
cyphermoxcihelp: qa-intel-4000 appears to be offline.04:41
Mirvplars: as I put in the landing plan, at least locally it fixed all but two when the suite was run all at once05:11
Mirvplars: the focus_on_second_click_outside/inside remained problematic, but all others passed. locally the drop was from 8 failing tests to 2.05:12
vilacyphermox: it's back after a power-cycle, no idea what happened there, the KVM just showed a black screen...07:01
vilacyphermox: last job was http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-trusty-daily_release/label=qa-intel-4000/769/console but the error there seems properly handled.07:08
sil2100So it seems the lightdm upgrade broke my desktop system08:18
sil2100Couldn't get my session to start, had to downgrade08:18
ogra_as long as touch still works ...08:18
ogra_i dont think robert_ancell is around at this time :/08:19
ogra_the changes came partially from mterry ... he is at the sprint, so you should at least be able to catch him08:20
ogra_sil2100, was that the one from tonight or from yesterday ?08:21
ogra_1.9.5-0ubuntu1 went in tonight08:21
sil2100hm, 1.9.4 was the problem for me, so maybe 1.9.5 fixes the issue?08:21
sil2100Had to downgrade to 1.9.308:21
ogra_dunno, it has a few VT handling fixes08:22
ogra_so it might08:22
* ogra_ sighs about the bug neither being triaged nor having any status set 08:34
ogra_and it is also filed against the upstream project so nobody can editr it08:34
Mirvcjwatson: do you happen to know whether PPA builder support for "python:any (>= 2.7)" style dependencies is coming soon? it seems that's becoming more widespread and I can't do recipe builds.08:41
Mirv(unity8, ubuntu-keyboard)08:42
didrocksogra_: do you have a bug ref? I maybe can change the status to what you need to08:46
ogra_bug 125786108:47
ubot5bug 1257861 in Unity HUD "HUD lp:hud trunk FTBFS on arm64" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125786108:47
ogra_would just be nice to have it triagable against the ubuntu package08:47
ogra_its ok now08:47
didrocksogra_: paper done :)08:47
sil2100Mirv: oh, so you're being haunted by this one as well?08:48
ogra_hmm, ths new lightdm missed r4808:49
cjwatsonMirv: nothing to do with PPAs, it works fine in PPAs08:59
cjwatsonMirv: maybe specifically recipe builds are broken, because they use pbuilder-based tools to satisfy dependencies09:00
cjwatsonand pbuilder is the work of the devil09:00
cjwatsonMirv: I did have a tentative plan for improving this, though it'd help if you could give me the URL of a failed build09:00
* ogra_ wonders if there is satan@ in the changelog entries09:01
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ogra_cjwatson, FYI, hud has a fix https://code.launchpad.net/~pete-woods/hud/keywords-test-fail/+merge/197809 ... not sure why arm64 is different wrt the LANGUAGE var09:02
cjwatsonit shouldn't be ...09:02
cjwatsonoh, the builder was probably started from a shell09:03
cjwatsonbecause new architecture madness09:03
cjwatsonthere's actually unreleased code in launchpad-buildd to filter out those environment variables09:03
cjwatsonso the next launchpad-buildd release will avoid this09:03
ogra_good ...09:04
cjwatsonstill, sounds like a reasonable change anyway09:04
ogra_indeed, i was just curious, since other arches dont have the issue09:04
cjwatsonI'll probably try to roll out a new lp-buildd once I get the livefs work landed and maybe see about this recipe stuff09:05
* cjwatson -> doctor09:05
sil2100cjwatson: hi! I have problem viewing recipes (being struck by the LP timeout issue) but for instance builds from this recipe are failing for us because of that:09:07
sil2100cjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+recipe/unity8-daily-custom09:07
sil2100cjwatson: example log: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/157910803/buildlog.txt.gz09:07
sil2100cjwatson: I guess that's the same issue as Mirv pointed out09:07
cjwatsonwell, that09:09
cjwatson's different09:09
cjwatsoninfinity was going to update the chroots to resolve that one09:09
cjwatsonanyway, must run09:09
infinitycjwatson: Ahh, indeed, yes, got sidetracked.  I'll do that first thing in the after-I've-sleptning.09:13
Mirvcjwatson: aha, you're right, indeed the dependency build is the one thati fails, sorry for being imprecise.09:13
Mirvcjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2/+recipebuild/60040509:13
Mirvsil2100: yeah I'm also hitting the LP timeouts heavily, sometimes I need to refresh tens of times before I get a view09:13
ogra_sil2100, bug 1254880  ... does that look like your lightdm issue ?09:19
ubot5bug 1254880 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "lightdm not visible upon reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125488009:19
sil2100ogra_: sounds very similar!09:26
didrocksogra_: coming?09:31
sil2100ogra_: hangout!09:32
ogra_on my way09:32
cjwatsonMirv: Right.  So my take on this is that I'm not yet convinced that :any is actually directly related, even though that's the first failure in the output and therefore the one that the LP build manager picks out; I'd like to see the libprocps0 bit resolved so that we get clearer output09:56
cjwatsonMirv: Independently, I'd like to not be using pbuilder because I think that'll give us better results in future09:56
cjwatsonMirv: But it's true that we're seeing "python:any ... which is a virtual package", so it's possible that pbuilder-satisfy-depends does indeed have some kind of trouble here09:57
Mirvthanks, interesting10:01
psivaadidrocks: ogra_: the systemsettle_after failure in the gallery app tests is due to adb server issue we had overnight. adb server had to be restarted to restore the devices.10:09
psivaa'ADB server didn't ACK' is the cause of the issue in the gallery app system settle failure10:09
ogra_ah cool10:10
didrocksok :)10:10
psivaarerunning the test to see if the 'test_photo_delete_works' test still fails10:10
sil2100_geh, power outage10:24
didrockssil2100_: wb! you have some tasks assigned :)10:24
=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
sil2100didrocks: awesome! :)10:25
vilapsivaa: gee, adb is involved in a lot of issues these days, some bugs there start to feel the heat and are showing their ugly head ;-)10:26
psivaavila: yea, one malfunctioning adb process is enough to make the whole set of devices to fail10:28
vilapsivaa: yeah, that's a tricky one, on one hand we want to pool devices to enhance availability, on the other a single pool also means a SPOF :-/10:35
psivaavila: yea hopefully with the emulator coming up this could be spanned to several hosts?10:36
psivaadidrocks: maguro results are also coming up. had to change the device. our usual device is shown 'offline' and we've asked rfowler to have a look at it when he goes to 1SS. This issue also came up after the adb server issue in the host.10:37
didrockspsivaa: ah, excellent!10:37
didrocksthanks :)10:38
psivaadidrocks: yw and sorry my bad earlier.. failing to notice there were not maguro results10:38
didrocksno worry10:38
vilapsivaa: well, the emulator will allow us to run tests that don't require specific hardware, so once we have it, we can start *reducing* runs on phones, that will make the issue less acute but it would still need to be addressed ;)10:39
psivaavila: yea, if we can only afford to have one host for the h/w then that is a SPOF :)10:42
vilapsivaa: and I think we got there after the 1ss move, something to check and discuss during the standup ?10:43
psivaavila: imho, the adb issue has become severe in the smoke tests after we merged the UM devices as well. until then the issue was not so severe. not blaming the UM devices but talking about the load that kinnara faces10:43
* vila nods10:43
vilapsivaa: makes sense isn't it ? ;)10:44
psivaavila: +1 for the discussion10:44
popeyhm. unity8 crash on unlocking my phone11:11
davmor2popey: does mediascanner find all your album art?11:44
ogra_wow, the manta installation is really bad ... that needs serious work11:45
* ogra_ got a manta today11:46
popeydavmor2: the little album art I have, yes11:52
davmor2ogra_: aren't you lucky12:02
ogra_davmor2, :P12:02
ogra_another broken device on my desk12:02
davmor2popey: I transferred my U1 music over it's found maybe 1 in 812:02
ogra_come on hud ... migrate ... i know you can do it12:04
davmor2ogra_: no it can't12:05
ogra_huh ?12:05
davmor2hud it hates you12:06
ogra_why ? did you add a ball and chain ?12:06
davmor2ogra_: no you just tell it well that's it I don't care if you work or not now and watch it spring into life :D12:06
davmor2popey: I wouldn't mind the lack of artwork if it wasn't for the fact that it's in most of the mp3's that come from 7d12:07
ogra_ah, there we go12:15
ogra_didrocks, hud is in ... was there anything else we were waiting for ?12:15
didrocksogra_: eventually upstart-app-launch, but not sure if sil2100 has more news on it12:16
didrockssil2100: ?12:16
sil2100didrocks, ogra_: no news right now still, so I guess we can get spinning without prolonging it too much12:17
didrocksok, let's do this then12:18
ogra_=== Image r49 building ===12:19
davmor2didrocks: quick question when I am playing music with a wired headset plugged in, and receive a call the audio goes all over the place I'm assuming this is pulse that is at fault or would it be something else?12:19
ogra_vila, when was your birthday again ?12:19
didrocksdavmor2: I would say pulse12:19
ogra_i think we still miss some pulse profiles for that12:20
davmor2didrocks: nice :)12:20
davmor2ogra_: it's awful try it12:20
ogra_nah, better not ...12:20
ogra_its enough if one of us risks his ear drumes12:21
davmor2ogra_: The ringer rings on the phone, so it transfers the music to the phone, when you answer the call it transfers both the music and the call back to the headphones, when you end the call it transfers the music back to the phone12:22
davmor2Also do we know if anyone is looking into to how the buttons on headset work to tie into the phone?12:23
vilaogra_: hehe, last Saturday ;)12:25
ogra_vila, ah, sad ... r50 will most likely happen later today12:26
ogra_so see it as a delayed b-day present :)12:26
sergiusensdidrocks, popey fyi, I plan to test the fixes for music and rss12:30
sergiusenspopey, also, if you don't mind https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/156/feedback/12:30
didrockssergiusens: excellent, thanks!12:31
sergiusenspopey, I had failures with that one, can you please double check? current pass rate is 18/19 (from dashboard)12:31
sergiusenshmmm, my maguro is busted on latest devel proposed; screen doesn't turn on now :-/12:38
ogra_sergiusens, 48 ?12:38
ogra_there was a lightdm upload tonight ... that might fix it in the currently building r4912:39
sergiusensogra_, we already have a 48?12:39
ogra_(mine isnt busted btw)12:39
sergiusensogra_, let me tell you once it's done rebooting12:39
ogra_sergiusens, well, you should know, you built it ;)12:39
vilaogra_: bah, that won't make me less happy ;) I know how to wait for good things ;-D12:40
sergiusensogra_,  I used it just fine all through yesterday; it was leaving it unplugged on the nightstand that caused this12:40
ogra_sergiusens, r47 was built around 13:00 UTC yesterday ...12:40
ogra_[23:26] <sergiusens> === touch build triggered ===12:41
sergiusensogra_, I'm not saying the build I triggered isn't working; it's the one before that ;-)12:42
sergiusensI haven't updated12:42
t1mpsergiusens: I just flashed image 48 and my screen doesn't turn on12:42
ogra_weird, why is mine behaving12:42
sergiusensogra_, might be a race then12:43
t1mpogra_: oh wait, it just went on :s12:43
sergiusensogra_, it's cold there, so your bits move faster :-P12:43
t1mpogra_: after flashing it worked fine, and then at some point it didn't go on any more, not even after reboot12:43
t1mpogra_: so I just re-flashed. and it came on after a long time12:43
ogra_wow, thats bad12:43
t1mplet's see what happens after I reboot12:44
sergiusenst1mp, hmm, that sounds similar to what I'm saw too; only that a reboot did the trick12:44
ogra_i know there have been landings in lightdm in preparation of the unity-system-compositor entering the image ... but that shouldnt have any impact yet12:44
t1mpfor now my phone works fine again12:45
popey#48 has frozen up for me, can't unlock it12:53
davmor2popey: can you get to https://launchpad.net/mediascanner12:53
davmor2ogra_: 48 is awesome for me12:54
ogra_yeah, no issues for me either12:55
davmor2ogra_: and lets face facts if any device was going to throw a wobbly it would be maguro :D12:55
ogra_well, since i have seen manta ...12:55
davmor2ogra_: yeah that was the last supported device though to be fair my n7 is possibly less reliable than my maguro12:57
ogra_right, both tablets are focused devices this cycle ...12:57
davmor2ogra_: yeah the worry though is the possibly ;)  Not definitely :D12:58
popeyogra_: so some mantas have been ordered?12:58
ogra_popey, dunno, i would hope so12:58
davmor2popey: some people have had them for a while as I understand it12:59
popeyno, i mean a new batch12:59
ogra_there are a bunch ... but definitely not enough if we want to fully support it12:59
ogra_popey, i guess pmcgowan would know12:59
ogra_(or asac)12:59
davmor2ogra_: well it's technically the only device that will have side stage so we need to test it for that if nothing else13:00
popeyno, side stage will come to grouper13:00
ogra_that too, but it will likely be awful at that resolution13:00
davmor2popey: everyone I asked said it would it was too small13:00
t1mppopey: #48 froze my screen (even after reboot), but after re-installing it, it works fine. weird.13:00
davmor2wouldn't even13:00
ogra_i think the idea was to enable it anyway13:01
popeyand allow resizing13:02
ogra_of the apps or of the sidestage ?13:02
sergiusensretoaded, hey, I see most of the nodes in http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/label/saucy/? disabled by you; any ETA on when they'll be back?13:03
t1mpif you resize the sidestage I guess the app in it should scale along13:03
ogra_apps makes sense13:03
ogra_sidestage would eb complicated13:03
t1mpwhat does that mean? the apps are the size of the stage they are in right?13:03
ogra_since your aspect ratio changes when resizing the sidestage13:03
t1mpso for me resizing the app is the same as resizing the stage13:03
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popeyit's just a simple tiling window manager with two panes13:04
t1mpogra_: aspect ration also changes when you go from portrait to landscape mode. apps can support it13:04
popeySimple Matter Of Programming13:04
ogra_t1mp, true, but thats different from doing it dynamically13:04
sergiusensdavmor2, popey ogra_ the emulator supports sidestage fwiw13:04
ogra_the app would be all jumpy13:04
popeysergiusens: FAILED (failures=3)13:05
sergiusenspopey, same as me13:05
sergiusenspopey, what was the total again for calendar, do you have it handy?13:05
t1mpogra_: most resize fine in a window on desktop also. but yeah, at some point while resizing they should change their layout13:05
davmor2sergiusens: I don't trust emulators, they lie too much ;)13:05
retoadedsergiusens, those nodes were brought back online once, not sure how/why they reverted to being back offline but that has been fixed.13:05
ogra_davmor2, no this one !13:06
sergiusensdavmor2, of course they do; but paravirtualization has cheapened the lie a lot :-)13:06
sergiusensretoaded, do you mind if I reenable them? It has your name, that's why I asked you ;-)13:06
retoadedsergiusens, I re-enabled them already13:06
sergiusensretoaded, thanks13:07
sergiusensretoaded, might of been a hard shutdown or something I guess13:07
retoadedsergiusens, possibly13:07
popeysergiusens: 17 iirc13:09
sergiusenspopey, I guess rejecting the upload would be good then13:15
popeyoh, yes ☻13:15
sergiusenspopey, if you want: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/music-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/com.ubuntu.music_1.1.266_armhf.click and http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/rssreader-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/com.ubuntu.shorts_0.2.145_all.click13:18
popeydo i have to use those clicks?13:19
popeycan I not build from trunk? (I have a script which runs tests from a given bzr branch)13:19
sergiusenspopey, build from trunk13:20
sergiusenspopey, is that carla's script?13:20
popeyno idea who wrote it13:20
popeyballoons threw it my way13:20
sergiusenssounds good to me13:21
ogra_=== Image r49 DONE ===13:24
ogra_new lightdm and new hud13:24
* sergiusens pins to 4813:25
popeyforgot about running music app tests means listening to bkerensas song over and over13:29
ogra_ugh ?13:29
popeywe seriously need to replace those songs13:29
popeysergiusens: Ran 7 tests in 150.207s13:32
popeyFAILED (failures=3)13:32
popeymusic ^^13:32
vila. o O (I maybe a TDD-nuts, but I won't go as far as considering failures as music to my ears...)13:35
popeyI'm just glad the music stopped13:35
ogra_did you miss the ^^ in there ?13:35
ogra_it was music to his brows obviously13:36
ogra_popey, do we have any media testing wikipage ?13:37
* ogra_ thinks we should like http://samplemedia.linaro.org/ somewhere ... 13:37
ogra_very helpful, it has all possible formats of media13:37
sergiusenspopey, we should change that song!13:38
sergiusenseven an audioless song would do; we are not testing sound output13:39
popeysergiusens: FAILED (failures=2)13:41
popey^^ shorts13:41
ogra_yeah, definitely not the weather for shorts13:42
* ogra_ can understand that they fail13:43
sergiusenspopey, I only get one fail for shorts13:51
sergiusenspopey, but still rejecting13:51
popeysergiusens: only one fail now13:58
sergiusenspopey, might be racy; also, for music app; try rm -rf ~/.cache/mediascanner and reboot13:59
sergiusenspopey, I don't think the mediascanner is that good at dealing with corner cases13:59
=== mhr3__ is now known as mhr3
t1mppopey: now my maguro is also hanging on the lock screen14:02
t1mpdamn. and after reboot the screen is black :(14:03
t1mpoh wait.. after waiting a while it works14:03
ogra_you surely have some files in /var/crash14:04
ogra_that makes apport kick in on boot .... which delays quite a lot14:04
t1mpogra_: yes, https://pastebin.canonical.com/101549/14:05
popeysergiusens: still 2 fails on music14:15
ogra_well, we always had one14:15
sergiusenspopey, already marked them as rejected on landing sheet14:21
plarsdidrocks: we have a new crash with webbrowser that seemed to also bring a lot of failures in webbrowser with it: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/49:20131205:20131203/5288/webbrowser-app-autopilot/15:20
didrocksplars: hum, webbrowser app didn't change, are you retracing the crash to see what's the cause?15:21
plarsdidrocks: not yet, on a call and just saw it as that test just finished15:22
didrocksplars: ok, thanks for the head's up. Keep me posted on the retrace15:22
plarsdidrocks: it might be more beneficial for someone more familiar with the webbrowser code to look at that15:23
didrocksplars: would be nice to retrace it for them, but ok15:23
didrockssil2100: do you have a minute for it? (in meetings) ^15:24
sil2100didrocks: let me check15:25
ogra_oh, there is maguro !15:37
popeyballoons: is there a way to spot an app test which is caused by bug 1234538 easily?15:44
ubot5bug 1234538 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "With Mir enabled - Applications randomly failed to start" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123453815:44
balloonspopey, yes, easy enough. you'll see in the trace that the app never really started15:44
balloonspopey, look at this: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/48:20131204.1:20131203/5273/ubuntu-filemanager-app-autopilot/549173/ versus this http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/48:20131204.1:20131203/5273/ubuntu-filemanager-app-autopilot/549166/15:45
balloonspopey, see the NoSuchProcess: no process found with pid 5993?15:45
plarsdidrocks, sil2100: ok off my call, trying to reproduce here now15:50
popeyonce that bug is fixed we're gonna be so close to 100% I can *taste* the green!15:51
popeytastes like brussel sprouts15:51
sil2100plars: dont see it happening locally on my device15:54
cwayne_plars, hey, can we get the touch_custom re-kicked? seems to have failed to even start15:55
plarscwayne_: will do15:56
plarssil2100:  yeah, I'm not seeing it here either...15:56
sil2100didrocks: still poking people about the upstart and unity-mir fix, but Ted said it's not super-trivial - I hope it will be done till EOD at least15:56
sil2100As expected15:56
plarscwayne_: actually, they ran15:57
didrockssil2100: ok, did you try unity8 btw?15:58
plarscwayne_: http://q-jenkins:8080/view/Touch/view/Ubuntu%20Touch%20Master%20Jobs/job/trusty-touch_custom-mako-smoke-master/15:58
didrockssil2100: or is it releasable?15:58
cwayne_plars, then what's up with this? http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch_custom/mako/20131205%20%3F/5275/15:58
plarscwayne_: previously bad run it looks like, but the results for 46 are here: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch_custom/mako/46:20131205:20131203/5290/16:00
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
plarscwayne_: those were some from 45 that died, probably last night when adb blew up16:00
sil2100didrocks: the unity8 guys were waiting for one fix still for it to be ok to release16:01
didrockssil2100: great!16:01
cwayne_plars, ah, fair enough, thanks!16:01
sil2100didrocks: aaaand I see that it's still not merged in, so we wait16:02
didrockssil2100: approved at least?16:02
sil2100didrocks: approved, but failing CI - I see some new commit 8 minutes ago, so probably a fix for that16:03
didrocksok ;)16:04
sil2100I go for laaate lunch16:08
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cwayne_plars, hey, if i were to get you guys an extra mako, would you be more open to running the full test suite inside touch_custom?16:54
plarscwayne_: sure, we can do that, talk to rfowler16:55
plarscwayne_: it takes a while to run though16:55
cwayne_plars, understood, but personally i think it's worth it to know our customizations aren't breaking stuff :)16:56
plarscwayne_: yep16:56
didrockssil2100: coming?17:01
didrockskenvandine: robru ^17:01
didrocksplars: ^17:01
plarsdidrocks: haven't forgotten, just got pulled into a call that's running over a bit though17:01
plarsdidrocks: brt17:01
didrocksok ;)17:01
cwayne_rfowler, ping17:05
rfowlercwayne_: yes?17:09
cwayne_rfowler, hey, we're in the process of getting you another mako to setup for automated testing, i assume you're the right one to talk to about that?17:10
rfowlercwayne_: sure17:11
rfowlercwayne_: i can grab it from you next time i'm in lex or you can just leave it in my desk or on the desk in chimay (get a key from christine)17:12
cwayne_rfowler, ack, thanks17:12
kenvandinemy chrome tab hug... and now firefox can't even connect to plus.google.com17:13
kenvandinebut can connect to google.com17:13
didrocksrobru: 16:56:55    sil2100 | didrocks: still poking people about the upstart and unity-mir fix, but Ted said it's not super-trivial - I hope it will be done till EOD at least17:15
kenvandineand empathy can't connect either... must be some network issues getting to some of google's IPs17:15
robrusil2100, when you get back please let me know what MP's we're waiting for, I'll take over landing them once you EOD17:16
plarsogra_: it was mentioned to me that you were interested in seeing the touch-mir results on saucy still. I thought they were still enabled, but I think they just needed to be regenerated after the move specifically rather than part of the big script we ran to regenerate all the other jobs17:21
plarsogra_: results for the latest one are starting to flow into http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_mir/ now17:22
ogra_plars, well, we are occasionally doing SRU image builds in saucy17:22
plarsogra_: indeed, I don't think we ever said we would turn them off yet, but it would be just mir and not sf right?17:22
ogra_whatever we tested/used last needs to be re-run, i dont care how it is named :)17:22
ogra_yeah, Mir only i think17:23
plarsogra_: they should behave now... well, they should run at least :)17:23
ogra_its also not urgent ...17:23
ogra_whenever it is convenient17:23
ogra_kgunn, hmm, who told you the AM/PM stuff is a blocker ? i dont think it is17:30
ogra_(its surely very important to fix but doesnt really block images)17:30
kgunnrick's mail seemed to indicate so17:31
kgunnyeah...i agree with you17:31
* ogra_ didnt get that mail 17:31
ogra_i guess that was to ue-leads or some such then17:31
didrockskgunn: it's not for me at least17:32
didrockskgunn: it's just that we know it won't get fixed until Monday I guess17:32
didrockskgunn: (as it's already in latest promoted image)17:32
ogra_it is definitely annoying but shouldnt block us17:32
didrockswell, if it wasn't in the promoted image, it would be17:32
ogra_the kbd not coming up on the promoted image is way worse17:33
ogra_(and the fix is in the proposed image)17:33
didrocksyeah, unfortunately, we have the other regressions17:34
didrocksotherwise, I would have promoted it17:34
ogra_well, we're getting there17:34
* didrocks crosses finger17:34
didrocksseems like getting the unity8 release + the upstart-app-launch are the only things blocking17:35
kgunndidrocks you're mixing bugs wrt time display issues....17:49
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: plars | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: -
plarsogra_: anything you can think of recently that might have made adb have even more problems?18:06
ogra_plars, not really ... there are fixes in the archive that should help a little though18:07
ogra_(the last mtp upload drops a lot of stuff that caused interference here )18:07
plarsogra_: I don't have anything I can point to specifically yet, but last night we had lots of problems that required an adb kill/start server to get around. And just now at home I saw it get stuck where adb shell just hung there, and had to restart18:07
plarsogra_: I think we are disabling mtp even18:08
plarsadb shell "echo manual > /etc/init/mtp-server-bootup.override"18:08
ogra_uh, that might cause issues with the session job18:08
plarsogra_: oh?18:08
ogra_but yeah, that file shold be gone now18:08
plarsfginther: ^ Are you still doing that too?18:09
fgintherplars, will look18:10
ogra_well, its gone with the next image18:11
ogra_dont bother :)18:11
fgintherplars, nope, we're not doing that in s-jenkins18:11
plarsogra_: but we should remove that on our side though right? You said it may cause issues in the future?18:12
ogra_no, in the past :)18:12
plarsor at the very least, if it does nothing at all, then it's not worth having18:12
plarsdead code--18:12
thomiplars: phablet-test-run should take care of installing the apparmor click package hook for me, right?19:07
plarsthomi: phablet-config autopilot will do it I think19:09
thomiahhh, that's a new one for me.19:09
thomiso I should be able to do phablet-click-test-setup; phablet-config autopilot; phablet-test-run dropping_letters_app, and it should "just work"?19:09
thomilooks like it's "phablet-config autopilot--dbus-probe enable"19:11
t1mpwhat can be the cause for all ubuntuuitoolkit tests failing on jenkins like this? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/3967/console19:11
t1mp^belongs to this MR: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/app-activeChanged/+merge/19779019:12
robruplars, hey, can you help me set up jenkins to use a different PPA for staging updates? eg I want a certain project to build in ppa:cordova-ubuntu instead of the usual daily-build one19:36
plarsrobru: not something I've touched before, but I can take a look19:37
plarsrobru: which job is this on?19:37
robruplars, this would be for lp:cordova-cli, in webapp stack (so stacks/head/webapp.cfg), I guess cu2d-webapp-head job?19:38
robruplars, I set ppa_target here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro-config/trunk/view/head:/stacks/head/webapp.cfg#L98 but it didn't seem to work19:39
robruplars, (I am having some trouble running cu2d-update-stack, I thought I did it, but I guess not? is it possible that jenkins just isn't updated to the new config i committed?)19:41
plarsrobru: I think it should update each time it runs, is that not true fginther?19:42
plarsrobru: when did you update it?19:42
robruplars, updated it just now. like within 30 mins i'm sure19:42
robruplars, it's not been my experience that it updates itself. i've always had to run cu2d-update-stack every time i make a change19:43
fgintherrobru, have you done an update since the 1SS move, any chance you're credentials are point to the wrong jenkins?19:43
robrufginther, i had that problem yesterday, updated the credentials and it started working fine.19:43
fgintherrobru, can you pastebin the output from the update command?19:44
robruplars, fginther: actually I am having weird problems running cu2d-update-stack: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6526183/ but in one of those runs it shows cordova-cli being updated so I thought that was good enough even though it didnt' "finish"19:44
fgintherrobru, that's strange that it errors out on different jobs...19:46
robrufginther, yes it is! but in one of those runs it shows cordova-cli updated successfully, so i thought it would be ok19:47
robrufginther, does the ppa_target setting look right to you? this means it should build in ppa:cordova-ubuntu before publishing to distro, right?19:47
plarsI wonder if jenkins is having issues19:48
robruplars, fginther i'm running it again with debugging enabled...19:50
robruplars, fginther; figures it works this time, no errors19:50
t1mpis there a way for me to see the status of jobs related to an MR that I'm waiting for?19:51
t1mpoh the job that I was looking for finished 12 seconds ago and is now on the MR page :)19:51
fgintherrobru, looks like q-jenkins was providing a transient error. I haven't found anything in the jenkins logs yet to provide a reason, still looking20:00
robrufginther, ok20:02
robrufginther, oh, I might need to create a whole new stack for this, since it looks like 'stack: ppa:' is a top-level thing20:04
robrufginther, is there anything i need to be aware of when creating a new stack? is it as easy as just creating a new stack.cfg file?20:04
fgintherrobru, ah, I misread that, the "ppa_target" parameter is only used by upstream-merger20:04
robrufginther, right, ok20:04
fgintherrobru, yeah, just use an existing one as a template, remember to change the internal stack name20:05
robrufginther, https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/cupstream2distro-config/cordova-stack/+merge/197958 does this look right to you?20:09
fgintherrobru, looking20:09
fgintherrobru, who is going to be using the PPA?20:13
robrufginther, it'll be webapps team people, like alex-abreu, zaspire, vrruiz, dbarth, me...20:14
robrufginther, specifically, it needs to be installable on a desktop without bringing in the whole shitstorm that is daily-build PPA20:14
fgintherrobru, ack20:15
robrufginther, so does that stack look reasonable then?20:18
fgintherrobru, one thing needs to be updated20:22
robrufginther, ok20:23
t1mpis there a deadline for package releases in order to get them in an image tomorrow morning (europe)?20:23
robrut1mp, well images are not built by cron, so the deadline is 'whenever somebody is asked to create an image' i guess20:24
robrut1mp, in general I would say, don't worry about deadlines. just do the work the best you can, and an image will be built for you when you're ready20:24
t1mprobru: ok, cool thanks. :)20:25
t1mpI guess in a few hours I will ask for a new package of UITK trunk20:25
robrut1mp, ok, I should be around to help with that20:26
robrufginther, ok, made you change, please approve ;-)20:27
fgintherrobru, done20:28
robrufginther, great, thanks. just creating it in jenkins now20:28
robruplars, fginther: it's happening again! http://paste.ubuntu.com/6526717/21:05
plarsrobru: I don't ever run this, but I have some similar scripts that create jenkins jobs and have never seen that happen. I take it you don't normally see this either?21:06
robruplars, right, it started mildly yesterday, now today I can't get a single run of this command to pass (except that one time when I was trying to get debug output earlier). in fact it has never worked for me since the 1SS move21:07
fgintherplars, robru, there are errors in the jenkins logs, investigating21:07
fgintherplars, robru, lots of "responded with status 404" messages21:08
plarsfginther: you beat me to it, I was just sshing to q-jenkins :)21:08
plarsfginther: jenkins constantly spews errors unfortunately21:09
robruplars, fginther: can one of you try 'bzr branch lp:cupstream2distro-config; cd cupstream2distro-config/daily-release; ./cu2d-update-stack -dUS ../stacks/head/webapp.cfg' and see if it gives the same error?21:09
fgintherrobru, yes, i will21:09
fgintherrobru, I've run it 3 times in a row with no issues21:14
robrufginther, buh21:17
robrufginther, can you do it again with this branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/cupstream2distro-config/cordova-stack/+merge/19795821:19
robrufginther, I got cordova stack created, which is good, but i can't update webapp stack21:19
fgintherrobru, sure21:20
robrufginther, thanks21:20
fgintherrobru, what version of python-jenkins do you have (I have 0.2.1-0ubuntu1)21:21
robru  Installed: 0.2.1-0ubuntu121:21
fgintherok, that's not it21:22
fgintherrobru, deployed21:23
robrufginther, thanks a ton21:23
robrufginther, do you know anything about the frequency that jenkins runs cu2d jobs at? Last I heard, it ran "every 4 hours", except that it skips a run if there are still old jobs hanging around from before, and people are running jobs manually so often that the automatic jobs basically never run. is that a fair assessment of the current sitaution? or has the 4-hourly stuff been shut off completely?21:32
fgintherrobru, I don't know. Something appears to be triggering them every 8 hours.21:39
robrufginther, oh, ok. I know we're *manually* publishing, but yeah, if jenkins can build my cordova-cli in PPA at least once a day that would be nice ;-)21:40
fgintherrobru, right, that makes sense, the builds themselves are still time based.21:40
robrufginther, ok, perfect, thanks21:40
robrut1mp, ETA on that uitk stuff? I am heading for lunch shortly but should be back within an hour.21:45
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: -
t1mprobru: I didn't get my changes reviewed yet. So it will be there later, perhaps even tomorrow22:11
t1mprobru: ok, it just got reviewed and happroved :)22:14
robrut1mp, sweet, i can start on it shortly22:15
t1mprobru: should I ask you to make the UITK release?22:21
robrut1mp, yes, I can do that now22:21
t1mprobru: we need to wait for this to be merged https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/app-activeChanged/+merge/19779022:21
robrut1mp, ok22:22
robrut1mp, i'll watch it22:22
t1mprobru: should I add something here? https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc&usp=drive_web#gid=122:22
robrut1mp, oh... uh... suuuuure ;-)22:22
robrut1mp, does this release fix regressions?22:23
t1mprobru: it fixes bugs, but no regressions22:23
t1mp(where regression means for me that a bug that was fixed before came back)22:24
robrut1mp, yeah, i guess add to the landing plan. that will appease didrocks. i personally just land things when i'm asked to.22:24
t1mpok, I'll add22:24
t1mpI don't have edit-rights22:26
t1mpnormally zoltan edits that for UITK stuf22:26
robrut1mp, ok i'll just add it myself22:26
robrut1mp, can you summarize what bug is getting fixed?22:27
t1mprobru: see https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1KdvrGLap-nHyjztf0njbM1zScdlQoh8vNdbnP8N-i8c/edit#heading=h.828ds6ht6w90 everything above the line22:27
t1mprobru: but for the last bug to be fixed, the MR needs to land first https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/app-activeChanged/+merge/19779022:27
robrut1mp, ok, no worries22:28
t1mpsummary for why I like a release now: UX improvements to tabbar and toolbar that will be part of the user tests Monday22:28
t1mprobru: thanks22:28
t1mpeod time for me. bye22:29
robrut1mp, good night22:30
robrufginther, https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/broken_collapse/+merge/197844 any idea why this one isn't landing? i don't understand the failures there22:30
fgintherrobru, the most recent failure is from the unity-phablet-qmluitests-trusty job. From the other results, I suspect this is an intermittent failure22:35
robrufginther, we sure have a lot of those22:36
fgintherrobru, looks like the number of unity-phablet-qmluitests-trusty test failures has increased in the last 30 hours22:37
robrufginther, caused by that branch though? or is it orthogonal?22:38
fgintherrobru, no, they're not traced to that specific branch. they're coming for various branches and the failing test(s) are not consistent22:39
fgintherrobru, I know some of these tests were not reliable in the past, but the results looked good for a few days22:41
robrufginther, any qualms if I just manually merge that branch then?22:42
fgintherrobru, no, we've done that in the past for really stubborn cases. We have a passing test case just a few hours old22:44
robrufginther, ok great. i was asked to land it in distro today so I'm just trying to get it moving forward ;-)22:45

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