
thumperwallyworld: ta00:30
wallyworldthumper: one other thing i was going to do but too late probably00:31
wallyworldthe fmt.Sprintf() thing could be wrapped around the entire arg string00:32
wallyworldnot just the one param00:32
wallyworldsaves string concat etc00:32
wallyworlda bit neater maybe00:32
thumpernot easily...00:32
thumperand I'm not sure it'd end up being neater00:32
thumperbut not a big deal00:32
wallyworldor even just the chubks00:32
wallyworldyeah, not a big deal00:33
thumperhazinhell: still in hell?00:33
thumperhazinhell: keen to come to Dunedin?00:33
hazinhellthumper, yes and hell yes ;-)00:33
* thumper nods00:33
hazinhellthumper, i've got some family thing i'm trying to work out that's got some minor overlap, but shouldn't be an issue00:33
davecheneysinzui still around ?00:41
axwthumper: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/125813201:09
_mup_Bug #1258132: [manual] bootstrap fails due to juju-db not starting <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1258132>01:09
axwdid you know about the reload-config option? consider it for local provider?01:10
thumperaxw: yeah...01:10
thumperno, what is it?01:10
axwtells upstart to reload config from /etc/init01:10
axwI'm not sure if that's actually solving it, or just ading enough of a delay01:11
axwi.e. is it synchronous, or is it just scheduling another update that'll race01:11
axwanyway, was just wondering if you knew01:11
thumperaxw: well, there is some race there that I've not solved yet01:15
thumperwould be great if this did solve it01:15
thumperabently has a machine that fails about 50% of the tiem01:16
thumperso we could always use him as a tester :)01:16
* thumper fixes another test isolation failure01:16
thumperGAH, WTF01:17
thumperhitting so many weird test failures01:18
thumperintermittent ones01:18
thumperthis one in manual provider01:18
thumper    c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "exit code 99")01:18
thumper... error string = "failed to write input: write |1: broken pipe (output: \"JUJU-RC: 99\")"01:18
thumper... regex string = "exit code 99"01:18
thumperand getting the provisioner not always making machines01:19
thumpertwo different tests failed due to that01:19
thumperin different places01:19
axwwhat the01:19
axwthumper: I'm changing some code in that vicinity, will look into it later today01:20
axwthumper: my hypothesis is that upstart is seeing the file half-way through writing it (in place)01:22
axwgonna see if I can force reproduce it01:22
thumperaxw: sounds possible01:23
axwin that case a touch would be sufficient01:23
axwreload-configuration would reload everything01:23
davecheney% juju deploy cs:precise/haproxy-6701:29
davecheneyERROR cannot get charm: charm not found: cs:precise/haproxy-6701:29
davecheney^ what has happened here01:30
davecheneythis revision absolutely does exist01:30
thumperyour syntax is wrong01:30
thumperhaproxy-67 isn't the name of a charm01:30
davecheneyIn all cases, a versioned charm URL will be expanded as expected (for example,01:31
davecheneymysql-33 becomes cs:precise/mysql-33).01:31
davecheneydo I need to leave off the cs:precise ?01:31
davecheney% juju deploy haproxy-6701:31
davecheneyERROR cannot get charm: charm not found: cs:precise/haproxy-6701:31
davecheneythumper: this is sort os serious01:32
davecheneycts have hit a bug and need to use an older revision of the charm01:33
* thumper looks01:34
davecheneyoh god01:35
davecheneythis is this fucking revno SHIT01:35
davecheneythumper: sorry01:35
davecheneyits not a juju problem01:36
davecheneythe charm revision is unrelated to the bzr revision01:36
wallyworldthumper: got time for a quick hangout?01:41
thumperwallyworld: ah... yeah01:41
thumperwas just writing an email01:41
wallyworldok, ping me when done01:41
thumperhow short?01:41
wallyworldi can wait01:41
thumperschool run is in 20 min01:41
thumpercan you wait 30 minutes?01:42
wallyworldfwereade_: wtf are you doing awake?02:00
thumperwallyworld: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpilj94h6vnkfr0qilf02c5k?hl=en02:11
axwdavecheney: isn't the bootstrap error message logged higher up?02:12
davecheneyaxw: in a word, no02:26
davecheneyor at least not without -v02:26
davecheneyaxw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/125824602:26
_mup_Bug #1258246: azure: juju bootstrap aborted for no apparent reason <azure-provider> <bootstrap> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <openstack-provider> <juju-core:In Progress by dave-cheney> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1258246>02:26
axwdavecheney: and with the additional log, don't you just see another "exit status 1" log message?02:29
davecheneyaxw: dunno02:29
davecheneyi don't ahve control over that environemnt02:29
axwdavecheney: I think the problem is that the error message we're showing isn't useful, not that it's not there02:30
axwbut I may be mistaken02:30
axwERROR exit status 102:30
axwI think is from the ssh process02:30
davecheneyi thnk that is coming from the jenkins builder02:30
davecheneyaxw: i'm suspecting the underlying cause is a timeout02:30
wallyworldbigjools: we need your advice. https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpilj94h6vnkfr0qilf02c5k?hl=en02:37
wallyworldbtw it's work naked day today02:37
thumpercitation needed02:38
wallyworldbah. google sucks http://www.news.com.au/business/worklife/friday-6-december-is-work-in-the-nude-day/story-e6frfm9r-122677644408602:39
thumperwallyworld: I'll just go make a coffee to sup while doing your reviews02:44
thumperaxw: do you have any you'd like me to look at too?02:44
axwthumper: ummm no not right now02:44
axwI may do later on02:44
axwthumper: I'm going to look at fixing https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1167616 -- keeps tripping me up in tests02:46
_mup_Bug #1167616: state.SetEnvironConfig should take old and new config values <config> <state> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1167616>02:46
axwactually, I'm not even sure what's right there. hrm02:49
wallyworldthumper: the code doesn't allow 2 keys with the same comment to be added. but i guess they could be added manually. there's no go code for fingerprint that i know of so may have to shell out to get it03:23
thumperPerhaps we just document the limitation03:24
thumperfor now03:25
wallyworldi did think about using fingerprint03:25
wallyworldi'll have another look at the ssh package to see if there's anthing i missed03:25
jamhatch: there is a 2.4.6 in the cloud-archive:tools archive (vs the stable ppa)04:41
hatchjam goodmorning :)04:41
hatchit's all working now04:41
jamhatch: so from the traceback, you had a mongod that was serving your .juju/local/db directory04:42
jamwhich because of how it got shutdown04:42
jamwasn't getting stopped by "juju destroy-environment"04:42
jam"some other thing was"04:42
jamand then every time you bootstrapped04:42
jamwe would try to start a new one04:42
jamwhich was probably failing, but we didn't notice because hey, there is something listening on 37017 for us04:43
jamhatch: *probably* if you had killed the mongod it would have cleaned things up, too.04:43
jamas there *shouldn't* be a mongod running if nothing is bootstrapped04:43
jamhatch: anyway, I'm glad you got it working.04:43
hatchahhh - so is this something that we could 'fix' - maybe simply by creating a better error message?04:43
axw_rogpeppe2: thanks for the review. just replied to your comment; would appreciate another look before I land09:02
rogpeppe2axw_: ok09:02
rogpeppe2axw_: the overwrite will come, i think, from the fact that we call Update on *all* the attributes09:03
rogpeppe2axw_: so "set-environment foo=a" will also update bar to the value that was previously seen09:03
axw_rogpeppe2: no, because it doesn't change between the load and the store09:04
axw_no you're right09:04
rogpeppe2axw_: :-)09:04
rogpeppe2axw_: we could change settings so that it only made the update if things had actually changed, but i think that has more likelihood of leading to problems in practice09:05
axw_rogpeppe2: I did start down the road of doing reflect.DeepEquals to check if things had changed, but was wary of changing things too much there09:06
rogpeppe2axw_: i thought about that, don't think it actually helps that much09:06
rogpeppe2axw_: we can still end up with an invalid config09:06
rogpeppe2axw_: that's why i think that something like what i suggested is the only decent way forward, as it allows the config to be verified as a whole, while still allowing atomic delta changes09:07
rogpeppe2axw_: but as i said, i'm ok with what you've done for the time being - it is an improvement, and it unblocks the other CL09:08
axw_rogpeppe2: and that would need to hook into the provider right? along the lines of the prechecker?09:08
axw_rogpeppe2: yep thanks, I'll land as is and leave the bug open09:08
rogpeppe2axw_: yeah - the function would need to call EnvironProvider.Verify09:09
rogpeppe2axw_: to my shame, i haven't actually looked at the prechecker09:09
axw_rogpeppe2: that's ok, it's not actually switched on yet :)09:10
axw_but it does essentially that, for machine/container additions09:10
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rogpeppe2mgz: how close are you to landing the status changes?10:35
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rogpeppemgz: i find myself wanting better status info in the juju-restore command10:37
dimiternrogpeppe, mgz, fwereade_, TheMue, wallyworld, standup10:46
dimiternmgz, ?10:55
* dimitern lunch11:26
dimiternrogpeppe, you've got a review on https://codereview.appspot.com/37850043/13:13
rogpeppedimitern: thanks!13:14
rogpeppedimitern: FWIW I aim to remove the current state.AddMachine entirely13:15
rogpeppedimitern: it's only ever used in tests13:15
dimiternrogpeppe, ah, then perhaps rename it to AddTestingMachine? :)13:15
rogpeppedimitern: i don't want to do that in this CL because there are hundreds of calls to it13:16
rogpeppedimitern: hence i left it alone13:16
dimiternrogpeppe, so it merits mentioning in the CL description as well then13:17
rogpeppedimitern: good point - i'll do that13:17
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dimiternrogpeppe, i'd appreciate if you can take a look at this (still wip, just checking i'm on the right track): (only the file upload part done and tested, no state operations yet) https://codereview.appspot.com/3837004315:06
rogpeppedimitern: looking15:07
rogpeppedimitern: reviewed15:30
dimiternrogpeppe, cheers!15:31
dpb1Is this an old error that is now reapearing?  dpb@helo:trunk$ juju deploy --repository dev/charms local:raring/landscape-devenv15:50
dpb1ERROR cannot bundle charm: symlink "." links out of charm: "../precise/landscape-devenv/"15:50
dimiternrogpeppe, i can't see a way to verify the content type of the uploaded file before reading it15:52
dimiterndpb1, i've never seen this one - is it from juju-core or pyjuju?15:53
dpb1dimitern: juju-core.  I've seen it before with other types of symlinks in the repository path.  Thing is, I've been launching units like this just fine for multiple weeks on juju-core, and now it just breaks.15:54
dimiterndpb1, is it a charm dir or an archive?15:55
rogpeppe dimitern: it's in Part.Header15:55
dimiternrogpeppe, i'll try that15:56
dpb1dimitern: this symlink points to an charm directory.  let me put up a paste15:56
dpb1dimitern: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6530321/15:57
dimiterndpb1, can you paste a find . instead in the charms dir please?15:58
dpb1dimitern: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6530335/16:00
dimiterndpb1, weird.. the error comes from checkSymlinkTarget in charm/bundle.go and that's been there for quite a while16:04
dpb1I'm racking my brain to think about what changed.  so far I have nothing.16:05
dimiterndpb1, maybe the symlinks are somehow strange? i can see // in the targets, instead of / - have you changed that?16:05
dpb1there is a trailing slash, let me try removing that16:06
dpb1dimitern: no, the trailing slash is there from ls -lF, nm  The symlink looks normal and hasn't changed.16:07
dimiterndpb1, what's your go version?16:09
dpb1dimitern: you mean juju-core version?16:10
dimiterndpb1, no, go version16:12
dpb1go version go1.1.2 linux/amd6416:12
dimiterndpb1, or you're using the binary and not building from source?16:12
dpb1yes, from the ppa16:12
dimiternsorry, i don't seem to grok how it did work before.. it shouldn't and you've gotten the same error earlier16:13
dpb1dimitern: ok  I'll keep digging into it16:21
dimiterndpb1, sorry i couldn't be more helpful16:21
dpb1dimitern: thx for the effort.  I'm stumped as well. :)16:21
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rogpeppedoes anyone know how to get tip bootstrapping correctly?17:52
rogpeppei get "cannot find bootstrap tools: XML syntax error on line 9: element <hr> closed by </body>"17:52
rogpeppei thought that would have been fixed a while ago17:53
rogpeppethis bug says it should have been fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/125440117:54
_mup_Bug #1254401: error reading from streams.canonical.com <bootstrap> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1254401>17:54
rogpeppei guess i'll just have to make do with uploading tools17:54
mgzyou have to upload-tools, yeah17:54
mgzrogpeppe: I think you can also supply tools-metadata-url17:55
rogpeppemgz: you're alive! :-)17:55
mgzif you've put the tools+config bits in local swift say17:55
mgzrogpeppe: yeah, sorry I wasn't around earlier17:56
rogpeppemgz: ah, do you know what tools-,metadata-url might work?17:56
rogpeppemgz: np, just wondered if anything was up17:56
mgzsec, checking17:56
mgzrogpeppe: https://swift.canonistack.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_526ad877f3e3464589dc1145dfeaac60/juju-dist/tools may work, checking18:00
rogpeppemgz: even from ec2?18:01
mgzhm, good question18:01
mgzwell, to do tip you'd want to build/sync-tools/juju-metadata regardless, to your own s3/swift bucket18:02
mgzheh, and generate-tools is borked by the same bug18:03
mgzso, I guess --upload-tools *is* the only sane option18:03
rogpeppemgz: :-(18:08
rogpeppemgz: how can we have left tip broken for so long? this is not good.18:08
* rogpeppe is tempted to escalate the bug to Critical18:09
mgzwell, it's mostly that we have testing stuff that doesn't work in a place trunk expects to be sane18:13
rogpeppeha, bootstrap is totally broken for me currently18:24
rogpeppeor for any client where it takes more than 5 seconds to connect to the bootstrap machine18:24
rogpeppe(it takes me 15 seconds to connect to any ec2 instance because of my horribly broken dns)18:25
_mup_Bug #1258607: bootstrap doesn't work if Dial takes more than 5 seconds <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1258607>18:32
* rogpeppe is done18:37
rogpeppehappy weekends all18:37
mgzand have a nice weekend rog18:38
rogpeppemgz: you too mate18:38
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