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pittiLaney: sure you can mock upower in autopilot tests; whatever makes sense (i. e. unless you are testing upower itself)05:16
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Laneyhey pitti, thanks - was just wondering if that kind of thing is usually done for those tests, or if it should be testing the whole system09:05
pittiLaney: usually not; if you try to test too many things at once, tests tend to become flaky and too hard to analyze09:05
pittiLaney: I have this "ladder" picture:09:06
pittitest the kernel against real hw, test system services like upower against simulated kernel output (like with umockdev), test userspace/session stuff like indicator-*-service against mocked d-bus services (dbusmock), test UIs against session d-bus mocks09:07
pittiLaney: so if your autopilot test is supposed to check the UI, feel free to mock anything underneath it where the real thing is impractical to set up09:08
pittiseb128: bonjour, ça va ?09:09
seb128pitti, salut, oui, et toi ?09:09
pittiseb128: FYI, I uploaded autopkgtest, but from your POV this is mostly a cosmetical fix09:10
Laneypitti: neat, I want to do that because we have UIs which respond to the number of batteries and things so it'd be good to test the different scenarios09:10
Laneyhey seb12809:10
seb128pitti, right, I just saw the emails, thanks! (and yeah, that's orthogonal to the bug)09:10
seb128hey Laney, how are you?09:10
pittiseb128: you need to fix the stderr output for gtk, by either updating the test to avoid the deprecation warning, or by redirecting stderr09:10
seb128pitti, I fixed that yesterday, and wanted to test another change and then it was eod and I didn't manage to upload09:10
pittiseb128: (the former obviously being better, as we want to fail on unexpected warnings)09:10
pittiseb128: and gnargh for gcc not respecting the locale :)09:11
pittiseb128: ah, great09:11
seb128I'm going to upload in a bit09:11
* seb128 reads http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57615107-94/ubuntu-touch-os-wins-its-first-smartphone-partner/09:11
pittiLaney: yes, that's precisely the case where a mock is better; we have tests to ensure that the mock is compatible to the real upower09:11
pittiseb128: just did that as  well09:11
pittiseb128: my first thought: "OMG, would you give this man $5M?" :-)09:11
* pitti liked sabdfl better without the beard09:12
Laneyit's trendy these days you know09:12
xnoxMovember is over.09:13
Laneynah, it's wider than that - see Paxman, Ben Affleck etc09:14
xnoxpitti: my mailer sucks -> for i in `ls /run/user/*/upstart/sessions/*.session`; do (export `cat $i`; initctl restart indicator-session) ; done09:27
Laneycan't system upstart rebroadcast events to session upstart?09:28
seb128xnox, pitti, Laney: we should just tell the user to restart the session09:29
seb128other stuff are not going to work09:29
seb128e.g nautilus "change background" desktop menu09:30
xnoxLaney: it rebroadcasts events, but "restarting" something is not an event.09:36
Laneyyou could have an event which causes that to happen09:37
xnoxLaney: it's a direct action / changing goals which only controlling init can do via dbus api. I guess we could make restart honour "--global" and do it across all active sessions.09:37
xnoxLaney: there is no "restart on", only start on and stop on.09:37
Laneyexec restart foo09:38
xnoxhow is that any better than doing it byhand for each session? =)09:38
xnoxwe already have one such restart job though (it's to tell inits to reconnect to system init, upon system init re-exec)09:39
xnoxLaney: i presume you mean add a user-session job task which does: exec restart $JOB_TO_RESTART. And then system init just emits an event for that to happen.09:39
LaneySome generic thing like that, yeah09:40
xnoxwell we can even do $COMMAND_TO_RUN $JOB_TO_RESTART as well.09:40
LaneyNot sure what I think about it philosophically09:41
Laneythe golden rule and all09:41
xnoxit does sound to me as abusing the rules, on the other hand the postinst only need to succeed / check that it emitted the system event successfully, and need not to care if there are any session inits running, or whether they have indicator-session running, if whether that restarted or not. So it would be embracing the event base pagadim.09:42
xnoxnot sure if that is taking it too far or not ;-)09:42
xnoxthen again on touch, i hope we will stop apps on upgrade via upstart.09:43
seb128didrocks, sil2100, Mirv: hey, so ubuntu-system-settings trunk has an autopilot packages with some tests now  ... how do we get that plugged into CI?09:47
mptara, cyphermox: For bug 861171, have you decided whether the confirmation of terminating other sessions should require you to authenticate or not?09:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 861171 in OEM Priority Project precise "Shutdown from greeter does nothing when multiple accounts open" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86117109:48
sil2100seb128: I guess for CI-per-merge we would need to poke Francis (or someone else from the QA team that knows his way around) - as for cu2d, we can do that09:49
Mirvcu2d part via  lp:cupstream2distro-config indeed09:49
sil2100seb128: but we're not really using cu2d that much for testing as we were in the past09:49
seb128sil2100, well, I'm not uptodate on those stuff, when are autopilot tests run nowadays and how do we get u-s-s ones added there?09:50
seb128e.g what do you recommend to do?09:50
Laneyfirst test that they pass in whatever configuration they will be run in09:50
seb128Laney, are you speaking about your uitk bug with /usr/local?09:51
seb128I don't think that should block CI enablement09:51
sil2100seb128: ok, we can add those to cu2d if anything, can do that in a moment09:51
seb128sil2100, thanks!09:51
seb128Laney, I hope CI machines don't have stuff sudo make installed in /usr/local :p (not cookie to you for doing that btw, even if it allowed you to find a bug ;-)09:52
didrockssil2100: can you take care of that one please? :)09:52
LaneyI am not blocking anything09:53
LaneyI'm just saying that it should actually pass before turning it on09:53
Laneyalso it was from bisecting evolution to find a bug09:53
Laneyalso you only need to have an empty directory there, not even anything installed!09:53
Laneyand lastly the tests fail if you don't have a battery ;-)09:54
seb128Laney, well, tests pass for Victor (who submitted them) and for me09:55
seb128Laney, I didn't know about the battery one, seems like one thing to fix indeed09:55
Laneyyou're arguing for not trying them out?09:55
seb128Laney, are they working for you out of that one? or do you have other issues?09:56
Laneyjust that one09:56
seb128no, I'm not "arguing"09:56
seb128for me they are passing09:56
seb128so I didn't understand your "I'm just saying that it should actually pass before turning it on"09:56
LaneyI mean that we should know they pass in the test environment09:56
LaneyI suppose we'll get that at the first run anyway09:56
seb128how do we do that?09:56
Laneybut it'll be annoying if it all explodes09:57
seb128e.g can we connect to the test environment and run them there manually?09:57
Laneynot sure09:57
seb128sil2100, ^09:57
sil2100seb128: yes, it can be done09:58
sil2100seb128: once the stack is redeployed with the config we can do a manual run of the tests there09:58
seb128sil2100, can anyone do that/how?09:58
Laneysounds fine09:59
sil2100seb128: anyone that has cu2d power can do that by going to the AP trusty jobs and firing them manually with stack parameters09:59
seb128sil2100, ok, I'm not sure I want to look at that today, can you do it for us? ;-)10:00
sil2100seb128: sure :) I'll do it right after the setup and inform you10:00
* Laney is looking at mocking upower atm to test the battery / no battery case10:00
seb128ogra_, hey, new webkit in trusty should fix the software-center issues, let me know if it works for you (I want confirmation before SRUing to saucy)10:00
Laneythen soon other things10:00
ogra_seb128, wil test10:01
seb128Laney, I'm sure there are upower mocks you can copy from other places (maybe indicator-power?)10:01
Laneyyes, afaik dbusmock already has a template10:01
Laneyusing that one10:01
seb128Laney, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-t-system-settings-testing10:01
seb128 [seb128] power - use pitti's upower mock to test current charge/status: TODO10:02
Laneythis isn't that, can leave that for you if you want10:02
seb128that's what we wrote down back then10:02
seb128no, that's fine10:02
Laneyit's for the visibility of the battery panel10:02
Laneystill testing the main screen10:02
seb128I had a feeling we discussed that topic a bit on Oakland, I was looking if the notes had details10:02
seb128right, please do it10:02
seb128I doubt I'm going to work on that before holidays10:03
seb128so feel free to also steal the other ones from me10:03
seb128e.g if you are started on that and feel bored next week10:03
seb128ogra_, thanks10:03
LaneyI'll likely do the ones I'm assigned to first10:03
Laneybut we'll at least have examples of using dbusmock by then10:03
seb128yep, sounds good10:04
pittiLaney: python[3]-dbusmock ships a standard upower template, with some convenience functions10:26
pittiah, you found out already10:26
sil2100seb128, Laney: I have some test results: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-trusty-daily_release/920/ - there seems to be 1 test failing per platform10:38
sil2100The battery plugin one10:38
Laneywhere can I see the run?10:39
Laneythe console output is super verbose10:40
sil2100Laney: go to nvidia for insantce, you can then click on the specific test that failed10:40
sil2100Laney: e.g. http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-trusty-daily_release/920/label=autopilot-nvidia/testReport/junit/ubuntu_system_settings.tests.test_plugins/SystemSettingsTestCases/test_battery_plugin/10:40
Laneyfixing that one atm anyway10:40
sil2100Thanks :)10:40
seb128those people have no battery :p10:41
seb128sil2100, thanks for running the tests!10:42
sil2100seb128: yw!10:42
seb128sil2100, didrocks: could you review/ack https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/gnome-control-center-unity/gettext-and-intltool/+merge/196545 ?10:48
didrocksseb128: I guess you tested it? :)10:49
seb128didrocks, sure, CI also confirmed the fix10:50
seb128since it built10:50
seb128where https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/gnome-control-center-unity/launcher-minimal-value hit the error10:50
didrocksde rien ;)10:50
seb128happyaron, hey, could you look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libchewing/0.3.5-3, the autopkgtest added seems to lack build-depends (on pkg-config at least, see https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-libchewing/)11:09
happyaronseb128: ok, will do11:10
seb128happyaron, thanks11:10
seb128happyaron, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus-chewing/1.4.3-4 as well would be nice11:11
seb128seems an incompatibility with our ibus version?11:11
happyarondidn't see incompatibility in Debian (binary works), but will check again in trusty11:12
seb128well, it fails to build on undefined stuff so I was guessing11:13
happyaronthe failing point looks like "IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE" related, so it's the 1.5.4 CVE related I think.11:13
happyaronthinks I need to try all ibus-* to see what happen.11:14
arampt, I don't have a strong opinion, but I prefer your version "B" (need the person's password, but not admin rights)11:14
arampt, I think that requiring a password will make people read the message11:15
araif a password is not required, people won't read and think that it is a normal confirmation for shutdown dialog11:15
mptmakes sense11:17
mptara, the tradeoff is that a PolicyKit dialog can’t include a button to log out instead (or to switch user account, if the other account(s) belongs to you as well)11:19
Laneyneat, got u-s-s to believe it has a battery11:19
arampt, yeah, I still think having a password is better. what's your opinion?11:22
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Trevinhoseb128: hey, is there any plan to include cairo 1.14 in trusty? It supports surface_device_{set,get}_scale that is used by gtk-3.10 for hight-dpi screens...?12:07
Trevinho(and we might reuse it as well)12:08
pesarihey, I want to set some system-wide defaults for our users (for example gnome-terminal).. is it preferable to set them in /etc/dconf or /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas ?12:10
pittiLaney, seb128: do you plan a glib2.0 upload soon?12:11
pittiif not, I'd do one for bug 125972112:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 1259721 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "Executing autopilot test suite fails to close when piped to tee" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125972112:11
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pittiactually no, it's sufficient to just add them in gobject-introspection12:11
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ogra_seb128, works fine ! thanks a lot12:34
Laneypitti: what about something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6555832/?12:38
LaneyI would have liked to have been able to just annotate the testcases that explicitly want or don't want a battery somehow but I didn't see a way to do that12:40
Laneyas the setUp() launches u-s-s so you have to do it before that12:40
pittiLaney: I don't understand -- usually you'd call Add*Battery() in the actual test case, not in setUp() or so12:43
seb128Trevinho, hey, is there a such release? there was not a few days ago, I pinged #cairo to ask if they still plan to make those changes into a stable release but got no reply12:44
seb128ogra_, \o/12:44
seb128ogra_, thanks for testing12:44
seb128pitti, no plan to upload glib, that's Laney's nowadays ;-)12:44
pittiLaney: btw, with the recent version this can become easier -- start the mock in setUpClass(), in setUp() or tearDown(), call self.obj_upower.Reset(), and drop the other cleanup and wait()/terminate()12:45
ogra_np :)12:45
Trevinhoseb128: oh.. I'm not sure about releases... I was checking on the git repo and it was targetted as that release12:45
pittiLaney: well, if u-s-s doesn't react to adding a battery, that's a bug12:45
Trevinhoseb128: I see tarballs at http://cgit.freedesktop.org/cairo/12:45
pittiLaney: you mean u-s-s only reads the battery props at startup?12:45
pittiLaney: running out for some (overdue) lunch, bbl12:45
seb128Trevinho, where? I only see 1.12 ones there12:46
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, right...12:46
Trevinhoseb128: the minor version confused me12:46
Laneypitti: Hrm, interesting12:46
seb128Trevinho, http://lists.cairographics.org/archives/cairo/2013-September/024594.html12:46
seb128Trevinho, that was the plan but that never happened12:46
Laneypitti: We ask if there's a battery at startup but don't carry on checking it after that12:46
seb128Trevinho, but otherwise yes, one of the reason we updated GTK to 3.10 was to have better hdpi support in the LTS12:47
pittiLaney: that's a bug (and nice that you just wrote a test for it :) )12:47
Laneyyeah, I never even thought of that12:48
Laneyveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery interesting12:48
Laneyok, let's fix that :P12:49
larsuLaney: you can add/remove batteries during runtime, you know12:49
LaneyI never ever even considered that12:49
Laneyhotplugging batteries? madness!12:49
larsuya, it's becoming more unusual (and I don't think it's possible on mobile devices)12:49
pittiLaney: but in a way, both tests are useful, coldplug and hotplug12:49
pittiLaney: you might get the hotplugging right and still do something wrong at coldplugging12:50
pittiLaney: so for the coldplugging case, either do two classes (with/without battery) as you did, or start u-s-s after configuring upower12:50
* pitti hotplugs his laptop battery all the time *shrug*12:50
LaneyI'll make the hotplugging case work and move the battery adding code up into the parent class where you can call it after starting u-s-s12:51
LaneyI'd have to unscrew my laptop to take the battery out12:51
Laneyapple :(12:51
larsuenglish speakers: "scroll backward" or "scroll backwards"?12:51
pittiwhat is u-s-s anyway? ubuntu-system-service? unity-screen-saver?12:51
pittiLaney: non-replacable battery> cf. "bug" :)12:52
Laneylarsu: backwards sounds better to me, but I'd probably need to see a full sentence12:52
* pitti really lunch now &12:52
Laneygerrout of here12:52
larsuLaney: it's just for an action name, so only these two words. I lean towards scroll backwards as well, but it was "backward" before12:52
larsuLaney: thanks :)12:52
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seb128Laney, I guess you are going to review https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/ubuntu-system-settings/1252489/+merge/198335 ? (I didn't follow the details of that discussion)14:18
Laneyseb128: Will do in a bit, yeah14:18
Laneyheinously sidetracked atm14:18
seb128Laney, no hurry, I was just stating that I'm going to let it to you14:18
seb128I'm doing the review of ken's background-art one14:19
seb128kenvandine, I still think that header styling business is going to bite us back at some point, can you open a toolkit wishlist?14:20
kenvandineseb128, sure14:27
kenvandineseb128, bill liked the idea of splitting a component out of gallery-app to make it reusable, so i've started on that14:28
seb128kenvandine, ok, cool14:29
kenvandineit might make that code cleaner in gallery-app too... it's kind of a mess right now14:29
kenvandineseb128, bug 125995314:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 1259953 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Provide overrides for header style properties" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125995314:41
seb128kenvandine, thanks14:42
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seb128dobey, hey15:30
seb128dobey, just for info, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webkitgtk/2.3.2-1ubuntu415:30
seb128dobey, that should fix the cairo/s-c issues15:30
dobeyseb128: great, thanks15:35
seb128dobey, yw ;-)15:35
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ResistyHello, I have an ubuntu 12.04 installation and I'm trying to give it a desktop environment. I started by installing ubuntu-desktop and making a couple changes to lightdm.conf, but when I log in, the menu in the upper right is empty: http://i.imgur.com/JB2ShYv.png Does anybody know how I can start trying to fix this?16:12
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Laney'o' != 's'16:57
Laneyfinally it works17:00
Laneypitti: it's sensible to have the upower template emit the DeviceAdded/DeviceRemoved signals, right?17:00
* Laney assumes so and prepares a merge17:02
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Sweetsharkoi, discourse.ubuntu.com down?20:25
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