oz0ne | motaka2: carrying bit by bit wih a calculating frame? :p | 00:01 |
Beldar | _NerdyMe_, You may not have dconf tools installed. http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html | 00:01 |
_NerdyMe_ | I installed dconf tools. Doing the reset on compiz still shiws that error message. | 00:05 |
ixlinux | Hi! I have a laptop with bumblebee installed to deal with the optimus nvidia card. "glxsphere"s runs but not "optirun glxspheres" as I can't get it to see the second graphics card(12.04) I could use some help please and thank you. | 00:07 |
motaka2 | oz0ne: thank you very much for your great help. You saved my time. It is now installed | 00:08 |
Danato | how do I specify the time of a shutdown command in seconds? | 00:08 |
daftykins | man shutdown | 00:08 |
Danato | daftykins: for example "sudo shutdown -r 1" would tell it to shutdown in 1 minute, but what if i wanted it in say 20 seconds instead? | 00:10 |
daftykins | man shutdown | 00:10 |
Danato | daftykins: sorry i meant to say reboot there | 00:10 |
ixlinux | Danato: http://linux.die.net/man/8/shutdown | 00:10 |
Danato | daftykins: ixlinux: Ive seen that, but it doesnt say anything about seconds there | 00:12 |
oz0ne | motaka2: gz =) have a nice day | 00:13 |
daftykins | why do you want to be so specific? you're aware you can say 'shutdown -r 0' to restart instantly? | 00:13 |
motaka2 | oz0ne: I am in Iran. and it's near 4:00AM. Thanks for helping me | 00:13 |
ixlinux | sleep for 20 seconds then shutdown now | 00:14 |
Danato | daftykins: or shutdown -r now | 00:14 |
ixlinux | Danato: "sleep 20s && shutdown now" | 00:15 |
daftykins | who wants to hit two more characters :( | 00:15 |
Danato | ixlinux: yup, that should work, thanks | 00:16 |
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Qwer | .. | 00:22 |
daftykins | hmm, how Qwer. | 00:24 |
=== Guest8635 is now known as DeLorean719 | ||
trollytroll | I had a boyfriend named Ubuntu once. He used to "play the bongos" on my ass. | 00:29 |
trollytroll | I had a boyfriend named Ubuntu once. He used to "play the bongos" on my ass.. | 00:29 |
trollytroll | I had a boyfriend named Ubuntu once. He used to "play the bongos" on my ass...I had a boyfriend named Ubuntu once. He used to "play the bongos" on my ass. | 00:29 |
FloodBot1 | trollytroll: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:29 |
abadra | hi | 00:36 |
abadra | i just set up xubuntu on my new machine, swtiching from OSX | 00:36 |
abadra | now i want to resume with my programming projects | 00:37 |
abadra | but i can't find Haskell or Erlang in the software repositories | 00:37 |
abadra | which I find very odd | 00:37 |
abadra | am I looking in the wrong place? | 00:37 |
abadra | both languages are popular enough that they should be available | 00:37 |
daftykins | sudo apt-get update && apt-cache search haskell | 00:39 |
daftykins | ^ worth a go | 00:39 |
daftykins | i have no idea if what you ask for is in packages | 00:39 |
=== Guest8635 is now known as DeLorean719 | ||
hassen | gentlemen,i got a 20 gb of free space,should I install another linux distro(e.g fedora/debian)?,i want to deeply use linux,or is just ubuntu enough? | 00:45 |
ikonia | hassen: the fact that you're asking that suggests you should just use what you have to learn more | 00:45 |
daftykins | hassen: if you're new, try Ubuntu | 00:46 |
=== coryn|notDrunk is now known as Coryn | ||
hassen | in the meanwhile i have win7,and ubuntu with 20 gb left on the disk,so i just thought about installing other linux distro to have a closer look at them | 00:48 |
redcatman | What software can I use to play music from my desktop to my android? | 00:49 |
ikonia | hassen: just ues ubuntu | 00:49 |
daftykins | hassen: look into virtualbox, no need to install things natively to try them out | 00:50 |
hassen | does virtual box in ubuntu support .iso images? e.g win XP.iso? | 00:50 |
daftykins | yes | 00:50 |
ikonia | hassen: it will boot iso's yes, | 00:50 |
ikonia | hassen: virtual box in ubuntu is no different from virtua box on any other platform | 00:50 |
ptyyy | Why does Skype hate 13.10 :( | 00:51 |
ikonia | it doesn't | 00:51 |
hassen | i see,thanks,just installinf win xp in virtual box and the process is stuck at 0% so i wondered about the .iso comptability with ubuntu | 00:51 |
dougl | ptyyy, i just noticed that too | 00:52 |
ptyyy | dougl, i've tried literally everything i have found. still just hates me. guess i'll run it in my winxp vm :o | 00:52 |
dougl | lol | 00:53 |
dougl | there's desperation | 00:53 |
dougl | mine just performs poorly - works like crap but almost tolerable | 00:53 |
dougl | quality | 00:54 |
dougl | audio | 00:54 |
ptyyy | dougl, i can't even get it to install. | 00:55 |
ptyyy | not with apt-get, not with the .deb | 00:55 |
ptyyy | synaptic, ubuntu tweak | 00:55 |
dougl | hmmm... I think I did a repo sec | 00:55 |
ptyyy | k | 00:55 |
dougl | where is sources list agin? | 00:56 |
ptyyy | /etc/apt/sources.list? | 00:56 |
dougl | sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" | 00:57 |
dougl | worked yesterday | 00:57 |
dougl | on my kde ubuntu | 00:57 |
ptyyy | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 00:58 |
ptyyy | skype : Depends: skype-bin | 00:58 |
redcatman | How can I format boot usb? | 00:58 |
ptyyy | tried sudo apt-get install -f | 00:58 |
ptyyy | I think I may have just broken some stuff tinkering. I'll do a fresh install tomorrow. | 00:59 |
dougl | ptyyy, tinkering... broke... who da thot lol | 00:59 |
ptyyy | dougl, hehe | 01:00 |
ptyyy | i got tired of windows 8 | 01:00 |
ptyyy | figured i'd give ubuntu a try. it's a lot harder than it looks :( | 01:01 |
john_doe_jr | I installed mono-apache-server and it just stalls trying to be restarted…any idea how I can fix this problme? | 01:01 |
redcatman | How can I change permissions on my usb to read/write? | 01:01 |
redcatman | is it chmod +wr /dev/sdb? | 01:02 |
hassen | the process of installing win xp in virtual box has been stuck at 0% for a long time,should I get another iso? | 01:03 |
zorin | anyone know about sslstripping, arpspoofing, or mitm with ubuntu? using ettercap I can receive target usrname, pass, and origin. and using driftnet I can see all target images but the target gets numerous untrusted site pop-ups on their end. SSL strip ----> II do this : source=http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/mitm-using-sslstrip/ # ifconfig=show network data# sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward= ip forwarding status# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward = ip for | 01:03 |
zorin | warding status# sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf =enable sysctl settings# /etc/ettercap/etter.conf =ettercap config location# cd= navigate directory# ls = list contents of directory# sudo iptables -L= list iptables rules #step1 confirm ip fowarding is active # step2 confim ettercap ip tables settings (etter.conf) # step3 start ip tables*** sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 | 01:03 |
zorin | -j REDIRECT -- to-ports 10000 (**or (ports))# step4 sslstrip -a -k -f# step4 python sslstrip.py -a (must be in sslstrip directory)# step5 arpspoof -t <TARGET> <GATEWAY>** OR arpspoof -i eth0 -t <TARGET> <GATEWAY> OR <--- wlan0# step6 ettercap | 01:03 |
FloodBot1 | zorin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:03 |
daftykins | pasting is bad | 01:04 |
alp82 | i have ubuntu inside a vm and i want to share a folder from the inside to the outside. but the folder needs to be readonly on the outside while being readwrite inside. any suggestions how to accomplish this? | 01:05 |
daftykins | alp82: networking. | 01:06 |
alp82 | daftykins: that came to my mind too. but what would be an easy setup to do this? | 01:07 |
daftykins | alp82: samba | 01:08 |
daftykins | depends on the host OS | 01:08 |
alp82 | host is arch linux | 01:08 |
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daftykins | hmm, any more appropriate protocol you want then | 01:09 |
=== LoganG is now known as LoganG|off | ||
zorin | how can I setup and run sslstrip and ettercap to preform mitm? I believe im using wlan0 on all devices as im not using any ethernet connections (eth0) | 01:13 |
=== jwoglom is now known as ahami1ton | ||
=== ahami1ton is now known as jwoglom | ||
hassen | this is my HDD with its partitions: http://s12.postimg.org/orqatgwz1/Screenshot_from_2013_12_02_02_18_35.png | 01:21 |
hassen | i wanted to use those 20 gb of free space | 01:21 |
hassen | but i can't yet create partitions | 01:21 |
hassen | win 7 is installed at the 129 gb partition, | 01:22 |
hassen | ubuntu that the one mentioned | 01:23 |
quem | good evening folks. i set up minidlna and can access the share alright from the tv, but i'm unable to seek in videos. has anyone else had a similar problem? tired of unmounting, disconnecting, connecting, mounting, etc... | 01:23 |
basichash | i formatted my usb to fat32 -> when I try to write to it, I get "The destination is read-only." -> Trying to make the usb writable -> When I try to mount with "sudo mount -w /dev/sdb" i get this error: "mount: can't find /dev/sdb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" | 01:23 |
gdoteof | friend is claiming very very weird but reliable behavior. dual booting win7 and ubuntu 12.04. internet is always fine in windows.. ubuntu internet doesn't work. but when restarting back into windows internet continues not to work; no lights on port.. jsut dead. restarts don't work. but literally giving it a good flick (like physiclly whacking it) and then rebooting fixes ethernet in windows | 01:26 |
gdoteof | (but not in ubuntu) | 01:26 |
daftykins | basichash: can you paste the output of "mount" to paste.ubuntu.com please? | 01:27 |
hassen | do other linux OS's e.g fedora/redhat/debian have a software center as ubuntu does? | 01:42 |
randolph` | they have a GUI for installing programs but aren't as feature-full as the ubuntu software center | 01:44 |
hassen | VIVA UBUNTU | 01:45 |
=== jwoglom is now known as jwoglom` | ||
=== jwoglom_ is now known as jwoglom | ||
fizk_ | Hi, does anyone know of a web front-end for freeipmi/openipmi? | 02:00 |
jungejason | Hello, I was playing with something called "Compiz Config Manager" or something like that. In the last section, I checked one checkbox, then the UNITY launch bar dissappear. I uncheck it again, but the launch bar doesn't come back. Now even when I restarts the machine, the launch bar doesn't show. Can anybody help? | 02:01 |
jungejason | I'm using 13.10 | 02:01 |
jungejason | Hello, now I can't even get a terminal window! | 02:03 |
fizk_ | jungejason: what was the checkbox you clicked on? | 02:04 |
jungejason | fizk_: I don't remember the name. I don't even remember the name of the manager. I'm new to ubuntu. | 02:05 |
jungejason | Is there a place I can see a screenshot of the manager? If so, I think I can find the option. | 02:05 |
jungejason | I found the name: compizconfig-settings-manager | 02:07 |
TimH | Have you tried CTRL-ALT-F1 to see if you can get to a console? | 02:07 |
jungejason | TimH: yes I went to a full screen terminal | 02:08 |
jungejason | and I logged in with my user name and password. | 02:09 |
greasemonkey | Ok. I have a problem. I am trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop as a dual-op system. It is telling me that it can not find the correct file/folder. I am attempting install via windows installer. New to this OS and wanting to try it out. Had enough of windows, but don't want to completely wipe windows from my system without knowing the Ubuntu system. | 02:09 |
TimH | jungejason: this link talks about reseting compiz. Maybe that would help? | 02:10 |
TimH | www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html | 02:10 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, This a W8 dual boot? | 02:10 |
Beldar | err wubi | 02:10 |
greasemonkey | w7 | 02:10 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, what ubuntu release? | 02:10 |
greasemonkey | 12.04.3 | 02:10 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, why wubi? | 02:11 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, that type of install is called a wubi. | 02:12 |
greasemonkey | oh ok | 02:12 |
greasemonkey | not real sure. tried following instructions via ubuntu site. | 02:12 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, which site? | 02:13 |
greasemonkey | ubuntu.com | 02:13 |
greasemonkey | ...? is that the correct site? | 02:14 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, can you post an exact link? | 02:14 |
greasemonkey | sure one sec | 02:14 |
greasemonkey | http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/install-ubuntu-with-windows | 02:15 |
bazhang | wubi? | 02:15 |
jimgroth | Hey guys. Trying to get guest additions to work on lubuntu. Don't know where I should be seeing the mounted dvd. | 02:15 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. This is actually not a dualboot, it is a file in windows, not well if at all supprted and not really advised in general as more than a try out in lieu of a partitioned dualboot. | 02:17 |
iMPERATORE | hey guys can i get a psybnc pls ? | 02:17 |
greasemonkey | oic ok. how can i do this without losing my existing OS and data on HDD | 02:17 |
hitsujiTMO_ | jimgroth: anythong in /media/cdrom ? | 02:18 |
jimgroth | No such file or directory | 02:18 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, You would resize the windows and install it in a unallocated space, making sure you were within partition types and limitations on how many. | 02:18 |
hitsujiTMO_ | jimgroth: if not try: mount this should show where its mounted ( if its mounted ) | 02:18 |
jimgroth | I think so | 02:19 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, From a booted dvd/usb. | 02:19 |
jimgroth | /dev/sr0 on /media/jim/VBOXADDITIONS_4.2.12_84980 type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,mode=0400,dmode=0500,uhelper=udisks2) | 02:20 |
jimgroth | That means it is mounted, right? | 02:20 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, You could do a virtual install as well. | 02:20 |
hitsujiTMO_ | jimgroth: yup its mounted in the folder /media/jim/VBOXADDITIONS_4.2.12_84980 | 02:20 |
jimgroth | oh! Thanks. And weird. | 02:20 |
greasemonkey | ok i will give that a try thank you | 02:20 |
jimgroth | A virtual install is a good first try of linux | 02:21 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, No problem are you aware of the 4 primary partitions on a single HD or 3 primaries and a extended for logical partitions limitations. | 02:21 |
greasemonkey | not particularly. last time i tried this win* still used a fat32 file system lol | 02:22 |
greasemonkey | i havent attempted this in probably 10+ years | 02:23 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, You want to be sure here, windows commonly has 4 primaries in manufacturer builds, if you add an additional it will make the HD dynamic and have a big problem. | 02:23 |
meoblast001 | hi. i'm halfway between two releases because the stupid Dropbox package hung midway through and I had to cancel the upgrade. `do-release-upgrade` says no new release is available but i quit at only 66% complete | 02:24 |
jungejason | TimH: I downloaded the unity-reset.deb, but `dpkg -i xxx` failed because it needs dconf-tools. | 02:24 |
meoblast001 | is there any other way to finish the upgrade? | 02:24 |
jimgroth | So I've installed guest additions. It still seems lubuntu don't recognize what monitor resolutions are supported. Any thoughts? | 02:24 |
jungejason | TimH: I found it at https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/saucy/dconf-tools/, but there's no download linnk. | 02:24 |
Beldar | greasemonkey, We can help you if needed is what I'm trying to indicate. ;) | 02:24 |
greasemonkey | ok. i think what i will do here is install this in my w2kp system i put together and try it. i have no important data on that so if i mess it up, no foul | 02:24 |
N5DUX | anyone have experience with configuring udev? | 02:28 |
N5DUX | i have my rules setup, but it's making the symlinks belong to root:root\ | 02:28 |
Beldar | meoblast001, You can try sudo apt-get f- install Did you back this up before the upgrade? | 02:28 |
hassen | so is ubuntu software center a huge DB of free and payware softwares for ubuntu? | 02:29 |
Beldar | meoblast001, sory sudo apt-get -f install | 02:29 |
meoblast001 | Beldar: no i did not. i have my device properly partitioned so i can just nuke the one partition and keep my personal files | 02:29 |
N5DUX | hassen - essentially | 02:29 |
meoblast001 | what does this mean? The following packages have been kept back: libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev | 02:30 |
Bsims | meoblast001: means you need to run dist-upgrade | 02:30 |
jungejason | TimH: I installed it successfully with apt-get install. But after running unity-reset, it doesn't show the launch bar still. | 02:30 |
meoblast001 | Bsims: that's what i ran to get that | 02:30 |
Bsims | meoblast001: Ok its just telling you that it isn't going to be upgraded, nothing to worry about | 02:31 |
Beldar | meoblast001, Various meanings, can indicate a partial upgrade within a OS, in this not exactly sure. However doing a upgrade like this with turning off any extra repos is not advised to start with. | 02:32 |
Bsims | meoblast001: the reason usually is that a new package needs to be installed, thus the dist-upgrade | 02:32 |
meoblast001 | could i just assume the machine is upgraded and wait until everything blows up and reinstall? | 02:32 |
meoblast001 | or is that not advised? | 02:32 |
Bsims | meoblast001: its upgraded | 02:33 |
* Bsims smiles apt is smarter than most | 02:33 | |
Beldar | Bsims, a dist-upgrade on a release to to release upgrade? | 02:33 |
meoblast001 | ok. although at 66% successful installation... | 02:33 |
Bsims | Beldar: yeah I know... sometimes I've had to... when my usual apt-get upgrade doesn't want to sort it all out | 02:34 |
Beldar | there is no usual apt-get on a os upgrade other than do-release-upgrade | 02:35 |
Snake2k | Beldar: Ummm i think if you wanna upgrade ubuntu releases like from 12.04 -> 12.10 its something like 'sudo do-release-upgrade' and with some flags | 02:36 |
Beldar | Snake2k, not sure you are folowing that makes no sense directed at me. | 02:36 |
TimH | jungejason: I am afraid that I do not have anything else. The only other option that I can think of is to create a new user and login as that user and see if the Desktop is correct. If so you will need to re-create your account. Otherwise I am not sure. | 02:37 |
jimgroth | I've installed guest additions in my virtualbox lubuntu install but still not getting my monitor detected. Any ideas? | 02:39 |
jimgroth | I also don't get shared clipboard. | 02:39 |
Snake2k | Beldar: oh sorry i misread the thread | 02:39 |
jungejason | TimH: I tried to choose GNome at the log in screen and now I can get a termainla window. | 02:39 |
jungejason | I launched compizconfig again, hope I can fix it. | 02:40 |
Beldar | jungejason, compiz does not run in gnome in general, it is unity | 02:41 |
Beldar | gnome in the login is the shell | 02:41 |
jungejason | TimH: With the manager opened, I remember what I clicked that caused the problem. It's Preference -> Integration -> Enable integration into the desktop environment. | 02:42 |
locoloco | jimgroth: have you verified that the Guest Additions install took? lsmod | grep vbox | 02:42 |
jimgroth | I have now. :) | 02:43 |
jungejason | Beldar: thanks! | 02:44 |
TimH | jungejason: I have ne3ver really messed around with compiz. The only think that I can think of is to somehow clear out the settings, I just do not know where they are stored. A quick search finds a .config/compiz-1 under my home directory. If you have the same you might want to try moving that folder somewhere else and loggin back in to see what it does. I am sure that there are other locations for setting just not sure where. | 02:46 |
jungejason | TimH: after I click and unclick again in the manager, then log out and log in, the launch bar comes back! | 02:46 |
TimH | jungejason: cool, sounds like you found it. | 02:46 |
hassen | I often see PPA in ubuntu articles | 02:46 |
hassen | what is it? | 02:46 |
Beldar | !ppa | hassen | 02:47 |
ubottu | hassen: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 02:47 |
jungejason | TimH: It's still a mystary. Thank you very much for your help! | 02:47 |
belljar | hello everyone, can anyone please tell me the command to delete a hard disk partition with dd? | 02:47 |
Beldar | belljar, Why would you use dd? | 02:47 |
Bsims | um belljar dd copies... I think ya want to man rm | 02:48 |
belljar | Beldar, because I used it last time. | 02:48 |
hassen | Beldar, ah the bot,thanls. | 02:48 |
hassen | *thanks | 02:48 |
Beldar | belljar, What distro are you using? | 02:48 |
belljar | 12.04 | 02:48 |
belljar | Beldar, 12.04 | 02:49 |
belljar | by the way, it's funny our nicks are so similar | 02:49 |
Beldar | belljar, I would use gparted. | 02:49 |
MikeChel1n | anyone know how to get flash projector working in ubuntu 13.10? the ia32-libs package is gone | 02:50 |
Beldar | belljar, I have a cone head yours would be more rounded I suspect. ;) | 02:50 |
dondopa | When acting as a master, BIND 9 supports IXFR for those zones where the necessary change history information is available. | 02:55 |
hassen | i wonder why couldn't I install Webcamstudio in ubuntu 13.10 (typed $ sudo dpkg -i getdeb-repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb ) | 03:08 |
aaas | anyone know how to get the size of a directory (recursively) using ftp | 03:08 |
hassen | i meant: i typed: sudo dpkg -i webcamstudio_0.55a_all.deb | 03:09 |
hitsujiTMO_ | hassen: did you need to run: sudo apt-get -f install after? | 03:10 |
wheatthin | aaas, df -h <folder>/ | 03:12 |
aaas | wheatthin i need to do it over ftp | 03:13 |
wheatthin | aaas, can use ls -lah | 03:13 |
hassen | hitsujiTMO_, after typing sudo dpkg -i webcamstudio_0.55a_all.deb : i got: http://s11.postimg.org/9c7k8qasz/Screenshot_from_2013_12_02_04_12_57.png | 03:13 |
wheatthin | might not even need l | 03:14 |
aaas | wheatthin are you talking about the standard ftp client from the command line...i don't seem to get the recursive size with that | 03:14 |
locoloco | aaas: you tied to ftp? can you use ssh instead? | 03:15 |
aaas | locoloco no it's to a seedbox | 03:15 |
xangua | hassen: you have the deb in your actual home directory or is in some other directory like Downloads¿ | 03:17 |
locoloco | aaas: ok, what of the size-command? or does that only list individual file(s)? | 03:17 |
wheatthin | ls -lR | 03:17 |
aaas | locoloco size command? I tried size, but it wants a file name argument | 03:17 |
aaas | wheatthin it doesn't give me the full recrusive size | 03:17 |
hassen | xangua, you're right..i was in another directory,rather than Downloads: the one containing the .deb packs | 03:19 |
bsellers267 | Welp, I finally decided to make ubuntu my only OS. | 03:19 |
bsellers267 | I have a lot to learn in the world of linux. | 03:19 |
bsellers267 | I disliked the new gnome look so I opted to go with the classic look instead. | 03:20 |
bsellers267 | Makes my work flow a lot easier. | 03:20 |
amol | hello all | 03:23 |
amol | is there any admin in this chanel | 03:23 |
amol | ? | 03:23 |
cfhowlett | amol, probably. state the issue. | 03:23 |
Logan_ | amol: What do you mean by "admin?" | 03:24 |
aaas | locoloco wheatthin ok so what i had to do was mount the ftp locally using curlftpfs and then the normal commands were available to me so du . --maxdepth=0 worked | 03:24 |
amol | i have to discuss my project on ubuntu | 03:24 |
cfhowlett | amol, this isn't the place for that. | 03:24 |
cfhowlett | !contribute | 03:24 |
ubottu | To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu | 03:24 |
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amol | can you get me the correct email id of person working with ubuntu ? | 03:25 |
=== a0726h77 is now known as yan | ||
cfhowlett | amol, which one of the many thousands would you like? :) | 03:25 |
cfhowlett | amol, I'm guessing you want to develop something for ubuntu? | 03:26 |
amol | cfhowlett can i discuss my project with you on private message on this channel | 03:26 |
amol | ? | 03:26 |
locoloco | aaas: right, man ftp clearly states size command takes file-name argument. Don't know if nlist-command would help. | 03:26 |
locoloco | aaas: thanks for the solution! | 03:26 |
cfhowlett | amol, won't really help as I don't develop nor am I am admin. best place is to go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu and find the resources there. | 03:27 |
aaas | locoloco np..here's where i found it...just took a bit to get it working: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/21572/how-to-check-disk-usage-in-ftp | 03:27 |
amol | cfhowlett i know you are not admin you are normal user like me but still i need sum suggession on my project | 03:28 |
cfhowlett | amol, PM now open | 03:29 |
hassen | how to install .bz2 files? | 03:32 |
cfhowlett | Hey all, how to I direct Ubottu responses back to myself privately? trying to keep the channel clear | 03:32 |
hassen | i meant *.tar.bz2 | 03:32 |
xangua | cfhowlett: just msg ubottu¿ | 03:32 |
freannrak | How can I determine if my TrackPoint is being detected by Ubuntu? I'm having hard time changing the sensitivity of it. Xinput output: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9c8557872d548b36ff2b | 03:33 |
cfhowlett | !mirror | 03:36 |
ubottu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Saucy, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 03:36 |
Eli-5dce | Hello Everybody. | 03:40 |
jmgk | heya Eli-5dce | 03:41 |
cfhowlett | Eli-5dce, greetings | 03:41 |
Eli-5dce | jmgk : Hey dude | 03:41 |
cfhowlett | hassen, http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=.bz2+files+ubuntu&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz35 | 03:42 |
Eli-5dce | cfhowlett: Hello to you also | 03:42 |
jmgk | hey | 03:42 |
locoloco | aaas: elegant work-around indeed! btw, out of curiosity, seedbox running Ubuntu/Ubuntu Server? or other *nix? | 03:44 |
aaas | locoloco i really don't know...it's a third party seedbox host | 03:45 |
aaas | locoloco not sure why but it seems like 80% of seedboxes use ftp and not ssh-based transfer solutions | 03:45 |
mattheww | I am trying to figure out the speeds supported by eth0... is there a way I can get that via command line? | 03:47 |
mattheww | I remember a command a long time ago, I think it had to with using grep and /proc, but I can't remember... | 03:47 |
locoloco | aaas: I see, one could argue it's safer than SSH. Been running Ubuntu Server seedbox on Hardkernel's Odroid U2. Fantastic little device! 5 Watt energy consumption. | 03:48 |
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j-horowitz | 1 | 03:48 |
cfhowlett | j-horowitz, 2 | 03:49 |
aaas | locoloco well im not sure ftp is more secure, in fact i think that's the one thing most security profesionals recommend against, BUT seed box stuff generally doesn't need to be encrypted (it's usually just torrent files), and ftp uses less resources...i think that's why they do it | 03:49 |
LynchLord | use FTPS | 03:50 |
LynchLord | pls | 03:50 |
locoloco | aaas: sry, didn't mean to argue safety in that sense! | 03:50 |
mattheww | nevermind, it was `ethtool eth0` | 03:50 |
j-horowitz | 5 | 03:50 |
aaas | ...unless you have MANY users downloading unimportant info | 03:51 |
locoloco | ftp sucks from that perspective... Understand it's use for unimportant stuff | 03:51 |
aaas | yeah i think that's key...that's why almost all seedboxes don't use sftp | 03:51 |
locoloco | safety != shell access | 03:53 |
jmgk | !xchat | 03:53 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines | 03:53 |
jmgk | hm | 03:53 |
meddy | anyone know how to remove another linux distro that is in dual boot with ubuntu 13.10 I want to keep ubuntu | 03:54 |
imaginati0n | I was browsing my home folder when i see a folder called example and in it , it contained a .ogg file that said how fast does your pc boot so is this normal in Ubuntu LTS 12.04? | 03:54 |
cfhowlett | imaginati0n, yes it's normal. | 03:54 |
imaginati0n | Why is it included? | 03:55 |
cfhowlett | imaginati0n, advertising? | 03:55 |
imaginati0n | Oh | 03:56 |
cfhowlett | imaginati0n, ubuntu used to contain lots of examples of ubuntu made media. | 03:56 |
meddy | anyone? | 03:58 |
cfhowlett | meddy, boot ubuntu, remove the other filesystem, then update grub? | 03:59 |
meddy | it won't let me remove the other partition made by other disotri | 03:59 |
meddy | distor | 03:59 |
meddy | distro | 03:59 |
cfhowlett | meddy, yeah, that's probably a sudo level operation | 03:59 |
shanahan | any tmux users here? how do i bind tmux to a keyboard shortcut? as int he custom keyboard shortcuts "tmux" isn't working | 04:01 |
shanahan | is it something like "tmux new-session" that didn't work either. | 04:01 |
cfhowlett | meddy, you could also boot an ubuntu USB/CD into a live session, run gparted and remove the other distro. | 04:02 |
meddy | I'm assumiing by tpying sudo su in the terminal woudn't work? | 04:02 |
shanahan | akhh gtg | 04:03 |
cfhowlett | meddy, try it ... | 04:03 |
meddy | this is what the error message say when i try to delete it | 04:04 |
meddy | http://paste.ubuntu.com/6507611/ | 04:04 |
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wheatthin | meddy, why in the world would you want to delete a device node? | 04:05 |
wheatthin | meddy, I'd stop while you're ahead, or else you're going to break something | 04:06 |
meddy | a what ? I know the other disro is in there the otehr distro is elementary OS | 04:06 |
wheatthin | meddy, that's why it gave you that error, is you were deleting the harddrives device node, while it was in use. that's a no-no | 04:07 |
meddy | it not mounted at all it not being in use | 04:07 |
wheatthin | it's enumerated, thus being used. | 04:07 |
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1 | ||
meddy | what you mean | 04:08 |
wheatthin | meddy, if you want to delete a file, go into the mount place and delete the file, not the device node. | 04:08 |
cfhowlett | wheatthin, she's trying to remove a secondary linux OS from her dual boot | 04:09 |
wheatthin | meddy, anything in /dev is off limits lol | 04:09 |
wheatthin | cfhowlett, well she's going about it the wrong way. | 04:09 |
cfhowlett | wheatthin, and she's looking at following my very questionable advice | 04:09 |
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wheatthin | cfhowlett, if she wishes to delete a partition, or format it, instruct her to do so. | 04:10 |
cfhowlett | wheatthin, thus the circle completes. Please advise her. Obviously way above my knowledge point. | 04:10 |
wheatthin | meddy, in the console type sudo parted -l and paste the info in pastebin | 04:11 |
lotuspsychje | wheatthin: she left :p | 04:11 |
wheatthin | and then tell me what partition you want gone. | 04:11 |
wheatthin | lol figures | 04:11 |
cfhowlett | if she comes back irate ... blame me. | 04:12 |
lotuspsychje | cfhowlett: why need a blame in an opensource community | 04:13 |
wheatthin | cfhowlett, fyi, the easiest way for formatted is by using gui and gparted for those who aren't familiar with cli | 04:13 |
cfhowlett | wheatthin, I did suggest the live boot / gparted option. | 04:14 |
* lotuspsychje never liked those dualboots :p | 04:14 | |
wheatthin | ehh doesn't have to be a liveboot :).. just gotta be in the installed os she wanted to keep, then find the partition, format it, and then update-grub | 04:14 |
cfhowlett | wheatthin, as I thought! She said she hit an error and I suggested she needed sudo. | 04:15 |
wheatthin | nah, it was the device node in /dev she was trying to delete | 04:15 |
wheatthin | instead of formatted with reiserfs or extfs | 04:16 |
lotuspsychje | im looking for the packagename of useraccounts icon, can this be removed safely so users cant poke around the userlist? | 04:19 |
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lotuspsychje | would be nice if only root could see userlist, and not all users | 04:21 |
cfhowlett | lotuspsychje, I would think it should be easier to sandbox the users from seeing ANY of the filesystem, e.g. restrict them to /home | 04:22 |
lotuspsychje | cfhowlett: is that possible to lock /home to a user? | 04:23 |
cfhowlett | lotuspsychje, I KNEW you were going to ask me that! :) Yes, but I've never done it. Only read about it. | 04:23 |
lotuspsychje | cfhowlett: i always thought it might be unsafe to chmode the whole /home for some reason | 04:24 |
lotuspsychje | chmod | 04:24 |
cfhowlett | lotuspsychje, for an unprivileged user? dont' see why. | 04:24 |
lotuspsychje | cfhowlett: will this not affect the way /home stores configs and such for other users? | 04:25 |
cfhowlett | lotuspsychje, I don't have such sophisticated knowledge . | 04:26 |
lotuspsychje | cfhowlett: ok well tnx, ill experiment with sandboxing a user | 04:26 |
cfhowlett | lotuspsychje, and I'd love to send you the link, but the great firewall is throttling my connection so search is painfully slow | 04:26 |
lotuspsychje | cfhowlett: no sweat mate, just wanted to know if it was possibl | 04:27 |
Zooklubba | So. I got DC from my server when I did an apt-get upgrade | 04:31 |
Zooklubba | error were encountered while processing> http://pastebin.com/h6isJCXL | 04:32 |
Zooklubba | how the hell do I fix that :/ | 04:33 |
lotuspsychje | Zooklubba: you upgraded from wich version to wich? | 04:38 |
Zooklubba | I didnt upgrade shit. I just did apt-get update and apt-get upgrade | 04:38 |
wheatthin | Zooklubba, looks like you are trying to upgrade mysql-server twice | 04:38 |
wheatthin | watch the language plz | 04:38 |
Zooklubba | When I reconnected it was locked | 04:39 |
Zooklubba | So I deleted the temp locks thingies | 04:39 |
Zooklubba | wheatthin: I think it's more that the upgrade was cancelled in the middle of it | 04:39 |
wheatthin | Zooklubba, you can try dpkg -reconfigure mysql-server | 04:39 |
lotuspsychje | Zooklubba: so..from wich version are you trying to upgrade? | 04:39 |
wheatthin | Zooklubba, if so, it would have suggested to do apt-get -f | 04:40 |
Zooklubba | lotuspsychje: There were like 300 packages that were upgraded | 04:40 |
Zooklubba | wheatthin: As I have tried. And it did not yield any other results than errors | 04:40 |
wheatthin | right, but since it didn't spit out that error, it's not gonna work lol | 04:41 |
lotuspsychje | Zooklubba: thats not my question mate..wich ubuntu version to wich? | 04:41 |
jmgk | hey evilbug | 04:42 |
Zooklubba | lotuspsychje: As I said. I didnt | 04:42 |
Zooklubba | I just wanted to upgrade some old packages | 04:42 |
Zooklubba | Didnt touch the ubuntu version | 04:42 |
lotuspsychje | Zooklubba: you mean update packages then? not upgrade to a new ubuntu version? | 04:43 |
Zooklubba | yes | 04:43 |
lotuspsychje | Zooklubba: ...ok and on wich ubuntu version are you now? | 04:43 |
lotuspsychje | server, desktop,...number | 04:43 |
Zooklubba | wheatthin: http://pastebin.com/AfwDK8dL that's the full one | 04:43 |
Zooklubba | lotuspsychje: 12.04, server | 04:44 |
wheatthin | ahh, you have two package managers trying to access the same process | 04:44 |
wheatthin | just reboot and sudo apt-get -f | 04:45 |
lotuspsychje | wheatthin: how did you see that if i may ask | 04:46 |
wheatthin | debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable | 04:47 |
lotuspsychje | wheatthin: tnx thought so, locked by another process | 04:47 |
daze_ | Is there a way to get league of legends on ubuntu | 04:48 |
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wheatthin | daze_, you have to check wine compadibility list | 04:48 |
lotuspsychje | daze_: not sure if its in the list, but you can try playonlinux | 04:48 |
cfhowlett | daze_, or wine | 04:48 |
lotuspsychje | !info playonlinux | daze_ | 04:49 |
ubottu | daze_: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.1-1 (saucy), package size 1578 kB, installed size 3954 kB | 04:49 |
daze_ | Negative downloaded wine and playonlinex does not have it. | 04:49 |
lotuspsychje | !appdb | daze_ | 04:49 |
ubottu | daze_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help | 04:49 |
lotuspsychje | daze_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/243434/can-i-play-league-of-legends-in-ubuntu | 04:50 |
daze_ | How can i install windows without a cd drive | 04:52 |
cfhowlett | daze_, windows support this isn't. ask in #windows | 04:53 |
MikeChel1n | anyone know how to get flash projector working in ubuntu 13.10? the ia32-libs package is gone | 04:54 |
Zooklubba | wheatthin: reboot and sudo apt-get upgrade -f. | 04:55 |
lotuspsychje | MikeChel1n: i read devs are working on a ia32-libs replacement..not sure how it works | 04:55 |
Zooklubba | Grub failed window. Eek | 04:55 |
Zooklubba | Do you wish to continue :/ | 04:55 |
lotuspsychje | MikeChel1n: maybe the #ubuntu-devel guys might know ? | 04:55 |
MikeChel1n | lotuspsychje: i was able to install 32-bit versions of some libraries but idk all the ones required by flash projector | 04:56 |
wheatthin | no, just sudo apt-get -f | 04:56 |
jmgk | hey MikeChel1n | 04:56 |
wheatthin | should due. | 04:56 |
MikeChel1n | hello | 04:56 |
wheatthin | Sorry, was making me a cup of coffee :D | 04:57 |
wheatthin | !hello | 04:57 |
jmgk | !hi | 04:57 |
wheatthin | lol | 04:57 |
jmgk | ;P | 04:57 |
MikeChel1n | hehe | 04:57 |
wheatthin | Have a question? | 04:57 |
MikeChel1n | lotuspsychje: ok thanks i might try asking there | 04:57 |
lotuspsychje | !cookie | wheatthin will match your cup of coffee | 04:58 |
ubottu | wheatthin will match your cup of coffee: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 04:58 |
wheatthin | lol | 05:02 |
pogi_ako | hello | 05:23 |
pogi_ako | can't use 13.10 due to errors telling me that my hardware cant be found by 13.10 | 05:24 |
pogi_ako | wth? | 05:24 |
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ziyu | 这里有人说中文吗 | 05:44 |
somsip | !zh | ziyu | 05:44 |
ubottu | ziyu: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 05:44 |
ziyu | thanks | 05:45 |
jmcantrell | i seem to be missing those transparent popup notifications. what packages provide that | 05:46 |
somsip | !info osd-notify | 05:46 |
ubottu | Package osd-notify does not exist in saucy | 05:46 |
somsip | !find osd-notify | 05:46 |
ubottu | Package/file osd-notify does not exist in saucy | 05:46 |
somsip | jmcantrell: hmm. I thought it was somethign like that... | 05:46 |
somsip | !info notify-osd | 05:47 |
ubottu | notify-osd (source: notify-osd): daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.35+13.10.20130917.1-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 163 kB, installed size 790 kB | 05:47 |
somsip | jmcantrell: maybe this is not the default way of showing these as it's optional. So not really sure | 05:47 |
Danato | !info kernel | 05:48 |
ubottu | Package kernel does not exist in saucy | 05:48 |
Danato | you dont say | 05:48 |
jmcantrell | i was messing with some packages and now i get little text-only messages in the upper left corner instead of popups | 05:49 |
jmcantrell | how can i tell what the default packages are? | 05:52 |
Romance | i export SOCKS_SERVER=<port> , is that sufficient to let wget use the proxy? | 05:55 |
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dotaramble | how do I disable in ubuntu 12.04 live during bootup scanning partitions for indexes it takes forever... | 06:00 |
cfhowlett | dotaramble, define "forever" - it's a safety feature, is it not? | 06:00 |
dotaramble | i mean the scanning for indexes for packages. more than 2minutes :D | 06:01 |
dotaramble | i am used to live boot up in under 20 seconds | 06:01 |
dotaramble | are there any switches that I can pass to the kernel? | 06:02 |
MVanDruff | good evening. has anyone had any problems getting netflix desktop to work? | 06:09 |
cfhowlett | !anyone | 06:10 |
ubottu | A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 06:10 |
MVanDruff | ok when i click on netflix desktop it does not load. i have unintstalled it and reinstalled it numerous times and it does not load | 06:11 |
MVanDruff | sudo apt-get remove netflix-desktop followed by sudo apt-get install netflix-desktop and still will not load | 06:12 |
Beldar | MVanDruff, remove does not remove the configs you might try a purge than reinstall. | 06:12 |
MVanDruff | i never got into any configs. it has never run | 06:14 |
cfhowlett | MVanDruff, have some fun. look in your /home and in .local for hidden files and folders. BET you'll find a .netflix of some sort | 06:15 |
Beldar | MVanDruff, well you seem to have the answers so best if luck. ;) | 06:15 |
Beldar | of* | 06:15 |
MVanDruff | how do i purge? | 06:15 |
Beldar | sudo apt-get purge netflix-desktop | 06:16 |
cfhowlett | MVanDruff, sudo apt-get purge packagenamehere | 06:16 |
Beldar | Make sure the ppa is supporting the release you are running as well. | 06:17 |
MVanDruff | ppa? | 06:18 |
Beldar | MVanDruff, YOU have to add a ppa to run it. | 06:19 |
awan1 | ppa key | 06:19 |
MVanDruff | ok i am checking something | 06:21 |
Beldar | MVanDruff, If you have tried it through wine this site address that. http://www.iheartubuntu.com/2012/11/ppa-for-netflix-desktop-app.html | 06:22 |
MVanDruff | well i am looking at the ppa sight. what is the most recent ubuntu version? | 06:23 |
JordanJ2 | 13.10 | 06:24 |
MVanDruff | thank you jordan | 06:25 |
JordanJ2 | No problem | 06:26 |
samuraibsd | Are AMD's proprietary drivers stable enough for daily use these days? | 06:29 |
JordanJ2 | I used them, seemed stable enough in my case | 06:31 |
samuraibsd | Great, thanks. Wanna get my Steam on, hoping to pull as much performance out as possible | 06:32 |
daze_ | how do you enable more desktops and then button to switch in between? | 06:35 |
cfhowlett | daze_, install the desktop. log out. choose the desktop. login. | 06:36 |
daze_ | No i mean workspaces | 06:36 |
pogi_ako | is 13.10 good? | 06:37 |
daze_ | Say watching a movie on one screen, and then have more work on another? | 06:37 |
pogi_ako | y can ti use it? | 06:37 |
cfhowlett | pogi_ako, in English? | 06:38 |
pogi_ako | returns me an error saying that my hardware cant be found | 06:38 |
cfhowlett | !details|pogi_ako, | 06:38 |
ubottu | pogi_ako,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 06:38 |
pogi_ako | I'm running 13.04. Problem is that after installing 13.10, cant use it. It saying something that I should configure my graphics, drivers, etc. because 13.10 cant find my hardware. | 06:40 |
cfhowlett | pogi_ako, EXACT error message? | 06:41 |
RealOpty | Hello :) | 06:42 |
pogi_ako | cfhowlett: it gives me this dialog box saying that 13.10 cant find my hardware like the graphics card, etc. | 06:42 |
pogi_ako | cfhowlett: It saying something like low-graphics mode | 06:43 |
cfhowlett | !nomodeset|pogi_ako | 06:43 |
ubottu | pogi_ako: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 06:43 |
RealOpty | in my sources.list i have mirror://mirror.ub.etc/etc/etc.txt, I want to ignore a mirror that its selecting, how can i go about this? | 06:43 |
cfhowlett | RealOpty, ## will comment out the mirror | 06:44 |
RealOpty | I know. | 06:44 |
RealOpty | im using mirror:// to autoselect. yet its selected an even slower mirror then the main repo.. | 06:44 |
samuraibsd | Alright, let's hope changing drivers doesn't hose anything | 06:48 |
Delsin | can anyone here help me out with installing memtest86 on a usb stick? | 06:51 |
tozen | exit | 06:55 |
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ziyu | Why is no one talking | 07:07 |
jmgk | ask a question | 07:08 |
jmgk | :P | 07:08 |
* he_re_ blinks. | 07:08 | |
ziyu | I am using Google Translate | 07:09 |
szymek | where are you from ziyu ? | 07:09 |
ziyu | china | 07:09 |
ziyu | Where do you come from | 07:10 |
cfhowlett | !cn|ziyu, | 07:11 |
ubottu | ziyu,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 07:11 |
MarGul | How secure is it to login via SSH to my server (server is running ubuntu-server and my laptop ubuntu 12.04)? Say for example that I log into my system from school. If there is people listening to the traffic will my password be sent out in plain text? | 07:37 |
adam_ | ssh is secure | 07:39 |
mz` | no plain text password, prefer using only version 2 of the protocol, and do not use passwords, use ssh keys | 07:40 |
adam_ | no one will see your password in plain text | 07:40 |
MVanDruff | I try running additional drivers and get this error Unable to start "/usr/bin/software-properties-gtk --open-tab=4" | 07:40 |
MarGul | Thanks guys. Im right now looking at using RSA keys. Can I have both RSA authentication and a password or is that just over kill? | 07:41 |
mz` | MVanDruff: debug by running the command yourself in a shell | 07:41 |
mz` | MarGul: yes you can | 07:42 |
MarGul | mz`: Thanks | 07:42 |
mz` | if you lose ssh access, if you loose your ssh key, you will need your password at some point | 07:42 |
MVanDruff | how would i go about that ? | 07:42 |
mz` | (or the root one, obviously) | 07:43 |
mz` | MVanDruff: search in the applications menu for a 'terminal' app, open it, enter the command like '/path/to/program <args>' | 07:44 |
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MVanDruff | no such file or directory | 07:45 |
hagerf | ls | 07:51 |
helmut_ | hi | 07:56 |
foo357 | Hello, what's a good XML editor for linux? All I want to do is really to minimize and rearrange some elements. | 07:57 |
geirha | foo357: A scriptable one, or a gui editor? | 07:57 |
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foo357 | geirha: a gui text editor | 07:58 |
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Dreyfax | hey, i need some help - i want to disable automount for my sdcard, but it doesnt work - i followed instructions in wiki and disabled options via dconf but it still mounts it | 08:05 |
Dreyfax | and if i throw it out, i cant access it via /dev/sdX anymore -.- | 08:05 |
samuraibsd | Is libcairo 1.12.2 still available in the repos? I'm finding it has a bug with Catalyst that I can't seem to fix, so I'd like to roll it back. | 08:07 |
samuraibsd | And apt isn't finding that version | 08:07 |
vocx | samuraibsd, I think there would only be one version of a given library per release, unless it was updated. I guess you can install the library from the previous release, but you know that dependencies and so on. May be complicated. | 08:13 |
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samuraibsd | vocx: Thanks. I'm running into a bug that looks almost a year old and hasn't been fixed...not sure what to do about this. | 08:15 |
sjaak_trekhaak | Hi, I'm using Ubuntu 13.10 and recently it looks like some weird font is being rendered instead of Verdana. See: http://i.imgur.com/FY8c2CJ.png | 08:20 |
geirha | foo357: Don't know, then, I just use vim for interactive editing. | 08:20 |
sjaak_trekhaak | How can I 'reset' that to get the proper verdana back? | 08:20 |
vocx | samuraibsd, Are you experienced in this, like truly troubleshooting the issue, or just think that the older version used to work. I would follow the clues and see if it's a reported bug. | 08:23 |
Repox | Hello. I've had an odd experience. My syslog has been chowned to a user called messagebus. The effect of this is that the syslog doesn't log anything. Where does the messagebus user come from? And how can I make sure that it doesn't take over the syslog again? | 08:24 |
samuraibsd | vocx: Yeah, I've been playing the Linux game since the mid 90s, so I'm used to looking for solutions. I found a bug filed November 2012 that is exactly what my issue is. Reported fixed multiple times, then reopened. It's just an issue that's not fixed yet. | 08:24 |
samuraibsd | Repox: try http://askubuntu.com/questions/306271/file-ownership-in-13-04-set-to-messagebus-instead-of-syslog-for-var-log-files | 08:28 |
daze_ | How to know if my sli is running in Ubuntu? | 08:29 |
cgt-michelin_la_ | ola | 08:29 |
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pamedam | hi there | 08:30 |
pamedam | I am here to ask for help | 08:31 |
pamedam | on network manger and wifi on xubuntu | 08:31 |
aeon-ltd | ok, but in the future don't ask to ask | 08:31 |
pamedam | ^^ | 08:31 |
pamedam | I am trying to configure wifi on this computer | 08:31 |
pamedam | iwlist works fine | 08:32 |
daze_ | How do i get both my graphics cards working ubunto? | 08:32 |
pamedam | but I have nothing referring to wireless ion network manager interface | 08:32 |
pamedam | any clue ? | 08:32 |
geirha | pamedam: Check if the wireless is configured in /etc/network/interfaces if it is, network-manager will ignore the interface | 08:33 |
daze_ | Anyone know how to turn on sli? | 08:34 |
pamedam | geirha -> it returns auto lo | 08:35 |
pamedam | auto ra0 | 08:35 |
pamedam | iface ra0 inet loopback | 08:35 |
pamedam | where ra0 is the wifi usb adaptater | 08:35 |
pamedam | I already edited this file | 08:36 |
pamedam | and added auto ra0 | 08:36 |
pamedam | because it used to swithch of everytime I rebot | 08:36 |
geirha | pamedam: should've contained "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback" | 08:36 |
pamedam | It usually did | 08:36 |
geirha | pamedam: Well, that's why network-manager ignores it | 08:37 |
pamedam | Ok I try to reinit this file and let you know | 08:37 |
Danato | is kernel 3.12 supported yet? | 08:38 |
vocx | samuraibsd, Seems like a bug then. Have you found the past bug reports, in messagebus, or so? I have not experienced this, so I cannot say more. | 08:39 |
Wiz_KeeD | hey guys | 08:39 |
pamedam | geirha -> shoulda reboot now ? | 08:39 |
pamedam | because right click on network manager still doesn't show any wireless option | 08:40 |
geirha | pamedam: either that or restart the network and network-manager services | 08:40 |
pamedam | service network-manager stop | 08:41 |
pamedam | ? | 08:41 |
pamedam | geirha -> ? | 08:41 |
geirha | pamedam: service networking restart # I think | 08:42 |
pamedam | thx | 08:42 |
samuraibsd | vocx: Looks like the only solution is to not use fglrx for now...a shame, since the performance just isn't up to snuff yet. | 08:42 |
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Wiz_KeeD | Guys, can I get some advice on buying a new laptop?I see 90% of the laptops that are actually decent are using the nvidia optimus technology crap | 08:43 |
pamedam | geirha -> I did stop/start commands | 08:43 |
pamedam | nothing changed | 08:44 |
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Wiz_KeeD | I would like to avoid it since I game once every 1000 years | 08:44 |
geirha | pamedam: Hm. Try the same with network-manager too | 08:44 |
Wiz_KeeD | But it seems I cannot since 90% of the models have it...is it such a pain in ubuntu | 08:44 |
Wiz_KeeD | ? | 08:44 |
pamedam | geirha -> that's what I just did | 08:45 |
vocx | Wiz_KeeD, I have a Lenovo T420. I didn't even know about the Optimus stuff until now. I hear it works okay, you just have to deactivate it. I Run Ubuntu in a virtual machine, so I cannot say for sure, but the Live CD ran okay. | 08:45 |
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samuraibsd | Wiz_KeeD: I believe I recognize sarcasm in your comment, but I'm unsure what it entails. Do you mean that you game often, or that you game rarely? | 08:45 |
geirha | pamedam: Both networking and network-manager ? | 08:46 |
pamedam | since iwlist works fine, I am not so far from a wifi working !!!! GRRRRR | 08:46 |
pamedam | network-manager only | 08:46 |
Wiz_KeeD | I game rarely, If i game at all samuraibsd, a integrated intel graphics card would be perfect for me...but i seldom find it alone and that's the problem :( | 08:46 |
geirha | well, network manager probably still thinks /etc/network/interfaces is in charge of ra0 | 08:46 |
pamedam | when trying to do the same on networking | 08:47 |
away | Wiz_KeeD, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee | 08:47 |
pamedam | it says "stop: unknown instance" | 08:47 |
Wiz_KeeD | Yeah I know about that away I just heard it's not fully supported, most people would suggest "staying away" from optimus even though bumblebee exists... | 08:47 |
Wiz_KeeD | Maybe I could just deactivate the nvidia card permanently from bios or something... | 08:48 |
away | well, as you said, it's hard to stay away | 08:48 |
away | and it works for me (though not under ubuntu, haven't tried) | 08:48 |
samuraibsd | Wiz_KeeD: There are plenty of laptops that run Intel chipset graphics. My personal favorite laptops are ThinkPads and MacBooks, but I believe Asus has a few products that use Intel HD graphics alone | 08:48 |
samuraibsd | You likely just need to focus on the lower end. | 08:48 |
away | some ultrabooks don't have dedicated graphics | 08:48 |
geirha | pamedam: service networking stop ? | 08:48 |
Wiz_KeeD | samuraibsd, I only found one asus with just integrated hd graphics but it's out of stock everywhere :(( | 08:49 |
pamedam | geirha -> yep | 08:49 |
pogi_ako | hello | 08:49 |
pogi_ako | is 13.10 good? | 08:49 |
pogi_ako | I can't use 13.10 whenever I install it | 08:49 |
Wiz_KeeD | pogi_ako, it is but it's not LTS | 08:49 |
pogi_ako | does it often crash? | 08:49 |
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geirha | pamedam: Not sure then, I haven't gotten around to learning upstart properly. So not sure how to restart it. | 08:50 |
pamedam | geirha -> I restart the computer and come back | 08:50 |
geirha | pamedam: ok | 08:51 |
nf7 | Are any of you guys running Ubuntu on a laptop? What is your battery life compared to Windows? Worse, better or the same? | 08:52 |
pogi_ako | Same? | 08:52 |
pogi_ako | And my wifi range got shorter compared to Win. 8 | 08:53 |
pogi_ako | I really had to work on my desk unlike before I can work anywhere in the house | 08:53 |
nf7 | Hmmm, my battery seems to be unchanged from Windows 8.1, WiFi has always sucked though and still does in either. That's what happens when you live in an apartment building with 100+ networks in range! | 08:54 |
pogi_ako | nf7: lol | 08:55 |
pogi_ako | what Ubuntu are u running? | 08:55 |
nf7 | 13.10 | 08:55 |
nf7 | You? | 08:55 |
pogi_ako | Is Lucid still a viable option? | 08:55 |
pogi_ako | am stuck with .04 :( | 08:55 |
pogi_ako | .04 sucks! | 08:55 |
DJones | !lucid | pogi_ako For a desktop, Lucid is EOL & no longer supported | 08:56 |
ubottu | pogi_ako For a desktop, Lucid is EOL & no longer supported: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details. | 08:56 |
pogi_ako | it crashes, my Dota 2 had crashed twice that I had to install it again and wait for half-day >_< | 08:56 |
nf7 | I have no idea, I would assume that it isn't. What problem exactly are you having with your install? Just wifi issues? | 08:56 |
pogi_ako | Right now, I have a problem with playing videos | 08:57 |
nf7 | Ah I see. Hmmm, I don't think I would ever game under Linux. I'm just gonna assume most problems with that have to do with bad video card drivers which is unfortunately goes hand in hand with Linux. | 08:57 |
nf7 | "Bad" as in not as good as Windows drivers. | 08:57 |
CAP5743 | nf7 | 08:57 |
CAP5743 | nf7 | 08:57 |
nf7 | But you'd have to ask someone who knows more about it than me. | 08:57 |
CAP5743 | nf7 | 08:57 |
vocx | nf7, Not "bad", just closed-sourced. | 08:58 |
pogi_ako | nf7: yeah I think so, considering that my pc is an HP too which sucks Microsoft's ass | 08:58 |
jmgk | hey pogi_ako | 08:58 |
jmgk | where are you from by the way? | 08:58 |
pogi_ako | jmgk: y? | 08:58 |
jmgk | just asking | 08:58 |
jmgk | :P | 08:58 |
jmgk | seen ya around | 08:58 |
jmgk | :p | 08:58 |
FloodBot1 | jmgk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:58 |
pogi_ako | ? | 08:59 |
nf7 | I'm lucky I've got a Lenovo, who actually makes Linux drivers! and sells computers with Ubuntu on them in some markets. Not mine in particular but pretty much everything is seamless. | 08:59 |
jmgk | On this channel actually | 08:59 |
jmgk | hm | 08:59 |
jmgk | nf7, did you try the website? | 08:59 |
pogi_ako | jmgk: oh, haha. had a creeper than for a secx | 08:59 |
pogi_ako | sec* | 08:59 |
nf7 | jmgk: What website? | 08:59 |
jmgk | hehe no | 08:59 |
pogi_ako | oh | 08:59 |
jmgk | nf7, the drivers site? | 08:59 |
pogi_ako | so that's why they had Lenovo on their site showcasing Ubuntu | 08:59 |
nf7 | jmgk: Sorry, what are we talking about? | 08:59 |
jmgk | eh | 09:00 |
pogi_ako | Is upgrading an ideal way to upgrade to .10? | 09:00 |
pogi_ako | or fresh install? | 09:00 |
nf7 | I'm not sure, I've never upgraded Ubuntu. | 09:01 |
nf7 | I'm sure there's an upgrade guide on the wiki. | 09:01 |
pogi_ako | lol | 09:01 |
pogi_ako | it's just a click away | 09:01 |
nf7 | Yes it is. | 09:02 |
pogi_ako | doing it now | 09:03 |
nf7 | Cool | 09:05 |
nf7 | Do you think it will fix your problems? | 09:05 |
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Zorky | Looking for someone. That can tell me the commands to make the users i add to a group save and edit eachothers files from a symoblic made folder on their desktops. I tried to create a group, adding that group to the users and then change chmod on the folder. sudo chmod 777 <folder> then sudo chown root:groupname <folder> and then sudo chmod g+s <folder> and the files i add with 1 user is not writable on the other user | 09:08 |
cgt-michelin_la_ | geirha -> I am back !!! | 09:09 |
cgt-michelin_la_ | but I have still the same issue | 09:10 |
datapolitical | okay, crowd question. which is better as an email address: alex@abn.io | 09:10 |
datapolitical | or a@abn.io | 09:10 |
cgt-michelin_la_ | I had to modify the etc/network/interfaces file | 09:10 |
cgt-michelin_la_ | since I can see with lshw that my wifi hardware is disabled everytime I reboot | 09:11 |
Rory | datapolitical: me@abn.io | 09:11 |
sammy | anyone else getting X freezing with 13.10? :( I cant figure out what causes it, but X just stops accepting input. I can still switch to a vt, no process has run away with memory or cpu, I see nothing in .xsession-errors, Xorg.0.log or any syslog :( | 09:11 |
sammy | I can move the mouse around, and it might even change cursors depending on if its over a text field, but no clicking or keyboard presses do anything. I don't know where to begin to troubleshoot | 09:12 |
sammy | eh Ill chalk it up to gnome-shell and since as soon as I mention I'm using gnome not unity Ill be ushered to another channel, Ill show myself out :) | 09:15 |
nf7 | I would think just about everyone who uses Ubuntu uses gnome | 09:16 |
Zorky | nf7: Dont count on it. | 09:16 |
nf7 | "just about everyone" | 09:16 |
nf7 | compared to any other distro anyway | 09:17 |
Zorky | Can some1 help me. i need to figure out why i can't get the files to inherit folder permissions | 09:17 |
Rory | Zorky: What have you tried? | 09:18 |
Rory | !details | Zorky basically | 09:18 |
ubottu | Zorky basically: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 09:18 |
Rory | Zorky: Sory I just scrolled up | 09:18 |
Zorky | I can't figure out what i did wrong. i have done this before. but i have forgotten how to . :( | 09:19 |
Rory | Zorky: The answer is to use ACLs if you want files to automatically inherit the permissions of the parent folder. Top answer here http://superuser.com/questions/151911/how-to-make-new-file-permission-inherit-from-the-parent-directory | 09:19 |
somsip | Zorky: after a change to a users group, you need to logout and back in again. Did you do this for both users? | 09:19 |
Zorky | yes i did | 09:20 |
somsip | Zorky: and what are the perms/group/user on the created file. | 09:21 |
yossarianuk | hi apart from kernel + glibc what other updates require an update for a KVM host ? | 09:21 |
iceroot | is there a way to have multiple remote logins (gui) where all are using the same user but have there own session? | 09:21 |
Zorky | the user that created it and then the group that the folder is set to¨ | 09:21 |
yossarianuk | sorry updates require a reboot... | 09:21 |
Zorky | Rory: ^ | 09:22 |
iceroot | yossarianuk: dbus, kernel and libc6 | 09:22 |
yossarianuk | thanks | 09:22 |
iceroot | yossarianuk: libc6 = glibc :) | 09:22 |
Rory | Zorky: I think the example in that answer I gave you is almost identical to your situation | 09:22 |
iceroot | yossarianuk: normally ubuntu should show you a message when a restart is needed (login message on ssh and the update notifier on the gui) | 09:24 |
somsip | Zorky: I have no experience of ACL, but comment on the answer with 17 votes also seems to fit what you've said so far. hence my first question | 09:24 |
Zorky | Rory: this is not what i did before. to make it work. | 09:24 |
Zorky | somsip: i didn't use ACL last i sat this up | 09:25 |
somsip | Zorky: especially as you have the directory as world-writable. maybe 775 would work around this | 09:25 |
somsip | Zorky: read the answer I'm referring to. It is not suggesting ACL | 09:25 |
yossarianuk | iceroot: cheers its on a server btw. | 09:26 |
geirha | cgt-michelin_la_: still not available through network-manager? | 09:27 |
cgt-michelin_la_ | nope :/ | 09:27 |
Zorky | somsip: can you tell the chmod number for the g+s ? | 09:27 |
somsip | Zorky: I always use g+s too. Maybe 2775, but I'm not sure | 09:27 |
somsip | Zorky: anyway - other things to do. good luck | 09:27 |
Zorky | thanks | 09:28 |
stlu | Hi, I'm trying to figure out why "less" sometimes leaves its output on the screen, sometimes not | 09:29 |
vlt | stlu: Here it always happens inside "screen". | 09:31 |
stlu | vlt: ok, thats a good start | 09:32 |
stlu | vlt: I figure it has something to do with the feature they call 'framebuffer' which is why 'less' can open a whole new window without leaving anything on the terminal. | 09:32 |
cgt-michelin_la_ | geirha -> still the same point | 09:33 |
geirha | cgt-michelin_la_: Odd ... | 09:33 |
stlu | vlt: I didn't pay attention to whether screen was running, I was thinking it was a difference between ubuntu desktop and a ubuntu server. | 09:33 |
vlt | stlu: Maybe even the screen developers did that on purpose to save bandwidth (back in the 80’s). | 09:35 |
cgt-michelin_la_ | geirha -> do you think it is a network-manager issue or it comes from something wrong in the system ? | 09:35 |
stlu | bye | 09:42 |
Silex | how can I install a 64bit kernel on 32 bits ubuntu 12.04? I did the following: http://ideone.com/Ey7dY6 but "uname -a" still reports i686 | 09:42 |
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Myrtti | Silex: where did you get the idea that you could and that it would work? | 09:43 |
Rory | Silex: cos you can't, and it won't | 09:43 |
Silex | I got this example from there: http://askubuntu.com/questions/81824/how-can-i-switch-a-32-bit-installation-to-a-64-bit-one | 09:44 |
[Gentoo] | Silex: just backup your configs and install 64 bit ubuntu | 09:45 |
Silex | [Gentoo]: it's ab it more complicated than that... the current runnign system heavily relies on 32 bits packages | 09:45 |
=== danny__ is now known as Guest10436 | ||
[Gentoo] | Silex: what do you mean | 09:46 |
Silex | and when trying to make this system depends on the :i386 version some weird stuffs happen | 09:46 |
Silex | it'd be much easier if one could simply use the 64bit kernel but use teh 32bit os :) | 09:46 |
marcolino | Hi, is it possible to create new directories with the owner being the owenr of the parent directory instead of the user that created the sub directory? | 09:47 |
[Gentoo] | no idea, what about using 32 bit repo for packages (not sure how) | 09:47 |
Myrtti | Silex: so did you even read what that askubuntu link advices? | 09:48 |
Silex | Myrtti: yes, what part are you refering to? | 09:48 |
Myrtti | Silex: because it clearly states in the first reply it's a lot more complicated than what you tried to do | 09:48 |
Myrtti | first answer, third paragraph onwards | 09:48 |
Silex | ok, I was refering to second answer | 09:48 |
Silex | and first answer is about converting all your packages to :amd64 | 09:49 |
Silex | second answer is what I'm trying to do: just remove the kernel limitations while keeping the 32 bits packages running | 09:49 |
Myrtti | which kernel limitations? | 09:49 |
Silex | limitations being the 16 terabytes filesystem limit | 09:50 |
[Gentoo] | Silex: do you mean you cant afford downtime for a reinstall? | 09:51 |
frozen | http://xdcc.it/network/QuartzNet/channel/upz-crew/bot/UPZ%7CDuMP%7CMP4%7C001.html | 09:53 |
Silex | [Gentoo]: it's a long story... basically I already explored the route where I port the code to 64 bits, the route where I compile the code with -m32 and make ti depends on :i386 packages... | 09:53 |
Silex | and someone mentionned to me that I could avoid all this if I simply used the 64bit kernel with the 32 bit packages | 09:54 |
[Gentoo] | yeah | 09:54 |
[Gentoo] | as it can run 32 bit | 09:54 |
[Gentoo] | why not reinstall and copy over all your important files | 09:54 |
makara | my application's menu isn't showing in unity. Is there a shortcut key to activate? | 09:55 |
marcolino | Hi, is it possible to create new directories with the owner being the owner of the parent directory instead of the user that created the sub directory? | 09:55 |
Silex | [Gentoo]: because I'll need to spend weeks figuring out the :i386 dependencies | 09:55 |
Silex | :) | 09:55 |
Silex | my paste from earlier looked simple enought to replace the kernel with its 64bit version | 09:56 |
[Gentoo] | cant help you on that one | 09:56 |
Silex | I'm only askign why doens't this work | 09:56 |
Silex | http://ideone.com/Ey7dY6 | 09:57 |
Inorganic-NET | h | 09:57 |
Silex | I don't realyl understand as linux-image:i386 isn't installed, it'd be the :adm64 version taht is loaded | 09:57 |
Silex | yet uname -a tells me otherwise | 09:57 |
Silex | maybe I fiddle with the wrong package | 09:57 |
Inorganic-NET | Hi, need help ? | 09:58 |
Silex | oh wait, maybe I need to purge the oldone | 09:58 |
[Gentoo] | Silex: tbh ive never attempted that | 09:59 |
[Gentoo] | Inorganic-NET: with what | 09:59 |
[Gentoo] | or was you offering help | 09:59 |
Inorganic-NET | anything, | 09:59 |
Silex | weird http://ideone.com/yDX0wf | 10:00 |
Inorganic-NET | Is someone interested into IA ? | 10:04 |
Inorganic-NET | hi | 10:07 |
marcolino | Hmmm, is there no way to force sub directories to be created not as the user that created it but as the user who is the owner of the parent directory, instead of user:foobar I would like for it to be automatically foobar:user | 10:08 |
Bl08 | My components folder is in my home directory and not in my / directory and it wont go back | 10:09 |
[Gentoo] | Bl08: what components | 10:09 |
Rory | marcolino: : The answer is to use ACLs if you want files to automatically inherit the permissions of the parent folder. Top answer here http://superuser.com/questions/151911/how-to-make-new-file-permission-inherit-from-the-parent-directory | 10:10 |
Bl08 | [Gentoo], it is an empty folder that is named components | 10:10 |
[Gentoo] | Bl08: you need to be root to move it. | 10:10 |
[Gentoo] | to root | 10:10 |
Rory | Bl08: sudo mv source destnation | 10:11 |
Bl08 | Rory, thank you | 10:11 |
Bl08 | [Gentoo], Thank you | 10:11 |
marcolino | Rory, I've tried setgid, acl to see if it works but didn't get any result or I should say I don't see a difference, the sub directories are still being owned by me | 10:12 |
[Gentoo] | Bl08: just think, if any user could mess with stuff in / how insecure the system would be | 10:12 |
Bl08 | [Gentoo], True | 10:12 |
=== adellam_ is now known as adellam | ||
Zorky | my folder wont make files inherit permissions. my folder looks like this: drwsrwsrwx 2 root faellesmappe 4096 dec 2 11:15 faellesmappe | 10:17 |
Layke | I'm trying to do this... http://askubuntu.com/questions/109338/how-do-i-disable-mouse-magnet-on-middle-edge-with-multi-monitors | 10:21 |
Layke | Whee is "DIsplays" | 10:21 |
Layke | Nevermind.. I was typing it into terminal :) ... Found it now. | 10:22 |
yizhi401 | Any body here? | 10:26 |
yizhi401 | New to this and don't know what to do now | 10:26 |
fidel_ | !ask > yizhi401 | 10:27 |
ubottu | yizhi401, please see my private message | 10:27 |
k1l | yizhi401: just ask your ubuntu support question :) | 10:27 |
Jordan_U | Zorky: Why is the group for the directory "2"? | 10:28 |
Zorky | jordan: i have no idea | 10:32 |
Zorky | Jordan_U: i have no idea. I ran sudo chmod g+s and chown root:faellesmappe faellesmappe. and that is what i got | 10:33 |
Zorky | and a sudo chmod 777 afterwards | 10:33 |
Jordan_U | Zorky: Sorry, I just misread. | 10:35 |
lll | hello ,everyone | 10:39 |
yizhi401 | join #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:40 |
Felipe_C | Hi all, has anyone ever seen this: -bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_ZA.UTF-8): No such file or directory | 10:53 |
Felipe_C | tried all I could any suggestion where I could get some help? | 10:53 |
Rory | Felipe_C: Can you please paste the output of the "locale" command | 10:54 |
Rory | !paste | 10:54 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 10:54 |
Felipe_C | Rory: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6508684/ | 10:55 |
Felipe_C | Thanks Rory | 10:56 |
Rory | Felipe_C: Can you run: sudo locale-gen en_ZA.UTF-8 | 10:56 |
Felipe_C | done | 10:57 |
Rory | Felipe_C: Now sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales | 10:57 |
Felipe_C | done Rory, during the locale-gen I had this message: en_ZA.UTF-8... /usr/sbin/locale-gen: line 177: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_ZA.UTF-8) | 10:58 |
Felipe_C | nothing wrong on screen with dpkg-reconfigure | 10:58 |
Rory | Felipe_C: Can you put the following content in the file /etc/default/locale http://paste.ubuntu.com/6508698/ | 11:00 |
Felipe_C | Rory, done. | 11:02 |
Rory | Felipe_C: OK now please run those two commands again | 11:03 |
Felipe_C | Rory, done | 11:04 |
Rory | Felipe_C: OK now has your problem gone? | 11:05 |
Felipe_C | Rory, error is gone, but language is LANG=en_ZA.UTF-8 | 11:06 |
Rory | Felipe_C: Isn't that the idea? | 11:09 |
Felipe_C | Rory. no, I don't even know how ZA got there in the first place. I was trying to change it to en_GB, tried everything unsuccessfully | 11:10 |
Felipe_C | Rory, sorry about this Rory | 11:10 |
Rory | Felipe_C: Basically do everything you just did, but replace ZA with GB :) | 11:11 |
Felipe_C | will try Rory | 11:11 |
MonkeyDust | Rory i admire your calmness and patience :) | 11:14 |
Rory | MonkeyDust: huh? Felipe_C isn't doing anything that would make me anything else | 11:14 |
Rory | And I know what it's like to beat your head against the locale wall | 11:15 |
Rory | Plus I feel duty bound as a fellow en_GB.UTF-8 to help ;) | 11:15 |
Felipe_C | Rory, thanks very much, I was able to change to en_GB now. one last questions, why are all the other LC (type, numeric) etc still in ZA ? do I have to change one by one? I am new to ubuntu..... | 11:17 |
Rory | Felipe_C: I don't know how ZA got there. You're welcome to change them in /etc/default/locale but the one that "matters" is LANG | 11:19 |
Felipe_C | Rory, maybe it's something related with the image used by this new vps hosting company I am using. | 11:20 |
Rory | ah yes Felipe_C probably | 11:21 |
Felipe_C | Rory, thanks so much for your help! great stuff! | 11:21 |
Rory | !cookie | Rory | 11:21 |
ubottu | Rory, please see my private message | 11:21 |
zorin | help with sslstrip. when I type --> sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT -- to-ports 10000 I get this--> "unknown arguments found on commandline Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information" | 11:25 |
Layke | Does this mean anything to anyone. I asked last week... http://askubuntu.com/questions/383756/keyboard-modifier-to-use-caps-with-xmodmap | 11:27 |
whathappenedtoub | Ubuntu13.10 failed to pull up on first boot! | 11:33 |
MonkeyDust | whathappenedtoub "failed to pull up"? | 11:33 |
whathappenedtoub | MonkeyDust: after turning up the brightness, it just has a big dump of text and numbers, and something about RIP...[nouveau], hold on I will type them. | 11:35 |
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MonkeyDust | whathappenedtoub nouveau, that's nvidia, i'm not familiar with that, both do throw it in the channel | 11:36 |
whathappenedtoub | [ 26.695921 ] RIP [<ffffffffa0207cb0>] nve4_graph_init+0x250/0x7e0 [nouveau] | 11:36 |
whathappenedtoub | and | 11:36 |
whathappenedtoub | [ 26.697139 ] RSP <ffff880262a0bc10> | 11:37 |
Layke | What is the application that is adjusting my ubuntu brightness when I have something dark up ? And likewise adjusts when I have something bright up?? | 11:37 |
whathappenedtoub | are the last lines | 11:37 |
whathappenedtoub | Layke: are you talking to me? I am using the bios/uefi I would assume | 11:38 |
Layke | whathappenedtoub, Nope. Asking my own question. | 11:38 |
Layke | Just coincidence we have same brightness Q :) | 11:38 |
Rory | Layke: It's not an ubuntu thing, it's your laptop hardware doing that | 11:39 |
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whathappenedtoub | Layke: you have an nvidia card too? | 11:39 |
Layke | Rory, Cheers. :) I thoguht as much. Yeah I have nvidia gtx 680 | 11:39 |
whathappenedtoub | I assume that is an 'optimus' style nvidia card and their support is craptacularlyamazing | 11:40 |
whathappenedtoub | MonkeyDust: any idea? | 11:40 |
whathappenedtoub | [ 26.695921 ] RIP [<ffffffffa0207cb0>] nve4_graph_init+0x250/0x7e0 [nouveau] | 11:40 |
whathappenedtoub | [ 26.697139 ] RSP <ffff880262a0bc10> | 11:40 |
whathappenedtoub | ^ | 11:40 |
whathappenedtoub | How do you get kernel level fails out so I can send to pastebin?!? | 11:42 |
whathappenedtoub | I have no serialbus | 11:42 |
whathappenedtoub | as it is a brand new laptop | 11:42 |
MonkeyDust | !enter | 11:42 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 11:42 |
Layke | Rory, Strangely.. it's only adjusting it on my left monitor.. Maybe it's just a monitor hardware setting.. | 11:43 |
Layke | Maybe I pressed some random setting on my Samsung monitor | 11:43 |
Rory | Layke: "Dynamic Contrast" | 11:43 |
Layke | Bingo :) Thanks. | 11:43 |
Layke | Yeah. That's it. Cheers. Been driving me insane. | 11:44 |
Zorky | I can't seem to figure out why i can't save a file in my sombolic made shortcut to a chmod 2777 folder and edit it with user2 | 11:45 |
Zorky | i have made a group and chowned the group to the folder. chown root:group <folder> but user1 cannot edit files from user2 and vice versa | 11:46 |
husnainlatif | When is some decent touch support coming to Ubuntu desktop, any news? | 11:46 |
falematte | Hi all, I have Ubuntu 12.04. If I try to add a new account to empathy i get an error and it close. What can I do? | 11:46 |
MonkeyDust | !touch | husnainlatif | 11:46 |
ubottu | husnainlatif: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 11:46 |
Zorky | !gid | 11:49 |
Zorky | when setting gid on folder and setting folder to root:groupnameimade Does the groupnameimade require rwx ? | 11:53 |
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falematte | Hi all, I have Ubuntu 12.04. If I try to add a new account to empathy i get an error and it close. What can I do? | 11:57 |
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falematte | Hi all, I have Ubuntu 12.04. If I try to add a new account to empathy i get an error and it close. What can I do? | 12:05 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:19 |
swizgard | hey. i encountered a bug in cups, but am not able to report to cups (no bugtracker, no response on IRC). how to proceed? | 12:21 |
swizgard | i chased it down to source code level | 12:21 |
swizgard | it got introduced by the switch from 13.04 to 13.10 because cups jumped from 1.6 to 1.7. | 12:22 |
MonkeyDust | msg ubottu swap | 12:22 |
Myrtti | swizgard: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ | 12:22 |
swizgard | Myrtti: ok. thx. | 12:23 |
Myrtti | swizgard: or there's always apport | 12:23 |
remoteCTRL | !swappity | 12:23 |
remoteCTRL | !swapity | 12:23 |
Myrtti | !bug > swizgard | 12:23 |
ubottu | swizgard, please see my private message | 12:23 |
swizgard | ok. will fix it first locally, then report with fix | 12:24 |
remoteCTRL | does anybody know how to change the swappity in ubuntu? | 12:24 |
blognewb | i love ubuntu | 12:25 |
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swizgard | Myrtti: maybe just a small afterquestion: i downloaded cups' sourcepackage with "apt-get source cups" and think that i fixed the bug: do you know how to compile the package to quickly install it? | 12:27 |
Myrtti | swizgard: I think there are instructions on the wiki but I think you could also pop into #ubuntu-devel and ask there | 12:28 |
Myrtti | if I'm not mistaken on the channel name | 12:28 |
swizgard | ok | 12:28 |
belljar | hello everyone, can you please let me know the shred command to erise a hard drive? | 12:32 |
belljar | <belljar> erase* | 12:32 |
lolcat | belljar: shred /dev/whatever? | 12:33 |
belljar | lolcat, thank you! :) how can I install shred? via ppa? | 12:33 |
lolcat | apt-get install shred? | 12:33 |
lolcat | belljar: You could use badblocks instead, then you will know if hte harddrive is healthy | 12:34 |
belljar | lolcat, thank you again, but the reason for resorting to shred is that I already found bad sectors in the disk, and I'll have to replace it | 12:34 |
lolcat | ah | 12:35 |
Iulia | Hey everyone! Please can anyone help me with this question: I am trying to install 13.10 and keep an XP that comes in the pc. but there's no option of install together, only replace XP with Ubuntu. WHat can I do , please? | 12:35 |
Rov265 | Hello. Anyone here? | 12:35 |
Iulia | I did the same earlier with win8 when I DID whanted to replace and I saw the option but in this case I need to keep XP and I canot see the option "install with other OS" | 12:35 |
belljar | lolcat, I found out about installation, first I need to install the package nautilus-actions | 12:36 |
belljar | for shred | 12:36 |
LynchLord | Iulia, this can be achieved with a hammer. Remove your hard drive from your system, and gently smash the drive with said hammer. | 12:36 |
lolcat | belljar: why? | 12:36 |
lolcat | belljar: you can do it command line | 12:36 |
Iulia | Yeah...don't think I wouldn't do it.... | 12:37 |
belljar | lolcat, when I type to install shred over command line, it doesnt find the package. I found a site that says nautilus actions need be installed first | 12:38 |
Iulia | Now seriously, anyone knows why those options appears in some cases and others no? I mean why says only replace and not install alongside | 12:38 |
belljar | lolcat, somewhere it also mentions "shred -v" which uses shred's default settings. should I better use this one? | 12:41 |
geirha | belljar: shred is part of coreutils, so it's already installed | 12:42 |
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lolcat | belljar: Either way is fine | 12:44 |
lolcat | I use some other program, wipe or something | 12:44 |
Romualda | volevo fare un controllo su una conversazione avuta ieri sera, dato che ho perso un passaggio, qualcuno sa dirmi come posso fare? | 12:46 |
DJones | !it | Romance | 12:48 |
ubottu | Romance: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 12:48 |
DJones | Romance: Sorry, tab completion error | 12:48 |
vibhavsinha | hello | 12:50 |
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Romance | DJones: e cara va bene | 12:51 |
fishcooker | how to rsync / partition to another partition.. i mean for backup | 12:52 |
Wiz_KeeD | how do I find out my computer model number in ubuntu? | 12:53 |
usr13 | Wiz_KeeD: Look on the box | 12:54 |
usr13 | Wiz_KeeD: You can find out about the processor: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 12:55 |
Wiz_KeeD | usr13, yeah tilting the sucker over was faster indeed XD | 12:58 |
usr13 | Wiz_KeeD: There is also sysinfo | 12:59 |
hateball | Wiz_KeeD: and there is also dmidecode and lshw | 13:01 |
belljar | how long does it generally take shred to shred a 250GB drive? | 13:02 |
kevin__ | Everyone is dead I presume | 13:04 |
BluesKaj | about 5 hits with a sledge , belljar | 13:05 |
belljar | BluesKaj, that's not shredding, though | 13:05 |
kevin__ | what is shredding? | 13:07 |
hateball | !shred | 13:07 |
abhra | !shred | 13:08 |
belljar | is it too much paranoia to use shred and dd together? | 13:08 |
belljar | or one after another? | 13:09 |
abhra | kevin_ i think shredding means destroying data in a hard drive in such a way that it could not be recovered | 13:09 |
belljar | abhra, are you responding to me, or has another user asked on shred, too? :) | 13:10 |
AndrewSPX | hi | 13:11 |
AndrewSPX | can someone tell me if my laptop is compatible with Ubuntu 12.04 http://www.emag.ro/laptop-toshiba-satellite-a300d-11v-amd-turion64-x2-tl-60-3gb-250gb-psak0e-00800hr3/pd/EGLH3BBBM/ | 13:11 |
wink | hello. is there any way to find out why some older version of a package isn't available anymore (and where to get it to try to reproduce stuff) e.g. libav-tools_0.8.8-0ubuntu0.12.04.1_amd64.deb is gone in all mirrors I checked. | 13:11 |
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belljar | ubuntu kubuntu lubuntu xubuntu edubuntu..can anyone speak these out in 3 sec? | 13:12 |
abhra | belljar one user asked about the meaning of shredding? | 13:13 |
belljar | abhra, oh, ok..because I just asked about using dd and shred one after another..whether it makes sense | 13:13 |
researcher123 | is there a form builder in Ubuntu? I want to host a professional form on my website | 13:13 |
usr13 | Wiz_KeeD: There is also phpsysinfo | 13:13 |
Wiz_KeeD | php? hah | 13:13 |
abhra | belljar i believe that there is nothing called "too much paranoia" :) | 13:14 |
usr13 | Wiz_KeeD: It's pretty nice actually. (Just found it.) | 13:14 |
Wiz_KeeD | Btw, I took the plunge and I ordered a notebook with optimus technology in the hopes that I can disable the dedicated video card | 13:14 |
Wiz_KeeD | hope it works | 13:14 |
belljar | abhra, some talk about healthy doses of it etc.. | 13:14 |
AndrewSPX | can someone tell me if my laptop is compatible with Ubuntu 12.04 http://www.emag.ro/laptop-toshiba-satellite-a300d-11v-amd-turion64-x2-tl-60-3gb-250gb-psak0e-00800hr3/pd/EGLH3BBBM/ | 13:14 |
Wiz_KeeD | and in what sense does ubuntu not have support for the optimus technology, that only 1 will run or what? | 13:14 |
usr13 | Wiz_KeeD: Good luck with it. | 13:14 |
Wiz_KeeD | hope that's not a (you're screwed buddy) kind of good luck XD | 13:15 |
usr13 | I doubt it. | 13:15 |
Rory | Wiz_KeeD: I have a thinkpad with optimus and I had to enable discrete-only in the BIOS | 13:15 |
Myrtti | Wiz_KeeD: sudo lshw | 13:15 |
Wiz_KeeD | Rory, and after you do, you have no issues whatsoever yes? | 13:15 |
Rory | Wiz_KeeD: Correct, it's as if it just had the nvidia card straight up | 13:16 |
Rory | Wiz_KeeD: However, as always YMMV | 13:16 |
Wiz_KeeD | pfuu, at least that | 13:16 |
belljar | abhra, so does it make sense to use shred after having used dd to erase disk? | 13:16 |
Wiz_KeeD | I'd like to disable the nvidia card and have just the integrated one, less heat and power consumption | 13:16 |
Wiz_KeeD | but either one of those must be possible and if not i'd use bumblebee and cross my fingers if worst comes to worst | 13:16 |
AndrewSPX | helooo i'm invisible here ?! | 13:17 |
MonkeyDust | what's YMMV ? | 13:17 |
Myrtti | belljar: what shred does is basically dd with different settings, multiple times over | 13:17 |
Myrtti | AndrewSPX: nope. | 13:17 |
Wiz_KeeD | I've spend over 2 weeks researching notebooks with 15 inch screen and no optimus technology, it's just too much out there | 13:17 |
AndrewSPX | i have some issues here with this ubuntu | 13:17 |
belljar | Myrtti, so it takes much longer? | 13:17 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX what kind of issues? | 13:17 |
Myrtti | belljar: if you set it so, yes. | 13:17 |
AndrewSPX | almost all the time i start my laptop is says something like /tmp partition is not present press S to skip or H .. | 13:18 |
AndrewSPX | and si working hard.. | 13:18 |
Myrtti | belljar: point of shred is automating the dd so dd is done with different settings several times over to really erase the data from the disk | 13:18 |
belljar | Myrtti, I only entered the command without applying any settings: shred /dev/hda | 13:18 |
AndrewSPX | and if i chose Ubuntu 3D enviroment dash is no longer working.. | 13:18 |
belljar | Myrtti, so shred is stronger than dd? | 13:19 |
AndrewSPX | is working just in 2D Ubuntu | 13:19 |
Myrtti | belljar: oh yes. | 13:19 |
Wiz_KeeD | what does ymmv mean Rory XD? | 13:19 |
belljar | Myrtti, how long should I expect it to take for a 250Gb disk? | 13:19 |
Rory | Wiz_KeeD: Wiz_KeeD Your Mileage May Vary | 13:19 |
AndrewSPX | and as far i've google it.. ATI Radeon is not supported by ubuntu | 13:19 |
Wiz_KeeD | hahaha, nice | 13:19 |
Rory | AndrewSPX: You googled wrong, I have one | 13:19 |
bhavesh | AndrewSPX, Which version of Ubuntu are you using? | 13:20 |
Wiz_KeeD | hoping for the best here, I really hope something can be done | 13:20 |
AndrewSPX | 12.04 | 13:20 |
Wiz_KeeD | Rory, worst come to worst I can even phisically remove the card from the laptop no? :( | 13:20 |
AndrewSPX | please take a look at this laptop and tell me if is compatible http://www.emag.ro/laptop-toshiba-satellite-a300d-11v-amd-turion64-x2-tl-60-3gb-250gb-psak0e-00800hr3/pd/EGLH3BBBM/ | 13:20 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX how did you install ubuntu? | 13:20 |
Wiz_KeeD | or at least I hope I can | 13:20 |
Rory | Wiz_KeeD: Almost certainly not | 13:20 |
Myrtti | belljar: depends really on the speed of your disk. | 13:20 |
AndrewSPX | normal installation.. no partitions i had userd all hard | 13:21 |
Myrtti | belljar: if it's an 5200RPM it's going to take longer. | 13:21 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX "no partitions i had userd all hard"? | 13:21 |
AndrewSPX | yes.. | 13:22 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX what do you mean by that, apart drom the typo | 13:22 |
belljar | Myrtti, it is 5400rpm, but I am shredding from a live usb, which says the connection speed is 480 Mb/s | 13:22 |
AndrewSPX | i let ubuntu to partitionate swap and all other | 13:22 |
AndrewSPX | i wanted to say that i used entire hard disk space | 13:23 |
AndrewSPX | no dual boot | 13:23 |
AndrewSPX | and mabe my laptop is not fully compatible with linux | 13:24 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX open a terminal and type sudo blkid|pastebinit then paste the url here | 13:24 |
AndrewSPX | andrew@andrew:~$ sudo blkid|pastebinit | 13:25 |
AndrewSPX | [sudo] password for andrew: The program 'pastebinit' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: | 13:25 |
AndrewSPX | sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 13:25 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX yes, follow the instructions | 13:25 |
AndrewSPX | andrew@andrew:~$ sudo blkid|pastebinit | 13:26 |
AndrewSPX | http://paste.ubuntu.com/6509218/ | 13:26 |
AndrewSPX | andrew@andrew:~$ | 13:26 |
AndrewSPX | well? | 13:28 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX looks odd | 13:28 |
AndrewSPX | what does ot means ? | 13:29 |
AndrewSPX | it* | 13:29 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX ok, now type lsblk|pastebinit and paste the url here | 13:29 |
AndrewSPX | http://paste.ubuntu.com/6509225/ | 13:30 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX ok, nothing wrong there... and it's /tmp that shows the error message? | 13:31 |
AndrewSPX | wait a seccond i will search a screen on google .. coz i saw many have this message at start | 13:31 |
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AndrewSPX | "The disk drive for /tmp is not ready yet or not present. Continue to wait, press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery" | 13:33 |
AndrewSPX | there is no problem reinstalling it.. coz i don't have nothing important in it.. i just installed a packet manager.. and some basic things.. | 13:34 |
AndrewSPX | but i wanna know if is fully compatible with ubuntu.. | 13:34 |
AndrewSPX | dash don't work in ubuntu 3d just in 2d | 13:34 |
AndrewSPX | and is working a bit hard.. when i open browser or somthing.. | 13:35 |
AndrewSPX | i takes 10 secconds mabe more to open browser | 13:35 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX what's the outcome of ls -l /tmp use pastebint | 13:36 |
tortron | hello. im trying to install ubuntu but it fails. i downloaded the iso and universal usb installer. when i boot from the usb, i see a little guy and a keyboard. then i get a terminal window where it says "initramfs calling: test-builtin error reading /lib/udev/hwdb.bin: no such file or directory" and other similar lines | 13:37 |
tortron | what should i do? | 13:37 |
AndrewSPX | total 28 | 13:37 |
AndrewSPX | drwxrwxrwt 2 lightdm lightdm 4096 Dec 2 14:56 at-spi2 | 13:37 |
AndrewSPX | drwx------ 2 andrew andrew 4096 Dec 2 14:56 keyring-aDYoZW | 13:37 |
AndrewSPX | drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Dec 2 14:56 pulse-2L9K88eMlGn7 | 13:37 |
AndrewSPX | drwx------ 2 lightdm lightdm 4096 Dec 2 14:57 pulse-CcctT9RwKSB1 | 13:37 |
FloodBot1 | AndrewSPX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:37 |
AndrewSPX | drwx------ 2 andrew andrew 4096 Dec 2 14:56 pulse-muFfF45arJxx | 13:37 |
AndrewSPX | drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Dec 2 14:56 pulse-PKdhtXMmr18n | 13:37 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX i said to use pastebinit :) | 13:38 |
AndrewSPX | sorry | 13:38 |
AndrewSPX | http://paste.ubuntu.com/6509274/ | 13:39 |
anil | hello | 13:39 |
tortron | hello | 13:39 |
kry | Hallo | 13:39 |
kry | Earlier I had a version of Ubuntu which ran awfully slow. Now it has updated, and runs normally, but the resolution has changed to 1024x768, and I can't change it back to 1280x800 | 13:40 |
kry | Any help what can I do? | 13:41 |
tortron | kry: check restricted driver manager or something like that, maybe your display driver isn't installed properly | 13:41 |
AndrewSPX | MonkeyDust did you find anything ? | 13:42 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX no clue, my advice: backup important files and reinstall, see if the error persists | 13:42 |
kry | It's updating again | 13:42 |
decci | Any Hadoop enthusiast here? | 13:42 |
AndrewSPX | i don't have anything to backup.. | 13:42 |
AndrewSPX | so.. did you look at my laptop config if is compatible ? | 13:42 |
MonkeyDust | !hardware | 13:43 |
ubottu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 13:43 |
eaWPq4nU | !ubuntu | 13:43 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 13:43 |
eaWPq4nU | i think change name 'ubuntu' to something else | 13:44 |
MonkeyDust | eaWPq4nU the name 'Windows' is already taken by some other system | 13:45 |
mistawright | I need some help. I have a server that I have mounting an ubuntu 12.04 server using nfs. I am running into an issue where I do not have the required space to do a backup and am trying to back the server up to the nfs mounted server. However after 11-15gb it fails with an error "write failed broken pipe". How can i overcome this or is there another method to storing this large file as it is created? | 13:45 |
AndrewSPX | MonkeyDust my laptop isn't listed there | 13:46 |
giu79 | ciao | 13:46 |
giu79 | !list | 13:46 |
ubottu | giu79: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 13:46 |
AndrewSPX | so.. its not working for me.. | 13:46 |
giu79 | list | 13:47 |
eaWPq4nU | MonkeyDust, hmm yea | 13:47 |
tortron | mistawright: i know it's probably non-optimal but you can try using rsync ( http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/09/rsync-command-examples/ ), it will help you to continue where the backup broke off | 13:49 |
eaWPq4nU | do not like saying 'ubuntu' it could be better name | 13:49 |
AndrewSPX | MonkeyDust | 13:50 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX | 13:50 |
AndrewSPX | my laptop isn't listed there | 13:50 |
impradeepy | how we use rdesktop? | 13:50 |
AndrewSPX | shoud i quite trying this ? | 13:51 |
MonkeyDust | AndrewSPX what do you want me to say on that? | 13:51 |
AndrewSPX | i wanna know if i shoud quite trying to install ubuntu or no | 13:51 |
impradeepy | i ve static ip and username | 13:51 |
eaWPq4nU | rdp? | 13:51 |
impradeepy | rdesktop | 13:52 |
tortron | impradeepy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=824710 have you tried reading that? | 13:52 |
impradeepy | yes not working | 13:52 |
impradeepy | i ve no error but its not connecting | 13:52 |
tortron | impradeepy: have you configured windows to accept the connections? maybe you need to open the ports | 13:53 |
impradeepy | how?? | 13:54 |
Mehmed | booottt | 13:54 |
LiKE2HelPU | what version winblows | 13:54 |
Mehmed | hi | 13:54 |
LiKE2HelPU | need pro | 13:54 |
LiKE2HelPU | hi | 13:54 |
impradeepy | tortron what ports?? | 13:54 |
oshera | What do you need help with LiKE2HelPU ? | 13:55 |
mistawright | tortron, would that not require the backup be made on the server before hand? | 13:55 |
kry | Hi, reinstalling the drivers worked, thanks | 13:55 |
mastershake | hi, i'm having trouble configuring proxy connections on xubuntu 13.04 ... ubuntu forums have said to edit /etc/environment but the changes are not taking effect. any ideas? | 13:55 |
tortron | impradeepy: are you trying to connect to a host outside of your network? | 13:55 |
impradeepy | i am just using this rdesktop -u username static ip | 13:55 |
impradeepy | yes | 13:55 |
impradeepy | outside my network | 13:56 |
LiKE2HelPU | impradeepy, what version windows are you trying to connect to with rdesktop? | 13:56 |
impradeepy | win7 64bit | 13:57 |
tortron | impradeepy: http://windows.microsoft.com/nb-no/windows7/allow-remote-desktop-connections-from-outside-your-home-network | 13:57 |
LiKE2HelPU | is it win 7 pro? | 13:57 |
impradeepy | should i change adapter settings?? | 13:57 |
mastershake | anyone? | 13:58 |
xuserr | hi | 13:58 |
LiKE2HelPU | impradeepy, you should say if it's pro or not | 13:58 |
impradeepy | not | 13:58 |
LiKE2HelPU | not pro it wont work | 13:59 |
tortron | mistawright: yes idealy, but i was thinking you could sync one directory or file at a time. | 13:59 |
impradeepy | ok but why? | 13:59 |
LiKE2HelPU | not pro it wont work | 13:59 |
LiKE2HelPU | oshera, yes may i be of assistence? | 13:59 |
xuserr | i cant edit ubuntu 13.10 iso image with ubuntu cusomization kit , i get this error ** (zenity:2306): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-4lBMIFz8FE: Connection refused | 13:59 |
tortron | impradeepy: because microsoft chose to only include it in these Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate, or Enterprise edition | 14:00 |
mastershake | how does xubuntu configure proxys i cant figure it out' | 14:00 |
AndrewSPX | Some other impresions about Toshiba Satellite A300D - 11V about ubuntu compatibility ? | 14:00 |
xuserr | can you help me? | 14:00 |
impradeepy | its pirated win7 ultimate with all features | 14:00 |
LiKE2HelPU | hmm it should work | 14:00 |
tortron | impradeepy: you should see if you can't open tcp port 3389 | 14:01 |
LiKE2HelPU | ^ | 14:01 |
impradeepy | ok thanku i am using ubuntu i do not use windows my friend i wanna share some files so we are trying to connect our laptops | 14:01 |
mistawright | tortron, im using the pleskbackup manager which backs up to one file. | 14:02 |
LiKE2HelPU | forward 3389 | 14:02 |
LiKE2HelPU | then you might have to adjust firewall settings on the winblows | 14:03 |
LiKE2HelPU | ie disable | 14:03 |
xuserr | i cant edit ubuntu 13.10 iso image with ubuntu cusomization kit , i get this error ** (zenity:2306): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-4lBMIFz8FE: Connection refused | 14:03 |
xuserr | can you help me? | 14:04 |
impradeepy | connection succesful cheers:) | 14:05 |
LiKE2HelPU | now go pirate more software ass | 14:05 |
impradeepy | tortron ,like2helpu thanku :) | 14:06 |
Pici | LiKE2HelPU: Those sort of comments are not acceptable in this channel. Please stop. | 14:06 |
ikonia | LiKE2HelPU: time to grow up a little bit please, it's called windows, and he's not mentioned pirating software | 14:06 |
LiKE2HelPU | <impradeepy> its pirated win7 ultimate with all features | 14:06 |
impradeepy | yes | 14:06 |
LiKE2HelPU | use scroll | 14:07 |
LiKE2HelPU | it helps you not look so stupid ikonia | 14:07 |
ikonia | then why are you helping him do it | 14:07 |
Pici | LiKE2HelPU: That still doesn't mean that insults are acceptable. | 14:07 |
ikonia | we don't support pirate software processes in the channel | 14:07 |
LiKE2HelPU | well i dnk i assume it is moderated ikonia | 14:09 |
ikonia | LiKE2HelPU: it is, hence why I'm asking you not to do it | 14:09 |
LiKE2HelPU | <ikonia> LiKE2HelPU: time to grow up a little bit please, it's called windows, and he's not mentioned pirating software | 14:10 |
ikonia | LiKE2HelPU: right, | 14:10 |
LiKE2HelPU | he did mention it all im saying | 14:10 |
MonkeyDust | LiKE2HelPU now back to support questions, please | 14:11 |
LiKE2HelPU | !next | 14:11 |
ikonia | LiKE2HelPU: apologies if I'm not clear, "please show a bit of respect for the software you are discussing, it's called windows, please don't call people names, please don't help/support pirate software" | 14:11 |
ikonia | LiKE2HelPU: hopefully thats a little clearer | 14:11 |
LiKE2HelPU | oh i gotcha ikonia i wont call it that | 14:12 |
ikonia | !guidelines | LiKE2HelPU maybe worth reading theses | 14:12 |
ubottu | LiKE2HelPU maybe worth reading theses: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | 14:12 |
ikonia | these too | 14:12 |
LiKE2HelPU | ok reading | 14:13 |
ikonia | thank you | 14:13 |
Wiz_KeeD | ikonia, hi, how have you been? | 14:13 |
ikonia | very busy | 14:14 |
xuserr | i cant edit ubuntu 13.10 iso image with ubuntu cusomization kit , i get this error ** (zenity:2306): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-4lBMIFz8FE: Connection refused ...can you help me to fix this error? | 14:16 |
savid | Has anyone ever noticed saved passwords disappearing from Chrome? This happens to me occasionally and is pretty frustrating. What's causing this? | 14:18 |
impradeepy | check clear history settings @ savid | 14:19 |
Eminent_Domain | cant decide which is better... | 14:20 |
Eminent_Domain | should i get 2 x intel XEON Quad core cpus at 1.8ghz | 14:20 |
Eminent_Domain | or a single i7 quad core with hyperthreading at 2.4ghz | 14:20 |
Eminent_Domain | the xeon at least is 8 real cores | 14:20 |
DJones | Eminent_Domain: That sprobably best asked in ##hardware | 14:20 |
Eminent_Domain | but the i7 is 4 cores with 4 threads | 14:20 |
k1l | Eminent_Domain: i think that question suits better into #ubuntu-offtopic or ##hardware | 14:20 |
Eminent_Domain | for running a ubuntu server plex | 14:21 |
savid | impradeepy, where is that? I have my account set up to sync with Google, so I would think that my passwords are saved, but they're not showing up in chrome://settings/passwords | 14:22 |
impradeepy | savid :settings-show advanced-clear browsing data-then uncheck-clear saved pwd | 14:24 |
savid | impradeepy, yeah saved passwords is unchecked there. I usually only have cache checked there. | 14:25 |
impradeepy | then see synchronisation settings | 14:25 |
silv3r_m00n | i just added a new graphics card to my motherboard, do i need to install drivers manually, or will ubuntu do that ? | 14:25 |
impradeepy | or may b u using several accounts | 14:26 |
hassen | i recently installed WebcamStudio via termina and i can't now figure out how to uninstall it. | 14:27 |
hassen | *terminal* | 14:27 |
impradeepy | silver_moon : lspci | grep VGA | 14:27 |
impradeepy | hassen: uninstall it via software centre | 14:28 |
hassen | impradeepy, couldn't find it there as well | 14:29 |
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gvo | hassen: does dpkg -l | grep -i webcam give you a package name that you might uninstall? | 14:30 |
impradeepy | hassen, dash-webcamstudio there unsitall it | 14:30 |
hassen | gvo impradeepy sec | 14:30 |
impradeepy | simplest way to unsintall | 14:31 |
mastershake | hey guys can someone help me configure my proxy settings in xubuntu 13.04? | 14:31 |
hassen | impradeepy, command not found | 14:31 |
impradeepy | hassen. go to ur dash | 14:31 |
impradeepy | dash-search-webcamstudio-unsintall | 14:32 |
impradeepy | hassen, if u want to delete it from terminal then use sudo apt-get remove | 14:33 |
impradeepy | sorry i mean to say uninstall | 14:33 |
hassen | gvo, i got these lines: http://pastebin.com/tcJ1Dgh6 | 14:34 |
hassen | impradeepy, i see | 14:34 |
gvo | hassen: sudo apt-get remove webcamstudio | 14:34 |
hassen | so what doesn "apt-get" do? install and uninstall softwares? | 14:34 |
gvo | Yes | 14:35 |
hassen | i see. | 14:35 |
k1l | hassen: apt-get ist the command behind the softwarecenter | 14:35 |
gvo | man apt-get | 14:35 |
hassen | k | 14:35 |
hassen | k1l, i see | 14:35 |
impradeepy | hassen, i will suggest you to install less 3rd party apps always try to find package in synaptic manager | 14:38 |
hassen | impradeepy, lately being downloading and installing softwares exessively,and now i feel that i'm getting ubuntu unstable | 14:39 |
hassen | moved recently from win7 :) | 14:39 |
d0pzinger | hello | 14:39 |
gvo | hassen: that's why impradeepy made the suggestion. | 14:39 |
d0pzinger | does anyone of you know if it's ok to install ubuntu on a partition that already has some stuff on it? | 14:40 |
d0pzinger | not windows though | 14:40 |
impradeepy | hassen, then you should first read basic about linux | 14:40 |
gvo | d0pzinger: not recommended. | 14:40 |
BluesKaj | hassen. why , aren't you checking the package manager for the apps first | 14:40 |
gvo | d0pzinger: Depending on what's there, it might work. | 14:40 |
hassen | BluesKaj, package manager? | 14:40 |
BluesKaj | ubuntu software center , hassen | 14:41 |
impradeepy | hassen, google it give some time u ve just moved from windows do not be in hurry | 14:41 |
ikonia | hassen: try reading https://help.ubuntu.com to learn the basics of how to use ubuntu | 14:41 |
hassen | BluesKaj, ah yes,sure i do,but many other softwares that i want to install only exist within ubuntu forums and google code | 14:42 |
hassen | e.g WebcamStudtio | 14:42 |
impradeepy | hassen, ubuntu comes with complete package you just need to know about it so read it from ubuntu.com | 14:42 |
xangua | hassen: why didn't you just add the getdeb repository for it then¿ | 14:43 |
hassen | so shouldn't I mess with softwares not beeing mentioned in in ubuntu center? | 14:43 |
impradeepy | yes | 14:43 |
impradeepy | be careful on system apps | 14:44 |
hassen | thought i'mm find an app for streaming media over rtmp though,as i used to di in win7 | 14:45 |
hassen | *i'll* | 14:45 |
impradeepy | open sources always has much and more softwares than windows | 14:46 |
oshera | When someone gets the chance, could you help me format this flash drive and use Unetbootin/Gparted to put Kali Linux + Persistance? Keeps failing when I try, so I'll need help :P | 14:46 |
impradeepy | format it with fat32 | 14:46 |
oshera | I thought I would want to format it ext4 ? | 14:47 |
oshera | Unetbootin keeps giving a space error when it's a 4GB flash drive .. | 14:48 |
impradeepy | oshera: use fdisk -l | 14:48 |
impradeepy | then unmount ur drive | 14:48 |
impradeepy | umount/dev/urflasdrive | 14:49 |
oshera | One sec gotta re download again I accidently deleted the wrong one .. and kept the 23mb mini 64bit version | 14:49 |
impradeepy | then mkfs.vat/dev/flasdrive | 14:49 |
impradeepy | ok | 14:49 |
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axizor | hi, could someone please help me setup my samba server permissions? i'm not able to get write access and I don't know why | 14:57 |
axizor | i made sure read only was a no in the .conf and set up a user account | 14:57 |
axizor | my phone requires a login but no write access, win 8 requires no login and no write access | 14:58 |
axizor | not sure what the problem is | 14:58 |
impradeepy | axizor you want to share ur files? | 14:58 |
axizor | yes | 14:58 |
axizor | im only getting read only atm | 14:58 |
impradeepy | form ubuntu to win8? | 14:59 |
axizor | or any win version yes | 14:59 |
axizor | when i was on ubuntu i didn't have a problem, switched to lubuntu and for some reason the sharing options were removed from the context menus from the folder so i had to do it through command line | 15:00 |
axizor | maybe im doing something wrong, i dont know :\ | 15:00 |
impradeepy | well for windows settings lets open window dialogue not here | 15:00 |
impradeepy | pm me | 15:00 |
axizor | ok | 15:01 |
shanahan | anyone one here use tmux a lot? | 15:05 |
koyetsu | sorry no. | 15:05 |
hydra7 | someone please guide me to dual booting | 15:05 |
mostly | !grub | 15:06 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 15:06 |
shanahan | basically my question is about why this keybinding won't work: http://i.stack.imgur.com/XWd5V.png maybe it's the wrong command? but "tmux" starts tmux in gnome-terminal.. | 15:06 |
zykotick9 | shanahan: try #tmux | 15:07 |
koyetsu | is there any reason that the nfs server daemon would cause dhcpd to stop working? | 15:08 |
hydra7 | anyone? | 15:08 |
shanahan | hydra7, running windows 7? | 15:08 |
hydra7 | yes shanahan | 15:09 |
koyetsu | the isc-dhcp-server is running and i didn't change the config, but suddenly it isn't handing out ips | 15:09 |
somsip | shanahan: what's the question? | 15:10 |
Brandano | hydra7: as long as you install ubuntu after Windows 7 was already installed it should give you the option to dual boot right in the installer | 15:10 |
koyetsu | hydra7 wants someone to walk him through a dual boot setup | 15:10 |
shanahan | hydra7, download the latest 64 bit or 32 bit, whichever applies by googling: "download ubuntu" you'll probably want the LTS. so you'll get a file that is "ubuntu 12.04.1 amd .iso" then google how to burn an ISO to a usb or disk, then boot from that disk or usb | 15:10 |
shanahan | then select "install side by side " or whatever. | 15:11 |
hydra7 | let's discuss in message shanahan | 15:11 |
wingnut2626 | I am trying to install a new version of ndiswrapper after a failed attempt from a previous version. Here is what is happening after a make clean and a make : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6509668/ | 15:11 |
wingnut2626 | any ideas? | 15:11 |
shanahan | dude google it, there is a plethora of resources. sorry i gtg hydra7 | 15:11 |
k1l | !dualboot | hydra7 see this howto and say where you have problems | 15:12 |
ubottu | hydra7 see this howto and say where you have problems: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 15:12 |
shanahan | but what i said is the general idea, find a program to burn ISO to usb. like LiLi or... uNetBootin | 15:12 |
wingnut2626 | i dont want to compile a new kernel i know theres an easier way | 15:13 |
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hydra7 | i am writing this message via live usb disk of Ubuntu 13.10 | 15:13 |
shanahan | o.O | 15:13 |
koyetsu | honestly hydra if the directions you were offered don't make enough sense to you then you probably shouldn't dual boot. for users with lower levels of technical proficiency i recomend installing linux into a VM either by vmware player or virtualbox | 15:13 |
hydra7 | koyetsu i know most part of the dualboot but get stuck in the things like partitioning | 15:15 |
xangua | wingnut2626: an easier way to what¿ | 15:15 |
hassen | anyway,the most of software i search for are gained by googling then downloading them from open source sites and linux forums,rather than finding them in ubuntu software center,which puts me in the situation i've mentioned gentlemen. | 15:15 |
hydra7 | http://imgur.com/SO3cAbT this is how i partitioned my disk | 15:16 |
hydra7 | in windows7 | 15:16 |
wingnut2626 | to install ndiswrapper 1.59 after 1.57 failed and i attempted a | 15:16 |
wingnut2626 | 'make clean' | 15:16 |
wingnut2626 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/6509668/ | 15:16 |
jhutchins | I thought we had pretty much eliminated any real need for ndiswrapper... | 15:17 |
Brandano | hydra7: you either let the installer to manage your partitions, or edit all partitions and mountpoints by hand, which requires a fair bit of knowledge of what each partition does. If you are not using an SSD, the first option is usually best | 15:18 |
hassen | is launchpad an alternative place of free softwares of ubuntu center ? | 15:18 |
=== baordog_ is now known as krankokat | ||
=== jack is now known as Guest2021 | ||
MonkeyDust | hassen https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/ | 15:19 |
hydra7 | Brandano: what confuses me is the primary and logical partition | 15:19 |
Brandano | hydra7: the installer should detect the unused space and propose it as destination, IIRC | 15:19 |
Brandano | Windows needs to be installed on a primary partition. AFAIK Linux only needs the boot partition to be primary | 15:20 |
Brandano | and the swap partition to be swap | 15:21 |
Brandano | all the rest can be primary or extended, the important thing is that they should be mountable | 15:21 |
hydra7 | Brandano: clear me one thing. the max no. of primary partition we can have is 4 | 15:21 |
Brandano | yep. And Windows will only see the first, AFAIK | 15:21 |
hydra7 | does it mean both os can have 4/4 primary partition? | 15:22 |
Brandano | nope | 15:22 |
k1l | hydra7: 4 primary is a bios limitation. not a OS limitation | 15:22 |
Brandano | the limit is due to the drive structure. You can only have 4 primary partitions on a device | 15:22 |
hydra7 | okay this hampers my planning then | 15:23 |
geirha | It's a limitation of the msdos partition table | 15:23 |
k1l | hydra7: just make some unused space to a extended one and put the ubuntu partitions in that extended one. | 15:23 |
Mississauga | I installed a package, how to find the icon to run it? sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install arduino arduino-core | 15:23 |
k1l | ubuntu doesnt care if its on primarey or extended partitions. | 15:23 |
hydra7 | i thought of using 2 primary partitions in windows and other two for ubuntu | 15:23 |
Brandano | or any linux distribution | 15:23 |
gvo | Mississauga: Just type "arduino" on a command line. | 15:24 |
Brandano | Well, that will work, but why? | 15:24 |
hydra7 | but seems windows has made two primary partitions already | 15:24 |
bhavesh | Mississauga, or search for arduino in the dash | 15:25 |
Brandano | The real spoilsport as far as partitions are concerned is Windows. Since it presumes to be the only os on the machine it has a pretty limited idea of what the allowable partitioning structure is | 15:25 |
Mississauga | ok, works ty | 15:25 |
hydra7 | that system reserved ruined my planning :( | 15:25 |
Brandano | hydra7: you don't need to have a primary partition for Ubuntu. It will run just fine in an extended | 15:25 |
Brandano | that system reserved partition is your windows 7 recovery partition | 15:26 |
Brandano | better leave it there | 15:26 |
hydra7 | that is the separate primary partition and will be counted by bios right? | 15:26 |
Brandano | yes. But why would you need more primary partitions? | 15:28 |
Brandano | there's no particular advantage to a primary partition | 15:28 |
hydra7 | okay | 15:28 |
Brandano | except that the bios can access it to boot the system. But since you'd be going through the boot manager, that's not important | 15:29 |
hydra7 | Brandano can you tell me why there is 5mb unallocated space here http://imgur.com/SO3cAbT | 15:29 |
* Brandano has 4 different Linux distributions installed on a laptop | 15:30 | |
Brandano | hydra7: rounding errors by the partition manager | 15:30 |
hydra7 | gparted or from windows | 15:30 |
Brandano | it depends on the size of cylinders and sectors. For performance reasons the partition manager tends to align the edges to nice "round" numbers | 15:31 |
Brandano | probably windows, though gparted also leaves space unallocated at times | 15:31 |
lvleph | I would like to run calendar-indicator but I am not using unity. Normally I would just run the command and everything would be fine, but there doesn't seem to be an associated command for calendar-indicator. Anyone know what is run so this runs in unity? | 15:31 |
Brandano | normally a few mb at most | 15:31 |
hydra7 | can't i just join two unallocated spaces | 15:31 |
Brandano | Not worth it. Neither for the recovered space, nor for the time, nor for the risk of losing data | 15:32 |
Brandano | any time you play with partitions there's a risk of data loss. Make sure you have your backups | 15:32 |
hydra7 | i have nothing to lose Brandano have my backups which have a size of mere 1 GB | 15:33 |
lvleph | Okay, maybe someone can answer this. Where is the location of the power-indicator app | 15:33 |
hydra7 | something strange Brandano there's sda1,2,3 and 5 not 4 why? | 15:34 |
axizor | do you guys know where the samba gui is located | 15:35 |
Kruppt | hydra:leave the unallocated space after your two primary partitions alone | 15:35 |
hydra7 | left that already Kruppt :D | 15:36 |
Brandano | I think the extended partition could be stretched to the end of the drive and logical partitions added? | 15:36 |
Kruppt | hydra:because it was the first available primary available after the two primary partitions for the extended primary partition | 15:37 |
hydra7 | okay got it Brandano | 15:37 |
hydra7 | thanks everyone | 15:37 |
Brandano | But really, I'd leave the installer to choose how to partition stuff | 15:37 |
Brandano | you'll get to repartition everything by hand in a couple of years time anyway | 15:38 |
lvleph | Is there a way to use power-indicator in a non-gnome WM? | 15:38 |
hassen | is even getting free softwares from http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/ unrecommended?it's derectly related to ubuntu as ubuntu software center does | 15:38 |
BluesKaj | Brandano. by making partitions logical they automaticlly become part of an extended partition IME, | 15:38 |
Brandano | BluesKaj: yes, but the extended partition must be wide enough to contain them, right? | 15:39 |
Brandano | IIRC one extended can contain many logical. And there's a relatively big large unallocated space there | 15:39 |
Brandano | though I'd have espected the extended to contain one ntfs formatted partition | 15:40 |
BluesKaj | Brandano. , it automatically includes the logical partitions yes , including swap | 15:40 |
Brandano | I am referring to hydra7's setup, he posted a screenshot of gparted here: http://imgur.com/SO3cAbT | 15:41 |
Brandano | if the extended is empty I'd either delete it, or stretch it to the end of the drive and create a smaller NTFS partition in it for the Windows7 OS to use | 15:42 |
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Brandano | depending on how much space you expect to need in Ubuntu | 15:43 |
zky | 啥东西 | 15:43 |
zky | 有人没有 | 15:43 |
arnis | omg. | 15:43 |
hydra7 | Brandano that will be 50/50 of my 500gb hdd | 15:43 |
arnis | zky: you realy think we all understand what u wrote? | 15:43 |
DJones | !cn | zky | 15:44 |
ubottu | zky: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 15:44 |
Hanumaan | can I run the command tune2fs /dev/hdb1 -U `uuid` for running parition ? or do I need to unmount ? because I have sensitive data on it | 15:44 |
Brandano | unless it's jp | 15:44 |
zky | /join #ubuntu -cn | 15:44 |
arnis | :-> | 15:45 |
stephanmg | hey. making the latest updatest for 12.04 my lenovo thinkpad battery cannot be loaded (R61 model). someone has a hint for me? | 15:45 |
Xat` | ? | 15:45 |
meh32 | heya guys, i installwed owncloud using apt-get on my ubuntu, anyone know where it installs it or knows how i can find out? | 15:45 |
Brandano | zky: almost there, wrong character. Try "/" | 15:45 |
jhutchins | meh32: dpkg -L owncloud | 15:46 |
Xat` | I need to enable ldap pam module in pam configuration . I'm able to use pam-auth-update but this is interactive and I need to script it ! Thank to help me :) | 15:46 |
meh32 | jhutchins, thanks dude | 15:48 |
Brandano | Xat`: sincerely, I have no idea on how to do that. But maybe this can be useful? https://wiki.debian.org/LDAP/PAM . Mind you, way above my head | 15:52 |
zky | hello | 15:54 |
Xat` | Brandano: yeah thanks but this is trivial enough | 15:55 |
Brandano | Xat`: for you, since you know what you are talking about. Not for me :) | 15:57 |
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Xat` | yeah but I just need to enable a module, this is bad if its not possible in command line | 15:58 |
darkangel_ | curious* whats the Ubuntu off topic chat? | 15:58 |
zykotick9 | !ot | darkangel_ | 15:59 |
ubottu | darkangel_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 15:59 |
darkangel_ | thanks ubottu | 15:59 |
hydra7 | okay i tried "Something else" during installation but it seems i can add only one partition and rest of the space is declared as unusable o.O | 16:01 |
Brandano | hydra7: is that extended partition empty? | 16:01 |
gvo | hydra7 to recap what others have said you can only have 4 prmary partitions. Sounds like you're using all 4. | 16:01 |
hydra7 | gvo there are currently 2 primaries one extended which contained some data Brandano | 16:02 |
gvo | Remember an extended partition is a primary partition. | 16:03 |
impradeepy | hydra: can u say ur prb once again | 16:03 |
hydra7 | wait let me show you the snapshot of the gparted | 16:04 |
zykotick9 | !u > impradeepy | 16:04 |
ubottu | impradeepy, please see my private message | 16:04 |
Brandano | installing dual boot on a windows 7 machine with 100mb recovery(primary), win7os(primary), 299mbextended, 250mb unallocated | 16:04 |
gvo | What I suggest it you create your three primary partitions, or in your case leave two alone and create a single primary. Then add an extended partition to fill the rest of the space. Then add secondary partitions to the extended as you wish. | 16:05 |
gvo | At least that's what I'd do if it were my computer. ;) | 16:05 |
zykotick9 | gvo: ahhh that 4 primary limit rule - applies to extended as well, so max would be 3 primary and 1 extended... | 16:05 |
impradeepy | only 250MB unallocated and 299MB extended?? | 16:06 |
gvo | zykotick9: Yes, an extended partition is a primary partition. | 16:06 |
gvo | However the extended partition can contain many secondary partitions. | 16:06 |
zykotick9 | gvo: sorry, upon re-reading your post, it makes sense. sorry. | 16:07 |
hydra7 | here have a look made some changes Brandano http://imgur.com/PcacGLC | 16:07 |
zykotick9 | gvo: s/secondary/logical/ ;) | 16:07 |
impradeepy | gvo : you are right | 16:07 |
hydra7 | the extended partition is empty right now and can be deleted | 16:07 |
hydra7 | if needed | 16:08 |
impradeepy | hydra: you want to dual boot ubuntu and windows?? | 16:08 |
hydra7 | yes impradeepy | 16:08 |
impradeepy | hydra: already installed win? | 16:09 |
impradeepy | and trying to install ubuntu now? | 16:09 |
hydra7 | right | 16:09 |
impradeepy | hydra: how many drives you have on win? | 16:10 |
gvo | hydra: why do you have a ntfs partition in the extended part? | 16:10 |
hydra7 | single | 16:10 |
impradeepy | hydra: first shrink your volume make it two drive including C | 16:10 |
hydra7 | shrinking windows partition?? | 16:11 |
impradeepy | hydra7: yes | 16:11 |
Brandano | impradeepy: he's got half a drive of free space | 16:12 |
gvo | impradeepy: hydra7 Careful. | 16:12 |
gvo | I lost my win7 system that way. | 16:12 |
impradeepy | hydra7: follow it i tested it my self | 16:12 |
gvo | Couldn't even recover. | 16:12 |
jhutchins | Of course we always make bacups before we mess with a partition table. | 16:12 |
koyetsu | gvo that is why i always tell ppl to just use vm if they need to stick multi os on 1 box | 16:12 |
impradeepy | gvo;why no backup? | 16:13 |
koyetsu | much safer | 16:13 |
Brandano | impradeepy: why shrink the partition if he's got half a drive of unallocated space? | 16:13 |
gvo | koyetsu: Good idea. | 16:13 |
gvo | impradeepy: Didn't really care if I lost it. | 16:13 |
jhutchins | Good grief, people, we've been doing dual-boot since the 90's. | 16:13 |
impradeepy | already ?? | 16:13 |
GeekGirlGabriell | hello | 16:13 |
impradeepy | how much GIGS brandano? | 16:13 |
Brandano | about 250 | 16:13 |
GeekGirlGabriell | i would need some help if possible please | 16:13 |
hydra7 | impradeepy see this http://imgur.com/PcacGLC | 16:13 |
gvo | Brandano: I agree why risk it. | 16:13 |
gvo | hydra7: Did you say you were not using the extended partition? | 16:14 |
koyetsu | so anyone here know a good ammount about PXE, and nfs? i'm trying to get a live desktop to boot over pxe and apparently i'm too stupid to get it working | 16:14 |
GeekGirlGabriell | i am a beginner in unix | 16:14 |
hydra7 | gvo not for now | 16:14 |
Brandano | koyetsu: network boot? I did it once. Nevermore | 16:15 |
deweydb | is there a package that is equivalent to boot-repair that i can run from the terminal (i.e. not gui) | 16:15 |
GeekGirlGabriell | and i would like to apply a sticky bit on a directory | 16:15 |
impradeepy | hydra7: do not worry just insert your installation media | 16:15 |
gvo | hydra7: Do you expect to use it. | 16:15 |
GeekGirlGabriell | so i tried | 16:15 |
GeekGirlGabriell | chmod 770 | 16:15 |
MonkeyDust | GeekGirlGabriell try to keep your question in one line | 16:15 |
impradeepy | brandano: thanks mate i did not know about 250GIGS | 16:15 |
gvo | chmod +t GeekGirlGabriell | 16:15 |
koyetsu | hehe i've got a PXE working for use in deploying a base config or ubuntu 12.04 server cli only but this live desktop setup is pissing me off i keep dropping to the initramfs cmd prompt | 16:15 |
GeekGirlGabriell | and then chmod o+t -R ./myfolder but when i do ls -l i doesn't show the t | 16:16 |
koyetsu | or=of | 16:16 |
hydra7 | gvo here's what i was planning 1 primary and 1logical for windows and same for ubuntu | 16:16 |
Brandano | impradeepy: sorry if I butted in, it's just that you normally shrink to free up space, and this was not the problem here | 16:16 |
impradeepy | hydra:7 boot from installation media | 16:16 |
MonkeyDust | koyetsu pxe, i failed to create it, how did you do it? | 16:16 |
impradeepy | brandano: just wanna create two drives thats all | 16:16 |
koyetsu | you have to do everything in a specific order. if you want i can walk you through it | 16:17 |
gvo | GeekGirlGabriell: Also try chmod 1770 | 16:17 |
Brandano | yep. I suspect the installer sees the extended partition and tries to install there | 16:17 |
hydra7 | impradeepy: doing | 16:17 |
impradeepy | select something else | 16:17 |
GeekGirlGabriell | ok thanks gvo i'll try | 16:17 |
hydra7 | wait | 16:17 |
MonkeyDust | koyetsu can you put the walk through in a pastebin? | 16:17 |
Brandano | What I would do is to stretch the extended (and the primary that contains it) to the whole drive. Then create a logical one in it for Windows, and install Ubuntu in the rest of the extended | 16:18 |
gvo | GeekGirlGabriell: I also think you'll need to be root. | 16:18 |
GeekGirlGabriell | i'm on the root terminal | 16:18 |
hydra7 | done impradeepy | 16:18 |
impradeepy | click on unallocated space assign 50 or 70 gigs | 16:18 |
koyetsu | i'm not to that point yet hehe, though i am planning on setting up a walkthrough and file structure tutorial when i've got it all figured out | 16:18 |
Brandano | GeekGirlGabriell: which on Ubuntu means using sudo | 16:18 |
impradeepy | or 250gigs | 16:18 |
hydra7 | impradeepy for what "/" or"/home" | 16:18 |
impradeepy | hydra7: yes just for swapping | 16:19 |
GeekGirlGabriell | i'm on a debian actually but i figured ubuntu user would be able to help me :$ | 16:19 |
Brandano | Same thing | 16:19 |
impradeepy | like you got system reserved on windows automatically | 16:19 |
hydra7 | impradeepy: confused | 16:20 |
impradeepy | hydra7: click on unallocated | 16:20 |
hydra7 | done | 16:20 |
GeekGirlGabriell | oups my bad i found a debian channel :$ | 16:20 |
koyetsu | GeekGirlGabriell, what exactly are you trying to do? | 16:20 |
MonkeyDust | koyetsu is it easier than this? http://www.howtogeek.com/61263/how-to-network-boot-pxe-the-ubuntu-livecd/ | 16:20 |
impradeepy | then give 50gigs select primary then use ext4 | 16:20 |
GeekGirlGabriell | to apply a sticky bit on a directory but when i do ls -l after my chmod doesn't show the t | 16:21 |
hydra7 | impradeepy for what | 16:21 |
koyetsu | ah no idea | 16:21 |
impradeepy | hydra:7 open ur window dialogue | 16:21 |
gvo | GeekGirlGabriell: do whoami | 16:21 |
GeekGirlGabriell | it says i'm root | 16:21 |
gvo | Hm | 16:22 |
gvo | Normal directory? Not NFS or Linked? | 16:22 |
GeekGirlGabriell | no i just created it with mkdir | 16:22 |
GeekGirlGabriell | it's mkdir /home/group1 | 16:22 |
toor | witam wszystkich | 16:23 |
DJones | !pl | toor | 16:23 |
ubottu | toor: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 16:23 |
gvo | GeekGirlGabriell: http://pastebin.com/rPzKk1fd | 16:23 |
koyetsu | MonkeyDust that is roughly it but the problem is as new versions of ubuntu come out commands change and packages get dropped. so this one as with most others i've seen are outdated | 16:24 |
toor | thanks | 16:24 |
toor | i do not know | 16:24 |
GeekGirlGabriell | thx gvo i'll try this | 16:25 |
gvo | Isn't that what you did? | 16:25 |
GeekGirlGabriell | i'm gonna try it from home just to see | 16:25 |
GeekGirlGabriell | but yes it is | 16:25 |
gvo | Strange. | 16:25 |
GeekGirlGabriell | it worked | 16:26 |
Chorca | if Saucy has libpulse 4.0, but pavucontrol is compiled against libpulse 3.0, why. | 16:26 |
GeekGirlGabriell | strange | 16:26 |
GeekGirlGabriell | thank you for your help :) | 16:27 |
gvo | Sure | 16:27 |
Chorca | trying to bump 13.04 up to 13.10's pulseaudio to fix the stupid "Unable to select SEP" bluetooth bug | 16:27 |
Chorca | so, pavucontrol won't run now, because it can't find the pulseaudio. | 16:28 |
MonkeyDust | koyetsu tnx | 16:28 |
Chorca | maybe if i just link the 3.0 to 4.0 | 16:28 |
koyetsu | MonkeyDust what ubuntu version are you using? | 16:29 |
caraconan | Hi there. http://paste.debian.net/68890/ This is a /etc/init.d script? It's provided by zabbix, but the format is new for me. Any idea? Thanks | 16:31 |
MonkeyDust | koyetsu frankenstein ubuntu, bits and pieces of different ubuntu based distro's :p | 16:31 |
koyetsu | ah. well for your pxe server i recomend picking a specifix distro i'm using 12.04 and then using it ONLY for pxe | 16:32 |
mbnoimi | Unable to mount VirtualBox shares using auto mount option although I already installed guest additions and my user is a member of group vboxsf, how can I fix this issue? | 16:32 |
zykotick9 | MonkeyDust: frankenbuntu ;) | 16:32 |
waddedMeat | seeking a bit of video driver help... anyone out there w/ experience w/ ati cards? | 16:33 |
gvo | caraconan: It looks like an upstart script. | 16:33 |
caraconan | gvo: where to place it? | 16:34 |
gvo | caraconan: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/ | 16:34 |
caraconan | gvo: thanks | 16:34 |
xtalmath | how do I set up a loopback device floppy (i.e. invent one) and then mount it in ubuntu? | 16:36 |
TimR | can anybody tell me how I can mount and other hard drive to my system? | 16:36 |
zykotick9 | !iso | xtalmath | 16:37 |
ubottu | xtalmath: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 16:37 |
waddedMeat | looking for help w/ a Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI video card | 16:37 |
Brandano | xtalmath: you mount the floppy disk image on a loopback device using the floppy's filesystem, probably FAT16? | 16:37 |
waddedMeat | anyone? | 16:37 |
DonkeyHotei | i have a problem. i want a machine to run headless, but it won't boot unless i have a display attached, freezes enumerating physical memory map, running LTS | 16:37 |
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xtalmath | zykotick9: iso for floppy as well? I thought that was cd only | 16:37 |
Brandano | xtalmath: I don't think Linux has a concept of a floppy as a special storage device. that's a Windows thing | 16:37 |
zykotick9 | xtalmath: ahh, ISO is not actually specified with that command... | 16:38 |
gvo | TimR: use the mount command but first use the fdisk command to see what partitions might be there. | 16:38 |
TimR | whats the mount command | 16:38 |
xtalmath | Im just trying to follow James Molloy's mini kernel tutorial, and I need to give bochs a fake floppy | 16:38 |
gvo | man mount | 16:38 |
TimR | thanks gvo | 16:39 |
impradeepy | sudo fdisk -l | 16:39 |
hydra7 | impradeepy: check you pm | 16:39 |
hydra7 | *your | 16:39 |
impradeepy | sure | 16:39 |
OerHeks | this old tutor should still work http://untitledfinale.wordpress.com/2007/10/09/create-mount-and-copy-floppy-disks-images-under-linux/ | 16:39 |
gvo | OerHeks: Good intro, thanks. | 16:40 |
BluesKaj | TimR. once you know which drive , then, mount -o remount,rw /path/to/drive | 16:40 |
TimR | well see im adding drives to owncloud | 16:40 |
Brandano | Personally i prefer the partition info as presented by parted -l | 16:41 |
gvo | BluesKaj: I suspect if he didn't know what a mount was, it's a stretch to think he might know how to translate the output of fdisk to /path/to/drive. Just sayin' | 16:41 |
gvo | Brandano: Except parted sometimes can't figure out disk configurations when fdisk can/ | 16:42 |
* hassen has begin getting errors and stuff at ubuntu's startup,so from now on,he won't get third party packages from ubuntu forums and open source sites | 16:42 | |
TimR | gvo you dont need to be rude | 16:42 |
zykotick9 | Brandano: plus parted supports GPT ;) | 16:42 |
hassen | *begun* | 16:43 |
TimR | I know what mount is | 16:43 |
BluesKaj | gvo. seems simple enough to me mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdX | 16:43 |
gvo | timr Sorry didn't mean to be rude. | 16:43 |
TimR | I just really never mounted an other hard drive to the system | 16:43 |
gvo | OK my mistake. | 16:43 |
TimR | i just dont want to redo the server with the new hard drive | 16:43 |
Brandano | TimR: man fstab too | 16:44 |
DonkeyHotei | nobody? | 16:44 |
gvo | I took your response to mean you didn't know what a mount command is, I see you meant what's the specific command. | 16:44 |
rhumbot | hi all, i am looking for a solution to synchronize an ubuntu calender with my android phone ... ? | 16:44 |
TimR | that is correct gvo | 16:44 |
ddssc | when including migration files in version commits, which files should be included? all of them? without initial.py? | 16:44 |
ddssc | south migrations btw | 16:44 |
Brandano | TimR: are you mirroring the drive to a new one? | 16:45 |
DonkeyHotei | rhumbot: google calendar should do it automagically | 16:46 |
TimR | from what I was told from owncloud forum is that I can just add hard drives to add for more space | 16:46 |
Brandano | oh, yes. But you either find them mounted in /media/<mountpoint>, or you have to alter the way your partitions are mounted in fstab | 16:47 |
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Brandano | and in the second case it gets a whole level more complex | 16:47 |
Brandano | though it's the most "unixy" way to do things | 16:47 |
Brandano | TimR: where do you need that space? | 16:48 |
TimR | http://doc.owncloud.org/server/5.0/admin_manual/configuration/custom_mount_config_gui.html | 16:48 |
aarontc | anyone know how to get ubuntu server to install using GPT instead of MBR on a non-EFI machine? | 16:48 |
TimR | see I already have 160gig hard drive and want to add couple more hard drives like 3 1tb hard drives | 16:48 |
TimR | which that 160 gig hard drive have the server and owncloud installed on | 16:49 |
Brandano | yep. If it's just to store data, just mount them in their mountpoint in /media/ | 16:49 |
wavedigit | hi I couldn't find anything on google about this - I added a user with adduser as root, filled everything in as I was supposed to do and now I want to su to that new user using my unprivileged account (using sudo). Strangely though it doesn't switch user, the prompt just stays the same and whoami tells me that I'm not the new user. | 16:50 |
TimR | so whats that command to due that Brandano if I may ask | 16:50 |
zykotick9 | aarontc: does the ubuntu server install, offer an "expert" mode? that was the only was i was able to do it on debian... i'm guessing ubuntu might not offer that feature - but only a guess. good luck. | 16:50 |
wavedigit | I also did this using root but got the same results. Does this have to do anything with SELinux? I'm running Linux version 3.8.0-33-generic (buildd@toyol) (gcc version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) ) #48~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 24 16:28:06 UTC 2013 | 16:50 |
zykotick9 | s/was i/way i/ | 16:50 |
aarontc | zykotick9: it might, but I don't know how to get there if it does :) thanks | 16:50 |
DonkeyHotei | i have a problem. i want a machine to run headless, but it won't boot unless i have a display attached, freezes enumerating physical memory map, running LTS | 16:51 |
wavedigit | also I tried doing sudo -i -u newusername but that didn't work as well | 16:51 |
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Brandano | if it's to extend stuff like adding more space to /usr/share/, then you either symlink stuff from the mountpoint in /media/, or replace the /usr/share/ with your new drive specifying it in fstab. but for the moment, just create a mountpoint in /media/ and mount there | 16:51 |
TimR | alright thanks brandano | 16:51 |
Brandano | TimR: for mount options better check man for the specific filetype | 16:52 |
Brandano | TimR: err, for the specific filesystem, sorry | 16:53 |
TimR | alright | 16:53 |
Kijutsu | Help -- just upgraded to ubuntu 13.10 and now ircd-hybrid fails to start with permission denied to mkdir or chown /var/run/ircd | 16:54 |
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Brandano | Kijutsu: possibly stale file left there with the wrong permissions from a previous instance? AFAIK /var/run/ is dynamic content | 16:55 |
Dudytz | hi all! how is the right place to configure the dnsmasq "fallback" dns server in a dhcp connection? (I am using ubuntu 13.10 + network manager + dnsmasqd) | 16:56 |
Brandano | Kijutsu: try just running an apt-get install --reinstall ircd-hybrid ? not sure it will fix things, but shouldn't hurt | 16:57 |
aarontc | Dudytz: the normal DHCP protocol specifies a list of DNS servers, I don't know if there is a special option you can add to mark one as a "fallback" -- most DNS resolvers will use servers in round-robin fashion | 16:57 |
Dudytz | ok, but I want to configure the google dns in replace of the dns server provided by the dhcp connection | 16:58 |
Dudytz | without dnsmasq I utilize the dhcp.conf ... but in this case I have dnsmasq in middle | 16:58 |
Brandano | Dudytz: I set it up on the router | 16:58 |
Kijutsu | Brandano: already nuked a stale pid file there | 16:59 |
aarontc | Dudytz: are you trying to configure an override on the client, rather than changing the server itself? | 16:59 |
Dudytz | dhcp.conf has an option to "prepend dns server" | 16:59 |
Dudytz | but I do not change the server, I have access only to the client | 16:59 |
munz | Dudytz: network settings > select your if > click options > ipv4 tab > set to dhcp address only | 17:00 |
Brandano | If the client fails to grab the DNS server from DHCP it probably failed the rest of the network configuration too | 17:00 |
munz | then set your netmask gateway dns etc | 17:00 |
Dudytz | this setting is right for the dnsmasq too? | 17:00 |
munz | *should* | 17:01 |
Brandano | Dudytz: what is dnsmasq doing in this case, just acting as caching dns server? Or is it the DHCP server for the network? | 17:01 |
Dudytz | better: dnsmasq get the server dns from this setting (if is setted)? | 17:01 |
Dudytz | yes | 17:01 |
Dudytz | caching server | 17:01 |
=== Scrash is now known as Skyrax | ||
Dudytz | only caching (and have a dev tld) | 17:01 |
Dudytz | (no dhcp server) | 17:01 |
Brandano | then leave it as it is, assuming it works, and alter the DHCP server to provide the google dns servers as fallback | 17:02 |
Skyrax | Hello, i need one person that can speak spanish | 17:02 |
Dudytz | great! | 17:02 |
Brandano | the dhcp server being your router | 17:02 |
Dudytz | with dig I can see that the google dns is the fallback server? | 17:02 |
Brandano | well, it's "one of the servers" | 17:02 |
Brandano | though you could consider it fallback since the machine will latch on the first to reply | 17:03 |
k1l | !spanish | Skyrax | 17:03 |
ubottu | Skyrax: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 17:03 |
Dudytz | ok, I try now ... thanks all! | 17:03 |
Brandano | Dudytz: this is assuming you have control over your LAN. Otherwise yes, you'll have to play with the local dnsmasq settings I guess | 17:04 |
jmgk | hello | 17:05 |
Brandano | the way some ISP's handle DNS requests you might want to replace the default DNS server on the router anyway | 17:05 |
Skyrax | Ubottu: thaks | 17:05 |
Brandano | redirects to custom "not found" pages. eww | 17:05 |
Balzy | Hello! Can someone please tell me the correct way to set Cern's Root Environment variables so that they become system-wide (for all users) and definitively stored? | 17:13 |
Balzy | I found a way but it requires /etc/environment editing, which probably may not be that good | 17:14 |
lass | I need to add an additional user to my pc for someone else to work but I want the newuser to have less priviledge than me. Is it possible to restrict admin right of the new user? | 17:15 |
gordonjcp | lass: yes, don't put them in the sudoers group | 17:16 |
gordonjcp | lass: which is I believe the default | 17:16 |
lass | gordonjcp, is it standard user? | 17:16 |
Brandano | Balzy: won't it be enough to add it to the skel directory that is used to create user profiles? | 17:16 |
lass | I want the user to be able to install program (sudo apt-get install ..) | 17:17 |
Brandano | lass: add it to the sudoers group | 17:17 |
Brandano | lass: Hmm, if he can install stuff he can't have fewer privileges than you | 17:18 |
Brandano | best you can do is either run him in a virtual machine or in a chroot | 17:18 |
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Brandano | otherwise what would stop him from installing his own app to escalate privileges? | 17:18 |
Enigma_ | hello, i have a problem, ubuntu wont install via wubi, wubi wants to download the iso again and taking it from the iso stored locally, any ideas ? | 17:19 |
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Enigma_ | not taking it i meant | 17:19 |
lass | Brandano, basically I don,t want the guy to access to a hardrive can I add a protection like when someone needs to mount it, he needs to enter a password? | 17:20 |
lass | the password that I set for it | 17:20 |
fishcooker | how to test ssd drive | 17:21 |
Brandano | you can encrypt it so that only your profile can mount it | 17:21 |
lass | can you hint me what tool/command should I look at? | 17:21 |
Brandano | I am fairly happy with truecrypt, but there's inbuilt tools as well, i think? | 17:21 |
lass | Brandano, I will look at it, thank you | 17:22 |
Brandano | But really, encryption is the only way you can safely restrict access to files from someone with root privileges | 17:22 |
Brandano | unless he installs a keylogger | 17:23 |
Brandano | then you are back to square one | 17:23 |
Rory | Brandano: Boot-time full-disk encryption | 17:24 |
Rory | Brandano: However that won't protect against hardware keyloggers | 17:24 |
Brandano | but then you can't give access to the other user at root level | 17:24 |
Brandano | which is what lass was asking | 17:24 |
lass | Brandano, I installed ubuntu via wubi, the harddisk that I would encrypt is the part where windows 7 installed. do you know if windows 7 would have trouble to boot/access any file in case I encrypt that harddrive via truencrypt, | 17:24 |
Brandano | yes, it definitely would | 17:25 |
Brandano | you'd need to have windows 7 set up to boot from full disk encryption before even installing ubuntu | 17:25 |
Brandano | and I am not sure you even can have full disk encryption and the boot manager living along each other | 17:26 |
lass | I see, I guess the best is to backup files then delete them | 17:26 |
lass | thanks for the help | 17:26 |
Brandano | Well, the situation you describe is a bit hard to find a solution for. And even with the machine as it is, an user could boot it from a liveusb and read its entire content, if it's not already encrypted | 17:28 |
Brandano | the windows password is a joke of a protection | 17:28 |
Brandano | so is PAM, if it's not backed up by encryption at least of the home folder | 17:29 |
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jhutchins | lass: So your ubuntu installation is actually on NTFS, not on a Linux filesystem? | 17:31 |
bjrohan | Hey everyone. Ihad the good fortune of picking up a new A/V receiver over the weekend that is DLNA capable with wifi. I am looking to stream my mp3 from an ubuntu system to the receiver over the network, any suggestions? I tried XBMC, however it doesn't allow me to access all the mp3's from the receiver, nor playlists. | 17:31 |
lass | I guess it should be as you say, I just used wubi | 17:31 |
Teleport | hi, how can I change midi maps, ex. change a bang button to a toggle one | 17:31 |
Teleport | ? | 17:32 |
impradeepy | bye @ all | 17:32 |
lass | wubi is very nice but it allows to access all the window's file | 17:32 |
impradeepy | lass: use seperate partitions | 17:32 |
jhutchins | lass: Sudo can be used to restrict which root-privileges a user can use via the name of the command, but you have to trust them not to deliberately try to hack the system. | 17:33 |
lass | in that case, I need to install ubuntu again, right? | 17:33 |
Brandano | impradeepy: that won't stop the other user from mounting the windows partitions to read them, though | 17:33 |
jhutchins | lass: Linux can read and write NTFS partitions. | 17:33 |
impradeepy | can later change in privacy settings | 17:34 |
jhutchins | lass: NTFS being what Windows uses. | 17:34 |
Brandano | if the other user is malicious he will find a way | 17:34 |
Brandano | then again, I am paranoid | 17:34 |
lass | sure | 17:34 |
impradeepy | but windows cant read/write ext4 | 17:34 |
jhutchins | impradeepy: It can, but it takse some work and some extra software. | 17:34 |
Brandano | impradeepy: actually, it can, but baddly, and with 3rd party drivers | 17:34 |
hydra7 | impradeepy: check pm | 17:34 |
impradeepy | i will never suggest you to try 3rd party apps | 17:35 |
saliak | I have dhcpd on a linux server running shore wall as my firewall/dhcp server. I want to be able to access services on my firewall with my WAN dyndns name (rather than having to use IP address in my subnet) how to I make everything on my local network resolve my dyndns domain to my server local ip rather than trying to come in through my wan IP (through normal DNS resolution)? | 17:35 |
lass | I don,t think the guy will work on my laptop will try to hack my files but I just want to leave them open access | 17:35 |
Brandano | only reads it as ext2, so no journaling | 17:35 |
Teleport | hi, how can I change midi maps, ex. change a bang button to a toggle one | 17:35 |
impradeepy | for general windows user its impossible to do that | 17:35 |
jhutchins | saliak: Run an internal DNS server that resolves those names to local hosts. | 17:35 |
jhutchins | saliak: Or just put them in your /etc/hosts file. | 17:36 |
impradeepy | without much knowledge of file systems | 17:36 |
Brandano | saliak: you don't. You only NAT those services that must be published to the web, and access the rest either via VPN or SSH tunnel | 17:36 |
impradeepy | brandano: can you tell me how will he get root priveldge | 17:37 |
impradeepy | ?? | 17:37 |
impradeepy | as to access ext4 | 17:37 |
Brandano | impradeepy: for starters lass wants him to be able to install software | 17:37 |
jhutchins | lass: While it's not easy to do it within an NTFS system (assuming you stick with wubi), you can encrypt a partition so that it will require a password to mount/access/read the partition. | 17:37 |
Brandano | impradeepy: on ubuntu, not on windows | 17:37 |
Brandano | the new user is an ubuntu user | 17:37 |
jhutchins | lass: I believe it's difficult to do with data already on the partition, the usual setup is to encrypt the blank partition, then copy the data. | 17:38 |
saliak | Brandano: hrm.. so my issue is that shore wall won't let me access my service locally when I use my dyndns name that resolves to the WAN IP. | 17:38 |
saliak | Brandano: this has always confused me | 17:38 |
Brandano | saliak: your router is forwarding the ports to your machine? | 17:38 |
impradeepy | brandano:thats two diffrent topics b | 17:38 |
lass | jhutchins, I can do that, thanks for the suggestion | 17:38 |
lass | I need to boot my laptop to boring windows | 17:39 |
lass | thanks for the advices | 17:39 |
Brandano | saliak: assuming your machine is answering to queries from LAN, btw | 17:39 |
saliak | Brandano: my router is my server. i'm running asterisk on it as well. trying to get phones to just use the dns name, rather than my local ip hone they're in my local network | 17:39 |
saliak | Brandano: yes | 17:39 |
Brandano | so the modem is controlled directly from your server? | 17:39 |
jhutchins | saliak: Did you see my earlier response? | 17:40 |
wheatthin | saliak, can you connect using the external ip of your dns server? | 17:40 |
saliak | jhutchins: there's no hosts file for my phone. | 17:41 |
wheatthin | saliak, the only way is to create your own internal dns | 17:41 |
icewalker | can surface pro 2 works with ubuntu like the old surface pro model? | 17:41 |
Brandano | oh, got it. wheatthin is right | 17:42 |
OerHeks | icewalker, i read issues with network adapters, so try your model in live mode | 17:42 |
Brandano | because you will need to resolve your ip differently when on the LAN than when on the WAN | 17:42 |
wheatthin | I had to do the same on my hackintosh :) | 17:43 |
Brandano | essentially you need your dns server to resolve your domain and forward all other requests | 17:43 |
icewalker | i want to make sure it works before i buy surface pro 2 | 17:43 |
OerHeks | icewalker, one way to find out | 17:43 |
wheatthin | icewalker, then you must lookup the different chipsets, I'm sure it's supported | 17:43 |
Brandano | Well, I did the same but on OpenWRT, since the router is a SOHO dsl router | 17:43 |
icewalker | i find articles on installing ubuntu on surface pro but nothing on surface pro 2 | 17:44 |
wheatthin | Brandano, not the same I"m afraid. Your openwrt router is only forwarding packets from the router itself. Unless you have bind running, it won't be the same | 17:44 |
Brandano | I have dnsmasq running on it | 17:45 |
Brandano | and bind | 17:45 |
wheatthin | and did you setup bind for internal dns records? | 17:45 |
ciccio | irc://irc.oltreirc.net/puffolandia | 17:45 |
icewalker | don't want take a chance if no one able to get surface pro2 so i might just have to buy the older model. | 17:45 |
rwc2 | hi, i think i might have a partial incomplete install or setup for my ati/amd proprietary driver downloaded from ati/amd website. i'd like to simply revert back to default kubuntu 13.10 driver. how easy is this | 17:46 |
wheatthin | icewalker, go lookup the chipsets man. Most likely it's supported as it doesn't use state of the art graphics. The thing I'd make sure to check up on, is the wifi | 17:46 |
icewalker | ok | 17:46 |
Brandano | wheatthin: I set it up so that any machine on the lan will both resolve to <machinename> and <machinename>.<localdomain>, except for those services I explicitly forward to some machines, like http that points to a machine alias | 17:49 |
Brandano | but using the openwrt interfaces, so I am not comlpetely sure of how the innards do work. The machine registers its hostname via dhcp | 17:49 |
Brandano | but I didn't set things up so that I could redirect subdomains to a dmz, I have no need for it yet. It is possible, though | 17:50 |
wheatthin | Brandano, and does it resolve with nslookup? | 17:50 |
Brandano | from the lan, sure. From the wan, nope. Only www and mail do | 17:50 |
Brandano | and the domain, obviously | 17:51 |
Brandano | internally the dns acts as a dns server | 17:51 |
wheatthin | Brandano, then your external dns must have a wildcard | 17:52 |
Brandano | www is registered and handled by a dns provider. mail has its mx record, and that's it | 17:52 |
Brandano | to resolve other subdomains I'd have to take over the record and assign it to another registrar. I'll probably do it too | 17:53 |
wheatthin | Brandano, yes, but it must be setup to use *.domain.com for example | 17:53 |
Brandano | not right now. But it could, and then it would be up to the router to handle it | 17:53 |
wheatthin | no, it'll forward the request to your router-to your internal dns server, then it gets resolved. | 17:54 |
vooze | Hey, I just rebooted my Ubuntu 13.10 and after my HDMI monitor (connected to laptop) just stopped working (I've screen and the screen is fine, it works with other computers.. also running ubuntu) What could I have done wrong? Its not in the monitor options :/ | 17:54 |
Brandano | exactly | 17:54 |
wheatthin | which is how it works, then you setup individual domains in apache for all the different web subdomains | 17:55 |
wheatthin | but it each alias also must be in dns configs | 17:55 |
Brandano | if you need them for the web. Or reroute to separate machines | 17:55 |
wheatthin | Brandano, negative, I had to do the same thing. | 17:55 |
wheatthin | as my router/modem combo doesn't allow me to connect to my external IP | 17:56 |
wheatthin | it must be setup to use internal only | 17:56 |
Brandano | you can also use namebased virtual hosts and have different domains for the same static ip or ip pool | 17:56 |
Brandano | wheatthin: have a look at OpenWRT. For small setups is pretty nifty | 17:57 |
rwc2 | hi, i think i might have a partial incomplete install or setup for my ati/amd proprietary driver downloaded from ati/amd website. i'd like to simply revert back to default kubuntu 13.10 driver. how easy is this | 17:57 |
wheatthin | bind is bind basically :) | 17:57 |
wheatthin | rwc2, did it fail during installation? if not try sudo aticonfig --initial | 17:58 |
Brandano | yep. but having bind, dnsmasq, iptables and the like on an appliance is neat | 17:58 |
saliak | wheatthin: ok, that's what I thought.. i was hoping there was a simpler option | 17:58 |
wheatthin | Brandano, I hear you, which is why I have osx server :P, but that's not for here, but bind is bind | 17:58 |
rwc2 | wheatthin, no, it didn't fail, seemed ok. but kubuntu says its not activated. i think i'd like to just use the default kubuntu driver, but dont have the installation disk around | 17:59 |
saliak | Another question, anyone had luck with a way to repeat multicast packets (from iTunes home sharing primarily) from one adapter to a VPN? | 17:59 |
Brandano | rwc2: did you try to activate it? | 18:00 |
wheatthin | rwc2, then i'd suggest trying sudo aticonfig --initial and have another go | 18:00 |
diceboy321 | wazzup | 18:00 |
diceboy321 | xubuntu is best | 18:00 |
wheatthin | all of ubuntu is nice, nothing is more or less better, just more or less suitable. | 18:01 |
diceboy321 | its my opinion | 18:01 |
wheatthin | well keep it to yourself :) unless you are helping someone | 18:01 |
rwc2 | how do i load 'Additional Drivers' dialog as sudo? no luck as user | 18:02 |
wheatthin | rwc2, you do that command in the console/terminal | 18:02 |
rwc2 | wheatthin, what is the commnad | 18:02 |
Brandano | gottago, bye all | 18:02 |
wheatthin | rwc2, for the fourth time sudo aticonfig --initial | 18:02 |
wheatthin | rwc2, then sudo service lightdm restart | 18:03 |
maru123 | hoola | 18:03 |
maru123 | Hoola | 18:03 |
diceboy321 | ubuntu software center is laggy =( | 18:03 |
wheatthin | maru123, please no spam. | 18:03 |
maru123 | Hola wheatthin que? | 18:04 |
maru123 | hoola | 18:04 |
wheatthin | !spanish | maru123 | 18:04 |
ubottu | maru123: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 18:04 |
maru123 | sorry | 18:04 |
maru123 | my name is mariana | 18:05 |
linuxuz3r | where can i find sources for the ubuntu programs i have installed? | 18:05 |
rwc2 | i'd really like to just know this right now: is there a simple way to revert to default ubuntu/kubuntu drivers? | 18:05 |
bekks | linuxuz3r: In the source repos in your repo lists. To install them, change to a work directory, and run apt-get source packagename | 18:05 |
diceboy321 | reinstall your ubuntu | 18:06 |
rwc2 | diceboy321, only way huh | 18:06 |
diceboy321 | no | 18:06 |
rwc2 | only easy way? | 18:06 |
diceboy321 | idk other ways ask som experts | 18:06 |
bekks | rwc2: Just uninstall the drivers in question. | 18:06 |
wheatthin | rwc2, yes there is. lol | 18:06 |
maru123 | spanish ? | 18:07 |
wheatthin | but, finish initializing, and you might just not want to. | 18:07 |
diceboy321 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxlJLz9M8hQ | 18:08 |
wheatthin | diceboy321, this isn't the place | 18:08 |
diceboy321 | lol sorr | 18:08 |
diceboy321 | my specs are amd e-2 1.7 ghz and 3.6 gb ram but xubuntu and ubuntu are kinda slow | 18:09 |
=== akshay_ is now known as akshay_r | ||
wheatthin | they'll only seem slow if your hard drive's and gpu are not that good | 18:10 |
diceboy321 | ok thanks | 18:10 |
diceboy321 | i will try repair boot again | 18:10 |
jhutchins | !es | 18:11 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 18:11 |
wheatthin | diceboy321, unless you're having booting issues, then it's not gonna help | 18:11 |
diceboy321 | i dont have booting issues | 18:11 |
diceboy321 | but its boots slow too | 18:11 |
wheatthin | well then you have your answer. What do you have starting? dmesg will show. | 18:11 |
jhutchins | diceboy321: Compared to what? | 18:11 |
diceboy321 | ? | 18:12 |
wheatthin | the answer is repair boot will not help. lol You must see which init process is taking up too much time to load during boot. | 18:13 |
diceboy321 | brb | 18:13 |
w0rmie | i've some troubles with network configuration with the distro of ubuntu 8.0.4 | 18:23 |
TheLordOfTime | w0rmie, 8.04 is past end of life. | 18:24 |
TheLordOfTime | !8.04 | w0rmie | 18:24 |
ubottu | w0rmie: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support ended on May 9th 2013. See http://ubottu.com/y/hardy for more details. | 18:24 |
TheLordOfTime | i advise that you upgrade if you can. | 18:24 |
w0rmie | i've a fatal error too, the grub can't be loaded and needs to be repaired? is the 8.0.4 kernel the major probelm of all these diseases? | 18:26 |
thevishy | what is the latest vim for ubuntu | 18:26 |
llutz | !info vim | thevishy | 18:28 |
ubottu | thevishy: vim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 2:7.4.000-1ubuntu2 (saucy), package size 848 kB, installed size 2036 kB | 18:28 |
thevishy | thanks I will see how to get it installed | 18:28 |
nannes | Guys where is the Xresources in Lubuntu? | 18:30 |
nannes | checked my homedir, but there's no trace of it | 18:30 |
cowboy | when i load precise from usb, i get this layout in gparted, any help please http://imagebin.org/280223 | 18:31 |
Beldar | w0rmie, 8.04 is end of life | 18:32 |
TheLordOfTime | w0rmie, 8.04 is past end of life, we can't really help you fix it here because of that... | 18:33 |
designbybeck | I'm not sure if it is a DNS issue or what I have,but things like IRC chat and a few other online services work, but from time to time my webpages will not open. Like it has a hard dtime finding the DNS or something | 18:33 |
designbybeck | Maybe the router , I'm not sure, but is there a way to "flush" the dns? or reset? | 18:34 |
designbybeck | refresh? | 18:34 |
cowboy | when i load precise from usb, i get this layout in gparted, any help please - i have no idea how /cdrom got there -- http://imagebin.org/280223 | 18:34 |
asteve | how can I verify the status of selinux? | 18:34 |
Beldar | cowboy, how did you open sda1? | 18:35 |
zerowaitstate | designbybeck: are you on satellite? | 18:35 |
cowboy | Beldar: what do you mean | 18:35 |
designbybeck | no zerowaitstate I'm hardwired into a router with this box | 18:35 |
zerowaitstate | designbybeck: but how is the router connected to the internet? | 18:35 |
Beldar | cowboy, from a live cd sda1 would not have been mounted=open how did you mount it? | 18:35 |
designbybeck | zerowaitstate, Ubuntu 13.10 Suddenlink Internet service in Texas | 18:35 |
zerowaitstate | ah, k | 18:36 |
cowboy | Beldar: insert usb stick in my laptop, switch on, wait until screen apears | 18:36 |
zerowaitstate | designbybeck, have you tried switching your dns to | 18:36 |
designbybeck | no I haven't, what is that zerowaitstate ? | 18:36 |
zerowaitstate | google dns | 18:36 |
designbybeck | ah | 18:36 |
Beldar | cowboy, a live environment does not auto open partitions | 18:36 |
cowboy | Beldar: not knowing that it does not do it, still it did | 18:37 |
=== BradCrittenden is now known as ba | ||
designbybeck | it's just funny IRC works | 18:37 |
=== ba is now known as bac | ||
Beldar | cowboy, what is the end goal here? | 18:37 |
zerowaitstate | designbybeck, also see if you are getting errors from dig | 18:37 |
cowboy | Beldar: install ubuntu | 18:38 |
Beldar | cowboy, where? | 18:38 |
cowboy | Beldar: on my laptop | 18:38 |
zerowaitstate | designbybeck: this sort of sounds like a web proxy issue, but since you are not behind one, maybe dns is it. | 18:38 |
designbybeck | zerowaitstate, it's just funny spotify still gives me music and IRC still works and some google searchs will pull up but not let me go to those pages | 18:38 |
Beldar | cowboy, In the unallocated space? | 18:38 |
cowboy | Beldar: i like in sda1 | 18:38 |
designbybeck | zerowaitstate, I normally just press the router reset button and that gets it back | 18:38 |
zerowaitstate | designbybeck, you may have the DNS entry for those things cached | 18:38 |
nannes | Guys where is the Xresources in Lubuntu? | 18:38 |
nannes | checked my homedir, but there's no trace of it | 18:38 |
nannes | Guys where is the Xresources in Lubuntu? | 18:38 |
nannes | checked my homedir, but there's no trace of it | 18:38 |
nannes | Guys where is the Xresources in Lubuntu? | 18:38 |
FloodBot1 | nannes: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:38 |
nannes | checked my homedir, but there's no trace of it | 18:38 |
designbybeck | It's a Netgear router zerowaitstate | 18:39 |
Beldar | cowboy, I would reboot it and see if it is opened again. | 18:39 |
designbybeck | that is why I was wondering if there was a quick way to flush dns without me having to kill the router for everything zerowaitstate | 18:39 |
ijoromanana | io | 18:39 |
cowboy | Beldar: did that several times already, sda1 is where my root is, but for some reason, it's called /cdrom | 18:40 |
=== jagger is now known as jagger|away | ||
Beldar | cowboy, sda1 has a cdrom mount point can you share why? | 18:40 |
cowboy | Beldar: that's what i am asking here | 18:41 |
cowboy | Beldar: trying to understand what happened and how to fix | 18:42 |
Beldar | cowboy, You have a bit of a odd setup, sda3 is a extended that had to have been made in windows, linux starts at sda4 for extended's, not sure of an answer to be honest. | 18:42 |
cowboy | Beldar: thank you for answering | 18:42 |
llutz | Beldar: there is no default partition-number for extended-partitions. | 18:42 |
Beldar | llutz, I was told differently by jordan_u but sure | 18:43 |
llutz | Beldar: most partitioning tools take the 1st free partition-number | 18:44 |
llutz | (from 1-4) | 18:44 |
pirulinux | quien habla español aqui? | 18:44 |
llutz | !es | pirulinux | 18:44 |
ubottu | pirulinux: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 18:44 |
gassho | system settings crashed in ubuntu 13.10 | 18:44 |
Beldar | llutz, I will take your word here, however I have never seen linux make one lower than sda4 in 7 years of use. | 18:45 |
pirulinux | !es | 18:45 |
pirulinux | !es | pirulinux | 18:45 |
ubottu | pirulinux, please see my private message | 18:45 |
llutz | Beldar: "sudo parted -l|grep extended" - -> "3 40,0GB 750GB 710GB extended" | 18:45 |
Beldar | llutz, I always use gparted however, but this is just an attempt to convinve me, it gas nothing to do with helping anyone. | 18:46 |
Beldar | convince | 18:47 |
digitlman | anybody using a picuntu installation on an ARM device? | 18:49 |
Beldar | whether my statement is right or wrong has not affect on anyone is all | 18:49 |
llutz | Beldar: its just the attempt to prevent you from spreading false general information (no offense) | 18:49 |
Beldar | llutz, k | 18:49 |
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler | ||
zerowaitstate | designbybeck: hold up, I am reading up on NetworkManager | 18:54 |
Beldar | llutz, I just used a usb flash to make an sda1 ext4 and a extended, which came out as sda2, so I thought this was the case, but was told differently by a op here. | 18:54 |
Beldar | er both sdb actually | 18:54 |
vooze | Hey, I just rebooted my Ubuntu 13.10 and after my HDMI monitor (connected to laptop) just stopped working (I've screen and the screen is fine, it works with other computers.. also running ubuntu) What could I have done wrong? Its not in the monitor options :/ | 18:55 |
gassho | how do i add a user account? i got the system settings up but clicking on the plus labeled button fails to do anything; however, i can change my password and language | 18:56 |
llutz | gassho: sudo adduser 'username' | 18:57 |
CookieM | or look for "lock" sign in the window to unlock its settings and add a new user | 18:59 |
zerowaitstate | designbybeck: on 13.10, dnsmasq has its cache-size set to zero, so it never caches | 18:59 |
zerowaitstate | designbybeck: dnsmasq is a dns resolver that listens on, which is what your /etc/resolv.conf is pointed to, if you noticed | 19:00 |
zerowaitstate | it proxies the dns and dhcp requests, using the dns of whatever adapter is up at the time | 19:01 |
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off | ||
jamming | guys what Linux distro does anyone recommend tto install on macbook air 2013?? | 19:01 |
zerowaitstate | however, if you use dig @, it should bypass your local machine resolver | 19:01 |
zerowaitstate | if you really think the local resolver is the issue | 19:02 |
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
kijutsu | Help -- i just upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10, and now when i attempt to start ircd-hybrid i get "ircd-hybrid chown: changing ownership of '/var/run/ircd': operation not permitted | 19:11 |
chutney | kijutsu, are you running that command as "su ..."? | 19:13 |
kijutsu | chutney: no i'm not -- its supposed to be running as a service | 19:14 |
kijutsu | but when i do run it with sudo, it runs but it won't allow connections | 19:14 |
kijutsu | in fact, i'm pretty sure it's not even running cause when invoked as a root user, it dies automatically as 'do not run as root' | 19:14 |
Leco | Hi | 19:15 |
chutney | kijutsu, normally I put services in my inetd.conf file | 19:16 |
Leco | I'm installing Ubuntu right now, and it's been on the "Installation" window for a while, any tips ? | 19:17 |
chutney | go out for lunch? | 19:17 |
fryck | Hi | 19:18 |
fryck | I want all *.dev local domain target to my home raspberry pi server, how can i do this ? (sorry for my bad english) | 19:19 |
fryck | mywebsite.dev (on my mobile for example) -> raspberry server -> nginx -> /www/mywebsite | 19:20 |
jhutchins | fryck: Set up a DNS server or just use your hosts files. | 19:21 |
fryck | i'm totaly noob on how setup DNS server | 19:22 |
fryck | have you got resources for dummys ? :) | 19:22 |
=== MorphinTime is now known as silmakuoppaaniki | ||
kijutsu | Help -- i just upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10, and now when i attempt to start ircd-hybrid i get "ircd-hybrid chown: changing ownership of '/var/run/ircd': operation not permitted | 19:23 |
jhutchins | fryck: There are howtos at http://tldp.org, but it's easier to just edit your hosts files. | 19:25 |
jhutchins | !tell fryck about dns | 19:27 |
ubottu | fryck, please see my private message | 19:27 |
fryck | thanks ;) | 19:28 |
Hawkerz | hey, quick point of interest -- I seem to have the QT messaging framework installed and running at boot...I think this was a carryover from 12.04 or earlier -- this actually important for anything anymore? | 19:31 |
Teleport | anyone here knows about nanoKONTROL? | 19:32 |
sagotsky | Hi there. My external mouse and keyboard stopped working. They do fine in the bios, but not in a virtual console or in xorg. Any ideas? I've posted more details here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/385091/usb-mouse-and-keyboard-suddenly-stopped-working-in-13-10 | 19:35 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, you're on a laptop? | 19:38 |
sagotsky | yep | 19:38 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, is your laptop currently plugged into the wall? could be power saving config | 19:39 |
sagotsky | this is a sudden change. it worked a couple weeks ago and then just stopped. | 19:39 |
sagotsky | doesn't work plugged in to ac, unplugged, or in a dock | 19:39 |
Hawkerz | some power management utilities nuke usb when not plugged in | 19:39 |
Hawkerz | hrm...need more info then | 19:39 |
Hawkerz | pastebin the relevant logs | 19:39 |
sagotsky | anything in particular? I included lsusb and hardinfo in the link above | 19:40 |
Hawkerz | everything really, dmesg, Xorg.0.log, ~/.xsession-errors | 19:40 |
sagotsky | can do | 19:41 |
Hawkerz | !pastebin | sagotsky | 19:41 |
ubottu | sagotsky: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 19:41 |
=== bdavenport is now known as bdav|away | ||
Hawkerz | sagotsky, also lspci -vvnn | 19:41 |
sagotsky | dmesg http://pastebin.com/tqxz0PV8 | 19:41 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, if you have a working keyboard you should use pastebinit | 19:42 |
Hawkerz | !pastebinit | 19:42 |
ubottu | pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com | 19:42 |
sagotsky | not familiar with that one | 19:42 |
Hawkerz | command line tool that lets you take the output of terminal commands and send it directly to a pastebin | 19:42 |
sagotsky | cool | 19:43 |
gassho | please put guidance about using longer passphrases with the rest of the tactics of selecting a good password, thanks | 19:43 |
sagotsky | that'll be faster than xsel | 19:43 |
PDilyard | Startup Disk Creator keeps failing to create a bootable USB. It gets to the point where it goes to install the EFI bootloader, but then crashes | 19:43 |
urielvigilant | Lubuntu 13.10 software center dont show information about software when we click button. | 19:43 |
Jordan_U | gassho: Who are you speaking to? | 19:43 |
gassho | the developers | 19:44 |
urielvigilant | Lubuntu 13.10 dont start in a ACer 3003 wlmi with 1 GB ram . | 19:44 |
urielvigilant | Ubuntu 13.10 dont start in a Acer 3003 wlmi with 1 GB Ram also. | 19:45 |
urielvigilant | What could be failling ? | 19:45 |
sagotsky | Hawkerz, here's xorg (although I'm not getting keyboard on consle either, so I don't think it's isolated to x) http://pastebin.com/tqxz0PV8 | 19:46 |
BluesKaj | do you see the grub menu , urielvigilant ? | 19:46 |
digitlman | anybody using a picuntu installation on an ARM device? | 19:46 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, cat <(dmesg) <(cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log) <(cat ~/.xsession-errors) <(lspci -vvnn) | pastebinit -b paste.ubuntu.com | 19:47 |
sagotsky | xsession-errors http://pastebin.com/tqxz0PV8 | 19:47 |
Hawkerz | that should get it all in one go | 19:47 |
sagotsky | awesome, ty | 19:47 |
sagotsky | http://pastebin.com/tqxz0PV8 | 19:48 |
Hawkerz | So, anyone know whether the qt messaging framework is still used at all? | 19:48 |
sagotsky | http://paste.ubuntu.com/6510915/ | 19:48 |
sagotsky | there we go | 19:48 |
bsdbandit | im setting up apache ssl on ubuntu ive generated the cert where do i put the cert file in order to get ssl working | 19:49 |
bsdbandit | ? | 19:49 |
urielvigilant | BluesKaj : yes it appear the menu where we can choose to try Lubuntu then i say to try and the screen start to switch off and on , and it can start. On another hand trying Ubuntu , we can reach to the part we say to try Ubuntu. Iam using a usb persistent that work on my acer 5204 wlmi very well and on many desktops i tryed before | 19:50 |
urielvigilant | I a afraid to try a full install if i dont have sure it will work on it. | 19:50 |
urielvigilant | IS a friend of mine laptop. | 19:50 |
urielvigilant | where said can please read cant . typing mistake | 19:52 |
BluesKaj | urielvigilant. if the usb doesn't work try a dvd | 19:52 |
sagotsky | Hawkerz, did I miss any logs? | 19:52 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, no, you have a problem with the gnome power manager | 19:53 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, which release are you using? | 19:53 |
sagotsky | 13.10 | 19:53 |
Hawkerz | when did you upgrade? | 19:53 |
sagotsky | about a week after it came out | 19:53 |
urielvigilant | BluesKaj do you think it could be about trying in Usb ? so that mean a full instal could work even with usb ? | 19:53 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, which window manager/desktop env do you use? | 19:54 |
sagotsky | xmonad | 19:54 |
parapan | hi fellows > networking problem ...cannot access the router config page via LAN cable; it's working on the wireless but not within the LAN . . .. | 19:55 |
BluesKaj | urielvigilant. sometimes usb installs have problems that cd or dvds don't have ...usbs are buggier | 19:56 |
=== AEM` is now known as aem` | ||
urielvigilant | BluesKAj: that means usb could work very well on my laptop or on another desktop , but could fail on another laptop ? | 19:57 |
urielvigilant | iam talking about the same usb , . . | 19:57 |
marko-_- | hello. How would i say mail from my gmail account from terminal? I followed 3 tutorials and none work | 19:58 |
marko-_- | s/say/mail | 19:58 |
ResQue | how can i install hwinfo? i tried apt-get install hwinfo but it says no such package | 19:59 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, are you trying to run xmonad in a gnome session? | 19:59 |
sagotsky | no, I have a separate sessoin file somewhere that runs my .xsession | 20:00 |
parapan | hi fellows > networking problem ...cannot access the router config page via LAN cable; it's working on the wireless but not within the LAN . . .. | 20:00 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, ok, it seems like it's a gtk2 bug from looking at it... do you have the multiarch libs for gtk2 installed? | 20:00 |
sagotsky | on this machine I can't remember | 20:01 |
sagotsky | I have libgtk2.0-0:i386 | 20:02 |
sagotsky | all my other installed gtk packages either don't specify an arch or are amd64 | 20:02 |
sagotsky | nom | 20:03 |
sagotsky | doh | 20:03 |
stijndg | ResQue, i cannot install that one either but i use Sysinfo wich works fine as well | 20:03 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, is your laptop a nvidia optimus laptop? | 20:04 |
glitsj16 | ResQue: hwinfo is no longer in the 13.10 repos, i assume you're running that version of ubuntu? | 20:04 |
ResQue | stijndg: thanks i will try that, it seems its been removed. whats the best way to check framebuffer info so i can config grub? | 20:04 |
sagotsky | Hawkerz, not positive. I have a dell e6420. Some of them have optimus, but I can't tell if it's universal. (It's owned by work so I haven't paid its hardware too much attention) | 20:05 |
=== krankokat_ is now known as krankokat | ||
Hawkerz | sagotsky, you have an optimus configuration, it's the same machine I'm on and you have the same proprietary video card | 20:06 |
Hawkerz | drivers, rather | 20:06 |
sagotsky | ah, cool | 20:06 |
glitsj16 | ResQue: either install hwinfo (and libhal1 + libhd16 dependencies) from raring --> via packages.ubuntu.com .. or get to a grub prompt at boot and use the vbeinfo command to get framebuffer availability | 20:06 |
sagotsky | I'm using standard nvidia drivers from apt. I didn't do any of the optimus specific stuff | 20:07 |
ResQue | glitsj16: i will use vbeinfo thanks | 20:07 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, (npviewer.bin:3874): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", | 20:07 |
glitsj16 | ResQue: many guides still refer to hwinfgo .. too bad it's no longer there, but vbeinfo still gives you the same info, yw | 20:08 |
Hawkerz | ^ This is known to cause errors with gtk when you are not using gnome, having gtk searching for a theme where it can't locate one seems to cause some weird segfault | 20:08 |
ResQue | glitsj16: thanks for the headsup | 20:08 |
parapan | hi fellows > networking problem ...cannot access the router config page via LAN cable; it's working on the wireless but not within the LAN . . .. | 20:08 |
sagotsky | And you think that'll affect my mouse and keyboard? | 20:09 |
Ilmen | Hello | 20:09 |
Hawkerz | probably, since it's segfaulting the gnome power management daemon (are you manually killing gnome in your xsession file?) | 20:09 |
sagotsky | not killing it, but not starting it up either | 20:10 |
sagotsky | what starts the power management daemon? gnome-settings-daemon? | 20:10 |
Ilmen | I just installed Ubuntu 13.10 on a UEFI computer with pre-installed Windows 8; apparently Ubuntu has been installed in Legacy mode, and Win8 is no longer bootable, so I downloaded boot-repair. It's asking me "The boot of your PC is in Legacy mode. You may want to retry after changing it to EFI mode. Do you want to continue?" | 20:13 |
Ilmen | Do you think I can safely continue? | 20:13 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, [ 28.020410] init: gdm main process (1248) killed by TERM signal | 20:13 |
sagotsky | Hawkerz, that was probably me restarting X without waiting for the whole system to restart | 20:14 |
sagotsky | It's not doing that automatically as far as I'm aware | 20:14 |
sagotsky | I wanted to see if some settings changes let me type in the login manager or not | 20:15 |
Hawkerz | ok, and you are using usb keyboard an mouse? or trying to I guess? | 20:15 |
sagotsky | correct | 20:16 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, do your USB ports work when you plug other stuff into them? | 20:17 |
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nsql | I created an additional account and did 'chmod 750 $HOME' but I can still see the home directory on the other account, how can I prevent it? | 20:17 |
Badc0de | hi | 20:18 |
Badc0de | yes, my mpa player work,im using raring | 20:18 |
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sagotsky | Hawkerz, found a usb thumbdrive that worked. It didn't automount but I don't know if that's normal. | 20:18 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, also, if you have your paste link still, you have an error in a script which is causing problems somewhere | 20:19 |
Hawkerz | in your screenshot-imgur script | 20:19 |
Agd_Scorp | my balls literally just exploded | 20:19 |
Badc0de | I installed metasploit on raring, missingGem error,help!! please | 20:20 |
Agd_Scorp | Badc0de, please go to #metasploit. | 20:20 |
Agd_Scorp | this is not the channel for this, this is a support channel for ubuntu. | 20:20 |
sagotsky | good to know. I think I wasn't logged in at the time and it didn't know what to do. | 20:20 |
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llutz | nsql: you should see the home-dir but not the contents with 750 | 20:21 |
Badc0de | thanx Agd_Scorp | 20:22 |
nsql | llutz, if I do ls /home/user, I can see all my files. I don,t know what I did wrong. what I did is to run 'chmod 750 $HOME' on the terminal, | 20:23 |
nsql | llutz, ls -al shows 'drwxr-x---' for the other accounts home directory | 20:23 |
llutz | nsql: you are "user"? sure you can see your own home then | 20:23 |
jhutchins | nsql: In order for you to see your own home directory, you need to be able to see the directories in /home/. You should not be able to read the other users's directory or it's subdirectories. | 20:24 |
llutz | nsql: 'drwxr-x---' is 750. what are you trying to achieve? | 20:25 |
na36heno | /exit | 20:25 |
nsql | llutz, I log in with the other user account and can still see other account,s home directory. do I need to reboot my pc? | 20:25 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, which version of ubuntu is your system built on? lubuntu? | 20:25 |
llutz | nsql: you see the home-dirs but not the contents of other users home-dirs, right? | 20:25 |
seanz | Greetings, all. Anyone have any links to creating an Ubuntu packaging server? | 20:25 |
sagotsky | striaght up ubuntu. I might have used server as the install media, but I can't remember. | 20:25 |
jhutchins | nsql: This is not Windows, the only reason to reboot is to either install a new kernel or check the root filesystem. | 20:25 |
jjavaholic | how might I diagnose why I can't send files to bluetooth devices? | 20:26 |
=== picca_ is now known as picca | ||
nsql | lltuzö jhutchins: let me try to explain it again, maybe I use wrong terminology. I have a user, say user1 and created a new user account called user2. on user1's command prompt I run 'chmod 750 $HOME' then logout and log in to user2. on user2's command prompt, when I run 'ls /home/user1' I can see the all directories, like /home/user1/Desktop and sub folders | 20:28 |
nsql | how can I prevent user2 to see any file, subdirectories under /home/user1 ? | 20:29 |
llutz | nsql: you shouldn't see the contents. what group owns /home/user1? and is user2 member of that group? | 20:29 |
Kartagis | nsql: chmod 700 /home/user1 | 20:30 |
nsql | they are both administrative accounts | 20:30 |
nsql | I will try 700 now | 20:30 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, can you show me your xmonad/xsession configs? | 20:31 |
llutz | nsql: "ls -ld /home/user1 && id user2" | 20:31 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, just cat them over to pastebin again | 20:31 |
jhutchins | nsql: What does 'administrator account' mean in this context? | 20:31 |
sagotsky | Can do. | 20:31 |
knight221 | Hello, Can someone recommand me on good code revision control for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS which have aslo windows clients? | 20:32 |
sagotsky | Hawkerz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6511103/ that's xmonad, then .xsession, then ls from my .xsession.d. | 20:33 |
sagotsky | anything interesting in .xsession.d can be found in https://github.com/sagotsky/.dotfiles/tree/master/scripts | 20:33 |
sagotsky | I am deliberately killing notification-daemon and notify-osd. Not sure if that could be related to the power manager segfaulting? | 20:34 |
rypervenche | knight221: git | 20:34 |
sagotsky | (I've been doing that for quite a while, so I don't think that's it, but it couldn't hurt to mention) | 20:34 |
renebarbosa | hey folks | 20:34 |
renebarbosa | someone here already watched it: www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5buFbuvWbk ? | 20:35 |
renebarbosa | ubuntu is being used in an awesome robotics project | 20:35 |
renebarbosa | :) | 20:35 |
rypervenche | knight221: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorial | 20:35 |
k1l | renebarbosa: that topic suits better into the offtopic channel: #ubuntu-offtopic we stick to technical support issues in here :) | 20:35 |
renebarbosa | k1l, okay | 20:36 |
jhutchins | nsql: The "execute" flag on a directory determines whether the directory listing can be read. If a user is a member of a group that has x permissions then that user can list the contents. | 20:36 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, https://gist.github.com/minhajuddin/2156485 <- this is an example I found (I don't really use xmonad, but I looked around a bit) | 20:37 |
jhutchins | nsql: Since there is no such thing as an "administrative account" in *nix, I'm presuming that you mean that they are in a group that has some special privileges. | 20:37 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, it looks like you need to manually ensure that gnome-keyring-daemon, gnome-settings-daemon, and gnome-power-manager are all running (see the first file on that page) | 20:37 |
knight221 | Does someone know if Ubuntu 10.04 LTS have a package for Perfoce server (https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/perforce-version-management/)? if not does it possible to install it from the 12.04-13.10 package? | 20:38 |
sagotsky | Hawkerz, happy to give it a try. I don't have a gnome-power-manager bin though. Just reinstalled from apt. | 20:39 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, the long and short of it though, is that power management, GSD, and gtk are not getting loaded | 20:40 |
Hawkerz | well, I'm not really sure if there is an equivalent or whatever | 20:40 |
sagotsky | That definitely gives me some stuff to try. I'll see if I can figure out what replaces gnome-power-manager. No change just running gnome-settings-daemon. | 20:41 |
kingplusplus | please how do know which partition my os is installed /dev/sb1 or 2 | 20:41 |
sagotsky | Hawkerz, that was some fantastic support even if we didn't get to the bottom of it today. I really appreciate it. | 20:41 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, sure thing, there are a lot of random things being reported, but i mostly think it's power management | 20:43 |
Hawkerz | that was my first instinct | 20:43 |
Hawkerz | and googling seems to reaffirm it a bit anyway | 20:43 |
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sagotsky | Cool | 20:43 |
sagotsky | That's dfeinitely something I can keep googling. I don't often use this machine as a laptop so I haven't paid as much attention to power services as I should. | 20:44 |
Hawkerz | meh, power management sucks....I only ever get it to break things | 20:45 |
sagotsky | Heh | 20:45 |
kingplusplus | hello how can i delete stuff in my root? | 20:45 |
goose_ | quit | 20:46 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, the gist of what I saw online was that it could be any number of things from power management to graphics drivers to missing gtk2 libraries | 20:46 |
Hawkerz | evidently, 13.10 still has several known issues...have you used Mir at all? | 20:47 |
sagotsky | Interesting. I was assuming it was something lower level than gtk2 since it was failing before I even got to X. | 20:47 |
sagotsky | Haven't tried it | 20:47 |
Hawkerz | oh, so you are trying to move away from gdm to x? | 20:47 |
sagotsky | I don't mind the login manager, I was just trying to rule out whether it was an xorg config problem | 20:48 |
mikodo | kingplusplus, in terminal <df -h> | 20:48 |
sagotsky | Not being able to type in ctrl-alt-f1 led me to believe the problem was happening outside of x | 20:48 |
Hawkerz | well, if you switched login managers that could easily be the cause | 20:48 |
sagotsky | haven't recently | 20:48 |
sagotsky | just restarted it a few times for debugging | 20:49 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, but you were using GDM at some point and now you are not? | 20:49 |
sagotsky | I'm on lightdm right now | 20:49 |
Hawkerz | oh | 20:49 |
sagotsky | I think that's the default | 20:49 |
sagotsky | Not something I have strong opinions about so I don't pay it much attention | 20:49 |
Hawkerz | yes, it is...that's the important thing here | 20:49 |
sagotsky | ok | 20:50 |
Hawkerz | the login manager, if misconfigured, can break everything.... | 20:51 |
sagotsky | it looks like I tried to tell it to autologin at some point | 20:51 |
sagotsky | my name is in there | 20:51 |
Hawkerz | it's only the USB keyboard that doesn't work, right? you can still ctrl+alt+f1 from the native keyboard? | 20:51 |
sagotsky | but I don't think that's ever worked | 20:51 |
sagotsky | correct | 20:51 |
FloodBot1 | sagotsky: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:51 |
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sagotsky | Hawkerz, the native keyboard works fine. I haven't found anything it does wrong. gnome-settings-daemon sometimes eats my xmodmap settings, but that's another matter. | 20:52 |
human_like | got the disk? | 20:54 |
sh0t | hi guys. I am trying to set up burpe suite to analyze som https traffic.vThe problem is that i cannot start it on the port 443 because it says the port is used already by some other serivece. I check with enstat but it doesn't say anything about the port 443. | 20:56 |
sh0t | How do i find out who is using that port? | 20:56 |
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llutz | sh0t: sudo lsof -i :443 | 20:58 |
dissenter | I had a boyfriend once used to play the bongos on my ass | 20:58 |
Ilmen | I just converted my Ubuntu into EFI, and now boot-repair asks me "WinEFI detected. Do you want to activate [Backup and rename Windows EFI files]?"; what does this mean? | 20:58 |
dissenter | his name was Ubuntu | 20:58 |
dissenter | he was a black man black as the night | 20:58 |
niko | dissenter: if you continues to troll ... | 20:59 |
llutz | !ot | dissenter | 20:59 |
ubottu | dissenter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 20:59 |
sh0t | thanks llutz | 21:00 |
hatemachine1 | hi all | 21:01 |
hatemachine1 | hey, does anyone know if there is a stable version of ubuntu for MAC? | 21:01 |
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Pricey | !mac | 21:02 |
ubottu | For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 21:02 |
geirha | sh0t: or sudo fuser -v 443/tcp | 21:02 |
sh0t | thanks geirha | 21:02 |
hatemachine1 | thanks @pricey | 21:03 |
hatemachine1 | !mac | 21:03 |
ubottu | For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 21:03 |
sh0t | mmm anyway if i run lsof or also fuser i don't findanything on the port 443 | 21:06 |
llormortis | *troll* https://fixubuntu.com/ | 21:06 |
sh0t | but still burp says | 21:06 |
sh0t | to check whether some other serivce | 21:06 |
sh0t | is on that port | 21:06 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, let me know if you have any luck...also dpkg -l | grep multiarch -- make sure you have the multiarch libs installed | 21:07 |
sagotsky | Hawkerz, will do. TY again for all your t ime. I have some stuff t o finish up today so it may not be till tomorrow till I can try everything | 21:11 |
aaronn23 | !mac | 21:12 |
ubottu | For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 21:12 |
aaronn23 | !pc | 21:12 |
lionprise | I am trying to install ubuntu Gnome, but it immediatly drops to busybox | 21:12 |
lionprise | the usb drive works on my laptop with UEFI, but not on my desktop with simple bios | 21:13 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, as a final point, I don't actually think it's a problem with GTK, but I do think it is a problem with power management...still, hard to say | 21:15 |
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sagotsky | I think I agree. I've had no noticeable errors from gtk - errors aside, everything runs smoothly and looks purty. But there's a ton of power management stuff that doesn't work. Like rebooting. | 21:16 |
juboba | how can I upgrade from 12.04 to 13.04 or 13.10? I'm running "update-manager -d" and it is offering 14.04. | 21:17 |
Sian | apt-get install ffmpeg asks me to install nvidia drivers when I do not own a nvidia card(obviously isntalling them means crashing at reboot), what can I do?some of the packages have xedgers in the name that most likely come from the zord-edgers ppa, but I already purged it, I even re-added it to purge it again but those packages keep appearing | 21:17 |
k1l | jubba: you need to update to 12.10 first. | 21:18 |
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k1l | jubba: set the release prompt to regular (from LTS). then it should say 12.10 for "update-manager" | 21:18 |
aebonyne | How do I get my computer to not shutdown when pressing the power button (I'd like it to either ask or sleep/hibernate)? Computer is a Surface Pro if it matters. I've disabled the settings to shutdown on power button press in the Gnome and XFCE power managers as well as in /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh, which is as far as Googling the topic got me. | 21:18 |
juboba | k1l, how should I proceed? | 21:18 |
aebonyne | Sian: Installing drivers for hardware you don't have shouldn't cause problems... | 21:19 |
juboba | k1l, how do I change the release prompt? | 21:19 |
k1l | juboba: go to the systemsettings and then to updates and sources. then set the updates to regulear (3rd tab iirc) | 21:19 |
shanahan | are there any good alternatives to 'jockey-gtk'? or the additional drivers window? mine's a bit glitchy. | 21:19 |
Sian | aebonyne, but 1, it does, as it crashes my system at reboot. and 2, I have a 80GB hdd, I don't want to install more than necesary | 21:19 |
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FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 21:20 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 21:20 |
=== krankokat is now known as baordog_ | ||
shanahan | woha | 21:21 |
Sian | not only that, but the other packages of the ppa aren't shown by my system, so nvidia drivers seem to be the only packages from there that are actually showing. NO idea why | 21:21 |
aebonyne | Sian: Saving space is a good reason. In general, you can avoid installing packages by postfixing their name with a minus sign in the apt-get install command: apt-get install ffmpeg nvidia-glx- | 21:21 |
juboba | k1l, would you recommend to upgrade to regular from LTS (this is my home computer, no server) | 21:21 |
aebonyne | Sian: If the package doesn't like that idea, it will show dependency errors. | 21:22 |
clynamen | I'm supposed to install watchdog kernel module or they are often already in the kernel ? | 21:22 |
Sian | aebonyne, it won't let me | 21:23 |
k1l | juboba: the non-lts are stable too. | 21:23 |
Sian | q | 21:23 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, I think I know the problem | 21:24 |
sagotsky | Oh? | 21:24 |
juboba | k1l, ok so I have to 12.10 -> 13.04 -> 13.10 to get there? | 21:24 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, I think you are encountering an error with ureadahead (if /var or /run are on their own partitions) | 21:24 |
Hawkerz | this thread seems to have some useful info on that: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1423305 | 21:25 |
Eagleman | Which ports need to be open to be able to connect to a NFS server? | 21:25 |
aebonyne | Sian: Odd. If you removed the repository and have updated since then... maybe try a clean so previously downloaded packages are gone, too? Really, I'm out of ideas. | 21:25 |
sagotsky | that's definitely a new one for me | 21:26 |
aebonyne | Sian: That's apt-get clean, deleted all downloaded packages. Saves space and forces apt to redownload packages, perhaps in your case from the right repository. | 21:26 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, check the output of mount | 21:26 |
Sian | aebonyne, autoclean says there are 0 bytes to be freed | 21:26 |
Sian | aebonyne, it just ocurred to me, maybe is another ppa using zorg edgers packages? | 21:27 |
Eagleman | Which ports need to be open to be able to connect to a NFS server? | 21:28 |
aebonyne | clean deletes more stuff than autoclean, although it shouldn't actually affect whether stuff works. | 21:28 |
sagotsky | Hawkerz, here's mount http://paste.ubuntu.com/6511323/ | 21:28 |
aebonyne | Possible, I was trying to see if there's a way to check what repo an archive comes from, but apt-cache show doesn't tell you. | 21:29 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, looks like you're suffering from a problem with ureadahead, which runs during boot to speed up the boot process (but when /var is mounted on its own partition, apparently this breaks in some circumstances) | 21:30 |
sagotsky | Seems likely. How exactly did you find that? I would have reinstalled long before reaching that point. | 21:31 |
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aebonyne | Sian: Ah, apt-cache showpkg ffmpeg will tell you where it's getting the ffmpeg package from. | 21:32 |
SerGiles | hello, I have an issue with unity side bar, that is to say I cant scroll it with my mouse wheel in 13.10 like I could in 12.04. Is there a fix for this? | 21:33 |
Sian | aebonyne, this is what I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/6511357/, I am either looking at the wrong place or it's using official ubuntu repo | 21:36 |
odium | anyone familiar with the ubuntu 11.10 bug that arbritrarily ruins luks partitions? | 21:38 |
bekks | odium: 11.10 is out of support already. | 21:38 |
juboba | k1l, ok so I have to 12.10 -> 13.04 -> 13.10 to get there? | 21:38 |
Beldar | odium, Is this relevant in a supported release? | 21:38 |
odium | oh, I am running 13.10 | 21:38 |
odium | but still lost my data | 21:39 |
odium | I stopped mounting this entier drive while I worked on a new ssd | 21:39 |
aebonyne | Sian: The top option is a PPA. | 21:39 |
Beldar | odium, Are you sure it was not user error, are you linking these loosely is the question? | 21:39 |
odium | and when I went back to mount it again, using time tested methods it is no longer a valid luks partition | 21:39 |
odium | I am not 100% | 21:39 |
odium | but it's either this that or the nsa | 21:40 |
odium | so I backed up the 1TB drive | 21:40 |
odium | but I am at a loss for recovering this one. | 21:40 |
Beldar | odium, Or user error be being backed up is the best answer in ythe end. | 21:40 |
aebonyne | Sian: "ppa.launchpad.net_rebuntu16_pcsx-reloaded-svn". The ffmpeg from the PPA is apparently depending on packages you don't want? | 21:40 |
odium | too bad the disk was full. | 21:41 |
aebonyne | ... probably indirectly because nothing there mentions nvidia. | 21:41 |
Beldar | odium, You can clone anything including encrypted partitions as long as you have the key file to get back in. | 21:41 |
odium | If I have other volumes with identical headers can I try to back up one of them and then apply their header to the disabled volume? | 21:41 |
Sian | aebonyne, the packages I don't want are the nvidia drivers. Well i'll have to use the normal pscx to aovid this | 21:41 |
Sian | thanks | 21:42 |
odium | Beldar, I have the key file and know the 20 digit password by heart | 21:42 |
aebonyne | Sian: Glad I was able to be somewhat helpful. gtg, bye | 21:42 |
odium | but I've googled and googled for an instructional. | 21:42 |
Hawkerz | sagotsky, I saw a weird error in one of your logs, right around the same place your usb stuff disconnected | 21:42 |
Beldar | odium, but do you have a clone/copy if it? | 21:42 |
odium | I used dd to make an image | 21:42 |
odium | what's a clone? | 21:43 |
Hawkerz | or connected, rather | 21:43 |
Beldar | odium, clone is a standard term it means what it means. | 21:43 |
odium | i copied just the partition to one image and the entire disk to another. | 21:43 |
Beldar | odium, All with dd? | 21:44 |
odium | yes | 21:44 |
odium | I want my movies back. :( | 21:45 |
Beldar | odium, Not sure to be honest any copying can have mistakes, dd is problematic if it does not save the original but just transfers it, if there is a mistake. | 21:45 |
nwzqqwr | rapbrain | 21:45 |
Beldar | odium, Best circumstances are a copy that can be confirmed to be good before the loss of the original. | 21:46 |
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odium | Well, I understand the risk.. | 21:47 |
odium | it's just 1TB of movies. | 21:47 |
kevin | what risk is that? | 21:47 |
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odium | next time I will attempt to backup my stuff. | 21:47 |
odium | at the time, I didn't have enough space to backup a TB | 21:48 |
Beldar | Guest35688, What is your question referencing? | 21:48 |
Jordan_U | odium: Backing up the LUKS header is also usually a good idea. | 21:48 |
Guest35688 | Guest35688 works just fine for me | 21:48 |
nwzqqwr | trying windowsXP | 21:48 |
odium | Jordan_U there is a backup | 21:48 |
odium | it's somewhere in /etc/ I think | 21:49 |
nwzqqwr | need audio software | 21:49 |
odium | just can't locate it again. | 21:49 |
aaronn23 | hello guys. how does ubuntu works on mac? | 21:49 |
Guest35688 | I was reference the first chat room sentence I logged in on | 21:49 |
Beldar | Guest35688, You are not including any context, please do so. | 21:49 |
nwzqqwr | rapbrains | 21:49 |
=== break613 is now known as HeathHayle | ||
xangua | !mac | aaronn23 | 21:50 |
neighborlyfriend | how do I ssh into a local host server. password was setup. Wouldn't ssh username@localhost work. or is it ssh user@ and is the :22 necessary? | 21:50 |
ubottu | aaronn23: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 21:50 |
Jordan_U | odium: How did you backup the LUKS header? | 21:50 |
Beldar | and don't just randomly comment with knowledge of context Guest35688 | 21:50 |
odium | uhh, I can't answer that. | 21:50 |
nwzqqwr | sh has to be the same version | 21:50 |
nwzqqwr | recompile from scratch | 21:50 |
Beldar | without* | 21:50 |
Jordan_U | odium: Why not? | 21:51 |
aaronn23 | thank you @xangua @ubottu | 21:51 |
nwzqqwr | chech in to google check-in and "get da hook-up" | 21:51 |
Guest35688 | I'm trying to setup Gnome-Dictionary so that I can use it offline | 21:51 |
Guest35688 | any takers on that? | 21:51 |
odium | Jordan_U I don't remember doing it. | 21:51 |
odium | it's in /etc/lvm/archive I think | 21:51 |
nwzqqwr | did sacha conan baron get a shotgun to the head? | 21:51 |
odium | oh, that's not a header after all. | 21:51 |
Guest35688 | That would be a good iea | 21:51 |
Guest35688 | idea* | 21:51 |
SkyCaptain | Hey chan, I like the way Nautilus automatically mounts my external hard drives when I click on them. This is the only feature that still requires me to start up X on my server. Is there any way to maintain this same functionality without starting X and Nautilus? | 21:52 |
Beldar | !ot | nwzqqwr | 21:52 |
odium | sorry, Jordan_U that's just lvm data | 21:52 |
ubottu | nwzqqwr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 21:52 |
nwzqqwr | aarti | 21:52 |
jhutchins | SkyCaptain: Perhaps autofs would do what you're after. | 21:52 |
neighborlyfriend | what's the proper way to ssh into localhost. password was setup. | 21:53 |
nwzqqwr | ato everything | 21:53 |
nwzqqwr | auto everything | 21:53 |
nwzqqwr | cpuDan | 21:53 |
nwzqqwr | its all auto | 21:53 |
xangua | Guest35688: Stardic can do that, it can even store wiki articles if I remember; haven't used it in a long time | 21:53 |
SkyCaptain | hmm, I will look into that. Is it simple to just add fstab entries for every attached drive? | 21:53 |
Jordan_U | SkyCaptain: udisksctl mount --block-device /dev/foo | 21:54 |
nwzqqwr | who is we? | 21:54 |
nwzqqwr | or who is controlling the netBSD algrithms | 21:54 |
neighborlyfriend | help. how do I ssh into local host properly with password? | 21:54 |
Jordan_U | neighborlyfriend: Why are you trying to ssh into localhost? "ssh username@localhos" should do it, but still why? | 21:55 |
nwzqqwr | Oldcoder | 21:55 |
neighborlyfriend | running debian on android non chroot along side openssh setup | 21:56 |
ikonia | neighborlyfriend: how is that anything to do with ubuntu ? | 21:57 |
NHR9K | i have nearly converted all of my family to linux but the last link is my uncle he is in love with win8 metro ui, is there a dm/de that will break his attachment to windoze? | 21:58 |
ikonia | NHR9K: it's called "windows" | 21:58 |
mrwappie | sup | 21:59 |
neighborlyfriend | i though it would all be debian right. ubuntu based on debian. it's a general terminal question on most linux's i figure. | 21:59 |
ikonia | neighborlyfriend: try #debian | 21:59 |
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ikonia | neighborlyfriend: we only deal with ubuntu here, sorry | 21:59 |
neighborlyfriend | is there a bash irc | 21:59 |
ikonia | neighborlyfriend: sure #bash | 22:00 |
neighborlyfriend | but i'm debian. I am your father ubuntu. | 22:00 |
ikonia | neighborlyfriend: "no" | 22:00 |
neighborlyfriend | thanks all. peace | 22:00 |
ikonia | good luck | 22:01 |
Ilmen | Hello | 22:04 |
Dax_ | Can anyone help me? I'm trying to connect my macbook to 12.04 nic to nic via crossover cable... is there any package or setting I should change/get | 22:06 |
Ilmen | I successfully installed Ubuntu 13.10 and turned it into EFI; however now I cannot boot my Windows 8 anymore, GRUB gives me the error "can't find command 'drivemap'. Invalid EFI file path." | 22:06 |
Ilmen | http://paste.ubuntu.com/6511428/ | 22:07 |
bekks | Ilmen: Windows was installed using efi, too? | 22:08 |
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Ilmen | Moreover, when I try booting directly my HDD from the bios, I get the GRUB error "file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found. Entering rescue mode..." | 22:09 |
Ilmen | It was a pre-insalled UEFI Windows 8 | 22:09 |
grayscale | 14.04 is looking good :) | 22:09 |
Ilmen | but I made a full backup before trying installing ubuntu | 22:09 |
Ilmen | Curiously I now have two "Windows Boot Manager" and two "Ubuntu" in my bios menu, weird | 22:11 |
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Ilmen | looks like GRUB messed up something in my EFI partition | 22:11 |
hitsujiTMO | ilmen: everytime grub-install is run it can potentially add an extra item | 22:12 |
hitsujiTMO | Ilmen: that's nothing to do with the efi sys partition, but the efi boot manager. you can see the entries/modify them with: efibootmgr | 22:13 |
Ilmen | I'll try that, thanks | 22:13 |
Ilmen | I typed efibootmgr in the terminal but nothing seems to happen | 22:15 |
hitsujiTMO | Ilmen: try it with sudo | 22:15 |
Ilmen | yay, worked | 22:16 |
hs366 | how much takes time usually to fix a bug ? | 22:16 |
hs366 | i have problem with chrome in 13.10 | 22:16 |
hitsujiTMO | Ilmen: you can delete an entry with: sudo efibootmgr -Bb XXXX where XXXX is the 4 digit id | 22:17 |
Ilmen | hitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6511532/ | 22:18 |
hitsujiTMO | hs366: if its a bug in chrome then there's no knowing how long it could be. simple showstopping bugs can takes weeks with google | 22:18 |
hs366 | hitsujiTMO, actually i have problem with chrome global menu | 22:19 |
Ilmen | (Note: I have only two actual OS, Win8 and Ubuntu) | 22:19 |
hs366 | hitsujiTMO, i found it reported but still waiting for any update or something | 22:19 |
hitsujiTMO | Ilmen: 0003 and 0004 are the dupes alright. 6 7 and 8 are generated by the bios. not sure what 2001 is. but given the id i'd presume its generated by the bios or there from before you got the pc | 22:21 |
Ilmen | Shall I delete 0003 and 0004? | 22:22 |
hitsujiTMO | hs366: what exactly do you mean by the global menu. One bug in particular i know about was an installer bug, where the wrong dependency what listed on the 32bit chrome .deb package. this meant that noone on a 32bit system could install chrome. it was about 2 weeks before the bug was fixed. | 22:23 |
hitsujiTMO | Ilmen: if you wish. there's absolutely no harm in deleting the old entries. just don't delete the new ones :P | 22:24 |
hs366 | hitsujiTMO, http://askubuntu.com/questions/362972/global-menu-not-working-in-13-10 | 22:24 |
hs366 | i installed chrome but i don't have global menu in chrome | 22:24 |
hs366 | i found this thread , i think it still not fixed | 22:24 |
bekks | hs366: Hmmm. Is there a global menu in chrom at all? | 22:25 |
hs366 | emmm.. i think so | 22:25 |
hs366 | am i right ? | 22:25 |
dkessel | hs366, well... chromium has a global menu. so one might think of chrome having one too... | 22:26 |
Ilmen | I'll delete them and see if anything changes; I'll be right back | 22:26 |
hitsujiTMO | hs366: erm. I'm not sure if this is a bug. there just might be NO menu in the later versions considering that chrom has its own menu system | 22:26 |
Niebla | #Linux Mint | 22:27 |
hs366 | ok | 22:27 |
bekks | hs366: I dont thing there is a global menu in chrome at all. | 22:27 |
hs366 | do you suggest i install the nity-gtk-module-common unity-gtk3-module | 22:27 |
bekks | hs366: At least, for me, there isnt. | 22:27 |
DoubleMintx | Hello, can someone help me figure out why one of my keyboards isn't working in Ubuntu? | 22:27 |
hs366 | as they suggest to install and fix the problem ? | 22:27 |
DoubleMintx | I can get no input from it, but another cheap one works fine. | 22:28 |
jhutchins | DoubleMintx: Does it work on other systems? | 22:29 |
hs366 | im just new and can't recognize the trusted applications for install . so i prefer to check in channel before do anyting | 22:29 |
hitsujiTMO | hs366: unity-gtk3-module should be installed already. not sure about nity-gtk-module-common | 22:29 |
DoubleMintx | jhutchins: Yes, the keyboard works fine on Windows 8 and 7, which is what I'm using now. | 22:29 |
hitsujiTMO | hs366: I think it's more to do with the fact that there is no menu tho. I'm on openbox and I have no menu | 22:29 |
jhutchins | hs366: Generally if you stick to the official repositories you're as safe as you can be. | 22:30 |
hs366 | hitsujiTMO, ok then , i do nothing | 22:30 |
bekks | hs366: On chrome, there is no global menu. I just tested using different desktop environments. | 22:30 |
hs366 | perfect ! | 22:30 |
jhutchins | DoubleMintx: You could run dmesg, plug the keyboard in, run it again and see what it thinks is happening. | 22:30 |
DoubleMintx | jhutchins: I'm also just getting started in Linux, so I have no idea how to install drivers or anything like that. | 22:30 |
hs366 | thx hitsujiTMO , jhutchins , bekks ! | 22:30 |
jhutchins | DoubleMintx: USB HID drivers are pretty standard. Most drivers are packaged with the kernel. | 22:31 |
hs366 | ths dkessel | 22:31 |
DoubleMintx | jhutchins: It also seems like the keyboard isn't getting any power aside from the LED backlight. The "Num Lock" key cannot be toggled on an off, and I cannot change the backlight settings. It is as if booting Linux completely kills the keyboard. | 22:32 |
DoubleMintx | jhutchins: But the other one still works fine. | 22:32 |
jhutchins | DoubleMintx: Try a different port. | 22:33 |
DoubleMintx | jhutchins: I've tried both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 with no luck, and I've also attempted to change the USB initialization options in my motherboard's BIOS. | 22:33 |
DoubleMintx | jhutchins: Neither have yielded any results. | 22:34 |
jhutchins | DoubleMintx: dmesg is the only place where you'll see any info that can help you. | 22:34 |
ResQue | using dpkg --get-selections i can see a few packages marked "deinstall" i checked the man page for the meaning but how and when will these packages be gone 100% | 22:34 |
DoubleMintx | jhutchins: Ok, then I'll have to Live boot Ubuntu and see if I can conect to this channel from my iPad or something. | 22:35 |
DoubleMintx | OK, now I have an account in this channel on my iPad. | 22:36 |
DoubleMintx | jhutchins: I'll try Live Booting Ubuntu now. | 22:36 |
Bizzeh | hi, is there any way of making ubuntu less, terrible, when running as a guest under hyperv? currently giving it access to 4 4ghz cpus and 8gb of ram, and it still runs like it has a ball and chain around its feet | 22:37 |
jhutchins | DoubleMint: http://askubuntu.com/questions/342499/ubuntu-13-04-not-working-after-boot https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1172852 | 22:37 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1172852 in linux (Ubuntu) "USB keyboard and mouse don't work" [High,Expired] | 22:37 |
jhutchins | Bizzeh: Disable any 3D desktop effects. | 22:38 |
Bizzeh | where is all that being hidden these days? | 22:39 |
[xyz] | anyone knows where i can find bots ? | 22:40 |
Ilmen | Now GRUB's interface looks better, but my Win8 loader still doesn't work | 22:40 |
[xyz] | usually for operating | 22:40 |
Ilmen | nothing happen when I click on it | 22:41 |
Ilmen | http://paste.ubuntu.com/6511592/ | 22:41 |
mujee | does anyone know how to setup hotspot in ubuntu 12.04 with wired network. I have tried the using create new wireless network but it doesn't connect | 22:41 |
[xyz] | did you guys know about elementary OS ? | 22:41 |
[xyz] | i didnt knew but i found it very cool | 22:41 |
mujee | does anyone know how to setup hotspot in ubuntu 12.04 with wired network. | 22:42 |
xeno | So, both my screenruler and my kruler measure 700px for a row I style limit to width: 640px in Firefox. What's with that? This is most recent Ubuntu. | 22:43 |
DoubleMint | jhutchins: this is all i could find that seemed relavant. pastebin.com/NHX34tiY | 22:44 |
DoubleMint | jhutchins, sorry i cant paste | 22:44 |
Bizzeh | jhutchins: disabled a lot of the effects, made everything much faster | 22:47 |
xDreal | good evening, may i ask here some questions about vpn | 22:48 |
aaronn23 | imac | 22:48 |
aaronn23 | !pmac | 22:48 |
aaronn23 | !mac | 22:49 |
ubottu | For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 22:49 |
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xeno | What is the group I should ask that question in? It is strictly on Ubuntu I see it. | 22:50 |
xDreal | where do i find trust worthy informations about vpn sellers, and i their anything i should specially care about if i want to use it on ubuntu? | 22:51 |
Beldar | xeno, This is ubuntu, there is ##linux if that helps and other distro channels. | 22:51 |
Ari-Yang | !waf | 22:51 |
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xeno | Okay, well, this is a question about Firefox only in ubuntu with the screenruler tool installed on ubuntu. Is the browser, or the screenruler at fault for measuring 700px by the ruler, when the table column has a style limit of 640px? | 22:53 |
Beldar | xDreal, info on vpn's is not really relevant here if you have specific issue on using one in ubuntu ask them. | 22:53 |
xeno | Looks like Chromium gets it right, so presumably it is Firefox. Drag. | 22:55 |
Beldar | xDreal, A few questions on vpn's is okay you just want to be aware of polling and draggng out what may not be relevant is all, use some common sense is the issue really. | 22:56 |
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mujee | does anyone know how to setup hotspot in ubuntu 12.04 with wired network. | 22:57 |
Beldar | xeno, If you get no answers here there is a #firefox channel. | 22:57 |
xeno | Thank you Beldar. I'm trying there. It does appear to be a firefox problem, but it would be of interest here I should think. | 22:58 |
Beldar | mujee, There are wiki's on wifi. | 22:58 |
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Beldar | xeno, cool just wanted to make sure you had options is all. ;) | 22:59 |
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Danato | mujee: http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/ | 23:01 |
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grafi_ | Is there something like XAMPP for Linux ??? | 23:04 |
=== P4tt3rn_ is now known as P4tt3rn | ||
ikonia | grafi_: "LAMP" | 23:04 |
Beldar | mujee, I'm not seeing anything on the web for what you describe, which is I assume is a ethernet rather than adhock hotspot as wifi. | 23:05 |
k1l | !lamp | grafi_ | 23:05 |
ubottu | grafi_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process. | 23:05 |
grafi_ | thank you ubottu | 23:06 |
grafi_ | thank you kil | 23:06 |
LayAnotherBlock | Problem: I can't seem to install Ubuntu on the VM. | 23:15 |
LayAnotherBlock | It can't download the iso | 23:16 |
ikonia | problem - you haven't described the problem | 23:16 |
maestrojed | I have built a local Ubuntu Virtual Machine using Ubuntu Server and LAMP. How do I get the browsers in my native OS to point to that server? I'd like to do this via my hosts file. But what IP? | 23:16 |
mujee_ | beldar actually i have tried a lot of things but nothing is working for ad hoc | 23:16 |
maestrojed | LayAnotherBlock download the ISO yourself. (at least that is what I just did). | 23:16 |
ikonia | maestrojed: the virtual machines IP | 23:16 |
maestrojed | ikonia I guess that would make sense :) | 23:17 |
Hawkerz | ikonia, do you know if the QT Messaging Framework is necessary? | 23:17 |
ikonia | Hawkerz: for what ? | 23:17 |
mujee_ | Beldar: actually i have tried a lot of things but nothing is working for ad hoc | 23:17 |
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LayAnotherBlock | Well, I did. I used as a virtual CD. I open it, Select my prefered settings, then it gives me the iso error. | 23:17 |
Hawkerz | ikonia, Ubuntu to run properly I guess? It's among my startup applications, but I think the only thing it ever does is crash | 23:17 |
Hawkerz | can't find any dependencies for it | 23:18 |
Hawkerz | rdepends rather | 23:18 |
ikonia | Hawkerz: if you try to remove it - you'll see what depends on it | 23:18 |
ikonia | (if there are any package dependencies) | 23:18 |
Hawkerz | (there are not) | 23:18 |
Hawkerz | I just wasn't sure where it came from, probably some legacy thing from 12.04 I guess | 23:19 |
ikonia | Hawkerz: try it, see what happens without it | 23:19 |
ikonia | you can always put it back | 23:19 |
mujee_ | Danato: it didn't work for me | 23:20 |
mujee_ | when i create a new wireless connection it doesn't connect after sometimes it is disconnected | 23:20 |
Hawkerz | mujee_, does this happen primarily when you are moving away from the access point? | 23:21 |
Danato | mujee_: what part of it? | 23:21 |
mujee_ | Danato & Hawkers: Let me explain.. I am trying to share my wired connection through a wifi (like i used to do it in windows with connectify) but nothing works for me here in ubuntu 12.04 | 23:22 |
mujee_ | I have tried using create a wireless network and other hotspot ppas but nothing works | 23:23 |
Danato | mujee_: did you try this one? http://askubuntu.com/questions/180733/how-to-setup-a-wi-fi-hotspot-access-point-mode | 23:23 |
mujee_ | Danato: i have looked on this but when I installed a ppa ap-hotspot the terminal said your wireless card does not have access point mode | 23:25 |
Danato | mujee_: tbh i ddnt know how to do it before, but i followed the first guide i sent you and it worked like a charm | 23:26 |
DreamPCs | Hey guys. I currently have wine1.6 installed, but when I try to install 1.7 I get "wine1.7 : Depends: wine1.7-amd64 (= 1.7.7-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed" | 23:27 |
DreamPCs | Any ideas? | 23:27 |
Danato | mujee_: i believe thats the simplest way, something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-bPVnoJmzs | 23:28 |
mujee_ | danato the first should also work for me but it doesn't.. when I click on create my laptop tries to connect to that hotspot but it doesn't | 23:28 |
hitsujiTMO | DreamPCs: either you're mixing 2 ppas with 2 different versions of wine or you're using a dodgy ppa | 23:29 |
DreamPCs | Ok, I hope not, I'm looking at sources now. Thank you. | 23:29 |
DreamPCs | What happens if I have software installed that depends on a PPA but I remove that PPA? | 23:30 |
DreamPCs | (Is removing the PPA effectively the same thing as commenting out the line in the sources? | 23:30 |
hitsujiTMO | !ppa-purge | DreamPCs This is the only way you should ever remove a ppa | 23:30 |
ubottu | DreamPCs This is the only way you should ever remove a ppa: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 23:30 |
vfw | DreamPCs: Yes. It's the same | 23:30 |
vfw | DreamPCs: But you'd need to run sudo apt-get update afterwards (if you manually remove the line). | 23:31 |
hitsujiTMO | DreamPCs: no its not the same as commenting out the source. You must remove the software too to avoid conflicts. hence why you use ppa-purge | 23:31 |
DreamPCs | Ok, I think I'm getting it. Thanks. | 23:31 |
vfw | DreamPCs: After removing it, you'll no longer get updates for the package you installed it from. | 23:32 |
vfw | DreamPCs: But not getting any more updates is the only effect. | 23:32 |
DreamPCs | Ok, I'm going to remove any wine related ppa and try to install from scratch. | 23:33 |
DreamPCs | Thanks | 23:33 |
mujee_ | yes i do the same thing but it doesn't create that it tries to connect but it cannot create anything | 23:33 |
=== HeathHayle is now known as Guest83478 | ||
DreamPCs | ppa purge is a bad command in my terminal. | 23:34 |
hitsujiTMO | DreamPCs: DONT do what vfw is telling you. That will leave you with a version of wine from one ppa, while you try to install wine from another will leave to the exact error you're getting | 23:34 |
hitsujiTMO | DreamPCs: what do you mean? have you installed ppa-purge? | 23:35 |
DreamPCs | No I haven't. I assumed it came with the distro. I'll install it, sorry. | 23:35 |
hitsujiTMO | DreamPCs: wget https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+files/ppa-purge_0.2.6~karmic_all.deb && sudo dpkg -i ppa-purge_0.2.6~karmic_all.deb | 23:35 |
DreamPCs | Is there an easy way to tell what ppas are on the system? I'm looking at the software sources. | 23:35 |
vfw | DreamPCs: You should see them there. | 23:36 |
DreamPCs | I see them here as urls but I don't know how to convert that the the ppa:name format. | 23:37 |
vfw | DreamPCs: Are you sure you have any? (Wine is in the regular sources, I'm pretty sure) | 23:37 |
Jordan_U | DreamPCs: If you added them through the normal means they should be listed in Software Sources, and should also be files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. The one caveat though is that it's possible to have packages installed that came from a ppa, without still having the ppa in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. | 23:37 |
hitsujiTMO | DreamPCs: you cab have a look in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d a quick google of each url should bring you to a site containing the actual PPA name | 23:37 |
DreamPCs | Well I have ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu precise main and source | 23:37 |
hitsujiTMO | DreamPCs: then the ppa should be ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa | 23:38 |
DreamPCs | Ok I got it. Awesome thanks. | 23:39 |
DreamPCs | It's purging now, I need to go get some stuff so I'll tend to it later. | 23:40 |
DreamPCs | But thanks for all your help. | 23:40 |
Synthead | how do I set Chrome to be the default browser? | 23:42 |
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Beldar | Synthead, settings-details-default | 23:45 |
hassen | strange..after getting Virtual box from soft center,it's failing to make a virtual machine for any OS i would install,i charge the .iso file of the desired OS,then it gets stuck at 0% in vm making phase,what's wrong? | 23:46 |
Synthead | Beldar: sorry, should mention: it's launching Firefox from Terminator, and I'm using XFCE4 | 23:46 |
Beldar | Synthead, Why from the terminal | 23:47 |
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Synthead | Beldar: why not? | 23:47 |
Beldar | ah terminator a miss read | 23:47 |
Beldar | Synthead, I have no idea what terminator is. | 23:47 |
Synthead | Beldar: a terminal emulator | 23:48 |
Beldar | Synthead, ah, well had you mentioned this to start with we would not be communicating. | 23:48 |
Beldar | I gave an answer per what you asked for well within reason | 23:50 |
=== isbric_ is now known as isbric | ||
Synthead | Beldar: found it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/terminator/+bug/863866/comments/2 | 23:53 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 863866 in Terminator "Does not respect "xdg-open" for links" [Undecided,Fix released] | 23:53 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
otak | ubuntu live is an unresponsive purple rectangle, vista is black screen with pointer, slitaz works, what can this mean? | 23:59 |
Beldar | Synthead, This might interest you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgNLHskYvVE on terminator | 23:59 |
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