
keessay, will saucy be 3.11 or 3.12 do you think?00:21
elmokees: you mean trusty?00:28
elmokees: because saucy is already 3.11 ;-)00:29
keeselmo: argh, off-by-one error. _trusty_, yes :)00:29
keesaaah, never mind.00:30
keeslinux | 3.12.0-5.13 | trusty/main00:30
Sarvattkees: its going to be 3.1300:41
keesSarvatt: okay, cool, thanks :)00:42
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apwkees, yeah 3.13 is sitting in our PPA waiting on the dkms packages etc to catch up09:06
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smoserdo we have any sort of benchmarks that are done and recorded for kernel releases ?14:05
smbsmoser, sconklin has been working on some storage/fs ones14:06
smoseri'm wondering because i have extremely unscientific data in my head that recent trusty is not performing as well as previous releases on my laptop.14:06
smoserthat unscientific data "feels" like IO to me.14:06
smbsmoser, iirc there _was_ a regression in ext4 which cking found but that was saucy, I think14:07
smosersmb, as in fixed ?14:08
smbsmoser, Yes, also going to S 14:09
smoserare the benchmarks sconklin has available ?14:10
ckingsmoser, it was address in bug 124281214:11
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1242812 in linux (Ubuntu) "ext4 random block I/O write performance regression with 3.11 Saucy Kernel" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124281214:11
ckingit appeared in one of the power regression tests, but those tests are now busted, pending QA to plug in the H/W again14:13
apwsmoser, and remember we're on 3.12 in trusty atm14:47
tseliotapw: what kernel version are we going to use in 14.04?16:20
bjftseliot, 3.1316:22
tseliotbjf: thanks16:22
apwthat ;)16:24
hallyn_apw: http://lkml.org/lkml/2013/12/4/156   i'm going to review this patchset asap, we may need it in trusty for userns containers to work nicely18:05
hallyn_(to allow writing to /proc/self/loginuid)18:05
apwhallyn_, 0/20 ... really18:09
hallyn_apw: :(18:16
hallyn_apw: i'll take a look this afternoon to see if it's actually complicated, or just long-winded or very broken up18:17
apwhow did we get so far from having the patches we needed as we were at vUDS18:17
apwwe so do not want to be introducing a new heap of abi if they anr't sure this is the way upstream either, gah18:18
apwalso it seems to claim to be incomplete18:19
apw>> This patchset still need some work, such as allow changing18:19
apw>> audit_enabled in audit namespace, auditd wants this feature.18:19
apwand it doesn't sound like upstream will even start looking at it for weeks yet18:21
apwhallyn_, plus this calls itself 'part1' and the previous version was 00/48 ... are we sure this is even all of it ?18:24
hallyn_18:17 < apw> how did we get so far from having the patches we needed as we were at vUDS18:25
hallyn_well all *we* need is /proc/$$/loginuid writeable.  there maybe a shorter way to do it, i simply haven't looked.18:26
hallyn_i only know that fedora has the same issue and they claimed to be waitin go this patchset18:26
hallyn_apw: we *can* work around it in userspace if there's not a clean patchset we can use18:27
ohsixisn't it immutable for the purpose of auditing?18:27
apwohsix, it is less immutable, as 'change able once able'18:28
apwand i assume hallyn_ wants to make the init in a container be able to set it once again18:28
ohsixi wonder why someone hasn't proposed just adding another one, maybe one that keeps a list of ones that have been set or something18:29
apwi guess it makes sense if you have a uidns that you might want to have audit be reset in there, hrm18:29
hallyn_apw: well tbh none of it makes sense to me - i thought loginuid should be only for LSPP cred tracking for audit, but it seemingly is now being abused18:36
apwhallyn_, it does look like it is doing more than making that writable for sure, it is splitting auditd as well18:36
apwblimey this is tensy changes18:46
* apw notes it is well past beer-o-clock and goes and does somwething abou tit19:05
ckingyeah, well into beer time now19:26
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