
=== emma_ is now known as emma
manchickenPulling source for libapt-pkg4.12, hopefully I'll find some clues there.03:47
manchickenNot sure how much I'll be able to do this weekend, this weekend is nuts.03:47
ahoneybunhey guys and girls!06:28
lordievaderGood morning.07:45
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, how are you?07:45
BluesKajhiyas all12:49
cortexA9Riddell: there is one problem14:13
cortexA9on the daily14:13
cortexA9doesn't start automatic14:13
cortexA9in live mode kde14:13
BluesKajno skype for kubuntu any longer ?14:14
cortexA9Riddell: i did to kill X14:14
soeethere is some serious issue with caligra author 15:37
soeeit freezed my PC now it uses 4,2 BG ram ...15:37
mparilloBluesKaj: In my VMs (13.10 and 14.04 daily), I could not find Skype in the Software Center, but I was able to follow the (non-64 bit) command line instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype#Installing_Skype17:12
mparilloBluesKaj: Skype Chats work, but I have not tested the camera in my VM.17:13
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BluesKajmparillo, thanks for the info 17:41
mparilloBluesKaj: YW, but was that really what you were asking?17:44
BluesKajyes , mparillo ...I'm not big skype user, but since getting this laptop with camera and camera , i'd just like to try it 17:46
BluesKajcamera nad mic rather :)17:46
BluesKaj\also have W7n17:48
BluesKajas a guest and wondering if it works there as well 17:48
BluesKajnot used to this KB yet , and my typings skills aren't the greatest17:49
jalcineSkype does some nasty stuff with PulseAudio if you don't watch the config.17:51
jalcineIt'd constantly readjusts your mixer levels17:52
jalcineeven outside of calls17:52
Sick_RimmitHi.. I'm diggin around in Harvest looking for bugs to fix, and I'm find all the bitesize things already fixed. Any advice on where to go bug hunting please ? 18:18
ianhi all can i ask a question19:51
iandoes kubuntu support amd ati drivers?19:51
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Guest88026does kubuntu support amd ati drivers?   thanks in advance19:52
Guest88026hello anyone there?19:52
lordievadersoee: He left a minute after asking...20:02
soeeoh i have diabled who left/joined :D20:02
lordievadersoee: Sometimes it is usefull to see them ;)20:03
ahoneybunhey lordievader 20:12
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, how are you doing?20:14
ahoneybunlordievader, fine yourself?20:14
lordievaderahoneybun: Doing good, trying to compile hostapd.20:14
ahoneybunsame I'm download source for CyanogenMod20:15
ahoneybunhttps://trello.com/c/iljLYjJT/75-create-one-page-html-for-first-impression-about-kubuntu-on-kubuntu-org is this going to be moved to the kubuntu.org page or is it for fun?20:16
ahoneybunlordievader, people have been adding a look of unrelated things on the trello page20:19
ahoneybunwell things that should be done after we get a rough draft of the docs page and the mini docs20:19
lordievaderahoneybun: Hmm that one page thing is starting to become huge, I thought the idea was to create a summary.20:20
lordievaderahoneybun: What things on the trello are you refering to?20:21
ahoneybunwell videos of how to setup kubuntu , the page I was just talking about.20:22
ahoneybunmostly I think20:22
ahoneybunboth great ideas20:22
ahoneybun but the summary page is something that should be pushed to the kubuntu.org once things get worked out and info is filled in20:22
lordievaderIs http://docs.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/Welcome.html not a short summary btw? Or ment to be one?20:25
ahoneybunI think the huge page your talking about should be a refreshed feature tour page20:26
lordievaderahoneybun: The huge page is the turkish(?, tr?) one ovidiu-florin was working on.20:29
ahoneybunyea but it can be changed even if I have to  but I think it has great potential20:30
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draconushowdy y'all23:36
draconusanyone have any advice on installing on a UEFI laptop? can't seem to install 100% correctly23:37
soeedraconus: try to catch Bluskaj when he shows up23:38
soeehe was struggling with it 2 days ago23:38
draconusAny idea when he might be here?23:38
soeeyou can catch him often each day23:39
draconusmk thanks :D23:39
soeeits strange how people have problems with this UEFI23:41
soeei bought new Dell 2 months ago had no single problem with installing Kubuntu23:42

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