
=== jono is now known as Guest52213
dholbachgood morning07:33
dakermarcoceppi: ping14:43
marcoceppidaker: poing14:43
dakermarcoceppi: ubuntu discourse is using sendgrid right ?14:44
marcoceppidaker: no, not anymore14:44
dakermarcoceppi: i did receive the Forum Activity email just an hour ago and it's using sendgrid14:46
marcoceppidaker: yes, the old site came online for about 30 mins14:47
marcoceppidaker: and it sent out some emails14:47
dakermarcoceppi: ah ok that's why the links were still pointing to the old site14:47
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day, I need to go and pack my virtual bag of records16:46
dholbachhave a great weekend everyone!16:46
philipballewjcastro, Submitted two talks yesterday night. "Getting Help for Your Ubuntu System " where I show all the places to get support and why a few are better than all the rest. Then "Ubuntu Community, and How To Join. " The title says it all. Gonna throw in two more tonight as well because I can.21:00
jose-mhall119: ping21:47
mhall119jose-: pong21:48
jose-mhall119: hey, I wanted to check with you want did you want to sync with on the meetins21:49
mhall119jose-: you mean my pings from Wednesday?21:50
jose-no, the email you sent today at 19:32 UTC21:50
mhall119jose-: oh, the community council meetings?21:51
mhall119jose-: it's just regular CC checkups, pleia2 could give you an idea of what's discussed21:51
mhall119since they'll be my first on the CC21:51
jose-cool, I'll check with her then :)21:51
jose-jono: hey, you around?21:52
jonojose-, about to get on the phone21:52
jonojust msg me21:52

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