
slickymasterknome, I was starting to work on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1250560, but apparently elfy already had replaced every occurrence of gksudo with a non-root command00:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 1250560 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Use of gksudo/gksu in testcases for Xubuntu Desktop in Trusty Daily " [Undecided,In progress]00:11
slickymasterso, the question is what do I do with the bug?00:11
knomeif it's fixed, mark it as fix released ;)00:12
slickymasterknome, ok, thanks00:12
Unit193knome: Fix commited, unless you can apt-get it.00:14
slickymasterUnit193, actually I was in doubt between commited and released00:15
knomeUnit193, well that's not appropriate00:15
knomeslickymaster, if it's in the tracker, released; if it's not in the tracker, committed00:16
slickymasterknome, it's in the tracker00:16
knomethen it's released00:16
slickymasterso we can consider that the fix has already been released00:16
slickymastermorning all10:28
slickymasterochosi: according to http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=playground:sceenshot-stds-xfdesktop the appearance style to be is used is Xfce10:34
ochosislickymaster: yeah, since this is a part of xfce-core, we have to stick to their guidelines10:36
ochosiand it's less problematic as with parole because there's no gtk3 part10:36
slickymasterochosi: WTH can I get this style? I've wrecked my brain searching for it but haven't been able to find it10:36
ochosiok, you need to install the package "gtk2-engines-xfce"10:37
slickymasterI must be going dumb or something :(10:37
ochosinah, it's not really intuitive10:37
ochosisorry for not mentioning that earlier10:37
ochosii thought we had discussed that already when commencing work on the parole docs10:38
slickymasternopes, and since I'm faithful to Greybird-Mac never have used it before10:39
slickymasterbut it's done10:39
ochosiah, greybird-mac? how does that look exactly?10:41
slickymasterIMHO, and with the elementary Xfce darker icons it's one of the best looking desktops out there10:42
* ochosi bows10:43
slickymasterochosi: aren't we going to do a command-line options for xfdesktop, like we did with parole?10:43
* slickymaster thanks10:44
slickymasterochosi: ^^^10:44
ochosiyeah, that's currently in "advanced" in xfdesktop10:44
slickymastersaw it now10:45
slickymasterit's quite incomplete though10:45
slickymasterI'm guessing it's still not finished, right?10:46
ochosii guess more of the xfce docs could use work10:51
ochosidon't think anyone's really working on that10:51
slickymastersince we're working on it, I'll complete the command-line options for xfdesktop10:52
ochosieric will be quite happy about that10:53
Laneycan someone review https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/xfce4-session/light-locker/+merge/196436 ?10:54
ochosihey Laney 10:56
ochosithe patch looks ok, i don't know about the packaging10:57
ochosii'll quickly test the patch here though, just to be sure, one sec...10:57
Laneyseems fine10:57
ali1234looks wrong to me10:57
Laneymaybe you want to have it forwarded upstream though10:57
ali1234i mean why is there a patch, and also the same change on the file the patch is supposed to apply to?10:57
ochosiyeah, that's the packaging part i don't know much about10:58
ochosiLaney: yeah, i'll make sure it gets upstream too10:58
slickymasterochosi: I was thinking if he shouldn't made a separate command-line section for xfdesktop rather than buried it on the bottom of the advanced section11:18
slickymasterwhat do you think?11:18
ali1234xfdesktop has command line options?11:20
ali1234all these components should have consistent command line options really.11:21
slickymasteryes ali1234, just a few but it does have them11:21
ali1234like, --replace, --reload, -r - pick one dammit11:21
slickymasteryeah, - -reload, - -windowlist, - -arrange, - -display and several others11:22
ochosislickymaster: yeah, sounds like a good suggestion11:28
ochosihey eric_the_idiot 11:28
slickymasterochosi: I'll do it11:29
ochosigreat, thanks slickymaster 11:30
slickymasterochosi: http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=xfdesktop-docs:command-line is done12:08
slickymasterochosi: can I now remove the existing reference (it's just a paragraph tbh) from the http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=xfdesktop-docs:advanced section?12:09
brainwashochosi: gtk3 indicators 1) bold font is being used for menues 2) sound indicator menu is somewhat incomplete 3) nm-applet is falls back to the "ugly" notification style icon 4) blacklisting needed for prevent duplicated functionality (2x date time, 2x session panel entry,..)13:00
brainwashochosi: and only Greybird offers full theme support for the indicators, right?13:01
brainwashochosi: additional information for 2), the general and per-application volume sliders are not visible13:02
ali1234brainwash: orion has full support13:55
ali1234https://github.com/ali1234/panel-switch <- i rewrote this to support the missing .desktop files13:58
ali1234it fully works now13:58
ali1234just needs a UI13:58
ali1234send me panel configs13:59
ochosislickymaster: yeah, feel free to remove the duplicate stuff15:17
ochosislickymaster: thanks for doing the command-line options! looks fine to me, i'll also forward the link to eric to see what he thinks15:19
ochosibrainwash: i think pretty much all our themes support gtk3 indicators already (at least they should, as I added support in saucy in case they would be backported or even finished in time)15:20
ochosithe fix for non-bold menu-items in greybird indeed landed after the saucy release15:20
ochosior at least after it was clear the gtk3 indicators wouldn't make it15:20
ochosiso it's already in ggit15:20
brainwashochosi: numix behaves weird, you can see a grey border for a brief moment when you hover over the icons15:21
ochosiali1234: awesome! i presume you'll do a gnome2 panel-layout yourself? i can send you an eOS panel layout15:21
brainwashand the other themes do no appear to be 100% compatible yet15:21
ochosiali1234: and then we can gather a list of what else we want (windows probably)15:21
ochosibrainwash: yes, numix also has that fix in git15:22
brainwashochosi: oh wait, I guess I need to use the git version of the shimmer themes or?15:22
ochosibrainwash: i moved that down on my priorities list as it got clearer that the gtk3 indicators wouldn't make it into saucy15:22
ochosiyeah, please use the daily-PPA of shimmer15:23
ochosior git, as you prefer15:23
brainwashso my current trusty setup is patchwork mess15:23
ochosialso bluebird still has some issues in the saucy version, try git in general for the themes15:23
brainwashwe need to push all the changes into the official repo :D15:23
ochosiyeah, well for testing there'll be a PPA for the indicators and there's one for the themes15:24
slickymasterochosi: np15:24
brainwashochosi: indicator session and  date&time won't be used in the default setup, right?15:25
brainwashand any ideas regarding the network manager applet? currently it falls back to the normal notification icon15:26
brainwashso it loads the gtk2 version of the applet15:27
ali1234ochosi: my layout is pretty much "gnome 2"15:29
ochosibrainwash: i would suppose those problems arise from you not having removed the gtk2-indicators...15:30
ochosi(i'm not sure, but sound and networking really sounds like it)15:31
ochosiali1234: yeah, i thought so :)15:31
ochosiali1234: how do we handle stuff like "fallbacks"? can we? or: should we? (e.g. if whiskermenu isn't available, use the appmenu instead)15:31
ochosithat is actually the only fallback-case that comes to mind right now ^15:32
ali1234use packagekit to install it15:32
ochosiyeah, possible15:33
ochosihmpf, that is something we need to improve at some point in parole too...15:33
brainwashochosi: nm-applet falls back most of the times for me, it only launched properly once so far15:47
brainwashmaybe some weird race condition15:48
ochosiso you don't have indicator-application-gtk2 installed?15:48
brainwashand the sound indicator menu is still incomplete15:48
brainwashI removed them15:48
ochosihow is it incomplete?15:48
ochosi(might be trusty-specific, in saucy these things are fine)15:48
brainwashthe volume sliders are missing15:48
ochosicould also be that it's a problem of the packagin15:48
ochosiwhat version are you using?15:48
brainwashversion of?15:49
brainwashup-to-date trusty15:49
ochosiyou need 2.2.015:49
ochosior git-master15:49
ochosi(but that's the same atm i think)15:49
ochosiotherwise clowns will eat you15:50
brainwashthis time nm-applet loaded the fallback icon again and the volume indicator invisible + no menu15:51
brainwashon top of that the sync indicator is missing this time15:52
brainwashrandomness after login :D15:52
brainwashdoes anyone else actually test this stuff on TRUSTY? :)15:53
ochosii dunno, as long as i can't test trusty, i can't say much...15:53
ochosiyeah, i think elfy will do that15:53
ochosinot sure he has started already15:53
ochosi(i mean not only, but the idea is to make gtk3 indicators a regular testcase i think)15:54
brainwashwe should focus on getting this done, it's a main change15:54
brainwashin Xubuntu15:55
brainwashand trusty is a lts release15:55
ochosiyeah, it's quite high on our priority list anyway15:55
stefccyep, empty volume idicator here too, trusty up-to-date 16:15
ochosiit does work in ubuntu though, i presume?16:16
brainwashit did the last time I checked (2 days ago)16:24
ali1234brainwash: sudo apt-get install libido3-0.1-016:24
brainwashlet me check16:26
brainwashinstalled already16:27
ali1234yeah i see the problem16:28
ali1234it's not in the build dependencies16:28
ali1234so it is built without support16:29
brainwashindicators are fine in unity16:29
ali1234yeah because unity has a build dep on libido316:30
brainwashin xubuntu the sound indicator does not display the global volume slider and the play/back/forward buttons for every sound app listed in the menu16:30
ali1234i know16:30
brainwashit's installed16:30
ali1234it doesn't matter16:31
ali1234it needs to be installed when the package builds16:31
brainwashand nm-applet tends to fall back to normal notification icon16:31
ochosiali1234: so basically a packaging issue..?16:32
ochosiok, we gotta talk to Noskcaj then when he's around16:32
ali1234just ask him to add libido3-dev to build deps (or whatever it's called)16:32
ochosii presume the panel-config has to be quite "clean", no?16:32
ali1234that should fix it16:32
ali1234i wish we could report bugs on ppas16:33
ali1234that would be super useful16:33
brainwashanother relog and this time nm-applet did load properly as indicator and the sync indicator is present too...16:34
brainwashmaybe caused by the fact, that the indicators are now being started via autostart?16:36
brainwashso a strange race condition occurs16:37
ali1234the indicators not loading properly at startup is a race condition for which there is a fix in -proposed16:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 1239710 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "indicator-datetime or -session missing ~10% of the time" [High,Fix committed]16:37
brainwashproposed is activated16:40
brainwashand I've marked both these indicators (session, datetime) as hidden16:41
ali1234thats probably why you don't see them then, lol16:43
ali1234m-applet is indicator-application16:43
ali1234and the sync indicator won't show up unless there is something to sync16:44
brainwashright, I don't want to see them16:44
brainwashsync one always shows up16:44
brainwashin unity and in xubuntu, if things start properly16:44
brainwashsound one is not missing16:45
brainwashI'll create a bug report later16:46
=== olli_ is now known as olli
ochosibrainwash: i'd wait until the build problem is solved and then test again before reporting the bug (just to avoid additional work)16:53
ochosior did you build the indicator-plugin yourself with libido3 support?16:53
brainwashochosi: ppa17:05
brainwashochosi: that would only solve the sound indicator menu (missing slider, sound control buttons), or?17:06
brainwashbut not the race condition (nm-applet, sync indicator)17:06
micahgso, FYI, python 2.7 will be in main for 14.04, so no need to migrate to python3 yet17:22
lderangood to know17:23
ochosibrainwash: not sure, as i can't test...18:03
ochosiNoskcaj: for the indicator-plugin to work properly, could you please add libido3-dev to the build-deps?18:34
ochosi(in your PPA)18:34
Noskcajochosi, Anything else i should do? (I'm not worried about unneeded Bdeps, they aren't hurting anything)18:45
ochosiNoskcaj: no i think that should fix the main issue at the moment18:46
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119|afk
slickymastergood night all21:08
slickymasterknome, :)21:09
Noskcaj_schoolbluesabre: I've got catfish 0.8.2 into debian. Can you remove your version from mentors?22:25
Noskcaj_schoolAnd check the remaining bugs22:25
Noskcaj_schoolochosi: PPA fixed22:25
ochosiNoskcaj_school: nice! thanks a bunch!22:25
ochosiNoskcaj_school: i'll try the saucy version and let you know22:27
Noskcaj_schoolAnd for Laney's question earlier, the extra stuff was because i left the patch applied, i can fix when i get home if it's an issue22:31
ochosiNoskcaj_school: yeah, no problem. we'll also tackle it upstream by the way22:36
ochosii talked to cavalier today, we might have to talk again to come to a solution though22:36
ochosi(he wanted dm-tool instead of light-locker-command etc.)22:36
brainwashwhisker menu does not display the entries for about-xfce, contribute to xfce, and so on22:41
Noskcaj_schoolbrainwash: possibly because it's gottcode, not real xfce22:41
brainwashbut we need that stuff for xubuntu, or?22:42
ochosibrainwash: about xfce shows up fine here22:43
brainwashI don't think hiding them is an option22:43
brainwashochosi: which category?22:44
ochosibrainwash: i did a simple search22:45
ochosiso i think we can pin them to favorites22:45
brainwashyeah, that is the point, these entries are hidden22:46
brainwashand they should be visible all the time or be easy accessible, right?22:47
ochosipossible, i think we still have to figure out how whiskermenu reads/treats desktop files22:47
ochosiwell, i'm not sure whether "contribute to xfce" has to be visible all the time22:47
brainwashit is in the current app menu :)22:47
ochosiyeah, but it's not written in stone22:48
ochosithings are up for discussion22:48
ochosiwith a new menu, things might change a little22:48
ochosibut yeah, no-one has brought up that issue so far22:49
ochosiNoskcaj: nice, your PPA works23:00
ochosiat least for me on saucy23:00
ochosibrainwash: i got no indicator issues now with the rebuilt packages from Noskcaj's PPA23:00
ochosihm, seems desktop folks are working on a unity-control-center23:03
ochosias soon as someone can confirm that Noskcaj's PPA (https://launchpad.net/~noskcaj/+archive/indicator-gtk3) works also for trusty, i'll update the wiki instructions for indicators accordingly23:06
Noskcaj_schoolochosi: Should i ask the whiskermenu to try and come onto irc occasionally so you can ask him about how it works or suggest features?23:12
ochosiNoskcaj_school: do you know him? :)23:13
ochosii mean yeah, would be nice if he'd hang out here sometimes23:13
ochosihe's also quite responsive via github tickets23:13
Unit193ochosi: Did someone review the packaging, btw?23:16
ochosiUnit193: review packaging of what?23:17
slickymasterI'm off.23:37
slickymastercy tomorrow guys23:37

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