=== jibel_ is now known as jibel | ||
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
PaulW2U | bug #1256525 - Please can the someone look at the importance of this bug. I can create a live session for all of the five main flavours except Kubuntu on my test laptop. | 17:03 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 1256525 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu 14.04 daily image does not produce a live session for 'Try Kubuntu'" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1256525 | 17:03 |
psusi | what is the package that suggests installing other packages when a shell command is not found? | 18:51 |
hggdh | command-not-found? | 18:52 |
TheLordOfTime | should be. | 18:53 |
psusi | heh, of course... thanks ;) | 18:53 |
hggdh | yw :-) | 18:53 |
TheLordOfTime | god i hate comcast... | 18:53 |
TheLordOfTime | the cable died two nights ago... | 18:53 |
TheLordOfTime | we switched out the old box for a new box today... | 18:54 |
hggdh | still down? | 18:54 |
TheLordOfTime | same issue >.> | 18:54 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, yeah, the cable box won't turn on or boot | 18:54 |
TheLordOfTime | so i'm supremely... angry... at comcast's crap service | 18:54 |
TheLordOfTime | the internet's still up | 18:54 |
TheLordOfTime | the TV's dead | 18:54 |
TheLordOfTime | but ONLY on this one cable box | 18:54 |
TheLordOfTime | the other cable box is fine | 18:54 |
TheLordOfTime | and this is a brand new box too | 18:54 |
hggdh | of course, you have tried (1) plugging it in another power outlet; (2) swapping with the other (working) box, right? | 18:55 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, let's just say today is not a good day for me to be online... but i have no choice because i have to contact comcast and have been waiting in the 150+ users queue to chat with a techsupport person | 18:55 |
TheLordOfTime | you realize that we already switched out the old box for a brand new box right | 18:55 |
TheLordOfTime | i got up at 8AM to get to the service center at 9AM to pick up a new box | 18:56 |
psusi | when they changed the daylight savings time a few years back my cable box screwed up and stopped recording shows as scheduled between the old and new time change dates... I could not get the idiots to take a bug report to save my life | 18:56 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, and it's still dead, the thing starts booting but never actually turns on like it should | 18:56 |
psusi | think they finally fixed it after the second or third year... not an issue any more for me since I got rid of cable a year and a half ago | 18:56 |
TheLordOfTime | and there's no power issues (I tested the power cable myself with a voltmeter, albeit i probably shouldn't have done that) | 18:56 |
TheLordOfTime | plug's fine, tried in 5 separate outlets | 18:57 |
hggdh | TheLordOfTime: I have had something similar myself, and found (eventually) a bad power outlet | 18:57 |
hggdh | k | 18:57 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, i tried it in 5 separate outlets, are you saying the entire power in my home is bad? | 18:57 |
hggdh | no :-) | 18:57 |
hggdh | it simply does not power on? | 18:57 |
* hggdh thinks of the hammer approach | 18:57 | |
psusi | I had a co-worker get a bunch of his electronics act up because the neutral line to his house broke... | 18:58 |
hggdh | yeah, Or ground (usual in the US) | 18:58 |
psusi | cable boxes and other TV type crap stupidly grounds itself to the neutral line and doesn't like it when it floats above earth ground | 18:58 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, it doesn't get past its own boot | 18:58 |
TheLordOfTime | no idea wth it's doing | 18:59 |
TheLordOfTime | rather than trying to troubleshoot this hggdh, WHICH I SPENT FIVE HOURS ON THE PHONE WITH COMCAST DOING YESTERDAY... | 18:59 |
TheLordOfTime | whoops caps... | 18:59 |
TheLordOfTime | ... i'm going to have them send out a technician | 18:59 |
hggdh | TheLordOfTime: oh, OK. So power's OK. I wonder if they sent a kill, and have not revoked it | 18:59 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, why would they send a kill for no reason | 18:59 |
TheLordOfTime | bill's paid, brand new box... | 18:59 |
hggdh | TheLordOfTime: because it is Comcast | 18:59 |
hggdh | nothing is outside their capabilities (or lack thereof) | 19:00 |
TheLordOfTime | damn it, internet bugged out, now i got dropped to the back of the queue >.> | 19:00 |
* TheLordOfTime is beyond annoyed now | 19:00 | |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, i'm going to have them send out a technician | 19:01 |
TheLordOfTime | because the fact this is still happening on a brand new box is iffy | 19:01 |
TheLordOfTime | and i don't have the knowledge nor equipment to test the cable connection at that location | 19:02 |
TheLordOfTime | (and i can't test with the other box because it's in use right now) | 19:02 |
hggdh | yeah. The hell of it is it will take them a while to get there. At least, with all possible issues Verizon FiOS has, I never had to wait long for a local tech | 19:03 |
TheLordOfTime | we dropped FiOS because they had us on PPPoE for the internet | 19:03 |
TheLordOfTime | rather than the legit connection | 19:03 |
hggdh | ? | 19:03 |
TheLordOfTime | which meant we had 1/10th the speed we were supposed to be getting | 19:03 |
TheLordOfTime | and FiOS wouldn't fix it | 19:03 |
hggdh | why PPPoe? | 19:03 |
TheLordOfTime | no idea | 19:03 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, because it's Verizon, they can do whatever the crap they want. | 19:03 |
TheLordOfTime | just like Comcast can. | 19:04 |
TheLordOfTime | (we also got a cheaper lifetime cable deal from Comcast where we save $150 on everything so meh) | 19:04 |
hggdh | well, yeah. And... comcast and TW are talking of a merge, so even less competition | 19:04 |
TheLordOfTime | only comcast and verizon out here. | 19:05 |
TheLordOfTime | no other cable providers in this area | 19:05 |
hggdh | sucks | 19:05 |
psusi | TheLordOfTime: did you check your MTU? seems to me the most common problem with pppoe and linux is that the same idiots that decide to use pppoe on their network in the first place don't know how to configure the MTU to leave room for the PPPoE headers | 19:05 |
* hggdh waits for Google to pop in the DFW area | 19:05 | |
TheLordOfTime | psusi, you're waaaaaaaaay behind on the discussion | 19:05 |
TheLordOfTime | psusi, i'm not diagnosing a connection | 19:05 |
TheLordOfTime | i'm stating the crap we had to put up with when we had Verizon | 19:05 |
psusi | I know, just saying ;) | 19:06 |
TheLordOfTime | psusi, i also didn't know then what i know now about computers and networking | 19:06 |
TheLordOfTime | we also had this crap D-Link router thing... | 19:06 |
TheLordOfTime | comparing then to now we have a more robust network setup here. | 19:06 |
TheLordOfTime | but the issue is the TV part of things, internet's fine and not needing diagnosed... | 19:06 |
TheLordOfTime | well... | 19:06 |
TheLordOfTime | 'cept when the hardware firewall goes into lockdown | 19:06 |
TheLordOfTime | but that's not typical :P | 19:06 |
hggdh | heh | 19:07 |
TheLordOfTime | (comcast's "Wireless Phone/Internet gateway" is in "Bridged Only" mode, we have a different router handling the internet and wifi, we just need the gateway to keep getting the internet signal) | 19:08 |
hggdh | so... I called Verizon support the other day (I have their router -- still --). I was surprised when the responder told me how many devices I had connected to the router... | 19:08 |
TheLordOfTime | (and to get the phone) | 19:08 |
TheLordOfTime | lol | 19:08 |
hggdh | so it seems the verizon router calls home with your device data | 19:09 |
* hggdh will add another router in between VZ and the internal net... and leave the TV boxes on the VZ router | 19:10 | |
TheLordOfTime | heh | 19:17 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, yeah comcast can't tell what devices we have connected, we aren't using a Comcast router to manage our devices anymore | 19:17 |
TheLordOfTime | their "router" is just their modem nowadays :p | 19:17 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, it looks like it may have either self-corrected or the reset signal Comcast sent did something... not sure... | 19:28 |
hggdh | TheLordOfTime: do not even try to understand. Also, refrain from touching the bloody thing... | 19:36 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, can i just light them on fire? | 19:37 |
TheLordOfTime | blehhhhhhh | 19:37 |
hggdh | LOL. Now, after it is working? | 19:37 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, they must've given us a faulty box | 19:37 |
TheLordOfTime | it downloaded the data... | 19:37 |
TheLordOfTime | then powered off and shows "NOT AUTHORIZED" | 19:37 |
TheLordOfTime | and they show that it is activated in their end | 19:37 |
TheLordOfTime | so IDK, it's comcast's incompetence | 19:37 |
hggdh | so i, indeed, was sent a kill | 19:38 |
TheLordOfTime | not with the first box | 19:38 |
TheLordOfTime | we never even got to such a screen with the old box | 19:38 |
hggdh | s/i,/it,/ | 19:38 |
TheLordOfTime | it is stated as "faulty" on their end | 19:38 |
hggdh | well, it is improvement, I guess | 19:39 |
* TheLordOfTime shrugs | 19:41 | |
TheLordOfTime | i still want to burn Comcast for failing... | 19:41 |
TheLordOfTime | but the internet has been decent with them so far | 19:41 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, bleh, they still failed, the tech's coming out in two days to fix the box... or replace it | 20:06 |
* TheLordOfTime is not pleased at Comcast for TV | 20:06 | |
hggdh | TheLordOfTime: good luck, sir | 20:17 |
TheLordOfTime | pfft... | 20:17 |
TheLordOfTime | hggdh, what i need is food, i woke up, got to work on this problem, and haven't eaten... 'tis why i'm a little on edge... | 20:17 |
=== Rosco2 is now known as 36DABVZRF | ||
hggdh | TheLordOfTime: it will NOT help you, but I had sushi for lunch. Very good. | 20:18 |
* TheLordOfTime wants sushi now | 20:18 | |
TheLordOfTime | gimme money so i can go get some :/ | 20:18 |
hggdh | heh | 20:19 |
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha |
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