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DanChapmanGood Morning all :-)07:57
elfyhi DanChapman07:59
DanChapmanhey  there elfy o/07:59
NoskcajDanChapman, Had any time to work on testdrive yet?08:04
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jibelGood morning all08:45
jibelDanChapman, libautopilot is still crashing ubiquity tests. I'll have another look and report a new bug08:45
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DanChapmanjibel: Good morning, yes it seems it's failing at roughly the  same point again. :-( also could bug 1259525 be the problem with why lubuntu and xubuntu are failing as it never gets to the live session?09:38
ubot5bug 1259525 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu & Xubuntu "Try Ubuntu" asks for password. Does not enter live session." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125952509:38
jibelDanChapman, ah, thanks, possibly, I've been searching LP but didn't find this bug. I'll investigate too09:39
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davmor2Morning all11:00
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jibelDanChapman, on lubuntu and xubuntu lightdm tries to start the session called 'Ubuntu' because the default session is not set11:37
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DanChapmanjibel ah i see. So those tests will have to wait on it being fixed then. I have been trying to reproduce the autopilot bug locally but it seems I can't, have you had any luck?11:46
jibelDanChapman, no luck either, I ran it dozens of times and no crash11:47
jibelI'll try in the lab but I don't see why it would be differnet11:48
jibelDanChapman, user-session=Lubunt (or Xubuntu) is missing from /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf. I think this is set with /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults and this command doesn't exist anymore11:57
jibelI don't now if it has been removed on purpose11:57
DanChapmanjibel it's a really strange bug. It seems its not getting a reply from dbus only when selecting the webkit scrolled window, the only other time ive seen  the nor reply problem is when autopilot is launching some other Gtk apps where it gives the same timeout message but then goes through a process of 'executing the introspection queue due to error' (which can take a few minutes to eventually start) and the test continues. I could try switchi11:58
jibelI'll file a bug11:58
DanChapmanng that for the actual webkitview (which really it should be anyway now i think about it) and see if that fails still11:58
DanChapmanjibel ok cool12:00
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
DanChapmanjibel this is another recurring one http://paste.ubuntu.com/6555917/ it's as if autopilot isn't picking up ubiquity as a running app at the start of the test when it creates the initial app_snapshot. Which is strange as you set a 30 second wait from launching ubiquity to the test starting13:09
DanChapmanjibel I can confirm the bug above is the app_snapshot being initially populated with an empty list. I'll file a bug against autopilot for it but i could also kill ubiquity before the end of the test to work round it for now?14:28
jibelDanChapman, I'd rather have autopilot fixed. Give me the bug number and I'll escalate it if necessary14:28
DanChapmanjibel, ok will do14:37
balloonsDanChapman, jibel scheduling a meetup for this Friday, ping if the time is bad :-)16:26
jibelballoons, I wont be available after 1500UTC anything before is ok16:27
balloonsjibel, ahh.. I made it 1500, so let's move it up16:27
balloonsjibel, can you do 1430-1500?16:28
jibelballoons, works for me16:28
balloonsexcellent, done16:28
DanChapmanballoons, that works for me too :-)16:35
balloonsalrighty :-)16:35
balloonsdavmor2, can you test an MP for me on maguro?17:13
balloonsdavmor2, https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/increase-swipe-size/+merge/198593 specifically17:14
DanChapmanjibel bug 1260012 sorry took a while children are home :-S17:17
ubot5bug 1260012 in Autopilot "app snapshot during test setup is being set to an empty list" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126001217:17
davmor2balloons: so I did ./testclick.sh lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/increase-swipe-size  all 17 tests failed. I'll have  aquick dig into why in a minute for you17:27
balloonsdavmor2, likely you'll have to reboot and run phablet-test-click again17:27
balloonsthe script seems to have gotten old in the tooth17:27
balloonsyou certainly shouldn't get 17 failures :-)17:28
davmor2balloons: certainly looks to be behaving a bit better now17:42
balloonsdavmor2, :-) compare with http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/maguro/55:20131209.1:20131203/5355/calendar-app-autopilot/17:43
davmor2balloons: however it looks like this might be a cause for concern on ci infrastructure maybe if the test just randomly won't run ;)17:43
jibelDanChapman, Thanks. I re-ran all the tests 1 by 1 and they are all pass-ish. Failures are because labels do not match when they contains the flavor name or because real partition size slightly differs from the requested size.17:45
DanChapmanYeah ive just pushed a quick fix for the wrong labels it was missing a .format(distro_flavor) in the english conf. Oops! ;-p17:47
DanChapmanjibel does that bug report need any other info or is that enough?17:48
DanChapmanballoons, could you change my meeting request to my gmail account danchapman1819@gmail.com please :-)17:49
jibelDanChapman, the bug report is good17:50
balloonsDanChapman, done17:50
DanChapmanjibel great thanks17:50
DanChapmanballoons, cheers mate17:50
davmor2balloons: https://paste.ubuntu.com/6557160  I'm going to run the individual failures and see why17:58
balloonsdavmor2, that would be very helpful. These tests run on my mako17:58
balloonsI'm not sure what the issue is on the maguro17:58
davmor2balloons: maguro hates everything don't worry :)18:01
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davmor2balloons: okay I'm stumped I don't see a reason why this is failing, I've had a look at the test and it seems fine.  So I'll look into it some more tomorrow but I don't think it is failing because of your change so I'm happy to say it works if that is what you are after :)18:45
balloonsdavmor2, my change was to try and make it not fail18:46
balloons:-) lol18:46
balloonsI appreciate you looking however.. I'm sad to hear you are stumped as well I suppose18:46
davmor2balloons: hmm in that case maguro hates you :D18:46
balloonsbut it is perplexing ;-)18:46
balloonsI'm ok with maguro hating me18:47
balloonsthat's life18:47
davmor2I'll have more time to look at it tomorrow am so when you arrive hopefully I'll have a cause for you with any joy :)18:47
balloonsohh, I hope!18:48
Noskcajballoons, Any chance of a call for testing for https://code.google.com/p/prpltwtr/issues/detail?id=88 ? We had to drop pidgin twitter because of a similar issue, but this time it might actually work19:28
balloonsNoskcaj, oO19:28
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Letozaf_balloons, hello20:02
balloonsLetozaf_, hello!20:03
Letozaf_balloons, got a couple om merge proposals that need attention20:04
balloonsLetozaf_, wonderful.. point me at them20:06
balloonsI'm been trying to clean up the last of the failures on the dashboard20:07
Letozaf_balloons, https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/music-app/add_song_and_play and https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/music-app/add_album_to_queue20:07
balloonsLetozaf_, looking20:08
Letozaf_balloons, oh! I have nearly finished to fix music app's "need autopilot test" 's bugs20:08
balloonsgood stuff!20:09
Letozaf_balloons, :)20:09
balloonsLetozaf_, first glance these look good20:10
balloonsI'll pull the branch and have a run while I review20:10
Letozaf_balloons, ok thanks20:10
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balloonsLetozaf_, runs look good too :-)20:31
Letozaf_balloons, :P20:31
balloonshmm conflict20:32
Letozaf_balloons, where ?20:33
balloonsyea, seems to be between your 2 branches20:34
balloonsone must have an older copy of one of the changes perhaps20:34
balloonsI'll approve this one first20:34
balloonsLetozaf_, that will merge, then just need to get the other all set20:35
Letozaf_balloons, how do I do this ? I mean should I branch music-app once you have merged and then put in the last tests of the other branch or what ?20:36
balloonsLetozaf_, you can resolve the conflict now20:37
balloonsjust merge both branches into trunk20:37
balloonsit will show the conflict20:37
balloonsI accepted one of the merges, the one I ran. Added the second mp caused the conflict20:37
Letozaf_balloons, have you got image 59 on mako ?20:47
balloonsLetozaf_, yes20:50
balloonsdkessel, evening to you!20:51
dkesselgood evening balloons :)20:51
Letozaf_balloons, are you able to open music-app, rss reader or other core app ?20:51
balloonsLetozaf_, err.. wait20:51
Letozaf_balloons, they do not open on mine20:51
balloonsI guess I'm 58 atm20:51
Letozaf_balloons, not sure if it's a bug20:51
Letozaf_balloons, or just my device that's broken20:52
balloonsLetozaf_, yes.. there was a MIR bug that didn't let you open things and a nasty regression.. sounds like you've hit it20:52
balloonstry updating20:52
Letozaf_balloons, I have the last image: 59 no updates for me20:52
stgraberballoons: can you please use the right name ;) "Mir" and not "MIR", it took me a while to understand that you weren't referring to an actual MIR bug...20:54
balloonsLetozaf_, see, https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg05520.html20:54
balloonsstgraber, yikes.. you are right.. I shouldn't confuse, my apologies20:55
balloonsLetozaf_, so yea, if you did manage to get #59 you are a bit stuck until #60 lands tonight/tomorrow morning early20:56
Letozaf_balloons, ok, but should I report a bug or just wait to see if the problem is still there on image 6020:57
balloonsLetozaf_, the bug is reported.. I don't have it offhand, but it's all taken care of :-)20:57
balloonsSorry your phone is out of comission for a bit20:57
Letozaf_balloons, ok thanks20:57
Letozaf_balloons, no problems20:58
balloonsLetozaf_, ok this is merged https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/music-app/add_album_to_queue/+merge/19796421:03
balloonshow's your resolution coming?21:03
Letozaf_balloons, mmm think I got a bit of a mess in my branch on my PC21:05
balloonsLetozaf_, you can always leave it, grab trunk in a new branch and re-merge your branch into it from launchpad21:06
Letozaf_balloons, yes I was thinking about doing something like that21:06
balloonsI've done it before :-)21:06
Letozaf_balloons, let me try21:06
Letozaf_balloons, looks like it works and got one conflict21:07
balloonskk.. fix it up and we should be good to merge it21:08
Letozaf_balloons, look too much of a mess to me :( let me try to figure it out21:10
Letozaf_balloons, looks like it made a mess of two different tests, better put the new tests back into the newly branched music app tests from trunk and propose a new merge21:12
balloonsLetozaf_, you can just manually resolve by setting the 2 tests as your know they should be21:13
Letozaf_balloons, ok I will try that now21:14
balloonsLetozaf_, any luck?21:32
Letozaf_balloons, no unfortunatly event if I put the tests as they should be I still get conflicts21:33
Letozaf_balloons, I think I made a mess somewhere :(21:33
balloonsLetozaf_, you can ignore the conflicts21:33
Letozaf_balloons, how ?21:34
balloonsjust remove all the --tree, --original nonsense21:34
balloonsthen bzr resolve21:34
Letozaf_balloons, cool it works :) hope I remember this "trick" for the future21:35
Letozaf_balloons, let me commit21:35
balloonsLetozaf_, lol.. how else have you been solving conflicts?21:35
balloonsI feel as if I've misled you along the way if that didn't come across . . . .21:35
Letozaf_balloons, haven't had many :P21:35
Letozaf_balloons, maybe it's just that I'm a newby on bzr and lauchpad, have to get used to them21:36
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Letozaf_balloons, I pushed the changes21:37
balloonsLetozaf_, k.. I'm trying to land my own music fixed21:38
balloons*fixes.. it'll be one big update21:38
Letozaf_balloons, hope everything is ok this time :P21:39
* balloons crosses fingers21:48
* Letozaf_ too21:50
* patdk-wk pokes a needle at the balloon21:53
alesagehey don't prick our balloons :P21:55
* balloons suddenly feels deflated21:55
Letozaf_alesage, you're right :P leave our balloons alone :P :P21:56
patdk-wkbut but, he got me zapped with static electricity first!21:57
balloonspatdk-wk, that's the just the price of friendship21:57
* knome puts balloons on a leash and lets them hover to the ceiling21:58
knomethem? him,21:58
knomewatch your head!21:58
knometoo late!21:58
patdk-wknow see if you can get him to let go of the curtains22:00
balloonsnothing wrong with being tethered22:02
knomethe curtains?22:05
knomewe don't have those22:06
knome(we're moving on sunday and we've already taken them down)22:06
balloonsok carla, time to try your full set of changes now and approve22:07
Letozaf_balloons, :( Xorg crashed22:09
Letozaf_balloons, have to go now... be back tomorrow22:10
dkesselnight Letozaf_22:10
dkesseli am leaving too... bye guys22:10
balloonsLetozaf_, dkessel night22:10
Letozaf_dkessel, good night22:10
balloonsLetozaf_, no worries, I'll merge your stuff :-)22:10
Letozaf_balloons, thanks22:10
balloonsIm sure it will be good22:10
Letozaf_balloons, :D22:11
balloonsknome, I too am trying to me22:11
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