave: ^   .. ?02:31
ObrienDavewell, i'm at a loss, how about trying to purge firestarter?02:35
ObrienDavethen reinstalling gufw? it runs for me02:36
rAlsobaruwiethere's  have internet net connection , anyways .. cpmmandz you could list ??02:37
rAlsobaruwie*** s /there's / I02:38
ObrienDavesorry, I don;t know those kinds of commands very well02:39
rAlsobaruwieit's a popular #channel   Ghehe .02:39
rAlsobaruwieAnyone know the Armw-am DinnerJacket guy that keeps sending my invites on Faqebook for Xubuntu Group ? #random02:42
rAlsobaruwieHere's the ramsteiner -- http://www.facebook.com/n/?HoooHaaa&medium=email&mid=8ab5391G5af37ffbddc9G0G109&bcode=1.1380013667.AbkihOi6qcEv42di&code=1791027351&n_m=joshua6419b%40yahoo.co.uk&lloc=name02:51
* rAlsobaruwie took way too long to find the guy .02:52
defcon511someone there?02:53
Unit193rAlsobaruwie: That's not really on topic for here.02:54
Unit193defcon511: yes, just ask whatever you needed.02:54
rAlsobaruwieleaves  .. see µ at Defcon~1402:55
defcon511someone got a clue how i can get the window hotcorner functions from ubuntu to xubuntu02:55
Unit193Hot corner?02:56
* ObrienDave scratches head02:56
defcon511when i drag the current window to the right/left/top corner, normaly it formats to 1/2 screen for drag/drop functions or when i drag it to the top it goes fullscreen02:57
defcon511realy miss that one02:57
defcon511stock xubuntu doesnt support that function, but i guess i can install it through the terminal somehoe02:57
ObrienDavedouble clicking the title bar should maximize the window02:58
defcon511i know, but i often have to do drag and drop work and i always used the fast side to side method in ubuntu and windows02:58
defcon511just drag one window right/left and its comfortable to drag and drop files02:58
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Monkeytoehow do I find out what version of the amd catalyst drivers are currently installed?09:47
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GuiriI'm having an awful lot of trouble setting up Xubuntu on my new Gateway LT 41P11:55
GuiriIt simply doesn't let me boot from any USBs, none of the USBs I tried appeared in the boot options11:56
ObrienDavecfhowlett, now that I have separate / and /home partitions, any idea what this is about? "GridCube> having a dedicated /home does have use though, because if you reinstall / then your home is basically safe,(got this part) you just need to take the precaution of paying attention .local and .config (don't get this part)"12:18
cfhowlettObrienDave, no idea.  I've upgraded a few times with /home and .config and /local haven't caused any issues.  best to ask him/her to clarify12:26
ObrienDaveok, thanks12:27
GridCubeObrienDave, you see the .local and .config folders inside your ~/ store settings for all major programs, including xfwm4, so sometimes is handy to pay attention to this folders if something goes wrong12:27
cfhowlettGridCube, so "don't get" or "don't forget" ...12:28
ObrienDaveGridCube, ok, I do plan on being a LOT more diligent on backups from now on12:29
cfhowlettObrienDave, it only takes once, doesn't it?12:30
ObrienDaveold and slow but still learning ;) LOL12:30
ObrienDaveyes, sir :)12:30
cfhowlettObrienDave, I put all my Tech Support stuff in Ubuntuone ... essential drivers, stuff I don't want to search out again.  That way, even if I resintall/rebuild, I can download it quickly and easily12:31
GridCubecfhowlett, the "don't get" was not part of the quote12:31
ObrienDavei'm just grateful I didn't bork the whole drive. THAT would have been a major disaster12:32
cfhowlettGridCube, ah, THAT'S what's happening.  got it.12:32
GridCubeObrienDave, :)12:32
ObrienDaveyea, that was me trying to make it as concise as I could.12:33
GridCube;) dont worry12:33
ObrienDavenot worried, you guys have been more tolerant than I probably would have been in that situation. I really appreciate it12:34
cfhowlettObrienDave, my pleasure.  Just glad you're back in play.12:35
ObrienDaveyep, down but not out :))12:35
IndustrialWhy does xubuntu install the nodejs package node binary as nodejs?12:41
Industrialthis breaks a LOT of downstream packages expecting a #!/usr/bin/env node to work12:41
IndustrialHow do I fix this :S?12:42
Industrialmade an alias ...12:49
bingois it safe to remove guake terminal and xfce settings helper from application autostart?12:57
cfhowlettbingo, might want to let the settings helper run - it's load is minimal.  you can kill quake no issue12:57
bingohow about zeitgesit data hub?12:59
bingonvidia x server settings?12:59
leelondonhi guys13:16
leelondonguys i need your help please13:16
leelondonguys can you tell me what you recommend the xubuntu version?13:17
leelondonfor 32-bit13:17
ObrienDavelatest is 13.10. if you want LTS then 12.0413:18
leelondonthank you Obrien13:19
ObrienDaveneed a torrent link?13:19
leelondonObrien ca you please give the 32-bit download link13:19
leelondonno torrent13:19
leelondonwhat you recommend?13:20
ObrienDavesure, which one? 13.10 or 12.0413:20
ObrienDave13.10 is newer,12.04 is older and more stable13:20
leelondoni think more stable 12.0413:21
cfhowlettObrienDave, you're beginning to sound a true guru13:21
ObrienDaveok, coming right up. sec13:21
leelondongive the downloading link please 32-bit13:21
ObrienDavecfhowlett, i'm learning from the best ;))13:22
cfhowlettleelondon, torrent really is the recommended download option.  faster, safer and usually a cleaner ISO13:22
ObrienDavei would recommend the torrent13:23
leelondonthank you so much cfhowlett and obrien13:23
leelondonthanks again13:24
leelondoni am a user of archlinux for three years13:24
leelondoni used ubuntu first time13:24
ObrienDavewell, welcome to Xubuntu :)13:25
leelondonyup :P13:25
leelondonit's really cool but i like xfce13:25
leelondondo you?13:26
cfhowlettleelondon, xubuntu is the foundation of ubuntustudio.  Not quite as tweakable as the gnome version, but it works so, I like.13:26
ObrienDaveI run Xubuntu 64 myself, always come back to XFCE13:27
leelondonfriend i used gnome2 for three years13:27
leelondonbut i like 3d13:28
leelondondo you linus-torvalds used xfce?13:28
leelondonsorry, do you know?13:28
ObrienDaveI like it because it's simple, fast, and just plain works.13:29
cfhowlettleelondon, interesting but I do what I want.13:29
leelondonyes, nopressure bro :)13:30
leelondonits depend on every body13:31
leelondonok nice get back to write a code13:31
leelondonObrien are you a system administrator?13:33
leelondonyou works windows or linux13:33
GridCube:) leelondon if you have questions that are not about user support please do them on #xubuntu-offtopic this channel is meant for helping people solve their issues thank you very much13:36
ObrienDavena, just a very long time computer geek13:36
leelondonthats awesome13:36
leelondonokay Obrien thanks for talking13:40
leelondongoodly sound13:40
leelondontage care13:40
leelondontake care13:40
ObrienDavethanks, you too. good luck13:44
leelondonbye dave meet again13:44
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syeekickwhere are them menus in xubuntu?15:52
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GridCubewhat menus?16:20
x__I have a VT2020 audio card, and it has no separate mic out16:33
x__it shares the connection with a playback device16:33
x__with a jack in16:34
x__how do I alternate between them?16:34
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xubuntu901hi all, кто на русском?19:49
krytarik!run | xubuntu90119:51
krytarik!ru | xubuntu90119:51
ubottuxubuntu901: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:51
raulmcan you help me?19:52
krytarik!ask | raulm19:52
ubotturaulm: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:52
raulmhow can i change the account image in xubuntu?19:53
xubuntu146Dear Group19:56
xubuntu146i trying to mount Exfat format and i can't19:57
UnHolyTerrorraulm, You mean as displayed at the login screen?19:57
raulmyes, at the initial login screen19:58
UnHolyTerrorraulm, should be in Administration->Users/Groups or equivalent.19:59
krytarikraulm: Please see here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2183302&p=1282723019:59
moondograulm: the .face file in your home directory.20:23
moondog100 x 100 jpg should work20:23
raulmok, i'm going to try this, thx20:25
raulmit works! thanks :D20:33
krytarikraulm: Which way specifically, the ".face" one, or the AccountService one? Also in that regard, what version of Xubuntu/Xfce do you use?20:43
raulmi use the AccountService method, in Xubuntu 13.1020:45
krytarikOki doki, thanks.20:45
ballWhat's the package name for vlc?21:16
holstein!info vlc21:16
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.8-1 (saucy), package size 1052 kB, installed size 3347 kB21:16
ballHmm... I tried "sudo apt-get install vlc" but it didn't find it.21:18
holsteinball: it?21:18
ballMy brother-in-law's Xubuntu Netbook21:19
ballLet me check the version21:19
ballLinux Shuttle 3.8.0-31-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 10 19:56:49 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux21:19
holsteinball: its probably not xubuntu/ubuntu21:19
ballI may reboot, in case that helps21:19
holsteinball: rebooting wont help you find the pacakge.. its in the ubuntu repos.. maybe you dont have the partner repo enabled21:20
ballHmm... it's definitely Xubuntu. Is there a command I can type to reset the repositories to the default?21:24
holsteinball: you can purge ppa's with...21:25
holstein!info ppa-purge21:25
ubottuppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr57 (saucy), package size 5 kB, installed size 44 kB21:25
ballI don't seem to have that.21:27
ballIs there another command that might achieve the same end result?21:39
ball...or at least open things up to Universe?21:39
ballAh, found a checkbox!21:40
ballHmm... I don't think the command-line apt-get is reading that preference.21:46
krytarikball: "sudo apt-get update" first.21:48
ballAh, after checking the box?  I'll try that now.21:49
krytarikYes, just to be clear. :)21:50
ballThank you!21:50
ballHe's going to be so happy if he can listen to his music. :-)21:51
krytarikHeh, VLC isn't everything though. :P21:52
xubuntu897Hello, I'm new and delete by accident, the software center sb help me to tell me how to reinstall it21:54
krytarikxubuntu897: Just do "sudo apt-get install software-center. :)21:55
xubuntu897ok i´ll try21:55
xubuntu897thanks This is very useful website for help :)21:58
bingohello. I deleted a folder from the application menu but it still shows after reboot. any ideas what i can do?22:04
alensxubuntu is much more cool than ubuntu22:32

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