
sarnoldah there we go! :)00:00
hallynsarnold: it's possible at this point that i've thrown in some cruft that's *causing* trouble, so a quick glance would really be appreciated.00:00
sarnoldhallyn: line 279, realpath() is used on the cgroup pathname; will it necessarily exist in the filesystem? since realpath() resolves symlinks, I think it's got to be a real path...00:07
sarnoldhallyn: line 284 constrains the strcmp to the length of rcgpath, but if tmppath is longer, the extra data may not be checked00:08
sarnold(that's probably intentional behavior, but still I thought I'd point it out)00:08
hallynsarnold: realpath(p) where p has no symlinks shoud just return p, iiuc,00:08
hallynsarnold: and yeah, i just want tomake sure that tmppath isn't above or outside of rcgpath00:09
hallyni.e. /a/b/../../..00:09
sarnoldhallyn: does line 314 need a \n?00:11
hallynsarnold: it might,  yeah.  ceratinly can't hurt, will add it, thanks :)00:13
hallynsarnold: actually that has been workign without it.  but still i'll add it00:13
sarnoldhallyn: well, it might. I know apparmor's had no end of \n vs no \n in magic file problems...00:13
sarnoldhallyn: sorry, nothing else stood out as a potential problem :(00:14
hallynsarnold: drat.  ok - thanks.00:14
hallyni'll have to delve into the dbus implemetnation then00:14
* hallyn puts on his spelunking gear00:14
sarnoldugh, good luck00:14
hallynthanks again :) - ttyl00:16
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hallynzul: so many tests passed, but turns out your libvirt-python package failed to build  https://launchpad.net/~zulcss/+archive/libvirt-1.2.0/+build/529293100:55
hallynzul: (http://paste.ubuntu.com/6512081/ has the list of failures - probably libvirt-python is responsible for all)00:56
zulhallyn:  ill fix it up01:04
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MarGulJust installed PHP for my ubuntu-server running nginx and I have done changes in my virtual host file (settings http://paste.ubuntu.com/6512329/ ). I created a index.php file in /usr/share/nginx/html but when I try I get "unable to connect"02:39
MarGulAm I forgetting something? I have restarted nginx a couple of times with no luck02:40
Trace_Hey is there anyone that could help me out with some dependency issues?03:21
pmatulis!ask Trace_03:33
pmatulis!ask | Trace_03:33
ubottuTrace_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:33
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szaus18gosh there are so many ubuntu 13.10 packages missing for ppc05:05
szaus18is there a way to tell dpkg-buildpackage to use multiple core? my core0 is busy but the rest is all idle05:10
szaus18i see, it supports -j05:11
sarnoldszaus18: or try setting the environment variable DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=4 or whatever05:14
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bluekingwhat command to check how much space left on usb device   mounted /mnt/usb ?09:14
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geserdf -h /mnt/usb09:17
bluekingand to check how much stored in each folder ?09:18
bluekingls  and some options09:18
ogra_du -hcs /mnt/usb/*09:19
bluekingogra_:  and geser09:20
bluekingdecided to reinstall ubuntu server :/   had some glitch here and there   some errors with initctl   and more stuff I couldn't find out how to fix :/09:44
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jamespagezul, hold fire on icehouse backports - hacking something out to automate it on a regular basis for simple no-change backports11:47
Davieyjamespage: erm, wasn't there already a backport-o-matic that adam_g wrote?11:49
jamespageDaviey, we have most of the scaffolding - it just needs glueing together11:50
DavieyOh!  Nice.11:50
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zuljamespage:  i was just making sure things build yesterday12:41
jamespagezul, I almost have it working; it checks if mismatches, backports and build tests - if it builds it will upload, if not expect an email :-)12:42
zuljamespage:  well on my list so far openvswitch, mongodb, ipxe, libunwind ftbfs so far12:43
jamespagezul, openvswitch? interesteing12:43
zuljamespage:  when you get a chance can you have a look at the migrate ftbfs https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/migrate/0.8.2-1/+build/5294293 i have to get liam ready for school12:46
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bluekingwhat dhcp server  people recommend for ubuntu server ?12:51
bluekingfor homeuse12:51
bluekingand what's extra features does ldap gives ? -> isc-dhcp-server-ldap  vs isc-dhcp-server ?12:53
andolblueking: If it is for home use, and you aren't familiar with ldap, it is not something you need.12:55
bluekingok  found out that  ldap are goodie if  one have several servers  if I understood it right12:56
Cryp71cJust got an Ubuntu VPS setup and its been a while since I've run a server in Linux. I know I probably aught to create a user account rather than doing everything using root, but for each site that I run on this VPS, should I create a different user account for it? or just create a single 'www' user account and run all sites out of that? What about the DB?13:14
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jamespagezul, ok13:19
bluekingmy interfaces got names   p3p1 p2p1     in interface-order  should I use p*p1 or p?p1 ?13:38
bluekinghmm or is it this -> p+([0-9])p+([0-9])13:40
bluekinghmm or is it this -> p+([0-9])p+([0-9])?(_([0-9]))*             how does this one look like ?13:42
sorenblueking: What are you trying to do+13:42
bluekingedit  interface order13:43
bluekingmy nic has p3p1 and p2p113:43
sorenWhy edit the order?13:43
bluekingno need to ?13:44
sorenHow could I say?13:45
sorenI don't know what your motivation is.13:45
sorenWhy did you start looking into this in the first place?13:45
bluekingI made backup of ubuntu and  did a clean install and putting back conf13:46
bluekingthat what I know was working13:46
sorenpXpY(_Z) is biosdevname assigned names based on physical location in your system.13:47
blueking(_z) not visible then13:48
bluekingok :)13:48
sorenNo, it only applies in certain cases.13:48
bluekingI was thinking I didn't need  apparmor   apt-get remove apparmor and saw EVERYTHING disapear :P13:49
bluekingsomehow reinstall of stuff didn't work without issues and caused several error msg13:50
bluekingatleast have  firewall dhcp server  samba share fixed13:51
zuljamespage:  keystone is building fine locally now14:04
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jamespagezul, omg I'd forgotten how long ceph takes to build14:19
zuljamespage:  hehe14:20
arosaleshallyn, sorry for the late notice, but I think you are up today to chair the ubuntu server IRC meeting14:25
hallynseems like only yesterday :)14:31
zulhallyn:  you love it14:32
hallynI did add a "ping the next week's moderator" to the checklist.  who's not following it?14:32
hallynoh, heh.14:32
hallynzul: it does allow me to do the rude fast meeting :)14:32
hallynyikes that's quite an action list14:33
zulhallyn:  yep yep14:33
cariboujamespage: do you remember the following bug : LP: #124167414:37
cariboujamespage: juju-core broken with OpenStack Havana for tenants with multiple networks14:37
jamespagestill broken14:38
cariboujamespage: I'm looking at it; is there any known workaround ?14:38
cariboujamespage: i.e. until it get fixed in juju-core ?14:38
cariboujamespage: before I go ahead and  start looking at ways to deal with this14:41
jamespagecaribou, erm - not run multiple tenant networks for juju environments - sorry that's the best I can suggest right now14:41
jamespageI know that sucks14:41
cariboujamespage: :-) I was about to say "except *not* running multiple networks"14:42
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cariboujamespage: ok, thanks for the info, at least I know what to expect14:42
jamespageI know gnuoy has been hitting this issue as well14:42
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jamespagegnuoy, is there a plan yet? or are we still waiting on juju-core upstream14:42
caribouA long round of applause to everyone involved with the fastpath installer :-D14:47
caribouthis will change my testing life14:48
jrwrenwhat is fastpath installer?14:48
jrwrenis that same as curtin or curt installer?14:49
cariboujrwren: well, actually these praises should have gone to #maas14:49
cariboujrwren: it is, that's how it's called in maa14:49
jamespagejrwren, yeah - thats right14:49
jamespageits integrated into maas but driven by curtin I think14:49
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cariboujamespage: afaik, fastpath is a maas tag that makes the installer use curtin14:53
roaksoaxcaribou: the fastpath installer is using curtin to do the install really15:04
roaksoaxcaribou: it gets activated by adding the tag15:04
caribouroaksoax: ah, ok. thanks for the precision15:04
roaksoaxcaribou: np :). I know there isn't really much info out there to clarify this15:06
caribouroaksoax: I just didn't take time to have a look at the code. I think this is where the doc resides ;-)15:06
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jamespagezul, that's working quite nicely15:17
zuljamespage:  ceph?15:18
jamespagezul, ceph done15:18
zuljamespage:  keystone is down to 4 test failures all have to do with essex keystoneclient15:18
jamespage16 packages done infact15:18
jamespage3 failures15:18
jamespagezul, gah - is that stuff still in tree - I thought it was going to be dropped?15:18
zuljamespage:  its still there15:19
jamespagezul, btw libunwind won't pass its test suite if apport is enabled15:19
jamespageif that was the build failure you saw15:19
zulnose has been ripped out so have to run the testsuites with all the stuff we have skipped in the past15:19
jamespageit expects core dumps on disk in defined locations - apport intercepts those15:19
zuljamespage:  ack15:19
zuljamespage:  now if i could only figure out whats going on with nova15:22
jamespagezul, yolanda is looking at heat and ceilometer15:23
zuljamespage:  ack15:23
jamespagecan't remember whether I mentioned that or not15:23
zuljamespage:  dont think so15:23
yolandazul, adding python-pip to build-depends make sense? it doesn't build without that, but i can't see it on requirements, so maybe it's something with my machine15:24
zulyolanda:  no it doesnt...just patch it out of requirements.txt15:24
yolandazul, it isn't in requirements, but if i don't have pip installed in my machine, i received error i showed you15:24
zulyolanda:  wha?15:25
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zulyolanda:  can you post the full build log?15:25
yolandazul http://paste.ubuntu.com/6515025/15:26
yolandaseems it's a req from pbr15:27
yolandaInstalled /home/ubuntu/build-area/ceilometer-2013.2/pbr-0.5.23-py2.7.egg15:27
yolandaSearching for pip>=1.015:27
zulyolanda:  how are you building the package are you using pbuilder?15:27
yolandabzr bd15:27
yolandathat's first step15:27
zulyolanda:  right you want to use bzr bd -S and then use something like pbuilder or sbuild otherwise you are going to get problems like this15:28
yolandazul, sorry, yes, bzr bd -S15:28
yolandai receive the error executing the bzr bd -S command15:28
zulyolanda:  make sure you have python-pbr installed15:28
yolandamm, it wasn't, but i executed and apt-get build-dep ceilometer15:29
yolandalet me try now15:29
yolandait's that, yes15:29
yolandai may be using an old ceilometer package to get the build deps15:29
jamespageyolanda, zul: some of the package clean calls will pull in deps if they are not already installed15:33
jamespagebzr bd -S -- -nc will avoid this15:33
jamespagebut is bad practice15:33
jamespage(but in a bzr tree you should not get cruft - so its not to bad)15:33
zuli hate you testr15:35
arosaleshallyn, the "ping the next week's moderator" was from me following the checklist. Apologies on it being so late on the ping though15:46
yolandazul https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/ceilometer/icehouse_refreshed_patch/+merge/19755315:53
zulyolanda:  merged thanks15:59
yolandaeasy one16:00
smoserutlemming, can you just please 'ack' that we will plan on producing alpha-1 images for cloud-images. ?16:02
utlemmingsmoser: done16:02
utlemmingsmoser: or did you need me to ack that somewhere else besides the meeting?16:03
smoserprobably here or ther eis sufficient16:03
smosermaybe just say so in #ubuntu-release also16:03
smosercan you do tha t?16:03
smoserso other people are aware16:04
zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/keystone/icehouse-ftbfs/+merge/19755916:15
w0rmiei am adding some update paths to the sources.list file by adding two lines such: deb http://ftp.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main universe multiverse restricted16:16
w0rmiedeb-src http://ftp.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main universe multiverse restricted16:16
w0rmiebut while updating via terminal i cannot get the updates via gutsy16:17
jamespagew0rmie, gutsy is no longer supported16:18
jpdsw0rmie: You need to upgrade that machine.16:18
jpdsw0rmie: I mean, gutsy's not been supported since 2009.16:20
w0rmiei need to install kerreghed to boot them into a supercomputer16:20
w0rmiewhat's the alternative then?16:20
jamespagesmoser, can you review the pad16:21
rbasakw0rmie: you might find http://askubuntu.com/q/91815/7808 helpful. But you should upgrade.16:22
smoserjamespage, i say "ship it"16:23
jamespagesmoser, ack16:25
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jamespagesmoser, hey - there are a few updates in cloud-tools staging - specifically the juju-core one is needed for some stuff16:29
jamespageas I uploaded I'm a little reticent to accept it16:29
smoserjamespage, are you askign me to push to -propsed ?16:31
jamespagesmoser, pls16:31
smoseri can do that. i actually thought you had.16:31
smoserjamespage, i only see juju-core in staging.16:33
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jamespagesmoser, thats it then16:34
jamespageI think the report is stuffed on reports.qa.ubuntu.com16:34
jamespageI'll take a look at that16:34
smoserjamespage, well, its not "stuffed"16:34
smoserits just incorect report16:34
jamespagestuffed == incorrect :-)16:35
smoserits not wrong16:35
smoserits correctly reporting what it was told to report16:35
smoserit was just told to report something != what you actually want16:35
smoseri've thoguht of taking a look at that16:35
smoserwhat we want is 2 tables16:35
smoserubuntu -> -next16:35
jamespageI can deploy updates now16:35
smoserubuntu devel -> -next16:36
smoserubuntu stable -> staging -> proposed -> updates16:36
jamespageyeah - that makes sense16:36
smoseri just pushed juju to -proposed16:38
jamespagesmoser, thanks16:38
jamespagezul, xen, python-wsme, qemu, webtest, simplejson, openvswitch, urllib3, msgpack-python, spice, ipxe, requests all fail to backport16:39
jamespageeverything else is good16:39
jamespagezul, I can fix openvswitch now - I know what the issue is16:39
zuljamespage:  msgpack-python has been deprecated in favor of python-msgpack16:39
zulwe also need to include newer six and iso8601 as well16:40
lfaraoneI wrote a tool for configuring network interfaces on ec2. What package would this be useful to add to?16:42
smoserjamespage, can you give me a quick "how to ruN" for that thing ?16:43
jamespagesmoser, for what - the report?16:43
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jamespagesmoser, yeah - I struggled with that - one second16:43
smoseri'lll submit a doc with my proposed branch16:44
zuljamespage:  ok nova fixed i think16:52
jamespagezul, great16:58
szaus18been a long time LTS server user, now have to work for powerpc, where many packages are unsupported, am I better of to use wheezy/debian17:05
zuljamespage:  can you bounce me the failures mins the openvswitch one so i can have a look17:05
jamespagezul, look at the console log in the lab17:06
szaus18trying hard to get nova-compute-kvm  built on 13.10 since last night17:06
rbasakszaus18: which powerpc packages work in Debian but not in Ubuntu?17:06
szaus18nova-compute-kvm for example17:06
rbasakAnything else17:09
szaus18at the moment this is the major one, i do see other packages that are not supported during the search17:10
szaus18would like to run some search to find out the whole list, it won't surprise me there are more17:11
szaus18oops, nova-compute-kvm build failed yet again on ppc, time to try debian17:23
szaus18is Ben here?17:23
jamespagezul, spice self-fixed17:46
jamespageon the next hourly backport-o-matic17:46
zuljamespage:  cool17:46
zuljamespage:  nova is almost fixed17:46
jamespagezul: couple of comments on the keystone merge17:49
jamespagezul, also we need to merge in the security update that landed last week17:49
zuljamespage:  yeah we should get that security update in trusty17:50
jamespagezul, it's already done17:51
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zuljamespage:  updated18:09
frojndHi there.18:09
jamespagezul, patch headers?18:12
frojndAnyone here familiar with posftix?18:12
frojndEvery second I get a warning: mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-alias-maps.cf lookup error for "root@mydomain1.com"18:13
zuljamespage:  should be there18:16
zuljamespage/roaksoax: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-cinderclient/1.0.7/+merge/19758718:31
jamespagezul, I'll leave that to roaksoax18:33
zuljamespage:  ack18:34
roaksoaxzul: already commented18:35
zulroaksoax:  i thought it was there...removed the changelog comment18:37
roaksoaxzul: done18:37
frojndI have a very newbie question, regarding postfix configuration. I decieded I'll go from beginning because I've missed something.18:38
frojndWhen it asks me for the system mail name I enter mail.mydomain1.com if dig -t mx mydomain1.com shows: mydomain1.com 5278 IN MX 10 mail.mydomain1.com ??18:39
frojndIs this correct?18:40
Shockwavehi people!18:48
Shockwavedo you have web sites for to learn linux ubuntu server18:49
sarnoldShockwave: this is a good starting point: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/18:49
Shockwavefor the administration of linux ubuntu server  cllass online o tutorials=?18:49
Shockwavesarnold: thanks !18:49
Shockwavethis is all for to learn the  administration of linux servr=??18:50
frojndthis is odd18:51
frojndOn one hand it says: This name will also be used by other programs. It should be the single, fully         │   │ qualified domain name (FQDN).18:51
Shockwavefrojnd: is with me=?18:52
frojndAnd fqdn in this case fqdn for mail is mail.mydomain1.com18:52
frojndand on the other: Thus, if a mail address on the local host is foo@example.org, the correct value for   │   │ this option would be example.org.18:52
Shockwaveok perfect!18:52
frojndSo which one is it? mail.mydomain1.com or mydomain1.com ?18:53
lfaraonesmoser: I want to contribute a utility to cloud-init that would run on boot (after eth0 was configured), after any interface was configured, and manually by request of the system adminitrator. The purpose of the program would be to configure network interfaces for the IPs assigned to it inside an AWS VPC.18:53
lfaraonesmoser: does that sound like a good fit to be included in cloud-init?18:53
jrwrenlfaraone: what does this utility do that I cannot already do with cloud-config ?18:53
smoserlfaraone, bug 1153626 ?18:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1153626 in cloud-init "Multiple Interfaces and IPs not detected in AWS VPC" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115362618:55
lfaraonejrwren: I create an EC2 instance, and associate three IP addresses with the default network interface. I add another two network interfaces with a couple IPs each.18:55
sarnoldfrojnd: well, given what you've pasted there, I'd say go with 'domain1.com' alone...18:55
smoserie, is this "ec2-net-utils" ?18:55
lfaraonewith the script I wrote, each available interface is initialised and dhcpd run if applicable, aliases are automatically configured for interfaces.18:55
sarnoldfrojnd: (though it's been many years since I've run my own mail server, those neurons are getting thin and weak :)18:55
smoseri am interested in having something like that in cloud-init and in hooking into the same basic infrastructure as it would/will be created on openstack18:55
lfaraonesmoser: I didn't look at ec2-net-utils, but it probably does something similar.18:56
frojndsarnold: yeah. Ok will do18:57
smoserlfaraone, the key thin gyou've not mentioned above is that it can/should run from udev hotplug18:57
lfaraonesmoser: I hadn't investigated that, but it wouldn't be hard to add the relevant trigger, I'm sure.18:58
* lfaraone hasn't worked with udev too much, previously.18:58
smoserlfaraone, so, generically, yes. i'd really like to have a solution for that18:59
smoserand i'm willing to help you if you're interested in ccreating one and getting into c loud-init and ubuntu19:00
lfaraonesmoser: Awesome. Would this just live in cloudinit/config/handlers/? I can put what I have into a branch and work from there.19:03
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smoseri dont really think its a handler so much. handlers are for "parts" (of user-data)19:04
smoserdont worry about where it lands so much.19:05
smosermaybe just put it into a new dir named 'utils/' or something19:05
smoserand push a branch for me to look at.19:05
lfaraonesmoser: I have a somewhat related question about the contributions process; mind if I PM?19:06
smoserthats fine19:07
hazinhellis there an updated lxc for precise besides the daily ppa?19:09
frojndThis is amazing. netcat mail.mydomainq.com 25 shows: 220 mydomain1.com ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu) When I do ehlo mydomain1.com I get: 250-mydomain1.com 250-pipeling, 250-status and a bunch of other 250-things... but when I do netcat mail.mydoman1.com 110 nothing happens, terminal goes into another line. Instead it should connect to the pop3 courier, am I right?19:24
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sarnoldfrojnd: don't forget that pop3 / imap4 is completely unrelated to the esmtp that handles the incoming MX ...19:28
sarnoldfrojnd: going to another line without any further response makes me wonder if you've hit a firewall that DROPs rather than REJECTS... how's your firewalling look? does your ISP put any firewalling in place?19:30
frojndsarnold: I've enabled tcp 110 port19:32
sarnoldfrojnd: does it work locally? does netstat -alp | grep 110 show it?19:32
sarnoldfrojnd: hunh. then your 'nc' should have failed immediately...19:34
frojndI thought ufw accepts changes right away after adding a rule19:34
sarnoldfrojnd: oh, I screwed up, try netstat -nlp not -alp --- perhaps netstat looked up the 110 in /etc/services to report 'pop3' instead. sorry.19:36
frojndstill... sudo netstat -nlp | grep 110 nothing19:37
frojndbut ufw raw | grep 110 gives me:  0        0 ACCEPT     tcp  --  *      *              tcp dpt:11019:37
TheLordOfTimeanyone know what `atd` is?19:38
TheLordOfTimei see it in htop but i have no idea what it is nor do i recognize the system username (daemon)19:38
xnoxTheLordOfTime: $ man atd19:39
TheLordOfTimexnox, okay... why are atd and cron both running on the system...?19:39
TheLordOfTimeis that normal for 12.04 systems?19:40
shaunothey do different jobs.  cron is recurring, atd isn't19:40
frojndsarnold: does this matter? I have 2 external IPs Domains are set for the ip that isn't active in ifconfig19:40
TheLordOfTimeso then i shouldn't be alarmed by the sudden appearance of atd in the processes list.19:40
TheLordOfTimeokay, thank you19:40
shaunoif it's new I'd ask why.  but it's not unusual to have them in parallel19:41
xnoxTheLordOfTime: it's required by lsb-core, Linux Standard Base it's one of the core components that is guaranteed to be available across all distributions....19:41
sarnoldfrojnd: if the port isn't shown open in netstat, that means your pop3 daemon isn't configured to open it, or the pop3 daemon isn't running19:41
TheLordOfTimexnox, okay, i only asked because the server that i'm checking was listed in DroneBL's DNSBL as a botnet node, but the box is locked down and there's no evidence nor rogue processes...19:42
TheLordOfTimeatd was the only process i didn't immediately recognize.19:42
zulroaksoax:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/icehouse-refresh/+merge/19759519:44
frojndsarnold: ofcourse :S I used before dovecot and now I  forgot to start it19:46
frojndI just installed courier-pop and imap for testing this19:46
sdahi all, I start ubuntu minimal on my laptop,it load the keyboard then freeze. When I check the kernel message i read: ieee80211 phy: brcnsnac: fail to load firmware brcm/bcm43xx-0.fw19:47
sarnoldsda: try installing the linux-firmware package onto that host; it might require booting with 'single' or something similar..19:48
sdasarnold, how? i am trying to install a new system with ubuntu minimal cd.19:56
sarnoldsda: ah, so this is during the installer?19:56
sdasarnold, and i cannot skip19:57
sarnoldsda: oh, sorry, I misunderstood your first question. :(19:57
sdasarnold, probably because i was not clear! :D anyway any ideas?19:58
sarnoldsda: sorry, I'm pretty weak at the installing end of things, I'm better once they're upand running ;)19:59
sdasarnold, worth a try!20:06
sdasarnold, i'll try to use ubuntu server20:06
sarnoldsda: if all else fails, try the desktop disc -- it'll be mostly the same stuff, with the annoyance of networkmanager instead, but you can deal with that once it's running. :)20:07
sdasarnold, but i don't want to install a gui, i don't want to install programs like firefox for my CLI server20:13
sarnoldsda: yeah, that's good, but if the laptop is gving you trouble, perhaps the desktop installer will do a better job of making it work. you can always turn off or uninstall X once it's installed20:14
bogeyd6alot of new faces, very few old ones20:22
bitbyte_Anyone on tonight who's got experience with ipsec certs who can help with a issue loading the certs in strong swan ?20:27
frojndWell that's interesting. I can't even send a mail using telnet20:36
frojndOh and I've removed /var/log/mail.log and recreate it but now nothing will be saved in this file20:38
frojndI've made sure that it hass sufficent rights20:38
sarnoldfrojnd: you may need to ask the server to rotate logs; if it has a filehandle open to the old log file and continues to log there, the file will not be accessible further but the data won't be freed until the server either rotates logs (and thus closes the file) or is restarted (and thus closes the file)20:43
sarnoldfrojnd: check /proc/pid/fd/ for a list of files the server has open, one of them might be /var/log/mail.log (deleted)20:43
frojndsarnold: don't have /proc/pid/fd20:44
frojndnot even /proc/pid20:44
sarnoldfrojnd: ah, sorry, you have to look up the pid of your server via pidof postfix or something similar20:45
lfaraonesmoser: I pushed up what I have to start with to https://code.launchpad.net/~lfaraone/+junk/configure-interfaces20:46
frojndpidof postix empty20:46
bitbyte_does any one know how to run openssl to generate a cert without encryption ?20:48
bitbyte_i run private/strongswanKey.pem -out cacerts/strongswanCert.pem     and when pressing enter to skip password it errors saying password needed20:48
smoserlfaraone, thanks. i'll try to take a look at that tomorrow.20:48
jpdsbitbyte_: Why aren't you using the strongSwan pki utils?20:49
bitbyte_the honest answer is I don't know how20:49
jpdsbitbyte_: http://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/SimpleCA20:49
bitbyte_jpds can i generate the certs from that method and implement them in the other config20:51
jpdsbitbyte_: What other config?20:51
bitbyte_sorry the link i posted from the walk through i was following i.e. http://serverfault.com/questions/212382/how-to-set-up-strongswan-or-openswan-for-pure-ipsec-with-iphone-client20:51
jpdsbitbyte_: No idea about that, I've always used ipsec pki.20:52
jpdsbitbyte_: But the client should just take the cert.20:53
bitbyte_jpds ok cool i'll give a shot, do you know any other resources to look at as i find the strong swan documentation a bit hard to read20:53
jpdsbitbyte_: I always go to strongswan.org.20:54
bitbyte_jpds one last question do you know if osx will accept the .der certs in their inbuilt ipsec / keychain ?20:54
bitbyte_if not ill google20:54
frojndsarnold: by server u mean postfix?20:55
jpdsbitbyte_: http://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/IOS_(Apple)20:55
bitbyte_that page comes up as removed20:55
jpdsbitbyte_: You're missing a ).20:56
sarnoldfrojnd: yeah, at least I think that's what I saw you confiuring earlier20:56
bitbyte_*face palm*20:56
jpdsbitbyte_: And don't worry about the docs being hard to read, that's just ipsec.20:56
bitbyte_jpds much appreciated this issues been bugging me for past few days20:56
frojndsarnold: so in theory reinstalling postifx could fix mail log21:02
sarnoldfrojnd: I hope it wouldn't take -that- much -- try first a 'sudo service postfix restart'21:02
frojndsarnold: won't hel21:03
frojndor it won't log verbose :)21:03
sarnoldfrojnd: hrm :/21:03
frojndthe problem is that I've start from the beginning. I'm trying to simply send email when connected to telnet localhost 2521:03
frojndI leterally do this: ehlo localhost21:04
frojndmail from: root@localhost21:04
frojndrcpt to: test@localhost21:04
frojndsubject: ....21:04
frojndand when I su to test and do mail: it says no mail21:04
frojndOh and when I do . when trying to write an email, it says: 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as A6E83CA00C221:05
frojndand still not /var/log/mail.log heh21:05
frojndI'd just like to know why it won't send email from localhost21:06
sarnoldfrojnd: anything in mailq output?21:07
frojndAlso when I do telnet localhost 25 it shows me 220 mydoman1.com  ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)21:07
frojndsarnold: for user test, it's empty21:07
ShockwaveHi people!21:12
Shockwavewhat is disc containers and benefic=??21:12
bitbyte_jpds Hey can you take a look at the start up log for my ipsec as it's now throwing the same error when loading the certs but reversed ? if i paste bin the log and tell you the lines you ok to take a quick look ?21:15
frojndWhat is default logging facility in ubuntuserver?21:23
frojndI need to restart it to see if postfix will start logging afterward21:23
sarnoldfrojnd: rsyslogd21:23
frojndsarnold: tnx21:24
frojndit was that 'r' infornt of syslog :)21:24
frojndand it works :)21:26
sarnoldnow you've got error messages you can use to actually fix your -real- problem :) but progress is progress, hehe21:26
frojndyeah :)21:30
frojndbut it's not error I'm afraid21:30
jpdsbitbyte_: Sure.21:34
frojndThis is the newst log http://sprunge.us/CUOV when I try to send a mail as root to test21:41
frojndI  have no idea what sysadmin is doing there21:41
frojndor how it gone there21:41
sarnoldfrojnd: oof. grep for 'sysadmin' in /etc and see what turns up? :)21:42
frojndah It's in /etc/aliases21:44
frojndfrom previous attempts of configuring.. I've updated aliases now21:44
bitbyte_jpds i think i might have sorted it21:45
bitbyte_jpds looks like it was myself being slack and not cleaning up mess from before21:45
frojndsarnold: finally :)21:46
frojndsarnold: got amil locally juhu21:46
jpdsbitbyte_: Hehe.21:46
sarnoldfrojnd: \o/  :)21:46
frojndsarnold: http://sprunge.us/WWcD this is how it looks like when it's working21:47
sarnoldfrojnd: much better21:47
frojndyeah :) now I can build the rest of setup ssl only and stuff :)21:48
frojndI'd prefer pgp keys21:48
frojndsarnold: heh when I send mail from outside I don't receive mail22:20
frojndSpecifically from gmail. But gmail won't state that that there is any error. So it's lost somewhere22:21
sdahi all, i'm trying to install ubuntu server on my old laptop. Once I arrive at detect network, it stall because it's not able to load wifi firmware: ieee80211 phy0: brcmsmac fail to load firmware brcm/bcm43xx-0.fw. I don't need the wifi card to install. Any IDEA?22:22
frojndsarnold: u have any ideas why when I send email from gmail to my newly created server I won't receive mail? I've opened ports 110 and 143 I can also see them when I to netsetat -tlnp | grep 101/14322:26
frojndI think I know what the problem is22:39
frojndport 2522:39
frojndwhich is not opened22:39
=== TDog_ is now known as TDog
crazysix_Hello. I need to apply upstream patches to my ubunutu 12.04 server in response to a PCI scan as seen here:http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2013/CVE-2013-1635.html. Can give me a hint on how to get started?23:21
uvirtbotcrazysix_: ext/soap/soap.c in PHP before 5.3.22 and 5.4.x before 5.4.13 does not validate the relationship between the soap.wsdl_cache_dir directive and the open_basedir directive, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions by triggering the creation of cached SOAP WSDL files in an arbitrary directory. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-1635)23:21
=== crazysix_ is now known as crazysix
frojndWhen sending mail using mailx from ubuntuserver to gmail account I see sent from: @mail.mydomain1.com and not @mydomain1.com lol23:26
frojndANd myhostname is set to mydomain1.com :)23:27
sarnoldfrojnd: don't forget there are two From headers; one, known as From_, is the "envelope From" header, and it is the one your MTA is liable to set. the other one, "From: ", is an email header set by the MUA, and it is unlikely to be changed by the MTA..23:28
crazysixanyone have any ideas on where to start here? Or a good resource?23:28
sarnoldcrazysix: wow, what kind of idiot PCI scanner would pretend open_basedir() is a security mechanism???23:29
crazysixthey also did not recognize any of the issues addressed by ubuntu packages and I had to dispute those.23:30
sarnoldcrazysix: feel free to let them know that open_basedir() always has been and always will be a gigantic disaster, one more indicator that the PHP authors really didn't know what they were doing....23:30
crazysixbut, now I have to remedy these23:30
crazysixwill do23:30
sarnoldcrazysix: I mean, if they wanted to report back, "hey, you're running PHP, that's a disaster", I'd agree, but "open_basedir() is broken", and ... wow. just wow. :) hehe.23:30
crazysixhowever, I still have about 3 more issues that I need to apply these upstream patches for23:30
sarnoldcrazysix: oh? which else?23:31
frojndsarnold: I don't understand really. Where is this set.23:32
crazysixhere is another CVE-2011-4718 http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2011/CVE-2011-4718.html23:32
uvirtbotcrazysix: Session fixation vulnerability in the Sessions subsystem in PHP before 5.5.2 allows remote attackers to hijack web sessions by specifying a session ID. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-4718)23:32
uvirtbotcrazysix: Session fixation vulnerability in the Sessions subsystem in PHP before 5.5.2 allows remote attackers to hijack web sessions by specifying a session ID. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-4718)23:32
sarnoldcrazysix: yikes, those patches look miserable.23:35
crazysixsarnold: yeah, not too thrilled about this one23:36
crazysixsarnold: I have to catch the bus. I'll be back later. Thanks for looking at those.23:37
sarnoldcrazysix: can you instead demonstrate that your application's use of php sessions is managed like this? https://wiki.php.net/rfc/strict_sessions#current_solution23:37
crazysixsarnold: I will try. Apparently Drupal already takes care of the session issue. I will try to make that argument23:38
crazysixsarnold: thanks again23:39
sarnoldcrazysix: have a good night, good luck :)23:39
hallynzul: just a reminder, will waiting on python-libvirt 1.2.0 :)23:41
frojndsarnold: about that mail.mydomain1.com which should mydomain1.com when I use mail to send mails to external emails.. I still don't understand where is this set in postfix23:42
sarnoldfrojnd: depends upon which header was set to mail.mydomain1.com -- was it the envelope From_ header or the message From: header?23:42
frojndsarnold: I really don't know where this is set. At least in main.cf I didn't set anything like it23:43
frojndsarnold: this is the mail client issue not the postfix?23:44
sarnoldfrojnd: then check your mailx configuration?23:45
frojndsarnold: aha now I get it23:46

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