
dholbachgood morning08:01
elfyhi dholbach08:01
dholbachhi elfy08:02
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
AlanBellerm, thought we had a new CC? https://launchpad.net/~communitycouncil/+members14:40
AlanBellI guess sabdfl needs to press some buttons14:42
AlanBellI will send him an email14:43
jcastropopey, pleia2 awww ... no one suggested deleting the wiki in that docs thread?15:08
pleia2AlanBell: we've sent him a few emails, he's traveling at the moment so hasn't gotten around to it16:40
AlanBellah, ok16:41
pleia2hoping he'll get to TB elections soon too16:41
pleia2which is actually higer priority, since the CC can still do most of our work w/o launchpad, the TB doesn't even *exist* at the moment16:42
mhall119pleia2: can we not simply extend TB memberships until an election happens?16:43
pleia2mhall119: could, but we'd have to ask them if they are willing, at least a couple aren't interested in serving any more16:44
pleia2and technically we need a +1 from sabdfl for that too I think16:45
AlanBellthe IRCC stuff shouldn't block on sabdfl I think16:46
pleia2AlanBell: nope, we have quorum for that16:47
dholbachhave a great rest of your day! see you tomorrow!17:22
jonojose, hey20:52
jonosorry, going to need to cancel our call20:52
jonoI am sick20:52

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