
phdarkxst, hi ya - r u online?01:04
phgot a jhbuild error with webkit - it's looking for freetype.h in freetype/freetype.h but it's installed to freetype2/freetype.h should I change the script or ln freetype2 to freetype?01:05
phdarkxst, you here yet... ?01:36
darkxstph, skip webkit02:33
phdarkxst, lol - i just got the build working now :P02:33
darkxstph, you can just use the system webkit02:33
darkxstfrom trusty02:33
phdarkxst,  ah ok... you know jhbuild sysdeps command... it shows that it can use alot of existing system apps and libs, but when running the build it doesn't appear to use them.... should I be commenting out those it can use in the moduleset .module file that I'm using?02:36
phso that it's not being forced to build them... ?02:36
darkxstI think `jhbuild sysdeps --install `is broken on ubuntu (it doesn't actually install anything)02:36
darkxstyou need to manually install02:37
phah ok02:37
darkxstalso some things like webkit are always built by default02:38
darkxstbut you can skip them in .jhbuildrc02:38
phhow do you skip them?02:39
phdarkxst, when i run jhbuild sysdeps |grep -i webkit - it says WebKit (webkitgtk-3.0.pc, required=2.3.2, installed=2.2.1)02:39
phdarkxst, are you running the g-s 3.11.2?02:40
darkxsthmm webkit should have been updated to 2.3 I thought02:41
darkxstph, "skip = ['WebKit']"02:42
darkxstyeh I am running 3.11.202:42
phdarkxst, the steps I've done to build so far are install ubuntu gnome 14.04, base system apps, then run the introductory jhbuild script to install everything it needs, then i've configured jhbuild and run jhbuild build -aN. It failed at WebKit02:42
darkxstit will probably fail at a bunch of things!02:43
phI don't have the staging ppa02:43
phjust the default g-s 3.8.2 that comes with u g 14.0402:43
phis that cool so far for the steps I've run?02:44
darkxstgnome-shell 3.11.2 is on staging as of this morning02:44
phwhat version of WebKit do you have installed?02:44
phlol - well I wanted to get the jhbuild environment done anyways02:45
phok cool - so if it works fine on yours with that then easiest is just to skip it then02:47
darkxstwebkit shouldnt matter too much unless you are building epiphany02:54
darkxstas a first run, just skip any modules that fail, some really don't matter too much02:54
darkxstthen try jhbuild buildone gnome-shell. and start building whatever it complains about02:55
darkxstthings like e-d-s, cogl, clutter, mutter etc will be fairly important02:55
phdarkxst, ok cool thanks for the tip. Also is ccache enabled and used by jhbuild by default?02:56
darkxstI don't think so02:57
darkxstbut generally you won't need to be building the full stack, so builds are usually pretty quick02:57
phright ok good, so it's like the build is a one time thing and then it's just updating modules as required type thing?02:58
darkxstyeh, that is what I do02:58
darkxstalthough I don't build much beyond gnome-shell, g-s-d and g-c-c02:58
phexcellent... do you think you can give me some help patching g-s-d from this bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70985903:00
ubot5Gnome bug 709859 in xsettings "text gets double-sized inappropriately on hidpi screen running below native resolution" [Normal,Assigned]03:00
phspecifically the disable scaling for hdmi outputs03:00
phI want to see if that resolves my huge fonts issue03:01
phby the way my .jhbuildrc-custom is using moduleset = gnome-world-3.12 and modules = meta-gnome-core-shell, is that basically what you're running?03:03
darkxstph, use git bz03:06
darkxstgoto the gnome-settings-daemon folder and run03:06
darkxstgit bz apply 70985903:06
phoh wow - I never knew that existed :D03:06
darkxst(you might need to install the bz plugin for git)03:07
darkxstph, how do you think the devs get their patches into the bugs? they don't manually attach them :)03:08
phlol that's what i thought they did :P03:08
phdarkxst, so how do i build g-s-d again with jhbuild once i've patched it?03:09
phdarkxst, also I have a question - I like using guake but it relies on libglade which isn't installed in the system but has been built by jhbuild, how do I avoid guake wanting to install it in the system aswell?03:15
phdo i need to manually build guake, and then point it at the libs under myjhbuild install/ folder?03:15
phor do I remove the libglade built by jhbuild, install it in the system and then jhbuild will use the system one?03:16
phdarkxst, so I'm avoiding duplication of apps and libs where possible...03:17
darkxstph, it should use system lib, if you set it as skip and uninstall said lib from jhbuild04:32
darkxstpatch, then: jhbuild buildone -afc gnome-settings-daemon04:32
phdarkxst, cool thanks for that - sorry was afk for a bit04:41
phdarkxst, libglade for example is a gnome library, or a linux library?04:44
phalso when running gnome-shell 3.11.2, if running things like gnome-tweak-tool from within the 3.11.2 shell, does that start the one built by jhbuild or the one that's installed in the system? ie do I need to update .desktop files to be running jhbuild run gnome-tweak-tool etc?04:47
darkxstit would launch the system installed one05:07
darkxstph, glade is gnome05:10
phdarkxst, ok so basically all apps would need to be run via jhbuild, to use those downloaded and built by jhbuild yeah?05:18
phBut if running like g-s with jhbuild, and it needs to start another app, then it will run the jhbuild app or the system app?05:19
phdarkxst, I mean when running an app with jhbuild, it knows to pull in other apps and dependencies from the jhbuild environment?05:24
darkxstmaybe, not entirely sure05:26
phah ok05:26
darkxstph, would you be interested in helping with packaging of 3.11 for staging?05:47
phdarkxst, sure if I can05:48
phjust using like uupdate, and pbuilder?05:48
phyeah no probs05:49
phbut i'd only be able to package 64bit ...05:49
darkxstI would like to move the packaging back to bzr branches, but right now there are none, so uupdate/pbuilder05:49
phor common05:49
darkxstph, ppa builders deal with that, you are just testing by building locally05:49
phah ok cool - so it's just testing the 64bit, but it will still generate i386 packages as well depending on the commands to pbuilder?05:51
darkxstyes all ppa packages get built for amd64 and i38605:51
darkxstarchive packages also get ppc and arm6405:51
phok - so I assume that i'd just be packaging the 3.11 packages i'm using?05:52
darkxstyes the tarballs05:52
darkxstuscan will grab them mostly (but sometimes have to edit debian/watch)05:53
phonly tarballs, so not packaging from git?05:53
phas in master branch - just the releases only?05:54
darkxstgenerally yes, unless there is no tarball available, then we might use a git snapshot05:54
phok no worries :)05:54
darkxstph, make sure to update all deps in control[.in] , (git log -p configure.ac, in the jhbuild folder is good for that)05:56
darkxstcheck NEWS for major changes etc...05:56
phand once packaged where do I put them etc? and who makes the decisions about tarball/git snapshots?05:56
darkxstwe would only use a git snapshot if there was no tarball released yet, but updated branch was required05:57
darkxstwhen ready take a debdiff of just the debian folder (debdiff ... | filterdiff "*/debian/*")05:58
phok, and the control.in part you just said what's that about exactly?05:59
darkxstsorry, filterdiff -i05:59
darkxstph control/control.in specifies build and runtime dependencies and versions05:59
darkxstif upstream say they need gtk 3.11.2 for example, then you need to update that in the control file06:00
phok but the git command u said does that, or it's a manual process?06:01
ph<--- noob here06:01
phI know how to package etc, but I've never packaged into a ppa before, so I might need to be shown or given a run through first so I know what i'm doing06:02
phdarkxst, on a side note the packages that jhbuild are failing on saying no libsystemd-login even though that's installed... should I --enable-libsystemd-login=no for those or are they actually required? I mean the system version if I attempt to remove that one as suggested in another bug it wants to remove all of ubuntu just about06:04
darkxstph, the git command shows you what has been changed06:09
darkxstyou then manually edit control file06:09
darkxstph, what packages? we have logind06:10
phpolkit and colord are two that have failed - i got around it by doing --enable-libsystemd-login=no for polkit and --disable-systemd-login for colord06:10
phbut do they need to use libsystemd-login or they will use something else instead?06:11
darkxstthey should be using logind. I get "checking for LIBSYSTEMD_LOGIN... yes" for polkit06:14
darkxstdo you have libsystemd-login-dev installed?06:15
phdo you have a libsystemd-login built within jhbuild?06:16
phdo i need to have the libsystemd-login-dev installed in my system perhaps?06:16
darkxstsystem package06:19
darkxstlikewise with anything listed as mandatory by 'jhbuild sysdeps'06:20
phah as you said before the jhbuild sysdeps --install wasn't working so that's why they got missed06:20
phmy fault ok cool06:21
darkxstit doesnt install any packages (but it does list them)06:21
phyeah that's what's happened - i'll just install them manually06:22
phok it's back building again - so what is the git log -p configure.ac within the jhbuild folder actually doing?06:33
phdarkxst, ok it's back building again - so what is the git log -p configure.ac within the jhbuild folder actually doing?06:39
phit opens the configure.ac file and allows me to do what with it?06:39
darkxstgo to a folder, say gnome-settings-daemon06:39
darkxstthen run it06:39
darkxstit will show you all changes to that file (in diff format)06:39
darkxstconfigure.ac contains all dependencies and versions as defined by upstream06:43
phok i get it - so it shows me what are the changes to dependencies from the last version, so it makes it easy to spot and then update the control.in file yeah?06:43
phnice ok - yeah coz i was going to ask what if they added new deps, but that answers that question06:44
phso we got to the when ready take a debdiff of the debain folder. But the debian folder isn't in the tarball I downloaded from the ftp site you gave me. So you mean I need to to an apt-get source first right?06:49
phdarkxst, where do i get the source from though? just whatever is available in the ubuntu repos for whatever I'm packaging?06:50
darkxstph, start with 3.10 package from gnome3-staging/saucy or debian06:51
darkxstif you use debian source, check the ubuntu packages for any changes that are needed though06:52
phyeah i thought so - ok so just by adding the source for that ppa or have to download the source manually from the staging ppa? What is the debian source you mentioned?06:54
darkxstsome of the 3.10 packages are in debian06:55
darkxstI use chdist to grab saucy source packages06:55
darkxstpull-debian-source to get debian packages06:55
ricotzdarkxst, hi, i am going to fix up mutter 3.11.206:57
phcan you give me an example of each of those commands?07:03
darkxstricotz, ok07:08
darkxstph, look at the man pages ;)07:09
ricotzdarkxst, are you working on gnome-icon-theme?07:09
darkxstricotz, there was no 3.11 release for that07:11
darkxstI will just copy the 3.10 to trusty07:11
ricotzdarkxst, right, i will push a rebuild with a bumped dep07:11
ricotzdarkxst, the copy won't suffice07:12
ricotzah no the g-i-t-symbolic needs to be patched07:13
darkxstricotz, oh, I see07:16
darkxstricotz, I'm off to cook dinner, feel free to push a fix in the meantime07:18
ricotzdarkxst, already did07:18
phdarkxst, 14 packages left to build07:35
phdarkxst, so yeah according to the doco - jhbuild will pull libs, apps etc from the jhbuild environment first, and if it can't find it then it will pull it from the system07:46
phricotz, r u running g-s in jhbuild?07:56
ricotzph, no08:04
phme likey but have some issues - gonna reboot and also i'll try setting up a session to point to jhbuild gnome-shell08:04
phricotz, that's a pity - what version of g-s are you running?08:04
ricotzgit master08:05
phricotz, how did you manage that? r u running ubuntu?08:06
ricotzusing PPAs and local builds08:07
phso like install base ubuntu gnome - then staging ppa, then built from git?08:08
ricotzkind of08:09
phricotz, lol you're crazy!!! I'm jealous :P Is it stable?08:09
darkxstph, yes it does, but most likely glib_spawn, does not know about jhbuild so apps launched from the shell are mostly likely not run in a jhbuild shell08:10
ricotzph, i am using g-s git since karmic08:10
ricotzand it works fine with some drawbacks from time to time08:11
phricotz, nice but probably a lot of work to keep it running smooth and updated etc though?08:11
phdarkxst, well I just installed gnome-tweak-tool also and ran it by alt+f2 and it opened the jhbuild version, but you mean that it might not be wrapped properly in the jhbuild environment?08:13
darkxstif it ran, it ran!08:14
phdarkxst, lol i see - so if an app doesn't it means it's not playing nice with jhbuild08:15
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ricotzdarkxst, hi, keep in mind if you copy to and rebuild packages in staging, make sure the deps are built before pushing the next package16:24
ricotzdarkxst, gnome-shell wasn't built against the new gjs16:24
kronstadtanybody talk spanish too?16:43
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MaverickPThello people21:53
MaverickPTgnome-settings-daemon crashed on ubuntu 13.10, any ideas why?21:53
=== RzR is now known as rZr

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