=== bradm_ is now known as bradm === LoganCloud is now known as Guest49309 === Guest49309 is now known as LoganCloud === jam1 is now known as jam === jml_ is now known as jml === DarkLinkXXXX_ is now known as DarkLinkXXXX [16:19] hi, I have a local bzr branch I created in 2008, and I pushed to launchpad before I found out the format had changed. I bzr upgrad'ed the local branch, but pushing does not upgrade the remote branch, and now I can't build using LP recipes because of format mismatch. How can I upgrade the LP branch? [17:30] "bzr upgrade" can operate on a remote URL. I'm not sure that's still the best way to handle it, though. [18:31] Peng, I removed the remote bazaar branch and pushed again. thanks [18:37] That too...