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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
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rvba | roaksoax: Hi… it's not really urgent but could you have a look at this issue when you have time: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-django-piston/+bug/1256957 ? | 15:49 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1256957 in python-django-piston (Ubuntu) "AttributeError: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'raw_post_data' (Django 1.6 incompatibility)" [Undecided,New] | 15:49 |
allenap | Do we have a merge robot for 1.4? | 15:50 |
allenap | rvba: ^ do you know? | 15:56 |
rvba | I don't know. matsubara ^, can you check Jenkins? | 15:56 |
matsubara | allenap, rvba: I thought you guys were taking care of that since the charmification of the landers. | 15:58 |
rvba | I'm not sure if we moved all the landers. Trunk has been moved, but I suspect it's the only one. | 15:58 |
allenap | matsubara: Yeah, trunk for maas and maas-test only. I can set up the others if Jenkins no longer does it. | 15:59 |
rvba | allenap: just try to approve you branch and see if there is a lander… if not, then I guess it's worth starting one on canonistack. | 15:59 |
allenap | rvba: Yeah, no lander then :) | 15:59 |
rvba | your* branch | 15:59 |
allenap | rvba, matsubara: Do you know where bigjools’ tarmac charm is? | 16:13 |
rvba | allenap: Isn't that documented in the gdoc he shared with a a while ago? | 16:14 |
matsubara | allenap, https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/+junk/maas-tarmac-charm | 16:14 |
allenap | rvba: Doesn’t seem to be. | 16:14 |
allenap | matsubara: Thanks. | 16:14 |
rvba | allenap: any reason why we don't land https://code.launchpad.net/~tycho-s/maas/add-missing-node-fields/+merge/196946 ? | 16:26 |
allenap | rvba: None. Maybe tych0 doesn’t know that we normally leave it up to the author to choose when to land? | 16:28 |
rvba | Okay. Let's give him a chance to do so when he sees this ping. | 16:28 |
roaksoax | rvba: you want me to fix that in trusty? | 16:35 |
rvba | roaksoax: yeah, that would be nice. | 16:35 |
roaksoax | rvba: do we have django 1.6 in trusty? | 16:36 |
rvba | roaksoax: It's in -proposed right now. | 16:36 |
roaksoax | its been released | 16:37 |
roaksoax | ok ill take care of it | 16:37 |
rvba | roaksoax: Thanks. | 16:39 |
tych0 | hey, yeah, i was wondering about that | 16:51 |
tych0 | the launchpad status is listed as not approved or something | 16:51 |
tych0 | just didn't know if allenap had anything else | 16:51 |
tych0 | (also, last two days were a hoilday for US folks, so that probably has something to do with it too :-) | 16:51 |
allenap | tych0: Nope, land away :) | 17:05 |
tych0 | oke doke | 17:07 |
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
marcoceppi | Do I need to run my vmaas nodes on the same machines as maas master? | 20:32 |
smoser | marcoceppi, i dont htink you ahve to | 20:56 |
smoser | but you have to have the virsh stuff set up to access the other system | 20:57 |
marcoceppi | smoser: hum, maybe I'll just have the maas master and virsh on the same machien. I honestly can't find any documention on vmaas in the maas docs | 20:57 |
smoser | marcoceppi, there isnt | 20:58 |
marcoceppi | \o/ | 20:58 |
* marcoceppi smells a blog post | 20:58 | |
smoser | i think that stokachu has done some of that ? | 20:59 |
roaksoax | smoser: does this make sense to you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6511498/ -> the creation of a package maas-region-controller-min which doesn't install the DB nor rabbitmq-server? | 22:09 |
roaksoax | smoser: so it is used for the charm? | 22:09 |
smoser | roaksoax, maas package depends on maas-region-controller-min ? | 22:14 |
smoser | or is there a separate 'maas-region-controller' that it depends on | 22:14 |
roaksoax | smoser: there will be maas-region-controller-min that will install everything, but postgresql and rabbitmq. maas-region-controller will depend on maas-region-controller-min + install/configure postgresql/rabbitmq (so upgrades don't break) | 22:15 |
roaksoax | smoser: maas will continue to depend on maas-region-controller, which will install maas-region-controller-min | 22:15 |
smoser | that seems to make sense to me | 22:16 |
roaksoax | smoser: cool then! I'll work towards that then! Thanks! | 22:16 |
bigjools | marcoceppi: there are docs written just not published yet | 23:04 |
bigjools | I'll try and get the web site updated now | 23:04 |
joseantoniordlmc | Hello | 23:11 |
joseantoniordlmc | Does anyone know, the minimum requirements to test MAAS | 23:12 |
joseantoniordlmc | ?? | 23:12 |
bigjools | requirements in what sense? | 23:12 |
joseantoniordlmc | to install ubuntu server for cloud, specifically hardware | 23:13 |
marcoceppi | bigjools: thanks, I've got two servers, one I hope to vmaas, the other I need for physical maas | 23:20 |
bigjools | joseantoniordlmc: there's nothing specific set out in the docs, but you need a machine capable of running postgres, Apache and rabbitmq. I've run it in as little as 1Gb but 2Gb is ideal. CPU wise, anything will do. | 23:22 |
joseantoniordlmc | thanks | 23:25 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away |
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