
entrerihey guys, regularly I see desktop icons flying around all over the screen, in a secnd they appear and disapppear03:55
holsteinentreri: they dont for me.. are you using stock lubuntu 13.10?03:55
entreriyes, I'm not sure why but it's really buggy for me. When I install an app from Software Center, icons on the desktop disappear and normal "right-click" menu crashes, I can only see the menu from Openbox03:57
entrerithen there are icons flying around like I said, they disappear and reappear...03:57
holsteinentreri: sounds to me like graphics card driver issues03:57
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:57
holstein^ you can try this from a live CD.. or look for a proprietary driver that might be more appropriate for you device, if its an nvidia or ati03:58
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto03:58
entreriit doesn't do that on other *buntus or linuxmint03:58
holsteinentreri: mint might have the drivers i mention installed or available by default.. and the main ubuntu might prompt you03:59
holsteinentreri: you have tried "nomodeset" from a lubuntu live CD? have you looked for any additional drivers and insatlled them?04:00
entrerino, because my Acer netbook have an integrated Intwl graphics card that should work by default with linux, usually04:00
holsteinentreri: so, you havent tried the "nomodeset" with a live CD?04:01
holsteinentreri: are you not interested in trying that suggestion?04:01
entreriholstein: yes if it doesn't require a reinstall04:02
holsteinentreri: i didnt say, nor mean to imply a reinstall04:02
holsteinentreri: the link i gave states how to try "nomodeset" from a live CD04:02
entrerican I do it without a live CD/USB, live ?04:02
holsteinentreri: i would first look for, and apply all upgrades.. then, i would consider installing whatever OS is working for you easily , and just add lxde or lubuntudekstop04:03
entreriholstein: Also, the texts in Chromium's tabs doesn't show up, only the icons... not sure if all this is related04:04
holsteinentreri: i can only suggest ways to troubleshoot to determine if that is related or not04:06
holsteinentreri: when you say other ubuntu's worked, were they all the same version? 13.10 for example?04:10
holsteinlubuntu *is* ubuntu, and will have the same access to the same software and the same kernel with very similar hardware configuration support out of the box04:10
entreriI think it's only lxde that is my problem04:10
holsteinif you have a situtation where ubuntu 12.04 worked and lubuntu 13.10 doesnt, its likely more to do with the kernel versions between 12.04 and 13.10 for example that lxde04:11
holsteinentreri: install another DE and confirm that04:11
holsteinentreri: install xfce and test04:11
entrerinot sure if it would not just be better downloader xubuntu ?04:12
holsteinentreri: it would be the same04:12
holsteinentreri: lubuntu *is* ubuntu with lxde.. xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce04:12
holsteinentreri: if you want to test if it is lxde that is the issue, you can install something other than lxde and test04:12
holsteinentreri: if you want to download xubntu and use it, go for it04:12
codeurwhat to do if don't find a software in the applications after installing it13:11
codeuron lubuntu13:12
Callaghancodeur, is it in /usr/share/applications?13:16
codeurCallaghan, it is not in the "local/share"13:18
codeurbtw don't find the "user" folder13:18
Callaghancodeur, I think you are in the wrong place, click on the Menu, select "Run" and enter "pcmanfm /usr/share/applications" without the quotes, then click ok13:19
Callaghanyou should see a list of shortcuts to applications13:20
codeurchalcedny, is there a space between  "pcmanfm /usr/" ?13:20
codeuris there a space after pcmanfm13:21
codeurI don't see it there as well :(13:22
Callaghanok, that explains why it doesn't show up in the menu13:22
codeurbut I find it installed at syneptic13:23
Callaghancan you share the name of the application?13:23
codeurI converted it to .dep13:23
codeurthen installed it13:24
codeurbtw my lubuntu is not upgraded to 13.10 from 13.0413:24
Callaghanoh, if you installed the application from source, then I am not sure if there is an entry in /usr/share/applications.13:24
Callaghanyou can try to launch the application from the command line, if that works we can create a shortcut by hand13:25
codeurhow to lunch an application from terminal?13:25
CallaghanAre you familiar with the command line?13:25
codeurI'm familiar with terminal but13:25
codeurI don't know how to run an application from there13:25
CallaghanIn the command line, enter yoono and press enter :)13:26
codeurahh btw I already tried it :P13:26
codeurdoesn't work13:26
Callaghanor if that doesn't work, try entering yoo and pressing Tab twice13:26
codeurI even tried "yonoo-desktop"13:26
codeuron terminal13:26
CallaghanIt could be installed in a place where the system doesn't find it :/13:27
codeurnothing happens :(13:27
codeurit seems so :-/13:27
codeurthanks a lot for your help anyway :)13:28
Callaghanlet me check something out13:28
codeurokay :)13:28
Callaghanok, let's try something different13:31
Callaghando you still have the .tar.bz2 file?13:31
codeuryes I have it13:31
Callaghanopen the terminal and go to the directory where the file is13:31
codeuractually it is on the home folder13:32
codeurdo not need to change directory for it13:32
Callaghanextract the file with this command:13:32
Callaghantar xvjf yoono-?????.tar.bz213:32
Callaghanjust enter tar xvjf yoo and press Tab13:32
Callaghanthe file will be detected automatically13:33
codeurdid :)13:33
Callaghanok, now you should have a directory called yoono-desktop13:33
codeurI think it is extracted13:33
Callaghanexecute: cd yoono-desktop13:33
codeuryeah right13:33
Callaghanand in that new directory, execute the following command (notice the ./):13:34
codeurit is now: NF108-NF208:~/yoono-desktop$13:34
Callaghanthat's exactly  where we want to be13:34
Callaghandid it work? :)13:35
codeura window appears13:35
Callaghanyes, that is yoono13:36
Callaghanalright, in the future, you can just start the file manager, go into the yoono-desktop directory and double-click yoono-desktop13:36
codeuris it installed?!13:36
Callaghanno, it's like a portable app, you launch it from this directory13:37
Callaghanno need to install13:37
codeurahh okay13:37
codeurthanks a loooot for your help mate :)13:37
Callaghanno problem :)13:37
Callaghanhave fun13:37
codeurlet's see13:38
cousteaudoes the lubuntu desktop 64b 13.10 image fit in a CD?  It seems to be 702 MiB14:33
cousteauwho would have said, it fits!14:53
ThinkbudIf i use any other gtk theme than the default one some gtk applications will look extremely ugly16:34
Thinkbudthey dont look like the one i chose at all16:34
Thinkbudi tried several different ones i downloaded from gnome look16:34
ThinkbudIt will change it to look like the one called industrial something16:38
Thinkbudvery very ugly16:38
=== codeur is now known as codeur_
=== codeur_ is now known as codeur
cousteauInstalling Lubuntu.  Does the installer make 3 partitions for /, /home, and swap?  Or do I have to do that manually?17:26
bioterrorcousteau, manually17:42

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