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DanChapmanGood Morning all :-)07:43
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davmor2Morning all11:44
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pittielopio: do you have a (literal) second to ack https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/autopilot/fix-changelog/+merge/198270 ?14:54
pittialesage: ^ or you14:56
pitti(I even have a bad conscience having to ask other people for such a trivial and obvious thing, but policy..)14:57
alesagepitti also top-approved, hope I was meant to :)14:57
pittialesage: it was, thanks14:57
pittirunning tests once for this is already a waste :)14:57
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senanballoons, Good Evening17:16
balloonshello senan, how are you?17:16
senanballoons, I'm good .. thanks.. Extremely busy now a days..even working on weekends :(17:17
senanballoons, how about you17:17
balloonssenan, it's a busy time of year certainly :-) I do try and keep weekends free.. well for other work, haha17:21
senanballoons, we have a busy schedule.. need to complete a boat load of test cases within 3  weeks17:23
senanballoons, that too SAP applications :)17:24
senanballoons, I'm stuck with DiskUsageAnalyzer.. Need Dan's help to proceed17:31
balloonssenan, everything pushed to your branch?17:31
senanballoons, yes17:32
senanballoons, two tests are failing.. but for me everything looks good here. its failing for me when I run sandbox mode17:33
balloonssenan, got a link to the mp again?17:40
senanballoons, now  ?17:45
senanballoons, I didn't get you17:47
balloonssenan, I was asking for https://code.launchpad.net/~senan/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/DiskUsageAnalyser/+merge/19308717:47
balloonssenan, did you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~dpniel/+junk/baobab?17:48
knomeballoons, look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/ ...17:48
senanno I didnt17:48
senanBalloons, That also having the same issue while running sandbox run17:54
balloonssenan, have a look and leave some comments for Dan17:54
balloonsI'm sure he'll get back to you17:54
balloonsknome, k.. what should I see?17:54
senanballoons ok17:54
balloonsbelkinsa pinged me about it as well17:54
knomeballoons, new navigation header?17:54
senanballoons, yea he left some clues in that .. I'll take a look at it17:56
senanballoons.. good night17:56
balloonsknome, lol.. I'm not that familar with the wiki17:56
balloonssenan, yes good night and do have a look17:56
balloonssenan, if I see Dan I'll let him know. But do leave a comment, it's the best way17:56
knomeballoons, hah ;)17:56
balloonsso he knows your still working on it, etc17:56
balloonsknome, that was the point of me taking the task of going through it and trying it out17:57
knomeballoons, i know... sorry for taking your work items! :P17:58
balloonsknome, lolololol.. please feel free17:59
knomei guess i can leave fixing the rest of the pages for you18:00
knomei'm already way too deep in the docs :P18:00
balloonsI only signed up for feedback giving, not for redesigning ;-)18:03
knomewell i took some of the burden from the navigation, now you can give a bit more feedback ;)18:04
knomegot to go eat now, bbl18:05
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