
gary_posterhuwshimi, when doing qa of hatch's branch, saw css issues.  could you address?  To see, look at http://ubuntuone.com/1PcYJQYYW2wfvAaFTrCANz and http://ubuntuone.com/0aEn7C4sjP4kd8MXRifKi9.  In first one, look at the gray area of the unit details fly-out.  you might be able to see that there are some dots at the very bottom of the gray area.  These are the upper bits of words.  They are revealed in the second image, 00:52
gary_posterwhere I simply removed the height restriction of the gray area.  Could you address this today please?  Another less serious issue is that the charm browser tab is beneath the unit details, while the charm browser is above.  If you could address that too it would be nice, but that is less pressing.00:52
huwshimigary_poster: No problems, will do.00:53
gary_posterthank you huwshimi 00:53
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
hatchhuwshimi lgtm04:36
hatch99% of the time my internet is fast enough, except when I'm trying to download an ubuntu iso at 800MB :P04:47
=== jcsackett_ is now known as jcsackett
dimiternany gui guys interested in joining the PutCharm implementation proposal?10:08
frankbanhazmat: I reviewed your deployer branch, thank you. the review comment includes a possible plan for the guiserver/feedback integration: please let me know if it sounds good to you.11:16
hazmatfrankban, cool.. i'm basically mia this week, on site with a partner doing java and xml gymnastics in a cubicle. will have a look next week.11:17
frankbanhazmat: :-) ok, thanks11:17
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
frankbanmorning gary_poster: do you have time for a quick look to a mechanical branch? https://codereview.appspot.com/3715004313:23
gary_posterhey rick_h__ , I'm a bit skeptical of the current value/desirability of reaching out about the Jenkins work, per Maarten's email.  Would you like me to try to reach out and see if we can ignore this before you look into it, or are you up for that investigation (in a very low-priority kind of way)?13:23
gary_postermorning frankban, sure, looking13:24
rick_h__gary_poster: I've ping'd Tom to see what his thoughts are before moving forward with anything. Just to see what they're up to and if there's enough there to setup a call. 13:24
gary_posterrick_h__, perfect!  thank you.13:24
rick_h__gary_poster: I'll let you know what I hear from that. 13:24
rick_h__and the lander got its first pull request last night lol, to fix a typo. 13:25
gary_poster:-) cool13:25
gary_posterfrankban, LGTM13:26
frankbangreat gary_poster, thanks13:27
gary_posterwelcome.  thank you for your email.  I'll add the print statement and then do some qa13:27
gary_posterafter wading through email some more ;-)13:27
luca__gary_poster: was writing a reply to the email about charm authors and speaking to Rick haha I'll let you guys reply :D14:03
rick_h__party-line email 14:04
hatch-24C (feels like -31C) brrr14:11
bachatch: huh, 27C still feels like 27C14:27
rick_h__3.8C here woot14:29
rick_h__keeping it positive folks14:29
hatchso funny story14:38
hatchfew years ago guy came here from Texas in the winter14:38
hatchasked why we all use electric vehicles14:38
hatchbecause we plug the cars in in the winter14:38
hatchyeah it cracked me up haha14:42
hatchgary_poster when did you want to chat about my branch?14:44
hatchhmm Dell 4k monitor14:48
rick_h__hatch: yea, I'm waiting for it to land so I can get it14:48
rick_h__still not in the storey yet14:48
hatchI can't see the pixels on my 2560x1600 31" wth is the point? lol14:48
rick_h__I want the 24" 4k. I've never been happy with my 20.5" HD displays. 14:50
rick_h__I'll go from 3 displays to the one then. Poor video card can only power the one 4k display14:50
hatchwell sure but 4k at 24" thats just going to be using more GPU for no reason14:50
hatchI mean, sure it's cool and all that14:50
hatchbut you could just pick up a higher res 24" :)14:51
rick_h__it's not like there'a an array of options between here and there14:51
rick_h__right, but the res diff on 24s isn't much14:51
rick_h__2560? So 3.5" more and only 580px wider?14:51
hatchwell I'm not lying that I cannot see a single pixel on my monitor and I sit 3ft away14:52
rick_h__and you == everyone? :)14:52
rick_h__then why bother with retina on those laptops? 13" screen 1.5ft away?14:53
hatchbecause bigger #'s sell better haha14:53
rick_h__it's only 180ppi on that size14:54
hatchlol only14:56
rick_h__hatch: the chromebook pixel is 239, the asus zenbook is 189, dell xps 11 is 25314:57
rick_h__it's not that crazy, anyway. I'll send you a picture once they put the dippy thing in the store. :)14:58
hatchso my monitor 'becomes retina' at the exact distance I view it at lol14:59
hatchrick_h__ good news is that 24" 4k is retina at 19"15:00
hatchway too close for my eyes haha15:00
rick_h__so the 24 4k Dell becomes retina at 19 away. I'm approx 24-25" away from my display15:00
hatchmaybe because they are only 21s!15:01
rick_h__well I want the smaller pixels :P15:01
rick_h__I've got to be 32" for these things to be retina :)15:01
rick_h__32" away15:01
hatchmy guess, is that monitors will eventually have to ship with their own gpu's15:02
rick_h__hah, first time I've ever wanted SLI :)15:02
rick_h__one for each 4k display15:02
hatchright now I run my 3115:02
hatchand a 21" secondary off an intel 300015:02
rick_h__the res on a 31 is too small15:02
gary_posterhatch soon.  finished a call, trying to get other ducks in a row, then will ping15:06
hatchsure np15:06
gary_posterhatch OK 3 minute warning :-)15:17
hatchhaha ok just reading emails and the like15:17
gary_posterhatch I invited both of you 15:22
hatchof course the only time I Don't have g+ open15:22
bacgary_poster, frankban: we discussed doing "juju bootstrap --constraints series=<default>" but 'series' is not a valid constraint and juju barfs.  am running an experiment with "juju bootstrap --series=<default> --upload-tools" to see if it does what we want.15:26
gary_posterbac, look to see what GUI uses.  um...15:26
gary_posteroh yeah15:27
rick_h__do we support series as a constraint? It's not part of the list?15:27
gary_postergenericConstraints: ['cpu-power', 'cpu-cores', 'mem', 'arch']15:27
gary_posternope :-(15:27
Makyojujugui call in 1015:50
gary_posterjujugui call in215:58
benjimarcoceppi: I fixed the typo you found in the review and did some final polising on the branch, I think we're ready to merge the MP (https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/charm-tools/prooflib/+merge/197439)16:03
hatchcrap I forgot to eat breakfast again16:26
marcoceppibenji: thanks, I'll take a look in a second16:31
gary_posterlol hi hazinhell 16:34
hazinhellgary_poster, greetings from the cubicle, java and xml gymnastics abound ;-)16:35
gary_postergood luck and I'm sorry :-)16:35
* hatch feels out of the loop16:39
hatchMakyo maybe you want to do this while you wait for me https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1257828 :)16:50
_mup_Bug #1257828: Text area config values are missing padding <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1257828>16:50
Makyohatch, sure, will look into it.16:50
hatchI'm just qa'ing right now 16:54
hatchpick unit, simulator decides to never change it's status16:55
hatchf a i l!16:55
bachatch as punishment for me making fun of you, the weather gods have sent a downpour.  no going to lunch for me.  :(17:02
* bac vows to never make fun of hatch again.17:03
hatchhaha - I bet when it rains there, it REALLY rains too17:03
hatchgary_poster update done and it qa'd ok https://codereview.appspot.com/36850043/17:07
gary_posterhatch, looking17:07
hatchok I dont' care where our next sprint is as long as I can take this plane http://787.aircanada.com/en :D17:09
hatchin International Business Class of course!17:13
gary_posterhatch, ship it!  thanks!17:15
gary_posterand yes, I'll take business class too. :-P17:15
hatchdone! Thanks 17:15
hatchMakyo my branch has been merged in fyi17:23
Makyohatch, cool, will pull and get this padding thing done.17:24
gary_posterfrankban, you available for https://codereview.appspot.com/37240043 ?  It's what you looked at this morning plus the extra print statement. :-)17:25
frankbangary_poster: sure, on it17:27
gary_posterthank you!17:27
hatchMakyo is there a way using OneTab to 'save' a single tab? 17:35
Makyohatch, drag the tab out of the current window, it'll turn into a window of its own, then you can onetab it17:35
hatchoh you rock17:36
frankbangary_poster: review done. token login is awesome!17:42
gary_posterfrankban, cool :-) thanks17:42
hatchI wish IE supported <meter> http://codepen.io/pankajparashar/pen/LceIj18:06
rick_h__jujugui anyone feel like doing a hefty python review?  https://github.com/juju/jenkins-github-lander/pull/518:07
* gary_poster on calls for hours18:07
hatchkee hee github18:07
rick_h__gary_poster: thanks18:07
hatchI'm going to miss side by side diffs18:07
rick_h__hatch: got that taken care of in the notes18:07
hatchthe chrome plugin?18:08
rick_h__hatch: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/octosplit/mnkacicafjlllhcedhhphhpapmdgjfbb18:08
rick_h__works for me18:08
hatchahh yep18:08
rick_h__check the box and seems to be working18:08
hatchHouston, we have a problem https://www.evernote.com/shard/s219/sh/74406fb4-d949-4f68-bba4-a51bad85cde0/2dab7a157394274b5f8864ecb8217dc018:10
rick_h__memory usage?18:11
gary_posterhatch? is that a profiler?18:11
hatchthat's a heap timeline over 10minutes of GUI sitting there with the simulator running18:11
rick_h__award for least informative graphic goes to...hatch! yayayayayayay :P18:11
hatchsorry the full graphic is equally as useless 18:12
hatchat least as an image haha18:12
rick_h__so the simulator went nuts? 18:12
gary_postersimulator doesn't have much state IIRC18:12
hatchthe huge increase is caused by something called (compiled code)18:13
rick_h__hatch: hah18:13
gary_postersuper useful18:13
rick_h__so chrome has an issue then :)18:13
rick_h__dupe in FF! 18:13
hatchI know right? 18:13
hatchfunny though, you can see when the simulator runs18:14
hatcheach blue line hehe18:14
rick_h__gary_poster: so are you cool with me just getting a jenkins instance up and running somewhere do some live qa and such of this? I was thinking of at least getting it setup and running it on itself. (the lander tool)18:14
hatchdo iiiit do iiiit18:14
* hatch has no authority 18:15
rick_h__I listen to hatch selectively...only when I agree :)18:15
gary_posterrick_h__, I am.  It's entirely conceivable that I am writing an email about getting a longer term machine, while I am on my current call. ;-)18:16
hatchinteresting....it looks like it's d3's data object18:16
hatchgood news - at 2000 units the UI lags when the simulator runs for maybe 250ms without d318:19
hatchor maybe that's bad news?18:19
gary_posterso...the simulator alone is at least part of the issue18:20
hatchyes but a very small %, the delay I'm showing is a good 3s of UI lockup vs the simulator 250ms18:21
hatchit's definitely the unit list18:22
gary_posterah ok18:22
Makyohatch, going to timebox-out that padding thing (weird font differences  in FF) and get to it later; would like to start the release now so I don't run out of time.18:23
gary_posterthat jibes with my guesses, based on history18:23
hatchMakyo yeah np I just thought it would be simple so that's why I thought I'd point it out :)18:23
Makyohatch, yeah.  It's FF only, which is doing something weird with the weight (and thus maybe line-height) of the font.18:24
hatchwell that was easy to find the issue...18:26
hatchd3's fault18:26
hatchlets switch to canvas18:26
hatch*knee jerk reaction*18:26
hatchD3 is creating new dom nodes then modifying them instead of creating strings then batching it off18:27
hatch(same issue YUI Datatable used to have)18:27
rick_h__kind of cool that juju is on the jenkins install instructions https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Installing+Jenkins+on+Ubuntu18:31
hatchrick_h__ I'm hoping to have the same for Ghost but I can't submit the docs until it's approved :/18:36
hatchjujugui could I get someone to press start then start typing in the box an estimate the UI lockup time plz http://jsbin.com/aMeFumIb/1/18:47
hatchI estimate 1s18:47
gary_posterI can I can18:47
hatchthank yas18:47
gary_posterhatch less than a second18:49
hatchthanks - thats the slowest possible way I can render those elements18:49
hatchso looks like I have to look into our d3 code and find ways to improve performance there18:50
hatchwe already knew that but at least now it's confirmed :)18:52
gary_posterhatch I'd suggest also keeping the "uh-oh this means I have to rearchitect" danger in mind and also investigate whether we can only render a window of the needed elements18:52
gary_posterbut one thing at a time18:53
hatchdefinitely - In the back of my head I'm also wondering if there is a better UI when there are a lot of units :)18:53
gary_posteryeah, there's that too18:54
MakyoFriend's asking, does anyone know if TestDrive is still the best way to test upcoming releases?18:59
rick_h__ok, cross your fingers19:24
Makyogary_poster, ping19:42
gary_posterMakyo, hey, sorry, finishing up, soon19:42
Makyogary_poster, np, will be there.19:42
bacjujugui: review and qa of quickstart branch at https://codereview.appspot.com/37320043/ p.please19:54
bacfrom prettyplease import prettyplease19:55
rick_h__wooooooo! https://github.com/juju/jenkins-github-lander/pull/619:59
rick_h__needs some love and cleanup but :)20:00
gary_postersweet, rick_h__ ! :-)20:15
gary_posterbac, you still need?20:15
baci do need20:16
gary_posterok on it20:17
Makyobac,  what was the resolution for https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/juju-gui/+bug/1251420 ?20:26
_mup_Bug #1251420: reporting an error from the environment isn't formatted well <juju-gui (Juju Charms Collection):Triaged by bac> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1251420>20:26
gary_posterfixed in charm, I know.  maybe also needed work in gui20:27
rick_h__no, gui is fine20:27
rick_h__just needs a release to be corrected I believe20:27
bacfixed in charm.  i forgot to link my branch to the bug20:28
gary_postercharm release20:28
rick_h__gary_poster: +120:28
bacMakyo: ^20:28
MakyoOkay; shouldn't be in CHANGES.yaml, correct?20:28
gary_posternaah.  I sometimes sneak in charm changes but only if they are big20:29
bacMakyo: fwiw this branch (now linked) https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/charms/precise/juju-gui/enverror20:34
Makyobac, aha, thanks20:34
bacis it just me or does it look like spiderman attacked that data center: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/12/04/ibms-big-plans-for-cloud-computing/?hpw&rref=technology20:38
bacbtw, we should do some of that cloud stuff20:38
bacgary_poster: i need to step out for a bit.  will check back later.20:57
gary_posterbac, "LGTM with fully ignorable whining about names and such."  QA good so far and almost done.  Waiting on last step.20:57
gary_posterI will be stepping out for evening as soon as done, 'cause I didn't have lunch and am tired20:58
bacgary_poster: what do you think about the useless bits?20:58
gary_posterbac, maybe keep tested utils and remove the actual stuff that calls them?  Or be heartless and rip it all out.20:58
bacit was such a nice little utility20:59
gary_posterI apologize at least twice during the course of the review. 20:59
baci don't leave until noon tomorrow so if i don't get it landed tonight i'll have time in the morning20:59
gary_poster"connecting to the Juju GUI server"21:00
gary_posterbac QA good and LGTM posted21:00
rick_h__yay for second-long test runs http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/21:23
* rick_h__ runs away now21:24
hatchhaha cool21:26
gary_posteryay! :-)21:46
gary_posternight all21:46
gary_posterbac have nice days off21:46
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
hatchmorning huwshimi 22:03
Makyojujugui gui released; walking dogs, then will do charm release.22:11
bacyay.  have a nice walk.22:12
Makyo-7F dogwalk, no hat.  Agghhh22:42
hatchis called a touque :P22:46
MakyoYou're called a touque >:/22:49
hatchnice one22:53
MakyoA for effort~23:01

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