
=== bradm_ is now known as bradm
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pittiGood morning05:42
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dholbachgood morning08:01
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ogra_pitti, hmm, so i'm maintaining my cdimage branches on a precise desktop ... it uses python-mock ... and apparently uses tests that use the trusty python-mock, do you plan to SRU this ?14:06
ogra_(so i can go on testing the branch on an LTS)14:07
pittiogra_: err, sorry, context/14:07
pittiogra_: i. e. SRU what?14:07
ogra_thats what i get when running the self tests under precise14:07
ogra_pitti, python-mock changes14:07
pittiogra_: so apparently python-mock 0.7 doesn't yet know this syntax14:08
ogra_right, thats what i mean14:08
pittiogra_: if you want them to work under precise, I suggest you use the 0.7 API (which hopefully is forward compatible)?14:08
ogra_do you plan to backport such stuff for people developing on the LTS14:08
pittiogra_: why me, specifically?14:08
pittialso, we don't generally SRU new versions14:08
ogra_isnt python-mock your child ?14:08
pittiwe can certainly ask for a backport14:08
pittiogra_: no, it's not; I guess you mean dbusmock :)14:09
ogra_i know how to work around that, but was wondering about others that use LTS versions for developing tip branches of newer stuff14:09
pittiogra_: anyway, python-mock is fairly isolated, so we can build it as backport or put it into a PPA or something if needed14:09
rbasakogra_: I've hit the same issue, FWIW. But I didn't think that new features were SRU-able in this way. Annoyingly this means that I can't run tests as part of a package build for a precise target.14:12
ogra_well, you can run them in a trusty chroot14:12
ogra_just forces you to maintain two branches or to bind mount it into the chroot or some such14:13
pittior just change the tests to split the command into two, and set mymock.return_value explicitlY?14:13
rbasakI can, but that's no good when the final target is the cloud archive on precise. Though we may be able to backport python-mock there; I'll have to check.14:13
pitti(that syntax works with older p-mock)14:13
pittithat seems like the least painful approach14:14
pittiit's indeed nice to be able to run tests on precise to ensure that all deps are there, and the actual code doesn't use anything from newer pythons, etc.14:14
ogra_it requires that upstreams have that self discipline though14:16
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Saviqrsalveti, ping14:51
rsalvetiSaviq: pong14:52
Saviqrsalveti, hey man, I've a .crash with... a LOT of question marks14:52
Saviqrsalveti, I'm starting to think it's crashing on android side - do you have any pointers on getting some useful data out of there?14:53
mitya57cjwatson: Can you please check why wxwidgets3.0 still isn't getting auto-synced? The conflicting binary package has been dropped from wxwidgets2.8 in -proposed.15:01
rsalvetiSaviq: sure, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Core/UbuntuDebugAndroid15:02
rsalvetiSaviq: easier if you have the android build locally, let me know if you don't, then I can provide the lib with debug symbols15:03
rsalvetionce you check it with maps15:03
Saviqrsalveti, it's the first time I'm doing it, so no, I don't have anything15:03
rsalvetiSaviq: ok15:04
Saviqrsalveti, it's unity8... it's going to have everything in its maps...15:04
Saviqrsalveti, any way to reduce the scope?15:04
rsalvetiSaviq: but checking the stack trace, you should be able to find the first maps that brings the ???15:05
rsalvetiand the related library15:05
Saviqrsalveti, here's the .crash, what should I be looking at? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6509647/15:06
rsalvetilet me check15:07
xnoxmitya57: i filed a bug about it. basically wx-common binaries need removal, and a sync forced.15:07
xnoxmitya57: cause at the moment wx-common binary has "ubuntuX" suffix version in -release pocket. And wxwidgets2.8 cannot migrate without new wx-common from 3.0, which can't be synced because of the first reason =)15:07
mitya57I expected the autosyncer to look at -proposed15:08
xnoxmitya57: so someone with archive admin powers needs to stab it =) i hope infinity or cjwatson will get around to doing it.15:08
rsalvetiSaviq: the stack seems to be in the ubuntu side, maybe opening the core dump with gdb to check15:08
mitya57xnox: OK15:09
ogra_Saviq, we got a new glib exactly that day the install is from15:09
xnoxmitya57: well it can't, because -proposed is an overlay (e.g. there is no way to tell between wx-common binary dropped in -proposed, vs wx-common is at *ubuntuX version at the moment)15:09
ogra_well, not exactly ... but its definitely using the new one there15:09
xnoxmitya57: -proposed & -release are merged and then compared.15:09
xnoxmitya57: from archive point of view there "wx-common is fully migrated to release pocket" =)15:10
Saviqogra_, shall I try in the previous image then?15:27
ogra_well, might make sense to do some comparison15:28
ogra_Saviq, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20131129.2.changes15:28
Saviqogra_, will do, thanks15:28
ogra_thats the respective change set15:28
Saviqrsalveti, yeah, there's just no more symbols I can think to install to get anything - it's all ??s15:30
Saviqrsalveti, in gdb, too15:30
rsalvetiSaviq: have the dump somewhere I can take a look?15:33
hakermaniaIf I have uploaded an earlier version of my application and thus I had a sponsor for it, should I contact him for a new version of the app and a new library not in the repos which is a dependency of this new version of the application?15:40
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
xnoxmitya57: interesting I got accept from wxwidgets3.0 source =/ it's now in bin new.16:01
xnoxmitya57: \o/16:01
mitya57xnox: \o/16:05
zygamhall119: do you know who manages irc cloaks for ubuntu members?16:31
mhall119zyga: #ubuntu-irc if I remember right16:31
zygaare there any ubuntu developers from ukraine present here?16:59
happyaroncjwatson: can you have a look at this merge request when you have time? https://code.launchpad.net/~penghuanmail/ubiquity/lp.1197220/+merge/19571217:08
mitya57zyga: I'm not aware of any Ukrainian Ubuntu developers.17:11
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ScottKballoons: DMB time.19:03
ScottKbarry: DMB time.19:03
shadeslayer_doko: I don't suppose you're aware of some sort of porting guide that allows me to port an application from graphviz 2.26 to 2.3419:22
shadeslayer_doko: currently stuck on http://paste.ubuntu.com/6510818/19:24
ryaoDoes Ubuntu place mount and umount into /bin?20:15
ryaoNevermind. happyaron helped me. Long story short, I am writing an upstream patch and I wanted to be certain that it worked on Ubuntu.20:24
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smoseranyone have an example of a service that does not have an upstart job ?21:16
smoserie, sysvinit only ?21:16
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JanCsmoser: I think maybe apache & postgres?  (I would have to check the latest packages though)21:22
xnoxsmoser: apparmor profiles, x11 common - in the default install.21:22
smoserJanC, apache2 seems good.21:23
smoserfwiw, this is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysvinit/+bug/125703621:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 1257036 in sysvinit (Ubuntu) "services started with eatmydata should remove eatmydata by default" [Medium,Confirmed]21:23
smoserso that bug above, i assumed was present21:45
smoserbut it seems that most services clean their own environment21:45
smoser(tested so far postgress, apache2, postfix)21:45
smoserif i'm going to make cloud-init install packages by default with libeatmydata21:46
smosershould i fix this even thought it seems that most packages don't need the help ?21:46
stgrabercjwatson: I just uploaded a merge of LTSP and a sync for LDM, I think you were technically TIL for those two because of small arm64/d-i fixes, I hope you don't mind (I wrongfully assumed that I was TIL on both ;)).22:02
xnoxsmoser: hm, would cloud-init leak LD_PRELOAD to e.g. juju / user logged-in session? ( i guess not, since cloud-init is managed by upstart). If it doesn't leak it, no need to fix "service" command since it's environment is clean.22:05
xnoxinvoke-rc.d should be enough.22:06
smoserxnox, you're right in that service is enough in that case.22:06
smoser but fixing service *also* is a more genericly safe path.22:07
keesslangasek, tyhicks: apparmor 2.8.0-2 uploaded to Debian with multiarch and dh(1).23:14
xnox \o/23:14
tyhickskees: nice! :)23:15

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