[00:11] Hmm... [00:11] Let me check in a bit [00:12] Or is bamboo a carppy add-on for Thunderbird? [00:36] Totally full of carp. [00:39] Newsbeuter. [01:33] self-hosted newsblur on a pi works [01:33] that's what I used [01:33] I once used Sage, but I don't why I stopped. [01:33] Lifeara is carp too [01:34] lifeara is meh. [01:34] honestly, since reader died, i've been unhappy with everything [01:38] what reader you using [01:38] Bamboo on Thunderbird [01:38] oh have to check that out. [01:39] It's alright, but I think it hates the Planet Ubuntu Ohio Feed [01:39] And skellat's blog feed. [01:40] * skellat coughs and refers to http://erielookingproductions.info/Feeds.html and notes that a script elsewhere runs once a day to grab things [01:40] [ rawdog ] - https://j.mp/18uMwS8 [01:44] belkinsa: I checked and my blog's feed endpoint is http://erielookingproductions.info/ubuntu/index.rss while the Erie Looking Productions blog's feed endpoint is http://erielookingproductions.info/index.rss [01:45] Thank you, it works. [02:31] BiosElement: Howdy. [02:34] Hey Unit193, What's up? [02:37] Wishing bzr/lp wasn't so bad. You? [02:38] Ehh just checking in on some work. Oh, and git FTW. >.> [02:39] bitbucket/self-hosted++ [02:45] Oh dear heh [03:08] Don't like it? :D [03:09] Last used it a year ago. Got git and haven't looked back. Probably helps that I'm an ass so I have a lot in common with it. >.> [03:12] Bitbucket uses git... [14:59] bitbucket added git support recently. [15:45] is there some feeds you guys have i can use? [18:18] I finally running my own newsgroup server woot [19:34] anybody home [19:34] you all must be working hehe [20:59] I was nappying, actually. [21:00] on sick kid home from school 'duty' [21:00] napping, not nappying [21:00] kid is long since out of those