
Tlani need help installing lubuntu on my netbook00:28
Tlani have a netbook with an AMD A6 apu00:28
Tlanand lubuntu is not detecting my gpu00:28
Tlani get a black screen when it tries to boot up00:29
Tlanlike i get the splash screen but then it goes black and does nothing00:29
Tlanany idea how to get this working ?00:29
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:30
Tlanhow do i set this parameter00:30
holsteinand, i usually end up loading a live CD such as puppy or knoppix and using a custom xorg.conf from there00:31
holsteinTlan: i set it by following the instructions in the link above00:31
Tlanwhere do i place the text00:31
holsteinTlan: i do it from a live cd.. or, if you have already installed, you could put an xorg.conf in place to force the vesa driver00:31
holsteinTlan: what text?00:31
Tlaniam booting froma  usb stick00:32
Tlantrying to boot to test it out00:32
Tlani hit letter e00:32
Tlanand i have this box wiht text in it00:32
Tlanwhere do i type in those parameters00:32
Tlaniam using a uefi bios00:32
Tlanits grub menui00:33
Tlanwhen i hit e00:33
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:34
Tlansays " set gfxpayload=keep  linux  /casper/vmlinuz file=cdrom/presse/lubuntu.seed00:35
Tlani got an error said it can't find command  nomodeset00:36
holsteinTlan: its not a command00:37
Tlanwhere do i type it in00:38
Tlaniam trying to find that out right now00:38
holsteinTlan: let me open the link i gave you, read it, and convey to you *exactly* what to do.. please relas00:38
Tlaniam reading it00:38
Tlando you know what i mean00:38
Tlanlike when you boot lubuntu from usb stick00:38
Tlanin uefi mode00:38
Tlanyou get a black and white box ask you if you want to try it or install it00:39
Tlanyou can hit e or c00:39
holsteinTlan: please relax00:39
holsteinTlan: you'll hit e to edit.. then, you'll add "nomodeset"00:39
holsteinTlan: making the output look like http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/3509/dgfdgrunningoraclevmvir.png00:39
holsteinthen, to make it permanent, after installation.. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"00:40
Tlando i need quotes00:43
Tlanits still black screening00:43
holsteinno.. you make it look *just* like the image00:43
Tlani don't have it installed00:43
Tlanjust trying to try it out00:44
holsteinTlan: the "after you have it installed" step is for after you have it installed00:44
Tlanso type all that stuff00:44
holsteinTlan: no00:44
holsteinTlan: you literally type.. "nomodeset"00:44
holsteinwithout the quotes.. at the end of the line00:44
holsteintype no other stuff00:44
holsteinnot quotation marks00:44
Tlan then hit f1000:45
holsteinTlan: hit whatever it takes to save that, and return to grub, and boot the kernel entry you just edited00:45
holsteinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 refers to "control+x"00:46
holsteinby "control+x", i mean, the control key, usually labeled "ctrl", being held down, and them pressing the "x" key00:46
holstein*quotation marks used to indicate exact text from the labels on the keys00:47
Tlani hit ctl + x00:48
Tlannothing happened00:48
Tlandoes that mean its saved now ?00:48
holsteinthats what the page implies00:48
Tlanthen after that hit f1000:49
holsteinTlan: the text at the bottom should tell you what the commads are00:49
holsteinTlan: f10 sounds like something you hit for your bios00:49
Tlani think the problem was i was not saving my edits00:49
holsteinTlan: i think you are mixing guides00:49
Tlanwell i just did crt+X  then hit f10 to boot00:50
Tlanthats what it says00:50
Tlanshit can't be right00:50
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:50
holsteinno worries00:50
Tlancan i give the model number of the machine iam using00:51
Tlani am using an ACER V5 122p-064300:51
holsteinTlan: sure.. but it wont help me help you00:51
holsteinTlan: nomodeset is what i use.. or i just install using the minimal or alternate iso00:51
Tlan i think the problem iam having is that its not saving the edit00:53
ianorlinalthough with alternate will he need nomodeset once it starts booting after restarting?00:53
holsteini found i had to set it manually in lubuntu after installation00:54
holsteinbut that was 12.04 i tested on such hardware00:54
Tlanthis 13.1000:54
Tlani have installed xubuntu 13.04 before00:54
Tlani could only install it00:54
Tlanthe live usb would not boot00:54
Tlanits because this laptop has a new amd apu00:55
Tlanand it relies on the amd drivers to work00:55
holsteinTlan: i was responding to ianorlin relating to 12.0400:56
Tlani don't know what to do00:59
holsteinTlan: i would test the iso00:59
Tlanthats thing00:59
holsteinTlan: if it used to work on 13.04, it should work on 13.1000:59
Tlan iam typing on my desktop pc00:59
holsteinTlan: at this point, i would just wait on 14.04, and keep using what works.. 13.0401:00
Tlanand i can boot right into lubuntu usiing this live usb01:00
Tlanlubuntu is really nice01:00
Tlanvery fast01:00
Tlani haven01:00
Tlancan i install 13.04 and upgrade to 13.10 ?01:00
ianorlinback things up first though is strongly recomended01:01
Tlani had xubuntu 13.04 working before01:01
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu01:01
Tlanwell i have windows 8 installed on it right now01:01
ianorlinthre is one for all flavors01:01
holsteinjust use 13.0401:02
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu, Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0401:02
Tlanand then i can upgrade to 13.1001:08
holsteinor, just use 13.0401:09
Tlani want the lastest version i like the new features01:10
Tlani really liked it when i used it on my desktop01:10
holsteinTlan: you liked 13.10?01:10
Tlanyea when i tested the live usb01:11
Tlanwhy is it worse than 13.0401:11
Tlaniam thinking maybe i should run my bios in legacy mode01:11
Tlanon the this laptop01:11
holsteinTlan: its not worse than 13.04.. its different, andif you prefer 13.04, use 13.0401:23
Tlani got it boot in legacy bios mode01:23
Tlanby hitting tab01:23
holsteinso, its a uefi thing, and not a graphics thing01:23
Tlanand i typed nomodeset after "--"01:23
holsteinor, im just not followting..01:24
Tlani dunno01:24
Tlanits weird its like it doesn't save my edits in the uefi menu01:24
Tlanbut this fast on the live usb01:24
Tlanthe live usb is soo much faster than windows 8.101:29
holsteinTlan: i think there is a windows channel, if you need to discuss windows01:30
Tlanno iam just saying i really like this distro01:31
Tlanthis laptop is running a ultra low power 1ghz quad core01:31
Tlanthe tdp is 8watts01:31
Tlanbut it has a pretty good gpu side01:31
Tlani have 8gb of ddr3 installed01:31
Tlanand an 128gb ssd01:31
Tlanflash does not come preinstalled?01:41
Tlanhow do you search in the lubuntu app center01:41
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:41
holsteinTlan: flash is not allowed to be included01:41
Tlanalright i figured out what was the problem in uefi mode01:52
nannesTlan: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer01:53
nannesif you want more plugins (proprietary), run ---> sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras01:53
Tlani enabled secure mode in uefi mode in my bios01:53
Tlanthan i had to select the grub64.efi bios as a trusted file for the bios to allow01:53
nannesActually, ubuntu is compatible with secure mode... but it's a little bit of tricky to make it work01:53
Tlanthen i booted to the grub menu hit e01:54
Tlanand then typed nomodeset hit f10 now it boots no blackscreens01:54
Tlanno it was not that tricky01:54
nannesTlan: you should also try to restrict the "nomodeset" to the real cause01:54
Tlani think it tried it before but selected bootx64.efi instead of grub64.efi01:54
nannesby trying  separately  acpi=off , nolapic01:55
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:55
Tlanno becuase it didn't work before when you were helping me01:55
nannesI wasn't helping you lol01:55
nannesI''ve just arrived01:55
* ianorlin thinks Tlan is talking to holstein01:57
Tlanthe live usb runs better in efi mode than legacy01:59
nanneslol sorry, my fault, my minuscule brain couldn't see through that, considering that in the last ~20 posts holstein didn't even talk lol02:00
Tlanthis distro is so awesome02:02
Tlansecure erase ssd nessesary02:03
holsteinTlan: you are looking for an application to securely erase a hard drive?02:19
Tlan 02:28
Tlanthis is problem i have02:28
Tlani have the samsung boot secure erase thing02:28
Tlanwhere you make a bootable usb to secure erase it02:28
Tlanbut i need to put the pc in sleep mode02:28
Tlanto get the ssd out of a frozen state02:29
Tlanis there a freedos command to put the laptop to sleep02:29
holsteinTlan: if you want to securely delete hard drives, i use http://www.dban.org/ .. im not familiar with any of your specific hardware or software cases02:29
TlanSSD are different02:30
Tlanit issues a SATA command to basicaly revert all the nand to zeros02:31
holsteinAFAIK, you can treat them as normal drives02:31
holsteinTlan: http://www.unixmen.com/secure-erase-your-ssd/ is where i would start02:31
Tlanhow do you put a comptuer to sleep from a dos prompt02:33
holsteinTlan: i dont use dos02:33
ianorlin /me doesn't either02:36
holsteinTlan: "Try different configurations until you manage to defroze your disk. Finally, your output will be similar to this: - See more at: http://www.unixmen.com/secure-erase-your-ssd/#sthash.Z9pr4EXP.dpuf"02:36
Tlanparted magic does not wake up from sleep02:39
Tlanthats my problem02:39
ianorlinhttp://hackipedia.org/Platform/x86/BIOS/EFI%20Extensible%20Firmware%20Interface/UEFI/pdf/UEFI%20Shell%20Specification_2_0.pdf might have it but is long03:00
ianorlinI can't just control+f for sleep though03:01
ianorlinah crud wouln't it be uefi 2.1 as that is what has secure boot03:01
Tlandoes the lubuntu installer know to use GPT03:28
Tlanif your on uefi03:28
Tlanthe theme for lubuntu 13.10 is very sharp03:36
Tlanhow do access the grub menu after in installed lubuntu04:20
Tlani need to boot with nomodeset04:20
Tlanbecause now i can't access the terminal when i press crtl + alt + f104:21
Tlanits all screwed up04:21
Tlanthen i have to hit f7 to get back to the gui04:21
Unit193<Shift> right after the BIOS screen.04:22
Tlandoesn't do anythign04:25
Unit193Have to hit it at the right time04:26
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:26
Tlani cannot install amd drivers in lubuntu04:33
Tlanit says it can't find the zip file to unzip04:33
Tlando i have to be in crtl+alt+F1 terminal to install video drivers?04:35
Unit193Run: software-properties-gtk --open-tab=404:35
Tlani want to install this04:37
Tlanhow do i get into the grub menu04:39
Tlanits not shift04:39
Tlani was pressing that04:39
Tlanthis is fustrating04:44
Tlaniam hitting shift04:44
Tlannothing happen04:44
Tlanthis is grub204:44
Tlani decided to see maybe try updating lubuntu04:50
Tlanmaybe that might fix my issue04:50
nimtzhow to you select a WM (openbox) before starting  asession in 13.1007:15
ianorlinit is at the top towards the right hand corner07:18
nimtzohh, thanks07:20
nimtzdidnt see that bar07:20
nimtzha, fresh install openbox 13.10 lubuntu takes more memory than lxde07:23
nimtzi guess lxde stays loaded up07:24
ianorlinit does have more virtual desktops by default though07:35
Krispisgood morning09:21
JesseHWhats the key combination to minimize a full screen app?10:18
JesseHLike a game for instance10:18
JesseHwindows key doesnt work10:19
lubuntu007desktop pager is buggy13:17
lubuntu007on livecd is fine13:17
javier555hello :) can you help me with a dobut of lubuntu? sorry for my bad english17:35
wxl!ask | javier55517:36
ubottujavier555: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:36
javier555.docx files has the zip icon, do you know how can I set the document icon for that extension?17:37
javier555wxl can you help me please?17:40

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