
=== LjL is now known as MetaPsycho
=== MetaPsycho is now known as LjL
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
=== jose- is now known as jose
=== jose is now known as 64MAA3JWF
=== 64MAA3JWF is now known as jose-
elfyAlanBell: ping if you've got time to sort out ##ubuntuforums-unanswered15:41
elfyit's an old forum team - that's being revamped - and none of the old people with rights etc are about15:41
elfyneed to add me with ops so I can get those sorted for others15:42
elfynhandler intimated that I might need you (irc team) to talk to freenode for me15:42
Priceyelfy: double-#?16:07
elfyPricey: no - sorry16:07
elfyand hello again :p16:08
* Pricey steps back again16:08
Picielfy: all set.16:33
elfyPici: oh - cheers - so I've got rights to give others +votiA where I want to ?16:34
elfyassuming so - thanks :)16:34
Picielfy: yep16:34
elfythanks for being quick about that - I can wander off into the night now :)16:35
elfyhave a good one16:35
Piciyou too16:35
caboose885thanks Pici !16:35
=== jose- is now known as jose
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119|afk
=== mhall119|afk is now known as mhall119

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