
glenhow do i delete tag on remote bzr?17:29
jelmerglen: bzr tag --delete -d remote-url name17:30
glendoes anyone here know about bzr-git syncing17:33
jelmerglen: there are a few tools in git built around the fast-import toolchain17:35
jelmerand there is bzr-git17:35
jelmerI'm mostly familiar with the latter17:35
gleni'm actually using bzr-git-ng, but it's frontend to fastimport things17:37
glenthere was some bug in bzr migration, so i uncommitted two commits in both bzr and git, now i'm stuck with some other message: http://sprunge.us/TeLX17:37
jelmerglen: I think you mean git-bzr-ng?17:37
jelmersorry, not familiar with that tool17:38
gleni'm just not understanding where it gets that ref, and what files to clear more17:40
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