
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: I updated https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/lightdm/startup-dialog/+merge/198004 so it includes a simple way to disable the thing.00:22
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: So now I for one have no remaining doubts about merging it. ;-)'00:24
robert_ancellGunnarHj, did you work out the translations?00:25
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Well, I added a line in po/POTFILES.in. Isn't the rest done automatically somehow?00:26
robert_ancelldoes it work in bash scripts?00:26
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Yes. The .sh extension makes xgettext recognize it as a shell script. I did test.00:27
robert_ancellok, good00:27
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pittiGood morning06:52
larsuxnox: that'd be great!07:13
larsugood morning :)07:13
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pittididrocks: bonjour, ça va ?08:21
pittihey mlankhorst08:21
* pitti winkt zu larsu08:21
didrockspitti: bonjour, ça va bien, et toi? :)08:21
* larsu winkt zurück zu pitti08:21
larsudidrocks: salut!08:21
pittididrocks: oui, merci; nous avons aidé ma sœur avec déplacement à ce week-end08:21
didrockshey larsu!08:22
didrockspitti: oh, pas trop fatigué?08:22
larsubon Monday!08:22
pittididrocks: no, we didn't have to carry most of the furniture, they took a company for that; but as always, there are a gazillion small things aside from that (packing dishes, cleaning old flat, moving contents of cellar, etc.)08:23
didrocksahah, indeed ;)08:23
didrockswe went out for the light festivals. We walked 23 kms to see most of the places, drink hot wine, eat churros… it was fun :)08:24
sil2100alex-abreu: hello! Are you around right now? Would need you to approve a merge08:44
voldymanhey larsu08:47
voldymani have a question, does upstart only launch the indicators or does it do more?08:48
larsuvoldyman: afaik, it only launches them08:48
larsuthey then get a name on the bus, which is how the panel finds them08:49
voldymanso in theory they can be started by gnome-session ?08:50
larsuyes (or dbus activation)08:51
larsuxnox wants to do some work there, it might be worth talking to him08:51
voldymanthanks, you might be interested in https://lists.launchpad.net/elementary-dev-community/msg02913.html08:53
seb128good morning desktopers09:06
seb128hey Laney09:06
seb128how are you? had a good w.e?09:06
Laneyyes, was most excellent thanks09:07
Laneyparty Saturday and went to see a great brass band yesterday09:07
xnoxvoldyman: it's a bit in flux in trusty at the moment, but yeah i'm planning to get them back to dbus-activation (and optionally upstart)09:08
Laneyguten morgen xnox09:09
seb128mine was ok, I was feeling a bit weak/cold since friday, fought that most of the w.e (I had a vaccination on thursday, I think that's side effects from it/or I got a small cold/flu at the same time)09:09
xnoxvoldyman: it's a bit ahead of time to mandate upstart. Independantly of the indicators, i'd be interested in helping out elementary to adopt upstart for the user sessions =)09:09
seb128otherwise good, mostly sleeping and playing video games09:09
xnoxLaney: guten morgen! =) ich bin nach office heute ;-)09:09
seb128xnox, hey, how are you?09:10
xnoxseb128: good good =)09:10
seb128xnox, what do you plan to get back to dbus-activation? indicators? did you talk to ted about it (he was at the office as well, last week though, no today ;-)09:10
xnoxseb128: damn. well we are talking on the merge proposals.09:11
voldymanxnox: will the indicators have customizable UI ? our aim is to make something like this http://bassultra.deviantart.com/art/Sync-Indicator-39352692909:11
Laneyaww, hope you're feeling better now!09:11
seb128Laney, I am, thanks09:11
Laneyxnox: how does the christmas tree look? ;-)09:11
seb128xnox, if you could teach dbus activation that would make everybody happy09:12
seb128xnox, larsu would probably hug you for it as well09:12
xnoxseb128: basically two things need to happen: readd dbus activation files, and finally readd upstart-dbus-activation such that dbus activated things are managed by upstart (when upstart is available)09:12
seb128the hug might even come with ice cream09:12
* larsu confirms: there might be beer involved as well. And ice cream.09:12
seb128xnox, was that dropped because of the dbus patches we had that didn't get forward ported?09:13
xnoxLaney: it's thin and apart from a single angly birds toy doesn't look geeky enough.09:13
xnoxseb128: correct.09:13
Laneyyeah dbus needs to support it09:13
xnoxseb128: if we find anyone with spare cycles to port them. I don't think the port is that hard, it's just wasn't done, because at the time it wasn't used..... yet touch assumed it will be available once session init lands....09:14
xnoxbut first, i need to find coffee =)09:14
seb128xnox, we have been looking for somebody to port those patches for a while, pushing back on ted for the upstart job changes previous cycle09:15
seb128but since the upstart side was not happening he finally landed his stuff this cycle09:15
seb128I didn't know touch was assuming that it would be available09:15
seb128if we get that working that's going to make everybody happy ;-)09:15
xnoxvoldyman: indicators already have customizable UI, one can declare multiple type of interfaces, and request different profiles.09:29
xnoxvoldyman: e.g. indicator on the phone, phone greeter, desktop greeter, desktop, installer can already look different09:29
xnoxvoldyman: in practice a lot of it is shared (e.g. installer mostly reuses desktop greeter UI for the indicators)09:29
xnoxvoldyman: no reason why other / alternative "elementary" UI cannot be exported as well.09:30
xnoxlarsu: seb128: is there a way to "inspect" indicators? i think one too many is being loaded on the desktop - I have network indicator and network indicator. (one looks like normal network-manager one looks "phone" like with just wifi on/off, list of APs and settings label)09:32
larsuxnox: you probably have the indicator-network package installed?09:33
seb128xnox, one is nm-applet one is indicator-network09:33
seb128we still use nm-applet on the desktop09:33
seb128because the proper indicator is feature limited09:33
xnoxlarsu: ah, let me check.09:34
voldymanxnox: ah, nice.09:34
xnoxlarsu: =( removing that would remove "account-plugin-ubuntuone indicator-network ubuntu-system-settings ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts unity-scope-click"09:34
xnoxlarsu: can we get a profile up to not load on the desktop at the moment (even though it's installed?)09:35
xnox(or me blacklisting it locally)09:35
seb128xnox, edit /usr/share/unity/indicators/com.canonical.indicator.network09:35
seb128drop the desktop section09:35
seb128restart it/unity-panel-service09:35
seb128you might want to dpkg-divert to avoid doing that at every update09:35
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i didn't realize that binutils-gold is an empty package in saucy. how do we tell gcc to use gold to link?09:35
seb128(I wonder if we should just do that in the vcs)09:35
xnoxchrisccoulson: via ldflags as before. binutils-gold is now provided by binutils themself, so one can't change subvert ld.09:36
larsuxnox: what seb128 said09:36
xnox(or some such, haven't actually done that myself, since the switch)09:36
chrisccoulsonxnox, yeah, i used to just install binutils-gold before :)09:37
seb128grrrr ppas09:37
chrisccoulson(because it replaced the /usr/bin/ld link)09:37
larsuseb128: it's Monday. Don't be angry!09:38
seb128larsu, yeah, and a good week start so far, you are right ;-)09:38
Laneyonly two more weeks to go until christmas holidays ;-)09:39
xnoxseb128: diverted + $ stop indicator-network did the trick ;-)09:39
seb128Laney, the amd64 build of webkit in the desktop ppa got stopped by ld being killed, I wonder if it took longer than the ppa timeout to run ld09:39
seb128xnox, great09:39
Laneyhow did it get killed?09:40
Laneycould be OOM09:40
Laneyyeah probably that09:40
seb128have to love webkit09:40
xnox i guess i could of just $ echo manual > ~/.config/upstart/indicator-network.override09:40
Laneylove to hate09:40
Laneyor hate to love, or both09:40
seb128well, good news is that I'm using i386 and that this one built ;-)09:41
seb128retrying the amd6409:41
Laneyworth a try09:41
Laneyif not I can upload it to a non-virtual ppa09:41
Laneycan you tell if it fixes the issue?09:41
seb128Laney, I'm just going to upload to the real archive, we want that fix there anyway ...09:41
seb128well, let me see if I can reproduce the bug09:42
seb128last week I got it 3 times in a row09:42
seb128and then not the 15 next times when I wanted debug info09:42
seb128well the patch got review/commited upstream, so if it runs fine I'm just going declare it correct and upload09:42
alex-abreusil2100, I am09:43
sil2100alex-abreu: hello! Ping no longer valid ;) We anyway saw that Ken was the only one in content-hub with the power of top-approving09:45
sil2100alex-abreu: but we managed to work-around that09:46
seb128Laney, the webkit fix doesn't work :/10:10
Laneyno change?10:11
seb128downloading 343M of dbg to get a stacktrace, to see if it's the same one10:12
seb128it might be they have another similar issue10:12
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Sweetsharkseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/libreoffice-4-1/libreoffice_4.1.3-0ubuntu2_source.changes10:35
Laneyshould upload harfbuzz first10:36
Laneybut yay, I can upload both if you like10:38
seb128Sweetshark, \o/10:38
seb128Laney, we want poppler 0.24.4 as well before10:38
seb128we can as well tackle all transitions :p10:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1256627 in poppler (Ubuntu) "New upstream release, merge with Debian" [Wishlist,New]10:39
seb128Sweetshark, ^ is libreoffice using one of those functions?10:40
seb128Laney, the poppler transition might not be a no change rebuilds one, so maybe we can delay it to another round, that's a minor update with only a few commits10:40
Sweetsharkseb128: no idea TBH ...10:42
* Sweetshark digs for the patch we had for the last poppler transistion10:42
xnoxLaney: right, so ideally i'd want that script to set "subscription name" on the subscription (like one can do on the webui) and only delete "script generated subscriptions", well I'm gonna just comment out unsbuscribing ;-)10:43
Laneyxnox: yeah, want to file an LP bug to ask for that over the api?10:44
xnoxLaney: can i file bugs against junk branches? against a person? =)10:45
Laneythe LP API needs to support it first10:45
Sweetsharkseb128: so from a quick look it could well be that we dont use the getObj and shift functions ...10:45
xnoxLaney: ah. I see. sure will do.10:45
Laneyalso, if you want, you could patch it to make -u 0 turn off the unsubscribing10:46
LaneyI think you're going to end up subscribed to a lot of stuff :-)10:46
xnoxLaney: well, i'm adding an upstart job to run in debug mode and collect logs for me & will cron "start lp-subscribe-uploads" thus if I spot it doing it naughty things I'll have logs =)10:47
* xnox is thinking 30d unsubscribe timeout (things get stuck in -proposed for a while sometimes)10:48
seb128Laney, do you want to do the new poppler as well or should we just go for harfbuzz/rebuild lo?10:48
seb128Laney, I'm busy looking at webkit and gtk 3.10 (and dealing with W.E backlog) so I'm not going to step up today, your call10:49
Laneyseb128: I'm worried about getting entangled in other stuff10:49
Laneylet's do them separately10:49
seb128Laney, +110:50
seb128Laney, can you do the few rebuilds for harfbuzz as well? (pango, texsomething, ...)?10:50
Laneygrr, what are these dh-autoreconf changes for?10:54
seb128the ones from doko?10:54
seb128that's support for new archs I think10:56
LaneySweetshark: you didn't need to build with 4.7?11:31
SweetsharkLaney: nope.11:46
SweetsharkLaney: it was caused by the mdds version bump, so it was my own stupidity mostly (I havent had that one on the radar).11:47
SweetsharkLaney: so we are builing this one with an internal copy of an (older, compatible) mdds, and already have the mdds in archive that we'll need for LibreOffice 4.2 in the end.11:48
Sweetshark(which then will again build with a proper --with-system-mdds)11:49
Laneyyep, I got it, thanks11:49
Laneyseb128: harfbuzz is ready for NEWing btw11:51
seb128Laney, done11:53
Laneycool, cheers11:53
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Sweetsharkseb128: meh, saw the failure on trusty. Likely just that the system ./debian/control rules was run on wasnt updated recently enough. FWIW I _did_ build that locally (but not in a PPA as a full-l10n build wouldnt work in a ppa).12:46
Sweetsharkseb128: oh, hang on -- the broken deps dont seem to come from my control file. So its just a case of SSDD elsewhere it seems.12:48
seb128Sweetshark, oh, I didn't notice, Laney did sponsor the upload ... can you get a fixed version?12:48
Laneyit was me12:48
LaneyI think it's just pango needing rebuilt12:48
seb128chrisccoulson, your firefox 26 trusty upload is not happy on !i386/amd6412:49
chrisccoulsonseb128, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-beta.trusty/revision/1032 ;)12:51
seb128chrisccoulson, good ;-)12:51
seb128chrisccoulson, I was trying to see if f26 would fix that hunspell issue by any chance, it's ranking high on e.u.c12:52
seb128but I guess not enough got that version yet to say12:52
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Laneyseb128: do you want to upload that webkit patch anyway?13:04
Laneyor wait a while to see if Company comes up with a new one?13:04
Laney(got to upload it for harfbuzz)13:04
seb128Laney, Company just ponged, give him some time to look at the bug in case he has an idea there13:04
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* Laney eyes the notify-osd autopkgtest failure14:59
Laneyhow did that not hold back any migrations?14:59
seb128yeah for useless logs15:04
seb128we should make verbose default for tests15:04
Laneyyeah :/15:06
Laneypitti: is the working directory preseved when using run-adt-test?15:10
pittiLaney: yes, for things like -S15:10
LaneyI'm SSHed into the instance, but the directory in ubuntu's HOME is unbuilt15:10
pitti(not relevant otherwise)15:10
pittiI usually run it with -S file://`pwd`15:11
LaneyIt's has the build-needed restriction but looks like that happened somewhere in /tmp15:11
Laneywhich is now gone15:11
pittiyes, it doesn't touch the current source dir, it copies everything into a temp location of the virt runner15:12
Laneyyeah - I can't even find it inside the instance15:12
LaneyI have the unpacked source, but not the directory that run-adt-test already built and ran the tests in15:12
Laneyso I can't find test-suite.log15:13
Laneyah well, will run manually15:13
pittiah, that glib change again15:19
desrtstgraber: hey.  got a sec to chat cgroups?15:24
stgraberdesrt: sure15:24
desrtstgraber: what is /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd and why do i have it on my ubuntu system?15:24
seb128Laney, pitti: is the old test running?15:24
stgraberdesrt: it's the cgroup hierarchy setup by logind15:24
Laneyseb128: no, it's eral15:25
seb128Laney, pitti: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/notify-osd/trunk/revision/476 was supposed to fix that issue15:25
seb128or is the test having the same bug as the runtime was having?15:25
pittihe desrt15:25
desrtstgraber: okay.  that makes sense.  is something else in trusty setting up other cgroup hierarchies?15:25
desrtpitti: hi :)15:25
Laneylet me see15:25
stgraberdesrt: it's not doing any resource limiting at this point but is used by logind to group all processes of a given seat and user session15:25
pittidesrt: <gentle prod for shim 6> :-)15:25
desrtpitti: already released, no?15:25
stgraberdesrt: not at the moment. We have cgroup-lite which comes with LXC and sets up all the others but it's not installed by default15:26
desrt[ ]systemd-shim-6.tar.xz06-Dec-2013 14:07 75Ktar archive15:26
pittidesrt: oh, so it is, thanks! should have Ctrl+R'ed..15:26
desrtstgraber: so http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=707201 started hitting me after the upgrade to trusty15:26
ubot2`Debian bug 707201 in libvirt-bin "Unable to initialize /machine cgroup: Invalid argument" [Serious,Fixed]15:26
stgraberdesrt: we're also working on our own cgroup manager for LXC which will be in trusty and will be managing /sys/fs/cgroup for us. We'll have some kind of abstraction layer so that logind (and possibly anything else using the systemd cgroup API) will just work and talk to our manager instead of systemd's own15:26
desrtstgraber: there is a script in there that claims to fix it.... but when i tried to do what the script was doing, i got a lot of warnings about the cgroup being busy15:27
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Laneyseb128: pretty sure it's using the right version15:27
stgraberdesrt: ah, can you try installing cgroup-lite and see if that helps? if it does, then we probably should just have libvirt recommend cgroup-lite15:27
LaneyI'm reproducing it locally with the trusty-proposed version15:28
seb128Laney, so maybe the tests have the same bug as the service had15:28
seb128Laney, or do you get the issue on the runtime?15:28
Laneynot suer15:28
desrtstgraber: already installed....15:28
desrtnot sure how i got that by default15:28
* desrt tries removing it =)15:28
stgraberdesrt: it's a depends of libvirt-bin apparently15:29
desrtrecommends it seems, because i just uninstalled it without trouble15:29
desrtalthough i tried upgrading to debian's libvirt last night, so that could also be why15:29
desrthttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=725261 is the bug with the script that fails, rather15:30
ubot2`Debian bug 725261 in libvirt-bin "libvirt-bin: Cgroup configuration for LXC and Qemu on the same host" [Wishlist,Fixed]15:30
stgraberit's a cgroup-lite | cgroup-bin depends in Ubuntu apparently15:30
stgraberdo you have cgroup-bin installed?15:30
stgraberah that's probably explained by Debian not having cgroup-lite and so not having that depends on their libvirt15:31
desrtmount: cgroup_cpuset already mounted or /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset busy15:31
desrtthis is the message that makes me wonder if something else is trying to manage this... maybe logind?15:31
stgrabercan you pastebin "grep cgroup /proc/mounts"?15:31
desrtsure.  gimme a sec.15:32
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desrtoh.  neat.  /cgroup15:33
stgraberah yeah, that /cgroup really shouldn't be there :)15:34
stgraberI'd suggest getting rid of that one, then installing cgroup-lite again and check that you get them all setup under /sys/fs/cgroup properly15:34
* desrt wonders who is responsible for this one :(15:34
Laneyokay I got a fix15:35
pittistgraber, desrt: anything wrong in /etc/init/systemd-logind.conf ?15:36
desrtstgraber: working!!15:36
pitti(just following with half an eye, deep in debugging)15:36
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desrtstgraber: thanks for your help.... looks like something weird wrong during the upgrade15:38
desrtserves me right for upgrading to an upstable distro, i guess15:38
seb128desrt, what was the buggy/wrong part at this end?15:40
desrtseb128: had an old entry about cgroupfs in my fstab that the upgrade didn't remove15:41
Laneyseb128: larsu (since you looked at this before): https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/notify-osd/trunk/view/head:/src/timings.c#L359 ← I think we need to set priv->…_id = 0 there & in other similar places, so that line 176 doesn't try to remove it again later on - agreed?15:41
seb128we have packages "hacking" fstab?15:41
desrtseb128: i have no idea15:42
desrti also have /cgroup15:42
seb128no cgroups in fstab here15:42
desrthmm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcgroup/+bug/86936415:43
ubot2`Launchpad bug 869364 in libcgroup (Ubuntu) "cgconfig gets confused with /cgroups fstab entry" [Low,Triaged]15:43
larsuLaney: definitely. Also, the assert() is unnecessary now (g_source_remove always returns TRUE)15:44
* desrt shrugs15:44
desrti hate cgroups15:44
seb128Laney, I'm in hangout, can have a look after that15:44
seb128(oh seems larsu is on it, good)15:44
Laneyno need, one confirmation is enough for me15:44
larsuLaney: are you doing the patch?15:44
Laneyyou can review it then if you want :-)15:45
larsuof course!15:45
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seb128Laney, ok, I doubt Company is going to have a fix out today for that webkit issue, he's doing some refactoring there (he said the issue is created by some optimization webkit is doing and he's pondering dropping those or make them work, he needs to evaluate the win they create before though)16:03
seb128Laney, I'm going to upload the patch from the ppa16:03
seb128it's correct and fixes some issues, even if that's not enough for -sc16:03
Laneyif a patch comes in the next couple of days then great, otherwise there should be a release next monday16:04
Laneyso we might as well roll it in with that if it's any later16:04
Laneyhopefully notify-osd can be released too, then that should be harfbuzz providing lo builds16:06
Laneyalready did on ppc. sagari ♥16:07
Laney (took 1 hour, 17 minutes, 50.8 seconds)16:07
Laneythat box is amazing16:07
larsuLaney: might as well get rid of the booleans16:16
larsuand the last one is missing the = 0, no?16:16
* larsu is flying with partial vision. Only looking at the diff16:17
Laneythe last one is always overwritten so I didn't bother there16:17
Laneycan do though if you want16:17
larsunah that's fine16:18
Laneybooleans: DEAD16:18
xnoxmeh, can't upload ubiquity with webkit/harfbuzz transition in-flight16:19
Laneyis all in hand16:19
larsuLaney: more red \o/. approved16:20
Laneyexcellent, thanks!16:20
Laneylarsu: did you mean to top approve it?16:36
larsuLaney: I wanted to wait for Jekins16:38
Laneydoesn't the merger do that itself?16:38
larsuyeah, I guess. I'll approve it right now16:38
Laneyhope so, I've been approving before it for ages :P16:38
sil2100kenvandine: hi! I hope you don't mind I re-targetted the lp:content-hub branch to be part of ~phablet-team? :)17:02
sil2100kenvandine: since sadly ~content-hub-team has only 2 members and we couldn't do any magic17:02
kenvandinesil2100, again?17:02
kenvandinewell, nobody paid any attention to it before17:03
kenvandinei was hoping to get a couple people added and merges would get noticed, etc :)17:03
sil2100kenvandine: now it was rather crucial, since there was an urgent branch we needed top-approving but no one besides you could do that17:03
sil2100We can re-organize later17:03
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desrtLaney. seb128: with your debian soname-purist hats on, do you know if the libtool versioning stuff is _at all_ useful?17:23
desrti'm thinking about dropping our ridiculously complex treatment of it from glib17:25
seb128I don't see much use to it17:25
seb128I'm basically happy if the soname change when there is an incompatible change17:25
seb128the minor, etc, who cares...17:25
desrtso if we have glib-2.0.so.0.0.0 you're fine17:26
desrtas long as it's .so.017:26
waltersdesrt: owen designed it, and gtk does the same thing, worth at least running by him17:26
walters(i think he did anyways)17:26
Laneyyeah I basically don't care how you generate it as long as the SONAME is used to indicate binary compatibility17:27
LaneyWe use .symbols files to generate lower bounds on dependencies17:28
desrtlibtool claims to have the idea of multiple versions of an interface being supported17:29
desrtwhich interests me quite a lot17:29
desrtit means that some day we could have a libglib-2.0.so.1 with a link for libglib-2.0.so.017:29
desrtand after the whole universe rebuilds, we can drop the backcompat17:29
seb128desrt, one thing handy about the current minor handling is that it includes the version17:30
desrtor maybe release .so.2 which is not compat at all and have .so.0 parallel-installable but no longer maintained (old binaries?)17:30
seb128desrt, so when you get e.g a stacktrace you know what version is being used17:30
desrtseb128: ya... i find that to be really annoying though17:30
seb128it came handy a few time, getting non debug bt17:30
desrtseb128: like when bisecting, if i go back through time, 'make install' installs a .so with an older minor and ldconfig links to the newer one instead17:30
seb128or "gtk.so.10"... he's running the new gtk!17:31
LaneyI don't know that I've done anything with that parallel interface stuff17:31
desrtthe parallel interface stuff actually doesn't work17:31
Laneydo you get n libraries built?17:31
desrtit's documented as being supposed to work with a note that it works differently depending on the platform17:31
desrtin reality it doesn't work at all17:31
desrtno.  only one17:32
desrtin glib we claim interface 3902 (for 2.39.2, for example) and 'interface age' ==, ie. 3902)17:32
desrtwhich, in linux, gives only soname .017:32
desrtie: interface - age17:32
desrtit's totally pointless17:32
desrton other systems, we get soname == interface17:32
desrtso .so.390217:32
desrtwhich is .... well, completely fucking awful17:33
desrtevery single micro release is ABI incompat with the one before17:33
desrtit seems like we could dodge the entire mess by just always having version 017:33
desrtuntil we actually break ABI, then we can manually set it to 117:34
desrt((i make comments like that ^ just to make sure seb128 continues to live in fear))17:34
seb128nothing to fear17:34
desrtin any case, i'm starting to warm to the idea of a rolling ABI17:35
seb128weI can stop updating glib, easy17:35
seb128I just need to knock down Laney first17:35
desrtthe only problem is that it doesn't fit neatly into the debian worldview of things17:35
desrtwould be a bit weird for you guys to get libglib2.0-0 and libglib2.0-1 out of the same source package and version, right?17:36
Laneyattente: w00t!17:36
Laneywhat do you mean by rolling ABI?17:36
desrt...particularly when -0 depends on -117:36
desrtLaney: basically, bump the soname of libglib-2.0 to libglib-2.0.so.117:36
desrtbut install a symlink for libglib-2.0.so.017:36
desrtso we now have ABI version 1, but it's claiming to be backcompat with .017:37
desrtmeanwhile, everyone who rebuilds their stuff gets linked to .117:37
desrtafter a while, once we think there are no old binaries, we drop support for the old ABI and stop installing the .0 symlink17:37
desrtyou'd end up with a libglib-2.0-0 package that essentially contained only a symlink and a dependency on libglib-2.0-117:38
desrt(or a set of symlinks, i suppose)17:39
Laneyit feels weird but I don't know if I can articulate any philosophical objection17:41
desrti think it's legit17:41
attenteLaney, i'm not sure why, but setting something like es_CU or de_BE on AS only gets set as es and de respectively on the device, while en_NZ and en_CA still work17:41
desrtof course, we can still never break API...17:41
Laneysee what pochu thinks, he might have some clever thought17:42
Laneyattente: you get them back from locale -a?17:43
attenteLaney, yep, they're present17:43
LaneyI guess you could reproduce by poking AS yourself and see what's going on in there17:44
Laneyby 'set' you mean in ~/.pam_environment?17:44
seb128ok, calling it a day, see you tomorrow17:44
Laneybye seb128!17:44
attenteno, in the user's AS storage17:44
Laneyso we can rule out that script, that's good17:45
Laneydoesn't happen on your desktop I guess?17:45
attentehappens for certain locales17:46
Laneyguess you should go see what AS is thinking :P17:46
attentecould be something is not installed..17:46
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* attente uses psychic powers17:47
Laneyattente: interesting, Language is wrong and FormatsLocale is right18:02
attentesetting the formats locale does less validation than setting the language18:03
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LaneyI'm guessing not everything can be used for display language18:07
Laney/usr/share/language-tools/language-options is supposed to list those ones AFAIK18:09
Laneyso maybe it is right18:09
Laneyalas, got to go18:09
attenteok, thanks again Laney18:10
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attente'/usr/share/language-tools/language-validate en_PH.utf8' == 'en_US'18:15
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GunnarHjattente: See that you have questions about the language code i a-s. Anything I can do to clarify?19:42
attenteGunnarHj, thanks, not really, but do you happen to know anything about libicu?19:43
GunnarHjattente: libicu? No, I don't even know what it is. :(19:44
attenteGunnarHj, oh, ok. no worries. do you know if there's a way to get the likely locale for a language? e.g. for 'en', the likely locale would be 'en_US'19:45
GunnarHj$ /usr/share/language-tools/language2locale en19:47
GunnarHjattente: ^19:48
attenteGunnarHj, wow, thanks19:48
GunnarHjattente: <quote> i'm not sure why, but setting something like es_CU or de_BE on AS only gets set as es and de respectively on the device, while en_NZ and en_CA still work</quote>20:02
GunnarHjThat's because there is only one German respective Spanish translation installed, so a-s picks the most reasonable available language. /usr/share/language-tools/language-options lists all the installed translations. And, after all, selecting a language is about deciding which of the translations that is going to be used to display things, right?20:02
attenteGunnarHj, right. i'm rewriting that code in ubuntu-system-settings to use the formats locale field instead20:06
GunnarHjattente: Given that the u-i sets both language and formats, and that you use a locale -a type list of options, that seems to be a good way to see which option is the currently selected one.20:09
GunnarHjattente: (All that stuff in a-s assumes that you set language and formats separately, so it does a lot of things that don't really apply to u-s-s.)20:15
attenteGunnarHj, makes sense20:18
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: ping?20:28
robert_ancellGunnarHj, hello20:28
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Hi!20:28
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Did you see sabdfl's comment on bug 435930?20:28
ubot2`Launchpad bug 435930 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Guest session does not warn about temporary nature of files" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43593020:28
robert_ancellI agree shells should ideally implement the dialog, though that could be an enhancement20:29
robert_ancellGunnarHj, which shells did you propose the feature for?20:30
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Do you mean enhancement at a later time?20:30
robert_ancellyeah, I was thinking along those lines20:30
robert_ancellsince it will be reasonably hard to implement this feature in a shell20:30
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: "which shells did you propose the feature for" - not sure what you are asking20:31
robert_ancellGunnarHj, is this feature intended just for Unity, or LXDE / XFCE / KDE etc as well?20:31
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Aha. Basically for everyone who seeds zenity. I suppose that KDE might want to add some code to make it work with whatever they use.  Not sure about the other.20:33
robert_ancellGunnarHj, what do you think about trying to implement a dialog for Unity specifically. I was just concerned we wouldn't get it done in time20:34
robert_ancellAnd for other shells should they want it20:34
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Do you mean it would test for Unity rather than zenity, so it only happens in Ubuntu? But is there a reason to assume that Xubuntu, Kubuntu etc. are less interested as long as they use the guest session feature?20:36
robert_ancellGunnarHj, no, lightdm would indicate to the Unity session somehow that it was running in guest mode and Unity would show an appropriate UI for the user to inform them of the limitations20:36
robert_ancellzenity is never going to be the perfect solution for all desktops20:36
robert_ancellwhich is hinted at with the delay to show the dialog20:37
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: I'm afraid that such a solution would be over my head. :(20:38
robert_ancellyeah, me too20:38
robert_ancellbregma, ^ any spare cycles to implement a dialog in Unity to tell the user they are running as guest?20:39
robert_ancellor any existing code we can use to do this?20:39
bregmaI think we're already stretched to the limit this cycle20:39
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: So to make at least some progress short time, how about taking the wording suggested by sabdfl and stick to zenity for now?20:40
robert_ancellGunnarHj, I think that's the best option on the table at the moment20:40
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Ok, thanks. Then I'll update the branch with the new text.20:41
bregmarobert_ancell, I'm looking for a good way in lightdm to indicate to a session an X server will not be running, any suggestions on the best way?21:02
robert_ancellbregma, i.e. if the session is a Mir server or similar?21:02
bregmaexactly... like an env var passed to lightdm-session, or something21:02
bregmaI can just check DESKTOP_SESSION, but that seems unextensible and inelegant21:03
robert_ancellbregma, well, you should be able to tell if there's no X server by the absence of $DISPLAY21:03
robert_ancellor that you're in a Mir compositor by the Mir env variables21:04
bregmamm, right, I'll go with that for now21:04
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: sabdfl's suggested wording talks about "when you logout or reboot". But you can't reboot from within a guest session, I then thought, at least if it was launched from within a normal session. But when I tested I could reboot from a guest session, even if there were two normal (locked) sessions open. Isn't that a pretty serious bug?21:16
robert_ancellGunnarHj, yeah, that seems serious. It will be a bug in logind/policykit21:17
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Ok, I'm going to check later on if the issue is addressed, and file a bug if not.21:18
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Dropping "or reboot" now.21:18
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GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Done with the branch update. Leaving it to you to answer sabdfl if deemed appropriate.22:47
robert_ancellGunnarHj, thanks22:47
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: yw ;-)22:48
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