
jrwrengues what I wasted half of my day on?01:24
jrwrenthis is really funny01:24
jrwrenmesssagelistener -l
jrwrenserver listening for a connection, it just talks http, no big deal.01:25
jrwrenit has localhost hardcoded in it, in C, and in python (a few ./someclients)01:25
jrwrenwhat could go wrong?01:25
cmaloneyIT's a server. THere's lilely a few things.01:27
jrwrenit has multiple entires for localhost, including ::1 *sigh*01:29
jrwrenoh and getaddrinfo always returns ipv6 first01:30
cmaloneyHah, that's awesome.01:31
jrwrenit was not awesome.01:32
jrwrenit doesn't help that I was super deep into crazy c/python cython stuff, fixing those bugs, so when this came up, OF COURSE i start looking deep in tehre first.01:32
cmaloneyGood morning14:12
brouschSo far14:12
jrwrenGOOD MORNING!!!14:20
cmaloneyjrwren: Pretty soon we'll just use heiroglyphics to speak14:27
jrwrenwe don't already?14:28
cmaloneyWe'll speak in Emoji. ;)14:28
jrwrenjapanese speak in kanji14:40
rick_h__lmao of the morning https://twitter.com/jackdied/status/41078264541374873614:48
rick_h__I hated getting those calls form godaddy, but that one might be worth getting14:49
brouschNow I want to register fuckgodaddy.com14:51
brouschWow http://boingboing.net/2013/12/11/glitch.html14:58
cmaloneybrousch: Yeah15:35
brouschI have one app in my idea list that I assumed I'd never get around to because it needs a bunch of fanciful creatures. Now it maybe be do-able15:35
cmaloneyThat's definitely the one-stop shopping for strange shit. :)15:36
cmaloneySadly I wonder how many otherwise crappy games will get people to give them a second look because of that artwork.15:37
cmaloneyit'll almost be like silently judging an article / book because they used a particular artist's stock clip-art or photo or something.15:37
cmaloneyDon't get me wrong: I think it's awesome they released those assets.15:40
cmaloneyI saw some assets for another game that was in development that will likely never see the light of day15:40
cmaloneyand they were quite stunning.15:40
brouschBut now a hack like me can take these beautiful things and stick them in my crap, which sort of dilutes their value15:41
cmaloneybrousch: Depends on how they're used.15:42
rick_h__right now they'll never be used. It's wasted time and effort15:42
rick_h__if at least one good thing comes out of them, then you'd be doing them a service.15:43
brouschIt's like creating a beautiful font that all of the secretaries start to use for company newsletters so it gets a bad rap15:54
greg-gas of 9 minutes ago, Rowan is 2 years old16:24
brouschGood luck16:25
brouschActually 2 was not bad for us. 3 was worse16:25
greg-gso you're saying "this ain't as bad as it gets"16:25
jrwrenagree with brousch16:26
jrwren2 was easy16:26
jrwren3 got hard16:26
greg-gheh, crap16:26
jrwreneveryone is different16:26
brouschI think potty training was the worst16:27
brouschWe did that in the 3s16:27
greg-gyeah, Rowan is different than most kids, he's been more intense/active/ (and yeah, aggressive) for a long time, hopefully it'll even out soon16:27
greg-goh, he's already potty trained, has been since 5 months16:27
brouschThat's incredible16:27
greg-gwell, "elimination communication", he says "pee" or "poop" then we bring him to the bathroom and he goes16:28
brouschThat's still really impressive16:29
brouschHow much warning do you get?16:29
greg-gdepends, it's always been really great, but lately, as in the last week or so, there have been a few accidents16:30
rick_h__greg-g: congrats16:32
greg-gthanks :)16:32
rick_h__greg-g: terrible twos, terrifying threes, fearsome fours16:32
rick_h__there's a nice pattern there for you to run with16:32
greg-gbrousch: full answer: at the beginning, it was more us trying to recognize the signs, we got really good and all was great for a long time. There were accidents, but only like 10 in a year and a half16:32
brouschMy son is 5 and he had 1 accident this year. He will still dance around holding his crotch and claim he doesn't have to go16:36
brouschAccident was when he was sleeping, so not as bad16:37
rick_h__yea, when he's into something you have to get him away. He'll keep going and just wet unfortunately.16:37
greg-gyeah, that happened a couple times recently :/16:38
cmaloneyHappy Birthday Rowan!16:39
cmaloneySitting on hold for the post office.16:43
cmaloneySomething tells me they forgot about me.16:43
cmaloneyEither that or getting a passport is hard work.16:44
rick_h__I hate life...http://r.bmark.us/u/2f791dc1d5cba516:59
cmaloneyApparently AT&T is bucking for the Verizon "shitty company" awards17:28
jrwrencomcast rules!17:35
rick_h__OMG this is the craziest video I've seen http://www.wisn.com/news/south-east-wisconsin/waukesha/germantown-hwy-4145-pileup-captured-on-camera/-/10150328/23398136/-/d6wy9ez/-/index.html18:17
rick_h__it's freaking bumper cars18:18
rick_h__mad props to the semi drivers, about the only ones in control18:18
jrwrenis it a ice thing?18:19
jrwrenoh, yup, snowy18:19
rick_h__yea, and people out of the cars with speed people going out of control18:20
rick_h__note to self, stay in the freaking car!18:20
jrwreneff that.18:21
jrwrenget out of car and get out of the way.18:21
jrwrenhop the fence and keep running18:21
rick_h__man, watch that. You'd have to get way out of the way18:21
jrwreni saw18:21
jrwrenomg, it lasts so long!18:23
rick_h__yea, it does! and gets worse18:24
jrwrenmuch worse18:24
rick_h__the last couple of minutes has some scary bumper cars18:24
rick_h__come flying in and just run into guys that parked and got off the road18:24
jrwrenyup, craz.18:25
jrwrenthat was CRAZY!18:25
cmaloneyAlways starts with one asshole18:26
rick_h__oh there were many to blame in this18:26
rick_h__every 5th guy did something stupid18:26
greg-ggeez yeah, the professional drivers did well18:28
cmaloneyIt's because people didn't slow the fuck down18:29
cmaloneyMOst of these were avoidable if folks didn't drive so damn fast18:29
cmaloneyThat and that one car in the middle needed to get off the road if it was possible.18:30
cmaloneyBut that's just armchair quarterbacking at this point18:31
greg-gand seriously, whoever that guy is (obviously a guy) who's walking into the road, STOP18:31
greg-gget out of the effing way, you're making it worse18:31
rick_h__I'm floored none of the people out of their cars on the right side got whacked18:31
greg-gidiots, get further away18:32
cmaloneyme too18:33
brouschoh man18:37
brouschwatching the bumper cars18:37
brouschI love the ones that come flying in and end up spinning into the woods18:38
greg-graise your hand if you've gone into the ditch in snow driving at any point in your driving life18:39
rick_h__not made it to the ditch. Just did a 360 on I69 once in college18:40
brouschgreg-g: I never have, though there were definitely times I deserved to18:40
rick_h__bald tires of poor college kids don't help18:40
brouschI remember bouncing off drifts and through 4 way stops in Ann Arbor18:40
cmaloneyI went off the curb one time that someone dumped a bunch of gravel on the offramp of I-94 and Oakwood18:40
cmaloneySurprised I didn't bang up the car more than I did18:41
cmaloneyAnd managed to hit someone's trailer hitch while (don't laugh) looking at my Palm Clie while driving.18:41
cmaloneyhad a big square dent in my bumper and blown airbags.18:42
cmaloneydude didn't even have a scratch.18:42
brouschMy worst was when I had mono and fell asleep on a back road at 60mph18:44
brouschStill didn't go in the ditch!18:45
greg-gwow, luckly18:52
_stink_my worst was totaling my taurus on I75 near 475 - tried to change lanes at 60 mph through a 5 inch high line of snow that had built up between lanes19:15
_stink_hit the center rail19:16
greg-g_stink_: eek19:17
greg-gI totalled my Ranger by hitting a deer on I35 (Minnesota) going 7019:17
_stink_what did the deer look like afterward19:18
greg-gwell, totalled as in "possibly a tweaked frame, costs more to fix than the value of the truck at that point"19:18
greg-gwell, since it's a truck, it was a flat on hit, so decent/edible19:18
cmaloneyDid you get a mail from Valve?22:05
cmaloneyjcastro: ^^22:05
jcastroI doubt it22:17
jcastroI mean, I am checking22:17
rick_h__cmaloney: not going ot make CHC tonight. Fighint cold and want to rest and get better before this weekend22:49
cmaloneyOK. Thanks for the heads up.22:50
cmaloneyhope you feel better soon!22:51
rick_h__yea, need to get my tastebuds back for wine night22:56

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