elfy | ochosi: not got time to deal with it now - but just so you know - neither mrpouit's nor micah's ppas have trusty - set them to saucy and then apt fails to find libxfce4ui | 07:40 |
Noskcaj | elfy, I still think the best course of action is to get libxfce4ui uploaded to experimental | 07:45 |
ochosi | Noskcaj: maybe, but i think the best course of action is to get things uploaded to ubuntu asap | 07:58 |
elfy | agreed ochosi | 07:59 |
ochosi | i'm a fan of the additional value of getting things through debian, but in my experience, we lose a lot of valuable time | 07:59 |
Noskcaj | Yeah, i'm working on libxfce now, it should be ppa ready soon | 07:59 |
ochosi | cool | 07:59 |
Noskcaj | What should the maintainer be? | 07:59 |
ochosi | good question, if you only throw it in a PPA it's not that important | 08:00 |
ochosi | but libxfce4ui is already packaged | 08:00 |
ochosi | micah did that one | 08:00 |
ochosi | the one we need is the indicator-plugin | 08:00 |
elfy | libxfce4ui is the one I'm not finding | 08:01 |
ochosi | yeah, but for that one i would presume that copying the package within a PPA to trusty would suffice | 08:03 |
Noskcaj | ochosi, I was adding a few changes for the pkg-xfce svn as well, minor stuff | 08:06 |
elfy | I hate wandering around in launchpad trying to find downloads | 08:07 |
ochosi | Noskcaj: ah right | 08:09 |
elfy | not that it really matters I guess, until I can ask people to test it properly from PPAs it's a moot point | 08:09 |
Noskcaj | Plus i'll add symbols. | 08:10 |
ochosi | elfy: yeah i think ideally we will have all three packages in a PPA together... | 08:11 |
Noskcaj | We should use ~xubuntu-dev for that, but i'll see if i can get it all into my PPA | 08:11 |
elfy | I'm just redoing the 'old' panel for the moment | 08:12 |
ochosi | Noskcaj: yeah, in a way we should, otoh for testing it can also be a separate PPA so it's easier and more straightforward for testers | 08:16 |
ochosi | in the end we should get this into trusty anyway and hopefully also back into saucy | 08:16 |
elfy | yep +1 to both of those | 08:18 |
elfy | tbh though it's shouldn't be should get this into trusty, but have to :p | 08:19 |
ochosi | yeah... | 08:19 |
ochosi | Noskcaj: i really hope you'll get package upload rights soon, micahg is always very swamped with work... | 08:19 |
elfy | and +1 to that as well | 08:20 |
Noskcaj | :) | 08:20 |
* ochosi feels he has to keep going saying stuff that elfy will then +1... | 08:21 | |
elfy | +1 | 08:22 |
elfy | :p | 08:22 |
ochosi | bbl | 08:24 |
Noskcaj | Everything is at https://launchpad.net/~noskcaj/+archive/indicator-gtk3 , I probably did some packaging wrong due to not getting a test build to go | 08:49 |
ali1234 | ochosi: fixed GVariant | 09:53 |
slickymaster | morning all | 10:01 |
slickymaster | elfy: as soon as you have a minute to spare please merge https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/ubuntu-manual-tests/+merge/196989 | 10:02 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8: ping | 10:02 |
knome | slickymaster, merged and updated in the tracker | 10:08 |
knome | err | 10:08 |
knome | not yet | 10:08 |
knome | ;) | 10:08 |
knome | now it is | 10:09 |
slickymaster | knome: thanks | 10:13 |
slickymaster | proceeding now to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1250560 | 10:13 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1250560 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Use of gksudo/gksu in testcases for Xubuntu Desktop in Trusty Daily " [Undecided,In progress] | 10:13 |
knome | :) | 10:14 |
cub | Hi elfy, I read the "Xubuntu and Autopilot Testing" email you sent to the Ubuntu Studio devel-list asking if anyone would have time to look into it, what would that be? Where can I find out more on what we would need to do? | 10:24 |
knome | cub, generally for digging into autopilot, join #ubuntu-quality | 10:27 |
ochosi | morning all | 10:29 |
knome | hullo ochosi | 10:29 |
ochosi | hullo knome | 10:29 |
jjfrv8 | slickymaster, pong | 10:30 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8: morning. | 10:31 |
slickymaster | morning ochosi | 10:31 |
knome | hey jjfrv8 :) | 10:31 |
jjfrv8 | hey all | 10:31 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8: just wanted to know if you want to split things with the xfdesktop like we did with parole | 10:32 |
jjfrv8 | slickymaster, you want to do Usage and I'll do Preferences? | 10:32 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8: it's a deal :) | 10:32 |
jjfrv8 | cool | 10:32 |
slickymaster | I saw that you already define in the wiki the template to work with | 10:33 |
jjfrv8 | ah ok, was just going to ask you that | 10:33 |
ochosi | actually, before we continue, i think i'll try to replicate the namespace of docs.xfce | 10:33 |
ochosi | then i don't have to change all the links again :) | 10:34 |
jjfrv8 | slickymaster, when you say the 'template' you mean this? http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=playground:sceenshot-stds-xfdesktop | 10:34 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8: yeaps, that's the one | 10:35 |
jjfrv8 | :) | 10:35 |
slickymaster | I probably should had called it the screenshot standardization document | 10:36 |
ochosi | hm, seems i can't easily do that as xfce does some url-rewriting... | 10:36 |
ochosi | so nevermind me :) | 10:36 |
knome | ochosi, boo. ;) | 10:36 |
jjfrv8 | slickymaster, I think I gave you the same permissions you had before. If not, maybe ochosi would be able to fix it, I won't be around til later this evening. | 10:36 |
ochosi | yeah, i'm an admin on the wiki now, so if you have problems, i can (hopefully) help | 10:37 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8, ochosi, if needed I'll bother you with that ;) | 10:37 |
ochosi | sounds good :> | 10:37 |
jjfrv8 | i'm surprised I could type this early :) bbl | 10:39 |
elfy | knome: ok - checked the various issues with the testcases on the pad - done bugs for them - all of them :( | 11:55 |
knome | heh | 11:55 |
elfy | linked it all to the blueprint so I don't forget | 11:56 |
knome | oki | 11:59 |
slickymaster | elfy: hi, you're a hard man to find | 12:03 |
elfy | hi slickymaster - I always reply to mails :) | 12:04 |
slickymaster | elfy: I'm thinking that we should probably think of making a manual testcase for mugshot | 12:04 |
slickymaster | elfy: I can do it, of you're ok with it | 12:05 |
elfy | yep - I just want to make sure that testcases we're doing for the new features are properly installable before hand | 12:05 |
elfy | I assume you saw the mail to the dev list at the weekend re the new things | 12:05 |
slickymaster | yeaps | 12:05 |
elfy | k | 12:06 |
slickymaster | the question is, where is the bug going to be filled against, ubuntu manual tests, mugshot itself or xubuntu -qa? | 12:06 |
elfy | and I've just reported some bugs that are linked to the qa blueprint that we'll need to deal with as well | 12:06 |
elfy | manual tests | 12:06 |
slickymaster | do you want me to raise it or do you prefer to do it yourself? | 12:07 |
elfy | you can if you want - just make sure to link the bug on the blueprint as well :) | 12:07 |
elfy | we'll need at least 3 - mugshot/menulibre/lightlocker | 12:08 |
slickymaster | ok, will do, including the testcase itself, since I've already translated it and tested it before | 12:08 |
elfy | possibly also gtk3 ind - but I'm not sure that we can actually test that :) | 12:08 |
elfy | and if whiskermenu is going to be a default - we'll need one for that as well | 12:08 |
knome | elfy, the gtk3 indicators are going to be at least in some way intertwined with the panel tests | 12:09 |
slickymaster | elfy: yes, but there's no guaranties on the whiskermenu yet, are there? | 12:09 |
elfy | yea - maybe so knome - but still what can we test? the indicators work? | 12:09 |
elfy | slickymaster: no - not yet | 12:10 |
knome | elfy, yep, like if the sound indicator changes the volume when you scoll over it and such | 12:10 |
knome | scroll too | 12:10 |
slickymaster | well, I'll start on the mugshot one | 12:11 |
elfy | yep - not much work in getting that into a test tbh | 12:11 |
elfy | slickymaster: ok :) | 12:11 |
slickymaster | afterwards I'll pick up on whatever it's needed | 12:11 |
elfy | slickymaster: are you going to report all 3 though? | 12:11 |
slickymaster | elfy: yes, no problem | 12:12 |
elfy | ok - thanks | 12:12 |
slickymaster | np | 12:12 |
slickymaster | I'll try to do it after lunch | 12:12 |
knome | elfy, slickymaster: just a warning that menulibre is changing... poke bluesabre | 12:13 |
elfy | slickymaster: actually - I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself - I'll report them all and link them - you'll be able to pick them up from the blueprint | 12:13 |
elfy | knome: ok - thanks - I need to tie down when these things are going to appear - was waiting till later in the day to grab bluesabre | 12:14 |
slickymaster | elfy: okie dokie, I'll wait thejn | 12:14 |
slickymaster | *then | 12:14 |
knome | the menulibre changes should land relatively soon | 12:14 |
elfy | ok | 12:14 |
slickymaster | elfy: I'll try also to get https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1250560 done by the middle of the week to get it merge and the tracker updated for the wekkend | 12:16 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1250560 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Use of gksudo/gksu in testcases for Xubuntu Desktop in Trusty Daily " [Undecided,In progress] | 12:16 |
slickymaster | *weekend | 12:16 |
elfy | ok - all done | 12:19 |
elfy | slickymaster: ok thanks | 12:19 |
slickymaster | elfy: yeah, saw it | 12:21 |
* DanChapman waves to elfy and slickymaster | 12:29 | |
elfy | hi DanChapman :) | 12:29 |
* slickymaster waves back to DanChapman | 12:29 | |
slickymaster | hi DanChapman | 12:29 |
slickymaster | elfy: quick question, What do you mean by old format in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/1256892 | 12:30 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1256892 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "No mention of menu in test for USC" [Undecided,New] | 12:30 |
elfy | it's not been updated to the new way of writing them | 12:30 |
elfy | but I'm going to talk to balloons about that one | 12:30 |
slickymaster | ok | 12:31 |
elfy | I've assigned me to it now | 12:32 |
elfy | bbl | 12:33 |
bluesabre | elfy, knome, slickymaster: it's going to be 95% different than the existing version, so don't bother writing any tests yet :) | 12:40 |
bluesabre | bbl | 12:40 |
slickymaster | bluesabre: ok | 12:41 |
slickymaster | elfy: I also picked https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/1256894 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/1256898 | 12:41 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1256894 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "XFCE bottom panel missing from testcase" [Undecided,In progress] | 12:41 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1256898 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Test Needed : xfce4 session handling" [Undecided,In progress] | 12:41 |
elfy | bluesabre: thanks | 13:01 |
knome | elfy, slickymaster: edited bug 1256894 to be flavor-agnostic | 13:04 |
ubottu | bug 1256894 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Hidden panels' popping up missing from testcase" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1256894 | 13:04 |
elfy | ok | 13:04 |
ochosi | ali1234: wait, so does that mean i can test it now without trashing my panel config? :) | 14:42 |
ali1234 | no | 14:42 |
ali1234 | it means maybe it won't trash your panel | 14:43 |
ochosi | hehe, ok | 14:53 |
ali1234 | i just tried it on a different computer and it worked | 14:58 |
ochosi | nice | 14:58 |
ochosi | so you can save your panel config with it and you can push a config-file through it? | 14:58 |
ali1234 | yes | 14:58 |
ali1234 | save.py > panel.cfg | 14:59 |
ali1234 | load.py panel.cfg | 14:59 |
ali1234 | if you have launchers it doesn't backup the .desktop, so they break | 14:59 |
ali1234 | copied them manually and it works | 15:04 |
brainwash | does the software-center crash few seconds after launch for anybody else (trusty)? | 15:11 |
slickymaster_ | brainwash: yes, there's a bug reported on that, by me, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/1204073 | 15:12 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1204073 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center crashed with signal 5 in _XReadEvents()" [Medium,New] | 15:12 |
brainwash | looks different | 15:13 |
brainwash | it is basically bug 1251814 | 15:13 |
ubottu | bug 1251814 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center crashes after launching" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1251814 | 15:13 |
brainwash | my report is currently hidden | 15:13 |
brainwash | "software-center crashed with signal 5 in cairo_surface_flush()" | 15:14 |
ochosi | ali1234: sweet, that sounds almost like what you had in mind for version 1.0 | 15:14 |
slickymaster_ | brainwash: when you say hidden, you mean you can't access the report in /var/crash ? | 15:17 |
brainwash | nah, set to private I mean | 15:17 |
slickymaster_ | ah | 15:18 |
brainwash | apport has uploaded a huge core dump :D | 15:18 |
slickymaster_ | about 15-17 MB I would guess | 15:18 |
brainwash | 14.3 | 15:18 |
slickymaster_ | I've experienced that one, also | 15:19 |
brainwash | I will boot a daily image and test it later | 15:20 |
slickymaster_ | I'm testing today's image as we speak, so in a matter of minutes I'll ping after trying SC | 15:20 |
slickymaster_ | ping you ^^ | 15:20 |
brainwash | ok :) | 15:20 |
ochosi | elfy: if and after you've tried Noskcaj's PPA (https://launchpad.net/~noskcaj/+archive/indicator-gtk3) and it works, would you mind updating the wiki instructions? | 15:28 |
elfy | ochosi: I'll try and get on that tomorrow at some point - and if I do get it working - of course I will :) | 15:29 |
ochosi | elfy: thanks very cool. i'd do it but i don't have a trusty testbox at this point.. | 15:32 |
elfy | ochosi: yep - that's ok | 15:36 |
slickymaster_ | brainwash: yeaps. comirmed | 15:42 |
slickymaster_ | *confirmed | 15:42 |
brainwash | slickymaster_: thanks | 15:43 |
slickymaster_ | brainwash: I'm going to upload to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/1251814 the backtrace of my crash as there is none in that bug report | 15:48 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1251814 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center crashes after launching" [High,Incomplete] | 15:48 |
brainwash | slickymaster_: ok, I'll mark my report as dupe later | 15:51 |
slickymaster_ | ok | 15:52 |
slickymaster_ | bbl | 17:39 |
Noskcaj | What should i do to fix https://launchpadlibrarian.net/158111167/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.xfce4-indicator-plugin_2.2.0-2ubuntu1.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ? | 19:30 |
mr_pouit | checking for gtk+-3.0 >= 3.6.0... not found | 19:39 |
mr_pouit | you're missing the build dep on gtk3 devel libs | 19:39 |
Noskcaj | thanks, will fix | 19:39 |
mr_pouit | that was actually written in the log :P | 19:39 |
Noskcaj | I am too stupid for this. | 19:40 |
Noskcaj | why can't the issue always be at the bottom of the log | 19:40 |
mr_pouit | it was at the bottom of the "classic" configure script output "checking for $stuff..." | 19:49 |
mr_pouit | but because of the failure, it printed the whole config.log, which isn't particularly readable | 19:50 |
Noskcaj | yeah, i saw | 19:50 |
Noskcaj | mr_pouit,Since you are here, could you help with a gthumb packaging issue? https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/gthumb/3.2.5 has the details. | 20:04 |
Noskcaj | Can someone review https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/xfce4-terminal/0.6.2-4ubuntu1 ? | 21:05 |
ochosi | ali1234: wow, instead of the patch being merged, something rather unexpected happened and the bug in lightdm was marked "invalid" (without explanation): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1256150 | 21:19 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1256150 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Xorg guest session fails to start if the user has logged out and logged in again" [High,Confirmed] | 21:19 |
=== lderan_ is now known as lderan | ||
ochosi | ali1234: meh, stupid me, overlooked it was marked invalid only for xorg... anyway, highlighted the issue to robert and he said he'll push your fix, so congrats and thanks! :) | 21:24 |
slickymaster | good night all | 21:54 |
Unit193 | slickymaster: Sleep well. ;) | 21:54 |
slickymaster | I'll hope so, when I'll get to bed | 21:54 |
Noskcaj | Can someone with a spare 14.04 install try https://launchpad.net/~noskcaj/+archive/indicator-gtk3 ? I don't fully trust my packaging | 23:32 |
Noskcaj | I know the dependencies are wrong, not sure what else. It should all be put in a new ~xubuntu-dev PPA really | 23:33 |
ochosi | Noskcaj: if you can also upload the pkgs for saucy, i'm in | 23:33 |
ochosi | Noskcaj: theoretically you could try to just copy the packages to saucy, but i'm not sure it's the same | 23:34 |
ochosi | either way, thanks for your efforts! | 23:35 |
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