
leedevI can't seem to get setgid and setuid to work in 1.5 on ubuntu precise 20:09
leedevand then I get "start: Unknown job: daq"20:10
leedevas soon as you start a job with setgid and setuid, upstart seems unstable20:11
xnoxleedev: upstart rejects jobs with invalid syntax, can you paste full job?22:17
leedevworking on it22:19
xnoxleedev: you may used pastebin service, e.g. http://paste.ubuntu.com/22:21
leedevis is as simple and plain as it gets22:21
xnoxFile foo.conf: syntax ok22:22
xnoxleedev: that's what init-checkconf says.22:22
xnoxleedev: what's the name of the file and where do you put it?22:22
xnoxalso what is encoding / line endings?22:23
leedevlets say it this way, it works fine on newer versions22:24
leedevand I am using vi22:24
xnoxleedev: do you have init-checkconf available to run against that file?22:25
leedev$ init-checkconf /etc/init/daq.conf 22:25
leedevERROR: failed to ask Upstart to check conf file22:25
xnox(in precise i think it fortunately needs dbus-launch and thus a DISPLAY)22:25
xnoxyeap =/22:26
xnoxleedev: yes, i don't understand why dbus needs that either.22:26
xnoxnot a bug in the init-checkconf script itself.22:26
leedevI can't start or stop any upstart once I use one with setuid or setgid22:27
leedevbut i'm not guaranteeing the sanity of install, so if you tell me it looks fine, I might do a fresh up to date install22:29
xnoxleedev: do note that HOME will not be set, so you do want to add "export HOME=/home/lee" or somesuch.22:29
leedevthis program isn't dependent on the HOME environment variable, but thanks for the tip22:31
xnoxleedev: the paste you gave me is a valid job file, i've tested it in precise vm just now.22:31
leedevoh ya, I should have made a quick precise lxc to test it22:32
leedevthanks, xnox 22:32

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