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chaz-yorbaanybody have an idea why an application menu would be titled "Unknown Application Name" instead of the name of the application?01:11
chaz-yorbaI'm trying to add application menus to Geary, and it's working, just showing up with the wrong name, and I don't know how to make it see the correct name01:12
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Saviqtsdgeos, better today?08:23
tsdgeosalmost there08:23
tsdgeosmy throat still not happy08:23
tsdgeosgot some kind of infection i'd say, but head's mostly fine08:23
tsdgeosso it's a good thing we don't talk that much in here :D08:23
Saviqtsdgeos, good ;D08:24
Saviqseen https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/more_filter_fixes/+merge/198427/comments/459996 ?08:24
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tsdgeosi guess the tests are not as separate one from eachoer as they should be08:25
tsdgeosand i only was testing my new test isolated08:25
tsdgeosshould be an easy matter to make the test be self contained08:25
tsdgeoson it08:25
tsdgeosactually it's weird, a mouseClick is not getting where it should :-S08:51
tsdgeosactually it's weird, a mouseClick is not getting where it should :-S08:55
tsdgeosi meant08:55
tsdgeosok, found out what's wrong08:55
tsdgeosshould fix it09:04
tsdgeosnow let's see the tabbar ones09:04
tsdgeosthat have the problem that pass here afair09:04
tsdgeoswe still don't have videos for the qml tests, right?09:10
tsdgeosinteresting adding a waitForRendering i can make it fail here too09:14
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/more_filter_fixes/+merge/198427 passed now09:52
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks09:52
Saviqdednick, ping10:15
dednickSaviq: yo10:15
Saviqdednick, hey, did you see my comment on the messaging app time issue?10:16
Saviqbug #125381010:16
ubot5bug 1253810 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Messages in Incoming not always display the correct date and content" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125381010:16
Saviqdednick, I got kinda lost in the menu vs. model vs. modelIndex and which model is it supposed to call the loadExtendedAttributes on...10:17
Saviqdednick, it could use some streamlining...10:17
Saviqdednick, but to start with, in all the Component.onCompleted:, you need to check whether model is there already, and also react to modelChanged - so you basically need BaseMenuItem to introduce a property that will hold that model (and modelIndex, for that matter), and have those bound in onLoaded10:19
dednickSaviq: can you give me a few minutes. Just going into a meeting with john.10:20
Saviqdednick, I know it's not entirely your code, but remember the rule of thumb: never reach outside of the current file - if you need something - bind it10:20
Saviqdednick, sure10:20
Saviqtsdgeos, still one failure in tabbar dash10:28
tsdgeosbit lost tbh10:28
tsdgeospushed a small change to try to find out if it's the tab not changing10:28
tsdgeosor the tab change not propagating to the dash10:29
tsdgeoslet's see what the next run says10:29
Saviqtsdgeos, cheers10:37
* Saviq builds qt5 release for i386 to see if it helps with bug #125805710:37
ubot5bug 1258057 in Unity API "unity-api fails to build against Qt 5.2" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125805710:37
Saviqoh no /me isn't ;?10:38
Saviqok back in the game10:39
dednickSaviq: hm. ok, trying to sort out the naming and "outside of source", but I don't think we need to react to modelChanged. if it does, all the items will invalidate anyway.10:52
Saviqdednick, somehow model is null in onCompleted10:53
Saviqdednick, I did find it weird indeed10:53
Saviqdednick, especially since it was reaching out of scope10:53
dednickI don't want to put the model or anything like that into the items. That adds impl detail. all impl detail properties are added to the Components in the Factory.10:54
Saviqdednick, s/null/undefined/10:54
dednickSaviq: hm. weird.10:54
tsdgeosEphemeralNotificationsTests is also unstable now?10:54
Saviqtsdgeos, shouldn't be10:55
dednickSaviq: oh, model, or modelIndex undefined?10:55
Saviqdednick, model10:55
dednickSaviq: for messaging items?10:55
tsdgeosSaviq: it failed twice in my tabbar branch, which has nothing to do with notifications :-/10:55
Saviqtsdgeos, only jenkins, of course?10:55
tsdgeosSaviq: of course10:55
Saviqtsdgeos, ah autopilot?10:56
dednickSaviq: model is defined in the Factory, so i'm not sure why it's out of scope.10:56
tsdgeosSaviq: yep10:56
Saviqdednick, what I *think* might be happening there10:57
Saviqdednick, is that model is ambiguous10:57
Saviqdednick, remember "model" is something a ListView provides in delegates' context10:57
Saviqdednick, so maybe it's enough to just prefix it with menuFactory10:57
dednickSaviq: ok. well I'm changing the names. let me see if that fixes it.10:57
Saviqdednick, yeah, I was quite lost what was what10:58
Saviqtsdgeos, hm? https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/tabbar_dash/+merge/192505/comments/46018611:01
tsdgeosthat's the last one11:02
tsdgeosbut see http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity8-ci/1865/console11:02
tsdgeosand also i have seen it somewere else11:03
mzanettigreyback: Saviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity-api/new-screenshot-api/+merge/19853611:03
mzanettiIf you're happy with this I'd go ahead updating tests and changing unity-mir to reflect it11:03
Saviqtsdgeos, it looks like a crash or something11:03
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Saviqmzanetti, looks good11:04
tsdgeosok, so ui tests failed again, obviously11:04
greybackmzanetti: +1 from me11:15
mzanettinice. thanks11:17
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tsdgeosok, new iteration in the way11:29
Saviqtsdgeos, seen http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6555591/ ?11:34
tsdgeosbut tbh i don't usually compile webkit11:36
mhr3_Saviq, question about the json validation - how much validation do you think it should do? just ensuring that keys have proper types, or check values as well?11:39
mhr3_Saviq, ie should a "card-size": "xx-large" cause an error?11:39
Saviqmhr3_, if we use the json schema, that would be an error, yes11:40
Saviqmhr3_, or we can say that this is just a string and not an enum11:41
Saviqmhr3_, at which point we'd need to warn outside of the schema validation, that this is an incorrect value11:41
mhr3_Saviq, the way i see it is that the validation is a top-level thing, and if it fails, things are too bad, you can no longer just fallback to a default for one key11:41
mhr3_the question is really about extensibility11:42
Saviqmhr3_, yeah, that's why I'm saying it could be a warning at a higher level11:42
mhr3_when we do add support for xx-large, we want the old devices to still work with that scope, don't we?11:42
Saviqmhr3_,  but yes, IMO it should check the values and any other rules we might have (say you're required to map at least one of title, price, rating, or that you can only map subtitle if you've mapped title as well)11:43
Saviqmhr3_, that would be a new version of the schema, though11:43
mhr3_Saviq, but then it's for sure that the old device wouldn't support it11:44
Saviqmhr3_, right11:44
Saviqmhr3_, so... maybe the client needs to send the highest version it supports, then?11:44
Saviqmhr3_, and we might have conversion rules11:45
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Saviqmhr3_, but anyway, still, we need to discern between a recoverable and non-recoverable errors11:45
Saviqmhr3_, i.e. we can recover from xx-large11:45
mhr3_sure, it's just starting to sound like too much work for the scope authors11:46
Saviqmhr3_, by falling back to the default medium11:46
Saviqmhr3_, the conversion rules would be our side11:46
Saviqmhr3_, so you get results v10 from the scope11:46
Saviqmhr3_, but client only supports v811:46
mhr3_then you don't have code that understands v1011:46
Saviqmhr3_, well, you won't have a v10 scope in that case11:47
Saviqmhr3_, I'm thinking SSS11:47
mhr3_i'm thinking scopes in app store11:47
Saviqmhr3_, yeah, that's framework version, though11:47
Saviqmhr3_, they would require 14.04 or 14.10 - and won't be available for older devices11:48
mhr3_hm, ok that solves that part11:48
Saviqmhr3_, for SSS, we'd need v10-to-v8 conversion code11:48
mhr3_weeee, "fun"11:48
Saviqmhr3_, still better than us requiring scope authors to support multiple versions11:49
mhr3_think sss will just hide those scopes for the older devices :)11:49
Saviqmhr3_, that can work as well, yeah11:49
Saviqit's supposed to be s, after all11:49
Saviqmhr3_, so, done! ;)11:50
Saviqmhr3_, bu11:50
Saviqmhr3_, error vs. warning11:50
mhr3_aah, no buts11:50
Saviqmhr3_, xx-large size would be a warning, fallback to default11:50
Saviqmhr3_, but mapping only subtitle would be error11:50
mhr3_sounds reasonable11:50
Saviqmhr3_, so we can't do "real" schema for card-size11:51
mhr3_the schema will be super complex for such checks though11:51
Saviqmhr3_, we need a sanitizer layer on top of the schema11:51
Saviqmhr3_, so yeah, schema could not error out for any recoverable error11:52
Saviqmhr3_, the sanitizer layer could do both warning and error11:52
mhr3_Saviq, i'm just doing http://paste.ubuntu.com/6555663/11:52
mhr3_so wondering how much it'll grow in the future11:52
Saviqmhr3_, yeah, that will grow a lot, I'm afraid...11:53
Saviqmhr3_, especially if we say some things are recoverable errors11:53
Saviqmhr3_, but then... do we really want that?11:53
mhr3_future me will be pissed when he has to implement it11:54
Saviqmhr3_, couldn't we say that "dude, you've seen the errors in the dev tool, sod off"?11:54
mhr3_well, something still has to produce those11:54
Saviqmhr3_, the schema would, tehn11:54
Saviqmhr3_, and on top of that only stuff the schema can't catch11:55
mhr3_so we'd maintain a super-strict and a regular schema?11:55
Saviqmhr3_, yeah11:55
Saviqmhr3_, wait11:55
Saviqone schema11:55
Saviqmhr3_, we just say no-fallbacks, your stuff needs to be correct11:55
Saviqmhr3_, and if it's not, we ignore results from your scope completely11:56
Saviqmhr3_, if we do the dev tool right, that *could* be enough11:56
mhr3_yea, just wondering whether i'm happy or sad about that :)11:56
Saviqmhr3_, it's either that or a thick sanitizer layer11:57
mhr3_but ok, i see your point11:57
davidcallemhr3_, Saviq, my two cents as an author: if you are going with the no-fallbacks road, awesome docs please :)12:00
Saviqdavidcalle, I know :)12:00
Saviqdavidcalle, it's just for the JSON definitions, though, and will be validated by a JSON schema that we maintain and agree to12:00
Saviqdavidcalle, so basically, if we failed to do the schema right, and you have something that passes the schema and sanitization checks - it's our responsibility to deal with it12:01
Saviqdavidcalle, but as long as you don't pass the schema, you're on your own ;)12:01
Saviqdavidcalle, that schema will be documented, too, btw12:02
mhr3_the schema *check* that is12:02
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Saviqmhr3_, yes, validation and sanitization12:02
mhr3_clarifying cause it sounded like you need to pass some kind of schema12:02
Saviqok yeah, sorry12:03
davidcalleAuthors can still pass the layout - according to the specs - they want, right ?12:04
Saviqdavidcalle, yes yes12:06
davidcalleSaviq, ok12:06
dednickSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/qmenumodel/loadExtAttributes-dataChanged/+merge/19854912:07
Saviqdednick, cool12:08
Saviqdednick, did you manage to verify it fixes the bug?12:08
Saviqdednick, or is that just a road to that?12:08
dednickSaviq: it's only part of it.12:08
Saviqdednick, ok12:08
dednickSaviq: is there actually a bug? or is it just log messages?12:08
Saviqdednick, https://launchpad.net/bugs/125381012:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1253810 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Messages in Incoming not always display the correct date and content" [High,In progress]12:09
dednickSaviq: ah, yeah, i ddint see that in original comment12:09
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dednickSaviq: is there a way you can reproduce reliably?12:14
dednickhm. just realised my nexus 10 doesnt have sim, so no messaging... boo12:16
dednickbut of an issue12:16
om26ermzanetti, are music previews supposed to work? i.e. able to play a song in the dash ?12:22
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mzanettiom26er: yes. it doesn't work?12:31
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mzanettihmm... it doesn't indeed12:31
mzanettigreyback: how do you test unity-mir changes on the device? Do you sync code manually and compile on the device or is there some run_on_device thingie for it?12:35
greybackmzanetti: sync usually.12:36
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tsdgeosmzanetti: ? works here (desktop)12:50
Saviqdednick, you don't have a phone at all?12:57
Saviqdednick, I can reproduce semi-reliably12:57
Saviqdednick, so I can test anything you need12:58
dednickSaviq: yeah, i have a galaxy nexus, but didnt bring it to the office with me today :(12:59
Saviqdednick, well, there's bound to be *someone* with a phone in the office ;)12:59
Saviqdednick, but regardless - let me know, I can test12:59
dednickSaviq: cool. i can't seem to reproduce with the test app.13:00
Saviqdednick, it's a race, basically, so makes sense that it only happens on some devices but not others13:01
Saviqdednick, you can try restarting unity8 while things stay in the indicator to see - happened for me some times, too13:01
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dednick_Saviq: you mind checking if trunk qmenumodel fixes the issue for you? Will most likely still get nasty log messages though.13:27
dednick_when you have a few minutes free of course13:27
Saviqdednick_, will do13:28
dednick_Saviq: thanks13:29
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Saviqtsdgeos, how do I tell Qt to use a certain QPA plugin path? i.e. a locally built one?13:40
dandraderSaviq, I think you have to install it13:47
Saviqdandrader, yeah, it's installed in a prefix13:48
Saviqdandrader, but I now need to tell Qt what that prefix is...13:48
dandraderSaviq, I mean that I think it must be installed in Qt's regular plugin path13:48
Saviqdandrader, ugh13:48
Saviqthat can't be :/13:49
dandraderSaviq, one way to avoid messing up things is giving your QPA a different name13:49
dandraderSaviq, so that you can choose when to use it with the QT_QPA_PLATFORM env var13:49
Saviqdandrader, yeah, thing is... if I set the prefix during building Qt, shouldn't the "regular plugin path" be under that prefix anyway?13:53
dandraderSaviq, I guess so13:53
Saviqdandrader, yeah, which is why I'm surprised it doesn't *just work*13:54
tsdgeosSaviq: there's some envvar13:59
tsdgeosSaviq: have you found it?13:59
Saviqtsdgeos, no13:59
tsdgeoslet me check13:59
tsdgeosnot sure what you have to make it point to14:00
tsdgeosor oyu can use -platformpluginpath to the binary14:01
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks, will check it out in a bit14:01
Saviqtsdgeos, weird that it wouldn't pick them up from the default prefix by default, 'innit?14:01
tsdgeosit is14:01
tsdgeoswow now the tabbar test crashed14:08
tsdgeosdo we keep the .crash files for them?14:08
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MacSlowSaviq, mumble doesn't start here... keep trying14:29
SaviqMacSlow, tsdgeos, mzanetti, we're in a meeting still with greyback and kgunn14:29
MacSlowSaviq, ok14:30
MacSlowhm... -> "Settings schema 'com.canonical.unity-gtk-module' is not installed"14:32
Saviqtvoss, btw, added benefit for out-of-process content picker → it can be contained read-only, so it can't b0rk the app's data14:59
tvossSaviq, I'm just thinking that it really is the right way of doing it for tight integration15:00
Saviqtvoss, "it" → separate process?15:01
tvossSaviq, separate process, with the app providing a "factory" for a content picker that runs under read-only confinement and probably resource limited15:01
tvossSaviq, with the content hub providing the "executor"15:01
Saviqtvoss, yeah, and that can actually be stateful as well15:01
Saviqtvoss, per-content-picking sessions15:02
tvossSaviq, sure, that's what I mean15:02
Saviqtvoss, so actual app and its content picking sessions can be archived separately15:02
Saviqtvoss, archived, killed, resumed etc.15:02
Saviqtvoss, without affecting any of the other content pickers or the app itself15:02
tvossSaviq, yup, but I still think the vanilla picker integration would be a good first cut, too, as it would work for all apps regardless15:03
Saviqtvoss, sure15:03
tvossSaviq, okay, I will note down those thoughts15:03
Saviqtvoss, first step → single instance15:03
tvossSaviq, ack15:03
tvossSaviq, driving use-case for second step: gallery15:03
Saviqtvoss, yup15:03
tvossDONE ... almost ;)15:04
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mhr3_Saviq, mzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity-scopes-shell/json-defaults/+merge/19859115:54
greybacklooks like Qt5.2 is out16:07
dednick_Saviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicator-menuitems-lp1253810/+merge/19859716:10
dednick_it's probably a bit more than you hoped for though16:10
Saviqmhr3_, cheers16:10
Saviqdednick_ conflicts?16:10
dednick_Saviq: ok, fixed conflicts16:21
mhr3_mzanetti, hm, know about https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity-scopes-shell/revert_25/+merge/198595 ?16:55
sil2100mhr3_, mzanetti: testing this revert on my phone to make sure16:55
kgunnSaviq: ^16:57
mhr3_i just don't see why it shouldn't work... unless the unity8 part didn't get merged16:57
Saviqmhr3_, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/revision/563 did get merged16:59
kgunnSaviq: mhr3_ so we had all the relevant merges but we didn't test if a click package could launch ?17:00
sil2100mhr3_, Saviq: but we're not releasing unity8 now17:00
Saviqkgunn, we did17:00
Saviqsil2100, it was released already17:00
Saviqkgunn, something else must be in play17:00
Saviqkgunn, the unity8 change was safe either way17:00
sil2100Then something's wrong, somewhere else it seems17:00
mhr3_Saviq, was that the only thing? doesn't seem enough17:00
kgunnSaviq: right...so are we reverting the correct thing? or are we just reacting to fast ?17:00
kgunncan we bisect ?17:01
Saviqmhr3_, 562, too17:01
Saviqmhr3_, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/revision/56217:01
Saviqmhr3_, sil2100, do we need to release scopes-shell today?17:02
sil2100Saviq: we released it already17:02
sil2100Saviq: since no AP tests caught this behavior17:02
sil2100Saviq, mhr3_, kgunn: the revert works fine and fixes the issue, so we'll be pushing it out as a temporary solution17:03
kgunnsil2100: Saviq ...does AP test cover this behavior ?17:03
Saviqsil2100, ok17:03
kgunnsil2100: ok17:03
mhr3_sil2100, ok17:03
Saviqkgunn, we're launching apps, apparently not click ones17:03
mhr3_kgunn, sounds like it doesn't17:03
Saviqkgunn, although for that there's no excuse - we just have low integration coverage all over17:03
Saviqhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=needs-ap-test FWIW17:04
kgunnSaviq: ok, no time like the present...can we elect someone from our team to add an AP test to download a known click and launch it ?17:05
Saviqkgunn, don't even need to download17:06
Saviqkgunn, there's some preinstalled17:06
kgunnsweet...1/2 done17:06
kgunnsurely...even when this was on trunk, someone tried to launch a click app ?17:06
Saviqkgunn, it was in trunk unity8 (safe), unity-scopes-shell (apparently non-safe) was just tested during the review17:08
kgunnSaviq: ok...well, let's pick a victim for tomorrow to go add a specific AP test17:09
mhr3_Saviq, it's weird though, if ap is launching at least non-clicks it should catch the issue17:11
mhr3_both are launched the same way17:11
Saviqmhr3_, it's launching them directly17:12
Saviqmhr3_, not from the shell17:12
mhr3_then we really want a test to do it via shell17:12
Saviqmhr3_, oh yeah, definitely17:12
kgunnSaviq: would zanetti be best for this ?17:16
kgunni added a critical bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/126001317:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1260013 in Unity 8 "[ap test] need to test click package app launching from dash" [Critical,Triaged]17:16
Saviqkgunn, actually we can ask veebers to get this overnight17:16
kgunnok...will put his name on it17:16
SaviqI can launch clicks fine from the launcher17:17
sil2100kgunn, mhr3_, Saviq: thanks guys, the revert is in the build right now17:17
kgunnright...need to launch from the dash right ?17:17
Saviqkgunn, right, it doesn't go through the scopes..17:18
mhr3_Saviq, how can the revert even work? shouldn't it blow up because unity expects just app_id now?17:18
Saviqlaunched fine17:18
Saviqfrom dash17:19
Saviqmhr3_, shell doesn't really care17:19
Saviqsil2100, is there a bug reporting that issue?17:20
sil2100Saviq: let me file it17:20
sil2100Saviq, mhr3_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-scopes-shell/+bug/126002017:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1260020 in unity-scopes-shell "After revision 25 cannot launch click applications from the unity8 scopes" [High,New]17:23
* Saviq no get it...17:25
Saviqcan confirm with released unity8, trunk works fine, with no related change between the last release and now :?17:25
sil2100Saviq: what do you mean?17:28
Saviqsil2100, I mean that it works fine when I run unity8 trunk with the release of unity-scopes-shell17:29
Saviqsil2100, but not when running released unity8, where there's nothing in trunk unity8 related to it at all17:29
Saviqsil2100, might be my env is unclean17:30
Saviqsil2100, building from scratch now17:30
Saviqsil2100, yeah, something must've remained in my environment17:32
Saviqkgunn, ↑ that could've bit us when testing, FWIW17:32
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cwayne_davidcalle, is there a list of keywords somewhere for the server-side scopes?17:37
cwayne_i know for local ones you can just rgrep keyword in /usr/share/unity/scopes/17:37
davidcallecwayne : https://productsearch.staging.ubuntu.com/smartscopes/v1/remote-scopes here you go :)17:37
davidcallecwayne_, wait, remove the staging from the uri17:38
cwayne_davidcalle, awesome, thanks!17:38
cwayne_davidcalle, some of them never seem to return anything, (e.g. stackexchange: and grooveshark:)17:43
Saviqmhr3_, activating "/com.ubuntu.weather_weather_1.0.158.desktop"17:45
mhr3_Saviq, ehm? but the code did .basename()17:49
Saviqmhr3_, yeah17:49
mhr3_so... wtf?17:49
Saviqwhich seems to not do what it's expected to17:49
davidcallecwayne_, yes, they are part of the API limited scopes, so they will work again in a few hours, when they don't hit their queries limits anymore. There is some caching work going on, to make these outages less noticeable.17:50
Saviqmhr3_, ah wait, that's *before* the basename17:51
mhr3_Saviq, aah... dots17:52
mhr3_will try to activate "com"17:52
mhr3_needs to be .completeBaseName()17:54
* mhr3_ out17:57
Saviquh :/18:01
Saviqalesage, dednick is back this week18:12
alesageSaviq, ok super, shall we get a review from him?18:12
Saviqalesage, yeah, we need to get indicator-stubs through, first...18:16
Saviqalesage, and I've completely no idea what's happening there :/18:17
alesageSaviq, ok understood--so it is the test failures that are blocking us18:17
Saviqalesage, yeah18:17
alesageSaviq, I'll try to take it up with CI18:17
Saviqalesage, I don't think they can do anything there - I can reproduce it locally - just have no idea what's happening18:22
Saviqkgunn, FWIW https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity-scopes-shell/fixed-click-launch/+merge/19862618:22
Saviq.baseName() vs. .completeBaseName()18:23
alesageSaviq, weird, but is it just our (i.e. my) branch?18:23
Saviqalesage, yeah, that's the thing18:23
Saviqalesage, your tests do *something* to the test env that makes them fail18:23
Saviqalesage, they pass in isolation, of course18:23
alesageSaviq grr ok18:23
Saviqalesage, so it's pretty difficult to pin down, I just need to sit down and look at the phone while it's doing the tests at least18:24
alesageSaviq ok right I haven't run the whole suite, will do so this afternoon and get some help18:25
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mhall119Saviq: did you get a chance to work on a Unity 8 Saucy PPA today?19:42
Saviqmhall119, I'm afraid not, was a hot day19:43
mhall119no worries, just let me know when it's there and I'll go back and update the documentation (after trying it, of course)19:43
Saviqmhall119, do you think daily recipes from trunks would be ok?19:44
mhall119what's going into trusty's archives currently?19:45
Saviqmhall119, manual releases19:45
Saviqmhall119, but that would add burden on that process, if it was to go to saucy, too19:45
mhall119right, do we want *only* saucy builds in the PPA then, or saucy *and* trusty from trunk?19:46
Saviqmhall119, I'd say saucy only19:46
Saviqmhall119, as a "try this, but if it doesn't work, it's not our top priority"19:46
Saviqmhall119, we basically can't maintain both19:46
mhall119ok, that's fine with me19:50
Saviqmhall119, ok, I put unity-api and unity-scopes-shell in recipes for https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/desktop-deps20:02
Saviqmhall119, at least temporarily (I'd like to move it under ~unity-team)20:02
mhall119why didn't you put it under ~unity-team to begin with?20:03
Saviqmhall119, that PPA I had already, and it has increased points20:03
Saviqmhall119, those two should be all that's needed to build unity8 on saucy, will verify later today20:03
Saviqpoints == build score20:04
mhall119ok, I'll try from there20:04
Saviqhttp://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/ cool beanz20:42
Saviqgreyback, still around?20:43
kgunnSaviq: hey hey...think that means we'll get 5.2 before christmas ?21:03
kgunnin touch that is21:03
Saviqkgunn, looking at https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta221:04
Saviqkgunn, not necessarily21:04
Saviqkgunn, or well https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2/+packages21:04
Saviqkgunn, a *lot* of red :/21:05
kgunnSaviq: you still on?...if i modified an AP test...can i check that out by doing run_on_device...and then doing all the other steps for running AP tests?21:19
kgunnor more simply...how would i go about doing that21:20
Saviqkgunn, if you only modified the AP test21:20
Saviqkgunn, it's enough to go on the device (ssh preferred for better terminal)21:20
kgunnyes...that's all21:20
Saviqkgunn, issue `initctl stop unity8`21:20
Saviqgo into ~phablet/shell21:21
Saviqand run `PYTHONPATH=tests/autopilot autopilot run unity8` for the whole suite21:21
Saviqor `PYTHONPATH=tests/autopilot autopilot run unity8.test.foo` for a single test21:21
Saviqyou can see the available test names with `PYTHONPATH=tests/autopilot autopilot list unity8`21:22
Saviqkgunn, only difference if you want to run the tests on the local build - `ninja -C builddir install` first21:22
kgunnSaviq: that's pretty cool...thanks...i'm trying to disable some tests on maguro...want to make sure i didn't break anything for mako21:22
Saviqkgunn, as in - the autopilot tests will pick up the locally built/prefix-installed unity821:23
kgunnok...nah, i was gonna use todays image21:23
Saviqkgunn, ugh, disabling tests ;/21:23
* Saviq just runs the suite on mako and maguro to see what's the whole deal21:24
kgunnso didrocks complaining that some tests are flakey on maguro...so instead of arguing...and avoid turning them off completely, i was going to disable them on maguro21:25
kgunnso you might not see failures21:25
Saviqor! we could fix the flakiness of the tests ;)21:29
Saviqkgunn, did you actually see them fail, btw?21:30
kgunnSaviq: didn't "see" them...but reported here http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/maguro/56:20131210:20131203/5363/unity8-autopilot/21:31
kgunnand http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/maguro/55:20131209.1:20131203/5355/unity8-autopilot/558729/21:31
Saviqno crashes at all?21:31
Saviqthat's good :)21:31
Saviqkgunn, so, that really is just one flakiness - that we should just fix21:32
Saviqkgunn, all the tests failed to unlock unity821:32
Saviq(failed ones, that is)21:33
Saviqso it's the unlock emulator that needs fixing - but first we need to reproduce locally21:33
* kgunn abandons skipif maguro21:33
kgunnSaviq: that's the strange thing...seems to be happening on maguro21:33
Saviqkgunn, yeah, it might be some timing - TBH it might  just be that 10s isn't enough for maguro21:34
Saviqto start unity8 and get it in a state that's considered "ready"21:34
Saviqmind you, that's loading the dash and such21:34
kgunnyeah...so maybe 15 sec would be ok for maguro...seems it does pass sometimes21:35
Saviqmost times21:35
kgunnso right on the edge21:35
Saviqkgunn, if you want to try21:35
kgunnits worth a shot21:36
Saviqkgunn, tests/autopilot/shell/emulators/greeter.py:4021:36
Saviqkgunn, add timeout=1521:36
Saviqas a second argument21:36
Saviqto wait_for()21:36
kgunnits like you can see me searching :)21:37
Saviqkgunn, wanna review something? :)21:37
Saviqkgunn, if you install eclipse, and pydev from http://pydev.org/manual_101_install.html21:37
Saviqkgunn, importing the existing unity8/tests/autopilot project into eclipse21:38
Saviqkgunn, will get you a nice python IDE21:38
Saviqunless you're a hardcore VI user, that is21:38
Saviqkgunn, so yeah, that timeout would really be my guess21:39
kgunnpydev installed on eclipse...done21:40
kgunnSaviq: ah...so that mp just allows you to open the project in eclipse easily21:42
Saviqkgunn, yeah, just saves you 5s... every time you clean your branch - so a substantial amount of time, IMO :)21:43
Saviqkgunn, and well, QtC is useless for python, so :/21:45
Saviqkgunn, in case you didn't do it before - Eclipse doesn't "open" projects21:47
Saviqkgunn, you have to go File → Import → Existing projects into workspace21:47
kgunnSaviq: was just about to ask...was pretty sure it'd be an import21:47
Saviqkgunn, 25 passed on maguro here21:48
Saviqkgunn, will add some timings21:48
kgunnSaviq: you mean 25 seconds ?...did it fail for you with less ?21:48
kgunnor the original 1021:49
Saviqkgunn, no, 25 tests pass21:49
Saviqkgunn, i.e. 100% pass rate21:49
Saviqfor the original 10s21:49
kgunnah yeah21:49
Saviqso we really must be *just* there21:49
Saviqlike the phone getting hotter in the lab and throttling down or something21:49
Saviqbut I'll add some prints just to be sure21:49
Saviqif we're reaching like 8s or something, I'm certain that's it21:50
Saviqon mako - reliably 100% pass rat21:50
kgunnyeah...i wondered about temp too...or even age21:51
kgunnhell even strong vs weak silicon21:51
Saviqok so that theory goes down the drain...21:55
kgunnSaviq: i might be doing something wrong....but the .project & .pydevproject don't show up in the import ?21:55
Saviqgreeter took 1.3s21:55
Saviqgreeter took 1.2s21:55
Saviqkgunn, Import → Existing projects into workspace → Select root directory (point to unity8 checkout)21:56
SaviqShould come up with "Unity8 Autopilot" project21:57
kgunnSaviq: ah yes..magic...21:58
kgunnthot i had to navigate to the test dir21:58
Saviqkgunn, well, it should show up if you selected tests/autopilot, too21:59
Saviqkgunn, it just looks for .project in the subtree21:59
Saviqkgunn, so, it's actually the unlock gesture that fails22:01
kgunnSaviq: eeewww22:03
Saviqkgunn, yeah, it's probably a timing issue in the sense that the gesture is ignored 'cause the movement is not delivered in a timely manner22:04
Saviqbecause the device is too slow22:04
kgunnstupid omap22:05
kgunnSaviq: so...maybe a retry ?22:05
kgunni mean it passes more than not22:05
Saviqkgunn, it was supposed to be retrying22:05
Saviqkgunn, I think we lost that as part of a refactor actually22:07
mhall119Saviq: unity-scopes-api failed to build in the PPA22:31
Saviqmhall119, yeah, I pung michi in #ferrets22:31
mhall119I'll check again tomorrow22:32
Saviqmhall119, yeah, I'll monitor it, too22:32
mhall119Saviq: seriously though, you're allowed to sleep :)22:33
Saviqmhall119, bollocks22:33
mhall119we're contractually guaranteed a full 3 hours of sleep every night22:33
kgunnmhall119: actually...no that's not true22:37
alesagetedg, thomi having a question about how to install indicator-network minus unity (?)22:42
tedgalesage, ?22:44
alesagetedg nm for now thx :)22:45
Saviqveebers, hey, can you please check out https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/helper-retry-unlock/+merge/19864822:58
veebersSaviq: sure, I'll look now22:59
veebersSaviq: hmm, I don't think retrying is very good in a test, surely it should work or fail?23:00
veebersSaviq: oh I'll read scrollback, see if ther is more information23:00
Saviqveebers, flaky tests on maguro23:01
Saviqveebers, that's really an issue of timing23:01
Saviqveebers, the gesture recognizer is quite strict about the velocity of the gesture23:02
veebersSaviq: is there a way that we can check if the device is ready for input or if the greeter is ready to receive input?23:02
veebersSaviq: perhaps there is a way to fix the swipe gesture used23:02
Saviqveebers, there's no real data as to why it fails, really - we suspect that the device is still under heavy load initially23:02
Saviqveebers, and so the gesture is jerky or so23:03
Saviqveebers, ideally we'd control the time from outside23:03
Saviqveebers, but then we start to influence the test too much23:03
veebersSaviq: I don't understand the comment " ideally we'd control the time from outside"23:04
Saviqveebers, velocity is calculated based on RTC23:04
veebersah ok23:04
Saviqveebers, and if the movement isn't smooth23:04
Saviqveebers, that calculation might result in the gesture being rejected23:05
Saviqveebers, just because the device has not settled yet23:05
Saviqveebers, if we controlled the time the velocity calculation takes - we'd probably be rid of such issues, but it's a Schroedinger's Cat problem23:06
veebersSaviq: you're suggesting that the device not being settled yet means that theh python script (autopilot) that is sending the drag events will miss or lag and thus causing the gesture to be rejected?23:06
Saviqveebers, yeah, more or less23:06
Saviqveebers, the input isn't delivered in a synchronous manner23:06
veebersright, make sense23:06
Saviqveebers, so it seems retrying is actually something least hacky (we could just wait a few seconds) ;)23:07
Saviqveebers, it won't influence us at all in the 95% of cases where it unlocks at first swipe23:07
Saviqveebers, but won't fail for that reason in the remaining 5%23:08
veebersSaviq: right. ok that makes sense. Could you add a comment as to why we're using a retry approach please (i.e. a very edge-case). I would hate for a test author to see it and consider it good practice23:08
Saviqveebers, sure, doing23:08
Saviqveebers, if we later come up with a better metric of "it's ready" than looking whether the home scope is focused, we might be fine23:08
Saviqveebers, especially when we split the greeter out23:09
veebersSaviq: good point. Could you then also file a bug (stating the AP test is using a retry because of: blah) and reference that in the comment23:09
veebersMeans we can keep track of these hacks/workarounds and fix them when we can23:10
Saviqveebers, +123:10
mzanettiSaviq: If this is still the issue where the greeter gets stuck half way through swiping I suspect there is acutally something else.23:14
Saviqmzanetti, no, that's not it23:15
Saviqmzanetti, or at least we don't know what it is23:15
Saviqmzanetti, we'd have to look at the devices under test23:15
mzanettiSaviq: I debugged this a while back when we had this on the VMs still23:15
mhall119kgunn: we only get 2 hours or sleep?23:16
mzanettiSaviq: and no matter what I tried it (in terms of delaying, retrying etc) did not make any difference23:16
Saviqmzanetti, let's see, then, if retrying helps23:16
Saviqmzanetti, if it doesn't, we'll investigate more23:16
Saviqmzanetti, asking for a camera pointing at the devices23:17
Saviqmzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity-scopes-shell/revert_25/+merge/198595 btw :(23:17
mzanettiSaviq: also the fact that the video was showing the greeter just being stuck at the position where autopilot would release the gesture, and not bouncing either left or right made me think there is something really stuck23:17
Saviqmzanetti, fortunately https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity-scopes-shell/fixed-click-launch/+merge/19862623:17
veebersSaviq: oh, I had presumed that you had already tested and this solved the issue ;-) perhaps it could be an input being ignored issue? I think there is a bug + workaround for something similar already23:18
Saviqveebers, guess what - not reproducible locally ;)23:18
veebersSaviq: oh, the best kind of bugs ^_^23:18
Saviqveebers, this at least will give us more output23:18
mzanettiSaviq: so I'm confused, there was this revert and then you submitted it again?23:19
veebersSaviq: ack, makes sense to me. We can always remove it if it doesn't work or makes things worse23:19
Saviqmzanetti, baseName vs. completeBaseName23:19
Saviqmzanetti, clicks have dots in their desktop file names23:19
Saviqmzanetti, so we ended up sending "com" in the signal23:19
mzanettiawww meen23:19
mzanettisorry :/23:19
Saviqmzanetti, what's worse, run_on_device didn't show that happening for me initially23:20
Saviqmzanetti, possible due to left-over Unity plugin being there in shell/builddir23:21
Saviqmzanetti, so even when testing, that could've masked the issue for you guys23:21
Saviqmzanetti, so yeah, lack of tests bit us here23:21
Saviqveebers, pushed23:22
dmoHello.  I cannot seem to add or remove items from the launcher.  Right-clicking on an icon and selecting 'Unlock from launcher' does nothing.  Also, when I drag an icon to the launcher, it won't dock.  Any ideas?23:24
veebersSaviq: awesome, have bottom approved23:24
Saviqdmo, that's under unity7?23:24
Saviqdmo, as in desktop Ubuntu?23:24
dmoUbuntu desktop 13.1023:25
Saviqdmo, can you please file a bug using `apport-bug unity`?23:25
Saviqveebers, will you top-approve once jenkins says "aah whatever, do whatever you want" aka "PASSED"?23:27
Saviqof course.. bad whitespace..23:28
dmoI'm not familiar with apport-bug-unity.  Would you give me more information?23:28
dmoWhat's strange is this used to work for me.23:28
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Saviqdmo, alt+f2, write "apport-bug unity" and follow the instructions23:29
Saviqok, it's time i/23:32
Saviqah mzanetti one last thing - even more symbols http://paste.ubuntu.com/6557929/23:34
Saviqand we're off  \o23:35
dmoSending of the report failed, probably due to the company's firewall.  Do I need to do anything special to get around this?23:36

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