
Unit193So who went and scared off the cold?01:48
Unit193skellat: Heya, may I (or did I already?) ask what the purpose of https://launchpad.net/~ohio-ubuntu-members was? :P08:56
jenni[ Ubuntu Members -- Ohio in Launchpad ] - https://j.mp/18Ek8iS08:56
cid420how is everybody doing today19:09
skellatGood.  In meeting over in #xubuntu-devel at the moment.19:10
cid420let me know on the outcome19:10
cid420i was just over there, pretty interesting Skellat19:36
skellatcid420: Yep.19:37
skellatBusiness gets serious19:37
cid420I see that19:37
cid420in our group skellat, is there any I can help with, want to get involve19:38
skellatcid420: For now, that's all for discussion here as we try to decide where we're going: http://is.gd/NIooNZ19:39
jenni[ The Meeting on 2013-11-23 - Ubuntu Discourse ] - http://is.gd19:39
skellatIf you click the link you can go to the discussion thread.  To contribute to the discussion you merely need your Launchpad login credentials19:39
paultagis.gd broke there19:40
paultag(cc jenni's handler)19:40
paultagOh, that's the title19:40
cid420ok skellat19:40
skellatcid420: The link goes to discourse.ubuntu.com where discussion over where Ubuntu Ohio wants to go for the future is being had.  The discussion is open and people can contribute.19:41
skellatThere are a bunch of ideas floating around but we have to have some expressions of interest19:42
cid420I am going to try and show up to the meetings for our group, we have a meeting once a mth?19:42
skellat.tw 40868275096769740819:43
jenniOur community wallpaper contest for 14.04 is still running. Submit yours! See http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-14-04-default-wallpapers/ for details (@Xubuntu)19:43
cid420jenni: wish i knew graphics it would be a great help19:46
jennicid420, Part of that world.19:46
belkinsaUbuntu too?  or is this just fro Xubuntu?19:46
skellatbelkinsa: That one's just from Xubuntu.  Only just got wind of it mere moments ago from XPL.19:47
belkinsaI see.19:47
belkinsaskellat, I will reply to your question the thread soon.19:48
skellatThere are 11 people on the Xubuntu team.  From that 11 people there are 3 who sit variously upon Community Council, LoCo Council, and Forum Council.  Except for IRC Council and Technical Board, Xubuntu is on the march.19:48
skellats/Xubuntu team/Xubuntu leadership team/19:49
jenniskellat meant to say: There are 11 people on the Xubuntu leadership team.  From that 11 people there are 3 who sit variously upon Community Council, LoCo Council, and Forum Council.  Except for IRC Council and Technical Board, Xubuntu is on the march.19:49
Unit193You were right the first time, Xubuntu team.19:49
cid420Hey Unit193 :)19:50
Unit193Howdy, cid420.19:50
cid420what is Trusty Tahr?19:50
belkinsaThe code name for Ubuntu 14.0419:51
belkinsaEach Ubuntu version has it's code name.19:51
cid420just not familiar with 14.0419:51
cid420code name19:51
Unit193lsb_release -c19:52
cid420is there information link i can goto, so i can read up on Trusty Tahr19:52
cid420lol nvm19:53
belkinsaOMG Ubuntu may have something on it.19:53
cid420i was just there didnt see it19:53
belkinsaCommunity wiki?  Better one?19:53
skellatMark Shuttleworth's blog19:54
jenni[ What to Expect in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Next April ] - https://j.mp/ILa2Az19:54
cid420cool thanks19:55
belkinsaNot a problem19:55
Unit193https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty what's proposed.19:55
jenni[ Blueprints : Trusty (14.04) : Ubuntu ] - https://j.mp/IGjNiU19:55
belkinsaAnd one feature: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/unity-trusty-global-menu-switch19:55
jenni[ Ubuntu 14.04 Adds Global Menu "Off" Switch | OMG! Ubuntu! ] - https://j.mp/1bjQ8D019:55
Unit193Actually, all you need is http://imgur.com/gallery/kTk5fuO :----D19:56
jenni[ Trusty Thar is the next Ubuntu version. This majestic beast is just waiting to be captioned. - Imgur ] - https://j.mp/1bjQc5M19:56
belkinsaskellat, replied: http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/the-meeting-on-2013-11-23/1259/620:00
jenni[ The Meeting on 2013-11-23 - Ubuntu Discourse ] - https://j.mp/1bjQABo20:00
skellatI'll look at it when I'm not fighting with Iceweasel gobbling up so much system resources on the BeagleBoard-xM20:01
belkinsaOkay.  I hope it makes sense.20:01
cid420belkinsa: letting you know that i am very new to all of this.. some of the questions are stupid, i am at that age any questions isnt stupid, that is why i asked them I can google it, but i dont know what to look for. that is why i ask here, that is the sol purpose 1. is to get to know people 2. learn by them.20:01
belkinsaOkay, I understand.  I guess I should say sorry for my behavior.  For some reason, I do this because I click around to figure out what to do without reading first.  I'm just not tech support, and I need to stop trying to be.20:03
Unit193skellat: See ping in backlog?20:04
cid420Belkinsa: I totally understand, just my understanding of a group is help each other work together as a whole, and try to understand each other. I am a teamplayer, and it seems you are too.20:04
belkinsaRight, we all since we are members of the Ohio Team.20:05
* Unit193 is terrible with people.20:05
skellatUnit193: Yes, that group is not needed anymore now that the check script works right and the back-end problem to Launchpad was fixed to make the script work.  The group was only ever needed so I didn't have to go back and compare membership of two group sets by hand again.  I'll go nuke it shortly.20:05
belkinsaI think I might just feel a disconnection between the members sometimes since we are scattered.20:05
belkinsaBut I think we can fix this "disconnection".20:06
cid420it's going to happen can't control it. there is only 1 person that is even close by where i live is cathus13. hehe20:07
cid420Unit193: you do good with me when i go off the deep end on questioning hehe20:07
belkinsaWell, I was thinking (jrgifford too) about using Hangouts and IRC bi-monthly-ish to talk about what we are doing Ubuntu-wise.20:07
belkinsaAnd it's favours.20:08
belkinsaBut how many are willing to do this.20:08
Unit193cid420: You're technically based, that's easy.20:08
skellatUnit193: Queued for deletion on LP.  Shouldn't take too long.20:08
belkinsaNot a problem.20:09
cid420skellat: we have a state park that has a lodge hehe20:10
cid420thought deer creek look really nice20:11
* skellat disappears for a while20:13
belkinsaAFK- need my nap20:18
cid420what is a good IDE to learn Linux programming, and is there any tutorials20:18
cid420later Bel20:19
Unit193skellat: Try xombrero on the beaglebone! :D21:09
skellatI'm not sure which is worse, the story or the comments: http://www.starbeacon.com/local/x439241290/Police-say-mom-punched-out-5-year-old-daughter23:13
jenni[ Police say mom punched out 5-year-old daughter » Local News » The Star Beacon; Ashtabula, Ohio ] - https://j.mp/18mbx1C23:13
* skellat goes back to making the PPA complain with more backport uploads23:17

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