
ochosiit also installs a new xfconf property "cycle_tabwin_mode" with which you can switch between the normal view (0) and the list view (1)00:05
ali1234so where's the branch?00:12
ochosiin git.xfce00:14
ali1234well the first thing i notice is that when i mouse over the tabwin two things look selected, which is confusing00:19
ali1234i created "cycle_tabwin_conf" but it doesn't work00:22
ochosiwell themes will take care of that00:22
ochosie.g. if you use the tabwin-branch of greybird, you'll see a different hover-color between the mouse and keyboard selection00:23
ochosi(a meaningful difference i think)00:23
ochosiali1234: but i said "cycle_tabwin_mode", not conf00:23
ali1234still doesn't work00:24
ochosii had to build with --prefix=/usr and install it00:26
knomepleia2, ping me when you're around10:47
knomehey elfy 10:47
elfyhi knome 10:49
knomeelfy, got your mail. i'll read it after i've de- and reassembled a shelf and then i'll PM you15:29
elfyno rush - if you rush you'll lose a screw ;)15:32
knomeheh, no screws included in the task15:35
knomebut i'm stuck nonetheless, i have no idea how i should disassemble that15:35
knomeor should i say, no ikea15:35
elfyI'll lend you this - disassembles most things ... http://eagleapex.com/wp-content/uploads/IMG_7175.JPG15:39
knomehah, yeah, though the idea is to use that shelf after i've disassembled it...15:40
pleia2knome: morning18:20
knomegood day pleia2 :)18:28
knomenow if i only remember what it was...18:28
ochosielfy: could you please review/test these new instructions and if they work, please send another email to the ML about the new page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Trusty/Gtk3Indicators18:53
elfylol - I was just typing a question out about that ... 18:53
ochosihope we can get someone to copy all the different packages to a single PPA soon18:53
elfyI'll look tomorrow at that lot 18:54
ochosiand actually the indicator-plugin would be nice if it were also in a PPA finally18:54
ochosimicahg: could you help with "consolidating" these instructions? (i.e. copy lionel's packages to your PPA or to a new PPA together with libxfce4ui and ideally also the indicator-plugin) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Trusty/Gtk3Indicators18:55
elfyochosi: one question - will I be able to just do that and it work over what I've got here already? that is the gtk3 stuff installed from the previous wiki version?18:55
ochosiyou can uninstall the panel (simply go to the folder you installed it from and run "sudo make uninstall"), same for libxfce4ui18:56
ochosithen add the PPAs from step1 and run step2 and you should be fine18:56
ochosihey Noskcaj 19:40
Noskcajhey ochosi 19:41
Noskcajcan someone help me fix a build issue in gthumb? Some extensions aren't getting installed19:43
ochosiNoskcaj: if you're out of work ever, you could help with "consolidating" packages in a single PPA for testers: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Trusty/Gtk3Indicators20:01
ochosicurrently there's one pkg in micahg's ppa and one in mr_pouit's ppa20:02
ochosi)and one is still missing)20:02
Noskcaji've got to put some symbols in the flac package, then i'll do that20:02
ali1234ochosi: have a loot at this: https://github.com/ali1234/panel-switch20:05
ali1234the DBus interface for xfconf is quite simple20:05
ali1234the most complicated thing is dealing with the GVariant type20:06
ali1234this code doesn't deal with it, but it almost works20:06
ali1234it's just that it turns everything like int, bool, array into type string - which breaks the panel really bad20:06
ali1234but in general this way should work20:07
ali1234it also needs to kill the panel before doing the load20:07
ali1234(if you run load.py it will delete your panel config btw)20:08
Noskcajochosi, What are the PPA i should be looking at?20:14
knomeNoskcaj, doesn't the wikipage you were pasted tell that?20:15
Noskcajwhoops, didn't see that page20:16
NoskcajI think all the gtk3 stuff should be in a ~xubuntu-dev PPA, so i'll leave this for someone else20:20
ali1234it probably would be if it was packaged20:22
ali1234the indicator plugin still lacks a working package anywhere20:22
Noskcajali1234, Would the 2.1.0 release be enough?20:24
ali1234of indicator-plugin?20:24
ali1234no, we need master20:26
knomeelfy, heh, so, i'm ready with the disassembling now21:16
knomeelfy, (and reassembling)21:16
knomeelfy, let me read those pads first and then get back to you21:16
knomeelfy, are you around?21:29
elfyfor a short while still21:29
knomeok, cool21:29
knomei'll PM21:29
ochosiandrzejr: hey there! would you mind doing another point-release of the indicator plugin? that'd help us quite a bit with testing (we can also use git master though, not sure what your current release-policy is)22:01
ochosiheh, well that's also an answer :)22:02
ochosiali1234: i'll take a look at your panel-config repo now22:03
ochosiso isn't there a way you can querey the type of the properties?22:04
ochosivery nice though, the code is still quite short22:06
ochosiandrzejr: i guess you missed my comment from before, just ping me whenever you're around22:18
andrzejrochosi, ping22:22
ochosiandrzejr: pong22:25
ochosii wanted to ask you, would you mind doing another point-release of the indicator plugin?22:25
ochosiit'd help us with testing it (although our testers can arguably also test with git-master)22:26
ochosinot sure what your release-policy/model is at the moment, but without the latest changes in git, it doesn't properly work for the current indicators22:26
andrzejrochosi, I'm doing it now (I have seen Nosckcaj's question). I was waiting for necessary changes to be merged into xfce4-panel master (ideally, with a development release but that may take some time)22:29
ochosiah, cool22:29
ochosiyeah, makes sense22:29
ochosii'm very happy nick merged it...22:30
andrzejrrelease already in git, now making preparing an announcement22:33
ochosithanks a lot!22:34
ochosinice, already received the release-mail22:51

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