=== ctracey|away is now known as ctracey === shardy is now known as shardy_afk [20:28] qq: will running a user-data script cause cloud-init to skip processing /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg? [20:48] mikehale, no. [20:48] what "processing" do you mean ? [20:56] well I put some mount directives in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg but after running `cloud-init-cfg config-mounts` the mount I expected is not setup [20:59] maybe there is a guard somewhere to not do anything after the initial boot though [21:00] 12.04 ? [21:00] 10.04 lucid, cloud-init 0.5.10 [21:00] oh. wow. [21:00] old school [21:01] from distant memory, if this is supported.... then there is probably a '.sem' file that you'd have to remove in order to make that run again. [21:01] ie, it only intens to run it once er instance. [21:01] per instance [21:01] k, thanks [21:03] strafe says this was read: /var/lib/cloud/sem/config-mounts.i-nnnn [21:03] s/strafe/strace/ [21:04] cool, removing that file allows the directives to be processed [21:14] mikehale, thanks for the trip down memory lane [21:14] :) [21:14] (really just kidding, if i had stuff working on 10.04, i probably wouldn't be looking to just move off it iether) [21:59] woah, 0.5 [21:59] what existed in 0.5 [21:59] :-P [22:56] smoser: we'd like to upgrade to the latest LTS, but it is still a relatively low priority, high risk thing for us