
ochosigottcode: for me it depends on what widget has focus, if the entry has focus, i cant resize00:01
gottcodeochosi: interesting, for me I can resize even with the entry having focus00:01
ochosiali1234: works now!00:04
ali1234natch :)00:04
ochosiali1234: is that really how it's supposed to look? http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-12052013-010458am.php00:05
ochosi(that separator in the top right is expanded)00:05
ali1234yeah pretty much00:05
ali1234i dunno about that...00:05
ochosithe rest seems fine i guess00:06
ochosii gotta say i already love that app00:06
ochosinice work on that00:06
ali1234yeah that's wrong00:06
ali1234let me check the stuff00:06
ochosigottcode: hmm, i'm using the ochosi/tabwin branch (although that shouldn't really make a difference for this case)00:07
ali1234ochosi: can you check in the settings editor what is going on there?00:07
ochosisure, one sec00:08
ali1234this is kind of weird00:09
ali1234it's actually wrong in my settings00:09
ochosibut it looks ok?00:09
ali1234that plugin does not have the "expand" (bool) key at all00:09
ali1234for me it's not expanded, for you it is00:10
ali1234i guess if the key is missing it does something random00:10
ali1234this is probably a bug in xfce4-panel, not setting a default00:10
ochosihow long do you have your panel?00:10
ali12341920 pixels00:10
ochosiand your config00:10
ochosioh wait, no, not sure that was changed in 4.1000:10
ochosionly the windowlist got the expand dropped i think...00:10
ochosihm, no, i think it did change in 4.1000:11
ochosibefore expand was one of the options in the dropdown, not a bool00:11
ali1234well this config is not old00:11
ali1234however when i made it i might have reused some of the items already present from the default config00:12
ali1234which would explain it probably00:12
ochosidefault config of xubuntu or of xfce upstream?00:12
ali1234yeah the leftmost and rightmost ones are both like this00:12
ali1234and xubuntu default config00:12
ochosihm, strange00:13
ali1234anyway, the trick here is to just make sure that we don't ship buggy configs :)00:13
ochosithat's it ^00:14
ali1234i just pushed a fixed config00:18
ali1234just a matter of toggling expand on each one and saving it again00:18
ali1234i wonder why it defaults to expanded for you but not for me00:19
Noskcaj-schoolbluesabre: The pexpect update request is at http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=72951800:19
ubottuDebian bug 729518 in python-pexpect "python-pexpect: Packaging for new upstream version" [Normal,Open]00:19
bluesabrefantastic, thanks Noskcaj-school!00:20
Noskcaj-schoolI should get to that once i've adopted a few of gottcode's packages that are orphaned in debian00:20
ochosiali1234: no idea really00:21
gottcodeI'm off, talk to you all later00:36
ochosiseeya gottcode 00:38
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
ali1234and fixed03:38
ali1234so... how do you think about this? : i've patch indicator-sound-gtk2 to load it's own dbus service instead of the gtk3 one, by changing the dbus name03:39
ali1234this means that stuff like music players won't appear in the menu03:39
ali1234however you will be able to change the volume03:39
holsteinyou think it'll be a 50/50 split?03:40
Unit193dpkg-divert it. :P03:41
ali1234you lost me03:41
Unit193Basically, it moves that file, tells dpkg that indicator-sound's file is at $newlocation, and installs it's own file there.03:42
ali1234yeah, that's no good03:42
ali1234that will break unity03:42
Unit193Only when -gtk2 is installed.03:42
ali1234another possibility is detect when the gtk3 service is running, and then kill it03:43
ali1234if we start up the other service before the panel and indicators load it should work03:44
Unit1931. Somewhat kidding, hence the ":P"  2. In theory, -gtk2 can't be used in unity.03:44
ali1234i think that's actually a better idea03:45
ali1234i wonder how to achieve it though03:45
ali1234system("/usr/share/blah/indicator-sound-service") ... maybe03:46
Unit193I went back to precise and raring packages, personally.03:47
Unit193(Updated to gtk3 today, reverted.)03:47
ali1234yeah the thing is that people don't know how to do that03:47
ali1234and i'm tired of listening to the whining03:47
Unit193Oh, it's not a fix by any means!  Yeah, if we can't backport, would be best for sure.03:48
* Unit193 shuts up, then. :)03:48
ali1234hmm... best fix03:54
ali1234make the gtk2 indicator export both interfaces03:55
ali1234though i doubt it will work with players anyway03:55
ali1234right, fix is in mah ppa04:11
ali1234let's see if it builds04:11
ali1234Unit193: so does eg rythmbox appear in the sound menu with the raring package installed on saucy?04:15
Unit193ali1234: VLC does, yes.04:16
Unit193So, that'd be precise.04:17
ali1234huh... wow04:18
ali1234it works even with my patched version04:18
ali1234it must not care what the dbus name is04:18
ali1234and just look for the interface name04:18
ali1234patch is 4 lines btw04:19
Unit193Hah, nice...  So, think the standard is interface name?04:20
ali1234i guess it must be04:20
ali1234com.canonical.indicator.sound isn't on the bus, com.canonical.indicator.sound-gtk2 is, and gmusicbrowser is in the sound menu04:21
ali1234so i think this might actually be SRU worthy04:22
ali1234it shouldn't break anything, and it doesn't even have reduced functionality04:22
skellatali1234: Do you have good news for LP Bug 1208204 before I write the reply discussing why there is no infrastructure for a 13.10.1 and that if people think the fix is so simple they are encouraged to submit patches & debdiffs?04:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120820404:36
ali1234skellat: sure, it's fixed04:37
ali1234ppa will build in 20 minutes or so hopefully04:37
skellatNo need to wander down the BOFH road then with the commentators on that bug then04:38
ali1234i don't even understand why it works04:38
ali1234but it works04:38
skellatali1234: If it successfully builds, would you be willing to please put this on the Thursday meeting agenda for discussion?04:39
ali1234i don't know how to do that04:39
ali1234also that's today04:40
* skellat is on the other side of the Atlantic from ali1234 where it is still late Wednesday night04:40
ali1234so... what do you want to discuss about it?04:40
ali1234i mean it's a 4 line patch... it's nothing to do with xubuntu really04:41
ali1234it's the indicator that is broken04:41
ali1234getting it SRU'd will be a matter of convincing ubuntu-desktop it's a good idea (which shouldn't be too hard)04:41
skellatJust so that we go through the motions for the folks complaining and Look Like We're Taking Official Notice & Action04:41
ali1234ok, sure04:42
skellatThis should be the link for editing the agenda page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings?action=edit&editor=text04:42
skellatYour LP login credentials would be needed04:43
skellatMerci beaucoup04:46
skellatThank you 04:46
skellatali1234: I look forward to a wonderful discussion that will be mostly for the record so we can throw a link in the comments to that bug so people can read it and hopefully stop whining as their plea has been attended to04:48
astraljavaHey guys, anyone on trusty with their daily machine yet? Worth upgrading? I07:03
astraljavasorry, I was mainly thinking about the indicator plugin, getting the volume applet working etc.07:04
Noskcajastraljava, I'm on it, no major changes yet. You could always just enable my gtk3 indicator ppa07:06
astraljavaNoskcaj: Thanks, that sounds like a plan, actually.07:06
Unit193astraljava: Or if you read up a bit, there's a 4 line patch to get the gtk2 ones.07:20
astraljavaUnit193: Yeah, I just noticed. :) Oh well, got it up already. It's missing an icon, but I don't really care cause I know it's there. Thanks, Noskcaj!07:25
astraljavaInteresting, that last update seems to have made the system a tad snappier. Wonder why.07:42
Unit193What got pulled in?07:56
astraljavaI can't remember anymore, updates had been sitting in there for a few days until I rebooted just now.07:58
astraljavalibido3-0.1-0, avahi-daemon and friends, linux-image-3.11.0-14-generic et al.08:00
ali1234micahg: i have a trivial fix for the gtk2 indicator08:05
ali1234it's a debdiff at the moment08:05
ali1234thing is, i can't figure out who to send a MR to08:08
Unit193ali1234: Can't attach to the bug report and subscribe sponsors?08:09
ali1234i could, but would that cause the bug to get fixed "upstream"?08:09
ali1234does upstream even exist?08:09
ali1234nobody seems to know...08:09
ali1234the ppa build btw: https://launchpad.net/~a-j-buxton/+archive/indicator-sound-gtk208:10
Unit193https://launchpad.net/indicators-gtk2 only upstream I know of for gtk2, but I've not tracked it much.08:11
astraljavaYeah my understanding is nobody maintains the gtk2 versions anymore, but I could be wrong. It's been a while since I've heard anything about that stuff.08:11
Unit193astraljava: Not far off at least.08:11
ali1234somebody must maintain it - it got uploaded to saucy08:11
Unit193Just copied on up (and fixed control file)08:13
ali1234mr_pouit: you know anything 'bout this?08:15
slickymastergood morning all09:58
slickymasterknome: ping10:01
ali1234knome: i fixed the gtk2 indicator you know...11:17
ali1234i got tired of all the complaining11:17
ali1234in the end it took about 2 hours11:17
ochosiali1234: you definitely should've started working on xubuntu 6 months ago already...11:20
ali1234i started working on it the same day i started using it :)11:20
ali1234you're right though. i should have known the writing was on the wall for gnome-panel11:22
ali1234a year ago or more11:22
ochosiyeah, well unless you're a fan of the mate/cinnamon idea11:23
ali1234mate is too big a project11:23
ochosihow do you want me to send you the panel-config btw?11:23
ochosiyeah, it's huge...11:23
ali1234panelconfig.py save ochosi.tar.bz211:23
ali1234then send me the bz2 any way you want11:23
ochosiand much of it seems to be s/gnome/mate/11:24
ochosiyeah, i've already created the bz211:24
ali1234yeah, i really don't like when people go crazy on the source with sed... it just makes problems11:24
ochosii was wondering how you want it (email, pastebin)11:24
ali1234the consort project had a better idea... just fork the stuff that you actually want to change11:24
ali1234sadly that was abandoned11:24
ali1234email is fine11:24
ochosiok, sent11:26
ali1234heh, yeah, description metadata should be added11:27
ali1234i guess description.txt and maybe screenshot.png inside the bz211:27
ochosisounds good!11:28
ochosicould you please try my panel layout?11:28
ali1234also it needs to scan /usr/share/panelconfigs or something11:28
ochosicause it uses the relative-width feature of the panel11:28
ochosiand i wonder whether that works on other resolutions11:29
ochosi(mine is 1280x800)11:29
ali1234it looks kind of messed up11:29
ali1234maybe it's supposed to be like that11:29
ochosii was afraid that absolute coordinates are saved11:29
ali1234nah... it should never use absolute11:30
ali1234just one panel right?11:30
ochosi| Panel1 (40% width) | Panel2 (20%) | Panel3 (40%) |11:30
ali1234oh, i see11:30
ochosiPanel3=indicators, tray11:30
ali1234panel 3 isn't big enough for all my indicators11:31
ali1234how do you switch between windows??11:31
ochosii use plank11:32
ochosialthough not for window-switching11:32
ochosii only use tabwin for that11:32
ochosiactually plank is there for other ppl who use my computer, i use kb-shortcuts mostly11:32
ali1234can we patch screenshot tool to use an image host that doesn't require a password, like imagebin or imgur?11:33
ochosiyeah, we should...11:33
ochosiscreenshooter is really a nice tool, but the zimagez-aspect sucks 11:34
ali1234or maybe even U111:34
ochosi(or dropbox)11:35
brainwashu1 does not require a password?11:35
ali1234brainwash: not every single time, no11:35
brainwashso you mean the login process?11:35
ochosiali1234: that looks about right, was it like that when you loaded it?11:36
ochosiok, cool11:36
ochosior wait, who were you answering now? :)11:36
ali1234you :)11:37
ochosiok, good11:37
ali1234brainwash: dunno what you mean...11:37
ali1234with U1 you login once and it's remembered forever... you can share files on the dbus api11:37
ochosiyeah, i had to set my password for zimagez to something very unsafe in order to make the submitting-process less annoying..11:37
brainwashI mean you need an account for u1, but it's optional for zimagez, or?11:37
ali1234brainwash: it's not optional with the screenshot tool, it demands you enter your password every single time you want to share an image11:38
knomeslickymaster, pong11:39
ochosiali1234: how hard would you say is it to add more sources to the screenshooter?11:39
ochosimorning knome 11:39
ali1234no idea11:39
brainwashsave the password?11:39
ali1234brainwash: thing is though, i don't want yet another account11:39
ochosibrainwash: yeah, securely...? distribution-independent? ...11:39
knomegood day ochosi 11:39
slickymastermorning knome11:39
slickymasterknome: can you please merge https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/ubuntu-manual-tests/+merge/197801 and update the tracker?11:39
brainwashplain text only visible to the user? like the mail watcher plugin?11:40
slickymasterknome: it's a simple fix, just a mere grammar correction11:40
knomeslickymaster, i'll do that.11:40
ochosibrainwash: hmpf, yeah, i think that was the reason there is no option to save the password...11:40
slickymasterknome: another thing, I've already made https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1256910 and I'll propose a merge tonight, but as elfy is recovering can you review it?11:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 1256910 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Test Needed : Mugshot" [Undecided,In progress]11:41
brainwashochosi: or keep in the memory for like 10min (timestamp)?11:42
ochosibrainwash: yeah, i think at the moment the problem is that the screenshooter isn't under development11:42
knomeslickymaster, review what? the merge when you've done it?11:43
brainwashochosi: but ali1234 is our secret weapon :)11:43
knomeslickymaster, 197801 merged and pushed to tracker11:44
slickymasterknome: yeah, I will propose it to merge tonight. I'm not able to do it at work because I'm behind a proxy11:44
ochosibrainwash: indeed ;)11:44
knomeslickymaster, sure, but was that what you were asking?11:44
slickymasterknome: yes11:44
knomemm, sure, i can do it11:44
knomethough ochosi or bluesabre would be better persons to review if it's correct11:45
slickymasterI'll ping then11:45
knomei can then merge and push11:45
slickymasterknome: okie dokie. thanks11:45
knomewe have a meeting today at 19UTC11:45
bluesabreknome: going to miss said meeting11:45
* ochosi probably too...11:46
brainwashali1234: will the changes for the smooth greeter/desktop transition get merged automatically at some point or do the patches need to be backported before trusty gets released?11:46
ochosiit's dinner-time here and we're invited, so...11:46
ali1234brainwash: they should get merged in 4.1111:46
ali1234only xfwm4 is still waiting for stuff to get merged11:46
knomebluesabre, ochosi: see what slickymaster just asked though, maybe you can help with that11:46
brainwashali1234: ok11:46
ochosiyeah, not sure we get xfwm4 4.11 in trusty11:46
ali1234owever it will need a distropatch to enable MONITOR_ROOT_PIXMAP11:46
ochosithe greeter and the desktop will be fixed more or less automatically11:47
bluesabreslickymaster: let me know when you do your merge request :)11:47
brainwashso xfwm will not be upgraded to 4.11 for trusty?11:47
slickymasterbluesabre: of course, no problem11:48
ochosibrainwash: i'm not sure, probably not (i would be in favor though)11:48
ochosidon't think we've really discussed xfwm4 for trusty11:48
bluesabreare there any xfwm4 branches that add touch events to the wm?11:48
knomeno, i don't think we did11:48
knomeis olivier the only one who can/will/won't approve to xfwm?11:49
ali1234no, nick seems to be running the show now11:49
ochosiolivier hasn't been around for ages11:50
ochosinick is basically the xfce project leader and reviews/merges code for all core-components11:50
ochosihe's also the one who has contributed to all parts of xfce (well, like guys before him did, e.g. JPohlmann)11:51
knomeochosi, ok, so basically we could get patches in via nick11:52
bluesabreolivier ocassionally appears on the MLs to shoot down xfwm4 suggestions11:52
ali1234yeah, he's plain wrong on that one btw11:52
knomebluesabre, ssshhhh, this is a logged channel :P11:52
ochosi"occasionally" = once11:52
ochosionce a year11:52
ochosiknome: yes11:52
knomeok, that's good enough for me11:52
knomewhat do we want in?11:52
knomeis it relesae-critical?11:52
knomeor is it just something that would be "nice to have"11:53
ochosiwell for the greeter-transition, there is something we wanna cherry-pick11:53
ali1234well my stuff is all features, cosmetic bugfixes, and memory leak fixes11:53
ochosifeature-wise, there's zoom for xfwm411:53
ochosiand the new tabwin which introduces mouse-click events and much nicer theming support11:54
knomei don't know if the features are something we want to argue about (unless we want them really badly), but bugfixes and memory leak fixes should get in11:54
ochosi(mouse-click events are nice for touchscreens)11:54
knomei guess11:54
knomethat's not the primary target group for xubuntu though11:54
ali1234zooming is a killer feature11:55
ochosiyeah, i wasn't explaining that specifically for xubuntu11:55
ochosiali1234: +111:55
ali1234so many people told me they miss compiz zooming11:55
ochosiknome: i was just explaining it in general cause ppl might wonder why mouse is important in alt-tab11:55
ali1234no other WM except kwin has zooming at all... and in kwin it sucks11:55
ochosialso, the patch for zoom is really small...11:56
knomefeatures are a slippery slope to get in11:56
knomefixes we should push nick to merge11:56
ochosiwell the question with the fixes is whether they get backported to 4.1011:57
ochosiif not, we'd need xfwm4 4.1111:57
ali1234he was positive about accepting all my stuff11:57
ali1234it's just a matter of getting around to it11:57
ochosiyeah, i'm sure he'll merge it11:57
knomeif he was... then let's do it :P11:58
ochosihe just told me so a few days ago11:58
ali1234ochosi: can i commit your panel config on the repo?11:59
knomeok, i'm off11:59
knomesee you later11:59
ochosiali1234: sure, thanks!12:00
ali1234ok, pushed12:03
slickymasterbrainwash: did you get to test https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/1163886/comments/4512:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 1163886 in webkit (Ubuntu) "software-center crashed with signal 5 with WebKit 2.0+" [Critical,Confirmed]12:04
ali1234ochosi: just out of interest... why did you use 3 panels like that?12:04
slickymasterI haven't been able to test it just yet. Planning on doing it this afternoon12:05
ochosiali1234: otherwise it's impossible to keep the clock absolutely centered12:09
ali1234ah, i see, yes12:09
ochosiit's a bit silly, i agree12:09
ochosibluesabre and me were thinking about creating a container-plugin for something like that at some point12:09
ali1234gnome-panel 3 has something a bit like that12:09
ochosii don't know how they do it though12:10
ali1234it uses relative positioning, but each panel has three independent areas12:10
ochosii mean the thing is that xfce panel is extremely flexible12:10
ochosiah nice12:10
ochosithat's a cool idea12:10
ali1234so it works like your 3 panel setup, except it's all one panel12:10
ochosidoesn't even sound like it's extremely hard to code12:10
ali1234probably not at all12:10
ochosibtw, i always wanted window-titles in xfwm4 to have an option for absolute centering...12:10
ochosivery trivial patch, but that one was shot down by olivier :p12:11
ali1234biggest challenge would be adding the required GUI changes12:11
ali1234absolute centering?12:11
ali1234nope, do not want :)12:12
ochosiwell currently it depends on the amount of buttons in the decoration whether the title is really centered12:15
ochosithat's kinda odd, no?12:15
ali1234this window would look funny if the title was absolute centered12:18
ali1234in my opinion anyway...12:18
ochosiyeah, i know, small windows are very the absolute centering craps out12:19
ochosibut somehow other wms also manage it12:19
ochosii guess they set a treshold width12:19
ali1234yes, but on large windows you can't really tell it's not absolute centered anyway12:19
ali1234i guess you can if you have a clock in the center top panel :)12:20
ochosiexactly ;)12:20
ochosii thought xfwm4 had a center-snap feature (doesn't seem to work now for some reason)12:21
ali1234what is center snap?12:22
ochositaking a window and dragging it to the center-top of the screen it'll snap on horizontally being centered12:22
ochosiat least i do remember this feature, maybe i'm just misremembering things12:23
ali1234like when you drag a window to the top and it maximizes?12:23
bluesabrenever saw that feature12:23
ali1234hmm... i might implement windows 7 side snapping :)12:23
ochosiif you mean tiling, that's already there12:24
ali1234trouble is it conflicts with workspace switching12:24
bluesabreali1234: the side snapping is already there12:24
ali1234doesn't work for me12:24
ochosiwhich is why you have to deactivate workspace-switching for it to work ;)12:24
bluesabreyou can also attach it to keyboard shortcuts in the window manager settings12:24
ochosi(it doesn't look as cool as in compiz though)12:25
bluesabreyou can disable multiple workspaces or disable workspace wrapping12:25
bluesabre(you can always right-click the titlebar and move it or drag with the workspaces panel plugin12:26
ali1234cool... bound it to the keyboard12:26
ochosiwell one option would be to add a modifier for one of those actions12:26
ochosibut alt is already taken12:26
ali1234alt+numpad for each side12:27
ali1234needs top-left etc so i can have 4 windows :)12:27
bluesabreyeah, thats the one thing I'd like to steal from kde12:28
ochosihard to do for the mouse though12:29
ochosiunless you just bind it to a "corner-area"12:29
ali1234bluesabre: or unity :P12:29
bluesabreah :)12:37
ochosihow does unity/compiz do it? alt-drag window to a corner?12:39
ali1234everything is configrable12:43
ali1234by default you just drag it to the edge12:43
ali1234you have to push against the edge to change workspace12:43
brainwashslickymaster: works, commenting the mentioned line disables the banner in the software-center12:46
slickymasterbrainwash: I'll confirm you that, this afternoon :)12:47
brainwashslickymaster: so it looks like some packages have been upgraded in trusty (until now those new package versions were only offered by the gnome3 ppa)12:51
brainwashochosi, ali1234: most of the time indicator-application-service fails to start -> "no watchers, service timing out."12:53
slickymasterbrainwash: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2013-December/004358.html12:55
slickymastergot run for now12:55
=== s is now known as Guest10045
slickymasterknome, bluesabre, https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/mugshot/+merge/197873 at your disposal for review14:29
ali1234brainwash: meaning?15:58
ali1234you're not supposed to run the services manually - they use dbus activation15:58
ali1234that means they get started when something needs them. if nothing starts using the dbus interface within some time limit, you see that message15:59
brainwashali1234: the question is, why does it fail?16:01
ali1234i don't know. where do you see that message, and when?16:01
brainwashx session log16:01
brainwashwhen the indicator plugin gets loaded I assume16:02
ali1234ok. and ... do you have any actual problems with appindicators?16:02
ali1234it could simply be that you don't have any appindicators so it is shutting down naturally16:02
brainwashyes, nm-applet reverts to notification icon and sync indicator does not show up at all16:02
ali1234sync indicator is not an appindicator16:03
brainwashso both, app and sync, sometime to not start16:03
brainwashsometimes do not start16:03
ali1234ok, so you found the reason why they don't start...16:03
ali1234this is a known bug, however16:04
brainwashit is?16:04
brainwashxfce specific?16:04
brainwashworks all the time in unity16:04
ali1234and what happens if you restart the panel?16:05
ali1234what is probably happening is that all the indicators start at once and spam out dbus, and so they don't connect fast enough16:07
ali1234we can work around this by putting in a small delay in the indicator-plugin16:07
brainwashrestarting the panel did not help once so far16:07
brainwashok, worth testing I guess16:09
ali1234put a sleep(5) in indicator_load_indicator() in indicator.c16:12
ali1234actally don't do that16:12
ali1234put usleep(5000);16:12
elfyUnit193: welcome to that team - you do know I'll pester you I hope :)16:42
slickymasterhi elfy16:47
slickymasterhow have you been recovering?16:48
elfyhi slickymaster 16:48
slickymasterhopefuly everything will go well16:48
slickymasterdon't know if you saw it https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/mugshot/+merge/197873 is already ready for review16:49
elfyI noticed it - but that's all 16:49
elfythanks though :)16:49
elfyslickymaster: do you know if nosckaj's PPA is ready at all?16:52
slickymasterI think so. He added pexpect to it and as far as I know things didn't got borken16:54
slickymasterbroken ^^16:54
elfyok - I'll try and get to look at that tomorrow hopefully16:54
slickymasterwill you be able to attend today's meeting?16:55
elfyhoping to 16:55
slickymasterit's probably better if you rest now, even though I would guess that you are sick of so much resting :)16:56
elfywell - I've managed about 4 or 5 hours sleep in the last few days16:56
slickymasterwell, I won't bother you, so you can rest a bit16:57
slickymasterelfy: do you think https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-meta/+bug/1255835 should be included in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=%22InstallationMedia:+Xubuntu%22&orderby=-importance&field.status:list=NEW&field.status:list=CONFIRMED&field.status:list=TRIAGED&field.status:list=INPROGRESS&field.status:list=FIXCOMMITTED&field.status:list=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status:list=INCOMPL17:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 1255835 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Incomplete Lanugage Support dialog on first bootup" [Undecided,New]17:04
elfylink fails 17:06
elfyslickymaster: ^^17:06
slickymasterelfy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-meta/+bug/1255835 should be included in http://bit.ly/18bwkqM17:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 1255835 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Incomplete Lanugage Support dialog on first bootup" [Undecided,New]17:08
elfyI guess so - needs tag is all17:08
elfyor not 17:09
elfynot sure why it's not there and I'm not really in the fram of mind to work it out :)17:09
slickymasterelfy: I'n added the xubuntu tag, so a new query will probably retrieve it also17:10
Orioadoes anyone know if they are working on the login screen bug for the newest version of xubuntu so that you are able to change the background17:11
ochosiOrioa: what exactly do you mean?17:16
Orioai mean there is a known issue with xubuntu with being able to change the login background17:18
Orioain the newest version17:18
holsteinyou mean, with the login manager?17:20
holsteini would check upstream with the project then17:21
Orioai have tried ubuntu tweak replacing the link to wallpaper in the gtk.greeter. conf file even try to change the file format nothing works17:21
ochosiOrioa: the xubuntu greeter should pick up the wallpaper set by xfce's desktop manager17:21
ochosi(i.e. xfdesktop)17:22
ochosithe wallpaper in /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf is the fallback17:22
Orioawere would i find that file if you don't mind17:22
ochosiwhat file?17:22
slickymasterelfy: sorry for that, it seems that we crushed ourselves. I've already 'retagged' with xubuntu17:22
Orioa(i.e. xfdesktop17:22
holsteinOrioa: /etc/lightdm/litghdm-gtk-greeter.conf is the location17:23
Orioaive try changing it there but it does not work17:24
holsteinOrioa: how did you change it? maybe its an issue with your code17:24
ochosiOrioa: i'm not sure why you wanna know the location of the config-file, because you can use desktop-settings to change the wallpaper... (~/.config/xfce/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-desktop.xml)17:25
Orioawere it says desktop background i changed the link there17:25
ochosiholstein: did you not read my comment from before?17:25
Orioanot on the desktop but the log in window17:25
ochosiOrioa: those two should be identical17:25
ochosias soon as you set a wallpaper in xubuntu, it's also used in the greeter for your user17:26
holsteinochosi: which comment, specifically17:26
Orioaits not working that way sorry17:26
ochosiholstein: the coment that that file is only the fallback17:26
Orioafor one i would like to have a different wallaper for them and the only wallaper on login screen is black17:26
holsteinochosi: i was just responding to "where is the file"17:26
holsteini'll keep quiet17:27
Orioaso if that file is only the fallback what one do i change17:27
ochosiOrioa: ok, first things first, let's head over to #xubuntu, because this is the development channel, not the support channel (and you're seeing a bug)17:28
Orioahow do i get there17:29
ochosiis this the first time you use irc? :)17:29
ochosi /join #xubuntu17:29
Orioano but not all to familar with it yet but learning17:29
ochosisure, no worries17:30
Orioaok im there17:31
slickymasteri'm off now18:02
knomehey people,18:15
knomemeeting in 45mins18:15
skellatknome: ACK18:16
Noskcajmorning everyone18:38
Noskcajgottcode, What are the Qt5 build dependancies of you packages? I'm trying to upload peg-e through pkg-games and adopt 4 other packages18:40
gottcodeNoskcaj: shouldn't libqt5-dev handle it all?18:42
Noskcajthat's not a package in debian or ubuntu18:43
gottcodeah, I see. what about qtbase5-dev?18:44
NoskcajThat's what i tried. I'll paste the error i get for you to have a look18:45
Noskcaj(it only happens in a chroot, whatever is needed is on my PC)18:45
NoskcajAlso, can you recommend a watch file? I've only got a working one using your github releases18:46
gottcodeNever made a watch file before, actually. :)18:47
gottcodeSince it's all my stuff, I figured out the barest amount to package them.18:47
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting19:00
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Dec  5 19:00:05 2013 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.19:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired19:00
knomewho's here for the meeting (or otherwise hanging out?)19:00
knome!team | Meeting time!19:00
ubottuMeeting time!: bluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, micahg, mr_pouit, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, Unit19319:00
knome#topic Items carried on19:00
knome#subtopic Open action items from previous meeting 19:01
knome#action knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week 19:01
meetingologyACTION: knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week19:01
knome#action micahg to talk to barry about python2.7/3 situation 19:01
meetingologyACTION: micahg to talk to barry about python2.7/3 situation19:01
knomemicahg, ?19:01
knomemicahg, "#action micahg to talk to barry about python2.7/3 situation"19:02
knomemicahg-work, is that done, or shall we carry on?19:02
micahg-workWRT 14.04, python 2.7 is staying in main, so we're good19:02
knomeokay, i guess if we're good, then that's a good thing ;)19:02
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x16dcf90>19:02
knome#topic Team updates19:02
knomeTeam, please use #info and #action as appropriate.19:03
knomeochosi, updates?19:03
ochosi#info ochosi is testing getting rid of gnome-icon-theme in 14.04 to reduce overhead19:03
knomethat's ++19:04
ochosi#info Everyone can test that by using the shimmer daily PPA (bluesabre put up trusty packages today)19:04
skellat#info skellat is satisfied with testing whiskermenu via no-change backport to 12.04 and is willing to vote on a proposal to make it default19:04
ochosithanks knome 19:05
ochosigottcode, the author of whiskermenu is also here, if you have questions19:05
skellat#info skellat has made no-change backport versions available in ppa:skellat/tests for those willing to try whiskermenu who are not yet on trusty19:06
knomewe can either 1) vote if we want to make whiskermenu default and then reconsider further actions or 2) build up a full proposal of the new panel layout (which is ought to change), including how whiskermenu is integrated, and vote on that as a whole19:06
knomei'm preferring 2)19:06
ochosihm, quick question, who of you has tried whiskermenu so far?19:07
knomenot yet, but but.. i've seen screenshots!19:07
jjfrv8-worko/ in Precise19:07
ali1234i've tried it briefly. it's not something i would use.19:07
ali1234(and so i can't really comment on whether it's good or bad)19:08
NoskcajI tried it and prefer it, but try to stick to the default desktop so i'm not using it now19:08
knomesince i don't use menus, i don't know how i would "test" whiskermenu in a daily environment..19:08
ochosiali1234: well you know the difference between the standard menu and whiskermenu feature-wise19:08
slickymasterI haven't tried, but like knome I saw screenshots19:08
elfyochosi: I've used it a bit and fin dit fine 19:08
jjfrv8-workIt's my default now19:08
ochosiknome: you can bind it to a shortcut and use it instead of appfinder to launch apps19:08
Unit193I didn't try it because it didn't look like something I would prefer, I'll try it at some point.19:08
knomei know the difference as well, and i generally have no exceptions to include it19:08
knomeochosi, i don't use appfinder either ... :)19:08
elfywell we need to decide whether our users would find it useful then 19:09
knomeultimately, even if we included whiskermenu in the default panel layout, people can get the normal menu back19:09
Unit193Nor do I, except to function as xfrun.19:09
ochosiwell fine, despite this not being a formal voting process, i got some feedback, i think i can do the panel-proposal19:09
elfynot on whether we do - especially if some of us don't use menus at all19:09
knomeand with the possible patch/app done by ali1234, we might be able to make panel layout editing easier19:09
knomeali1234, can you #info the progress on that?19:10
ochosiyup, that's very true19:10
knomebecause i think we want that documented...19:10
ali1234#info ali1234 made a tool to easily change panel layouts: https://github.com/ali1234/panel-switch/19:10
elfysorry - can't sit here - have fun19:11
ali1234#info command line only at the moment, but it does the job. needs someone to design a gui19:11
ochosiali1234: wanna set up a page in the xubuntu wiki for that?19:12
knomei think that's a cool idea.19:12
ali1234not really, but if you create it, i'll fill in the details19:12
knomei can create that19:12
knome#action knome to create a wikipage for panel layout switcher19:12
meetingologyACTION: knome to create a wikipage for panel layout switcher19:12
knomejust remind me after the meeting and i'll get that item done right now19:12
knomeother updates?19:13
skellatI'm ready for the agenda item19:13
skellatI hope ali1234 is too19:13
knomeheh, sure19:13
knomelet's move forward19:13
knome#topic Announcements19:13
knomeanybody have any?19:13
knome#topic New and emerging items19:14
NoskcajMaybe that whiskermenu 1.2.2 is out, will be in ubuntu some time this week. parole 0.5.4 is also out, once again will be uploaded soon19:14
knomeyeah, new versions will be landing in trusty for a long time to go19:15
knome#subtopic Fixing the Gtk2 sound indicator in Saucy, in a way that can be SRU'd (ali1234) 19:15
skellatIf I may speak first to this sound indicator issue19:15
knomego ahead19:15
skellatWe already have at least one user, Richard Elkins, actually advocating on our -devel mailing list that users switch away to Mint.  The bug comments have been getting a bit out of hand with people complaining that this is "a simple fix" yet not putting forward patches or debdiffs.19:16
skellatI'm very thankful for the work ali1234 has done.19:16
skellatAnd I defer to him to explain it at this time.19:16
ali1234ok... so first let me explain why it is broken19:17
ali1234the indicator is in two parts: the bit that draws the menu, and the dbus backend that communicates between the menu and pulseaudio, music players etc19:17
ali1234the indicator obviously cmes in gtk2 and gtk3 versions. they both come with a backend service, which is launched on dbus activation. both versions of the backend have the same dbus name, so what happens in practice is you always get the gtk3 version of the backend19:18
ali1234this working in raring, but the backend was completely rewritten in saucy, so this no longer works19:18
ali1234the "simple fix" posted on the bug comments isn't really a fix at all: it will break many things19:18
ali1234so i finally got annoyed enough to look into fixing it properly, and it turned out to be very easy19:19
knomeok, how do we get this in? :>19:19
ali1234all that is required is to change the dbus name so that the gtk2 indicator asks for a different dbus name, ie "com.canonical.indicator.sound-gtk2" instead of "com.canonical.indicator.sound"19:20
ali1234this turns out to be a 4 line patch19:20
knomedoes that fix the issue for xubuntu, but doesn't break the same thing for other flavors?19:20
ali1234i had initially thought this wouldn't work, because music players wouldn't know to use the different dbus name, but it turns out for some reason this is not an issue and it works fine19:20
ochosiknome: i guess we need to do a debdiff or something and then get a sponsor to SRU it?19:20
ali1234this fixes the problem for anyone using the gtk2 indicator still, and does not affect any other flavours at all19:21
skellatali1234: Would a suitable sponsor be available to navigate this through the SRU process?19:21
ali1234i don't see why not19:21
ali1234i have a debdiff, and a ppa with the fixed package19:21
knomethat's the the social requirements19:21
knomeskellat, want to run through those with ali1234?19:21
knomeskellat, (and then the sponsorship queue)19:22
micahg-workif it's that small, I can certainly sponsor it19:22
knomeok, cool19:22
ochosiwell 4 lines? :>19:22
knomethat's huge ;)19:22
ochosis/if// ;)19:22
micahg-workI like 4 line patches :)19:22
ali1234i'm not sure whether to do it through a MR against "gtk2 indicators"19:22
ali1234it needs fixing in trusty and saucy19:23
micahg-workdon't you need 2 MRs though?19:23
ali1234micahg-work: yes, but only because i had to change the packaging as well as the code19:23
knomeali1234, except that we're looking to handle the issue differently in trusty (gtk3 indicators support)19:23
ali1234and they are done in different repos i think... but i can't figure out how this stuff is managed19:23
micahg-workwell, doesn't the service name need to change as well?19:23
ali1234knome: if the gtk2 indicator will still be in the repos, then i want it to work, even if we don't use it19:23
knomeali1234, sure, fix approved ;)19:24
ali1234micahg-work: the service and indicator are all in the same package19:24
micahg-workah, ok19:24
ali1234let me show you the debdiff...19:24
ali1234micahg-work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6526233/19:24
ali1234so basically it changes the service name in both halves of the indicator, and then adjusts the packaging so that the service file is included (normally it isn't because it would conflict with the gtk3 one, as they would have the same name)19:25
micahg-workI can do this Sat night (can't do it right now as I need to compare some stuff and it'll take a bit more than just a test build)19:27
knomemicahg-work, do you need the formal SRU progress followed by that, or will you just handle it?19:28
ali1234that comment in debian/rules should probably also go, since it's no longer true19:28
micahg-workali1234, lines 30-32 of the paste need a space in the pattch19:28
ali1234this is why i'd rather do a MR against a upstream repo :)19:28
micahg-workknome, if someone can fill in the paperwork for the bug, that would help, I can upload to trusty/saucy once I verify the packaging piece19:28
knomemicahg-work, cheers19:28
knomeskellat, since you are familiar with both the issue and the SRU process, would you be willing to help ali1234 file the paperwork?19:29
micahg-workali1234, that's fine, but all this should be going away in trusty anyways, right?19:29
skellatknome: Yes19:29
knomeskellat, thanks!19:29
ali1234micahg-work: maybe for xubuntu but i think lubuntu still uses it?19:29
micahg-workskellat, just assign the saucy (if it exists) + default tasks to me19:29
knome#action skellat and ali1234 to look at the SRU progress for indicator-sound-GTK219:29
meetingologyACTION: skellat and ali1234 to look at the SRU progress for indicator-sound-GTK219:29
ali1234i mean theoretically the gtk2 indicators should have gone away a long time ago19:30
micahg-work(it might already be assigned to me)19:30
knome#action micahg-work to SRU indicator-sound-GTK219:30
meetingologyACTION: micahg-work to SRU indicator-sound-GTK219:30
knomedo we need to go through something else about this?19:30
skellatJust note that we need to review progress next week as well as somebody pinging the bug thread on -devel with an update.19:31
knome#action team to review indicator-sound-GTK2 progress next week and send an update to the mailing list19:32
meetingologyACTION: team to review indicator-sound-GTK2 progress next week and send an update to the mailing list19:32
knome#nick team19:32
knomeis there other items that we should go through, or should we schedule the next meeting and then wrap this one?19:32
knomepleia2, you still slept the meeting!19:33
knome#subtopic Schedule next meeting19:33
knome#info Next meeting Dec 12, 19UTC19:33
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x16ca9d0>19:33
knome#info Next meeting Thursday Dec 12, 19UTC19:33
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Dec  5 19:33:47 2013 UTC.  19:33
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-12-05-19.00.moin.txt19:33
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-12-05-19.00.html19:33
pleia2I was here :) just didn't have much to say19:33
knomeso slept! :P19:34
knomeminutes are up19:36
micahg-workali1234, thanks for figuring that out19:36
Noskcajgottcode, the error i'm getting is http://paste.ubuntu.com/6526181/19:37
NoskcajWhich of your packages (that are in debian) don't use qmake?19:38
gottcodeOnly whiskermenu.19:38
ali1234knome: reminder about wikipage for panel-switcher :)19:39
Noskcajok. Then i really need to find what is breaking everything's build with qt519:39
knomeali1234, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Trusty/PanelLayoutSwitcher19:39
knomeali1234, just fill in the parts that seem appropriate.19:39
Unit193pleia2: Yep, same here.19:45
knomeyeah, boring meeting :d19:46
gottcodeNoskcaj: tetzle also requires libqt5opengl5-dev, nothing else does19:46
knomewell we didn't have many issues on the agenda.19:46
Noskcajgottcode, I had that too. 19:47
Unit193Wouldn't it be better to use xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_config_home in panel-switcher?20:00
gottcodeNoskcaj: Looks like you also need the qt5-default package as a build dep to tell qtchooser which qmake to actually use20:02
Noskcajthanks gottcode, it works. I'll try and do some uploads later today20:09
gottcodeGlad I could help20:10
NoskcajWhy do you include .exe files in the source?20:12
NoskcajThe only other issues are every binary needs a manpage, and Some keywords in the .desktop would be nice20:14
gottcodeThe exe files are only used under Windows, in Linux you can just recommend jhead for lossless JPEG rotation20:16
gottcodeMakes it easier for other people to make their own Windows builds of the game20:16
Noskcajok, i'll make a custom tarball to remove that20:19
ali1234brainwash: so apparently the way indicators work changed again, this might be why you have missing indicators20:38
Noskcajgottcode, On linux, would i be safe to delete the whole tools/ folder or should i jut remove the windows binaries?20:42
gottcodeNoskcaj: safe to delete the tools folder20:43
Unit193forestpiskie: Hey, if you get to bug me about -qa, do I get to bug you about QA?  https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/xfce ;)20:50
ali1234Unit193: why?20:52
ali1234Unit193: (why xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_config_home?)20:52
ali1234oh, you mean instead of the hard coded path to ~/.config?20:52
ali1234if so, then yes, probably20:53
ali1234it's currently only a proof of concept :)20:54
Unit193Sure, was thinking in theory you can move that, but I've never seen it done.20:54
ochosiali1234: crap, really? indicators work differently *again* in trusty?23:15
ochosii'm starting to think we should just improve the xfce4-soundmenu plugin...23:16
ochosiand drop all that indicator-madness for good23:16
brainwashreally? some of them just start via autostart now23:17
ochosiwell ali1234 said so a few hours ago23:17
ochosi(i just returned now)23:17
brainwashI will do some testing tomorrow23:18
brainwashbut most of the time the appindicator service does not start for me23:19
brainwashit complains that there are no watchers23:19
ochosiyeah, well i have no idea what's happening in trusty, i just quoted23:20
brainwashlooks almost like I'm the only one actually testing trusty and some of the new features/fixes :D23:21
ochosii think there are more ppl, probably you're just talking too much to me ;)23:21
knomei think it's still a bit slow on the trusty testing23:22
knomewill pump up once we get to the alphas23:22
ochositrue that23:23

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