
=== alpacaherder is now known as skellat
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xnoxhow can I copy src+binaries from archive to a ppa?13:28
xnoxah -b.13:28
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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=== Guest48115 is now known as Ursula
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shadeslayercould someone move libkscreen and kscreen out of saucy-proposed?14:19
shadeslayerthe SRU has been verified as working14:19
* stgraber does some SRU work15:56
Riddellstgraber: KDE SC 4.11.3 can all be let in15:58
Riddelldunno why that only got half in15:58
stgraberRiddell: yeah, I'm looking into that one now (just had to re-read the MRE to refresh my memory)16:02
cjwatsonstgraber: urgh, if you're going to let partman-{btrfs,ext3} in then we have to promote partman-basicfilesystems a bit early as well16:07
cjwatsonoh, hey, look at that, it's not early for that any more16:07
stgrabercjwatson: hmm, I thought I released partman-basicfilesystems at the same time too... let me check what happened there...16:08
stgraberbleh, typo in my sru-release...16:08
stgraberthere, done again with basicfilesystems written properly this time around...16:09
stgraberRiddell: I think I got them all16:24
Riddellgot to catch them all, it's like pokemon16:24
stgraberbdrung_: can you add some testing instructions to bug 1258639?16:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 1258639 in update-manager (Ubuntu Quantal) "need to support upgrades from 12.10 to 13.10" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125863916:40
stgraberbdrung_: sorry, meant bdmurray16:40
stgraberbdmurray: can you add some testing instructions to bug 1258639?16:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 1258639 in update-manager (Ubuntu Quantal) "need to support upgrades from 12.10 to 13.10" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125863916:52
bdmurraystgraber: done16:58
stgraberbdmurray: thanks16:58
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha
elfygot an issue with xubuntu dailies - we're now booting after the 'lightdm' issue - but we seem to have slipped back to menu layout from at least 2 releases ago - and the default language is bangla it appears19:43
elfyany ideas what the language issue should be reported against - I know the menu's is -default-settings19:44
elfyhad to supply username and 'password' to get into live session as well19:49
cjwatsonwhich image URL?  I can take a look although probably tomorrow not today19:51
elfycjwatson: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/20131210/trusty-desktop-amd64.iso19:52
elfyapparently we've got a merge proposal waiting which should do the username19:52
cjwatsonsyncing, hopefully it'll be there for me tomorrow morning19:52
elfybut the language one I'm not sure which package to file it against19:53
cjwatsonI would have thought the default language was more likely to be somewhere in the installer toolchain than in -default-settings19:53
cjwatsonbut I won't really be able to tell you until I can see it19:53
cjwatsonor if you have a screenshot19:53
elfycjwatson: of which issue :)19:54
elfygot it available in a vm at the moment19:54
cjwatsonof the issue you're asking for help filing ...19:55
cjwatsoni.e. the language one19:55
elfycjwatson: http://imagebin.org/28171620:02
cyphermoxcjwatson: is there a tool used by archive admins to check copyright besides licensecheck?20:03
elfycjwatson: nvm - sorted it all now - or at least know what's happening, it's defaulting to xfce rather than xubuntu - explains a few issues20:25
TheDrumselfy: And that explains the Language as well?20:31
elfyI thought you said it did20:32
cjwatsoncyphermox: licensecheck is it AFAIK21:06
cyphermoxI was in the hope there was some other magic trick21:09
cyphermoxlicensecheck is not *bad*, but still means a lot of manual intervention for this project I'm trying to review with robru21:10
infinitycyphermox: licensecheck is a good first pass and then, yes, some manual poking.21:23
cyphermoxinfinity: then I just won't ruin the surprise for you :)21:24
infinitycyphermox: My favourite kind of NEW processing is "oh, good, it was already done by the Debian ftpmasters and then synced to Ubuntu, so I don't have to re-check". :P21:25
infinity*hint, hint*21:25
cyphermoxmaybe we'll keep that in mind21:25
cyphermoxI don't know how much other cordova stuff has gone into debian yet21:26
robruinfinity, unfortunately this package is just tons of ubuntu-specific stuff and could never be accepted by debian.21:33
robruinfinity, like, it's specifically a tool for creating apps that can only run on the ubuntu phone21:34
cyphermoxrobru: how is it ubuntu-specific ?21:34
robrucyphermox, in the sense that it integrates tightly with the ubuntu SDK?21:35
cyphermoxoh, it does?21:37
cyphermoxI thought it was more standalone and just used by it21:38
robrucyphermox, well, I'm not super familiar with it, but it's specifically for phones. it's not like debian people are going to want this so they can run cordova apps on their servers.21:39
infinityI think, eventually, it would be great to see all our phone stuff genericised and in Debian, but I'd agree that today isn't that day.21:40
cyphermoxrobru: btw, I just noticed another piece with a license that may or may not be distributable, trying to check21:55
cyphermoxrobru: yeah, so it's not a clear-cut issue; see http://ftp-master.metadata.debian.org/changelogs/main/n/npm/unstable_changelog   and http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2012/03/msg00021.html22:00
cyphermoxnpm has needed some (although minimal) changes to land in debian.22:00
robrucyphermox, yeah, I'm a bit confused as to why this package is installing npm into itself, maybe we could rip that out if possible. not sure22:01
cyphermoxyeah, that's possibly what I'd recommend22:02
cyphermox(removing it)22:02
robrucyphermox, ok, still working on the deduplication22:02
cyphermoxwe'd already have it in distro anyway, it's not optimal, but then npm is full of contradictions w/r/t the license, if I strictly read the files I have22:02
robrucyphermox, yeah22:06
robrucyphermox, ok, just got this script to the point where it can create the flattened, versioned collection of nodules. now I just have to fill in the symlinks. but I really need to eat first, brb ;-)22:06

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