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=== shuduo_afk is now known as shuduo
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Nothing_MuchMy web browsers keep redirecting me to the mobile websites, what do I do to get the desktop websites back? (I'm using Xubuntu 13.10 and on Armhf)19:41
brendandNothing_Much, it's down to the User-Agent. Change it in your preferred browser19:48
Nothing_Muchbrendand: How do I change the user agent?19:49
brendandNothing_Much, which browser?19:49
Nothing_MuchFirefox and Chromium19:49
Nothing_MuchI should specify that I'm on the desktop version of Xubuntu.19:50
brendandNothing_Much, what does http://whatsmyuseragent.com/ say?19:51
Nothing_MuchMozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux armv7l; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.019:52
Nothing_MuchMozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux armv7l) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/30.0.1599.114 Chrome/30.0.1599.114 Safari/537.3619:52
Nothing_Muchbrendand: ^19:53
brendandNothing_Much, do you have an example of a page you're having a problem with?19:56
Nothing_Muchbrendand: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57615107-94/ubuntu-touch-os-wins-its-first-smartphone-partner/ The link says the news.cnet, but it redirects me to the mobile website.19:58
brendandNothing_Much, is that the only one?20:00
Nothing_MuchIt directs me to the mobile home page too I believe.20:01
Nothing_MuchYeah it does20:01
brendandNothing_Much, bug on their side i think20:08
brendandNothing_Much, i also get the mobile site. and i'm on ubuntu desktop amd6420:08
Nothing_MuchOh my20:08
Nothing_MuchAlright that's good, glad I'm not the only one20:08
brendandNothing_Much, there's an option in the menu to switch20:09

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