
excalibrtgh hari05:00
fairuzsapa jual domain sini?05:03
fairuzada domain io murah tak, .my murah ke05:03
excalibruh .my mahal..memang tak leh murah lol05:06
excalibrtap kdg2 kalau mynic buat promo je boleh dapat murah..dlm 20-30 camtu05:07
excalibrtu pun utk daftar mula-mula je..bila nak renew +10005:08
Romancebek beli .edu pastu buat email leh dpt diskaun sebab nyamo jadi student05:09
Romancebyk software bagi free kalo ada email .edu05:10
excalibr.edu bukan ke dikawal..kena submit proper doc utk apply05:13
excalibr.my pun sama05:14
excalibrsiap dgn nama dan alamat betul kita muncul dlm whois05:15
Romanceye ke..haha susahla camtu05:17
=== lipsinV2_ is now known as lipsinV2
fairuzsemua pun kalau whois nampak nama ngan alamat unless dia ada whois guard ke ape07:22
excalibr.my mmg takda whois privacy07:44
faizulhi KatieKitty 11:08
lubotu2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:09

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