Azelphur | wtf, arrived home to find this in my mailbox. | 00:09 |
Azelphur | suddenly, random blue cloth things. | 00:09 |
daftykins | micro-fibre? | 00:11 |
moreati | Azelphur: looks like a micro fibre cloth | 00:11 |
Azelphur | yea | 00:11 |
Azelphur | I never ordered a micro fibre cloth though xD | 00:11 |
daftykins | looks a tad ridged to be, actually | 00:11 |
Azelphur | only thing even semi-related is that I ordered some t-shirts recently, *shrug* | 00:12 |
Azelphur | but they all already arrived | 00:12 |
moreati | druken ebay? any emails that mention micro fibre? | 00:12 |
Azelphur | don't drink, and no emails xD | 00:13 |
Azelphur | seems to have a return address, Apt 10 Galileo 40 Ryland Street, Birmingham, UK, B16 8BS | 00:13 |
Azelphur | I wonder if that's a company or something | 00:13 |
Azelphur | North ocean trading ltd apparently o.O | 00:14 |
daftykins | hmm the plot thickens | 00:15 |
Azelphur | indeed | 00:15 |
daftykins | Azelphur: ebay seller by the looks | 00:16 |
Azelphur | link? | 00:16 |
daftykins | 'happy-elife' | 00:16 |
xnox | I wonder if I have managed to securely erase my hard-drive. will try restore tomorrow. | 00:16 |
Azelphur | daftykins: nope, never ordered from this dude xD | 00:17 |
daftykins | | 00:17 |
daftykins | get your steampunk glasses nao | 00:17 |
Azelphur | haha | 00:17 |
daftykins | and clean them with a handy blue cloth! | 00:17 |
Azelphur | I wonder if one of my friends recently ordered one, and had it shipped to the wrong address | 00:18 |
shauno | hm, ? | 00:19 |
Azelphur | yea I noticed that | 00:19 |
Azelphur | xD | 00:19 |
shauno | that's quite random, to be honest | 00:19 |
Azelphur | very random | 00:19 |
shauno | usually when it happens to me, it's because I ordered something off dealextreme, and it took so long to show up I forgot it existed | 00:20 |
shauno | which is fun. I like surprises | 00:20 |
daftykins | :D | 00:20 |
Azelphur | lol | 00:20 |
daftykins | i hope you get this ref | 00:20 |
Azelphur | yea, I've had dx take like 2 months to deliver | 00:20 |
daftykins | if you were in, i'd have totally gone... <Bane> Well hello, Mr. UPS man. | 00:20 |
shauno | reminds me, I'm still waiting for a cable to show up from china. it's been almost 3 months now. but I didn't bother shooting for a refund because it's <$3 | 00:21 |
Azelphur | hehe | 00:21 |
shauno | but I might send him another email just to annoy him | 00:21 |
daftykins | :D | 00:22 |
daftykins | just don't Wing the Wong # | 00:22 |
shauno | I do like getting stuff from china, they seem to have everything. but it does make projects go sooo slow | 00:25 |
daftykins | yeah :( | 00:25 |
daftykins | i've also had stuff next day from there - wonder why it's so variable | 00:26 |
shauno | hah, 3 months isn't bad memory; we ship the parcel to you on Sep-02-2013 by regular post,it will take 26-45 days arrive Ireland usually. | 00:27 |
arsen | hm | 00:29 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
arsen | Azelphur what have you done! i'm going coin crazy :D | 00:29 |
Azelphur | arsen: haha | 00:29 |
daftykins | XD | 00:30 |
daftykins | arsen: how goes the mine? | 00:31 |
arsen | i've managed to fabricate a ~3 primecoins a day from some random kit, but i'm looking at investing into a LTC mining lump, couple of GPUs running for a few months | 00:31 |
arsen | seems much more profitable. | 00:32 |
daftykins | and so the addiction begins | 00:34 |
daftykins | arsen: call me when you have a 3 foot beard and you're out on the street :D | 00:34 |
arsen | its interesting, technically you can pay for some GPUs inside of a month, but the interest in LTC could be its downfall for non-billionaire rig buyers | 00:35 |
quem | hey. anyone here who has set up minidlna? | 00:46 |
arsen | daftykins - take a peak at LTC hardware comparisons, i think you'd be interested to play around :P | 00:48 |
daftykins | i dunno i'm paying £50/month on electric for just me in this place already :D | 00:49 |
shauno | but think how much you'll save on your heating bill?! | 00:55 |
arsen | yeah, gas goes down | 00:56 |
arsen | :D | 00:56 |
shauno | someone should make an electric kettle that uses a miner as the heating element | 00:56 |
arsen | seems like with the top end cards, they pay their way in eleccy quite easily | 00:57 |
daftykins | :) | 01:24 |
daftykins | since it first appeared i shrugged it off since i didn't understand it and never looked into it really | 01:24 |
daftykins | sort of goes down besides "buying Apple shares" as the thing i would've liked to have done had i known, but of course i didn't | 01:25 |
daftykins | :> | 01:25 |
shauno | it's a weird one because it constantly seems crazy. like if you'd bought in a month ago, you would have doubled your money. but at the time, buying at $3-$500 seemed insane | 01:41 |
GentileBen | You're all up terribly late before a work day. | 01:41 |
GentileBen | <-- has annual leave | 01:42 |
GentileBen | Go to bed, all of you. | 01:42 |
shauno | I have to be up at 5am. it hardly seems worth it now | 01:42 |
GentileBen | The same bed if necessary. I'll make the cocoa. | 01:42 |
GentileBen | Why 5am, shauno? | 01:42 |
shauno | I start at 6, and assuming I actually sleep, 5am would be my target for shower & transport | 01:42 |
GentileBen | What do you do? | 01:43 |
shauno | wait for the screen to beep, and then phone someone up and tell them what beeped | 01:44 |
GentileBen | Ah, you're a prison rodeo clown. | 01:45 |
shauno | that actually sounds a lot more interesting, so I'll go with that | 01:45 |
daftykins | and here's shauno at work | 01:51 |
daftykins | sorry i just saw it in another channel and it seemed apt :< | 01:55 |
daftykins | shauno: although you strike me as a retriever | 01:55 |
shauno | that's almost as bad as the actual pictures ;) | 01:56 |
daftykins | that ratio of tongue to monkey seems off | 01:57 |
shauno | yeah. it has a very funky face | 01:58 |
daftykins | :> | 01:58 |
daftykins | is that bear still in your place? | 01:58 |
shauno | yup | 01:59 |
shauno | although it's now wearing jeans, which is a tad more respectable | 02:00 |
daftykins | have you ever been tempted to put it in a window to freak out passers-by? | 02:00 |
daftykins | at night with a light behind | 02:00 |
daftykins | hahaha | 02:00 |
shauno | it solved the "I don't fit these anymore, why do I keep washing them and then trying to put them on" loop | 02:00 |
shauno | I think if carrying it home didn't freak people out, sticking it in a window won't go far | 02:01 |
daftykins | XD | 02:01 |
shauno | hm, more awkward news on the EU vs UK front. I might have to start taking the idea of an irish passport a bit more seriously | 02:28 |
quem | you're irish but living in the UK? | 02:38 |
shauno | british but living in the republic | 02:39 |
quem | why do you need an irish passport precisely? | 02:40 |
shauno | because I plan on moving to the continent in the new future, so the UK being silly with their position re: the EU makes me nervous | 02:40 |
hamitron | stops the foreigners flooding in though | 02:42 |
hamitron | ;) | 02:42 |
shauno | well I guess that's it. I haven't lived in the UK since 2001. I kinda value my ability to move around as the winds take me | 02:43 |
hamitron | I can see why it is a pain for someone who wants/needs to do that, yeh | 02:43 |
hamitron | :/ | 02:43 |
shauno | it becomes oddly one-sided because in our minds, there's no such thing as british immigrants | 02:44 |
shauno | foreigners moving to the UK are immigrants. boo, hiss, immigrants. british moving elsewhere becomes ex-pats. not emmigrant/immigrant | 02:45 |
hamitron | well, tbh, I would have nothing against another country turning whoever away | 02:45 |
hamitron | but a pain for some | 02:45 |
hamitron | but I refuse to learn Polish | 02:47 |
hamitron | unless I decide to move to Poland ofc | 02:47 |
shauno | I don't blame you. it's not an easy one. slavic languages are crazy | 02:47 |
hamitron | I struggle with English | 02:48 |
hamitron | ;D | 02:48 |
shauno | most of yorkshire does. we're used to it ;) | 02:48 |
hamitron | ohhhhhhhhhhhhh | 02:48 |
hamitron | ;p | 02:48 |
shauno | my little sister lives up that way. she does the chameleon thing with accents, so it's quite a surprise to hear | 02:49 |
hamitron | I wouldn't wanna sound like a southern pussy anyway | 02:51 |
hamitron | ;D | 02:51 |
shauno | I've wound up with an odd accent where northerners think I sound southern, and southerners think I sound northern. so I can't win either way | 02:51 |
hamitron | haha | 02:51 |
hamitron | you don't belong anywhere! | 02:52 |
* hamitron sends shauno to Ireland | 02:52 | |
shauno | heh, I pretty much don't. which is why I value being able to keep moving :) | 02:52 |
hamitron | I wish I had the ability to move sometimes | 02:53 |
quem | what do you guys think of english spoken with a swedish accent? | 02:53 |
hamitron | if she is good looking, very nice | 02:53 |
hamitron | ;) | 02:53 |
shauno | it's usually more understandable than parts of the UK :/ | 02:53 |
quem | what if she is a he and you don't care about his looks either way? | 02:53 |
quem | :p | 02:54 |
hamitron | then I am neutral | 02:54 |
hamitron | haha | 02:54 |
quem | good enough. | 02:54 |
shauno | I lived with a swedish guy for a while; his spoken english was fine, but he couldn't spell to save his life | 02:54 |
quem | oh dear. | 02:54 |
shauno | I just have one standout memory of him asking me how to spell "cloudy" | 02:55 |
shauno | at which point we decided I should probably read his paper before he turned it in | 02:55 |
quem | funny thing, i can listen to french and write it down with decent spelling, but i can understand very little of it. | 02:55 |
quem | it was the only part of french class i was any good at. | 02:56 |
hamitron | probably nothing worth understanding anyway | 02:56 |
hamitron | ;) | 02:56 |
quem | hehe | 02:56 |
shauno | I have this problem with french too. were were basically taught french with an english accent | 02:56 |
hamitron | I've only ever come across German and Japanese text, that I want/need to understand | 02:57 |
quem | ah | 02:57 |
shauno | particularly with french & german, we have this mindset that the only time you actually try to impersonate the accent is when you're making fun of them | 02:57 |
hamitron | haha | 02:57 |
quem | i'm half french and can't even pronounce my very french name right. | 02:57 |
quem | and i've had dimwitted francophones ask me if i'm aware my name is french. | 02:58 |
hamitron | shauno, are you good at languages, if you travel? | 02:58 |
quem | (my surname is François.) | 02:58 |
shauno | you can study for as long as you like, but if you can't shake this aversion to the accent, it'll be useless | 02:58 |
shauno | not really. I find a surprising number of them vaguely readable; enough to find my way around (although I still laugh at ausfahrt) | 02:58 |
shauno | but I can't speak them at all :/ | 02:59 |
hamitron | :/ | 02:59 |
hamitron | don't you have to learn Irish, to get one of their passports? | 03:00 |
hamitron | ;) | 03:00 |
shauno | hah | 03:00 |
shauno | I learnt mna & fir, by force. that's all I've ever needed | 03:00 |
hamitron | errrr | 03:01 |
hamitron | wtf are they? ;) | 03:01 |
shauno | if you even find yourself staring at toilets that don't have pictures on the door - it's not m for male and f for female lol .. fir is gents & mna is ladies | 03:01 |
hamitron | ah damn :/ | 03:02 |
hamitron | ty for the tip | 03:02 |
hamitron | haha | 03:02 |
shauno | I'll never forget that one :/ | 03:02 |
hamitron | what if the doors have "F" and "M"? | 03:02 |
hamitron | ;) | 03:02 |
shauno | hold it | 03:02 |
hamitron | haha | 03:03 |
shauno | seriously, there should be rules against not putting pictures on bathroom doors | 03:03 |
hamitron | or use a proper language | 03:03 |
hamitron | :) | 03:03 |
shauno | there's places not far from here where gaelic is still the dominant language | 03:04 |
hamitron | not ideal, but I suppose they've been there a long time | 03:04 |
hamitron | ;) | 03:04 |
shauno | I'm working on slovak at the moment. I'm at the stage where I can pick dinner out of a menu, but their grammar makes me want to stab pencils into my eyes | 03:05 |
hamitron | and is that a menu with numbers next to the dishes? ;) | 03:06 |
hamitron | I love asking for a "number 2" pizza | 03:06 |
shauno | I just order pizza online because I can't prounce the street I live on :/ | 03:07 |
hamitron | hehe | 03:07 |
hamitron | you can order online? :/ | 03:07 |
shauno | oh yes. online fastfood is the greatest invention since the internet | 03:08 |
hamitron | never done iteven by phone, taxi is too expensive for delivery | 03:08 |
hamitron | :/ | 03:08 |
hamitron | not paying £15-20 on top of the price of the food | 03:08 |
hamitron | each slice would be painful to eat, knowing what it cost | 03:09 |
shauno | is just fantastic | 03:09 |
hamitron | damn it | 03:09 |
hamitron | I want pizza now | 03:09 |
hamitron | that is actually a cool site | 03:11 |
hamitron | man, I should move to a town | 03:11 |
hamitron | or city | 03:11 |
hamitron | sure beats frozen pizza | 03:11 |
shauno | I think most places are 3eur for delivery, but it beats buying a car | 03:12 |
hamitron | yeh | 03:13 |
hamitron | I tend to just make a proper night of it on the town | 03:13 |
hamitron | drink, pizza, drink, bus home in morning | 03:13 |
hamitron | :) | 03:13 |
hamitron | unless things go well ofc | 03:14 |
hamitron | ;) | 03:14 |
shauno | hah, I can stumble from here | 03:14 |
shauno | I did that with manchester once, ending the night at the trainstation waiting for dawn to take us home. not fun | 03:14 |
hamitron | not fun? | 03:15 |
hamitron | ;/ | 03:15 |
hamitron | drink enough and it really doesn't matter | 03:15 |
shauno | that was a pretty cold end to the evening | 03:15 |
shauno | and the wee BTP chap kept waking us up | 03:15 |
hamitron | BTP? | 03:15 |
shauno | transport police | 03:16 |
hamitron | errrr | 03:16 |
shauno | it's a real thing lol | 03:16 |
hamitron | Police Station closes at 5pm in my local town | 03:16 |
hamitron | :) | 03:16 |
hamitron | probably a good thing | 03:17 |
hamitron | if they do all these on the spot fines now | 03:17 |
hamitron | meh | 03:18 |
hamitron | I really need food | 03:18 |
hamitron | :/ | 03:18 |
shauno | I did that for a while .. lived in a town of 900 people, the smallest police force I've ever seen | 03:18 |
hamitron | wasting away here | 03:18 |
shauno | technically it's a city, but with 900 people, I find it difficult to put 'city' in the same sentence | 03:18 |
hamitron | haha, yeh | 03:19 |
shauno | they actually pulled me over on a bicycle once too :/ | 03:21 |
hamitron | what for? | 03:21 |
shauno | no idea, they drove off when I took my mask off | 03:21 |
hamitron | :) | 03:21 |
shauno | that was in michigan, it got rather cold in the winter. so it was normal for me to be very wrapped up cycling to/from work | 03:23 |
hamitron | hmmm | 03:25 |
hamitron | sounds like it | 03:25 |
hamitron | I've only ever got pulled for speeding | 03:25 |
hamitron | nothing sinister, like hiding my identity ;) | 03:25 |
shauno | pfft, nothing hidden about it. I was the only person in town that cycled in the winter. and I'm pretty sure all 4 cops knew that | 03:26 |
hamitron | hehe, so it was personal | 03:27 |
hamitron | :) | 03:27 |
shauno | or state/sherif passing through. I couldn't see with their lights on | 03:28 |
hamitron | right | 03:31 |
hamitron | I'm gonna get some sleep | 03:31 |
hamitron | 3:30am | 03:31 |
hamitron | :) | 03:31 |
hamitron | I may not have much work on | 03:31 |
hamitron | but still need to wake in good time | 03:31 |
hamitron | ;) | 03:31 |
shauno | hm, I still need something to keep me awake for the next 2 hours | 03:32 |
shauno | 'night | 03:32 |
hamitron | movie! | 03:32 |
hamitron | nn | 03:32 |
diddledan | morning shauno | 03:40 |
diddledan | I've got just the thing. write me a mobile app and a backend that I can monetise for personal profit while not paying you a thing | 03:41 |
diddledan | #1160372 - marked as fix released on 2013-05-24 for raring, and someone just posted that they think they're currently being haxx0red by someone "using this bug" | 03:49 |
diddledan | I fail to see how it's a security issue in the first place, let alone how they can be affected by it now | 03:49 |
shauno | if anything, not being able to login to ftp is properly security-positive | 03:54 |
diddledan | indeed | 03:54 |
diddledan | there's a lot of irrelevant suse stuff in that comment archive | 03:55 |
diddledan | my fault - I linked their bug tracking the issue which seems to have gone off on a tangent talking about all sorts of randomness | 03:56 |
shauno | not quite as funny as this though, | 03:56 |
diddledan | *slow* | 03:57 |
diddledan | there's only one kernel developer? (first line) | 03:57 |
diddledan | ok | 03:57 |
diddledan | that's _got_ to be a troll? | 03:57 |
diddledan | why isn't #wordpress' doc-bot in here so I can .fry | 03:58 |
diddledan | .fry | 03:58 |
diddledan | see doesn't work | 03:58 |
diddledan | it should post a link to an image similar to: | 04:00 |
shauno | if it just links "not sure if" instead of returning some sarcasm from stephen fry, I'd just be disappointed anyway | 04:00 |
diddledan | sarcasm from stephen would be awesome | 04:00 |
diddledan | the top link on google for stephen fry sarcasm is | 04:01 |
shauno | project zomboid is oddly addictive. I love that it'll let you have a stick of butter for dinner - but it will make you sad | 04:06 |
diddledan | o_O | 04:07 |
diddledan | banana? | 04:07 |
shauno | they go off too quickly | 04:07 |
diddledan | | 04:08 |
diddledan | that's a bad edit | 04:11 |
shauno | I wonder if there's any stats for how many people watch youtube adverts past the first 5 seconds | 04:13 |
diddledan | they've started making some adverts unskippable | 04:13 |
shauno | ryanair need a loyalty scheme. like my coach give me every 10th trip free | 04:23 |
shauno | seems for new years' I'll be taking different airlines in each direction. what could possibly go wrong | 04:30 |
xnox | shauno: "frequent flyer bonus - 2 extra inches allowance on the cabin baggage dimensions" | 05:02 |
MartijnVdS | xnox: it's Ryanair. If anything, you'll get 2 inches *less* | 05:05 |
shauno | I've never had a problem with them. bar one time they landed me in brno instead of bratislava | 05:25 |
shauno | which was more a communication issue than a weather issue. no-one was quite sure what was going on. a decent number weren't even sure what country we were in | 05:27 |
shauno | it was funnier when they still labelled that flight vienna/bratislava though. I thought getting landed in eindhoven instead of amsterdam was bad - at least it was the right country | 05:37 |
MartijnVdS | Eindhoven is still 1.5 hours away from Amsterdam (by train) | 05:46 |
shauno | that's not unusual .. paris/bauvais feels about the same | 05:47 |
shauno | eindhoven's just a funny one because it feels like it's about as far away as it could possibly be, without being in a different country | 05:47 |
shauno | but vienna/bratislava is still the only one I know of where you didn't even land in the same country as advertised | 05:48 |
MartijnVdS | | 05:49 |
MartijnVdS | shauno: nah that would be Maastricht or Groningen | 05:49 |
shauno | well there's a great start to the day .. "please do not turn lights on due to electrical fire" | 06:12 |
dwatkins | ug | 06:42 |
shauno | morning ug | 06:56 |
shauno | don't worry, I'll shut up eventually. downside of an allnighter is that my brain will shut off at daybreak | 06:57 |
MooDoo | morning all | 07:09 |
=== iahmad is now known as iahmad|afk | ||
MartijnVdS | \o MooDoo | 08:04 |
MooDoo | MartijnVdS: howdy :D | 08:05 |
MooDoo | MartijnVdS: good weekend? | 08:20 |
MartijnVdS | MooDoo: yeah, did a nice long run :) | 08:21 |
MooDoo | ewwww running? I've got two speeds, slow and stop :D | 08:22 |
MartijnVdS | MooDoo: I'm training for a 20km run in early March | 08:24 |
MooDoo | MartijnVdS: fantastic :D | 08:24 |
MartijnVdS | MooDoo: (it's the 4th time I'm doing it) | 08:26 |
MooDoo | MartijnVdS: awesome | 08:26 |
MartijnVdS | I've also re-installed my Pi | 08:28 |
MartijnVdS | but I forgot what I wanted to do with it | 08:28 |
MooDoo | learn to code ;) | 08:28 |
MartijnVdS | MooDoo: .. yes | 08:29 |
MartijnVdS | :) | 08:29 |
MartijnVdS | because that's only been my job for 15 years 8-) | 08:29 |
shauno | a fun chance to add Scratch to your CV ;) | 08:30 |
MartijnVdS | I might use it to teach myself a bit of Chef | 08:30 |
MartijnVdS | we use that a lot at work | 08:30 |
MooDoo | :) | 08:31 |
shauno | it's apparently suitable for Docker too; I have no idea what it does, but it's reaching new heights of buzzword compatibility | 08:31 |
MartijnVdS | Docker seems to be LCX++ | 08:31 |
MartijnVdS | LXC | 08:31 |
MartijnVdS | shauno: we use vagrant(+chef) for development here | 08:33 |
popey | Morning all. | 08:33 |
MartijnVdS | g'morning popey | 08:34 |
MooDoo | morning popey hope you're well | 08:34 |
popey | Very! | 08:36 |
brobostigon | good morning everyone. | 08:51 |
MooDoo | morning brobostigon :) | 08:51 |
brobostigon | morning MooDoo :) | 08:52 |
MooDoo | how are you brobostigon ? | 08:55 |
brobostigon | MooDoo: upside down, emotional, recent things have caught up with me. and you? | 08:56 |
MooDoo | brobostigon: i'm not too bad thanks, bug hugs to you | 08:57 |
brobostigon | bug hugs? | 08:57 |
MooDoo | oh lol big hugs :D | 08:57 |
brobostigon | thank you :) | 08:57 |
SuperMatt | morning people | 08:57 |
MooDoo | morning SuperMatt :) | 08:57 |
brobostigon | morning SuperMatt | 08:58 |
SuperMatt | <- ubuntu in action in this video ;) | 08:58 |
SuperMatt | you don't have to watch it all | 08:59 |
MooDoo | SuperMatt: nice tshirt : | 09:06 |
SuperMatt | thanks :) | 09:06 |
SuperMatt | I'm wearing a google helpouts hoodie right now | 09:06 |
SuperMatt | it's quite snuggly | 09:06 |
brobostigon | woop, the brobostigon'ators christmas present, a pebble. :) | 09:06 |
MooDoo | SuperMatt: sweet :D I'm wearing my meerkat tshirt :D | 09:07 |
MooDoo | SuperMatt: although I do fancy a polo shirt. | 09:08 |
SuperMatt | I've given up on the world of polo shirts | 09:08 |
MooDoo | SuperMatt: how come? | 09:09 |
brobostigon | i have an ubuntu tshirt somewhere from about 4 odd years ago. | 09:09 |
SuperMatt | mostly because I now work somewhere I can where whatever the hell I like ;) | 09:10 |
MooDoo | lol | 09:11 |
bashrc | is it a brown tshirt? | 09:14 |
* brobostigon has a hissy hit, he wants his pebble now, but has to wait, :( | 09:15 | |
MooDoo | bashrc: is what a brown shirt? | 09:20 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Cyber Monday! :-D | 09:22 |
MooDoo | JamesTait: morning | 09:22 |
JamesTait | MooDoo, o/ | 09:22 |
bashrc | brown came before pinkish, or whatever the ubuntu colour is now | 09:27 |
diplo | Is there a way of finding out if a programme is coming to BBC, my parents asked me to get them a documentary on bcc but not currently available on the site | 09:29 |
MooDoo | bashrc: ah no my shirt is grey :) | 09:29 |
diplo | Get_iplayer won't work either because I guess it's delisted. | 09:29 |
diplo | Coming back to the bbc* | 09:32 |
MartijnVdS | diplo: not even with --pid ? | 10:03 |
diplo | Nope, well not that I was succesful :/ | 10:04 |
=== iahmad|afk is now known as iahmad | ||
bigcalm | Good morning peeps :) | 10:13 |
bigcalm | diplo: you can give get_iplayer a search term. I use the web interface for setting up such things | 10:14 |
NanoIT | ... | 10:38 |
AlanBell | morning all | 10:39 |
MooDoo | morning AlanBell how are you? | 10:39 |
AlanBell | fine, very happy with the new lights in the office | 10:39 |
AlanBell | huge LED panels, very white light | 10:39 |
MooDoo | good good :D | 10:40 |
MartijnVdS | LED panels? Like monitors? | 10:40 |
MartijnVdS | or more like this: | 10:40 |
AlanBell | MartijnVdS: yeah, like those, but square | 10:42 |
popey | Achievement unlocked: Dunking digestives without losing them in my tea. | 11:08 |
popey | It's the little things. | 11:08 |
MooDoo | lol | 11:08 |
MartijnVdS | popey: | 11:09 |
MartijnVdS | popey: (see top banner) | 11:09 |
popey | :D | 11:09 |
MooDoo | Rachael Riley is single again. - woohoo chance for me afterall :D | 11:10 |
MooDoo | yes I'll settle for 0.0000000000000000001% :) | 11:10 |
dwatkins | There's a new subreddit I subscribed to at the weekend you lot might also appreciate: | 11:12 |
popey | Yeah, saw that news about Rachel | 11:12 |
dwatkins | regarding the top thread, the Blockbuster just around the corner from where I live closed down last week. | 11:12 |
popey | Why is it celebrities have such short marriages? | 11:12 |
popey | Or is it just that they're publicised more than "normals" | 11:12 |
MooDoo | popey: I blame strictly.... | 11:12 |
MartijnVdS | popey: a bit of both | 11:12 |
MartijnVdS | popey: also, it's hard to lead a stable life in the limelight -- lots of pressure (peer and other) | 11:13 |
dwatkins | I always think of the fact that Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reaves' characters in Speed didn't stay together because their relationship was based on the events of the first film. | 11:13 |
MooDoo | dwatkins: maybe it would of been differnet if keanu was on the boat ;) | 11:14 |
MooDoo | dwatkins: then again he was either with rachel weiss or in a phone box going back in time....;) | 11:14 |
MartijnVdS | MooDoo: that would be Canoo Reeves, not Keanu | 11:14 |
dwatkins | MooDoo: iirc they split up between the films, but I suppose they might have gotten back together (Keanu wasn't in the 2nd film, I believe) | 11:14 |
dwatkins | Speed 2 - because you only cared about Sandra Bullock being in the film anyway | 11:15 |
AlanBell | hmm, probably not dfsg free | 11:17 |
MartijnVdS | bwahaha :) | 11:17 |
* bigcalm giggles | 11:19 | |
mungbean | MooDoo: what happ-ened? | 11:19 |
mungbean | with rachel riley? | 11:19 |
AlanBell | it is funny, but comedy license provisions are not a great idea, like the JSON license | 11:19 |
mungbean | i saw her husband in a photo and thought he looked very average (a good thing), | 11:20 |
mungbean | although he is a millionaire.. | 11:20 |
shauno | I do like that IBM actually had an exception made for json | 11:20 |
dwatkins | "The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil." is a little subjective. | 11:21 |
mungbean | 16 months is pretty poor | 11:21 |
popey | indeed | 11:21 |
dwatkins | Did IBM get them to make an exception so that lawyers could use it? ;) | 11:21 |
MooDoo | mungbean: they have split up, rumours have it she's got close to her strictly partner | 11:21 |
shauno | IBM are allowed to use jslint for evil. | 11:22 |
mungbean | :( lost respect for her | 11:22 |
dwatkins | strange that Google didn't like the part about good/evil, considering their mantra is "Do no evil" or something. | 11:23 |
MooDoo | mungbean: it's happened on strickly before, and i'm sure it will again. | 11:25 |
shauno | as google actually explain it though, they only apply this to certain facets of adsesnse | 11:26 |
shauno | #6 is the only mention, and they give it a rather limited scope | 11:27 |
mungbean | daily mail are after a linux person | 11:35 |
mungbean | would politics/ethics stop many people from working for the DM? | 11:35 |
MooDoo | mungbean: can they work remotely? | 11:35 |
MooDoo | mungbean: it's a job, I couldn't care less what they print. | 11:35 |
MartijnVdS | they could want to destroy it from the inside | 11:35 |
mungbean | ethically i woudn't work for a gambling company | 11:36 |
MooDoo | tech support london, doest look too hard | 11:37 |
MooDoo | | 11:37 |
popey | dittoo | 11:37 |
popey | i wouldn't work for a tabacco company either | 11:37 |
popey | got offered, turned it down | 11:37 |
mungbean | | 11:38 |
mungbean | 90k basic | 11:38 |
popey | and no, wouldn't work for DM | 11:38 |
MooDoo | I'm guessing I have no ethics or morals at all :) lol | 11:38 |
popey | thats the impression you're giving ☻ | 11:38 |
* mungbean makes a note of that | 11:38 | |
MooDoo | :D | 11:38 |
mungbean | irc needs RES tagging | 11:39 |
popey | my ex-boss wanted me to do some work for a tabacco company in the uk, i refused. got quite heated | 11:39 |
MartijnVdS | mungbean: on your "Plans for world domination"? | 11:39 |
MartijnVdS | popey: *heated*, hah | 11:39 |
popey | ☻ | 11:39 |
popey | my arms ache and i want a cup of tea | 11:39 |
popey | cat is preventing this | 11:39 |
SuperMatt | I didn't want to work for betfare for moral reasons... now I'm working for an advertising company whose biggest client is betfare >.< | 11:40 |
MooDoo | I'm guessing it's just me, as I'm really not getting it, a job is a job....i don't understand. | 11:40 |
popey | I'm sure you do | 11:40 |
mungbean | saw a girl doing roll-ups on the train today. not the biggest fan of cigarettes, but the sight a girl doing a mangey rollup is the most unfeminine sight ever | 11:40 |
mungbean | i worked for a bank, and that challenged me ethically too | 11:41 |
mungbean | just cos its so money oriented | 11:41 |
AlanBell | I was very dubious about an accupuncture place that wanted us to help them with a CRM system | 11:42 |
mungbean | why's that? | 11:42 |
AlanBell | it is woo | 11:42 |
mungbean | jon woo? | 11:43 |
MooDoo | woo hoo? | 11:43 |
popey | woo science | 11:43 |
AlanBell | | 11:43 |
mungbean | you don't like the results or the mumbo jumbo explanation given ? | 11:44 |
AlanBell | the results do not outperform a similarly administered placebo and there is no theory of action that passes the laugh test | 11:45 |
mungbean | are placebo doctors cheaper? | 11:45 |
popey | always makes me chuckle | 11:46 |
mungbean | i've had good results from certain sugar pills with my hayfever | 11:47 |
mungbean | appears to improve recovery from flare ups with allergic conjunctivitis | 11:48 |
AlanBell | a saline injection is more effective than a sugar pill | 11:48 |
mungbean | i hear there's a hayfever pill on the wayu that can cure you in 3 yrs of taking a little pollen dose every day | 11:48 |
MooDoo | local honey is supposed to help as well..... | 11:50 |
AlanBell | those have a plausible theory of action, which is worth objectively testing | 11:50 |
MooDoo | just ask the other alan for some chillies, they will clear your nasel passages | 11:51 |
mungbean | chllies would hospital ise me | 11:52 |
mungbean | i haz an intolerance since 10 years ago | 11:53 |
MooDoo | oh dear | 11:53 |
mungbean | woe is me | 11:54 |
popey | nice comparison of xbox one and ps4 launch titles | 11:54 |
mungbean | all the nicest food has chillie | 11:54 |
gordonjcp | mmm chilli | 11:56 |
gordonjcp | I made lime and chilli hummus | 11:56 |
DJones | That sounds ok apart from the lime & the hummus | 11:59 |
davmor2 | Morning all | 12:02 |
directhex | popey, or | 12:02 |
mungbean | so i wanted to buy from a shop, then for "black friday" they did an offer of 15% off everything | 12:06 |
mungbean | guess what - they raised the prices by the same amount | 12:07 |
mungbean | not cool | 12:07 |
dwatkins | I'm allergic to milk. | 12:09 |
jussi | mungbean: artificial discounts ftl.... | 12:09 |
mungbean | yes, especially as they are still high after the offer expired. #lostacustomer | 12:10 |
mungbean | they didn't reply to my tweet about it | 12:10 |
directhex | dwatkins, that's the norm. most species including humans are lactose intollerant | 12:11 |
directhex | dwatkins, there's a genetic mutation found in caucasian populations which means people can handle it | 12:11 |
mungbean | blue eyes are a mutation too i think | 12:11 |
popey | \o/ green eyes | 12:29 |
popey | or "axe murderers eyes" as I keep being told | 12:29 |
SuperMatt | I like to think of them as cute irish eyes | 12:30 |
SuperMatt | I just melt for green eyes | 12:30 |
* SuperMatt winks at popey | 12:30 | |
popey | hah | 12:30 |
mungbean | some eyes don't match hair colour | 12:30 |
popey | i remember the girl who sat behind me in maths (some 30 years ago) asked if she could have my eyes when I die. | 12:30 |
SuperMatt | green eyes and red hair will generally have me in a puddle on the floor | 12:31 |
mungbean | amy pond? | 12:31 |
SuperMatt | sure | 12:31 |
mungbean | she looks weird without the hair | 12:31 |
mungbean | i think the power was in her hair | 12:31 |
MooDoo | I love red heads, no hair just a red head ;) | 12:31 |
SuperMatt | mad props for her for doing it | 12:31 |
SuperMatt | MooDoo: you mean like a sunburned old man? | 12:32 |
MooDoo | SuperMatt: not quite into that ;) | 12:32 |
mungbean | i couldn't actually tell you the colour of my wife's eyes | 12:33 |
SuperMatt | shame | 12:33 |
mungbean | they seem to chang | 12:33 |
SuperMatt | I could have introduced you to my dad | 12:33 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: She was a leggy blond I could tell she was leggy I was on the fifth floor | 12:33 |
MooDoo | davmor2: lol :D and morning | 12:35 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: It's the Marlow Case Fool. I was working on a case, had to be a case I couldn't afford a table. A leggy blond walked past the window, I could she was leggy I was on the fifth floor. There was a tap on the door, strange place for a tap, so I opened the door, there stood a red head, no hair just a read head..... | 12:36 |
davmor2 | s/read/red | 12:37 |
mungbean | does the trusty tahr nightly builds have anything new yet? | 12:48 |
popey | see for yourself ☻ | 12:51 |
mungbean | ☻ | 12:52 |
GentileBen | ☻ | 12:53 |
mungbean | (╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ | 12:55 |
ali1234 | quite a lot of changes if you use xubuntu | 12:56 |
ali1234 | there's a ppa for indicator3 now, which is nice | 12:57 |
GentileBen | ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆ | 12:57 |
mungbean | ubuntu isn't getting much so far except for image based updates | 12:57 |
MooDoo | It's a while away isn't it? | 12:57 |
ali1234 | yeah, it won't. all ubuntu effort is now on ubuntu touch | 12:57 |
directhex | i'll be doing a buttload of mono related updates over xmas | 12:58 |
directhex | which i'm sure is exciting for everyone | 12:58 |
mungbean | i still have mono on my system, for tomboy | 12:58 |
ali1234 | directhex: did that mono compatibility tester ever get packaged? | 12:58 |
mungbean | somebody will be grateful directhex | 12:59 |
directhex | ali1234, moma? i dont think it's maintained any more | 13:02 |
ali1234 | that kinda sucks | 13:03 |
Laney | yeah, ME! | 13:03 |
ali1234 | i say kinda because it's been a pretty long time since i needed to use something written in mono that wasn't already packaged for linux | 13:03 |
ali1234 | mono seems to be only used for writing games these days | 13:03 |
mungbean | 225g bag of cheesy doritos gets opened | 13:04 |
mungbean | hmmm gnote has ssh sync now? | 13:05 |
directhex | ali1234, on linux, i think that's true | 13:05 |
ali1234 | nah. windows too | 13:06 |
mungbean | hmm. why does that gnote screenshot say tomboy? | 13:06 |
directhex | ali1234, mono is one of those technologies which has struggled to find a niche. i guess gaming is a successful niche, mostly due to monogame and unity3d | 13:06 |
directhex | mungbean, laziness? | 13:07 |
mungbean | = confusion though | 13:08 |
GentileBen | ali1234: they should refocus their efforts on Ubuntu One. | 13:09 |
GentileBen | Ubuntu One: the Power of One. | 13:09 |
GentileBen | mungbean, they've made the bags smaller. | 13:09 |
GentileBen | They used to be 250g before the international banking crisis. | 13:10 |
mungbean | they have smaller ones too | 13:11 |
mungbean | 175 i think | 13:11 |
mungbean | they reduced the sizes and put the super small ones on offer to disguise the fact | 13:11 |
MooDoo | pay they make everyting smaller, I mean you can't put monster munch on your figers as rings any more lol | 13:13 |
GentileBen | They also don't list the weight on many smaller crisps. | 13:13 |
GentileBen | They list the "calories per pack" and "calories per 100g". | 13:14 |
GentileBen | Because their smaller ones are like 10g. | 13:14 |
mungbean | monster munch are 23.5g i think | 13:14 |
GentileBen | That's a disgrace. | 13:14 |
mungbean | multipack ones are smaller though | 13:14 |
GentileBen | Remember the ones Walkers released which were just triangles filled with air? I think they were 3D Doritos or something. | 13:14 |
mungbean | yeah | 13:14 |
mungbean | not v nice either | 13:15 |
GentileBen | They pioneered not stating the actual weight on the pack. | 13:15 |
GentileBen | Well, it was a scam. Each bag looked big but had like 8g of crisps in it. | 13:15 |
mungbean | big packets sensations crisps reduced in size too | 13:15 |
GentileBen | The people who make Aero did it too. | 13:15 |
mungbean | dairy milk lost a chunk | 13:15 |
GentileBen | They moved to a smaller pack but introduced a "new even bubblier chocolate" at the same time. | 13:15 |
GentileBen | All they did was fill it with more air so there was less chocolate per unit of area. | 13:16 |
GentileBen | So the weight went down to what, 105g per bar? | 13:16 |
mungbean | i mean the smaller packets | 13:16 |
mungbean | of dairy milk | 13:16 |
mungbean | the 50p ones | 13:16 |
GentileBen | They downsized all of their bars by one row, IIRC. | 13:17 |
mungbean | the big ones are 120g still (well this whole nut bar i'm about to eat is) | 13:17 |
GentileBen | It's the boiling frog effect. | 13:17 |
GentileBen | mungbean, the price didn't change initially - they just made them smaller at a set price. | 13:17 |
GentileBen | Then the price went up, because they're double bastards. | 13:17 |
mungbean | then the price goes up | 13:17 |
mungbean | yep | 13:17 |
GentileBen | This is serious stuff. | 13:17 |
* mungbean has the last laugh by only buying when on offer | 13:18 | |
directhex | it *is* serious stuff | 13:18 |
directhex | this was maggie thatcher's job before politics | 13:18 |
directhex | adding more air to squirty cream, so it they could put less in a can at the same price | 13:18 |
GentileBen | She's even more evil than I ever imagined. | 13:19 |
mungbean | she was a chemist | 13:19 |
GentileBen | Ah, so she used to test drugs on the disabled. Gotcha. | 13:19 |
mungbean | :-| | 13:19 |
GentileBen | Thatcher Thatcher milk snatcher! | 13:21 |
* mungbean calls a nurse to give GentileBen his pills | 13:22 | |
GentileBen | mungbean, are you denying Thatcher destroyed vast swathes of the country because she was pure evil? | 13:23 |
directhex | are you blaming the thalidomide scandal on thatcher? | 13:23 |
mungbean | NURSE! | 13:23 |
GentileBen | Oh god. | 13:23 |
GentileBen | One of the worst things she did was the "right to buy" vote buying policy. | 13:23 |
* mungbean doesnt' care | 13:23 | |
directhex | they still sell thalidomide, you know. just not for pregnant women anymore | 13:24 |
mungbean | about politics | 13:24 |
GentileBen | mungbean, and that's why you're irrelevant. | 13:24 |
mungbean | of course i am | 13:24 |
GentileBen | You're just a bean in a jar, alone. | 13:24 |
mungbean | yes, one 6 billion | 13:24 |
bashrc | I see that maggie remains controversial | 13:24 |
mungbean | some people need to get over things | 13:24 |
GentileBen | bashrc, her ghost still haunts #ubuntu-uk. | 13:25 |
bashrc | wooo | 13:25 |
mungbean | the ball went over the line | 13:25 |
jussi | her ghost still haunts many places | 13:25 |
mungbean | the ref gave it | 13:25 |
bashrc | I'm from The North, so there are not many good htings said about her legacy here | 13:25 |
GentileBen | bashrc, she did introduce fire. | 13:25 |
MartijnVdS | bashrc: the norf? | 13:26 |
GentileBen | MartijnVdS, like in Game of Thrones. | 13:26 |
Myrtti | politics meh | 13:26 |
directhex | so... installed any good packages lately? | 13:26 |
mungbean | looking at whether tomdroid can sync | 13:27 |
mungbean | since u1 killed it | 13:27 |
jussi | directhex: kdeconnect is pretty nice :=) | 13:27 |
mungbean | 307 updates available :S | 13:28 |
ali1234 | does anyone here actually use xfce? | 13:29 |
GentileBen | Here? No. #xubuntu-uk? Perhaps. | 13:29 |
mungbean | found it OK but not quite ok enough | 13:29 |
mungbean | does it have compositing or uses xcompmgr still? | 13:30 |
GentileBen | It would be amusing if #xubuntu-uk had xfce versions of all the regular chatters in here. | 13:30 |
ali1234 | it has compositing | 13:30 |
mungbean | elementary has ended my search for productive desktop after gnome2's demise | 13:30 |
ali1234 | actually it had compositing since like 2005 | 13:30 |
mungbean | feels as lightweigth as xfce | 13:31 |
ali1234 | doesn't elementary have most of the same problems as gnome? | 13:31 |
mungbean | no | 13:31 |
jussi | does it have composting? :P :P | 13:32 |
mungbean | yes, a little bin in the corner for your degradables | 13:32 |
jussi | hehe | 13:32 |
mungbean | what are the problems of gnome? | 13:32 |
dwatkins | directhex: [lactose intolerance] thanks, that makes me feel less of a freak ;) | 13:32 |
dwatkins | I used XFCE on my netbook until I discovered the i3 window manager. | 13:33 |
dwatkins | i3 is a tiling wm. | 13:33 |
mungbean | IMO they were 1) sucky overlay thing, 2) stupid defaults and lack of options 3) extenstions required to make it usable, breaks every new release 4) slow | 13:33 |
ali1234 | mungbean: global menu and other menu related stupidness, and forced use of a dock | 13:33 |
directhex | dwatkins, asians don't drink milk as the vast majority are lactose intollerant | 13:33 |
mungbean | no global menu in elementary. if they did i would p[robably switch | 13:33 |
dwatkins | another knock-on effect of intensive farming | 13:34 |
dwatkins | (along with certain diseases) | 13:34 |
ali1234 | mungbean: CSD is another problem of the last gnome release | 13:34 |
mungbean | continuing silly decisions? | 13:35 |
ali1234 | no, client side decorations | 13:35 |
mungbean | i like elementary because they happen to have made a desktop with most of the decisions i like | 13:35 |
mungbean | i used to run gnome2+docky and it is not much different | 13:36 |
GentileBen | directhex, you mean the majority of EAST ASIANS are lactose intolerant. | 13:36 |
ali1234 | yeah. it's a pity ubuntu developers cannot understand that | 13:36 |
mungbean | i've converted a few people to it | 13:36 |
ali1234 | the main selling point of ubuntu is that you don't need to configure anything | 13:36 |
GentileBen | Almost nobody from India or the Middle-East is lactose intolerant. | 13:36 |
ali1234 | then they wonder why people leave ubuntu rather than reconfigure things the way they want | 13:36 |
GentileBen | They're also intolerant of alcohol... | 13:36 |
mungbean | turning global menu and other things off and moving buttons to RHS is impossible | 13:36 |
mungbean | in unity | 13:37 |
ali1234 | it's actually pretty easy | 13:37 |
ali1234 | but easier still is just installing a different distribution | 13:37 |
mungbean | no, you can't do it in unity | 13:37 |
ali1234 | yes you can | 13:37 |
mungbean | what happens when you maximise? | 13:37 |
ali1234 | the buttons move to the LHS | 13:38 |
mungbean | so it doesn't work | 13:38 |
ali1234 | you can turn that off too btw | 13:38 |
ali1234 | then when you maximize the window the title bar does not merge in | 13:38 |
mungbean | yeah i tried that but it was all sucky | 13:39 |
ali1234 | also none of this has anything at all to do with global menu | 13:39 |
mungbean | and obviously not intended to work | 13:39 |
ali1234 | yeah i agree | 13:39 |
ali1234 | this is why i don't use unity any more | 13:39 |
mungbean | i still run unity on my home laptop | 13:39 |
mungbean | because wife | 13:39 |
ali1234 | reconfiguring it to actually work takes too much effort and you end up with something flaky and unsupported | 13:39 |
mungbean | very much flaky and unsupp | 13:39 |
directhex | when trusty ships, i will evaluate the WM choices again | 13:39 |
mungbean | i'm happy to have found productive desktop again after 2 years of hassle with gnome3/unity/xfce/cuinnamon | 13:40 |
dwatkins | Trusty Tahr... *goes to look up what a Tahr is* | 13:41 |
mungbean | goat | 13:41 |
MartijnVdS | another goat.. | 13:41 |
mungbean | goats say mehhhhh | 13:41 |
directhex | unity has been a total farcical disaster for us with new non-linuxy people. massive frustration, etc | 13:41 |
MartijnVdS | mungbean: Ibex was a goat as well | 13:41 |
directhex | gnome fallback is our default deployment now | 13:41 |
MartijnVdS | because Gnome 3 is so much better? | 13:42 |
mungbean | i ever converted a fvwm2 user | 13:42 |
directhex | MartijnVdS, no, just as bad. hence fallback | 13:42 |
ali1234 | directhex: which fallback? the one with gnome-panel, or the one that's just gnome-shell with an extension? | 13:43 |
directhex | ali1234, the one with gnome-panel, since that's what's in precise | 13:43 |
mungbean | synapse is far better than dash | 13:43 |
mungbean | no 15 second delays for a start | 13:44 |
ali1234 | good choice | 13:44 |
directhex | shell and unity both have the same stupid design choice, i.e. zero discoverability. you need to already know what you want in order to use it - "just type appname!" - totally opaque to anyone who doesn't know appname | 13:44 |
ali1234 | i think xfce has the edge on that setup now though | 13:44 |
ali1234 | yeah i totally agree about lack of discovery | 13:45 |
directhex | will evaluate what's in trusty. | 13:45 |
mungbean | directhex: thats a mac disease though | 13:45 |
directhex | x11 in trusty means i can consider it for work | 13:45 |
directhex | which is a load off my mind | 13:45 |
mungbean | when is (x)mir coming? | 13:45 |
shauno | a mac disease? | 13:45 |
mungbean | directhex> shell and unity both have the same stupid design choice, i.e. zero discoverability. | 13:46 |
ali1234 | pretty much everything that's bad about unity and gnome shell was copied from mac | 13:46 |
directhex | mungbean, spotlight? i don't believe that's the default way to use a mac, it's still very much "look at this pile of app icons!" which is marginally more discoverable | 13:46 |
AlanBell | I didn't know the mac was like that. This explains a lot | 13:46 |
directhex | icons are associable, if not discoverable | 13:46 |
ali1234 | yeah at least in finder, the app icons generally stay in the same order unless you change the sorting mode | 13:47 |
ali1234 | and you can drag them to the desktop and stuff | 13:47 |
directhex | removing icons from menu bars makes things less memorable, but not discoverable | 13:47 |
directhex | generally, the aim is to make things harder, by making them harder to find *and* harder to memorize | 13:47 |
mungbean | dragging the cd to the wastebin to eject the CD still makes me shudder | 13:47 |
shauno | it's not like that, that's why my query | 13:47 |
directhex | substituting this asinine idea of "just type!" badly implemented. | 13:47 |
AlanBell | and the icons move about in the dash as more search results come in | 13:48 |
ali1234 | if i wanted to just type i would use a terminal | 13:48 |
mungbean | its hard to find a terminal on mac | 13:48 |
AlanBell | so you type something, go to click on it and it has moved off screen and something else is there | 13:48 |
mungbean | unless you've been shown | 13:48 |
shauno | out of the box, the first icon in the dock is to finder, which has an Applications entry in the sidebar. and the second entry is to 'launchpad' that throws them all up on the screen in an ipad-esque view | 13:48 |
directhex | "people" think the internet is "blue E". they don't think it's "press windows key and type internet explorer". icons in memorable locations matter. | 13:48 |
mungbean | launchpad is a new thing though | 13:48 |
mungbean | now the internet is facebook | 13:49 |
shauno | right, but finder isn't | 13:49 |
mungbean | who's on a desktop right now? uptime? | 13:49 |
ali1234 | AlanBell: my experience of the dash is you type what you want, wait 30 seconds, then it appears. then you click it and then 10 seconds later it loads up | 13:49 |
SuperMatt | you just reminded me about the time when a website that wasn't facebook became the number one result for searching for facebook | 13:49 |
SuperMatt | I really don't understand why people search for such simple to remember domains | 13:50 |
AlanBell | they don't see the URL bar, browser home page is google | 13:50 |
SuperMatt | in some people's set ups they do | 13:50 |
mungbean | i have 2 desktops: up 605 days, 23:37 , up 38 days, 5:14, | 13:50 |
mungbean | LTS ftw | 13:51 |
shauno | most the time the url bar isn't a url bar anymore, so it's only getting worse | 13:51 |
shauno | eg, if I type 'facebook' into the omnibox, I have no idea if it's going to gues at .com, google for it, or match it against a bookmark | 13:52 |
shauno | or my history. or my phone's open tabs, oddly enough | 13:52 |
mungbean | true. i type fa -> enter | 13:52 |
ali1234 | lol chrome user | 13:53 |
shauno | safari usually, but same result | 13:53 |
ali1234 | the funny thing about usability | 13:54 |
ali1234 | is that people will complain about how software is "too hard" | 13:54 |
shauno | I don't have my browser open fulltime, so opening firefox to visit something 'quick' is like waking your grandmother to get her to make you a cup of tea | 13:54 |
shauno | good plan if you want her to cook a full meal, but if you just want a quick cuppa, it's quicker to make it yourself | 13:54 |
ali1234 | it's not "too hard", it's just that you have to think in order to use it | 13:55 |
mungbean | shauno> I don't have my browser open fulltime | 13:55 |
mungbean | wow | 13:55 |
ali1234 | then they'll go and use software they consider "easy" and end up making a mistake that gets their computer infected with viruses | 13:55 |
bashrc | I have a terminal open full time | 13:55 |
MartijnVdS | I have several | 13:56 |
shauno | yeah, my terminal is very rarely closed. but I don't have a tab fetish, so I've no need to keep my browser open | 13:56 |
* AlanBell reports shauno to the analogy police | 13:56 | |
bashrc | I always keep the browser open. You never know when the urge to browse might strike | 13:56 |
shauno | it's a terrible analogy, but my grandmother does (did) wake up faster than firefox. ff is just terrible | 13:57 |
mungbean | so i'm trying everpad , but it looks a bit sparse. | 14:00 |
popey | | 14:04 |
davmor2 | oh email from revolution software release in 3 days woohoo! | 14:04 |
mungbean | i never think of browsing kickstarter projects outside of tech. | 14:06 |
popey | mungbean: 14:06:08 up 8 days, 16:49, 4 users, load average: 6.88, 7.35, 7.26 | 14:06 |
popey | which I will lose on wednesday when the lenovo man comes to look at my laptop | 14:06 |
mungbean | | 14:07 |
mungbean | free prize every day \o/ | 14:07 |
SuperMatt | I should have a lego star wars calendar in the post | 14:08 |
mungbean | | 14:08 |
mungbean | trains too :) | 14:08 |
mungbean | a sclaextric one too ;) | 14:15 |
MartijnVdS | if you're into that kind of thing.. | 14:15 |
mungbean | who isn;t? | 14:16 |
DJones | Hmmh, 'Valve COmplete Pack' on sale for £24.99 saving £25, even excluding the Non-Linux games, it saves around £15 | 14:17 |
directhex | bad timing. | 14:17 |
directhex | this is not how you steamsale. | 14:17 |
MartijnVdS | directhex: how *do* you steamsale? | 14:17 |
directhex | MartijnVdS, only buy a daily sale or flash sale item, until the final day of the sale. games have two discount levels - one for the whole sale, and a deeper discount if they're on a daily/flash sale | 14:18 |
directhex | e.g. 50% and 75% off respectively | 14:18 |
shauno | and it's already leaked that they're planning the exact same discounts/titles for christmas, so don't panic if you miss one | 14:20 |
MartijnVdS | shauno: it's steam. Stuff will go on sale again. | 14:21 |
GentileBen | " More people bought a PS4 and a copy of Knack over the weekend than bought a Wii U at any point over the past year and new release Super Mario 3D World." | 14:22 |
GentileBen | Poor Nintendo. :[ | 14:22 |
GentileBen | The PS4 sold more units in 1 weekend than the Wii U did in 12 months... | 14:22 |
shauno | I more mean that if something doesn't hit 75% this time, it won't at christmas. but if it does hit 75% this time, it'll do it again at christmas. so if you miss the deep discount, wait a month | 14:23 |
GentileBen | Nintendo were caught out this gen - they thought the PS4 and Xbone would debut in 2015, so they targeted the Wii U for that year. | 14:23 |
GentileBen | When they found out both consoles would ship in Q4 2013, they had an ohshi- moment and had to cobble together a console with IBM and AMD's help. | 14:24 |
GentileBen | The more you know! | 14:24 |
directhex | wii u marketing has been catastrophic | 14:27 |
directhex | most wii target market people don't even know what it is. | 14:27 |
ali1234 | even i am confused by the wii u | 14:28 |
mungbean | i ran evernote on my android and i get a message "get 12 months of evernote permium compliments of evernote and O2" :-| | 14:28 |
GentileBen | Most people think the Wii U is a tablet add-on for the Wii. | 14:28 |
ali1234 | i can't tell if it is a handheld or a console or what | 14:28 |
ali1234 | i think people see the controller and think it's a handheld system | 14:28 |
GentileBen | mungbean you've been haxed. | 14:28 |
directhex | ali1234, remember the dreamcast at all? | 14:29 |
ali1234 | yes, of course | 14:29 |
mungbean | works on giffgaff too | 14:29 |
directhex | ali1234, remember the VMU memory cards, which added a screen to your controller? | 14:29 |
ali1234 | yeah. no games ever used them | 14:29 |
directhex | ali1234, well, now it's a big colour touchscreen. other than that it's a console. better than 360/ps3 whilst being from a comparable HW generation | 14:30 |
ali1234 | i also remember the gamecube <-> gameboy advance cable thing | 14:30 |
directhex | lol yes | 14:30 |
directhex | used for... a zelda game? | 14:30 |
ali1234 | there's a final fantasy game that requires it | 14:30 |
ali1234 | | 14:31 |
directhex | anyway, the wii u is worthwhile because it offers new gameplay experiences, ones not found on ps3/ps4 or 360/bone | 14:32 |
directhex | ali1234, ? | 14:32 |
ali1234 | yeah, the game was rubbish as well | 14:32 |
ali1234 | also you only need the GBAs for multiplayer mode | 14:33 |
directhex | ali1234, i don't regret buying a wii u at all. | 14:33 |
ali1234 | but the single player game was a) even more rubbish and b) impossibly hard | 14:33 |
directhex | i despair at nintendo;s continued incompetence though | 14:33 |
mungbean | | 14:33 |
mungbean | its time for never buy a console at launch | 14:33 |
ali1234 | i never buy a console until the next gen launches :) | 14:34 |
GentileBen | Wow. | 14:34 |
GentileBen | Do you never watch a film until the sequel comes out? | 14:35 |
shauno | hah, I discovered /r/patientgamers recently, might be right up your alley | 14:35 |
mungbean | also, when there's sequels i usually don't bother either | 14:36 |
GentileBen | Some people do that. It means they can build a low-end system and still play games as if they were new. | 14:36 |
mungbean | i'm still playing elite | 14:36 |
GentileBen | No Half-Life 2 for mungbean? | 14:36 |
* MartijnVdS only played Frontier | 14:36 | |
MartijnVdS | ("Elite II") | 14:36 |
GentileBen | "I'm very glad I picked up a Wii U for Christmas last year. I don't really care that it's underselling: that just means there won't be many third-party games for it. " | 14:37 |
GentileBen | lol, and the guy doesn't see that as a problem? | 14:37 |
ali1234 | that game suuuuucked | 14:37 |
ali1234 | so many broken features | 14:37 |
mungbean | i bought HL2 for the CS game to play with workmates | 14:37 |
MartijnVdS | ali1234: yes it was broken, but I didn't mind too mcuh | 14:37 |
mungbean | MartijnVdS: check oolite | 14:37 |
MartijnVdS | ali1234: I played that a *lot* | 14:37 |
mungbean | awesomeness | 14:37 |
ali1234 | it was unplayable due to the broken copyprotection | 14:37 |
ali1234 | worst game evar | 14:38 |
ali1234 | it was as buggy as the initial releases of games today | 14:38 |
ali1234 | except back then there was no internet updates | 14:38 |
MartijnVdS | ali1234: was it? I had the manual.. and the copy protection worked. | 14:39 |
ali1234 | i had the manual and the copyprotection didn't work | 14:39 |
ali1234 | but due to how it was designed, you didn't find out until you'd been playing for like a week | 14:39 |
shauno | I seem to have 1.0 & 1.2 builds; perhaps it was fixed? | 14:40 |
ali1234 | maybe | 14:41 |
mungbean | this hostinger website, do they give .com domain names for free? | 14:46 |
DJones | mungbean: Looks like a free domain | 14:55 |
DJones | Ah, actuall, no, not included | 14:55 |
mungbean | ah, was looking for that ,ta | 14:58 |
MooDoo | their jobs page looks interesting, for customer service you need to be perfect in english language and good in english language... | 14:59 |
mungbean | i'm the former, but not the latter. | 15:00 |
MartijnVdS | mungbean: you speak 2 languages: English and bad English? | 15:00 |
mungbean | yep | 15:01 |
mungbean | depending on the company | 15:01 |
MooDoo | i suspect english is not the first language of staff... | 15:01 |
GentileBen | Who here can, hand on heart, say English is their first language? Exactly. | 15:11 |
directhex | erm | 15:13 |
davmor2 | GentileBen: me | 15:14 |
GentileBen | davmor2, I thought you were Welsh. | 15:15 |
popey | o/ | 15:15 |
popey | I know no other language. | 15:15 |
GentileBen | popey, I thought you were from the Vatican. | 15:15 |
GentileBen | "I know no other language." <-- ah, English. | 15:15 |
directhex | i know a bunch of languages, but english is my native tongue | 15:16 |
GentileBen | Amazon is cheaper for things like hair gel. Who'd have thought? | 15:16 |
GentileBen | £1.50 from Amazon, £3.50 from Asda/Tesco. | 15:16 |
davmor2 | GentileBen: Wolverhampton is not Wales. I know a tiny amount of french, russian and german (note not enough to have a real conversation). But on the whole only really know English. | 15:18 |
GentileBen | People are sometimes snobby about languages. Mostly the people who learned a particular language in later life. | 15:18 |
GentileBen | davmor2, I literally could not pinpoint Wolverhampton on a map. | 15:19 |
mungbean | 99p shop is cheaper | 15:19 |
MartijnVdS | mungbean: than the £1 shop? | 15:19 |
GentileBen | You can't get V05 Extreme Style roughItUp Putty for 99p. | 15:20 |
dwatkins | Someone should undercut them and make a 98p shop. | 15:20 |
GentileBen | It's like asking God to square a circle. | 15:20 |
mungbean | somehow i didn't see GentileBen as a hair putty man | 15:20 |
GentileBen | dwatkins, or a 98.5p shop and round up all transactions to the nearest penny. | 15:20 |
MartijnVdS | mungbean: You don't choose a name like that if you don't have lots of insecurities | 15:21 |
davmor2 | GentileBen: you already do square it, it's how you figure out the Circumference from the radius | 15:21 |
GentileBen | | 15:22 |
GentileBen | Find me V05 Extreme Style roughItUp Putty for less than £1.50 a pot, and you will earn a shiny new donkey. | 15:22 |
mungbean | does surfstyle count? | 15:23 |
mungbean | poundland have sold taht | 15:23 |
mungbean | | 15:23 |
GentileBen | Ah, but were they 150ml pots? | 15:23 |
mungbean | yes# | 15:23 |
mungbean | | 15:23 |
GentileBen | Well, I'm not a surfer. | 15:24 |
mungbean | its all the same stuff | 15:24 |
mungbean | its gloop | 15:24 |
GentileBen | I don't understand. Surely the inconvenience of having to handle and store pennies is worth more than the actual penny? | 15:24 |
GentileBen | I'd rather pay £1 with 1p of store credit. | 15:24 |
mungbean | i wouldn't say no to 100 million pennies | 15:25 |
GentileBen | What if you had to sort them by hand? | 15:25 |
mungbean | i'd pay a slave to do it | 15:25 |
GentileBen | "Tom Daley reveals relationship with man" <-- lol his diving partner maybe? I always suspected. | 15:27 |
mungbean | dunno, whoever this fella is | 15:33 |
mungbean | looks like H&M | 15:33 |
GentileBen | He's done very well for himself. | 15:36 |
mungbean | looks like nobody is around, but was wondering ... | 15:40 |
mungbean | i have a minix neo x5..was wondering whether to put android or linux on it for a display/presentation PC | 15:41 |
mungbean | android sucks with keyboard/mouse | 15:42 |
Azelphur | Was on the train to Margate last night, everybody wants to come here | 15:43 |
MartijnVdS | Azelphur: you bought an entire train with your btc? | 15:44 |
davmor2 | mungbean: have a look at if Lubuntu will run on if it is a low level device | 15:44 |
mungbean | it's ARM | 15:44 |
Azelphur | MartijnVdS: nah, just on the way back from the expo in London :) | 15:44 |
mungbean | the bitcoin jamboree in shoreditch? | 15:45 |
davmor2 | mungbean: have a look and see if there is an arm build for it :P | 15:45 |
GentileBen | Wow look at those seats. | 15:45 |
GentileBen | Are they clean or is your camera terrible? | 15:45 |
GentileBen | No dog/horse/ass hair on any of them. | 15:45 |
mungbean | davmor2: yeah, suffering death by forum atm | 15:46 |
mungbean | wonders about those pills for GentileBen | 15:46 |
Azelphur | GentileBen: *shrug* I'd imagine clean, given that...nobody goes on that train | 15:46 |
SuperMatt | I have my lego star wars advent calendar! | 15:47 |
davmor2 | SuperMatt: it's not as good as last years :( | 15:48 |
davmor2 | SuperMatt: however I'm getting my Red5 X-Wing for Christmas though :) | 15:48 |
mungbean | still have my battle damaged xwing | 15:49 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
mungbean | from the 1980s | 15:49 |
GentileBen | I still have my Star Wars pog collection. | 15:51 |
GentileBen | They were Tazos, actually. | 15:52 |
Azelphur | The mystery of the random microfibre cloth is solved | 16:12 |
Azelphur | one of my friends bought it for me as a joke to get me to dust my desk xD | 16:12 |
popey | haha, excellent | 16:13 |
marxjohnson | My byobu statusbar has suddenly started showing an indicator saying "RAID,99.6%" in red. Is that something to worry about? | 16:13 |
mungbean | sounds like its almost rebuilt | 16:13 |
SuperMatt | I just ordered my n54l \o/ | 16:13 |
SuperMatt | £129.99 after cashback from ebuyer | 16:14 |
Azelphur | nice | 16:14 |
marxjohnson | mungbean: Which should happen if, for instance, a disk had died and i replaced it? | 16:14 |
popey | nice | 16:15 |
popey | marxjohnson: cat /proc/mdstat ☻ | 16:15 |
SuperMatt | hmmm... I need to find a good name for my server now | 16:16 |
SuperMatt | I'm thinking of going for Oracle | 16:16 |
SuperMatt | or Babs | 16:16 |
SuperMatt | to go with RedRobin and Peeg | 16:16 |
SuperMatt | and Bruce | 16:16 |
ali1234 | popey: that's not a gameboy :( | 16:16 |
SuperMatt | 5 house points to anyone who guesses my naming scheme | 16:17 |
popey | well indeed | 16:17 |
ali1234 | althought the only thing stopping anyone from building their own gameboy these days is the bootrom is copyright | 16:17 |
marxjohnson | popey: well everything seems to be OK with the disks | 16:19 |
marxjohnson | not sure what the indicator's trying to tell me | 16:19 |
popey | ask kirkland | 16:19 |
mungbean | its rebuilding the raid array after a new disk | 16:19 |
mungbean | takes a few hours | 16:19 |
marxjohnson | mungbean: it's not though | 16:19 |
ali1234 | i found out something funny about my NAS | 16:19 |
marxjohnson | I haven't changed the disks | 16:19 |
ali1234 | if the disk is 95% full all the warning lights turn red, even when it is turned off | 16:20 |
ali1234 | it's 1TB, so 5%=50 gigs | 16:20 |
SuperMatt | that's kinda cool, kinda annoying | 16:20 |
ali1234 | it was worrying. i thought all 4 drives failed | 16:20 |
mungbean | thats not RAID status though? | 16:20 |
xnox | marxjohnson: sudo cat /proc/mdstat will tell you what's up with your raid: wether it's rebuilding, or disk space usage, etc. | 16:23 |
xnox | these days percentage limits are not that interesting. And always should be supplied as duplicate, e.g. min (5%, 30G) such that it takes the lowest value 5% or 30GB for example. | 16:24 |
marxjohnson | xnox: That's the output, doesn't look like anythings up. Perhaps it needed to resync for some reason and the indicator's still showing the last number it saw | 16:25 |
mungbean | is there a tux in here? | 16:25 |
SuperMatt | surely they're all tux | 16:26 |
mungbean | there's a few in there i think | 16:27 |
mungbean | ideal present for a linux fan | 16:27 |
Myrtti | oh man | 16:36 |
Myrtti | I might be in troube | 16:37 |
davmor2 | Myrtti: what did you break now? | 16:37 |
Myrtti | d has an imgur account that complains about the OP having not checked the sources | 16:37 |
Myrtti | I found one that claims to have "facts" on imgur | 16:37 |
Myrtti | it has a massive spider in it and I linked it to him and totally forgot about it | 16:38 |
=== mungbean is now known as foobarry | ||
foobarry | how do you link a registered nick on freenode? | 16:48 |
Myrtti | with group | 16:49 |
foobarry | looks like i accidentally already did it, ta | 16:50 |
Myrtti | np | 16:50 |
foobarry | its that time of year for a name change | 16:50 |
Myrtti | is it? | 16:50 |
Myrtti | why? | 16:50 |
foobarry | i change it every year | 16:50 |
foobarry | i guess i'm a bit odd | 16:51 |
Myrtti | I change mine for maybe a week and then return to old, I've invested too much to this to change it | 16:51 |
foobarry | its my way of purging the logs i guess | 16:52 |
directhex | i could no more be !directhex online than i could walk up to my friends and say "hi, i'm steve" | 16:53 |
ali1234 | be quiet steve | 16:53 |
Myrtti | foobarry: well, if it's helps you keep your inner peace and paranoia in check, no matter unrealistic wish it is... | 16:54 |
Myrtti | I just realised that my nickname is brilliant in the sense that if I end up taking dsample's last name my professional identity is still tied to my nickname | 16:54 |
* gordonjcp has been gordonjcp online for a very, very long time | 17:04 | |
Myrtti | I'm clocking 15 years soon | 17:05 |
Myrtti | if not already | 17:06 |
GentileBen | directhex, you just doxed yourself. | 17:19 |
directhex | GentileBen, ? | 17:19 |
GentileBen | "hi, i'm steve" | 17:20 |
directhex | ... i'm not steve. | 17:20 |
directhex | i'm directhex | 17:20 |
GentileBen | Nice try, Steve. | 17:21 |
directhex | mapping from directhex to some meatspace entity is not hard, my cv with full contact details is online. | 17:21 |
GentileBen | I have a secondary, disposable number for my CV. | 17:21 |
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! | This channel is publicly archived | Mailing List | Support Guidelines | IRC stats: | G+ Community: | next meeting TBA | ubuntu foobarry is mungbean | ||
popey | there we go | 17:27 |
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! | This channel is publicly archived | Mailing List | Support Guidelines | IRC stats: | G+ Community: | next meeting TBA | ubuntu | ||
GentileBen | People who change nicks frequently often have something to hide. | 17:33 |
bashrc | (changes nick) | 17:34 |
arc__ | Hello | 17:40 |
arc__ | Hey what mac irc are there | 17:41 |
arc__ | Hello | 17:42 |
Azelphur | arc__: uhh, this isn't a mac channel? | 17:42 |
arc__ | I know | 17:43 |
arc__ | I am ask what are the names of them | 17:43 |
directhex | which assumes mac expertise, and this isn't a channel with much mac expertise | 17:43 |
bashrc | I used a mac once. Wasn't impressed | 17:44 |
arc__ | I understand that | 17:44 |
shauno | there's #macosx, ##mac and ##apple, in order of current population | 17:44 |
arc__ | Thank you | 17:44 |
shauno | there's a bot that'll help you hunt in future, /msg Alis HELP LIST | 17:45 |
arc__ | Kk | 17:46 |
DJones | GentileBen: I've seen your nick list, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones | 18:39 |
GentileBen | DJones, I see you lack even a scintilla of humour. | 18:41 |
diddledan | people in glass palaces shouldn't stow thrones | 18:42 |
DJones | GentileBen: I have very little humour (certainly since the mid 1980's) when humour changed and became abuse pretending to be humour | 18:45 |
GentileBen | Did they invent irony and sarcasm in the 80s? | 18:47 |
DJones | No, that was long before then | 18:49 |
diddledan | DJones: stop being sarcastic :-p | 18:50 |
DJones | diddledan: Sarcasm, nope, just looking at !guidelines & !coc | 18:51 |
diddledan | !coc | 18:51 |
lubotu3 | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see | Watch | 18:51 |
diddledan | aah | 18:51 |
diddledan | that's a bad bad acronym | 18:52 |
DJones | diddledan: Only in your mind | 18:52 |
diddledan | "go and look at the channel coc" | 18:52 |
DJones | diddledan: That says more about you :) | 18:52 |
diddledan | <-- twisted and perverted and ... | 18:52 |
GentileBen | Are you two gently abusing each other? | 18:53 |
diddledan | <-- latent teenager | 18:53 |
GentileBen | If so, this isn't cricket. | 18:53 |
diddledan | GentileBen: if it was we'd all be standing around with red patches where we've been rubbing our balls | 18:53 |
diddledan | cricket balls* | 18:53 |
diddledan | >.< | 18:54 |
GentileBen | They're only red if you have certain diseases. | 18:55 |
DJones | diddledan: +1 Assuming late 40's is Fourty-teen :) | 18:55 |
diddledan | lol | 18:55 |
GentileBen | Regardless, I'd recommend a scrotal exam. As it so happens, DJones is a scrotologist. | 18:55 |
diddledan | o_O | 18:56 |
diddledan | eek | 18:57 |
diddledan | what did racischa do? | 18:57 |
DJones | Too much | 18:57 |
diddledan | oh | 18:57 |
diddledan | I suppose with a name that includes the word "racis[t]" you're kinda making it obvious what your intent is | 18:58 |
diddledan | since when did virginmedia use the domain | 18:59 |
diddledan | they should have registered the domain | 19:00 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
foobarry | just read the scrollback over last couple of | 20:41 |
foobarry | hp microserver on ebuyer daily deals £129.99 | 20:43 |
diddledan | foobarry: you need to pay more than that upfront. that's after 50£ cashback | 20:55 |
foobarry | yeah.. | 21:11 |
foobarry | i hate that cashback idea | 21:11 |
diddledan | me too | 21:11 |
diddledan | why not just make it cheap | 21:11 |
foobarry | if they intend to give you the money, just do it | 21:11 |
foobarry | yeah | 21:11 |
foobarry | its really hard for a business to reclaim it | 21:11 |
foobarry | when purchased with a purchase order | 21:12 |
diddledan | ergh, I didn't think about how a business would do it | 21:12 |
diddledan | ouch | 21:12 |
diddledan | that sounds bad | 21:13 |
diddledan | how do you quantify the incoming funds? | 21:13 |
diddledan | on your books, I mean | 21:13 |
foobarry | i tried it once | 21:15 |
foobarry | for a big company | 21:15 |
foobarry | never discovered whether the funds made it in | 21:15 |
foobarry | i had to specify a bank account and sort code etc | 21:15 |
foobarry | and add a reference for incoming payment | 21:15 |
foobarry | but there was no such field to allow that on the HP form | 21:16 |
foobarry | so it might have been rejected | 21:16 |
foobarry | been playing for 5 mins in shotwell to get white balance right. gave up and spun up picasa. 1 second and its fine | 21:18 |
diddledan | \o/ for windows-only closed-source running-on-wine :-p | 21:19 |
foobarry | | 21:27 |
foobarry | jeremy clarkson as a young girl | 21:27 |
Myrtti | genoi | 21:36 |
Myrtti | genious | 21:37 |
MartijnVdS | ... | 21:37 |
MartijnVdS | Myrtti: it'll probably be nice & warm too | 21:38 |
MartijnVdS | knowing my phone | 21:38 |
diddledan | Myrtti: I can't work out whether they made it as a joke or in all seriousness | 21:43 |
diddledan | and, foobarry , Jeremima Clarkson was hot in that photo! | 21:44 |
popey | AlanBell: saw this and thought of you | 22:38 |
directhex | CHOKING HAZARD -- This toy is a small ball. Not for children under 3 yrs. | 22:53 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
=== LjL is now known as LjL-Gay |
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