[12:30] FJKong: 在? [12:30] z [12:30] happyaron: zai [12:30] FJKong: 我感觉nux那个比较难搞啊 [12:31] 很复杂啊? [12:31] 明天要不在会上提一下? [12:32] 提一下吧 [12:32] nux的head和当时变化真的挺大了,主要工作是两部分:合并 xim 支持,fcitx 支持 [12:33] 老k的branch里还对nux的结构做了一点点改动,让支持ibus/fcitx更模块化一点点,然后这么久了合并起来就复杂了。 [12:46] 这消息不咋的啊 [12:46] 感觉基本就是从来一边 [12:52] 嗯,就这感觉/ [14:10] happyaron, ping [14:10] JackYu: pong [14:12] happyaron, bug #1248980 is updated:) [14:12] bug 1248980 in Ubuntu Kylin "Upgrade to youker-assistant 0.2.3 in Trusty" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1248980 [14:12] JackYu: will have a look before tomorrow's meeting, :) [14:13] JackYu: also, Peng Huan may need to check the merge proposal for ubiquity, cjwaston replied him hours ago. [14:13] the patch still needs some fixing I think. [14:15] happyaron, you mean cjwatson replied in email or on lp? [14:15] I can't find the comments. [14:16] JackYu: https://code.launchpad.net/~penghuanmail/ubiquity/lp.1197220/+merge/195712 [14:16] ok [14:17] :)