
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
xnoxlarsu: where are these "upstart activated indicators" come from? it's completely wrong, since indicator itself has no knoweledge wether it should be running or not.02:49
xnoxlarsu: and indeed it should be activate externally, sure it could be dbus activation, or a upstart event / explicit start, or what not. But by no means I should be starting _all_ indicators ever in e.g. ubiquity-dm or lightdm.02:50
ali1234xnox: bug 118556503:01
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1185565 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Indicators should have Upstart jobs" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118556503:01
xnoxali1234: it all doen't make any sense. They way upstart works, is that everything is started when it can. But indicators have different profiles/sets depending on the environment (e.g. ubiquity, lightdm, unity, !unity) and thus it's impossible for them to encode a job as to when to start them.03:03
ali1234*shrug* ask tedg... he coded it all03:04
xnoxali1234: one shouldn't do that without consultation / consensus. we have vUDS, blueprints, and mailint lists.03:05
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
xnoxali1234: i've tested things here and here is the plan: reintroduce xdg-autostart desktop, add xdg-autostart override (if running under upstart), reintroduce dbus activation service file.04:28
xnoxali1234: once dbus-upstart-activation support lands, one would still need the dbus .service file anyway.04:28
xnoxali1234: this unbreaks indicators under upstart-less sessions.04:28
ali1234they all have xdg-autostart files already, and they appear to work under xubuntu (even though it uses upstart anyway)04:29
xnoxali1234: some of them do not anymore.04:30
xnoxali1234: i think the point here is that they have been removed upstream, and hence not present on the CD, but e.g. they do work on "upgrades" because the conffile was not properly removed.04:30
xnoxali1234: can you check if it's owned?04:31
xnoxi agree that xdg-autostart files are probably not strictly required.04:31
ali1234if you are just getting missing indicators, that's probably because the auto-shutdown code is still present04:35
ali1234so they load up and immediately quit because nothing is ready to use it04:36
xnoxi have something that will use them....04:36
ali1234"will" - if it doesn't start within 500msec, the service quits04:36
xnoxit is up and using them. but still thanks for the tip.04:37
ali1234if you put INDICATOR_ALLOW_NO_WATCHERS=yes in the environment it stops this behaviour04:38
ali1234xnox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6538877/04:44
ali1234the dbus service files for bluetooth, keyboard, messages, printers do appear to be unowned04:46
ali1234and there's no autostart for them either04:47
larsuxnox: I agree with you (see my comment on that bug).10:13
robert_ancellattente, around?19:34
attenterobert_ancell, yep19:36
robert_ancellattente, have you seen bug 1255558?19:36
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1255558 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Can't type my password after cold boot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125555819:36
robert_ancellI was wondering if the indicator-keyboard might be having an effect (i.e. setting a null keyboard layout)19:37
robert_ancellor g-s-d or something else involved in the keyboard stack19:37
attenteif set_layout isn't called on unity greeter, what layout does it default to at first?19:39
robert_ancellattente, whatever X does or whatever g-s-d does19:40
robert_ancellWe don't expect to use set_layout in the greeter, we just rely on g-s-d setting up X "correctlyZ"19:40
robert_ancell- the Z :)19:40
attenteah, ok19:41
xnoxlarsu: i think i'll work something out. e.g. bring back dbus activation, and finally port upstart-dbus-activation such that one can get the upstart benefits yet still dbus-activate.19:58
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: ping?22:44
robert_ancellGunnarHj, hello22:44
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Hi, Robert!22:45
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Have you had a chance to look at https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/lightdm/startup-dialog/+merge/198004 ?22:45
robert_ancellGunnarHj, yes, I saw it - looks good!22:45
robert_ancellI was going to say it needs the translations, but you already mentioned that22:45
robert_ancellI was wondering if we should run it past the design team, but I don't think they'll have any major objections. We can always update the text later if that is a problem22:46
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: While I think that such an info dialog makes sense as the default behavior, I imagine that some system admins may want to handle it otherwise, so some kind of boolean config option may be advisable.22:46
robert_ancellyes, that seems likely22:46
Laneyxnox: do that, do it do it do it22:46
robert_ancellthough sysadmins can edit the script if necessary22:46
Laneybonus if you can get it upstream22:46
robert_ancellI believe many sysadmins just disable guest account anyway22:47
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Right, but then the changes get lost at next upgrade...22:47
robert_ancellGunnarHj, note there is a little bit of a problem with putting UI specific code in lightdm, but I plan to (at some point) split this out into a unity-guest-session package then it wont be a problem22:47
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Disabling the guest session feature is another thing.22:47
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Are you saying that it cannot be merged at this time?22:48
robert_ancellGunnarHj, actually, thinking about that, it would be nicer to just have a script hook of some sort and then we can have a unity hook that shows the warning22:49
robert_ancellGunnarHj, I think the value of the feature outweighs the downsides22:49
robert_ancelland we can improve on it later22:49
robert_ancellwith a hook it could be more easily disabled, overridden22:50
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Actually, using hooks is what I have been doing in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeGuestSession for quite a while. This proposal simply moves one of those customization ideas into lightdm, in order to make it the default.22:52
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: As regards the possibility to disable the info dialog, I just got an idea. Getting back to you later.23:03

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