
MooDoomorning all07:04
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
=== init is now known as Exio4
=== Barebone is now known as Tanvir
c_smithhey, I'm wondering if I can get a Ubuntu member cloak? if needed, my launchpad is https://launchpad.net/~cody.smith20:28
nikoPici: ^20:36
k1lstill no IRCC action?20:51
c_smithdunno, but I has snow. :P20:58
Piciniko: Could you please apply an ubuntu/member/c_smith cloak to c_smith ?21:26
LjLyou know sometimes i thought about using a spell checker but these days i realize it would be useless anyway, since i don't misspell things, i simply write entirely different words21:39
c_smithain't that the truth?21:43
Unit193At least yours are close words, some of mine really aren't even close.21:45
Unit193c_smith: Congrats.21:45
c_smiththanks, even though I'm not fully here, lol21:46
* c_smith wishes he could sleep21:47
c_smithwell, I'll leave you all be.21:47
c_smithneed to pay attention to my Gentoo box.21:47
=== sdx32 is now known as sdx23

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