[01:28] ive losted my panel [01:52] pvl1: Default config is in /usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/ [01:54] Unit193: i think the problem is ive botched my session settings. is everything Lubuntu by default? not LXDE? [01:55] Things tend to be called "Lubuntu" and use a Lubuntu profile, yes. This is to change some defaults. [02:00] is there a way to reconfigure it? ive def botched my settings [02:02] rather what package sould i reconfigure [02:05] If you messed it up, the config in ~/.config/ is messed up and thus a reconfigure won't work. [02:06] Could remove the lxpanel dir in there and copy from where I stated, keeping structure of course. [02:07] i think i messed up /usr/share/xsession/ [02:07] though idk, at least its logging in now [02:08] lubuntu-default-settings, then. [02:15] would anyone be able to help me with lubuntu arm problem? [02:15] what is the arm problem I am not familar with arm version though [02:17] i did a fresh install but when i login, it loops back to the login screen [02:17] an incorrect passwd says it's incorrect, but the right one just loops back [02:17] What session are you selecting? Can you switch to a TTY, login, and startlubuntu ? [02:17] thats the same problem i was just having [02:18] there are several, like GNOME/Openbox, LX Games, lubuntu, lubuntu netbook, lubuntu nexus 7 session, and openbox [02:19] when selecting some, they loop without even waiting to settle and wait for a login [02:19] yes which were you using? [02:19] others can be selected but same login problem [02:19] lubuntu on it's own isn't looping without password input [02:20] when i select openbox, for instance, it won't even let me put in a password unless i type it really fast [02:20] which release 13.04 13.10? [02:21] 13.04 [02:21] openbox works for me on x86_64 version but different version might have bug [02:23] well that's a totally different version, this is on a tablet so completely different issue [02:23] I think arm needs more testers [02:29] Unit193: where do i seend cookies in return for the help :) [02:29] ya i suppose not many people are experimenting with SoC devices outside of android [02:29] To meeeeee. \o/ [02:30] pvl1: All together then? [02:30] yup yup [02:30] turns out i didnt even have the package installed [02:30] Hah, well that'd be helpful. Good that you got it. [02:31] been trying to figure it out for weeks [02:31] kept think it was an x error [02:31] Might want to simulate what installing lubuntu-core or lubuntu-desktop would install. [02:31] iwanted to do that, but this is an extremely light device, i dont have the resources on it to do soemthing so large [02:32] apt-get install -s lubuntu-desktop (Won't really simulate technically, just show what it'd pull in.) [02:32] ooh [02:33] i see no act [02:41] when i run lsb_release im getting ubuntu 12.10 [02:41] is that right [02:43] If you're on 12.10 it is. :P [02:44] That's exactly what that should be telling you, if you wanted to make sure you didn't pin a package (you'd know if you did), you can grep ^deb /etc/apt/sources.list too. [02:45] im checking my repos now [02:45] tiny little atom processor [02:46] oh its an intel celeronM 800mhz [02:48] oh boy thisll take a while [02:49] Hmm? [02:49] upgradign to raring [02:50] A couple a days ago, i conmplained about, impossibility to install Ubuntu and Lubuntu 13.10 on Acer 3003 wlmi friend of mine with usb pen persistent or CD/////DVD , yesterday i tryed with Lubuntu 12.04 , and it worked well ! After install Lubuntu 12.04 it ask me more then 200 mb of updates and i gave it ! what is this ? now is the same then Lubuntu 13.10 after this updates ? [02:51] urielvigilant: Nope, you just updated 1204. Can you grep pae /proc/cpuinfo ? [02:51] pae gives arch Unit193 ? [02:52] Unit193 , sorry iam newby with that language, can you translate a litle bit ? [02:52] pvl1: PAE is a compatibility feature of the CPU that enables a 32bit OS to use more than 4GB of ram. Kernels in newer versions require this. [02:53] urielvigilant: Sorry. I'm interested in the output of that command, if you open the menu, accessories, lxterminal and paste that in. [02:53] iam on the machine now. [02:53] Yes. [02:53] iam not on the machin now, bu ti will [02:54] tomorrow maybe [02:54] Aha, alrighty. [02:54] oh kool thanks Unit193 . so if my 4 cores have it, i have the faeture [02:55] What? Can't parse that. The command I said will report back if the CPU is reporting that it supports that feature. [02:55] Unit193 the important thing that we have one more Linux user , for now xp half lubuntu 12.04 , but we have ! [02:56] oh ok. well i guess i have the feature [03:02] I still not understand why nether Ubuntu 13.10 nether lubuntu 13,10 does t started on acer 3003 wlmi . Maybe i should also tryed 13.04 does nit ? [03:04] 10,04 doest started nether 12.04 on my acer 5204 wlmi with 2 gb Ram and lubuntu 13.10 with full install on it , with CD live experience [03:04] does not i meant! [03:04] 13.10 of any ubuntu flavor needs pae on the processor [03:07] i have full install of 13.10 lubuntu in acer 5204 wmli and i tryed live cd with 10,04 and also 12.04 and it does nt started ! [03:09] how old is this laptop? [03:10] it s a good idea upgrade 12.04 lubuntu to 13.04 lubuntu if it works on acer 3003 wmli by live cd ? it already have 12.04 lubuntu workin, there is a way to upgrade from it ? [03:10] is it just a black screen? [03:10] ianorlin : which of those ? u [03:11] depends you should go into a terminal and type cat /proc/cpuinfo and make sure it has pae flag [03:13] ianorlin : for 3003 wmli , with 13.10 , then Yes, it changes from switch on to switch of, i mean the creen on start up and then it doesn start. In case of the mine acer 5204 wmli with a full install of lubutnu 13.10, it stay indefenitily tryying to start up a live cd with 10,04 or 12.04 and dont start at the end [03:14] how much ram does the 3003 have? [03:15] for my acer 5204 the result is this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6538620/ : ianorli [03:16] for my acer 5204 the result is this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6538620/ : ianorlin [03:16] the 3003 is not mine, its not with me unfortunally [03:17] ianorlin 3003 have 1 GB ram [03:17] ah ok so live cd should work [03:17] have you checked the md5sum on the download of 13.10 and the disk [03:18] on 13.10 did it get to where you could select check disk for defects? [03:18] ianorlin : 13.10 dnt work nether live cd nether usb persistent nether on 3003 [03:19] could be bad download? can you type md5sum on the download of 13.10 [03:19] ianorlin how to do that = [03:19] open terminal and then type md5sum on the file [03:20] that command and name of the file next then enter? [03:20] yes [03:20] i should be on the directory [03:21] ? [03:21] yes [03:23] are you trying to install 32 or 64 bit? [03:23] 32 bit sure [03:23] gave me this for 12.04 [03:23] 0fc9564b8fde8ff56100c3d7814fa884 lubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso [03:23] no for the 13.10 one [03:27] ianorlin: it gave me this d0508f909c2c71d96aeac5efb0329b33 ubuntu-13.10-desktop-i386.iso [03:28] how do you see it, everything is ok or wrong with it ? [03:30] another anomaly, its, that on acer 3003 with lubuntu 12.04 we can see information when we click information, on lubuntu software center about each app, on my acer 5204 with lubuntu 13.10 it don let me see information about that app when i click information . Why ? [03:31] its a lubuntu 13.10 anomaly doesn it =? [03:31] not sure [03:33] oh there is an information button towards the bottom in 13.10 [03:33] click that [03:34] yes , is there, nothing happens [03:34] but in 12.04 it opens informations [03:35] in mine 13.10 nothing happens [03:35] you can still get that information from apt-cache show in a terminal if you know the package name [03:36] yes, but i think people working on this showl review this error. can you report for me , iam not sure how to report well yet . . . [03:37] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs [04:10] Is there a way to make the lxpanel autohide? [04:11] Are there any other menu applets available for the lxpanel? [04:27] right click on the panel select panel settings go to advanced and select minimize when not in use [13:23] is lubuntu a debian distro? [13:50] afternoon all... i have a bit of a noob question... im not totally green as far as linux is concerned but im totally unable to solve this... i want to execute a command as soon as my lubuntu desktop starts up but i cant figure out where the command needs to go [17:30] I upgraded to 13.10 [17:30] and all the system is not like before [17:30] lot of programs are not being loaded [17:30] default apps were changed [17:32] n-iCe: Yeah, that's what happens updating [17:32] lot of programs not being loaded... can you specify more? [17:39] nannes: dropbox [17:40] network-manager [17:40] my dual monitor configurations [17:40] evening all... i want to make my lubuntu installation execute the following command when i boot up: "sudo mount -t cifs // media/share" but i cant figure it out. i placed the command inside ~/.config/autostart but nothing... [17:43] anyone? im baffled... [17:43] Leedsbuntu: my suggestion would be following this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently [17:43] add it to your /etc/fstab, the file which mounts filesystems [17:44] pleia2 - thanks will read now... fstab is a bit of a confusal for me, im not green with linux just never really got FSTab... [17:44] Leedsbuntu: that documentation is pretty good, with examples :) [17:45] n-iCe: THese kinda things happen with updates... you should try to manually reconfigure your dual-monitor configurations [17:45] many thanks, im really eager to be a lubuntu pro - lubuntu a VERY good distro... will run as a PLEX server on my very old desktop pc, no issues! [17:46] n-iCe: What about network manager? how exactly doesn't it work? What's missing? Cause it can be a driver issue, and not a NM one [17:47] icon [17:47] does not launch [17:47] nannes: I have reconfigurated all, but after reboot, all is gone again [17:48] n-iCe: Try a sudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager [17:48] sorry pleia2, can "servername" be an IP address? in example you gave me? as in my example above [17:48] Leedsbuntu: yep [17:48] thanks again :) will crack on in a moment [17:48] sure thing, good luck [17:56] n-iCe: Also, sudo apt-get install pastebinit;cat /etc/interfaces|pastebinit [17:57] n-iCe: and sudo dpkg-reconfigure network-manager [18:14] pleia2 worked perfectly, many thanks, i figure i understand a bit better now... thanks <3 <3 <3 [18:15] Leedsbuntu: glad to hear it! :) [18:15] i love the community here, cant thank you enough... [18:17] This channel is slightly void, but... yeah, the potential of a good community can be very high [18:28] agreed nannes [18:29] quicker than a forum but not always the most complete means of obtaining help [18:42] i was able to get into nomodset in live cd and not usb and now i am installing. Is this ok? i think i get black screeens cause [18:43] i have an nvidia graphics card [18:45] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia is a link I found [18:47] hier: Wait until the installation finishes. This kinda problem often happens during the installation only. [18:47] idk if its hard for me to install linux on this because its the uefi type or the nvidia drivers [18:47] ok, well the livecd is working so far. hopefully the grub doesnt fail [18:49] hier: If nomodeset worked, that means that it's not about uefi [18:50] probablythis graphics cards. such a pain. Last time i got ubuntu working, it told me aboutadditional drivers for nvidia, i installed and and reset and i got a black screen [20:26] How do I add the Mate panel to LXDE? === nannes is now known as antonella === antonella is now known as nannes [20:28] for the mate panel , I use mate [20:28] for the lxpanel, I use lxde [20:29] also, I don't see in what mate's panel is better than lxpanel :O [20:32] nannes, Because I wanna add the Mint menu to it but I also want the sharp cornered look of LXDE [20:34] Is it even possible to add the Mate panel to LXDE? [20:35] Oh and lxpanel can't autohide. I like my panel at top autohid and dock at the bottom. [20:35] install lxde spin of mint [20:36] CountryfiedLinux: lxpanel has always had the 'autohide' feature [20:37] nannes, Oh ok cook thanks [20:38] bioterror, There's an LXDE mint spin? === Myrtti is now known as Guest79905 === Guest79905 is now known as Myrtti [23:32] not all nvidia drivers are supported right? [23:32] im trying to find drivers for my nvidia gfx card [23:46] Many nvidia cards are supported