
ner0xWhat can I use to view log files? Non gnome or kde based. Thanks!00:02
autifner0x: what do you mean like vi (command line) or mousepad (graphical)?00:04
ner0xautif: vim works but I wouldn't mind something a little more organized. GUI if possible.00:04
autifner0x: Will a graphical text editor will be sufficient for your needs? There are several - jedit for example. But you can search for other editors if jedit is not right00:09
autifI installed minidlna - it works just fine on ubuntu server, however on xubuntu, the server does nto start by itself - I have to manually start it using "service minidlna start" - I am not sure why it wont start by itself - S20minidlna correctly links to ../init/minidlna - Any ideas about how to go about debugging this? All this is w.r.t saucy 13.10 - please help!00:10
Orioacan someone tell me how to convert a jpg to another type of file using command line00:15
autifOrioa: imagemagick has a mogrify tool00:16
autifOrioa: mogrify -format  png file.jpg00:18
Orioasomeone helped me the other day but i forgot what we used00:23
Orioaand what the format we converted it to00:23
autifOrioa: what are you trying to do?00:24
Orioai wan to convert a picture so i can use it as my log in background00:25
Orioathe format we changed it to started with an a00:26
autifOrioa: what do you mean log in background? background of what? what is log?00:27
Orioathe background that comes up for you to log in00:27
autifOrioa: what is the format the picture is in?00:28
Orioaright now jpg00:28
David-AOrioa: I think you rather want "convert" then "mogrify". if "mogrify" does something wrong you lose the original picture00:28
David-AOrioa: if you have imagemagick installed, you can for example do:  ''convert madonna.jpg madonna.png''00:31
autifOrioa: what David-A said - I did not know of convert - always used mogrify - convert is the right tool for this job00:32
Orioai have imagemagick (display) is that the same00:32
Orioanevermind answered my own ?00:32
Orioai have gimp to but it didn't help00:33
David-AOrioa: if ''man convert'' talks about image convertion, then you have it00:33
Orioaok got it but i do not see were to convert it00:35
David-AOrioa: "where"? where the new file will be? you specify the old file and the new file on the command line. where-ever you want it to be.00:36
David-AOrioa: or do you mean "what" to convert it to? you end the new file with a suffix like ".jpg", ".png", ".gif" and it will know what format you want it to be.00:38
Orioai saved it as a png file checking now to see if it works00:38
David-AOrioa: but you can also add options to specify in detail what format, what quality level, etc.00:38
Orioak ty00:38
Orioanothing happened i guess i will wait till i see the person on who helped me before00:40
bazhanghttp://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/   Orioa00:42
bazhangfrom ##imagemagick00:43
David-AOrioa: if you have a file "madonna.jpg" and issue the command ''convert madonna.jpg madonna.png'' then "nothing happens" in the terminal, but a new file "madonna.png" is created.00:45
David-AOrioa: is that what you mean by "nothing happened"?00:45
Orioano tried to get it as background but it didn't change00:45
Orioaok i got it working00:49
=== emma_ is now known as emma
autifHi again - I just installed xubuntu 13.10 in a VM and installed minidlna and it does not start on bootup - I have to "service minidlna start" to start that service. Should a bug be opened?01:08
utusanis 4.12 in 14.04?01:32
Unit1934.12 doesn't exist yet.01:34
utusanI just saw Zenwalk came out with it01:35
Unit193http://archive.xfce.org/xfce/ doesn't exist, so Zenwalk is using the developmental 4.11 "releases" most likely.01:36
utusanXFCE 4.12GIT01:37
Unit193http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/tree/configure.ac.in = 4.11.1, so doesn't even exist in git (picked xfdesktop as it has had the most recent commit, and is core.)01:39
utusanlet me check it out then if they are not truthful :(01:42
SysiI can't find zenwalk xfce package anywhere from to check it, but naming dev version package different is trivial01:44
Unit193Sysi: Yep, very easy.  Could also be a typo.01:47
Mapleyyo, just wondering if it's possible to customize the Xfce panel font?01:48
Sysiit's set in your theme, you probably can change it in the theme or in .gtkrc file01:49
David-AMapley: Settings>Appearance>Fonts will set panels and menus and much more. if you only want to change font in panel see sysi's answer.01:50
MapleyI'll check it out, thanks.01:58
xubuntu936Hi everybody, I've installed xubuntu on a flash drive; it's working.. except the ethernet. I've tried a few tutorials online, but without any luck.  I've gone though a few things online like setting a static ip in the /etc/network/interfaces. It tells me that the host is unreachable if I try to ping anything.   It doesn't seem to want to work with dhcp either.   Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.02:00
MapleyGot it working, thanks guys :D02:09
MapleyI'll make a short post about it over at the, er, Arch forums. :P02:09
Mapleyhttps://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1357566#p1357566 ring ding ding ding < for anyone who was wondering02:11
David-AMapley: I didn't need it but couldn't resist go and see :)  looks nice02:16
nonubyusing clj-time, give a date-time inst, such as (datetime 2013 12 7 15 30), how can I get the time in UK time, which at the moment is UTC but some point next year it is UTC+1, the manual says one can specify time-zone offset but due to daylight savings this varies03:17
xubuntu295why i dont see new software in the center04:38
jydjyd> I have a small black margin on the right side of the screen. Thinkpad x220. Anyone know how I would go about adjusting the screen size to compensate?05:16
jyd<jyd> Also, I have two batteries on my laptop. One of them is not getting detected correctly at boot. It takes 10 minutes or so until xfce4-power-manager 1.0.11 recognizes it.05:16
jyd<jyd> although acpi shows it correctly05:16
jyd<jyd> and the second battery keeps flashing around 90% charge,,, flips between fully changed,, and 90% 15 minutes until battery is fully charged05:16
jydForgive me,, but I originally posted that in the wrong channel. Can someone help me out?05:17
jyd/proc/acpi/battery/ see's both batteries05:23
jydbut power manager is freaking out05:23
cfhowlettjyd, what?05:49
jydI have 2 batteries installed on my thinkpad x220. /proc/acpi/battery/ is accurately detecting both but xfce4-power-manager 1.0.11 keeps geeking out and switching between "Your battery is fully charged" state and "Your battery is charging (93%) 13 minutes until fully charged". Xubuntu 12.04. Lil help?05:51
jydcfhowlett, ^05:51
jydI disabled notifications in xfce4 power manager but the icon keeps flipping status05:52
holsteinjyd: did you just install xubuntu?05:55
jydholstein, yes05:55
holsteinjyd: i would just relax and take your time...05:55
holsteinjyd: have you check for and applied updates that could potentially "fix" some of your issues?05:56
jydI'm fully updated05:56
holsteinjyd: if not, close other package managers, open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"05:56
holsteinfor the black border, you can try to see if there is a proprietary driver to enable for your graphics card05:57
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto05:57
holsteinif not, it could be a simple bios setting05:57
jydI'm using intel integrated05:57
jydAnd yep, fully updated.05:58
jydI sense a bug05:58
holsteinjyd: i dont05:58
jydin xfce-power-manager05:58
holsteinjyd: i see maybe your hardware is not supporting linux/xubuntu05:58
jyd9 out of 10 devs have thinkpads heh05:58
jydI've used dozens of distros. First time settling on xfce05:59
jydI've used gnome 2 sonce debian lenny05:59
holsteinyou can troubleshoot with another power manager is you think thats the issue05:59
jydRight. I appreciate your help.06:00
holsteinthe battery thing seems OK to me.. if its just getting used to predeciting what the batter is doing06:01
jydI'll let it go the night06:01
jydIt doesn't "appear" to be affecting anything06:02
jydBut it isn't right.06:02
holsteinmaybe it hasnt had enough time to get information to report.. maybe the bios is reporting incorrectly.. maybe it *is* right06:02
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jydholstein, OK, Ok.. I'll wait it out ;)06:44
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pjotterHi there. I was wondering: Is it possible to 'split' the sound to different outputs? I woulk like the sound from an internet radiostation to output through a different line then the rest of the sounds.12:21
cfhowlettpjotter, redirect sound?  sure.  but I don't know how.  #ubuntustudio or #opensource musicians might have a handle on it12:22
pjotterYes, something like that. Now the sound of the radiostation is coming from my monitor. Iw aould like to redirect just that sound to a stereo set. I'll ask in the channels you suggested. Thanks! :)12:24
=== Guest68992 is now known as davidw
pratzI just installed xubuntu 12.04 , but when I log in it always takes xfce session instead of xubuntu session even though xubuntu session is selected on the log in screen14:05
xubuntu498Can you tell me if xubuntu plans on adding those amazon features Ubuntu has on 12.10?14:52
knomeno plans to do that.14:52
xubuntu498Oh thanks!14:52
xubuntu498I think I have a HD to format.14:53
xubuntu498Thank you again14:53
knomeno problem14:53
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knome!ru | xubuntu66815:22
ubottuxubuntu668: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:22
xubuntu668Есть Россия?15:24
knomesorry, i don't understand russian. please join #ubuntu-ru or ask in english15:24
xubuntu668join #ubuntu-ru15:26
rcotrina94Hey there, Can anyone answer me a doubt? // sorry 4 my english18:03
knome!anyone | rcotrina9418:03
ubotturcotrina94: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:04
rcotrina94I was trying to be polite ;) I want to know if is it possible to install xubuntu in a Dell inspiron mini 10. Thanks in advance18:06
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:07
rcotrina94ubottu: I want to know if it's compatible with Xubuntu18:10
ubotturcotrina94: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:10
knomercotrina94, you could search askubuntu, ubuntu forums or google while you wait for somebody who might now18:11
rcotrina94So obottu was a bot :| haha18:13
rcotrina94knome: so you guys don't know?18:13
knomercotrina94, looks like nobody who is around now doesn't18:15
rcotrina94Thanks anyway. FYI this is my first time on a IRC channel >_<'18:20
tubadazrcotrina94, I don't have a Dell Inspiron Mini 10, but I have a netbook with a similar specification and it runs Xubuntu 13.10 without any problems whatsoever. Hope this helps! :-)18:20
rcotrina94tubadaz, I really apreciate your answer, I just search it on Google and I realized I have to install it with uNetBooting18:21
rcotrina94Thank you all, bye bye18:22
tubadazYou're welcome! :-)18:22
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xubuntu876How to install xubuntu too usb?20:46
xubuntu876Any feedback will be appreciated :)20:46
neil33use the usb installer20:46
xubuntu876What usb installer?20:47
neil33the one on the menu20:47
xubuntu876I use crunchbang linux 1120:47
Poisoned_Dragonhow can you use #! and not know how to make a usb install.20:48
neil33what do you like about linux?20:48
neil33it is way better than windows20:49
xubuntu876i dunno20:51
xubuntu876also use archbang20:51
xubuntu876Its just unetbootin keeps on crapping out on me20:52
Poisoned_DragonWith hybrid ISOs I just use DD20:52
Poisoned_Dragonsudo dd if=/path/to.iso of=/dev/sXXn20:54
Poisoned_Dragonthen go get a coffee. It'll take a bit before it's done and it won't show anything while it's working.20:54
Poisoned_Dragonand double check the location of the usb.20:55
Poisoned_DragonDon't want to dd your HDD20:55
xubuntu876Thanks :)20:56
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irgendwer4711hi, is there a know bug with program (gimp) going under the taskbar?22:52
newlinuxuserhey guys i'm trying to install xubuntu 13 on a hp laptop off of a USB stick and grub is just not working at all i can't get it to install. I tried boot repair, i tried to make the bios and eufi partitions. Still no luck.23:06
tmaya110hola tngo problema con xubuntu 13.04 por lo cual hice el downgrade a 12.10 pero quiero saber si hay alguna ristro mucho mas ligera  para notebook23:09

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