
arosalesdo folks know which ports juju client needs to be open?00:27
arosalesalso I am working with mxc in #juju and he is hitting http://pastebin.com/AQArivJz00:27
arosalesdoing a comparison the next logical step from juju should have been juju.provider.azure environ.go:406 picked tools00:28
arosalesbut that is where the bad request comes from00:28
arosalesdoes anyone know why juju.provider.azure environ.go:406 would fail in a bad request on bootstrap?00:29
thumperarosales: um...00:31
thumperarosales: the api/state ports to the server00:31
thumperarosales: i'd poke axw when he starts about the bootstrap issue00:32
arosalesthumper, thanks i'll see if axw has any insights when he comes online00:38
arosalesthumper, re the api/state ports to the server00:39
arosaleson the client00:39
arosalesdoes juju-core binary need to call out on any specific port?00:40
thumperprobably also needs access to the charm store (not sure which port) if deploying standard charms00:40
arosalesaside from deploying and even at that the client wouldn't do the the deploying00:41
thumperthe default port for state is 37017 and api is 1707000:41
arosalesclient in this context is where juju commands are being issues form00:41
thumperright, the juju binary talks to the bootstrap node primarily over the api now (17070), but a few still use state directly (37017)00:41
arosalesthumper, gotcha thanksfor the info00:53
arosalesaxw, hello00:58
axwarosales: howdy00:58
arosales I am working with mxc in #juju and he is hitting http://pastebin.com/AQArivJz00:59
arosales doing a comparison the next logical step from juju should have been juju.provider.azure environ.go:4000:59
arosales doing a comparison the next logical step from juju should have been juju.provider.azure environ.go:40600:59
arosalesdo you know why that section of code would fail with a 400: bad request01:00
arosalesaxw, ^01:00
axwarosales: not sure, looking01:00
arosalesaxw thanks01:01
arosalesI wasn't able to reproduce the issue he was seeing01:01
arosalesaxw, I am going to step away from the computer but any insights you have would be appreciated.  I think at this early in the process he may have a cert config issue, but I am uncertain on how to confirm that.01:05
axwarosales: no worries, I will see what I can see01:05
axwarosales: is there a bug or something I can update?01:06
axwno mxc on #juju atm01:06
arosalesaxw, unfortunately no, he only posted http://askubuntu.com/questions/388419/juju-bootstrap-fails-in-azure-badrequest-the-affinity-group-name-is-empty-or01:07
arosaleshe was in #juju but left01:07
arosaleshe also had a post to the juju mailing list01:07
arosalesaxw, don't spend too much time I thought I would just check with you on why that section of code was failing as a clue to what may have been going on.01:08
axwokey dokey, I will update the list if I find something, or file a bug if there is one01:08
arosalesaxw, thanks01:08
axwarosales: sure, nps01:08
=== smoser` is now known as smoser
jamhazmat: There will be a couple of new APIs coming in 1.18 still, but we don't expect any existing ones to be removed. (status is added, PutCharm/Deploy/UpgradeCharm added, etc) MachineConfig is likely to stick around as is (though wasn't in 1.16)02:00
axwuh oh, I think my hard drive is failing02:04
* axw fscks, bbs02:06
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
* thumper heads to the supermarket03:26
dimiternthumper, did you get my mail yesterday about cadmin?04:31
thumperhi dimitern04:31
dimiternthumper, hey04:31
thumperdimitern: yeah, I got it, but not looked yet sorry04:32
dimiternthumper, no worries04:32
dimiternhatch, hey, you around?04:34
hatchdimitern sortof :) what's up?04:34
dimiternhatch, I wanted to check with you about the charms upload implementation04:35
hatchoh ok cool, so where are we on that?04:35
dimiternhatch, basically, we settled on no API calls, just a POST /charms?series=<series> and a multipart/form-data body containing a single zip file with the charm, and returning a json response in the form {"code":<int status code>, "error": "message", "charmUrl": "the url"}04:36
hatchwhat about the auth?04:37
dimiternhatch, if there is an error code and error are populated, charmUrl is missing, on success charmUrl is populated and error and code are missing04:37
dimiternhatch, basic http auth with a user-tag and password04:37
dimiternhatch, i'm finishing the proposal later today04:38
hatchso https post with username and secret?04:39
dimiternhatch, the implementation allows further development, like implementing GET /charms?url=<charmUrl>&file=icon.svg, but not implemented for now04:39
dimiternhatch, the same creds as for Login() - tag and password, where the tag must be a "user-xxx"04:40
hatchand what does this give us over the previously discussed pattern?04:41
dimiternhatch, it's the simplest approach04:41
hatchThe only part I'm concerned about is the http auth stuff04:43
hatchnot that we can't do it04:45
hatchI can't remember how the auth data is handled across the various login methods04:45
hatchI'll have to check when I'm back at my computer04:45
dimiternhatch, well, it's standard "Authorization" header containing `Basic realm="juju" <base64-encoded "tag:password" plain text string>`04:46
hatchright but I'm not sure if we store that information or not04:46
dimiternhatch, ah, sorry `Basic <base64-part>` no realm04:46
hatchit's been quite a while since I looked at the login code04:47
dimiternhatch, it should be almost exactly the same04:47
hatchI mean that the user will already be logged in04:47
hatchso if we don't store their creds we will need to ask for it again04:47
dimiternhatch, hmm, yes, but you can generate the base64 token and store it in a cookie or something i guess04:48
hatchright yeah04:48
dimiternhatch, anyway, all that is just a heads up for what's coming, not set in stone, we'll change accordingly to accommodate the gui as needed04:49
hatchright, yeah thanks, I've got this all down and when I'm not so darn tired I'll take a look at what we have/need - but it sounds good :)04:50
dimiternhatch, sure, sorry to bug you so late btw :)04:51
hatchdimitern can you cc me on the proposal so I can take a look in the morning?04:51
hatchhaha no problem :) thanks for keeping me up to date04:51
dimiternhatch, I will update the document and send you a link04:52
hatchgreat thanks04:52
hatchhave a good one!04:52
dimiternhatch, you too!04:53
* thumper has a "fuck yeah!" moment05:06
dimiternthumper, \o/05:10
thumperdimitern: yay tests is all I can say05:11
thumperdimitern: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6549442/ are the tests that are passing :-)05:11
dimiternthumper, :) looking05:12
thumperdimitern: working on the server side of juju-run05:12
dimiternthumper, great!05:12
thumperdimitern: so you can do something like this on any machine hosting a unit05:12
dimiternthumper, looking forward to trying it out when done05:13
thumperjuju-run my-unit/4 "some magic"05:13
thumperinside cron05:13
thumperso runs in a hook context etc...05:13
* thumper pops the stack and writes tests for uniter.RunCommands05:13
thumperactually, now might be a good time to stop for the day05:15
thumperfinish on a high and all that05:15
* thumper does some admin bits05:15
davecheneyaxw: i hope that failure is not related to not having a tty05:18
axwdavecheney: which failure is that?05:18
axwdavecheney: the azure/ec2/etc. bootstrap failure?05:19
davecheneythe same05:19
davecheneymy money is still on timeouts05:19
axwdavecheney: nfi, the gpgv thing is weird05:19
axwI've found a bunch of bug reports on this, and all the resolutions are "oh I just re-ran apt-get update and it fixed it"05:20
davecheneyaxw: do you pass ssh -t when dialing the bootstrap node ?05:20
axwdavecheney: yes, for sudo05:20
davecheneywhy would sudo require that05:20
davecheneyubuntu user doesn't need a password05:20
axwdavecheney: it's needed for manual provisioning/bootstrap05:21
axwcould be disabled for cloud provider05:21
axwdavecheney: nonsense? it's needed because the ubuntu user doesn't necessarily exist on a machine you're manually bootstrapping05:22
davecheneyaxw: seriously ?05:22
davecheneyoh ffs05:22
davecheneythat's just peachy05:22
axwdavecheney: why does that matter?05:23
davecheneyi guess if you pass -t to ssh05:23
davecheneythat is all we need05:23
thumpernight all05:25
fwereade_jam, so, looks like we can pull the trigger on 1.16.5?07:57
jamfwereade_: I believe so. I don't have anything stuck in my head we're waiting for07:57
=== rvba` is now known as rvba
fwereade_jam, \o/08:00
jam1.17.0 on the other hand ... :)08:00
axwdoes anyone know if there are cloud (ec2, azure, ...) mirrors for cloud-archive?08:04
axwseems that installing monogdb-server from cloud archive is what takes so damn long on azure08:04
fwereade_jam, yeah :(08:06
jamaxw: I don't believe it is mirrored by anyone, ATM.08:06
fwereade_jam, actually, hmm, I should make force-destroy-machine delegate actual removal to the provisioner08:06
fwereade_jam, axw, who should we be talking  to about that? ben howard?08:07
axwjam: okey dokey08:07
jamfwereade_: I think it is possible, but hard to mirror stuff that isn't in the central archive.08:07
jamI actually think the juju-mongodb proposal, possibly with V8 stripped out will get us big wins here08:08
jamas we can make the package that gets installed a lot smaller08:08
jam(today we install 'mongodb' which gives us client and server, and client is 60-90MB)08:08
jamwhile I agree local mirrors will still be faster, I'm not sure how that works with non Ubuntu archives08:08
jam(when we say "add cloud-archive:tools" how is that found in a mirror?)08:09
=== axw_ is now known as axw
axwjam, fwereade_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1259453   -- marked as Low, feel free to increase if you think it's worth pursuing08:30
_mup_Bug #1259453: Bootstrap is significantly delayed by installing mongodb-server from cloud-archive <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1259453>08:30
axwit won't be a problem with Trusty08:30
fwereade_axw, I think precise is still pretty important, but it sounds like it may be hard to do08:39
axwyeah, probably08:39
* fwereade_ wrote some code!09:58
fwereade_rogpeppe1, you're OCR -- https://codereview.appspot.com/39970043/ and https://codereview.appspot.com/37610044/09:59
fwereade_rogpeppe1, they're identical09:59
rogpeppe1fwereade_: looking09:59
jamfwereade_: dimitern did comment on it. if you set safe-mode: true will this actually stop instances?10:04
fwereade_jam, safe mode distinguishes between "stopping" and "unknown"10:04
axwif anyone has spare cycles, this could do with a review sooner rather than later (it fixes a 1.17 critical): https://codereview.appspot.com/39940043/10:05
jamfwereade_: did you actually test this?10:05
dimiternfwereade_, so safe-mode is selectively destructive then :)10:05
* axw eods10:05
fwereade_jam, I'm running it now, I *think* I'm being clever and parallel rather than slapdash ;p10:06
jamfwereade_: so this is 'juju status' in manual provisioning when you try to add, and it can create the machine in the DB but calls DestroyMachine http://paste.ubuntu.com/6550335/10:09
jamthat is what I was saying about it ending up 'pending but dying'10:10
jambut never alive10:11
fwereade_jam, so what is it that failed after the machine was created in the db?10:12
jamfwereade_: well, I haven't finished the manual stuff, so MachineConfig failed in the middle, and then it couldn't set up upstart, but the theorical "something after allocating a machine id but before the agent is actually running"10:12
jamwe try to clean up10:12
jambut I don't *quite* see the point, as the cleanup doesn't actually work10:13
fwereade_jam, yeah, the problem is (I think) that an instance id is assigned so we don't fast-forward the destroy10:13
fwereade_jam, I'm not reallycomfortable with differentiating based on the "manual:" bit10:14
jamfwereade_: well, we're in manual provisioning code right then, if we have a way to actually signal it should be destroyed10:14
fwereade_jam, just because I'm sure that one day some provider will give us a real instance id starting with "manual:"10:14
jamwe *could* call something to remove the instance id as we clean up10:14
fwereade_jam, well, yeah, we can write the code :)10:15
fwereade_jam, but, generally, removing an instance id is a pretty surprising thing to do10:16
fwereade_jam, and I'm reluctant to normalise it10:16
fwereade_jam, really we should have flagged manual instances in some way that wasn't just a magic string embedded in the instance id10:17
fwereade_jam, plausibly we could start doing that now, though..?10:21
jamfwereade_: given that this is all about compatibility with 1.16 direct DB access, I'm not planning on changing DB internals just yet :)10:21
fwereade_jam, rogpeppe1: fwiw, yes, the provisioner works as expectedlive10:21
jamI think it is fine that in the "cleanup we have an error while manual provisioning" for us to do the steps we need to clean it up10:21
jamfwereade_: great10:21
jamfwereade_: we'll need to think what that looks like in the API-only case as well, because that is also broken in trunk10:22
jamso there is certainly "it is out of scope for today" but I think it is a bug to be fixed10:22
rogpeppe1fwereade_: sorry, some context?10:22
fwereade_jam, yeah, indeed -- an easy fix here is fine -- but for trunk, and going forward, I think we should be a bit more precise about specific machines' providers10:23
fwereade_rogpeppe1, jam asked if I'd tested it live, I just finisheddoing so10:23
rogpeppe1fwereade_: ah, cool10:23
rogpeppe1fwereade_: i *thought* that's what you meant, but just checking10:24
fwereade_jam, the trouble is that we still don't have an explicit concept of provider in state, it's still all gummed up with the environment10:24
jamfwereade_: anyway, I'm at the "file a bug, and get on with what I'm actually trying to solve" point.10:25
fwereade_jam, yeah, that sounds reasonable10:32
jamfwereade_: so there isn't anyway to actually get rid of the machine in 1.16.3, right? (We might be able to call ForceDestroyMachines if it was available)10:34
fwereade_jam, I think that is so, yes10:38
fwereade_jam, and with my change there still won't be in 1.16.510:39
fwereade_jam, it'll get to Dead but won't actually be removed, I think10:40
fwereade_jam, would you bug it for 1.18 please?10:40
jamfwereade_: and I think we would still want to distinguish from "I did get it set up, so I want the agent to clean up after itself" from "I create the record, but the agent will never come up"10:40
jamfwereade_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/125949610:40
_mup_Bug #1259496: juju add-machine ssh: may not clean up properly on failure <manual-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1259496>10:40
fwereade_jam, definitely, it's a very specific situation10:41
fwereade_jam, I worry most about the code being abused once it exists10:41
jamfwereade_: bug #1259490 ... It sounds to me like he means "juju debug-log" is too verbose, but what he actually means is that the only way he has to see what is going on is an overly-verbose-for-debugging log10:42
_mup_Bug #1259490: juju-log in debug mode is too verbose <debug-log> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1259490>10:42
fwereade_jam, maybe -- the hook-tool invocation line is probably more a DEBUG-level thing -- but it sounds like what he actually wants is to set the log level to INFO..?10:45
jamIt *might* be that he just wants to be able to INFO level filter the debug-log, but it sounds mostly like he's having trouble getting appropriate feedback.10:45
dimiternjam, rogpeppe1, standup?10:48
jamnatefinch: still up for 1:1?11:44
natefinchnatefinch, yep11:44
jamk, I'm there11:44
jamnatefinch: you're feed is paused, is it working for you?12:03
natefinchwow, had to hard-reset my laptop12:10
jamwelcome back natefinch12:10
jamnatefinch: I sent you an email, I'm not sure there's much to finish up12:10
natefinchjam: ok, cool. I sorta figured12:11
TheMuerogpeppe1: https://codereview.appspot.com/36540043/ is in again, looks and feels better now.12:58
TheMuerogpeppe1: thx for your review hints, helped a lot.12:59
rogpeppe1 TheMue: cool. looking.12:59
rogpeppe1TheMue: hmm, seems like you didn't use bzr mv, which is a pity as i can't easily see the diffs from my last review13:01
TheMuerogpeppe1: I used bzr mv13:01
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
rogpeppe1TheMue: weird13:01
TheMuerogpeppe1: and rietveld discovers it correctly13:01
rogpeppe1TheMue: oh well, it's probably just a rietveld thing13:01
TheMuerogpeppe1: our good old friend :D13:02
TheMuerogpeppe1: oh, interesting, changed the patch sets in display, see your troubles :(13:04
mgzokay, I'm back around reliably again now14:11
dimiternfwereade_, jam: charm upload's state operations https://codereview.appspot.com/4016004314:27
smosergeneral question...14:41
mgzgeneric answer...14:41
smoserwhat woudl people think about having a 'environment' file for jujud14:41
mgzthat does what?14:42
smosermy motivation for this is right now 'lxc-create' uses 'ubuntu-cloudimg-query', which *can* read a environment variable to set a mirror.14:42
smoserbut there is no way to get environment variable into juju14:42
smosersame is true for 'http_proxy' and 'https_proxy'14:42
smoserwhich would be respected by utilities if they could be set.14:42
smoserbut putting stuff in /etc/environment does'nt perculate through to daemons started with upstart.14:43
mgzsmoser: I agree some way to chuck in extra cloud-init values seems really useful14:59
mgzthough, that also means the bypass that manual provisioning currently does need to start using cloud-init...14:59
smosermgz, well, i wasn't talking about cloud-init specifically15:00
smoserbut for the manual provisioning, my solution for that is to actually use cloud-init15:00
smoser(and cloud-init provide a consistent interface to "run cloud-init now")15:01
mgzyeah, that would be good15:01
mgzsmoser: I'd prefer cloud-init extra config to random envvars15:01
smoserwell, cloud-config wouldn't even suffice here.15:02
smosermgz, well... out oside of somewhat abusing it.15:02
smosercloud-init can set http-proxy for apt15:02
smoserbut doesn't do it for /etc/environment a15:03
smoserthe only way to solve this would be to provide a boothook that dpkg-divert'd the lxc-create to a wrapper.15:03
mgzsome guy hacked around this previously by modifying his base image to have HTTP_PROXY set for the ubuntu user... but it seems like a really fragile why of saying you need to go out through a gateway for your cloud15:06
mgzrogpeppe1: any hints on debugging "panic: Session already closed" in tests for status cmd after I've been fiddling with the api bits?15:13
rogpeppe1mgz: what does the traceback look like?15:14
mgzI shall pastebin15:15
mgzrogpeppe1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6551589/15:16
rogpeppe1TheMue: you've got a review BTW15:17
rogpeppe1mgz: i think i'd start by trying to find out when the state.State was closed15:19
rogpeppe1mgz: as i think that's probably the only way that that panic can happen15:20
rogpeppe1mgz: usual drill: add some printfs...15:20
mgzit's a begger as it's one giant table test, so I can't really do a minimal run...15:21
TheMuerogpeppe1: just seen, thx15:22
rogpeppe1mgz: you could see if you get the issue with all but two of the tests omitted15:22
mgzrogpeppe1: heh, if I only use the fallback path, it works15:29
rogpeppe1mgz: the fallback path?15:29
mgzprobably something in the testing reset state logic breaks the api15:29
mgzfallback to direct state access15:29
rogpeppe1mgz: ah yes15:29
rogpeppe1mgz: yeah, probably15:29
mgzkills some pingers and calls JujuConnSuite.Reset()...15:31
mgzrogpeppe1: okay, it involves how I'm using conn from inside the apiserver...15:39
rogpeppe1mgz: oh yes?15:40
mgzif I just don't close it after creating one, everything is fine... but that seems like a leak?15:40
mgzrogpeppe1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6551726/ how bogus is that?15:41
rogpeppe1mgz: were you closing the Conn?15:42
rogpeppe1mgz: if so, that was definitely the reason for the problem15:43
rogpeppe1mgz: NewConnFromState just shares the State that's passed into it15:43
mgzI was, doubtingly, and not does indeed help. but if I'm calling New... every api call, what's doing the c... okay, ace15:43
rogpeppe1mgz: np15:44
rogpeppe1dimitern: you've got a review https://codereview.appspot.com/40160043/16:32
dimiternrogpeppe1, cheers!16:33
mgzanother fun mystery...16:38
mgzswitching to the api has lead to a test mismatch, where setting a machine's agent state is expected to be:16:38
mgzbut comes out as:16:39
mgz"agent-state":"down", "agent-state-info":"(started)"16:39
rogpeppe1mgz: is that a function of instance state?16:39
mgzit's all entwined in a bunch of declarative testing stuff, but I can't quite see how I have affected it at all with the api...16:41
mgzmay well just be a fixup error I made somewhere, in whice case I'm happy for the test... but it's not obvious where the problem lies16:44
mgzhm, more likely, the provider bit is just not working16:49
mgzwhat could cause AgentAlive to be unhappy...16:54
dimiternrogpeppe1, fwereade_, next (and last for today) CL https://codereview.appspot.com/4029004417:15
* dimitern reached eod17:16
rogpeppe1dimitern: looking17:16
dimiternrogpeppe1, thanks17:16
* fwereade_ supper, might pop backonlater17:16
rogpeppe1dimitern: i'd like to see a version of the PutCharm document that encapsulates the current proposal17:17
rogpeppe1dimitern: i'm not sure the history matters so much17:17
dimiternrogpeppe1, well see it - i've updated the doc and even sent you (and the others a mail17:17
dimiternrogpeppe1, last section "Chosen Implementation"17:18
rogpeppe1dimitern: ah cool. perhaps that could go at the top.17:19
dimiternrogpeppe1, feel free to edit to your heart's content :)17:27
=== teknico_ is now known as teknico
rogpeppe1dimitern: okeydokey :-)17:27
webbrandonI am getting a ERROR Get : 301 response missing Location header.  It started happening after I destroyed-environment.  I hadn't done anything to juju from the bootstrap previous to make this happen except a system update18:03
webbrandonI tried removing and reinstalling juju-core but it still exist18:03
mgzrogpeppe1, (et al): have posted https://codereview.appspot.com/40350043 with current progress and cry for help18:09
rogpeppe1mgz: will look after i've finished with dimitern's18:09
rogpeppe1dimitern: reviewed18:37
dimiternrogpeppe1, thank you18:37
rogpeppe1mgz: you've got a review18:54
mgzrogpeppe1: thanks!18:54
rogpeppe1mgz: i don't quite understand your CL description18:57
rogpeppe1mgz: what are the #1, #3 etc referring to?18:57
mgzrogpeppe1: in cmd/juju/status_test.go statusTests is a list of test() things, which have several expect{} asserts withing19:03
rogpeppe1mgz: yeah, i'm looking at it currently19:04
rogpeppe1mgz: are the #1 etc referring to steps of test 0 ?19:04
mgzyeah, I didn't 0-index19:04
rogpeppe1mgz: oh, confusing?19:04
mgzand the first test() fails19:04
mgzsee the string for which one it actually is if the numbering is confusing :)19:05
dimiternrogpeppe1, mgz, when I wrote those tests, each test() was a separate case19:05
dimiternrogpeppe1, mgz, and it seems it still is19:06
rogpeppe1mgz: i'm finding it difficult to parse: "19:06
rogpeppe1The test #1 expect #3 which does SetAgentAlive19:06
dimiternrogpeppe1, mgz, it just written so that you can also build cases incrementally with multiple expects19:06
mgzand the following one fails19:06
rogpeppe1mgz: should that be "expects" ?19:07
dimiternmgz, once you're using the api, the setagentalive tests are meaningless19:07
dimiternmgz, because once you connect to the api as a machine or a unit the agent is set to alive19:07
rogpeppe1dimitern: surely they're not meaningless?19:08
rogpeppe1dimitern: 'cos we're connecting as a client19:08
mgzstatus still needs to care, is the issue19:08
dimiternrogpeppe1, oh, right19:08
rogpeppe1mgz: i see step #6 fail FWIW19:08
rogpeppe1mgz: ah, you're counting expects!19:09
mgzrogpeppe1: yeah, it's step #6, but expect #419:09
rogpeppe1mgz: ... using 0-based counting for steps, but 1-based for expects :-)19:09
dimiternmgz, if it helps, split the test()s so that each one has a single expect(), then you can comment out the rest and run them one by one19:10
dimiternmgz, this will introduce some code duplication, because the first test case relies on setting and testing stuff as it goes19:10
rogpeppe1mgz: it's weird - i've just verified that SetAgentAlive is called and AgentAlive initially returns true but returns false a few moments later19:15
dimiternrogpeppe1, i had that issue before19:15
rogpeppe1dimitern: oh yeah?19:16
rogpeppe1dimitern: do you remember what the issue was?19:16
dimiternrogpeppe1, it was something to do with the pinger being killed at some point19:16
mgzrogpeppe1: right, that's why the cry for help :)19:16
dimiternrogpeppe1, or maybe it was related to startsync on the right state - BackkingState or State in the suite19:16
* dimitern has can type? time to call it a night19:18
dimiterng'night all, see you tomorrow guys19:18
mgznight dimitern :)19:18
rogpeppe1mgz: ah, i think i know what the issue might be19:23
rogpeppe1mgz: the api's state presence hasn't seen the agent becoming alive yet19:23
rogpeppe1mgz: dimiter is right - if you startsync in the api's state, it should fix the issue.19:24
mgzah, interesting19:24
rogpeppe1mgz: the logic in startAliveMachine is doing the right thing but on the wrong State19:25
rogpeppe1mgz: i have a feeling that it's there because of the issue that dimiter encountered before (the same issue)19:25
rogpeppe1mgz: hope that helps enough to get you through it.19:27
mgzrogpeppe1: hopefully! thanks!19:27
rogpeppe1mgz: perhaps this is a case for moving those tests closer to the implementation19:28
mgzrogpeppe1: indeed19:28
rogpeppe1mgz: and making the status tests in cmd/juju just a smoke test19:28
mgzrogpeppe1: how do I get a reference to the api, given that it's created with NewApiClientFromName on each Run invocation?19:38
sinzuimgz, I am seeing  a test failure in 1.16 tip. I think something in my own configuration is interfering. any insights? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6552812/19:51
mgzsinzui: looking19:51
mgzthat looks like joy19:51
sinzuiI am on trusty BTW, though I did a major git reconfiguration last week19:52
mgzit seems like you may have personal git config that breaks the expectations of how juju-core things git does things19:53
mgzwhich is pretty naive19:53
rogpeppe1mgz: ISTR there's a method on the dummy provider19:53
rogpeppe1mgz: that returns the State used by the API server19:53
mgzrogpeppe1: GetStateInAPIServer sounds good19:58
mgzokay, all fixed20:23
abentleythumper: Is there an equivalent to all-machines.log for the local provider?  So far, I've only found individual agent logs.21:22
thumperabentley: yes, all-machines.log21:22
thumperabentley: well, in trunk21:23
thumperabentley: there were changes recently to have the local provider use rsyslog too21:23
thumperbut not in the 1.16 branch21:23
abentleythumper: Oh, cool.  Yes, I was using the 1.16 branch.21:23
abentleyjcsackett: the big changes are done for splitting upgrade and deploy into separate tests.21:25
natefinchthumper: you know anything about the uniter test failures I mentioned in email?21:44
thumperhi natefinch21:44
thumperah... which email?21:44
* thumper looks at email21:44
natefinchthumper - very recemt21:44
thumperno, not seen it21:45
thumperdifferent git?21:45
thumperseems only to be leading #21:45
natefinchyeah. thats what I was thinking21:46
natefinchthumper, what's your git version?  I'm 1.8.521:47
thumper Installed: 1:
natefinchso maybe that's it.  I'm too bleeding-edge for Juju :)21:48
jcsackettabentley: ack, thanks.21:48
* thumper takes a deep breath21:52
* thumper exhales slowly21:52
* wallyworld -> dentist, yay :-(22:26
thumperhi wallyworld23:15

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