
James0rgot google earth working by building a package with googleearth-package but i'm getting this http error when searching for location.00:14
James0ra post recommended renaming libcurl.so.4 but that didn't work00:14
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James0ranyone know a fix for this 'invalid http request' error when searching for a location in google earth 6.0.3?01:48
brokererhi, somebody can tell me where is the amarok's source-code my system is kubuntu 13.1002:44
hololightTwo questions: When I open a magnet link for a torrent, it opens in ktorrent just fine and downloads; but in the notifications area it shows 'Examining' which never goes away (even after the download is finished)03:03
rianavok. and?03:04
hololightThat is normal behavior?03:04
hololightnot 'finished' or anything....03:05
hololightwith a 'stop' or 'pause' button shown next to an empty progress bar03:05
hololightthe second question has to do with virtuoso-t maxing out the cpu... I know it is needed for file indexing (which i like), anyway to make it behave itself? or is my only option to get rid of it03:06
rianavdoes this happen with other user accounts on the machine?03:07
rianavsorry i mean the torrent issue.03:07
hololightdont know, single user; but if you have an idea I'll create another user03:08
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brokererwhere is the amarok's source-code? my system is kubuntu 13.1004:21
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forgeauswhere? hmm good question kde repositories I guess... shouldn't be too hard to find it is an opensource project ...04:56
jarkko_anyone installed crossover on kubuntu?05:43
MySystemHello i need some help to find out what happens to my kde and hopefully reverse the changes.Short system information:Kubuntu 13.10 with newest available kernel for amd64 and nvidia graphic running on nvidia driver(not the open source).  What i've done: Was trying to get my DungeonKeeper2 to run with PlayOnLinux.The last try killed my kde, the only thing i saw was a big cursor(low resolution effect), the nice new blue dots in the left and right upper corn06:46
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:47
MySystemthx ubottu also was my idea after post06:48
MySystemsry for spam here the formated version http://paste.ubuntu.com/6502917/06:53
MySystemui and sry again writing this text took longer as expected its getting early here(germany) and need to go to bed but i will come back in 8-12h and then i will stay much longer. have a nice day/night, special thx and sry to those who read the text and thought about it but pls keep in mind if you have ideas07:09
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Caleb--what's the deal with muon-updater? i fear it more than i fear the iranian nukes08:01
Caleb--it's like a russian roulette. most of the time the updater hangs at some process and i end up having to shut it down08:01
Caleb--and then manually remove locks on the dpkg database08:02
Caleb--for example, i'm trying to update now and it's stuck on "Configuring update-notifier-common"08:02
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valorieCaleb--: have you filed/given your input on a muon-updater bug?08:12
Caleb--no, i have no idea how to preciesely reproduce it, or what the underlying problem is08:13
Caleb--(i'm a linux newbie, btw. running kubuntu on a VM)08:13
valoriethat is a hard one, for sure08:13
valoriemight be this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/muon/+bug/124506108:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 1245061 in muon (Ubuntu) "muon-updater stuck at Loading Software List" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:13
valoriewould be good to add your input, then the devel can contact you to test fixes08:14
Caleb--btw, i'm trying to make the fonts in KDE look a little more like they do on windows.  i've played with the KDE Fonts settings dialog.  any idea idea where these settings are stored?08:15
Caleb--because i read about  ~/.fonts.conf file that you can create, and i was wondering if that file wil override my KDE settings, or will just get ignored08:16
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/08:16
valoriemight be of help08:16
Caleb--i already installed the fonts08:16
Caleb--look at the Ubuntu screenshot in that post08:16
Caleb--it seems to me that the fonts in Ubuntu are a little "bolder" than the Windows ones.08:17
valoriegosh, it's been years since I had to mess with fonts at all08:18
valorieI use the ubuntu font for nearly everything, although that isn't the most loved in KDE-land08:19
valorieworks for me in Kubuntu though08:19
Caleb--i copied my windows fonts over08:20
Caleb--Consolas is an awesome monospaced font08:21
valorieI don't see anywhere in the ~/.kde folder where font stuff would be08:22
valorieso your fonts.conf file will probably do the trick08:22
Caleb--the Fonts dialog covers most options, except the "autohint" one08:23
valorieor in .config08:23
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Tjadenhola buenos dias10:06
alketHi I am having a problem with Chrome and Ktorrent with magnet link, whenever I click a magnet link in Chrome the Ktorrent opens but download doesn't start and in System Notifications its always pending ? Thank you in advance !10:16
jarkko_why ufw is disabled by default??11:25
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frank1 hoe kan ik op mijn schermrand zien dat bv firefox is geminmalizeerd?12:09
frank1had dir eerst wel   blijkbaar iets fout gedaan12:10
BluesKajHi folks12:19
MySystemhi blueskaj12:19
BluesKajhi MySystem12:20
MySystemand hello all the others i have a problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/6502917/12:20
BluesKajwhich nvidia card ?12:22
MySystemGeforce GTX 550 TI on nvidia driver version 304.10812:23
forgeausnvidia is a problem for me too I get nothing absoultely black during boot ...12:25
BluesKajon13.10 ?12:25
forgeaushave to start in recovery mode...12:25
forgeausyes 13.1012:25
forgeauswas working before dist upgrade12:25
MySystemalso 13.10 thought i wrote it12:25
forgeausfixed my boot issues with grub (went to grub2) but no ptolemy is it? no X (unless X runs but I just don't see it)12:26
BluesKajMySystem.  13.10 as well ?12:26
MySystemyes blueskaj12:26
forgeausif I run in recovery mode I can get into my kdesktop though12:26
forgeausjust have to log into a virtual terminal and startx;startkde12:26
MySystemforgeaus which driver the opensource or the one from nvidia12:27
forgeausI used jokey-kde and it didn't matter12:27
forgeausI tried both no difference once it changed unless the change didn't go through12:28
forgeausbut the selected one is different12:28
forgeausso I'm assuming it worked12:28
forgeausactually I don't think it did now, I'll try loading the restricted one again12:28
BluesKajMySystem. latest proptietary driver should be the 3.1912:28
MySystemwhith my low experience i would try to uninstall and reinstall the driver and let it regenerate the xorg.conf (if it exists) but iam also here for help and not a pro12:29
forgeausI don't even kow if its the driver that is the problem though12:29
MySystemok thats interessting but can this cause all the kde settings loss?12:30
MySystembut i will download and try it elseway12:30
forgeausI don't have a settings loss12:30
BluesKajin kmenu>apps>system>additional drivers , there should be some choices , run the cursor over each one to find the 3,19 then choose it to install, it will auto remove the old driver while installing12:32
MySystemthe cursor that would be a nice feature *smile* but i try to get there keyboard helps12:33
MySystemyes i know forgeaus be i have as i said iam also here for help12:35
MySystemsry i should start writing reciever names for text12:36
BluesKajthe 3.19 should be the nvidia-current driver for most nvidia cards on saucy , you can do sudo apt-get install nvidia-current in the terminal or the shell/tty , ctrl+alt+F1 - F6 . this goes for you too forgeaus12:37
MySystemnice idea blueskaj would be much easier12:38
forgeausok I'll try it12:38
forgeausthis gui installer has stalled anyway12:38
forgeausand I don't particularly feel like rebooting right now12:38
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BluesKajforgeaus. MySystem , once the driver installs , a reboot will be required12:40
forgeausyeah I know12:40
MySystemi know that would be no problem12:41
MySystemfirst apt have to be rdy12:41
forgeausbut I'm multitasking with some other stuff... so right now just isn't a good time to reboot thats all12:41
MySystemok its rdy iam going for restart see you in a min12:43
MySystemback but for some reason the old driver is still active (used the graphical version additional driver will now try via konsole direct apt12:51
BluesKajMySystem. wait12:52
MySystemok i took a look in aptitude there is an "i" for installed at beginning of the nvidia-319* line12:53
MySystembut also a c bevor nvidia-304* (the old one)12:53
BluesKajfirst run this in the terminal. glxinfo | grep OpenGL , the installed driver will show beside "version string "12:55
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forgeausfor me it returns :12:56
BluesKajyou may need to install mesa-utils12:56
forgeausOpenGL renderer string: GeForce GTX 560/PCIe/SSE212:56
forgeausOpenGL version string: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 319.6012:56
forgeausand a few other lines that don't seem relevant unless you want them12:57
BluesKajforgeaus. ok , then you should be fine , unless there is sometrhing else amiss12:57
soeegood morning :)12:58
MySystemhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6504048/ ok looks good12:58
BluesKajok MySystem you should be fibe too12:59
forgeausshould be12:59
forgeausI think all the nvidia packages (or thsoe they point to if they're meta) are marked as installed anyway13:00
MySystemok thats good now i have the new nvidia driver ever good to have but the problems ignore that13:00
forgeausyeah the settings thing sounds like a different problem from mine13:01
forgeausand neither of us sounds like we had graphic driver problems anyway lol13:01
BluesKajmucked up kde needs fixing, reinstall kubuntu-desktop13:02
forgeauskubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.13:02
MySystemi hope that was not the solution for me blueskaj else *unhappy*13:02
forgeausMySystem, don't be unhappy, its not BluesKaj's fault,13:03
forgeaushe's trying to assist you ... remember13:03
MySystemthat is clear blueskaj is the best13:03
forgeausit would be nice if it helped admittedly ...13:03
MySystemhe is the one who ever helped me think he now i like him13:04
forgeausI'm not going to know until I reset which I think I'm almost about to do13:04
MySystemunhappy because of the fear to loose more kde settings be reinstalling13:04
MySystembe= at13:04
forgeausMySystem, maybe #KDE people might have more idea about this, there was problems early on with KDE4 not remembering settings13:05
BluesKajMySystem. do you have the kubuntu backports enabled in muon or sources.list ?13:05
rwc2what is expected to be quicker: scrubing my system of the ati/amd drivers i want to uninstall, or reinstalling the OS13:05
MySystemdont thnik so blueskaj but will look and post13:06
BluesKajthe former , rwc213:06
rwc2BluesKaj, i've followed some instructions found on google, but they still remain13:06
forgeaushow do I add backports now?13:07
MySystemhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6504079/ no i dont see backports in sources13:08
BluesKajrwc2. if you have a particular driver in mind and ready to install , usually the installer will auto remove the old driver13:08
forgeaussources looks all different13:08
forgeausthan what I remember13:08
rwc2rwc2, i just want to regress to the default kubuntu driver13:09
rwc2BluesKaj, ^^13:09
MySystemoh iam blind13:09
MySystemblueskaj there is an entry http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu saucy-backports13:10
BluesKajnever mind , not a good idea, for regular users , the backports are for devs and bleeding edge users , sometimes I forget ..sorry forgeaus and MySystem13:11
BluesKajMySystem. yes those the official source backports13:12
MySystemok so this entry isnt my result should i go on with reinstalling kubuntu-desktop13:12
MySystemok do you have a cmd for me because synaptic without mouse isnt nice and apt-get i only knew install remove but no reinstall also think i have to shut down the kde first13:14
MySystemsry that i want this but brwosing without cursor also isnt nice and its not the time for more experiments13:15
forgeausugh synaptic, I prefer muon13:16
forgeausnote: I have similar issues with my mouse but only in Gnome13:16
BluesKajMySystem. sudo apt-get install -reinstall kubuntu-desktop13:16
forgeausor unity I think13:16
MySystemi hate muon *smile* to userfriendly13:16
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forgeausit works fine with my KDE mouse theme though13:16
MySystemthx blueskaj13:16
forgeausthere is such a thing as too user-friendly?13:17
forgeausuh blues I think that just installs the metapackage alone doesn't it?13:17
forgeausnot its dependancies13:17
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forgeausunless theres missing dependancies taht is13:18
MySystemdont think so forgeaus but i dont like the way it works it looks and also had some problems with it since the 13.10 updates13:18
forgeausfair enough I guess MySystem I haven't had such problems personally so can't exactly say13:18
BluesKajsynaptic works well in ubnuntu , but i found it unstable in kubuntu for some reason , anyway muon is mature enough now to be reliable in my experience13:18
forgeauspoor old adept lol13:19
forgeausI miss kpackage13:19
BluesKajforgeaus. if you have any suggestions that can help here , feel free to do so13:20
forgeausI used to be able to mess with some slackware packages (simple straight binary only ones) and add them to kubuntu without problems lol13:20
forgeausBluesKaj: no eye deer ...13:20
MySystemmy apt have done this cmd in a few seconds blueskaj reboot now?13:20
BluesKajrelogin should suffice13:21
MySystemthen be back13:21
BluesKajfor I think adept sort of morphed into muon iirc13:23
forgeausyeah pretty much seems to have13:23
forgeauskpackagekit or something like that was inbetween ...13:23
BluesKajyeah I used synaptic for yrs13:24
forgeausnow that seems like some kinda backend or something ...13:24
forgeausone of the dystros had a kynaptic13:24
forgeauslol distros if I can type it right13:24
BluesKajwell they all use dpkg anyway , it's the base13:24
forgeausapt, aptitude, etc are all just different levels of front end to dpkg13:25
forgeausmuon being a gui one13:26
forgeausbut kpackage was different in a way, because it let you hold multiple types of repos (like emerge, rpm, tgz, possubly conary, etc)13:26
forgeausmore of a gui frontend to smart (which in itself was all that)13:27
forgeauswb MySystem13:27
MySystemsadly i dont see any changes13:27
MySystembut i stay optimistic its linux there is one or more way13:29
forgeausso maybe its a security issue? or settings are getting rewritten back? either that or not changing in the first place, or changing for the wrong user?... just throwing out ideas...13:29
forgeaus(I wonder if he xepyhrs to a root user desktop if the changes are there or not? )13:30
forgeausjust a thought, but I'm not sure it would be helpful13:30
MySystemthx iam happy for any idea , wrong user i dont think so there isnt another normal kde user like uid 100113:30
forgeausMySystem, yeah but you are making changes right? those changes aren't being kept, or aren't being written, I was just wondering if the changes went somewhere, just not to the right place?...13:31
forgeausor is the right place just too well security-protected to be adjusted?...13:32
MySystemthat is an interessting idea because i haven't tried to change settings so i dont know if they are kept or not the only setting i changes was nvidia graphic to get view on my default monitor but these are written to xorg.conf by nvidia13:33
forgeausstill kde settings like icon themes and stuff are probably somewhere buried in a .file or place under ~ (as in /home/<user>)13:33
forgeauswell settings in /etc are systemwide so require root priviliges to change13:34
MySystemyes nvidia driver asks for root access13:34
forgeausin fact any settings outside of the whole ~ subtree should require root to alter13:34
MySystemi will have a look in dolphin at the kde settings folder13:35
forgeausbut many user kde settings are just for the user so somewehre inside the ~ subtree13:35
forgeaushehe I use krusader ... never really liked the switch to dolphin13:35
forgeausthe whole breadcrumbs bar just ruined it for me... felt like it was trying to be nautilus ...13:36
MySystemyes /home/[user]/.kde/share/config13:38
forgeaussounds like a reasonable place to put them yeah13:39
MySystemif iam not missinterpreting this the old settings are still there, i searched for a config file where i know what i set and what isnt present atm so i opened kwinrulesrc and found some settings like my synaptic have to start on desktop 413:39
MySystemdimensions positions of other which i set are also known to me13:40
forgeausso whats that mean?13:41
forgeausits got a different set for each virtual desktop? or is desktop 4 something else?13:41
MySystemi think my old "lost" settings are still there where they have to be but iam not 100% sure13:42
forgeaus(I named mine)13:42
forgeausso if they're still there why aren't they being used when you log in is the question then right?13:42
MySystemwhich config saves the backgrounds13:42
BluesKajMySystem. you shouldn't try to modify kde conf files directly , that's what system settings gui is for13:43
MySystemgood question they are at the right place (at my knowlegde) owner and group are my username and right are user rw group and others none13:43
forgeausI'm not sure the desktop 4 thing is helpful though if you've used synaptic and its start on desktop 4 then wouldn't whatever other changes you made to desktop 4 (your default?) would go through ...13:43
forgeausbesides I think its only the background and activites that you can set to be desktop-specific isn't it? ...13:44
forgeausI doubt you'd be able to set a while different kdestyle or cursor set etc. to each desktop ...13:45
MySystemok a test with synaptic shows it starts at desktop 4 and another thing happens had the file opened in kate and it recognize that the file has changed as i started synaptic13:46
MySystemyes background activities widgets and was set for each kdestyle and cursor i think you're right that this isnt possible for each desktop13:47
forgeausso if you change something global it should work for that user ...13:48
forgeaus(or confine backgrounds/widget sets to NOT be desktop specific - making those changes global too - for that user in the desktop sense anyway) ....13:49
forgeauswouldn't half life 3 make it 1.5th of a life? lol kidding13:51
MySystemiam looking over the config which one i can test change, have to be some file with atm missing settings, also sorted by file change date but without a cursor it takes a bit longer14:03
MySystemshort afk to go for a smoke14:04
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:05
MySystemhello lordievader14:05
lordievaderHey MySystem, how are you?14:06
MySystemunhappy i killed somehow a lot of kde settings14:07
MySystemand how are you14:07
lordievaderDoing ok, having a fight with Window's portproxy rules.14:08
lordievaderBut I do have mint tea, so that makes up for it I guess.14:08
lordievaderMySystem: Make a new user and see if that new user has the same problems.14:10
MySystemthen i hope it make it for you , and a new user interessting idea but this one doesnt have settings set that can get lost, by the way settings i make now seems to take effekt and stay14:11
forgeausbut does it stay between sessions?14:12
forgeauscurrent session is fine, between sessions is another matter14:12
MySystemfor this i have to leave you short be back in a min14:12
forgeausno problem14:12
forgeausI'll be here14:13
MySystemok i tested with widget because these are all lost and the test widget is still there14:20
MySystema question what is lightdm because i think to restart this service was my fault14:22
lordievaderMySystem: Lightdm is your displaymanager/login screen.14:23
MySystemok can someone imagine what happens if i restart lightdm while kde is logged on with my user and runnning14:24
lordievaderMySystem: Since those programs depend on X and X is killed, the programs that depend on it are killed too.14:25
MySystemok nearly that was my idea as i sended the restart cmd14:26
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MySystemok now i go realy for a smoke the last try failed because of ides14:28
MySystemok friend came with another pc with something todo i think my probs have to wait14:36
MySystemi stay here if ideas tell pls else i test and tell here later first thx lordievader blueskaj forgeaus for all the ideas we go on later14:38
Robbiecano!ops | help my penis is stuck in my 40oz beer how can i get it out?14:49
ubottuhelp my penis is stuck in my 40oz beer how can i get it out?: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger14:49
jussiRobbiecano: again?14:49
forgeauswow they're still developing Kpackage apparently ...14:57
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ovrflw0xhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found <-- what to do now?15:01
forgeausovr 32-bit? could you run the amd64 version instead? .. (assuming thats not missing too)15:03
ovrflw0xforgeaus: that's missing too 40415:13
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forgeauswell its plausible it has moved sites? ... google where to get it from now I guess ...15:14
ovrflw0xhey forgeaus what's going on?15:15
ovrflw0xhow long have you been using kubuntu?15:15
forgeausoh since about Edgy15:15
forgeauson and off..15:15
ovrflw0xand when was edgy?15:15
forgeaussomething like that15:15
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ovrflw0xyou looked at no other distro since 2007 forgeaus?15:16
forgeausthats not correct...15:16
forgeausI've LOOKED at many, even used some since then15:16
ovrflw0xso what's the conclusion ?15:16
forgeausand looked at some others before then, though none successfully ...15:16
ovrflw0xso what's the conclusion?15:16
forgeausI like how kde feels so integrated with kubuntu15:16
forgeauswith something like PCLinuxOS it looks and feels more like kde slapped on top of another distro15:16
forgeauswhile kubuntu is similar (ie kde slapped on top of Ubuntu - currently15:17
forgeausit doesn't feel separate15:17
forgeaus(that being said I think PC-BSD does an ok job of KDE on BSD ... )15:18
forgeausmaybe thats because back when I used PCLinuxOS there were KDE alternatives taht weren't taken advantage of, like x-chat instead of something like konversation or quassel15:19
forgeausand the desktop wallpaper was a PCLinuxOS specific one that didn't have any KDE feel...15:20
forgeausbut thats just cosmetic15:20
forgeaushey MySystem how's it going?15:35
forgeauslordie are you still there? why lightdm instead of kdm?15:36
MySystemhave another pc patient here from guest have to do it first15:40
MySystemmy have to wait but will tell and test later on15:40
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aPpYeI am building a KDE system from Ubuntu mini 13.10.  I have apt-get's Install-Recommends feature disabled.  If I build the system WITH recommends, everything is fine.  If I build WITHOUT, the Languages tab under Locale in System Settings is stuck with a progress meter that hangs at 0% forever.17:24
aPpYeLinked…  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6505158/  ...is a list of packages (what would come with Install-Recommends enabled) that fixes the issue.  I am having a really hard time figuring out what package(s) from this list are required for the Language tab to work correctly.17:25
aPpYeany help is appreciated.17:25
aPpYehm.  maybe #ubuntu ...17:27
ovrflw0xhey aPpYe17:38
ovrflw0xaPpYe: you there?17:38
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aPpYeovrflw0x, I am here now. ..17:48
aPpYewalked away for a minute.17:48
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dbc254bought an external drive enclosure for my 2.5 laptop drive on ebay. Works just fine on Windows machines. Linux? Not so much.18:03
dbc254What am I doing wrong. Formatted using NTFS. Little 300gb drive.18:04
dbc254usb powered, no external power supply18:04
* aPpYe is afraid to walk away from his computer18:07
aPpYedbc254, I would start with a standard fat32 format for an external drive and see what happens from there.18:09
aPpYeoh ... 300gb18:09
dbc254Is there a limitation?18:10
dbc254I went with NTFS, because of the 4gig limitation of adding large files.18:10
dbc254I can't even see the drive on Kubuntu. Have a windows machine at work, so I have to take the drive to work to reformat.18:11
aPpYe32gb officially, but I have formatted larger.  Most of the time usb drives appear as /dev/sd* on my system.  NTFS should work though.  Do you see any additional items (by typing ls -al /dev/sd*) before/after you plug the device in?18:12
aPpYebut the 4gb limitation is something that cannot be gotten around with fat3218:13
aPpYealso, you could try installing ntfs-3g, but I have not played with external ntfs drives under linux much.  I know I have gotten it to work before.18:14
aPpYebut I think that should already be installed on a standard kubuntu ...18:15
aPpYeso ... from konsole, try ls -al /dev/sd* ... then plug in the device and run the same command and see if any other /dev/sd* items appear.18:16
aPpYeovrflw0x, I am worried that you had some magic answer for me ...18:18
aPpYeand I missed ti.18:18
dbc254kubuntu can't see it. .   I had no idea there was a 32gb external limitation. I have two external drives running NTFS. One was store-bought and one was an enclosure for a 3.5 SATA drive with power supply. This litle usb only drive enclosure is for a 2.5. Both of the aforementioned drives are 500gb18:26
dbc254I thought it was this cheap enclosure until I took it to work and it works just fine. . .18:27
aPpYeno ... 32gb limitation on fat32, according to microsoft, no limitation on external drives.18:28
ovrflw0xhey aPpYe i just wanted to say that your nickname looks like a furry bunny18:31
aPpYelol ... sigh.18:32
aPpYethanks for getting my hopes up.18:32
aPpYeand what?18:32
ovrflw0xwhat's your problem anyways?18:32
aPpYeI am building a KDE system from Ubuntu mini 13.10.  I have apt-get's Install-Recommends feature disabled.  If I build the system WITH recommends, everything is fine.  If I build WITHOUT, the Languages tab under Locale in System Settings is stuck with a progress meter that hangs at 0% forever.18:32
aPpYeLinked…  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6505158/  ...is a list of packages (what would come with Install-Recommends enabled) that fixes the issue.  I am having a really hard time figuring out what package(s) from this list are required for the Language tab to work correctly.18:32
ovrflw0xaPpYe: what do you mean you are bulding KDE?18:35
ovrflw0xare you building from source?18:35
aPpYenot from source ...18:35
ovrflw0xaPpYe: are you on live cd?18:36
aPpYejust building a system from the regular ubuntu repos using the ubuntu mini .iso...  It is liek building a debian system, starting from a command line18:36
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ovrflw0xaPpYe: why don't you "remove" languages that you don't need?18:37
ovrflw0xfrom system settings18:37
ovrflw0xis there any option to do that?18:37
aPpYenot the issue, I just want the language tab to work.  in system settings, the language tab hangs at 0% and I cannot figure out why.18:37
ovrflw0xand what do you mean by lanauge tab?18:38
ovrflw0xis there some sort of GUI?18:38
aPpYeSystem Settings > Locale > Languages (tab)18:39
ovrflw0xoh so you don't get the option to "choose" your locale correct?18:40
aPpYeyeah ...18:40
aPpYebut I do if I install with recommends enabled.18:40
ovrflw0xaPpYe: why don't you install "all" of them and then later "remove" not needed locales?18:40
ovrflw0xaPpYe: ?18:41
ovrflw0xyou get what i'm saying?18:42
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ovrflw0xaPpYe: follow this to remove not required locale... http://askubuntu.com/questions/58191/how-can-i-uninstall-a-locale-via-command-line18:43
ovrflw0xaPpYe: you there bud/18:44
aPpYeovrflw0x, this is not the issue.  I am not trying to add or remove locales.  I am trying to get the language tab to function.18:44
ovrflw0xaPpYe: you said "tab" functions once all recommended packages are intalled?!?18:45
aPpYewhen I builld this system for friends and family, I want them to be able to click on the language tab and select what they want.  Some of them might want other languages.18:45
ovrflw0xaPpYe: then what's wrong with "default" recommended packages?18:46
ovrflw0xaPpYe: ?? wtf ?? are you doing? reply fast18:47
ovrflw0xaPpYe: i know where tab gets stuck18:48
aPpYethat is what the languages tab looks like on this system.  I am not building a kubuntu system.  I am building a kde system based on ubuntu mini with my own package selections.18:48
aPpYeI want recommends turned off so I only get strict dependencies.18:48
ovrflw0xaPpYe: type this in terminal [localedef --list-archive]18:48
ovrflw0xwhat do you get?18:48
aPpYea long list of en_ languages18:50
aPpYewell, about 20 lines18:50
aPpYeincluding en_US.utf818:51
ovrflw0xaPpYe: do "sudo locale-gen"18:52
ovrflw0xin terminal18:52
ovrflw0xthen again open locale in system settings18:52
aPpYeokay, I rebooted the vm ... hold on.18:53
ovrflw0xaPpYe: why did you reboot? any specific reason?18:54
aPpYebecause I have had luck with wiping the user profile and rebooting.18:55
aPpYeokay, still stuck at 0%, running locale-gen now ...18:56
aPpYestill stuck at 0% ...18:57
aPpYehere is how I am doing things...18:57
aPpYeI built a couple of metapackages.18:57
aPpYeI install my system with apt-get install appye-kde18:58
aPpYeinstall-recommends is disabled in apt.conf.d18:58
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest86259
ovrflw0xdo this in terminal 'sudo apt-get install calligra-l10n-pl firefox-locale-pl kde-l10n-pl language-pack-pl language-pack-pl-base'18:58
ovrflw0xpolish language just e.g.18:58
aPpYeif I install with --install-recommends, languages tab is functional18:59
aPpYehold on running your command...18:59
aPpYewhen installing without --install-recommends, language tab stuck at 0%19:00
ovrflw0xdid you run the command?19:00
aPpYeif I install without ---install-recommends, but manually install the recommended packages along with appye-kde, languages tab is fine.19:01
ovrflw0xthen wtf is your problem now?19:01
aPpYeif I install without --install-recommends, and THEN install the recommended packages manually, I cannot get the tab to work19:01
aPpYelast command did not work.19:02
aPpYeI will try locale-gen again followed by loggiing out and back on.19:02
ovrflw0xalso type this command after "locale-gen" 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales'19:05
ovrflw0xaPpYe: done?19:06
aPpYeokay, running the last command now ...19:07
aPpYecomplete.  opening ssystem settings.19:08
aPpYestill hanging.19:08
ovrflw0xaPpYe: http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=109&t=140411 <-- fix for it19:09
silke_hi, bist du da?19:10
=== oli is now known as Guest28270
ovrflw0xaPpYe: does this post work? http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=109&t=140411#p75055419:12
aPpYeyeah, still hung language tab.  right now the system is set up as follows:  install-recommends is DISABLED:  I installed appye-kde, THEN installed the recommended packages list ... logged in for the first time and languages tab stuck.  I logged out and wiped the profile, rebooted and logged back in.  I ran all the commands you suggested and still have the problem.  I am still looking through the thread you sent me19:13
aPpYeokay reading post19:13
aPpYethat is a lot of crap that isn't even in my list ...  Arny006 is saying to install a bunch of language packs for different languages, gnome and firefox stuff that I do not have on another system that is already working fine (languages tab-wise) without any of that stuff.19:17
aPpYebut I will run the command to see if things get better on this vm.19:18
ovrflw0xaPpYe: wait19:19
ovrflw0xaPpYe: you there?19:19
aPpYeyeah ...19:19
ovrflw0xdo this19:19
aPpYeinstalling this mountain of crap ...19:19
ovrflw0xno dont'19:19
ovrflw0xhold on19:19
aPpYeokay, cancelled ... still downloading so nothing done.19:19
ovrflw0xdo this in terminal "kcmshell4 language" and monitor the output in terminal19:19
aPpYeis an ssh session to the box okay?19:20
aPpYeor do I need the gui?19:20
aPpYecopy/paste will not work because I do not have the vm additions installed.19:20
ovrflw0xoh ok19:21
ovrflw0xtype in terminal "kcmshell4 language" and see the output in terminal19:21
ovrflw0xto know what's causing the problem19:21
ovrflw0xaPpYe: what do you see?19:22
aPpYenothing whatsoever!19:22
ovrflw0xdo you see locale window popping up?19:23
silke_verstehe kein wort19:23
ovrflw0xaPpYe: ?19:23
ovrflw0xare you in KDE?19:23
aPpYeyeah, the gui comes up, and I click on different tabs, click on defaults, and choose apply, and nothing on the konnsole.19:24
silke_no in gnome19:24
aPpYethat thread suggests an internet problem aaaaaaa well, but I can ping google no problems.19:25
Taduro_Do you guys know how to have an animated wallpaper?19:30
ovrflw0xaPpYe: maybe try this and see where it gets stuck "strace -eopen -f kcmshell4 language"19:32
douglTaduro_, what did you have in mind?19:32
dougl... that sounds cool19:33
ovrflw0xaPpYe: ?19:33
aPpYeproducing all kinds of output, but no GUI19:33
ovrflw0xwait and see where it gets stuck19:33
aPpYeokay, hold on I clicked on a few things and made it move again.19:34
aPpYelet me try it again.19:34
aPpYeokay, let me post the results ... hold on.19:36
aPpYeinstalling pastebinit ... please wait19:38
Taduro_dougl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdHOJiTkcg019:38
aPpYehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6505876/         ... I waited for the the gui to come up and then just closed it.19:40
aPpYeI can adjust settings and get you the entire trace if you want.19:40
douglTaduro_, that looks cool... watching the whole vid19:44
Taduro_dougl: well, is the first video I picked up19:45
Taduro_anyone knows how?19:45
aPpYeovrflw0x, brb ...19:46
douglTaduro_,  I will be able to figure it out... just need to be properly motivated need to find something that I would like rather than the static Asus branded box I just finnished19:48
ovrflw0x aPpYe what do you see in "/usr/share/locale"?19:49
aPpYeovrflw0x,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6505923/19:51
douglTaduro_, reading the post with that video there is only 2 patterns that you can animate... 2 choices is not the reason I use linux ;)19:52
dougl... or am I missing something?19:52
ovrflw0xaPpYe: what's output of this "kde4-config --path data"19:53
aPpYeone moment ...19:54
ovrflw0xdo you have this file? --> "/etc/kde4rc"?19:57
ovrflw0xaPpYe: ^19:57
aPpYeno.  not on either my host system (which has a working language tab) or on the vm19:58
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Taduro_dougl: you can use any video you want19:59
aPpYeokay, back in five minutes tops.20:00
douglTaduro_, i did not get that...20:00
Taduro_one sec20:00
douglTaduro_, what version are you using? kubuntu?20:02
ovrflw0xaPpYe: you there?20:06
aPpYeokay back20:10
aPpYeten minutes20:10
ovrflw0xinstall this --> kubuntu-settings-desktop20:10
ovrflw0xaPpYe: you there?20:10
aPpYeinstalling now ../.20:10
aPpYeinstalled ...20:11
ovrflw0xwhat do you get now?20:11
aPpYestill 0%20:12
ovrflw0xwhat's inside "/etc/kde4rc"?20:12
ovrflw0xaPpYe: anything else?20:14
aPpYethat's all20:14
ovrflw0xaPpYe: logout & back in maybe?20:15
aPpYeokay hold on20:15
aPpYerebooting for good measure20:15
ovrflw0xjust logout back in20:15
aPpYehuh!  it does look like a bunny!20:16
aPpYeyour comment about my handle20:16
ovrflw0xdid you log back in?20:17
aPpYelogging in now ...20:17
ovrflw0xaPpYe: ?20:19
aPpYestill same problem20:19
ovrflw0xtry to remove ~/.kde logoutback in20:19
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aPpYedone that a millllion times ... will try again.20:20
aPpYeheh ... vm aborted.  wonderful.20:21
aPpYebooting up again.20:22
aPpYeI am gonna have to leave for a while here in a minute.  wife and kid wanna go have lunch.20:22
aPpYeI will leave the channel open and come back later.20:22
aPpYethanks for trying.20:22
aPpYevery nice of you20:22
aPpYestill broken by the way ...20:25
aPpYeanyway, I gotta get out of here20:25
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ovrflw0xaPpYe: you there?20:35
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ovrflw0xaPpYe: YOU NEED THIS PACKAGE -->> libencode-locale-perl  <<------------ THIS WILL **FIX** YOUR 0% LOCALE ISSUE!20:36
ovrflw0xaPpYe: sudo apt-get install libencode-local-perl20:38
ovrflw0xaPpYe: sudo apt-get install libencode-locale-perl <--20:38
MySystemiam back for those who remeber for the others hello and http://paste.ubuntu.com/6502917/ after the morning without a mouse cursor i think this is the most important thing21:46
MySystemfound something new after an idea the desktop effects settings shows at the first tab need x-xtensensions XComposite and XDamage are not available21:49
Neikiushello, having some problems installing mysql server; this is exactly the same problem:http://askubuntu.com/questions/261250/dpkg-invoke-rc-d-initscript-mysql-action-start-failed/ - my problem is that the suggested solution (purging mysql-common) doesn't seem so bright, upwards of 60 kde packages are dependant on it...21:55
devilguyвсем привет не подскажите как сделать респин кубунты ? :)21:55
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:58
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devilguyhi all anybody can tell me how to create kubuntu respin ? ( buntu ) my skills sysadmin  but i stunnet  ^)21:59
Neikiusany ideas regarding my predicament?21:59
ikoniadevilguy: what have you done so far ?21:59
devilguyuck not work none packet  manager ^) and fail build ,remaster sys nice but not all as we would like , older i use ubuntu-builder but now it not work ..22:02
ikonia....so what have you actually done22:02
devilguychroot bit does not work Aptitude22:03
ikoniacan't be bothered,22:03
devilguyi have just packet manager for programms , terminal for customized design and finaly compleate build  ^)22:06
devilguylike as opensuse studion ^) but i like kubuntu as 3 years on my netbook and i happy ^)22:08
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MySystemblueskaj lordievader i have my mouse cursor back (i deleted the xorg.conf,rebooted and then set the resolution monitor settings via kde settings not via nvidia23:18
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