
YnnafHey, I shall ask a very very basic question. Tho, nobody helps. Nor on ubuntu nor on mint. So I'm quite stuck and I don't know if it's because it's silly, or because nobody actually knows or spend 5sec explaining me :/00:51
Ynnafthere it is : for adding this PPA https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/graphics-drivers is "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers" good or what ? I'm really not familiar with it :(00:51
DarkPlayerYnnaf: this command will add the repository to your sources.list00:54
DarkPlayerYnnaf: it will not directly install any packages00:54
YnnafCoud you tell me where I am mistaking after it ? I'm doing a "apt-get update"00:55
DarkPlayerYnnaf: since this repository contains packages with the same name as the ones provided by ubuntu, they will replaced when you execute00:55
YnnafI try to install th added package in the PPA, and fails to find it.00:55
DarkPlayersudo apt-get update00:55
DarkPlayersudo apt-get upgrade00:55
DarkPlayerYnnaf: which specific package do you want to install?00:56
Ynnafho, necessarly upgrade for seeing the new packages ?00:56
DarkPlayerYnnaf: now, but it is necessary to upgrade from the original ubuntu packages to the ones in the ppa00:56
YnnafI want to install libg3dvl-mesa00:57
DarkPlayerYnnaf: which ubuntu version are you using?00:57
Ynnaffa@i5 ~/Bureau $ uname -a00:58
YnnafLinux i5 3.8.0-19-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 17 18:16:28 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:58
DarkPlayerthat is only the kernel version00:58
DarkPlayerexecute  cat /etc/os-release  | grep VERSION00:58
YnnafWell I'm on mint15, dunno what the version of the ubuntu base :/00:58
YnnafVERSION="13.04, Raring Ringtail"00:58
DarkPlayerYnnaf: the packages in this PPA are only for Saucy00:59
YnnafHo no ! :/00:59
DarkPlayerthat is the reason why you can not use / install them00:59
YnnafI so like you giving me this answer. Even if I hate me losing a hour on that.01:00
YnnafThe reason why I wanted this is actually this error "Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_r600.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"01:01
DarkPlayerYnnaf: you may be able to build the packages on your own, but i am not sure if this is a good idea since the grpahic stack (xorg, mesa, ...) changes a lot between ubuntu/mint versions01:01
Ynnafwell I don't want to fo too far in this. I'm not very familiar with the graphics stacks :'(01:02
DarkPlayerYnnaf: the regular VDPAU support for radeon cards btw is only available since kernel 3.1001:06
DarkPlayerYnnaf: i am not sure if you would also need a more recent kernel or if this package tries to solve the problem differently01:08
YnnafI don't know either01:08
YnnafI'm so stuck é_è01:08
Ynnafwell, maybe I'll just avoid this specific software. (I wish everyone was on archlinux rolling release, I'll not have to face 80 different error on each station :( )01:10
DarkPlayerYnnaf: which program do you have problems with?01:11
Ynnafmplayer, I'm trying to import VHS videos ^^01:12
YnnafWell, I coud maybe do it from another linux in a virtualbox ? :o01:12
DarkPlayerwell, vdpau is only for accelerating video output/decoding so it is not really necessary01:12
Ynnafare you sure about this ? I Mean everything work but01:13
YnnafI don't get any sound01:13
DarkPlayervdpau is for video and not sound ^^01:13
YnnafAndgetting this error about VDPAU may have turned my mind to say "this is the cause"01:13
Ynnafthat is even more disturbing01:13
DarkPlayerdoes your sound work in other applications ?01:14
Ynnafyeah perfectly01:14
Ynnafyeah perfectly01:14
DarkPlayeryou say you want to import VHS videos, mplayer can only play content, do you instead mean mencoder ?01:15
Ynnafmplayer and mencoder are using the same engine, tho01:16
Ynnafthe problem is when I import the video, i can't get the sound01:16
DarkPlayeryeah, but there is a difference if there is no sound during the recoding or during the playback of the recorded file01:17
Ynnafin the two case, no video01:17
Ynnaftried the two of them01:17
Ynnaftho, doing it on video is a way to find why there is no sound faster, right ?01:17
DarkPlayer<Ynnaf> in the two case, no video <-- you mean sound?01:18
Ynnafyeah, sorry :/01:18
DarkPlayerwhat is your mplayer command line ?01:19
Ynnafthere is the command & output if you know ho it work ; http://pastebin.com/btwqEjdB01:20
YnnafI could have removed all the "brightness=0:contrast=-7:hue=0:saturation=0:width=720:height=576:device=/dev/video0:norm=PAL-BG:input=2:fps=25.000:alsa:adevice=hw.0,2,0", I added a lot without doing what I wanted. Only giving the driver works...01:21
DarkPlayeri think your problem is "Audio: no sound"01:22
YnnafBut how to trace that ? :(01:22
Ynnafmaybe another driver ?01:23
Ynnafwhat about "Selected input hasn't got a tuner!" ?01:23
DarkPlayermplayer -tv driver=v4l2:brightness=0:contrast=-7:hue=0:saturation=0:width=720:height=576:device=/dev/video0:norm=PAL-BG:input=2:fps=25.000:alsa:adevice=hw.0:forceaudio:immediatemode=0 tv://MPlayer201:25
Ynnaf"Error opening audio: Device or resource busy01:27
Ynnafalso, when I redo my first try it works without problem01:28
DarkPlayeryeah because the audio device is not used at all01:28
DarkPlayeryou need to specify forceaudio if you want to record from a separate device01:28
Ynnafit is not a serparated device oO01:28
Ynnafevrything is on the same USB coming from a numeric/analogic converter01:29
DarkPlayerthough mplayer does not detect it as a single one01:29
YnnafI even got (dunno why) sound at a time. Even if it was scratchy as hell. Now I just get "no sound"01:30
Ynnaf"mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:forceaudio tv://" don't seem to do sound01:30
DarkPlayertry this one:01:31
DarkPlayermplayer -tv driver=v4l2:brightness=0:contrast=-7:hue=0:saturation=0:width=720:height=576:device=/dev/video0:norm=PAL-BG:input=2:fps=25.000:alsa:adevice=hw.0,2,0:forceaudio:immediatemode=0 tv://MPlayer201:31
DarkPlayeri accidentally stripped out the exact alsa subdevice in my previous cmdline01:32
Ynnafyou can trash all, you know.01:32
Ynnaf"mplayer -tv tv://" is enought to make it work x)01:32
Ynnafwithout sound01:32
Ynnafno sound either01:33
Ynnafwell, maybe it's a lost cause.01:34
DarkPlayerare you sure that adevice=hw.0,2,0 is the correct subdevice?01:34
YnnafNo i'm not01:34
YnnafHow can I list the subdevices ?01:34
DarkPlayerarecord -l01:35
Ynnaf(I tried several way, tho I have not that much experience :/)01:35
DarkPlayerthis should list all recording devices01:35
YnnafOk, i want this one : carte 2: G1 [Terratec G1], périphérique 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]01:36
Ynnaf  Sous-périphériques: 0/101:36
Ynnaf  Sous-périphérique #0: subdevice #001:36
Ynnafis that hw.2,0,0 ?01:37
DarkPlayeryou should then try:01:37
DarkPlayermplayer -tv driver=v4l2:brightness=0:contrast=-7:hue=0:saturation=0:width=720:height=576:device=/dev/video0:norm=PAL-BG:input=2:fps=25.000:alsa:adevice=hw.2:forceaudio:immediatemode=0 tv://MPlayer201:37
YnnafError opening audio: Device or resource busy01:37
DarkPlayeryeah it seems that another device is currently using this one01:38
DarkPlayeranother program*01:38
Ynnafmaking "immediatemode=1" it works01:38
Ynnafwithout sound01:38
YnnafI'll try to see pulseaudio if the sound is set01:39
Ynnafno wait01:39
Ynnaf"no sound" is written before01:39
DarkPlayerYnnaf: you may find the program which is using the sound device with:01:43
DarkPlayerlsof /dev/snd/*01:43
Ynnafpulseaudi 1863   fa  mem    CHR 116,10          11341 /dev/snd/pcmC2D0c01:45
Ynnafpulseaudi 1863   fa  mem    CHR  116,4            532 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c01:45
Ynnafpulseaudi 1863   fa  mem    CHR  116,3            531 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p01:45
Ynnafpulseaudi 1863   fa   24u   CHR  116,6      0t0   534 /dev/snd/controlC001:45
Ynnafpulseaudi 1863   fa   29u   CHR  116,6      0t0   534 /dev/snd/controlC001:45
Ynnafpulseaudi 1863   fa   30u   CHR  116,6      0t0   534 /dev/snd/controlC001:45
Ynnafpulseaudi 1863   fa   31u   CHR  116,6      0t0   534 /dev/snd/controlC001:45
Ynnafpulseaudi 1863   fa   36u   CHR 116,11      0t0 11342 /dev/snd/controlC201:45
Ynnafpulseaudi 1863   fa   37u   CHR  116,3      0t0   531 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p01:45
Ynnafpulseaudi 1863   fa   45u   CHR  116,4      0t0   532 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c01:45
Ynnafpulseaudi 1863   fa   46u   CHR 116,10      0t0 11341 /dev/snd/pcmC2D0c01:45
Ynnafshould have used pastbin01:45
YnnafI don't get it01:46
Ynnafthe device is /dev/video001:46
YnnafNo one is using it01:46
Ynnafseem it can't access the thing for video and sound at the same time01:46
Ynnafhow odd.01:47
DarkPlayerYnnaf: the audio device is01:47
Ynnafho !01:47
YnnafSo maybe01:47
YnnafShould I just kill pulseaudio and use alsa for the importation process ?01:47
Ynnafwhen I don't specify alsa it says "Unable to open 'hw.2': No such file or directory01:49
Ynnaf" when I do "Error opening audio: Device or resource busy01:49
Ynnaf" :O Let kill pulseaudio, then.01:49
DarkPlayerpulseaudio will automatically restart01:49
Ynnafyou are right :/01:50
YnnafIn /etc/pulse/client.conf, you can uncomment the line autospawn=yes and01:50
Ynnafto "no"01:50
DarkPlayerecho autospawn=no > ~/.pulse/client.conf01:50
Ynnafwell o/01:50
YnnafThat is faster :D01:50
DarkPlayerthis will only disable it for your current user01:50
DarkPlayerbut you should remove the filter later01:50
DarkPlayerotherwise you will only be able to play sound in one program01:51
Ynnaf(you sure about that ?)01:52
Ynnaf(I tho pulseaudio was just a mixer for sound and input/output management)01:52
DarkPlayerpulseaudio does software mixing for sound cards which do not support hardware mixing, which is the majority01:53
Ynnafthanks for the story o/01:53
Ynnafthe command seem to run but01:54
YnnafI'm not sure if there is actually sound01:54
YnnafMaybe alsa isn't outputing in the right place01:54
DarkPlayerthat is possible01:54
DarkPlayertake a look at01:54
DarkPlayeraplay -l01:54
DarkPlayerfor the output devices01:54
Ynnaf**** Liste des Périphériques Matériels PLAYBACK ****01:55
Ynnafcarte 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], périphérique 0: ALC887-VD Analog [ALC887-VD Analog]01:55
Ynnaf  Sous-périphériques: 0/101:55
Ynnaf  Sous-périphérique #0: subdevice #001:55
Ynnafcarte 1: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], périphérique 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]01:55
Ynnaf  Sous-périphériques: 1/101:55
Ynnaf  Sous-périphérique #0: subdevice #001:55
Ynnafwell ho do I chose ?01:55
DarkPlayerare you using hdmi for playback?01:55
YnnafI'm pretty sure not, but I'll check for knowing what is.01:57
DarkPlayermplayer -tv driver=v4l2:brightness=0:contrast=-7:hue=0:saturation=0:width=720:height=576:device=/dev/video0:norm=PAL-BG:input=2:fps=25.000:alsa:adevice=hw.2:forceaudio:immediatemode=0 -ao alsa:device=hw.0 tv://MPlayer201:57
DarkPlayerYnnaf: may also be possible that your input source is simply muted01:59
DarkPlayerpress F6 and select the correct audio device02:00
DarkPlayerthen  press F4 to switch to recording02:00
DarkPlayerand check the volume of the record devices02:00
YnnafI though it has no importance what card was selected, because it didn't changed anything to move alsamixer values when pulseaudio was there.02:01
Ynnaf"this device has no lecture command" it only has in "capture"02:01
DarkPlayerthen change to record first with F402:02
DarkPlayeris the recording device volume not muted and on 100% ?02:03
YnnafIt's on 10002:03
Ynnafmuted ?02:03
Ynnafhow do I know  ?02:03
DarkPlayeris there a big "M" ?02:04
DarkPlayergo to your playback device02:04
DarkPlayerand switch back to playback02:04
DarkPlayercheck whether there is something muted or volume is set very low02:05
Ynnafshesh. It had to work :/02:06
YnnafI'll try to register it, tho, we never know ><02:07
Ynnafwhen I got the saved file02:13
Ynnafthere is no audio channel in the video02:14
Ynnaf(in fact there is on named "0", and empty02:14
YnnafThe problem is here02:16
Ynnafv4l2: get audio format: 902:16
Ynnaf==> Found audio stream: 002:16
Ynnafv4l2: get audio samplerate: 4800002:16
Ynnafv4l2: get audio samplesize: 202:16
Ynnafv4l2: get audio channels: 202:16
DarkPlayerdoesn't look like an error to me02:17
DarkPlayerthe id of the stream is simply 002:17
Ynnafthe fact it is empty is a problem, right ? x)02:17
Ynnafhis description is empy02:17
YnnafMaybe i'll just launch pulse02:18
Ynnaf<Ynnaf> ==> Found audio stream: 002:19
YnnafIt doesn't mean "I found nothing" ?02:19
DarkPlayerwell since this is quite offtopic here, you may better ask the guys in #mplayer which have more experience with recording from alsa / v4l devices02:19
DarkPlayeri think it is just stream 002:20
YnnafI guess so02:20
DarkPlayerotherwise it wouldn't have a samplerate02:20
YnnafWell thanks a lot. I'm maybe not out of this, but still I'll understand a bit better how it work. Even if 3am is a bit hard for me. It takes sooooo much more time than expected  é_è02:21
saiarcot895I'm getting a weird error when building flightgear in my PPA. I have flightgear set to depend on libsimgear-dev, which then depends on the most recent versions of libsimgearcore2.99.0 and libsimgearscene2.99.0. However, apt is refusing to install libsimgear-dev because libsimgearscene2.99.0 is not going to be installed. I don't think it's a dependency problem because I have the same three packages installed on my system. Any help?02:55
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voldymanhey guys, can i get all the bugs marked fix released for a specific project from launchpad api using curl ? (i plan to use go lang to write a bot)17:46
dobeyvoldyman: searchBugs(status='Fix Released') on the project object; it's in the API docs17:52
voldymandobey: but i can't use launchpadlib since the bot will be in go-lang17:53
dobeyvoldyman: yes, you will have to follow the API docs to create something in go.17:54
voldymandobey: ok, i'll try to cook something up17:55
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mwhudsonvoldyman: have you seen https://launchpad.net/lpad ?20:18
voldymanmwhudson: nope, thats exactly what i needed. thanks a lot.20:19
dobeyoh yeah. there is that. i forgot gustavo wrote a thing for go already20:19
dchhey, I’m trying to push my first bzr (branch? project?) to lp. And I’m completely lost, what does `No such product series` actually mean?20:42
dobeywhere are you trying to push to?20:44
dchI’m sure I need to set up some branch or sth remotely first.20:47
dobeyyou can just push any bzr branch to lp:~username/+junk/branchname20:48
dchdobey: some details first. end goal is a daily build off the master branch of couchdb, which is in git.20:48
dchI’ve set up a mirror which pulls git -> bzr (yay) https://code.launchpad.net/~couchdb/couchdb/master20:49
dobeycouchdb git probably can't be imported to launchpad currently20:49
dchdobey:  it does work :-)20:49
dchmy next task is to push the package branch that contains only the /debian/ bits needed.20:49
dchI’ve tried a bunch of variations on `bzr push lp: couchdb/couchdb/packaging` with that above error.20:50
dobeythen push it to lp:~couchdb/couchdb/packaging-dailies20:50
dobeyif you want ~couchdb to owne it20:50
dchdobey: the idea I had was to separate out changes required for the packaging, from the original source. The last patches I had to review were thousands of lines of a single diff, if there’s a better way to achieve keeping upstream source & .deb packaging info separate please tell me.20:51
dchdobey: hmm them I got myself confused.20:51
dchhttps://code.launchpad.net/couchdb/ seems not to have any branches.20:51
dobeypersons and teams begin with  tildes20:52
dobeydch: i see 420:52
dobeyand you didn't need to set up a different master20:53
dobeyoh, the existing import was from svn.apache.org20:53
dchdobey: I see 4 branches but they’re not under “couchdb” they are elsewhere. I wanted to make sure we have one that is owned/managed by the same group, if that makes sense.20:54
dchdobey: yup, thats the reason for a new one.20:54
dobeydch: yes they are under couchdb. you're confusing the  project name with the team name20:54
dchok, so I’ll try pushing to ~couchdb, get this working as you suggested dobey - tyvm!20:54
dchI have a bzr-builder working partially already so I’m feeling pretty chirpy atm :D20:55
dchfinal question, is it possible to get lp to run a standard `bootstrap && ./configure —stuff && make … ` or is that not the right way to do things?20:56
dchI’m a bit lost how I should go from git (or a release tarball) to a nice tidy package.20:57
dobeyhow something is built in a debian package, is defined by debian/rules20:57
dobeydch: look at the existing couchdb packaging data that's in ubuntu, and adapt that to work for git, where needed20:58
dchdobey: ok, I’ve been tidying stuff up in there but it doesn’t all fit together mentally for me yet. Now I have the branch pushed I can try testing stuff and maybe enlightenment will strike.21:00
dchthanks for your help, I have the branch pushed so life should be easier now!21:00
dobeyplease don't do test builds of couchdb live on launchpad. it will eat up the resources pretty badly21:01
dchdobey: I’m doing them on a personal server, with bzr-builder. What actually triggers the build then?21:06
dobeyget it bilding locally first with bzr dailydeb and pbuilder or sbuild.21:07
dchin lp, I mean.21:07
dobeyoh, i thought you were setting up an lp recipe for daily bilds21:07
dchdobey: that’s the end goal, yup. But first I want to have the git source (done), a separate /debian/ patches repo (under way) so that future changes are not a weekend reading nightmare.21:11

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