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dholbach | good morning | 08:01 |
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JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Cyber Monday! :-D | 09:22 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro, ping | 10:52 |
nic-doffay | seb128, took the no text use case into account for: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1256356 | 10:55 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 1256356 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "ListItem.ItemSelector, scrolling doesn't work by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 10:55 |
seb128 | nic-doffay, great, thanks, I'm going to try that in a bit | 10:59 |
nic-doffay | seb128, cool just let me know if there are any further use cases I didn't take into account! | 11:00 |
seb128 | nic-doffay, sure | 11:00 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: hey | 11:13 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro, hey, last week I ran notes-app’s autopilot tests on my device with the latest image from trusty-proposed, and a bunch of them were consistently failing, could you confirm and look into it? | 11:14 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro, it *might* be related to bug #1256048 | 11:15 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 1256048 in notes-app "notes_app.tests.test_images.*.test_no_crash hang on both mako and maguro" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1256048 | 11:15 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: ok. is it phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel=trust-proposed ? | 11:16 |
nerochiaro | i am on --channel=trusty, is that ok too ? | 11:16 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro, you’ll need trusty-proposed to get the latest image | 11:16 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: ok, updating now, then i'll have a look within the day | 11:17 |
oSoMoN | thanks | 11:17 |
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nic-doffay | seb128, the fix has become slightly more unwieldy than originally anticipated. The bug you reported only happens if the parent widget is smaller than the selector, right? | 12:19 |
seb128 | nic-doffay, if the parent widget wasn't smaller there would be a need for scrolling, the items would fit on screen? | 12:19 |
nic-doffay | seb128, yeah. The best way to do this would be to use the parent widget's height I think. | 12:20 |
nic-doffay | seb128, any idea if there's a policy against using parent.height/width? | 12:21 |
seb128 | no idea | 12:21 |
seb128 | but that feels wrong | 12:21 |
seb128 | let's say the parent is a column which contains 3 standarditems and the selector | 12:21 |
seb128 | the selector height should be the parent - 3*standard | 12:21 |
nic-doffay | seb128, yeah I'm running into a strange animation bug which complicates using the height. | 12:22 |
nic-doffay | Which is the reason I'm trying to explore alternate options. | 12:22 |
nerochiaro_ | mzanetti: hi, any news on https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/autopilot-qt/fix-1218971/+merge/184753 ? | 13:20 |
mzanetti | nerochiaro_: no... can you ask thomi? | 13:21 |
nerochiaro_ | mzanetti: ok. maybe it's better if you reassign the bug to him too ? | 13:22 |
nerochiaro_ | mzanetti: i'll ask him when he reappears tonight | 13:22 |
nerochiaro_ | oSoMoN: when you have some time I need a hand on https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/webbrowser-app/webbrowser-app-file-upload/+merge/195760 | 13:49 |
nerochiaro_ | oSoMoN: there's one test where I think I'm doing everything ok but it's not working as expected | 13:50 |
nerochiaro_ | oSoMoN: and I would like to confirm I'm not missing something | 13:50 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro_, which test, what’s expected, and what really happens? | 13:50 |
nerochiaro_ | oSoMoN: test_image_picker_is_gallery, at some point the gallery shows up and i can interact with it. i ask to select the first media in the list, and I get an obejct, then i click on it, but it doesn't actualyl get selected (i.e. it doesn't get the little earmark in the corner). if i manually clikc it, it works fine. | 13:54 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro_, I’ll have a look in a moment | 14:02 |
nerochiaro_ | oSoMoN: much appreciated. switching to notepad in the meantime | 14:03 |
nerochiaro_ | kenvandine: can you confirm that at the moment if i ask the content hub to pick some content with type Unknown, nothing will show up and the process will hang ? | 14:07 |
kenvandine | nerochiaro_, that wouldn't surprise me | 14:13 |
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oSoMoN | nerochiaro_, so the problem is not in test_image_picker_is_gallery, is it? | 14:17 |
cwayne | when writing an html5 app, can you put a canvas inside an ubuntushape? | 14:39 |
nerochiaro_ | oSoMoN: no, it's in test_image_picker_pick_image | 14:53 |
nerochiaro_ | oSoMoN: (was eating something) | 14:54 |
mhall119 | dholbach: is MainView.applicationName supposed to match the name of the click package and it's store entry, or the name of the .desktop file? | 14:57 |
dholbach | mhall119, the name of the click package AFAIK, but there's a discussion which mzanetti brought up in https://bugs.launchpad.net/click-reviewers-tools/+bug/1256841 (1st comment) | 14:58 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 1256841 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "c-r-t gets confused if applicationName is set in C++ code" [Undecided,New] | 14:58 |
dholbach | mhall119, so I'm not 100% sure - jdstrand would probably know | 14:58 |
mhall119 | ok, because right now my app's click package is xda-developers-app, but used xda-developers.desktop | 15:05 |
mzanetti | popey: hey, can you please try this for me? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/use-ssl/+merge/196986/comments/457158 | 15:26 |
popey | mzanetti: I'm on a call, and will be afk for a bit afterwards. | 15:27 |
mzanetti | popey: sure. not in a hurry | 15:27 |
popey | ok | 15:27 |
mzanetti | mhall119: hey, while dpm is away, could help reviewing/testing my branches for the reminders-app? https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/trunk/+activereviews | 15:28 |
mhall119 | mzanetti: hmm, I'm not up to speed with the reminders app codebase, so I wouldn't want to give it a +1 | 15:31 |
mhall119 | popey: ^^ | 15:31 |
mzanetti | mhall119: that's fine. but you can give it -1 if it doesn't work:) | 15:32 |
popey | yeah, I'll do it now I have a system which might work with that comment from mzanetti | 15:34 |
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mzanetti | popey: hey. did installing libssl0.9.8 help? | 16:33 |
popey | yes, worked | 16:33 |
popey | but I suspect it was actually the fact that I had old builds kicking around. | 16:34 |
popey | want me to try again without libssl0.9.8? | 16:34 |
popey | -> afk | 16:34 |
mzanetti | popey: ok sure. whatever you can do to help gathering more informations.... I'm a bit confused tbh | 16:34 |
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timppa | Hi, could someone explain what's happening as my app is playing a video I get insane amount of these in SDK output: GStreamer-WARNING **: pad sink:sink has invalid direction | 17:03 |
timppa | I get these *many per second and CPU is topping at 100% | 17:04 |
timppa | Running on Ubuntu Touch... | 17:07 |
timppa | And running the same app on desktop it works just fine | 17:09 |
popey | mzanetti: cleaned up phone, removed libssl0.9.8 and it builds and runs fine on device | 17:24 |
mzanetti | popey: yeah.. so that matches with my experience... It didn't work. I installed 0.9.8, it started to work. I removed 0.9.8 again and it's still working | 17:24 |
mzanetti | popey: I wonder actually if 0.9.8 imports some certificate into the system which makes it work then with other versions too | 17:25 |
popey | ah, could be | 17:25 |
popey | lemme wipe phone and start again and test | 17:25 |
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t1mp | how can I detect that an application is active in qtquick2? | 18:01 |
t1mp | using Application.active gives me undefined | 18:02 |
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labsin | t1mp, For Ubuntu Touch? I was searching the same thing. Even have a askUbuntu question on it. | 18:17 |
popey | mzanetti: confirmed, without libssl0.9.8 it core dumps in terminate called after throwing an instance of 'apache::thrift::transport::TSSLException'" | 18:29 |
t1mp | labsin: yes, for ubuntu touch. | 18:29 |
t1mp | labsin: I got an answer in #qt-quick :) 19:06:19 < sletta> t1mp: Qt.application.active | 18:29 |
labsin | t1mp, is it working? | 18:29 |
t1mp | labsin: yes | 18:30 |
t1mp | labsin: currently I created a property bool applicationActive: Qt.application.active, and onApplicationActiveChanged gives me what I would expect | 18:30 |
t1mp | labsin: well, I also test on desktop, and when I move or resize the window of the app it is also inactive until I release the window | 18:30 |
t1mp | (release with the mouse I mean) | 18:31 |
labsin | t1mp, ok, thanks. You could probably also bind to it. I'll answer my askUbuntu question with this then | 18:31 |
t1mp | labsin: yes there are probably more elegant solutions. This was just my first test to see if the property even exists for me :) | 18:32 |
labsin | t1mp, ok | 18:32 |
danielholm | hey guys, I just wanted to give a shout for those of you who are into Bitcoins and Litecoins that I just submitted a simple app du keep up to date with it's current value: https://code.launchpad.net/~danielholm/+junk/coinprice | 20:34 |
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