
skellatmicahg: You want me to open the bug for SRU paperwork to get started for killing off the indicators issue?01:49
skellatali1234: Are you still around at this hour?02:15
skellatHave you started an SRU bug already?02:15
skellatLet me see if I can get one started so we can fill in the blanks for micahg02:16
skellatali1234: What's the package we would be updating?02:16
ali1234do we really need a new bug? what's wrong with the existing one?02:17
skellatali1234: I thought about using the existing one02:18
skellatI don't want the current commentators messing with the SRU stuff02:18
skellatBut, we can still use the current bug02:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1208204 in indicator-sound-gtk2 (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]02:19
ali1234fair enough02:19
ali1234so, random question02:20
ali1234in my ppa the debdiff only shows the difference between the current version and the previous one i uploaded, which i deleted02:21
Unit193Because it's a diff from "this version to previous"02:21
ali1234but previous no longer exists02:21
Unit193And when you upload a newer version, the older one will also no longer exist.02:23
skellatali1234: Here's what I've got so far for the SRU paperwork: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6538478/02:24
ali1234Unit193: that's the thing: when i uploaded a new version, the old ones stayed and i had to manually delete them02:24
Unit193ali1234: They will until the new ones are fully built and published, yes.02:25
ali1234skellat: so the biggest regression potential is if it cnflicts with the gtk3 indicator somehow02:27
skellatHow would we know?02:27
ali1234"try it"02:28
ali1234the only way i can think of is if the two services both use the same dconf keys or something02:28
skellatLets shift to this Etherpad to edit perhaps: http://pad.ubuntu.com/spiE1k9rME02:28
ali1234which they do02:28
ali1234but i don't know if it matters02:28
skellatali1234: Does it look somewhat decent now?02:38
ali1234yeah, i didn't want you to delete the whole paragraph. i think we should mention we only want to fix the gtk2 indicator because landing gtk3 would be huge02:39
skellatJust hit Control-Z on my end02:40
skellatali1234: It looks like all three derive from the same source project: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicators-gtk202:45
ali1234yes, that project was set up to maintain the gtk2 versions after upstream dropped them02:45
ali1234ido-gtk2 is a support library which draws widgets02:46
skellatali1234: You satisfied with the way the SRU paperwork looks?03:03
skellatShould we go ahead and use the existing bug still?03:03
skellatIt is triaged so I actually can just change the description then assign it to micahg and be done with it03:04
ali1234up to your judgement03:04
skellatThere are risks with the commentators though03:04
ali1234i can watch the bug for silly changes03:04
skellatScrew it, LP Bug #1208204 it is!03:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1208204 in indicator-sound-gtk2 (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120820403:04
ali1234otoh at least it looks like we're doing something03:04
ali1234rather than hiding it03:04
ali1234so... shall i post a debdiff then?03:07
skellatali1234: We should leave that for micahg03:08
ali1234how do you mean?03:08
skellatHe's supposed to do his own build and upload03:10
ali1234yeah, but won't he need the debdiff to know what to actually fix?03:11
skellatGo for it03:11
skellatI had to make a request in #ubuntu-bugs for somebody to assign the bug to him since I lack that power03:11
ali1234hmm... attachment seems to have got lost somewhere... i don't see it03:17
ali1234oh well03:17
skellatIt is moving on the right path03:17
Unit193ali1234: I see the debdiff on the right side, under "Patches"03:23
ali1234ah yes03:24
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== jamin_ is now known as jamin
Unit193bluesabre: /var/lib/dpkg/info/lightdm-gtk-greeter.postinst: 20: /var/lib/dpkg/info/lightdm-gtk-greeter.postinst: /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults: not found  ===  http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/lightdm/filelist09:38
Unit193lightdm (1.9.4-0ubuntu1): - Remove lightdm-set-defaults and gdmflexiserver.09:43
Unit193"New" method: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/unity-greeter/trusty/view/head:/debian/50-unity-greeter.conf09:53
Unit193I could propose 10-xubuntu.conf for xubuntu-default-settings, if that's actually needed (very easy.)09:57
Unit193Anywho: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/unity-greeter/trusty/revision/57 - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/ubuntu-settings/trusty/revision/1009:59
elfynice - glad to see that -qa has things listed and not just me :p10:42
elfyleave it a little while and then move things from -qa to ~Unit193 10:43
knomesounds fair10:47
knomeelfy, was there anybody who responded to the mail sent to -testers, or did you see new testers pop up in the tracker?11:03
bluesabreah, Unit193: please do :)11:05
elfyknome: no replies to me - and I've not been in any fit state to check if we've got any new names11:12
brainwashali1234: you should inform these users about the recent upstream changes http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=848111:52
ali1234i don't have a forum account11:52
brainwashI do, but I would need to recover my password11:53
brainwashand the affected package "xfwm4 (ubuntu)" should be changed to "xfwm4" or? bug 123280411:54
ubottubug 1232804 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Improve "login greeter -> desktop" transition in Xubuntu" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123280411:54
ali1234i'm looking at tearing and opengl11:56
ali1234opengl compositing is an order of magnitude slower on nvidia11:56
ali1234but it fixes the tearing that you get with Xrender11:56
brainwashso opengl instead of xrender as backend?11:56
brainwashwhat about the recent addition of vsync to xfwm4?11:57
ali1234so i'm wondering why we can't just render everything to a buffer with Xrender (like we do now) and then copy that buffer into the opengl backbuffer one time11:57
ali1234the vsync code doesn't work on nvidia11:57
ali1234nvidia drivers are crap for anything but games11:57
brainwashdoesn't the driver offer a vsync option?11:57
ali1234yes, for opengl11:58
brainwashlike the AMD one does11:58
brainwashsounds a bit complicated11:58
ali1234yes it is a bit11:58
brainwashhow about copying the code of some other compositing manager? :)11:59
brainwashlike compton12:00
brainwashstill, not an easy task12:00
brainwashso xfwm4 could run with both backends, xrender or opengl12:01
ali1234compton compositor is almost identical to xfwm412:03
ali1234they are both copied directly from xcompmgr12:03
ali1234compton even still has some of the bugs i've fixed in xfwm412:03
brainwashbut it can use opengl12:04
ali1234yes, which means it's slow on nvidia12:04
ali1234like 15FPS slow12:04
brainwashok, mmh, blame nvidia?12:04
ali1234i don't see a reason to render every window using opengl12:05
ali1234do it all with xrender and the copy it using opengl at the end12:05
ali1234we already render everything in an offscreen buffer12:05
ali1234this should be easy12:05
brainwashyes, sounds easy12:05
brainwashI could test it on my AMD powered system, if you come up with a patch :)12:07
slickymasterafternoon all16:15
knomehey slickymaster 16:16
slickymasterhi knome 16:16
slickymasterjust finished reading -meeting logs for last friday16:16
slickymasterbut still got update myself on the dozen of mails from the mailing 16:17
knomethat'll take some time16:17
slickymasterknome, congrats. Just saw the new https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ page16:20
slickymasterIs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OtherResources finished or are you still working on it?16:21
knomepretty much finished. but it's of course always a WIP16:22
slickymasternice work knome 16:22
slickymaster. kudos16:22
elfyhi slickymaster knome 16:38
knomehullo elfy 16:39
elfybetter today - been driving :)16:39
slickymasterhi elfy16:39
slickymasterglad to hear that16:39
slickymasterelfy, saw the mail from -qa16:39
elfyok 16:39
elfyit's not from -qa ;)16:40
elfyit's from me :)16:40
elfynot everyone in the -qa team actaully got the mail :p16:40
slickymasterwill answer it today. Trying to catch up with all the mail knome presented me this weekend16:40
slickymasternoticed that now ;)16:41
elfyslickymaster: no rush on it at all 16:41
elfyI've got a whole week to try and catch up on16:41
slickymasterdid you saw the mugshot manual test?16:41
knomei don't think i'm on ubuntu-qa if that's something in there;)16:41
elfyknome: you are on -qa, but I didn't bother CC'ing you in to it - if anything comes of it you will get a fait accompli :D16:43
Unit193bluesabre: Did the one.19:03
Unit193Uhh, that so did not work, I hate bzr.19:06
slickymasterknome, as you were on the xubuntu subject, how is https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1213933 going to be dealt with, directly in ubiquity?22:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 1213933 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Slideshow recommends trying out environment which isn't present" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:03
knomeslickymaster, we need to review the slideshow22:04
slickymasteryes, there's also the reference to 13.10 in the first slide that has to be changed22:04
slickymasterI can assign myself to both and propose a merge? what do you think?22:07
knomewe probably need to look at the slideshow at large, but works for me22:07
knomeare you familiar with the slideshow branch or want a brief introduction?22:07
slickymasterit's very similar to other branches on other LP teams, or am I wrong?22:08
slickymasterI will just be working on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html/files/head:/slideshows/xubuntu/slides/22:08
knomethe pulling and stuff is similar, i was referring to the contents22:08
slickymasterknome,  ^^22:08
knomeyou can test the slideshow as well though22:09
slickymasteryeah, I think i can manage22:09
knomein the root directory for the branch, type: ./test-slideshow.sh xubuntu22:09
slickymasteranyway, I'm assuming that you'll be one of the reviewers, right?22:09
slickymasteryou mean to run it and test it locally22:10
slickymasterwill do22:10
knomeafter you've made your changes, just run that command22:10
knomeand you'll see your changes22:10
slickymasterI'll assign myself22:10
knomeand can play around in a fake slideshow environment22:10
knomecheers :)22:10
slickymasteryou do keep us busy22:11
knomeand myself ;)22:12
slickymastervery true ;)22:12
slickymasterknome, I getting: bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~slickymaster/ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/": No such distribution series ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu. when pushing my branch22:34
slickymastercan it be a permissions iusse?22:34
slickymasternevermind knome I figured it out22:51
slickymasterknome, available for your review and merge https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+merge/19818422:53
knomeslickymaster, cheers, will get to that later23:10
slickymasterokie dokie, knome 23:10

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