
wgrantStevenK: What do you get from a test run with --layer YUI on saucy?00:09
* StevenK waits for bin/test -vv --layer YUI --subunit00:11
wgrantThe test_expander.html failure is a webkit change, and only appears when the window isn't shown, but the four yuixhr failures don't appear in my precise LXC00:13
wgrantHopefully they appear for you, otherwise I'll have to debug on radande.00:13
StevenKsteven@undermined:~/launchpad/lp-branches/devel% subunit-1to2 < lp.log | subunit-stats00:14
StevenKTotal tests:     10200:14
StevenKPassed tests:     9800:14
StevenKFailed tests:      200:14
wgrantWhich failed?00:15
wgranttest_choiceedit and test_expander?00:15
StevenKJust trying to determine that now00:15
StevenK% testr failing --list00:15
wgranttest_expander appears from precise, test_choiceedit from quantal00:16
wgrantThe YUIXHRTests (eg. test_milestone_creation ran and succeeded?)?00:16
StevenKSo no yuixhr failures for you00:16
StevenKtest: lp/registry/javascript/tests/test_milestone_creation00:17
StevenKsuccessful: lp/registry/javascript/tests/test_milestone_creation00:17
StevenKwgrant: You would have preferred death and destruction for 4 yuixhr tests?00:19
wgrantRight, so I wouldn't have to puppet GSAs and webops :)00:19
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