
jw1223Hi, I can't seem to find a release anouncement for
jw1223I need to know what date it was released.00:15
jw1223I archive everything with release dates.00:19
knomeit's just a relatively arbitrary snapshot00:19
jw1223I have about 70 gigs of ISOs archived, all with release dates. I really want to know the release date for
knomeaugust 22.00:25
jw1223Thanks. Where did you find that informatio?00:31
jw1223That shows Aug 20, 22 and 23.00:31
jw1223Found it! It's Aug 23. http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/08/23/ubuntu-12-04-3-lts-released/00:35
xubuntu_lamerhello world01:05
xubuntu_lamerplease help me w install01:05
xubuntu_lameri burn last package of xubuntu on usb stick and starts01:07
xubuntu_lamerand i get message BusyBox v1.18.5 (Ubuntu 1:1.18.5-1ubuntu4.1) built in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system01:07
xubuntu_lamerwhats wrong?01:07
Unit193When you boot, select the option "Check disk for defects"01:09
xubuntu_lamerok i checking01:14
xubuntu_lamerok i check it done. no some errors.01:16
xubuntu_lamerwhats next?01:16
Unit193"no some errors"?01:17
xubuntu_lamerno errors01:18
xubuntu_lamerat all01:18
xubuntu_lameri click on check, than i see picture with xubuntu loading and then i see same message: BusyBox v1.18.5 (Ubuntu 1:1.18.5-1ubuntu4.1) built in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system01:19
Unit193Well that seems like perhaps a bad download or burn.01:20
xubuntu_lameri reburn it 3 times01:22
xubuntu_lamerand the same error01:22
hiddensoulxubuntu_lamer, if you want to make sure you have created the USB stick correctly you could try redoing it with the program uNetbootin, it is available for *nix and windows and will download the image and create a bootable USB stick01:23
xubuntu_lamerokay. i try burn it via unetbootin01:24
hiddensoulit may be that you downloaded the alternate install image instead of the live image as well01:24
hiddensoulThe other problem I have seen with the alternate installer for debian (which xububtu uses on the alternate install) is that it cant mount the USB stick as it is looking for a CDROM device01:26
Unit193(Xubuntu no longer has alternate CDs)01:28
hiddensoulokay thanks Unit193 its been awhile since I did a clean install :)01:28
xubuntu_lamerokay i reburn xubuntu trhow unetbootin01:35
xubuntu_lamerand same error01:35
xubuntu_lamerno difference01:35
hiddensouldid you use the image you had already downloaded or did you let unetbootin re-download ? If you used your exsiting image it may be corrupt01:37
xubuntu_lamerokay. i use exiting image. i try unebootin to dowload it now. wait pls01:38
Unit193md5sum/zsync can check and see if it's bad.01:43
ner0xHow can I set my Backward/Forward keys on my keyboard to do the same thing the sound indicator back/forward buttons do?01:57
mmcdarisI am having some issues with installing xubuntu02:01
mmcdarisv 13.10, I see the spinner page and then it goes to a blank screen where only the mouse shows02:02
ner0xmmcdaris: It's difficult to help without more information; not your fault though. Do a google search for how to get debug information during install and I'm sure someone in here can help with that info.02:08
mmcdarisnice thank you for pointing me in the right direction02:10
Unit193Switch to a TTY and check /var/log/installer/02:14
mmcdarisI can't get into a tty, i tried cmd + alt + f1 to no avail02:17
mmcdarisyou know I had an issue with my 12.10 install02:26
mmcdaris( and thought that installing 13.10 would help fix things ) == wrong02:26
TravisWhat is a program this channel would recommend for viewing my PCTV 80e tuner?02:38
TravisI am grazing through the choices in the Software Center.02:39
argentumhaving a frustrating moment here02:40
argentumanyone available for a quick run through of something?02:40
argentumI'd really appreciate it02:41
mmcdarispost the issue03:13
mmcdarismaybe someone will help03:13
leftistgood evening. i was curious whether xubuntu uses the 2 panel gnome like it was used back in 10.10 versions?03:15
Unit193leftist: http://xubuntu.org/screenshots/03:21
Unit193There's a "launcher" type panel that auto hides at the bottom, but panels are configurable.03:21
leftisti'm just frustrated with the so called improved desktop management systems. i know what i want but it's difficult to attain.03:27
leftistwhen 11 came out for ubuntu i started losing my interest in things....oh well.03:28
leftistin kde i can't even place widgets on the panel where i want them. they go where they want to go. there is no move option that i know of anyway.03:31
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xubuntu854I am having problems trying to install xubuntu 12.4, I get a kernel bug screen after the install process begin, any idea12:19
xubuntu854machine is 7 years old AMD processor, 160 gb hd 1g ram12:20
osutapuhey, guys15:32
osutapuanyone here?15:33
irgendwer4711hi, I have a little problem with sound. only dummy device is showing.I compiled my own kernel. But I this there is no module missing...16:27
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danivaselhey, my first time here. My wireless connection keeps crashing. Then I have to go to "hidden connections" and reconnect. Could someone help17:14
DF3D2my battery indicator in the taskbar dissapeared, I tried to right click and add it back but i don't see it in the list17:36
DF3D2wifi/blue tooth etc is still there17:36
xubuntu861anyone there?20:17
knome!anyone | xubuntu86120:18
ubottuxubuntu861: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:18
xubuntu861is there someone to chat with here?20:18
bazhangin #xubuntu-offtopic20:19
xubuntu861is there a user's guide to xubuntu?20:20
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/20:21
xubuntu861how do you stop automatic cover art?20:21
TheSheepxubuntu861: what do you mean?20:21
xubuntu861well, i am running pinguy20:22
xubuntu861and it has automatic cover art fetching20:22
TheSheepno idea what pinguy is20:22
bazhang#pinguyos then20:22
bazhangthats not supported here20:22
xubuntu861any idea where to look to stop this?20:22
xubuntu861perhaps not, but i am new to ubuntu type operating systems altogether20:22
TheSheepI have no idea what you mean, this is xubuntu support channel20:22
xubuntu861i thought maybe one of u linux experts might know20:23
bazhangask in the pinguy support chan20:23
xubuntu861unfortunately, the chatting station is desolate for pinguy20:23
bazhang##linux then20:23
xubuntu861what is that webpage20:23
bazhangit's a channel here on freenode20:23
bazhang /join ##linux20:24
xubuntu861i am not even sure how to do that20:24
DF3D2hi my volume OSD stopped working, even though xfce4-volumed is enabled20:25
DF3D2and my brightness keys show an osd but the brightness never changes20:25
xubuntu861here is something that you might know .... no matter what ubuntu verison or derivative ... my computer shuts down on hibernating or  sleeping20:25
xubuntu861is there a way to fix this?20:25
_SnakePlissken_I use volti for volume control20:26
DF3D2_SnakePlissken_, it worked before just stopped and idk why20:26
bazhangxubuntu861, try the support channel for pinguy, or ##linux20:26
_SnakePlissken_what is idk?20:26
bazhangI dont know20:27
_SnakePlissken_however the integrated volume control in the system tray, has never worked for me20:27
xubuntu861this is the message i am getting: "##linux :Cannot send to channel"20:29
xubuntu861when trying to type20:29
bazhang!register | xubuntu86120:29
ubottuxubuntu861: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:29
bazhangxubuntu861, /join #freenode for help with registering your nick20:30
bazhangor /join #PinguyOS20:30
xubuntu861can someone go to pinguyos20:37
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mmcdariswhen I click login, the screen goes blank and then I am back at the login screen...20:45
DF3D2 /join #xfce20:46
mmcdaristhank you20:47
mmcdarisI am looking at this http://askubuntu.com/questions/350692/xubuntu-13-04-x-login-loop20:48
DF3D2in case anyone cares a reboot fixed the volume keys20:51
mmcdarisGlad you have sound control!20:53
DF3D2ya my brightness doesnt work tho20:53
DF3D2gotta figure that out next20:54
mmcdarisYay! I fixed it by finding an ownership error for ~/.ICEauthority in the  ~/.xsession-errors20:58
mmcdarisand then changing the owner and group of that file20:59
DF3D2perm problems are annoying21:01
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poeticrpmdoes xubuntu have the advertising crap found in ubuntu?23:37
Haggardpoeticrpm: No23:43
HaggardNO unity, no scopes23:43
poeticrpmHaggard: cool. Plan to install it for my friend then23:44

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