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Mirv | Saviq: ok this morning I've battled UI Toolkit to build (disabling tests + docs) and prepared now that qt5-beta2 is again usable, now with RC1 snapshot base + declarative. so the thing is that unity8 now starts \o/ | 08:33 |
Mirv | in other news indicators seem broken (not visible), but crashes seem to be gone | 08:33 |
Mirv | meanwhile I'll take qt5-daily PPA into potential brokenness again by starting to build prepare final RC1 builds there | 08:34 |
Mirv | I've also some sort of problem that when the screen blanks, I don't get it lit anymore | 08:35 |
Saviq | Mirv, cool, we're at a sprint in London this week, so might not be responsive as usual | 09:09 |
Saviq | Mirv, we'll try and have a look | 09:09 |
mterry | kgunn, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1311-split-greeter | 09:18 |
Mirv | Saviq: aha, ok | 09:21 |
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Mirv | greyback: if you have time, please check bug #1243665. I have a feeling that bug was already discussed at some point but my memory does not serve me well. now raised again as still seeing after some other crashers fixed. | 10:13 |
ubot5 | bug 1243665 in qtubuntu "qmlscene crashed with SIGABRT in QMessageLogger::fatal()" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1243665 | 10:13 |
greyback | Mirv: ok, will have a look | 10:14 |
Mirv | thanks. the current triaging would point it to be related to 20131120's Mir update | 10:15 |
mhr3 | sil2100, ping? | 10:45 |
sil2100 | mhr3: pong | 10:59 |
sil2100 | mhr3: what's up? | 10:59 |
mhr3 | sil2100, hey, we found an issue in zmqpp, we'll need to patch it | 11:01 |
sil2100 | mhr3: sure, any links to the bug/patch? | 11:01 |
mhr3 | sil2100, it's pretty small, but could use a patch in the distro asap | 11:01 |
mhr3 | sil2100, i'll create bug/patch | 11:01 |
mhr3 | sil2100, btw there's no -dbgsym pkg for zmqpp, shouldn't that be somewhere? | 11:02 |
seb128 | mhr3, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/156998048/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-i386.zmqpp_3.2.0-0ubuntu2_UPLOADING.txt.gz has the reasaon | 11:04 |
seb128 | "libzmqpp3 is already stripped, ignoring" | 11:05 |
mhr3 | seb128, which just means it's using wrong flags | 11:05 |
mhr3 | compiler flags that is | 11:05 |
seb128 | mhr3, yeah, doesn't seem to be using -g | 11:05 |
mhr3 | sil2100, seb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6508718/ ? | 11:06 |
seb128 | mhr3, that seems like it should do the trick, you might want to += though | 11:07 |
seb128 | e.g append rather than override | 11:07 |
mhr3 | sil2100, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zmqpp/+bug/1256886 | 11:16 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1256886 in zmqpp (Ubuntu) "[armhf] Crash because of SIGBUS" [Undecided,New] | 11:16 |
tsdgeos | mhr3: pstolowski: guys so i had a deeper look at the dee-qt branch that i was trying to push to reuse some tests last week, and it really adds nothing of value so i've discarded it | 11:21 |
mhr3 | tsdgeos, ok | 11:21 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, ah, ok, that's a pitty | 11:22 |
tsdgeos | mhr3: pstolowski: it was testing things we already test in some other way, so no need to test the same thing twice | 11:22 |
tsdgeos | and i wrote the same thing twice | 11:23 |
tsdgeos | man i need more CocaCola :D | 11:23 |
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tsdgeos | Mirv: have you had time to package the rc1? | 11:40 |
tsdgeos | ah it's there | 11:44 |
Mirv | tsdgeos: started, while qt5-beta2 now has the previous snapshot stuff + hacked UI toolkit build from this morning so that unity8 runs again. mentioned to Savi_q in the morning too | 11:56 |
Mirv | crashes seem gone compared to beta, indicators broken at least (icons missing) | 11:58 |
tsdgeos | "good" | 12:00 |
tsdgeos | i guess :D | 12:00 |
sil2100 | mhr3: do you have that patch/bug somewhere already? | 13:05 |
mhr3 | [11:16] <mhr3> sil2100, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zmqpp/+bug/1256886 | 13:06 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1256886 in zmqpp (Ubuntu) "[armhf] Crash because of SIGBUS" [Undecided,New] | 13:06 |
sil2100 | Oh | 13:06 |
sil2100 | Ok, thanks! | 13:07 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: mhr3: can i get https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-scopes-shell/add_title_role_ng/+merge/197367 ? it's basically http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scopes-shell/trunk/revision/22 but in the file that really matters :D | 13:25 |
mhr3 | tsdgeos, noooo | 13:45 |
mhr3 | tsdgeos, i already added it in my branch that has the actual implementation of the new scops | 13:45 |
tsdgeos | wops | 13:45 |
tsdgeos | soorry | 13:45 |
mhr3 | tsdgeos, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity-scopes-shell/hook-scopes-ng/view/head:/src/Unity/scopes-ng/scopes.cpp#L74 | 13:46 |
tsdgeos | mhr3: so should i revert? | 13:47 |
mhr3 | tsdgeos, let's wait a few minutes, see if ci merged it, and if it didn't, just disapprove it | 13:49 |
tsdgeos | ok | 13:50 |
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mhr3 | didrocks, ping? | 14:48 |
mhr3 | didrocks, do you know how do we run the arm builds? | 14:48 |
mhr3 | didrocks, is it on actual arm hardware, or is it virtualized? | 14:48 |
didrocks | mhr3: it's arm hardware | 15:00 |
mhr3 | didrocks, do you have any explanation for this: the zmqpp pkg we have built just fine on the arm builder, but if i try to build it on the phone itself, the tests (make check) crash with SIGBUS... why the difference? | 15:02 |
didrocks | mhr3: can it be an isolation issue? | 15:03 |
didrocks | like we are still in a chroot, even on real hw | 15:04 |
mhr3 | didrocks, no, it was running without any restrictions | 15:04 |
mhr3 | didrocks, well, it is possible to ignore sigbus and have kernel fix it for the app, by passing something to /proc/cpu/alignment, wonder if something's doing that | 15:05 |
didrocks | mhr3: I don't really have any idea TBH :/ | 15:05 |
mhr3 | didrocks, you can imagine that it's pretty nasty, tests pass but when we try to use the pkg, it suddenly doesn't work | 15:06 |
didrocks | indeed :/ | 15:07 |
mzanetti | tsdgeos: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/theme-quicklist/+merge/181223 | 15:21 |
mhr3 | didrocks, so any idea who'd know more about this? | 15:25 |
didrocks | mhr3: you should try on #webops, they know more about soyuz and than anyone else | 15:25 |
didrocks | and they can help in knowing the diff in arm hw | 15:25 |
didrocks | Saviq: hey, how are you? | 15:40 |
mhr3 | sil2100, can you push the button pls? | 15:45 |
mhr3 | https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+recipe/unity-scopes-shell-daily-custom/+request-builds | 15:45 |
sil2100 | mhr3: wait for iiit... | 15:46 |
mhr3 | sil2100, wooo! | 15:49 |
sil2100 | mhr3: ...it's pressed? ;) | 15:50 |
mhr3 | yep, buildling | 15:50 |
tsdgeos | mhr3: i thought we added variantconversions.cpp/h to dee-qt so we could use it from somewhere else, am i right? | 16:22 |
mhr3 | tsdgeos, yep | 16:25 |
tsdgeos | mhr3: but then we forgot to install the header? | 16:25 |
mhr3 | tsdgeos, DeeListModel::VariantForData() iirc | 16:26 |
tsdgeos | ahhh | 16:26 |
tsdgeos | righto | 16:26 |
tsdgeos | sorry bout that | 16:26 |
mhr3 | np | 16:27 |
tsdgeos | mhr3: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/use_deeqt_conversion/+merge/197414 | 16:31 |
mhr3 | tsdgeos, looks fine, is it already including deelistmodel? | 16:33 |
tsdgeos | yep | 16:34 |
mhr3 | k, approved | 16:34 |
Saviq | didrocks, in London, wassup? | 16:42 |
didrocks | Saviq: I think you already have it, but do you have any news on the 2 bugs: | 16:43 |
didrocks | https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1253810 | 16:43 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1253810 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Messages in Incoming not always display the correct date and content" [High,Confirmed] | 16:43 |
didrocks | and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1256061 | 16:43 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1256061 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "clock forcefully switches from 24h to 12h AM/PM format once the panel clock is loaded" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 16:43 |
Saviq | didrocks, no, dednick's back next week, that's probably the earliest someone will look at those | 16:44 |
didrocks | for which one? | 16:44 |
didrocks | the second or first? | 16:44 |
Saviq | didrocks, both | 16:44 |
didrocks | Saviq: argh, let me check something then | 16:45 |
mhr3 | sil2100, still here? | 16:53 |
mhr3 | one more rebuild pls | 16:53 |
mhr3 | https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+recipe/unity-scopes-shell-daily-custom/+request-builds | 16:53 |
mhr3 | didrocks, or if you could ^ | 16:56 |
sil2100 | mhr3: clicking! | 17:00 |
Saviq | mhr3, did you find out what the python:any thing was? | 17:12 |
mhr3 | Saviq, nope, someone in ubuntu-devel thought it's broken deps somewhere when you do upgrade from the trusty snapshot to current trusty | 17:15 |
mhr3 | Saviq, but haven't heard anything more than that | 17:15 |
mhr3 | mhall119, ping? | 17:29 |
mhr3 | mhall119, is there a place where we can push in-progress documentation for the new scopes? | 17:30 |
mhall119 | mhr3: there can be, but there isn't yet | 17:31 |
mhall119 | mhr3: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/scopes/ currently only has 13.10, but I can make a 14.04 and start putting docs in there | 17:31 |
mhr3 | mhall119, we have docs in doxygen now though, so maybe some changes would be needed? | 17:34 |
mhall119 | ugh, yeah.... | 17:35 |
mhall119 | I'll have to make another parser script :( | 17:35 |
mhr3 | mhall119, but anyway, yea, sounds good, how would we go about this? we'd want it to be updated very frequently at this point though | 17:35 |
mhall119 | mhr3: I'll be working on an API to feed docs into it, which we can eventually integrate with CI, but for now it's manually done by me | 17:35 |
greyback | mzanetti: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6510327/ | 17:36 |
mhall119 | mhr3: where can I get the new docs from? | 17:36 |
mhr3 | mhall119, lp:unity-scopes-api | 17:37 |
mhr3 | make will build them in doc | 17:37 |
mhall119 | thanks | 17:37 |
mhall119 | bugger, missind build deps, what do I need installed? | 17:38 |
mhr3 | mhall119, and perhaps don't link to it just yet from the official page? we'll just pass the direct url to interested people | 17:38 |
mhr3 | mhall119, trusty | 17:38 |
mhall119 | :/ | 17:38 |
mhr3 | mhall119, you could just install the built doc pkg i guess? | 17:39 |
mhall119 | I suppose, but where can I get it if I'm still on Saucy? | 17:39 |
mhr3 | mhhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/libunity-scopes-doc_0.1%2B14.04.20131127-0ubuntu1_all.deb | 17:39 |
* mhall119 says "still" like it hasn't been just over a month since it was released | 17:39 | |
mhr3 | mhall119, exactly, what have you been doing for the past month? :P | 17:40 |
mhall119 | I know, I'm such a luddite | 17:40 |
mhr3 | mhall119, if you just grab that .deb you can install it with dpkg -i | 17:41 |
mhr3 | mhall119, or just unzip it... | 17:41 |
mhr3 | also a possibility | 17:41 |
mhall119 | that's what I did | 17:42 |
mhall119 | are these C or C++? | 17:43 |
didrocks | kgunn: Saviq: FYI regression in bug #1257000 will block image promotion | 17:50 |
ubot5 | bug 1257000 in Unity 8 "Regression: Maguro receiving calls fails to open dailer app" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1257000 | 17:50 |
mhr3 | mhall119, c++ | 17:52 |
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mhr3 | mhall119, once it's online, can you paste the url? | 18:06 |
Saviq | davmor2, ping | 18:16 |
mhall119 | mhr3: it'll be probably a few days | 18:26 |
mhall119 | mhr3: if you want it online sooner, I can copy the doxygen files into somewhere they can be served as static files | 18:27 |
mhall119 | mhr3: is C going to be supported in the new API? | 18:27 |
mhr3 | mhall119, no | 18:32 |
mhr3 | mhall119, talked to thomas, he'd prefer if the static pages were somewhere asap | 18:33 |
mhall119 | ok | 18:35 |
mhall119 | mhr3: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-14.04/cplusplus/libunity-scopes/ | 18:38 |
mhr3 | mhall119, awesome, thx, will probably ping you a couple of times during this week to update it :) | 18:39 |
mhall119 | sure | 18:39 |
davmor2 | Saviq: pong | 18:40 |
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mhr3 | robru, ping? | 22:29 |
robru | mhr3, hey | 22:29 |
robru | mhr3, i pinged sil2100 about that recipe build, neither of us understand the failures. | 22:29 |
mhr3 | robru, hey, would need another rebuild :) | 22:29 |
mhr3 | oh? | 22:30 |
* mhr3 checks | 22:30 | |
mhr3 | robru, you mean the unity8 one? | 22:30 |
robru | mhr3, yeah | 22:38 |
robru | mhr3, which one do you need rebuilt? | 22:38 |
mhr3 | :/ thought i have a patch for something, but apparently i don't | 22:47 |
mhr3 | oh and maybe i do have a fix | 23:14 |
fginther | Saviq, are you still around? | 23:16 |
mhr3 | robru, ok, if you could pls - https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+recipe/unity-scopes-shell-daily-custom/+request-builds | 23:16 |
mhr3 | hopefully i didn't break it too much with the branch overwrite | 23:17 |
robru | mhr3, ok, done | 23:17 |
robru | mhr3, are you not in ~ubuntu-unity team? why don't you have permission to build the recipe? | 23:18 |
mhr3 | robru, btw you're not getting any lp timeouts when doing it? | 23:18 |
robru | mhr3, yeah, i get tons, but i just keep hitting reload until it works | 23:18 |
mhr3 | robru, nope, it's only you guys there | 23:18 |
robru | mhr3, does anybody else need to build this recipe? can i change it's ownership to just you? | 23:18 |
mhr3 | was talking to didier about it, but he didn't want to add me to the team | 23:18 |
robru | mhr3, or i guess it needs that team to get into the PPA... | 23:19 |
mhr3 | yep | 23:19 |
mhr3 | it would fail to upload if i owned it | 23:19 |
robru | mhr3, darn. can't imagine why didier would have a problem with you in the team... | 23:19 |
mhr3 | i'm not ubuntu developer | 23:19 |
robru | mhr3, either am i ;-) | 23:19 |
mhr3 | then didier just doesn't trust me | 23:20 |
robru | mhr3, bizarre. sorry! | 23:20 |
mhr3 | meh, at least i get to annoy you guys :P | 23:20 |
robru | mhr3, yay! extra work for me! | 23:20 |
mhr3 | hopefully we'll merge stuff into distro soonish, and then we won't need the ppa | 23:22 |
robru | mhr3, sounds good | 23:22 |
mhr3 | but might take a week or so... until then i'll continue bothering from time to time :) | 23:23 |
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